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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  May 26, 2024 12:20am-1:01am MSK

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many of our yesterday’s idols naturally root for their enemies, that is , they root for anyone, for the american army, for the azov battalion, for the ukrainian mercenaries, but not for the russians, not for russia, many here, of course, quite meaningfully, albeit bitterly, we were surprised how, even if the current situation is not entirely unambiguous and not too simple, how can you root for those who kill your neighbors, your... army of your soldiers, perhaps even a highly moral silence is permissible, since a person is not so endures war, and whoever likes it, then and let him keep silent, but in order to transfer money in support of the armed forces of ukraine and tour all over europe, sending tons of ammunition so that russian people are killed in russian cities, this is all, of course, overkill, but the fact is that we, for me , for example, this story did not begin in 2022 or even in 2014, specifically for
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me it began, for example, during perestroika, because it was then that conflicts began to arise one after another on the outskirts of the soviet union, on the outskirts of the former russian empire. in essence, these were the same conflicts as the conflict between kiev on the one hand and donbass volunteers on the other, the conflict between poroshenko tegnebok, yatsenyuk and yarosh, where they are all, by the way, and the people who rebelled in donetsk, lugansk, in kharkov. and in odessa and many other places where their names were alexander vladimirovich zakharchenko, alexey mozgovoy, mikhail givi tolstykh, oles buzina, we had exactly the same conflict at one time, 30 years ago, between the residents of transnistria and the gakauz people, too, in moldova on the one hand , and between rabid westerners and the romanian radical right on the other hand, the residents of transnistria and gogoz gravitated towards russia, their enemies gravitated towards...
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that i live on my land, that i am not an occupier, we don’t want anything, we want to live peacefully, as we have lived until now for now, i will never leave this machine gun until the whole thing ends peacefully, i lost my husband, i lost everything, now i have nothing left, who needs this, who needs this, this is a war in peacetime, i have never seen such atrocities, man passed through the crucible of war, you know in whose country a huge part of our post-soviet perestroika liberal. correctly, they
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opposed the inhabitants of transnistria, against the gogouzes, for european values, for the pro-romanian right-wing neo-nazis who wanted to place moldova in europe, together with the russian gkauzes, together with the pro-russian moldovans, along with all the other inhabitants of the former soviet republic. we had exactly the same conflict in abkhazia, when abkhazia did not agree to go with georgia to the brave new european world, but preferred the pro-russian vector. with the collapse of the ussr , the long-standing conflict between the abkhazians sharply escalated and georgians. after georgia declared independence, abkhazia de facto separated from it as an independent state. in 1992, abkhazia began to create its own militia, and on august 14 of the same year , units of the georgian national guard entered abkhazia. you know. the country was then supported by a huge part
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of our post-soviet perestroika liberal intelligentsia; of course, they were rooting for pro-european georgia, and not for pro-russian proud abkhazia. we had exactly the same conflict between the georgian ossetian people, which began more than 30 years ago, during perestroika, when pro-russian ossetians were attacked by georgian forces and have been attacked more than once since then. do you know in whose country a huge part of our post-soviet perestroika liberal intelligentsia was speaking then? of course, they were rooting for pro-european georgia, and not for pro-russian ositin. we had exactly the same conflict on the territory of chechnya and partly dagestan, when one part of the local village, long before the entry of russian troops, relied on moscow, and the other part on department. and even then, a huge part of our post-soviet perestroika liberal intelligentsia was rooting for the chechen separatists and other wahhabis, because how can you root for some strange people who? to live in russia and with russia, oh
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how our russian post-soviet and at the same time fiercely anti-soviet intelligentsia was sick for all these popular fronts in the baltic states at one time for all of these suddenly. former ss nazi collaborators who fell out of their cracks , but how could it be otherwise, because the baltic countries were so eager to reach europe, away away away from dirty russia, our intelligentsia applauded the love of freedom of the baltic states. at the same time, i repeat persistently, in all the listed conflicts there was already a neo-nazi scent. all these conflicts, in addition to the national issue that was playing out , were also based on the revanchist issue. all this was heavily implicated in complete, evil, rabid anti-sovietism, in the revision of the results of the great patriotic war. therefore, it must be said that the red flags in these confrontations did not appear on the russian or pro-russian side until 2022 for the first time, they rose above transnistria
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for the first time more than 30 years ago, as a symbol of independence and invincibility in the remaining population, on the other hand, the romanian neo-nazi remnants of them... the investigators raised their neo-nazi banners and wore fascist chevrons on their shoulders. finally, this confrontation itself took place not only on the outskirts of the soviet union, but in moscow itself, when one part of society, the jubilant anti-sovietists and destroyers of our country , welcomed and called for the collapse of the union, and the other part of society tried to stand in the way from the destroyers. it was then that we, who were observing this process, suddenly learned the difference between, for example, yuri. vasilievich bondarev, a writer and participant in the great patriotic war, who became a symbol of russian soviet resistance, and, say, bulat shalovich akudzhava, on the other hand, who became a symbol of anti-soviet resistance. don’t say anything, check out the betting league
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equally, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we will open a deposit, with interest on the sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit better. percentage brokerage account and receive three shares of sberbank as a gift, in sberbank it is more profitable with prime, vadka, i have to see her, she was always next to him, goodbye, brother, i will destroy those who did this, no matter what it costs me? light, killed means killed, you volunteered, but you’re sick and tired of this
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afterlife, to find the criminals, they sent a black mark, the fin was a dolphin, don’t you remember, to save your dolphin, they wanted to kill her, just like andrey, but such coincidences don’t happen in life, sergey zharkov, it’s hard to be dead, by the way, delpin, new season, if you sit here too long with this investigation, then how will we then tell the story of our death? we'll play it back. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. coincidentally, this year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of birth of both. bondarev’s 100th birthday was on march 15, and akudzhava’s 100th birthday was on may 9. the bondurev anniversary passed almost unnoticed. this anniversary, let’s say, was literally ruined. and... okudzhava, frankly speaking, became a little more noticeable, a program on tv, holiday concerts and so on. what is
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the reason here, well, what is it? the fact is that in the spheres that make all sorts of cultural decisions, we have many, ten times more followers of okudzhava, in the broadest sense, than followers of yuri bondarev. that's how it is with us it turned out, what can you do? we have a monument about kudzhava in the middle of moscow. will there ever be a monument to bondarev there? the question is almost philosophical. and me every time. they write: how can you condemn a person who wrote such and such a song? yes, no one condemns, i say, you just don’t get angry , apparently the bitter bitterness that passed through our collective heart when they destroyed the soviet union, when they bombed transnistria, abkhazia and ossetia, when they strangled russian resistance in the baltic states, when degenerates calling themselves ichkerian freedom fighters blew up houses all over russia, and such a dear, such kind bulat shalovich, to put it bluntly, rooted for those who
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fought against my relatives, against my army and my brothers, transnistrian, abkhazian, ossetian, militias and those chechen guys who, either from the very beginning of the conflict or during the conflict, chose russia, others here will say, well, submit your evidence, but we are not in court here, an internet search engine will help you, there are neatly stored interviews with akudzhav on all these occasions or on... what he did is, of course, sadly tragic, but i think that someday
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they will erect a large monument to him, because he is the only one so far who was able to stop this a massacre, even by such methods, but what else, a massacre, the massacre has been going on for 7 months, he stops it with the same methods, and by what methods did civilians die in the hospital? yes, but before that, 50,000 civilians died in chechnya. however, is he the only one like that? said, and yavtushenko also said no less, and so on, their whole company of these. soviet nabolovki, dotted with state awards from the sixties, and if we dig a little deeper, we will suddenly see that all these true fighters under the soviet regime behaved very consistently in the same way before 1991 . naturally, when there was a hungarian rebellion in 1956, they rooted for hungary against the soviet union. when it was prague in 1968,
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they were rooting for prague against the soviet union , our army. afghanistan completely defeated them. fragile hearts and they sometimes ached even for majahideen, if only against not only our army, but also, of course, the pro-soviet part of afghanistan, because how can there be decent people for the soviet union? at the same time, if you look at the soviet biography of almost any of them, it takes you away. they weren’t underground, you know, they were at the very top of cultural life, but the same ahujava, in 1961 the first official one in the soviet union took place in kharkov. evening of author's song akuja. he was 37 years old then, but he started late. in the same year, in the film, a friend my kolka, very popular at that time, a song was performed based on his poems: a cheerful drummer. in 1962, he first appeared on screen in the film chain reaction, in which he sang the song "midnight trolleybus." in 1970 , the film “belarusian station” was released, in which the song “bulata kudzhavy: we need
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one victory” was performed. and then off we went: the straw hat, zhenya and katyusha, in between. however, akudzhava sings there with a guitar in a cameo role. in total, akudzhava’s songs and songs based on his poems sound more than 80 soviet films, eighty, soviet films are not modern films, they were watched by tens of millions of people. the soviet government naturally cultivated akudzhava and introduced him into the canon. in addition, he released four giant discs in millions of copies in the ussr, published countless books, being a member of the party all this time. bolshevik party, lenin party. and kudzhava received the medal for 50 years of the armed forces of the ussr in 1968 and did not refuse it, despite his rejection of the prague events. o kujava received the order of friendship of peoples in in the notorious aruelovsky 1984, he received the jubilee order of the patriotic war of the first degree in 1985, received
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the ussr state prize, but in 1990 he left the cpsu and devoted the rest of his life to the fight against the soviet. regime, they will tell me, of course, that akudzhava suffered greatly, his parents were really repressed under stalin, he, so to speak, had his own scores to settle, but i will still ask who he has his scores to settle with, stalin or our common country, stalin or to the residents of transnistria or to the residents of chechnya, not who accepted dudayev and basayev, to stalin or to our soviet russian army, to his akudzhava army, in which he served for one and a half years during the patriotic war. month, not a minute, i repeat, not a minute, i have no doubt about the position that akudzhava would take today, it would have exactly the same, so to speak, vector as his position on all other national issues earlier, on those issues that he found. therefore, we will keep silent about his anniversary, so as not to feign enthusiasm that we do not feel, we will talk about others anniversaries, about which no one except us,
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alas, will talk about. annual winline hero award. rpl, don’t miss the main football events, find out who became the best this season, watch the broadcast of the award on may 27 on match tv. may 20 marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of the poet and soviet soldier nikolai petrovich mayerov. born in 1919 in a village in the syzran district of the siberian province into a family. workers, father a carpenter, mother a housewife, parents took four sons to the front. nikolai vyvanova grew up. in 1937 he entered the faculty of history moscow state university. since 1939, he simultaneously studied at the gorky literary institute. in october 1941, nikolai mayorov was drafted into the workers' and peasants' red army by the krasnopresnensky military commissariat in moscow.
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he was a rifleman in the machine gun company of the 1106th infantry regiment of the 331st infantry regiment. division died during the first big offensive of soviet troops on february 8, 1942 in a battle in the village of barantseva , karmanovsky district, smolensk region. for a long time, the place of death and his graves were not installed. that seems to be the whole biography. he lived for 22 years in total. private major. in fact, his biography is not only a huge feat, his personal feat, but also hundreds of his amazing poems, which surprisingly accurately reflected strength and faith. his generation, what his generation wanted, how his generation lived, who stepped into life at the very end of the thirties, this is important to understand, but how was all this presented to us in the past three decades? that the teenagers of those times lived in the middle of the terrible soviet despotism, the nkvd craters scurried around here and there, but these youth she overcame all the horrors of her growing up
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and still came out to defend her homeland when the great patriotic war began. alas, mayorov paints a slightly different portrait of his generation. and i believe in this portrait more. and this portrait is worth returning today, because there is a historical story behind this portrait. true, no soviet slaves, the so-called, no slaves intimidated by the nkvd, would have defeated anyone, ever; only the proud, strong in something important, truly free people of the new world could win. mayorov wrote in 1940. eat there is a metallic sound in my voice. i entered life hard and straight. not everything will die, not everything will be included in the catalogue. but just let a descendant, under my name, discern in the archive trash a piece of hot land faithful to us, where we walked with
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charred mouths and carried courage like a banner, we burned fires, turned back rivers, we lacked sky and water, the stubborn life in every person is marked with iron traces, so signs of the past sank into us, but how did we love , we ask? centuries will pass and portraits that depict the course of our lives will lie to you. we were tall, fair-haired, you will read in books as a myth about people who left, not loving, without finishing the last papers. we took the flame with our bare hands, opened our chests to the wind, drew gulps of water from the ladle and fell in love with a woman slowly, and walked forward , fell and ate in the windings of the rough legs of a wolf, we saw how women... looked at our crazy trumpeter, he trumpeted, not caring about the world, the belt slipped off his sloping shoulder, he also left the woman at home, without
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even looking back in the heat of the moment. the stone was hard, there were ledges the rocky people, surrounded on almost all sides, looked up, and the sky was clear, like the bright forehead of an abandoned wife. so i write, even if the words are not precise, the syllable is heavy, the expression is rude, and we have been rumored all over the world. thirst has straightened our lips with the heat, the world is open like a window for air, we have passed it, passed it to the end, and it’s good that our hands smell of the gloomy song of faithful lead, and no matter how the years crush the memory, we will not be forgotten forever because the whole planet , making the weather, we even dressed the word man, that’s what’s important, we even dressed the word: people, made the world humane, as mayorov wrote, it was precisely against this that the so -called perestroika rebelled, which dubbed that
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time inhuman, slavish, which nullified, bled and dishonored everything that mayorov wrote about in the poems that i read. this perestroika attached to that time, to that era, to those breakthroughs, the disgusting word scoop of inhabitants. of that era defined as soviet slaves. majorov was only 4 years older than akudzhava, but if akudzhava cheated anyone, it wasn’t the party, from which he left. the party may have betrayed itself and degenerated. he abandoned his generation, he abandoned the truth with which his generation entered the series of wars and conflicts of the second half of the thirties, the truth with which his generation entered the patriotic war. he himself abandoned all this. what's going on here? annual award in winline heroes of rpl. don't miss the main football events, find out who became the best this season. watch the broadcast of the award on may 27
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on matchtv. i'm in desire on my lips. what prompted you to do this project, i was wondering i couldn’t even imagine recording a few songs, but forget about it, and the fact that i would suddenly be invited to perform live at a funeral ceremony on a respected program, here now, this is the way out for...
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at zero it is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, he is on a megaphone, he is with megapower, if anything , call, the word of the megaphone, it was you who stole a cutlass from your grandfather at the age of 7, this is for you, the men from the yard said a fighter, it was you who was never afraid of a fight, this is with you, she is calm everywhere, it is you that friends can always rely on, it is you you can't stay. yes, i'm an honest cop, being an honest cop is not very profitable, i no longer have a wife, i was kicked out of moscow, and it’s very dangerous, i just can’t guarantee that by the evening i won’t be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov,
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can you, morozov? anger people, you made your choice a long time ago, there is a good cop proverb: if you don’t know what to do, act according to the law, and you don’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of ours couldn’t cope with it, bring us the head of this cop, maybe it’s true for you it’s better to leave and miss all the fun, no, vakhtang beridza, if you take one more step, your brains will be on the guard’s face, the flock realized from monday at the 22nd annual vinline heroes of rpl award. don't miss the main football events. find out who became the best this season. watch the broadcast of the award on may twenty-seventh on match tv. what else is sad about this? while i am talking about majorov, i believe others
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will feel bitterness about him. admiration for his poems, and gratitude to him, but all this , alas, is fleeting these days, and oh, how difficult it is to compete with him skudzhava, who has a monument on the arbat, who has festivals and awards whose name... proliferated and spread everywhere in due time, a biography of whom has been written more than once, and a face whose face immediately appears before your eyes, as soon as you name the last name, and lawyers, who has millions, well, or hundreds of thousands, and majors, well, majors, well , they will say, you have influence there, well, publish his book, publish a book about him, well, we’ll buy it, well, maybe you’ll buy it, maybe not, but this is necessary so that they don’t immediately forget about him, as soon as they hear his name , and so that they don’t forget about him, something personal is needed on... in order to be something maybe it sunk into my very heart, i’ll also try to tell you about this now, what else the major’s life was enough for, besides amazing poems and heroic death, at least one love, his love was called irina ptashnikova, miraculously his letters to
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her were preserved, and the military letters and military, let's open one of them. we've been sleeping here with kostya, kostya, this is konstantin tetov, mom we've been sleeping here under the apple trees. let's go eat currants and raspberries, come back to the cheeses, dew, it's wonderful to sleep in the fresh air, you look into the night sky, you stretch out your hand, a whole bunch, cold, wet leaves crawl around, it seems that the ferocious greenery is breathing, gushing from all the settlements from all the pores of the dry earth, you can really hear the world growing, occasionally a bug crawls onto the blanket, and we wake up from the sun, which, penetrating through the branches, will it makes us squint, here it is. life, as velimir khlebnikov said, i don’t need much, i need a loaf of bread, i’ll add a drop of milk, but this is the sky, and these clouds. sometimes i really want to write good poetry, but for some reason i don’t write it yet. i won't send you a new letter write until i receive at least a line from you. kiss you many times. and everything
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is different, but equally strong, as it has always been. manage to kiss your mole for me, which is located near your right ear. if you succeed, then by all means telegraph to the address “kolka”. july 25, 1940, wonderful. they started dating each other in their second year at the faculty of history, and at that very time, in the fall of 1938 , irina’s father was arrested in tashkent, but he was soon released. after the death of mayorova irina she lived a long and even famous life, was engaged in archeology, lived in tashkent, and wrote a famous adventure book in her time.
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do you know who was there in the village of klushino in the same days and in those months when the poet and machine gunner nikolai mayorov fought in these places. in the village of klushino, under german occupation, there lived a boy named yura gagarin, that is, mayorov , in the broadest sense, died for yuri gagarin to be released and the germans to leave his village, in some almost concrete sense, he also died for this, because the nazis the majors he shot at may have been an hour or two ago. gagarin saw it with his own eyes in his village. these are the small intersections of our vast history. in 1941 , mayorov wrote something prophetic and magnificent. we are not allowed to rot quietly in
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the grave, to lie at attention, and when we open the coffins, we hear the thunder of early morning gunfire, the call of a hoarse regimental trumpet from the high roads we used. we know all the regulations by heart. that death is for us, we are even higher than death, in the graves we lined up in a detachment and are waiting for a new order, and let them not think that the dead don’t hear when descendants talk about them, here we are talking about them, who betrayed neither honor, nor homeland, nor flag, they will talk about our time, when we come they will point at us , they will tell their son: be straight, this is what he bequeathed to us: here what he believed in: i won’t hide, i would like our children to be raised by the example of nikolai petrovich mayerov, by the example of yuri vasilyevich bondarev, by the examples of those who remained faithful to their fellow soldiers to victory both during the war and after
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it, who remained straightforward, yes , i just don’t know what to do for this, and i can’t i'll understand.
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at night, conscience, reason and your honesty,
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judge your speeches, here the past is bad, for the prospects of the coming day, you were young and no longer heard, neither in words, nor in casual love, you pressed yourself, now louder, now quieter, to tease the strong habit , hey, a mask makes a coward. makes stupid people smarter, you are not tired without a mask, you are a flying ghost, you have gained a masquerade, all your life until death, the 21st century, like the middle ages, wow, you are scarred, a circle of madness. carpets, a mask on
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the face, and torches in hands, today at the apartment show on ntv, vitaly tubinin and friends, year after year the colors change, the false is brighter, and prague. in front of her, you yourself realized that everyone wears masks, you can’t recognize either enemies or friends, all judges walk hastily at night, conscience, reason and honesty are yours, their speeches turn into dust-eternity, sending you to nowhere, hey, mask makes the coward bolder, makes the stupid smarter. you didn’t recognize yourself without a mask, you
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were attacked by a flying ghost, mascara, all your life until death, the 21st century, like the middle ages, wow, masquerade, frenzy of hands, mastanalis. e ipa que é um livro que é.


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