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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  May 26, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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i know a lot, what should i do with this treasury in 10, 20 years, will it be of any value? every person you have here, he brought at least a small particle of the joy of understanding to the person who saw him and who took something from him for himself, and if he took something from himself, it formed into his... this should not be lost under any circumstances. talking with alexander sbroev is a great professional and human pleasure. he is a real witness to a complex, tragic, sometimes dramatic, sometimes romantic, powerful, bright, contradictory. following the agreements, i did not ask alexander viktorovich questions of an intimate nature, neither about wives, nor about lovers, nor about daughters. he has the right.
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i understand and accept not to take skeletons out of the closet, but still the question of happiness was raised. happiness, but for me, in any case, i became more of a pessimist than an optimist, because sometimes there was a lot of pain inside, which broke me, but i suddenly had to cave in at some point, like all of us. we all have to do something for some reason suddenly bend in a way that seems uncomfortable for you, then you forget about it, but it remains in your subconscious all the same, so my happiness is in my children, god grant them that their lives turn out in a way that would be comfortable for them, organically, it seems to me that the very time has come... when a person should
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be happy in his family, because in no case should you hope for something else that passes by you, touching you with an elbow, you know, tears are not make it easier, why cry? what kind of hero am i, positive or negative? into history you can get into history, you can get caught up in history, or you can become history, like alexander zbroev, i’m sergei mayorov, see you on ntv, happily ever after.
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there was a business from scratch, it became as dreamed, every third business develops with an ecosystem outline, based on real developments. hello, hello, this is its own game! we continue our anniversary tournament, we have the second round, today is the eighth game of the second round, a total of 12 games will be played in the second round, i remind you that the main prize of our anniversary tournament is 1 million rubles. it is my pleasure to introduce you to the participant.
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our game today, here they are all on our main monitor and they are wonderful, as usual, the most wonderful topics questions for you, dear players and for you, dear tv viewers, we are starting the first round, topics of the first round:
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this is what they began to call the day of october 24 1929, when the collapse of shares on the new york stock exchange began. black thursday. exactly. royal theme 500. cat mishke.
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evgeniy. thank you. eugene. subject. hamlet. let's say 500. the photo was taken at the very end of the 19th century in france. who plays the role of hamlet? i think it's sarah bernhardt. exactly. evgeny, choose. let's get poisonous animals for 500. the yoga pose you see now is named after this animal. she calls this asana called scorpion asana. right. royal theme 400. at the beginning of the 16th century , the french artist jacob bunel depicted king henry iv in the image of this roman god. mars with armor. right. royal
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theme 300. in the center of stockholm is kong strath gordon, a royal garden. where you can see monuments to two monarchs, charles 13 and to this king, maybe gustov the second adolf, no, the twelfth, absolutely right, let's anderson's tale for 500, about this miracle buzzing with the thoughts of all mankind, hans christian anderson wrote a fairy tale in the great sea serpent, the transatian cable, right, right. "transatlantic telegraph cable, namesake of writers over 500. arthur, american playwright, ezra, american actor, maybe miller, that's right, namesakes of writers over 400. john boynton, novelist and
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theater director, joseph, philosopher and chemist, maybe priestley, for sure. let's have poisonous animals for 400 auction 900 you have evgeniy 100 from alexander 1600 from gleb the very beginning of the game everyone will say vabank i am also a vabank alexandrank vabank gleb here they play big vabank question for gleb ancient greek percussion musical instrumental. the name of the subfamily of these snakes, this is the krataus, this is the rattlesnake, absolutely right, so the namesakes of 300 writers, the novelist polar explorer, scott,
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absolutely right, 500 coins, in 2019 an unusual coin was issued in tanzania in honor of s... allied landings in normandy, let's try a poisonous animal for 300. in 1975, among its victims was the great kabuki actor, bando mitsugoro the eighth, fugu, fugu, absolutely right.
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and the judges decided that by breaking such a beautiful thing, he had done the most incredible thing. royal theme 200. this is the title. i liked it personally; john ii of portugal introduced something new. cape of good hope. i think we're in trouble. right. nn 200. in the 2018-19 season, he headed zenit. and since then the team has consistently won championships. countries. this is not sergei semak. it is he. namesakes of writers 200. a pig in a poke.
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evgeniy, please, thank you. evgeny, topic, cut shura. bid. 500. attention to the screen. you see four tools. find a hacksaw among them. it seems to me that a hacksaw is the fourth number, absolutely right, a jigsaw, a two-handed saw, a circular saw, and a fourth hacksaw. give a poisonous animal for 200. the hedgehog, her main enemy, is immune to snake venom. however, its bite is rarely fatal for humans. and the viper. right. poisonous animals for 100. in addition to duck beaver tail beak. it boasts poisonous spurs. utkanos. the fabulist is one
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of the kukryks. krylov. royal theme 100. elizabeth ii has traditionally been shown in public with a transparent one. even in bad weather , the people had to see their queen. what are we talking about? yes, that's right, uh, 400 coins. last year, during excavations in veliky novgorod, a piece of silver from the late 10th century, minted by this prince, was discovered. maybe alexander nevsky? no, apparently vladimir, that’s right. coins 300. to you. there remains a question from uralsip bank, we are playing it only with if you answer correctly, the cost
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of the question will double; if you make an error, you will not lose anything. ural cip offers you a question related to the topic of finance, and also presents a profit card with a high interest on the balance with cashback of up to 3% on purchases. order a profit card online, it will be delivered to you free of charge the next day. here's the question. ten-dollar gold coins in the united states were minted with an image of this bird, however, back in 193, similar images were displayed. white-headed arlan, absolutely right. fairy tale andersen 300. at the end of the fairy tale, this heroine becomes the queen of the elves and receives a new name. mayan. thumbelina. further. coins 200. in the mediterranean, the first coins were made from
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an alloy of gold and silver; standard minting of coins from this alloy began in the second half of the 6th century bc in china. maybe bronze? that’s right, and you see, the coins were shaped like blades. coins for 100. in 2019, this device helped. a sixty-eight-year-old english amateur archaeologist from buckinghamshire finds 12 gold coins of the 2nd century right in the field. ad. maybe a metal detector? right. en 100. police rescuers and firefighters are required to be able to provide exactly this. first aid. right. anderson's fairy tales for 200. based on the plot of this fairy tale. in the middle of the last century , the broadway musical once upon a mattress was staged. the princess is wearing robes. bravo.
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andersen's fairy tales over 100. among andersen's title characters are the snow queen, the ice maiden, and this snowman who fell in love with a hot stove. maybe a snowman? absolutely right. well, let's summarize. after the first round 2200. evgeniy’s score is 3:100 for alexander, 4:400 for gleb, the second round is ahead. what if the bank has them? only banking services, no vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing more, via superstar, today we will sing the songs of our empress, irina allegrova, fifth member
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of the jury, everyone's favorite irina olegrova will also give ratings, let's go.
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at 20:00 on ntv. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on you will recognize its taste. this bundle is forever. pileyskaya, from succulent saw. oh karaka, fragrant. and no hot spices. knitting, fillet ham. a taste that you recognize from a thousand. do you get irritated or succumb to anxiety? it’s good that novo possit is available; its dual action helps fight nervous conditions. novo pasit - double action against irritability and anxiety. order medicine with discounts at first like, first friend, first life, first trend.
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stories, video, music, feed, vkontakte first for 85 million and there is always something more here. at the megamarket. millions of products at competitive prices, for example, a set from bayson, a mattress, a pillow and a blanket for only 8,990 rubles. via superstar. today at 20:20 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love.
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clariol gel is ready to resist them. him on purpose. the formula is directed against papillomas, warts and dry calluses, with it you can forget about the problem of unsightly growths. i found a solution for myself, this is clareol gel, i use it at home, my skin is clean and smooth, i don’t have to be embarrassed anymore. papillomas are still jewelry, but skin defects are a thing of the past, now i can wear whatever i want. thanks to the combination of active components, clareol acts purposefully. touching the surrounding skin. the gel will help soften the top layer of growths and promote intensive cleansing and restoration of damaged areas. return give yourself confidence and comfort in communication, do not put off your favorite activities. live your life to the fullest and forget about these ugly growths once and for all. the special formula
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of clareol will help you cope with the problem yourself at home. and included in the gel. and you know, it works, i can use it myself, at home, it’s very convenient, now even a gym, even a swimming pool, attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now, 8800, 200 exactly, 7.567 and get clareol for just one ruble, 8800, 200 exactly. free calls within russia dolphin new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. this is our own game, we are playing the second round in the studio, here are its themes: lamps, saints in songs, cities of russia,
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questions from, bely belo and fields. questions on the topic of russian cities are presented by the russian geographical society. evgeniy, go ahead. let's find out who the question is from today. hello, i am. chinazizov, soloist of the bolshoi baritone theater. i want to ask you a few questions about the bolshoi theater operas in which i have performed. questions from alchin azizov for a thousand. in the opera louise miller, i perform the role of the father of the main character, an old retired soldier. what play by friedrich schiller is this opera based on? deceit and love. in which opera do i perform
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the role of the head of the secret police of rome? yearning. yearning. absolutely right. azizov for 600. the premiere of this opera took place in st. petersburg in... 890, the role of count tomsky was sung by baritone ivan melnikov, and i perform this role in the bolshoi theater, name the opera: queen of spades, that’s right, questions from alchina azizov for 400 , which hetman became the title a character in the opera by pyotr ilivich cheikovsky, which is being performed with my participation. in the big theater. mazepa. right. and a question from elchina azizov for 200. what is the profession of my hero in
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george beze's opera carmen. well, i hope it's thereador. right. let's try russian cities for a thousand. a monument to this outstanding politician was erected. on the square of the same name in saratov in front of the buildings of the mayor's office and the regional duma. stalypin. right. cities of russia 800. in 1972, the city of melikes was renamed in honor of this bulgarian communist. on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday. dimitrov. absolutely right. now it is dimitrovgrad in the ulyanovsk region. cities of russia 600. in soviet times, fryazina near moscow became one of the centers of the radio-electronic industry, and the city received this status in 2003. science city, for sure. in the margins of this
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book, pierre fermat wrote down his famous theorem, adding: i have found a truly wonderful proof, but the margins of the book are too narrow for... "the mathematics of diaphantes, absolutely right, the arithmetic of diaphantes, yes, there are 400 cities in russia, you get a question from the national projects in russia, thanks to the national project culture, these institutions are being updated according to the model standard throughout the country, where a visitor can borrow a book, join a club of interests or work, but what kind of institution is this?" "libraries, right, they really are libraries, they are just called model ones, by the way, there are already more than 1.80 such model libraries in russia, 800 fields,
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these field fortifications, in the battle, near which general bogration died, you can still see flashes on the borodino field, that’s right, 600 fields in 1900. in a newly cleared area minefield. maybe it's princess diana? exactly. let's fields for 200. this song
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by ian frenkel was first heard in the film new adventures of the elusive from the lips of vladimir ivashov, who played a white officer. russian field, that's right. the khazar fortress sarkel was founded on the don in 830. and more than a century later it was captured by prince svyatoslav. and was renamed exactly like this: belovezha, right, let’s give it to the whites, the price was 800, the auction was 7200 from gleb, 6200 from you, evgeniy, 4,900 from alexander, scary, let’s say 500.
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5,000 gleb. we play according to the hamburg score. all in. this distinctive symbol was invented in 1931 by the frenchwoman gay derbemont. one of the first two copies was given to a disabled person from the first world war. distinctive symbol. so. and our theme is white and white, for example, white daisy, alas, this is the wrong answer, white cane, in the question, one of the first two copies was given to a disabled person, world war i, guilty, gleb, please, play, let's play, whitewhite 600, roman the satirist juvenal wrote bitterly: fate gives the kingdom to slaves,
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brings triumphs to captives, however, such a lucky person is rarer than a black sheep, rarer than a white crow, uh, lamps cost a thousand, in the 19th century a german company, named after this animal, produced kerosene lanterns with wind protection and gave the name to all such devices, in my opinion, bat, quite right, the company flatherders. lamps 800. in 1896, right during a performance at the grand opera, one of the counterweights of the chandelier fell into the auditorium. the event inspired this young journalist to write a novel. what did he write? the phantom of the opera, where chandeliers are already falling into the hall. evgeniy, russian cities over 200.
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this tower can be seen on the coat of arms of the city of akha, in the north of sakhalin. oil derrick. right. oil was discovered here back in the 19th century. whites were over 400. taking the structure of their fur as a model, chinese scientists created a warm, thin and light synthetic fiber. maybe polar bears? yes. flowers in songs for a thousand. don’t give me purchased flowers, pick me a bouquet of wild flowers. field ones, yes. fixtures 600. christopher columbus named these islands in honor of saint ursula, who refused to marry a pagan. on the coat of arms of the islands, the saint herself, in
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surrounded by twelve saints. verdinsky islands, bravo, whitebilo over 200. this type includes the fastest stars in the milky way, ejected from binary systems by a supernova explosion and capable of even leaving our galaxy. white garlics, that's right, 400 lamps. once at the end. the large crystal chandelier in the blue room of the american white house is being removed to make room for this, for the christmas tree, right, flowers in songs for 800, springs of separation the color of a belated morning star, yellow tulips, further in...
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600 of our meetings with you are blue flowers, lavender is true, there are 400 flowers in songs, so why? in this ghostly hour, on this quiet gloomy day, in january we were dusted with snow-white and intoxicating, well, the lilac suits the rhyme, exactly, flowers in 200 songs, what snow and frost did to them, the ice of blue shop windows, white roses, right, the lamps for ... hot in the bag, give the question, gleb, to whom, with great pleasure to alexander vitalievich, alexander, the topic is musical instruments, the rate, let's give it for a thousand, on a piano of a hungarian design
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pianist emmanuel muor, the musician can easily reach a range of two octaves with one hand, thanks to this feature of the instrument. maybe the keys are located in children's corridors, let's see, absolutely right, well, not in several, in two nearby, this was the last question of the second round, and i'm summing it up: 3600 for gleb, 7,800 for evgeniy, 7,900 for alexander, ahead third round. what you need for a real football tournament, 86 cities.
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how he will be greeted on the other side of the screen, the tenth year, you just remembered us, therefore, and how he will speak when he sees everything with his own eyes, we will show the american kuskin’s mother today at 6 pm on ntv. via superstar, premiere, today at 20:20 on ntv. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple.' we collect all our credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases? simple installment techniques spasm, pain, spasm, what 's the difference, double action spasmal fights
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we make comfort accessible! rbt, we make comfort accessible! izho from food, take it, it extinguishes. fights heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach. active from the first minutes. extinguishes and. it extinguishes the fire. catch the feather of a firebird is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on meeting place tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. guardian angel is the spiritual patron of each of us. introducing an angel medal plated in 999 sterling silver. the guardian angel cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron. phone number for ordering - 8 800 600 60. 8.05. the special value of the medal
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give it its unique characteristics. plated in 999 sterling silver, with a colorful depiction of a praying angel on the obverse, a brightly shining crystal and a prayer to the guardian angel minted on the reverse. enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order your guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver, for only 499 rubles. by toll-free number: 8, 800, 600. 6805 or on the website angelchrani.rf. via superstar premieres today at 20:20 on ntv. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show the fellow travelers is returning with a new exciting season. and so i am announcing a nationwide casting from may to june 17, all
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you need to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my travel companion to see the world, send your applications to, the show travel companion is calling a second one, see you later, this is its own game, we are in the studio, we are playing the third round, here are its themes, inscriptions: bridges in the photo, awards and prizes, not only about metals, pearl theme and shoes. please, gleb, start. inscriptions 1500. the events depicted on it are commented on with latin inscriptions. for example, here king edward is in bed talking to his loyal supporters. cable is absolutely correct, telling about
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the conquest of england by william the conqueror, i ask you, give inscriptions for 900, auction 9300 from you, 7,900 from alexander, 3600 from gleb, 7,900. the inscription gg is sometimes found on icons depicting the crucifixion of christ; this inscription means her, perhaps mount golgotha? that's right, evgeniy, let's not only talk about metals 1200.
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pearl topic 1.500, code mishke, to alexander vitalievich, thank you, alexander, topic, i’m an artist, as i see it, the rate is one and a half, attention to the screen, such large-scale but short-lived drawings, nizhny novgorod resident maxim pechonkin creates directly in the process of work, and what he does is a janitor, that’s right. shoes for
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1500. this strip running along the perimeter of the sole was patented in 1869 by charles goodyear, jr., the son of the inventor of vulcanization. rand, rand, that's right. shoes 1200. in 1891, the english football association allowed the use. shoes with spikes, but only protruding no more than half an inch , made of this material, i don't know, but i want to believe that... the skin looks like shoes 900 at the st. louis zoo, this enrique lived to be 30 years old and developed arthritis so that the pain-relieving ointment wouldn't wash off from his paws, the birds sewed
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special shoes, maybe pingin, for sure, a lot of metals silver-white or gray in color, there are few exceptions: osmium, cesium, gold and this metal, maybe iridium, no, and copper, copper, of course, osmium
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is bluish-gray, cesium is yellowish-gray, and we ourselves know the mark, the awards are 1,500 . from 1944 to 1950, montreal canadians hockey player bill durnan was awarded this individual nhl prize six times in seven seasons. maurice richard trophy? no. bill durnan was the goalkeeper and received the best goalkeeper award. vezina trophy. further. thanks for 1.200. in the southwest of this modern country, the state of elam existed 400 years ago. the inscriptions written in elamite linear writing were deciphered in 2020. lam. türkiye. no. iran. iran.
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absolutely right. bridges in the photo for 1200. the queen louise bridge across the neman river in the city of sovetsk, named after the wife of the king of prussia, frederick william ii, and stands on border with this state, and russia and lithuania, let's not only talk about 900 metals, in russia the first such steel-smelting furnace was launched in sorma. factory on march 16, 1870. martenovskaya, that's right. rewards accept 1,200. the king of this country awarded dmitry merishkovsky the order of st. sava, first degree. and zinaidugipius - the same order
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of the second degree. merishkovsky did not wear the order. gypius did not part with hers. yugoslavia. that's right, the bridges in photo 900, in 2013 the bridge over the aka river in murom took first place in the federal road competition agency and received this title, as indicated by the sign on one of the supports: the most beautiful bridge in russia, right, the pearl of topic 900. auction for everything in vobank, what do you say alexander? what do you say, evgeny? well, new.
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the chelyabinsk hockey club chelmed was founded in 1948 under this name. maybe a metalhead? no. maybe a metallurgist? right. not only about metals 300. in the urals
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, hunters sometimes used its shiny heavy grains as rifle shot, unaware of the value of the metal. platinum. right. 900 prize awards. film about this physicist in 2024 received five golden globe awards. called the egyptians barbarians in greek in greek correctly. bridges in photo 600 the photo shows this famous bridge on the day of its opening on may 27, 1937, the golden
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gate, that’s right, awards and prizes 600. the st. petersburg prize for outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art is named after this great director. may be. exactly, the pearl theme for 600, the so-called pearl mosaics for children became popular in the 19th century, this future great scientist had a similar one, maybe mengeleev, no, albert einstein, shoes for 600. recently it turned out that this european record is held by wicker sandals from a spanish
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cave, it was forged, the oldest, right, the oldest shoes, they are about 600 years old, shoes 300, you will have to give the question to whom to alexander vitalievich, thank you . in the kurgan region, an inscription from the eighties, made by planted trees, has been preserved, 60 years old, what is the ussr, right, and
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the pearl theme is over 300, two types of this mushroom are called pearl: gray-pink and bright yellow, you don’t need to eat either one , maybe damn. toadstool, no, fly agaric, exactly, awards and prizes for 300, the international jane drew prize is awarded annually in the uk to just such architects, women, that’s right, mastsyna photo 300, the duge bridge, built in this country, rises above the beipandzyan river. at 565 m, a world record, well, china
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, china, that’s right, this was the last question of the third round, let’s sum it up: gleb had 4800, alexander had 1600, evgeniy had exactly 38,000, the final round was ahead, it was all by himself. settlement agreement as a way to avoid punishment, i now consider myself to have betrayed
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your child, when words are worthless, why not believe what is written? for a long time, the bailiff service did not take measures to seize the debtor’s property. the price of life in the author's project of andrey kunitsin, a man in the right. today at 16:20 on ntv. dolphin - new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on put pressure on me, what should i do, it’s locked, hurray, slovika, constipation needs a delicate approach, quickly everything is on way out, for children, moms and dads with constipation , weakcap, professional coloring by sios, long-lasting cream dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine of dyed hair, ate, hair like after a salon, no
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grow into a big problem and cost... tens of thousands for repairs, that’s enough, save money and nerves, order fixpro three-in-one liquid rubber from liamax. sealant, rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks. spray the spray onto the surface, the elastic seal blocks the entry of moisture, closing any leaks. it is not afraid of low or high temperatures, is safe for people, animals, plants, and works on almost any surface. call to order. pro three in one from liamax black, white or transparent for only 999 rub. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax, purchases with a plus. call or order on our website meeting point tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv.
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bets, and meanwhile i’ll remind you that in our second round there are 18 players, nine will go into the third round, as you might guess, the topic has been chosen to scold, if you please, here’s the question: ruin, rubbish, nonsense, chewing sponge, rosin and vinegar. with similar words, it was he who repeatedly destroyed chekhov’s work, and also ivanov’s unproduced play called bolvanov. time!
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time glass answer by gleb burenin past the rate of 4.800 answer by alexander. this is the correct answer; chekhov himself used similar words to destroy his own works. bet: 5.000.
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thank you, alexander. now evgeniy's answer. lev tolstoy. no, of course not, bet. 883. and evgeniy yurievich kolyukov wins. in our game today. well, based on the results of today's game, it is clear that both evgeniy and alexander retain a fairly high chance of reaching the third round, because evgeniy and alexander have completed their games. in the second circle with the result of one first and one second place. once again we congratulate evgeniy kolyukov on his victory. dear friends, thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye.
4:00 pm
nato will allow kiev to strike military targets in russia with western weapons. destroyed bridges and roads, urgent evacuation of local residents, severe flooding in armenia. bad weather also affected georgia and turkey. the wave flies out and stones weighing 200 to 300 kg fly. on the coast of crimea, reconstruction of embankments damaged by storm of the century. rastislav skidan found out how long the work will take and what has already been done, literally knocked out the ton blocks at the base of the breakwaters. hello, you are watching news on ntv.


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