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tv   Leningrad 46  NTV  May 26, 2024 3:15am-4:51am MSK

3:15 am
hello, hello, don't be shy, straight to the left, thank you, hello, hello, hello, what's going on, you'll be working, i'm not working, you're not working, you're standing, i'm standing normally and working, i imagine, good evening, well, hello , if you're not joking, hello, whoever you want, about an older top, why back, the first time, or what? well, choose, everything is here.
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and it doesn’t concern you sluts, there’s a lady dancing there, the music is no country. choose, i run up to her, grab her hand, i need to go with you talk, but she laughs, just cuddles up to the guys, there’s no point in scandal, talk. well, murka,
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what’s the matter that you didn’t have, did n’t i dress you, hats, jackets, bracelets, a good choice, come on, little one, again. well, let's go, handsome, come here. you're shaking all over, knock it out!
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look, client, hello, vera, i’m valya , yes, vera, that’s valya, well, the way here, beauty, the way, the way here, you’re my sweetie, listen, stepan, this is what i wanted to tell you.
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take off your clothes! nelepov nikolai mikhailovich. you work so that he forgets his name, go, and this is me for myself i'll take it, it's beautiful,
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yeah. what kind of place is this? some kind of bug? i stayed here two years ago, no one knows about this place. it's clear. how did you sleep, the teacher, sergei sergeevich, didn’t you dream about it? enough. what? i didn’t deny my guilt, but don’t forget, they took the boy because they were looking for you. and please don’t mention the market to me anymore, i’m talking about salvation. “i didn’t ask you, you’re quick, but i told you, teachers are people like everyone else, i went to look at my daughter, but you don’t understand this, a thief shouldn’t have anything, and i’m not a thief, but that’s it for now, o,
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the grub has arrived,
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this is task number one for me, you can take kosovo without me, i didn’t notice something before that you are so impressionable, but everything is fine, okay, go to the department,
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lie down, wait for us. the day has begun, oh, come on, come on, oh, little potato, okay, love, uh, why don’t you eat, i don’t want to, so, i’m going to the city, i need to see someone, figure out how to proceed. don’t eat the little white one anymore, don’t stick your nose out of the hut, stay with the elder one, oh well, we’re small children or something, shut your mouth, the elder one will be the teacher, laurel,
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have you decided to put a fraer over the thieves, dry up, unlike you, he has a brain. val, what am i going to say? drag it, now it will be, khorozhimski, stop, otherwise, go, go , whatever, sveta, is she going to go out or not, we are for her, that we will work, everyone stay in place, department for combating banditry, hello, hello, where is the scythe, i don’t know, who knows, everyone stay in
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place, run, are you okay, what is this, come on, salt, you ’ll be sitting with me for a long time, resistance during detention up to 5 years, but... you can’t prove it to the boss, i’m disabled, i didn’t recognize it out of fear, yes, and the girls were also killed by a disabled person by mistake, you know what kind of girls you’re sculpting, get up, sing, so, come on, i’m stealing, i’ll just cut it off, it’s okay, yuri, i just got scalded, i told you to go to the doctor, i don’t need any collections in the department, let’s go, sorry, all the best.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and you would have had access to the money. they scammed a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account went for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that we can transfer the money to a secure account, i’ll call the bank, i hung up on myself , whoever the scammers pretend to be, write, lomakin ivan fedorovich, what should i write,
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captain, allow me, lieutenant colonel morozov is calling you, ok, i’m going now, kolya, stay for me, and you write where you were yesterday from 8:00 pm until this morning, and what connects you with ekaterina fedulova and lyudmila ilyakhina, who were found murdered today at the novodevichy cemetery, i understand ? come on, okay boy, how the little guy served you, but there are no complaints, you’re confusing me with someone else, right, listen, trash, maybe it’s you, little guy, huh? that he turned pale, got scared, that’s right, i
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’ll tell your boss now where you spend your komsomol nights, i told you, you ’re confusing me with someone, why, i have your id , junior lieutenant nikolai mikhailovich ridiculous , what? if you want, this is already a conversation, so now you check the corridor, if everything is clean, you take me out, as if to the toilet, then out into the street, you understand, but then i’ll say that you were the last one to touch katka and the little people with you, you’ll go with me to feed the cozimates, you understand me, a trash can, do you understand? go, guard,
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watch out, oh, hello, hello! “hello, comrade captain, what are you doing here, where the scythe is, there with the guard, i’ll just be a second, comrade captain”? remember, you all the protolyumi couldn’t understand why the bandits were holding him, well, that’s why i don’t want comrade captain with me too, i’m guilty , i’m ready to bring punishment, i didn’t think that he would recognize me, i only once was there who i knew that it was so calm, calm, that for the first time , that first in order, yesterday i went to
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the brothel on zastavskaya. “why, i’m a businesswoman, this guy with a sidelong face met me there, that’s for sure, i swear for the first time, why are you telling me all this? while i was there, he stole my id, that the one who came in now, do you even understand, that your id is like an official weapon, with it now anyone can do such things that they will shoot you, and they will be right, do you understand that?” "i understand, i will answer, i will quit police, quit, he'll fire you, great, guys, great, but you went into the office without identification, lied, which is understandable, okay, let's tell us what you did there, well, maybe you saw someone, but you didn't see anyone, sideways recognized me, said that if i don’t take her out now, i will never promise again, everything
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is clear, i think, listen to me carefully, what are you doing, we come in, you are silent, you nod your head, i will speak, i understand, and don’t try it again tell none of our people, let's go, that's enough for you already, make it humane that such, goodbye, goodbye, the young sergeant is free, what did he write? yes , i have something in my memory, i remember, well, you remember quickly, otherwise my memory is vividly fresh for you, i remembered, your little boy, yesterday i went to see our women, i should write about this too, well,
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first of all, not yesterday . and on december 15, secondly, junior lieutenant nelepov was carrying out an important operational mission and acted on my orders, well, thirdly, for the fact that you stole his id, i will add a few more years to your sentence, rest assured, did you hear me, what id, boss? what are you, oblique? are you not playing your own game? oh, not my own. ah, identification. so, the junior lieutenant defended him, i found him, i wanted to
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bring him to you. where is it? on raspberries for the chef. kolya. go pick him up, and you and i will agree that you didn’t find him, i understand, of course, boss, i understand, captain of the ribs, i’m listening, yes, i recognized you, he came, i would like to go with you.
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teacher, can you read us a little story about how pushkin sniffled these court shackels and listen to you, dry up there, huh? and here we are, teacher, and i’m in the next village, one leg here, the other there, and
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i’ll just look around, maybe i’ll get some moonshine, but no, i said, no one should leave the house, so no one will see, i’ll at least look at the girls , i miss the affection of women, agree, teacher, otherwise together, collective farm grub, little beans, well... did i not say russian? no, rubal, they told you, calm down, lavr will come, he’ll kick your ass, and i ’ll talk to lav about this, understand? yes, i'm wild. and you’re drying out here, where did you go,
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chop wood, what do you want, this way or with a trailer, come with a trailer. are you waiting for news from the shepherd, well, the shepherd agreed to listen to you, you were lucky, at another time you were already swimming in the neva water along the side of the river, where in the restaurant on the middle near the church, if you get there, of course.
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who the hell are they talking about, i’m lost, i need to warm myself, good people, and where did you come from here, so lost, but one of us, i’m russian, brothers. is there something you don't look like ? come on, put the ax down, put the ax in the hut, in the hut, quickly, well, who is there, fedya, oh, well, hostess, pour it, on their songs millions have grown.
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pursued by an admirer of her talent, bows, prays, bows, at your door, yes, falls to her knees and let me kiss her boots, in which fan club did actor konstantin solovyov find his bride, the woman is easy, this is the first thing, the stars aligned, tomorrow immediately after the via superstar show on ntv.
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well, tell me why lov came to you, the shepherd came to you for advice, for advice? lav himself, remember how a year ago you and i had fun here until the cattle died. i remember what you told me then, what are you? laws in itself
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you’re not going to comply with ours, but you know what they do to those who don’t live according to the concept, go. stepan is looking for me, if he doesn’t stop, there will be war, and i don’t want war, shepherd, but stepan, you’ll grind your teeth, and you know that you set us all up when the police station puts you down.
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now, every day our boys are grazed in our huts, they kill us, you will pay for this, laurus, how much? you're an impudent lava, i liked those, but you made your choice, that's what i 'll tell you, leave the city. the union is big,
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you'll find somewhere to roam in this city you have no more registration, no, i heard you. farewell, shepherd, matvey, post, what do you think matvey?
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he’ll leave, laurus, you know, he can do it his own way, if in his own way, we’ll crush him like a fly, and it’ll be fair. potatoes with lard, the dish is very tasty and
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nutritious. where does the lard come from? the commandant gave me a treat, but she insistently offered to come and help with the cooking, but i refused, help yourself, they interrogated the kosol, interrogated him, he said, buy it.
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wow, a criminal, but so gentle, just like a flower, the witness is simply important, pitya, and what’s with your hand, but i accidentally
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scalded myself, what... we’re sitting on dry land, i’m just now, i knew that you would come, i received your note, and i took natasha to the woman’s keyboard, now i’m packing my things , are you leaving somewhere? yes, i’m leaving to visit my relatives in gorky, i don’t understand anything, i can’t do this anymore, i’m alone all the time. i’m tired of being afraid, you know, it always seems to me that he will come and take her inside me, but i can’t.
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what are you doing there? i guard your peace, i remember how we first met here, and the rose fell on your paws. at azor, exactly, you're a fet, only without a word, who are you, darkness, fet, afanasy fet, the russian
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poet who came up with this phrase: and the rose fell on the paw of shame, it's a shapeshifter , you can read from one side to the other, and you know, i generally have a very good physics memory, so... by the way, you’re not the only one who looks like him, who else? there is one statue at the builders’ palace of culture on the vybsk side, it’s very similar, my playmates and i often went there, and the place was even called that in afanasey. you will stay if you promise that you will not go anywhere, the mafia comes into play with
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brighton beach, how a japanese thief in law was able to end up in america, why singer kristina sbegnevskaya still cannot forget the japanese eyes, who dima bilan started under and what they were forced to do. yes, i’m an honest cop, being an honest cop is not very profitable, i no longer have a wife, it was very dangerous for me to be kicked out of moscow, i just can’t guarantee that by the evening i won’t be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov, you know how to freeze , make people angry, i made my choice a long time ago, there is a good one.
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merdeda! ruble, ruble, creature, your soul cop, what kind of man is he, look for yourself, and what’s there, yes, like one. vadnik let,
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heap, sit quietly, quietly, don’t rock the boat for anyone.
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well, according to the description, it doesn’t seem like it, they say he was short, with a shaved head, with such a scar, yes, no, i haven’t seen anything like that, yeah, i see, and what are your fates here? yes, while my house in leningrad is being restored, i here, my relatives lived here. i understand, i understand, but
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can you have your documents, peskov nikolay, documents, so in a jacket, come on in, oh well, i’ll go further, do you know about the flight? about the field, and what isn’t, is so mined, yeah, so what are you doing here, be careful, otherwise we ’ve been waiting for the cops for 2 years already, yeah, one, you say, yes , the bucket probably fell, hands, what are you, foreman, hands, i said. yes, here he goes!
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move the motorcycle out of the way behind the house, uh-huh, hi, sorry i'm late.
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move out, get married, hello, hello, you told me to come, i’m great, come in.
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so katka once boasted to me that she really didn’t pay any money, people like that don’t pay, she sat in a restaurant, ate and drank for nothing, they didn’t want anything from her, so this stepan i drank all night with my friend and talked, and in the morning they fell asleep, she left them, what were they talking about? they were waiting for some shepherd, a shepherd, well, yes, they say the shepherd has been tending his flock for a long time, it needs to be changed, by the way, about some other laurel, they say we need to deal with it, okay, then you, valentina,
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write all this down. yura, the shepherd, is an authoritative man who resolves conflict situations in the criminal world. so, it turns out that katya was stabbed to death because she heard something she shouldn’t have heard, it turns out that yes, the one who stabbed her knows, where is laurus, i’m sure it’s stepan. well, what can you tell me? has postoh met laur?
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we’ll make sure that the whole city will run after him, you’ll soon find out what you’re up to. what’s your name, you fought, you have a family, you came to kill, kill, don’t waste your time, i
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want to let you go, what’s the benefit to you from this, what’s the benefit to me? it’s a long story to tell, then you know, foreman, not everything is a dump, as you said, who was evicted from the city here, i want to save your life, well then i’ll tell you what i’ll do, i’ll be the first to come here to take you, but you don’t have to come, i can’t, listen guy! you’re young, very young, why would a young person die so early, let’s agree, let’s not agree, unlike you, i’m an idiot, i didn’t sit on a bunk, i fought for 3 years at the front, so it’s not for you to tell me about death, or what are
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you if you want me to pass everything in front of you with the wolves on my knees, listen to me, i’ll now take you out into the yard. i’ll untie you and let you go, you’re not here for a day, in a day there won’t be anyone here, i agree, no conditions, if you want to let go, let go, only i guessed you, everyone i will kill, every single one, to the last drop of blood, and you will fall, first of all, so that my country, my state, whose country, whose state, and mine where, and my state, where do you even know about me, yes, i’m a total creature about you, i don’t want to know anything. enough.
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we're leaving.
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for some reason i didn’t hear the shot, did you confess him or something, he’s afraid to get his hands dirty, don’t hesitate, you’re too old here. just whistle, we're ready, give it to me, oh, come on, it's just going to be your baptism of fire, hold it, well, take it away, take it away, you bastard, you nit brainless, do you even understand what you 've done, and you went to chop some wood, but you're a bastard, you pinned us all up like checks on a hairpin, this policeman is from a neighboring village, from ulyanovka they will look for him, sure as hell, they'll be here tomorrow, took a walk, i had fun, you creature, brainless scum, fuck you,
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of course you are right, teacher, the ruble is an idiot, but something needs to be done about the garbage. you should have waited for the laurel, but he drove lead between his eyes, he didn’t even have time to get scared. what are you talking about, teacher, he’s our sidekick, sit down. rot, yes she is
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you don’t reproach, swing for a ruble, hit for a penny, it’s frosty outside, but you see, it’s fun here, yes, we don’t get bored.
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why did you call? there is one thing, a common one. i know
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who carried out the massacre in the restaurant. this is laurus, his people, how can you answer for the bazaar, respected people are all sitting here, we don’t need to show them empty ones, laurus met with the empty lot, he wanted to return to the city, well, that was the case, and after that i became a shepherd. i was supposed to meet at a restaurant, i arrived there, and there were only corpses, one red-haired grishka was barely breathing, he told me that it was laurus and his comrades, glory is all this, but my word doesn’t mean anything to you anymore,
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all his people attacked, i agree, i agree, i agree, i agree, matvey, what do you say?
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there is a teacher whom he pulled out of the police station, this teacher’s ex-wife lives in leningrad, but i think that if we have some fun with her, politely, she will tell us where her ex-husband is hiding, no, not an option, if the ex may not know, listen, does she have children? well, yes, it seems like a daughter, but do you know where she lives? i’ll find out, you find out, find out, i think that the teacher will hand over his daughter to everyone, whatever he wants lavra, my father's home, research
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please don’t, i beg you, now madam, think about it, tell me if there is a place that only you, your ex- hubby, knows about. just think carefully, after all , we are talking about your daughter, it’s strange, very
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strange, why, it was busy all the time, now no one comes up. petya, i need to move away, well, i have to, i have to. lucy, lucy, lucy.
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well, what about the stove, you need to do a better job, look, there’s a puddle on the floor, i understand, i understand, by the stove, he ’s not yura, there’s no yura, very good, like your hand, petya, everything is fine, it’s healing, so... could they leave us, please, of course. like who? yes, how do i know who?
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maybe danilov? okay, let's go to the department, we'll sort it out there. both for you and your people, that means stepan, this is
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a shepherd, and now he’s getting close to me, he wants to ride on someone else’s hump, if he sent stepan the taposta to the next world, he won’t be humane until he takes me there with a trailer. it’s like they’re holding him there to some kind of afanasy, i don’t know what it is, or it’s a clique, a pole, call the teacher, i understand, will you stay, foma, but no, teacher, on the highway, 1.5 in an hour, we need to go back, thanks for the news, yeah, okay, do you hear, lavra?
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if i were you, i wouldn’t go into the city, what news do i have for you, teacher, and why am i so unlucky in this city, but in moscow, was i lucky? in moscow, somehow, you know, everything was different. good morning, captain, lieutenant colonel morozov is calling you to his office. okay, anyway, sooner or later, i would have to tell him. thank you very much, you're welcome, i'm welcome. captain, i'm just coming to see you. here
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such a thing, it came to my attention that danilov’s wife and daughter were kidnapped by stepan’s people, that in this way they want to go to the monastery where they are being held, you know, i don’t know for sure, but in the city they say that some, comrade captain, petya , quickly take an outfit, go to the cultural center on the vybsk side, urgently.
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are you a teacher? fooled him? where are my wife
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and daughter? where is my daughter? he fell for it, i told you he would, maybe he wouldn’t have come for the woman, but he came for his daughter.
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since you are here, then you know what i need, tell me where laurel is. take your women and go on all four sides. we will leave here now without any conditions. you made me laugh, teacher, but i’m not joking, i’m serious, what are you, a stinking little bastard, you’re going to give me conditions for a thief, and where is the laurel, the laurel is coming behind me.
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great, great, it's over, yeah,
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and what side are you here? raise your hands, i don’t understand, head of the anti -banditry department, captain rebrov, you are under arrest, hands, you are a captain or an engineer, whom i am looking for throughout the entire union for murder. danilov, don’t be stupid, raise your hands, be a man. a man, and the pub, remember, there i was a man, and raise hands, or i'll shoot, yuri, honey,
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don't. “listen, captain, yura, dear, i didn’t come here to kill, i came for my daughter, you told me in the pub, there are things that you don’t need to remember so as not to burn your insides ahead of time, i’m sure you can forget, shoot, come on !" mom, please, let's go home, nadasha, nadasha,
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consider yourself lucky. last time, you couldn’t say normally, dk is on the vyborg side, there are five of them, lord. why did you go alone? could we take stepan and come out on his laurels? i had no time. so what should we do now? how to look for laurels? well , i don’t know how to look for laurels, but i would really like to find stepan. yes, and how?
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i have one idea about kassov, but for this i will need your help. vera, i will still ask you today to print everything. okay, okay, i’ll do it today, and again, kolya, yes, stand, come to me, there’s a conversation, what to do about it, well, let him wait in the corridors, the guard, go ahead, stand, facing the wall, yes, comrade lieutenant colonel, everything went as planned, with savik, of course, we miscalculated, but with stepan everything went as well as possible, better, as usual, yesterday. as you know, stepan eliminated the shepherd, matvey is next in line. i'm sure there won't be a misfire, that's for sure. i’ll let you know as soon as i have information. eat.
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what? which matvey? i don't know this. fine.
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we'll figure it out ourselves. free. kolya, show me off. to the exit. well, do you think you believed it? yes, sort of, right? comrade captain, when you spoke about matvey, his face changed. tell the oleinikovs. let him keep an eye on him, just let him call right away, yeah, yes, comrade captain, the oblique one 5 minutes ago went into the pub for a quickie at 10, don’t miss them, we’ll be right there, they’re there for the quickie at the pub, we’re going, something about you being a sideways one
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has been on everyone’s lips lately, then you have a brothel covered, then with a scythe on the naar, and you he is alive, healthy, what is needed, well, you know that stepan often looks at me, he only liked the girl. so 2 days ago he took her for the whole night, drank a lot, said about the laurel that the cops were not giving him life because of the laurel, he also said about the shepherd, they say the shepherd has been grazing the flock for too long, whatever you say, and today in the cops i accidentally overheard a conversation, our styopa got in touch with the cops and at their request the shepherd ran away. so this is how it is? look at kosovo, if you
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are chasing me empty-handed, it would be better for you to put a bullet in the head yourself so that you don’t suffer, you understand, what do you mean, matvey, i heard with my own ears, on the phone, i said that they didn’t work out with savik, and with stepan it was like clockwork, and lebevy also said that he was next after the shepherd. who open it, stepan, it’s me, do it, wow,
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who are you, yes, people, laurels, laid down all of mine, i barely escaped, but why didn’t your trash friends help? what are you saying, matvey, what kind of garbage? so what do you have? they've been here for about 10 minutes, on the fifth floor. is there a back door? eat. kolya, go to the back door, you and your people are there, the sergeant stays here, the rest follow me. well, you work for the cops, you killed a shepherd,
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you thought all the thieves would be looking for laurels. and before you present it, prove it, matvey, matvey, there’s a lot of honey, hurry up, bitch, he left through the back door, so hold up mom with a mint. giving behind me, hands, hands, i said, quietly, quietly, bitch, quietly, quietly, hands up, facing the wall, didn’t say.
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stand, stand, guy, what are you saying, stand, don’t move, yes, listen, we’re not bandits , we’ll sort it out, raise your hands, raise your hands! don't shoot, boss, don't shoot, don't
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shoot! how did you leave stepan alive? it’s amazing, i don’t even understand it myself. i know this dk like the back of my hand, there’s a case here, there’s only one guy. what kind of guy? yes, when i was returning six months ago, we met on the train, also a front-line soldier. that's where i met him at the cultural center. folding, folding, that is, you put stepan and his friends together with your smart guy? no, stepan, no, stepan left, the rest yes, what else do you want to say?
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i want to say thank you, why should i? if you hadn’t told me about stepan, i don’t know what would have happened to my daughter and wife, pour, our teacher, but like a bun. and he left his grandmother, and he left his grandfather. if your fairy tale is true, you will be good. hartovy, is that you? no, i told you. i won't
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be a thief. where will you go? as a result of the operation, we were able to to detain one of matvey’s people, fama, who told where lavr was hiding, the village of snegerevka, 15 km from the city, matvey himself was killed during the arrest. kolya tried, yes, the only thing is that stepan managed to get away, well, that’s okay, sooner or later we’ll catch him, well, well done, then we’ll wait for the military, coordinate the actions, in the morning we’ll go to take the laurel, it’ll be a sleepless night, everyone’s free,
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the junior lieutenant is ridiculous, and you will be delayed. well, kolya, nikolai, you sent the first bandit in your life to the next world, drink, son, drink!
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why didn't they surround the house on all sides? the military reported that the field behind the house had been mined just an hour ago. save your skin, captain, let's work! we are under attack, the cops surrounded us,
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in battle, teacher, like in a war, yes! seva, what the hell, captain? love, where, i wanted to tell you, i have to tell you this right now, go, yura, what,
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lera, stop, what, what, ah! garbage, meet us!
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comrade lieutenant colonel, in the house there are corpses of lavra and two more people, danilov is not among them, as if not, they are on the field, you will stay here, you will
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live, stay, no, i will go with you.
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give me a light, comrade lieutenant colonel.
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captain rebrov, you will temporarily step aside from managing the department. guys, this is captain rebrov, i came with gingerbread, i just want to talk, those who tell you about the happy, well-fed life of a thief are lying to you. sooner or later you
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will die from sharpening a boule or syphilis. i want you to have a chance to start a normal life. i cannot guarantee you a happy, well-fed life, but i promise that whoever comes with me, i will take to a boarding school, where a warm bed and hot food await you.
4:47 am
uncle, captain, uncle, captain, wait, can i come with you, the rest, they don’t want to, well, let’s go.
4:48 am
4:49 am
we are waiting for you, this is our hero, man, what shall we call him, but wait, what, nothing, but who, father should come soon, he was still missing, today there was such a thing, in general, we thought we wouldn’t be able to handle it at all. masha went, fyatya, brother, where is it going, where did he run, there?
4:50 am
damn, lesh, well, let's diagnose, the main person involved, please go around, killed by two shots from a pem, one control shot to the head, so 100% ordered, ordered, they didn’t drop the weapon, it’s strange, well, yes, but this is his guard, killed with one shot and immediately killed, what?


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