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tv   Leningrad 46  NTV  May 27, 2024 3:05am-4:50am MSK

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they hand over influential customers, who was behind a series of high-profile murders of the godfathers of show business, which of them were simply protecting the pop mafia, who really lit up new stars, time will run out after the advertising.
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calculated the billing and reconstructed the course of events minute by minute. tumgoev informed his accomplices about kolmanovich’s intended route. belkharoev was driving the priora, kostoev was shooting. on april 1, twenty-one , the russian investigative committee completed its investigation into the murder of shaptai kolmanovich. and on september 13, twenty-second the moscow city court sentenced the hired killers to terms of 18 to 22 years in a maximum security colony. here in december 2021. the moscow city court sentenced
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two killers in the japanese case. jambul janasha and murtaz shadania received 15 and 16 years, respectively. a little earlier, in april twenty-first, the sovelovsky court sent kakha gazaev to a maximum security colony for 14 years. the names of three more defendants are known to the investigation. they are put on the international wanted list. the killer otari kavantrishvili was detained back in 2006. he turned out to be the hereditary military man alexey sharstaby. who in the nineties had to retrain as a killer known by the nickname lyosha soldier, he was sentenced to 23 years in a maximum security colony, but even there shrostobitov manages to lead a very eventful life, got married, writes books and even at one time kept his own blog on the internet. photos of yuri azenshpis also constantly pop up on social networks, but they are posted by his former wards artists.
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the producer’s relatives do not blame anyone for his death; they do not dispute the official diagnosis of a heart attack; they say that the circumstances just happened. 17 years have been lost, what, how many more things i could have done, how many more people i could have discovered, if not for these 17 years lost. and in life. lost and lost health. yuri shmich told a story that when he came out of prison for the third time after his third term, he saw a currency exchange, such a small stall, and he approached him and asked, what does a currency exchange mean? they answered him that please, you can buy dollars here, you can exchange dollars for rubles. you can
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buy german marks and finnish marks, in in general, yurievich said: “can you imagine what was happening in me then, what hurricanes in my understanding were happening to me, because he served time at 18 for something that is now absolutely permitted, they broke the law , lit up the stars, the godfathers of show business, their lives were bright and short. and the era is gone, there is every reason to believe that it is gone forever. ivan fedotov was with you, see you in a new exciting series based on real events. for coming, for everyone is wonderful. emily borisovich, say
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a few words, i think it will be true, of course, of course, definitely. comrades, just a moment, thank you, dear comrades, i want to sincerely congratulate all of us on the start of this tour. i would like to emphasize that we were very honored to play in this.
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the whole thing is clear, fast, outside the city of leningrad, thank you, we are ready, we are entering with the first chords, let's go, autumn, clear morning, as if in a fog,
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let the pearl turn, well done, boys, well done, first meeting. bright sharp secret, on that memorable summer evening, dear, as if by chance, don’t leave, emil borisovich said wonderful words, i repeat, even if the door is in the fall, i am this... i know for sure, but still i won’t leave for you.
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what is it, what happened? something doesn’t feel good to me, evgeniy nikolaevich, my heart, yes, yes, my heart, i should go home, go, we’ll handle it ourselves. who is it, i’m marusya, open up, what are you yelling about, neighbors all around, alone, yes, it’s good that you
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’re stuck, fedya, i told you, you’re not a bird of my flight, i’m certainly not a pilot, like yours, but you’ll be with me swim, you i wanted to go to gagra. they will hate you, everything will be, everything, you sticky, fedya, don’t come again, otherwise i don’t like empty promises, no, now everything will be different, i met a friend, he owes me gold, now he’ll give it back, i’m not going anywhere, he thought that i would be on the road all my life, but here i am, alive, little sailor. you will have gold, everything will be, marus, marus, marus, everything will be, well , when it is, then come, tomorrow, you will be
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mine, it will be, you will have gold. i found out, damn it, i didn’t expect it, i thought i was going to die there in the swamp. so i came back from the dead, and where
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our gold, where is my share, why are you silent, will you give me as much as i tell you, otherwise the photograph... you are roasting in the camp in the sun, it will go where it needs to go, and he died in 1837, who can tell where alexander sergeevich was born pushkin, in leningrad, no? kokovkin, leningrad was then st. petersburg, in st. petersburg, no, in moscow, well done,
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well done, rosa, pushkin was born in moscow, and at what age did alexander sergeevich pushkin compose his first poem, yes, kakovkin, pyotr andreevich, and you fought, and have you reached berlin? no, i didn’t make it to berlin, but my dad i've arrived, great, sit down! so, thanks to kokovkin, they found out that your pyotr andreevich fought, but did not reach berlin, but he also saw a lot, but he always dreamed of returning to a rural school to teach children the russian language, more carefully like ovkin, russian language and literature, because it is in childhood that literature can radically change a person's life. so, alexander sergeevichkin. composed his first poem at approximately the age of 6-7 years in
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french, yes lida. why in french? he is a great russian poet. in the textbook says that he is the creator of the modern russian language. come on, shchetkina, but before that, did he speak tatar, or what? calm down, let's calm down, now we'll figure everything out. well done, lida. good question, sit down, so, first poem, so, listen to my command, all lessons are over for today, why don’t you look at the clock, well, everyone go home quickly, andrech, what are you doing to me, well, we agreed, let's go home, asshole!
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work with the network, otherwise this cap is becoming a taste? yur, then you will stay here, and we will let's get through people. during this time, the team increased many times over and reached eleven. a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never
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ceases to amaze. discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. a resident of the sverdlovsk region sent a photo of a beautiful curly-haired girl milena with an offer to adopt her. when i picked her up, she immediately pressed everything against me, i i just couldn't anymore. the adoptive mother was told that the biological mother left her daughter with her son at a bus stop in the winter and disappeared. was lying in a stroller, and two brothers stood nearby; 16 years later, the young man asked for a genetic examination with milena, although his mother did not abandon him at the bus stop. mother never left us, the police came, took my brother and left my sister. will separated relatives, brother and sister, really meet? i knew that she had two older brothers, he was very
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small, but he always took care of you. there were times when we didn’t have it. eat i had to go to my neighbors to ask, i’m opening the dna envelope, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv, is that you? i didn’t expect you so early today, i left work early, i gave up on everything, i left, aren’t you afraid that you’ll be fired?
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he came from the front and defeated all the germans. mom, can i go? of course, honey, go, thank you, please, maybe i’ll stay with you, i’ll be so calm that you and natasha are
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safe, that is, are you proposing to live as a family? well, yes, if you want, we’ll sign, even tomorrow, how fast everything is with you, even tomorrow, excuse me, i’m not ready yet, well, of course, it's called a polite refusal, no, although we are in leningrad, everything should be cultural here, no, i wanted to say that we are not ready to live together yet, we need... to get used to each other, right? i'm still a complete loser, right? hello, yes, yes, hello ivanovich, yes, yes, i’m listening to you, will you live with
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us? uh huh, i don't know. no, we still won’t reschedule the lectures, don’t be afraid, i’ll persuade her, yes, okay, i understand, tell me his name, okay, i understand you, i’ll definitely tell you, thank you, goodbye, let’s go somewhere- anyway, come on, you love music, don't i know, i work like that, i have an apartment, yeah, 22, geese and swans. i have, oh, i drove past again, eight necklines, necklines, tetor andreevich, how do you know all this,
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her family loved to play, her grandfather loved lotto, and she told the boys what the barrel was called, well and what you told the kids in class today, can you imagine how 10 minutes have passed the lessons, no one leaves, everyone is sitting and something... there is shu-shu-shu, la-la-la, what about? well, not shu-shu-shu, but about pushkin? and about pushkin? about anything? oh, pyotr andreevich, how good, why did you come to our school? well, i met verka egorova. oh, come on, you can’t recognize her branch, well, before you couldn’t get her into the house, but now he sits with books, like this. ok, pull it, come on. 15 15 there is a 62, i don’t know, 66 in valenka, but 62, well, 62, 62
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is the date, ignat’s birthday, okay, galya, it ’s not today, the day after tomorrow, then it’s not a date, age, really, to celebrate we will, antonina will come, who, my sister, come on, sharpen our scissors, i’ll edit inexpensive razors, wake up, people, go to work, to the factory, windows i’ll put it in, i’ll straighten the doors, i’ll fix everything that’s broken, sharpen our scissors, don’t shout, you’ll mess it up, you guys are late, the craftsmen came yesterday, fixed everything, and sharpened it, is it cheap? i see that you’re so happy, and don’t be jealous, soldier, yeah, you come in the evening, i’m lonely, oh, excuse me now, i’m in a hurry to get to work, they jumped us, well
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, let’s go on, let’s smoke, shit, well and how can i get it now, what are you doing? yes, i’ll make five of them for you, but i don’t need five, i need this one, i have it from stalingrad, honest mother, what else is this? this is grigoriev from the fourth apartment, he said that you need to come over, he called that something had happened, but you didn’t notice anything suspicious, i don’t even know, what are you
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talking about here, i wish you good health, it’s great, to be honest, in my experience this is rare, you see, comrade captain, there is something strange here, the fact is that a person cannot fit into this hatch, i mean in a normal position. which one does it fit in? oh, okay, i see, kolya, well, you don’t need to make such a face as if the devil saw you, i’ll tell you a secret, in there are no devils in the soviet union, i took a lighter, so what can you say, what can i say, someone wanted to hide the corpse in this very place, there is such a smell from the sewer that it could have been lying here for weeks, if not for an accident, the cage would only and discovered, well, what’s there? wow, this is the first time i’ve seen something like this,
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the all-union committee for physical education and sports, where were you a participant yesterday? i felt bad, should i write an explanatory note? yura, what’s going on, it’s like you’ve been replaced, if you don’t like something, then there’s news, well experts found thieves’ tattoos on our morning corpse, let me see, these are photographs from the crime scene, they are not ready from the morgue yet, by the way, i’m not surprised, you run the fingerprints on the file cabinet, but it won’t work, the skin on the finger pads of both hands has been erased.
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photos for the stake, maybe we’ll find out where he was imprisoned, and organize a list of all those who escaped from places of detention for me, it’s all beer, maybe this is a criminal showdown, they killed their own people, they didn’t share the woman, why maybe who threw whom at cards, that’s not all, in shirt pocket found a check from the metropol restaurant for a round sum, wow, i was out just recently, not three days have passed, i need to go to the restaurant, maybe the staff remembers who he was with, the old team? comrades, comrades, the restaurant is closed, who let you in, the anti-banditry department,
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captain rebrov, captain karasev. yes, but we didn’t call anyone, everything is fine with us, who are you, the administrator of the lyubimov hall, and you, in fact, this man was with you the other day, and judging by his account, he had a very good time here, this is, lord, this is fedya alexandrov, our waiter, is he dead? yes, he was killed, today they found his body, what a disaster, what a disaster, oh, you know, he didn’t go to work yesterday, i was surprised, this had never happened to him, so he went on a drunken spree, but it turns out, that’s what , you have his home address, yes, of course, in his personal file, i can
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run. "tell us for now what kind of person this alexandrov was, who he talked to, who he was friends with, where he went, what he talked about, in general, everything you know, he didn’t communicate with anyone, he wasn’t friends with anyone, he lived like an owl, sometimes i could bark when someone gets into trouble or starts making jokes at him , yes, but he worked very well, tell me, on the eve of what happened, maybe you noticed something strange in his behavior, maybe he somehow "was he overly nervous?" " did anyone call him, or was he meeting someone? yes, no, it seems not, although, of course, he ruined my whole evening, we had a banquet, and he smashed the dish into pieces, yes, he said that he was in pain, asked to let him go home, i let him go, more he didn’t come, just like that suddenly, yes.
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what kind of banquet? the orchestra was received at the highest level. you know, there were people from the district committee. don’t think about it, we care about people, they don’t leave us hungry. yes, well, shall we write down the address? yes, let's go. excuse me, with my things? not yet. so i checked the documents with him myself, i have everything written down, alexandrov fyodor dmitrievich, lives with ledia ivanovna, doroseeva, since april 15, 1946, almost a year, i have everything written down, well, let’s get started, yeah, under the bed is clean. yes, i am an honest cop, being
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an honest cop is not very profitable, i have wives no more, they kicked me out of moscow in a very dangerous way, i just can’t guarantee that by the evening i won’t be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov, you know how to make people angry, you made your choice a long time ago, there’s a good mentavi proverb, you don’t know what to do, act according to the law, and do not intend to retreat, you generally have a sense of self-preservation. lost, five of our guys couldn’t cope with him, bring us the head of this cop, it would really be better to leave and miss all the fun, no, vakhtang beridze, another one if you take a step, your brains will be on the guard’s face, understand? flock, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. the mother of five children forgave her husband for all his antics, when she got tired of forgiving, she announced a divorce, everything was impossible, once it happened that he raised his hand against my grandson in front of me.
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the husband begged to save the family and promised to improve, but instead he stabbed his wife to death. there are seven in the neck area and six in the back area. she broke free. was he running after her? yes, he caught her. and finished off, the murder happened in front of their eight-year-old daughter, she is 8 years old, she says, i didn’t save my mother, why did my husband kill the mother of his children, i didn’t think that he could do such a thing, in front of all the children he killed, how is this possible, you don’t believe it, in his trouser pocket, they found four funeral ribbons that he was preparing, i still have no consciousness that she wasn’t there, i just didn’t have time. and this is beyond, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv.
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vakhtang, please in memory of anapa, 1939, our murdered man doesn’t look like vakhtang, don’t you think it’s strange at all that there is no biographer of any kind. a criminal with a clean passport works in a restaurant, no information, no photographs, no relatives, nothing past life. starley, yes, but the owner of the room, lydia ivanovna, where is she? she works at a factory. often in two shifts, so i don’t know where we should interrogate her, her friend lives on the floor above, i’ll go find out when the owner will be there, come on, citizen, who are you going to,
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do you hear me? citizen, raise your head, who am i addressing, citizen, what is this?
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at lukomoria there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree, and day and night the cat is a scientist, he keeps walking around the chain, goes to the right, starts a song, to the left, tells a fairy tale, there are miracles, there is a goblin wanders, a mermaid sits on the branches, there are traces of unseen animals on unknown paths, there is a hut there on chicken legs, it stands without windows and doors, okay, nastya, sit down, pyotr
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andreevich, what is lukomorye, and what do you think, this is a swamp ? no, kokovkin, not a swamp, an island, an impenetrable forest, no, onion, no, it seems to me that there is no such place, what? it seems to me that pushkin wrote about a heavenly place where a person awaits the peace of happiness that he strives for and which he cannot achieve during his lifetime. in fact, olya, lukomorye is bend of the seashore, but you said it very well, happiness is what
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a person strives for, and cannot achieve it during his lifetime, well... well done, sit down, but actually today is a holiday, march 8th, international women's day, maybe let's let the girls go home, and the guys escorted us. lesson is over, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye guys.
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this is how they mark the planting date, so go to the archive, look for information on this year, yeah, who fits the description, were there any shoots, but the rest of the tattoos should be shown to a knowledgeable person, there is such a person in the archive, grigoriev, you show him, yeah, but in the meantime, i ’ll go to the restaurant, i wish you good health. i have nothing with vera, allow me to address you,
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comrade captain, go ahead afonin, and take me to your group, please, i won’t let you down, afonin, i would love to, you know how i feel about you, but now i don’t the head of the department decides personnel issues for us, “i have to know everything, it’s my duty, i
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won’t tell her anything else, honestly free, go, free, go, we once took a seasoned repeat offender, you’ll get a seasoned one from me now.” repeat offender, so send afonin, that there about additional rations, where do they give them? "" and at the regional farm, well, yura, hold on, it turns out that there is no one but you and the young ladies to go to the holiday, the conservatory, let's go, it's causing frosts, now it has a solid repertoire that suits me they reported that a local police officer was injured. what's happened? we
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were in the apartment of a certain aleksandrov, a corpse who was discovered this morning. the police officer went out onto the staircase to go up to his neighbor’s friend. at that moment a shot sounded. we ran out, but the unknown person who opened fire managed to leave. so, what do we know about the murdered man? we believe that this is a criminal who lived and worked on false documents. at the moment it is. the identity is being established, so far everything is not very clear. allow me, comrade lieutenant colonel, come on, i believe that a more serious crime is hidden behind the murder of aleksandrov, continue, what does the three
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motto, who is wanted, but makes himself fake documents, leaves for another. that's right, mind you, petya, we were at his apartment and could not identify any relatives or relatives, this is so, in our case aleksandrov managed not only to move to another city, but to get a good job and leave the past behind, but i believe that he was killed by one of his acquaintances, please explain. whether they met by chance or not, i don’t know, but on the day of the murder alexandrov asked to take time off from work, then the killer hid alexandrov’s body in such a way that if it weren’t for chance, we would not have been able to discover the corpse for a long time, he erased his fingertips, which means he was very i didn’t want us to quickly establish the past of the murdered man and find
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the killer. listen, captain, these are all yours conjectures, conjectures. they are good for books, make it something simpler, more active, connect an intelligence network, they know all their thieves well, there are, excuse me, they will tell you where you can fish here to catch a big fish, the perfect murder. we are dealing with a very smart, dangerous enemy. the question is, who's next? he will become bait himself. feel, so to speak, this spider in the jar. he is capable of any surprises. don't do anything, taurus will give you the command. let everything go according to their plan. fake my murder. a? sergey zharkov. you
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what, the ship is under a spell or something? and we are generally dead, terrible people. dolphin, new season. “don’t swim far, the investigation will have more questions for you, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv. we historically defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always are the same, destroy the country, take away our freedom, but we are always men." history remembers everything; the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become
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a hero bringing victory closer. serve according to contract. lyusya, this is for you, sorry, i’m late, but no, you can’t be late, but where is natasha, at the neighbor’s house, well, we can go, that’s right. you are my friend, i will not flatter you, but you deserve this promotion, stop it, you deserve it, i hope that when you find yourself in moscow, when you are in the capital, you will not forget about us, my dear, i hope that in
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a year we will all be there, under the ruby ​​stars, for you, for you, for you. dear comrades, today is a holiday, international women's day, the day when everything progressive humanity. pays tribute to a woman, a mother woman, a working woman,
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a woman fighter, today the works of pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky will be performed by the moscow philharmonic orchestra conducted by emil zavadsky. long live the soviet one.
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and she came like this, and i thought she was completely arrogant, little sister, she came, well, hello, hello, upcoming brother, check mark, why aren’t you sleeping, we just separated, we were playing together, so no, i have now there is a teacher at school. real, here such a man, pyotr andreevich grinev, he’s not sleeping yet, why don’t you go home, comrade
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captain, ah kolya, it’s like i ’m supposed to be the head of the department, have you found anything? that’s right, ilya borisovich sukhov, our murdered man has been on the all-union wanted list since the fall of 1941, he’s really from thirty-nine to fifty-nine, part three of banditry. before the germans took vyazma, and he was sitting in vyazlag, an escape was made from there, he was among those who fled, well, kolya, well done, just well done, now go home, sleep, thank you, how do you like it, i really liked it, the uniform suits you so well, and the dress suits you very well, lyuska, aren’t you listening, are you? lyusya, lyusya, how many years, how many winters, lyusya,
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persanov, mikhail, an old friend of your wife, igor, yuri, excuse me, listen, how long have you not seen you since the beginning of the war, lyusya, i see changes in your personal life . “well, yes, listen, let’s go to your place now for some chicken, and well, we’re having a small banquet there on the occasion of the holiday, what are you talking about, it’s inconvenient, which means inconvenient, i’m like the administrator of the moscow orchestra philharmonic society, i invite you , well, please, administrator, let's go , well, let's go, well, i'll introduce you to the artists, lucy, how glad i am to see you, let's go, let's go, dear women, once again, happy holiday to you, dear ladies, congratulations , forgive me, i have to leave you. how
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long will you stay in leningrad? so countermarks for any concert in any quantity, please, i’m here for yours. oh, by the way, please love and favor, this is our wonderful klornitist, askolt molchalyk, besides, friends, and let’s leave it at that let's stop, i really don't like unnecessary defamations, what kind of person is this, what kind of person?
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please, thank you, excuse me, the conductor is calling me. yes, then you’ll tell me, definitely, definitely, i ask you, that’s it, excuse me, be bolder, it seemed to me that at the next concert i propose to play motza, so i wonder, where after leningrad a week later? after leningrad immediately a big tour, france, great britain, france, i think every woman, when she hears these words “france”. paris is wringing its hands like this and says: “oh paris! yeah, my friends, excuse me, our conductor, she’s strict herself, you can’t spoil him, i’ll be right back, i’ll be right back. this is mikhail, the senior administrator. hello, very nice gersanov. are you jealous? of whom ? to frant, or what? right? comrades, i ask for a moment of attention.
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let me give the floor to our hospitable hosts, thank you, dear comrades, i would like to say a few words about our soviet women, who showed examples of courage and courage during the harsh years of the war. heroism, i tell you as a representative of the authorities, i’m reporting for the third time, but you don’t believe me, andreevich, open it, come on, open it, open it, petya, i don’t understand, it seems like the light is dim, are you sleeping or something? petya, well, open up, there ’s this guy, you’re not sleeping, andreevich, meet my sister, here he is, the same teacher i told you about, pyotr andreevich grinev, it’s very nice. antonina palovna,
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god, how could i not have guessed, i should have taken it over the hill, make an acquaintance, stand here, i’ll quickly bring everything, now, stand here, damn it, grinev, andreevich, this is the hero of pushkin’s captain’s daughter, but why not dubrovsky? i'll explain, thank you for helping, usually
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the janitor brings me firewood, but for... you have to pay for it, would you like some tea, i have real georgian, and we went to tallinn. what about you? don't, please, i'm asking you, please, don't, i'm asking you, please, don't,
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please, i'm asking you, don't, please! i don’t understand what you’re talking about, i don’t understand,
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well, then at the market i once met some men, certain men, they picked up
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they warmed me up, we robbed me... then a warehouse, then another store, then somehow the police almost caught us, and then i thought, how did i get through the front, captive? wounded, in general, i got up early in the morning, collected my things while everyone was sleeping, left wherever my eyes were looking, and so
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by chance i met your brother, chance, and name? yes, i changed it. what kind of igor danilov am i now? there is no more igor danilov. i'll go, otherwise my brother won't understand. good night, i should pack my things. good night, pyotr andreevich!
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yeah, good luck, tarich, captain, great! well, your woman was murdered about 7 hours ago, approximately, the cause of death was first strangulation, well, and numerous stab wounds,
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she was mocked before her death, well, you’ll see for yourself now, rape, i can’t say right now. he’s either crazy or a beast, or both, comrade captain, the husband seemed to have come to his senses there, we rolled his fingers off, maybe they found him in the apartment, he was lying unconscious, covered in blood, with a knife in his hand, ask here or take him to the department , here. you can speak? yes, state your name and
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last name ignatov, ivan valentinovich. pilot, did you fight? throughout the blockade here, then after being wounded he transferred to civil aviation. so, ignatov, ivan valentinovich, tell us. it happened here, i came home from work, about 7:50, eight, the house is quiet, i go inside, there is blood all around, petya, look, they found it, a strange thing, a woman was killed, and the money and jewelry were in place. well, maybe they scared him away,
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someone was rummaging through the things? maybe, or maybe, they say they found you unconscious, i didn’t have time to take a step, the blow was all, let me examine your head, it’s strange, there’s no bump, but you say, hit hard. “i immediately passed out when i woke up, marusya is lying dead, listen, you were found in the apartment, unconscious, covered in blood with a knife in your hand, can you somehow explain this, i don’t know, but i didn’t kill.” i really don’t know,
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comrade captain, a neighbor showed up there, i ’ll interrogate, okay, lead here, there is, come in, hello, everyone, come in, sit down, here, what’s your name? mukhin, vladimir ivanovich, you sit, sit, yeah, she was walking, maruska, oh, what a walker, vanka brought her money, and this and that, and she’s all her own, as soon as he goes to work, she drags the man into the house, immediately drags the man into the house, but what about the husband? vanka is great, he exists. he didn’t let her, he chased her
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around, he beat her at times, but that’s right, but why should she, she didn’t care, she was mad in one place, oh, how he loved her, how he loved her, when they found him, he was lying there, he was lying there, he was lying like that, the knife in which hand was in his right hand, exactly in his right. his life, of course, did not spare him the whole war, he was in captivity, he has awards, he is a hero, you know, he is one of thousands, he miraculously survived after being wounded, here he comes back, nikola is not in the yard, well, where can a guy go? so don’t offend him,
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brother, well, i’m not helping out, of course, i’ll help with the documents, but i’ll hurry up whoever needs it, but that’s another matter, otherwise i can’t get him an official placement anywhere, so i’m crying, you know, tobacco clothes, i have, well, if there are documents, immediately tour, official salary, well, get the cucumbers from the cellar, i’ll come now. i want to help, the person is good, well, if the commission comes and he doesn’t have documents, you know, i’m for it you understand such things yourself, antonina pavlovna, i didn’t ask, but you’re staying for a long time...
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the day, tomorrow morning back to the city, i’m glad that we met again by chance, igor, go into the house and call your brother. and oh, what a surprise, kitich, it’s great, we haven’t seen each other for so long, it’s great, i was sick ignat pavlych, what are you, yes, i was a little sick, but by your birthday, as you can see, i recovered, this is the fat for table, uh-huh, come on in, meet me, my sister
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antonina is not married, alexey, a judge from leningrad, it’s very nice. sergeant major, well, come in, let's slam a glass, what a glass, brother, a man on duty, drown, what are you really, but he was probably walking up the mountain, drowning just from the hospital, yes, i think i'll go, i still have things to do no problem, but what’s up, today is sunday, yes, no, happy holiday, and i ’ll come see you sometime later, for a day. i’ll come, tony, what are you doing, you ’re scaring away all my guests, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such
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a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring, warm, you’ve been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, on exhibition russia, i don’t understand, i don’t understand why, he went through the whole war, the order bearer, it’s petya in you, the front-line soldier says, the war, petya is over. life began, ordinary, human everyday life, your war hero periodically beat his wife, this is the first, second, this is not a robbery, about the fact that he was hit in the head, he’s lying, there’s not even a bump there, these are the last three, he was found at the
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crime scene, covered in blood with a murder weapon in his hands, it’s not enough for you, but enough is enough, i’m not defending him at all, i just can’t wrap my head around all this.
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greetings from siberia.
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in short, are you taking us to your hut now, or we’ll send you right here to bora, oh, oh, ivanna, but we were shot, yes, i heard, kolya, it was the district police officer who was wounded to death, all the way down the stairs. in the blood, what are you lying about, what are you lying about, there’s a lieutenant
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sitting in my room, a local policeman is alive, if you’re drunk and rowdy, i’ll send him to you, drunk, drunk, i’m home from work, well, i drank a little, kesinovo everyone i’ve arrived, at least use it, oh, sorry, i worked two shifts. i need to rest, have some tea, thank you, only with me carrot, but real sugar, oh! let's continue, uh-huh, lidia ivanovna, but
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he told something about himself, your lodger, no, he didn’t say anything, and i didn’t ask, but he often had guests, during this time i remember only one girl, it’s even strange, he’ll come, he’ll lock himself up, he’ll sit there, oh, my god, he doesn’t have a radio, he doesn’t go to the movies, why would i get into a person’s soul, or maybe he’s in some kind of grief, well, on the eve of death, maybe something, now i remember, i took over the shift, what, at 7 o'clock. and you
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lenya, lenya, where is the money, but i don’t know nothing, i don’t know anything, it’s money, that’s all, it’s money, i ask, where is the money that belonged to bor, but didn’t belong to me? nothing more, no more, nothing, no, well, where is the money, i ’m asking, you tell me everything, where the money is, i don’t know, dig through everything here, let’s look, look, look, you don’t understand me, i won’t leave here empty-handed, will you tell me everything, is there something? lyonya,
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and you said that there is nothing, lyonya can’t be so greedy, okay, vityunya, finish him off, uh, creatures, this is a gold forest, lyudmilna, lyusenka, what do you need? nothing, did i see you? i thought what can i give you? thank you, i'm on foot. lyudmila
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samna, please sit down, we need to talk, for your sake. good too, please, please, red, are you doing well? what you want from me? i was promoted, i’m moving to moscow soon, the kremlin, prospects, i congratulate you, what does this have to do with me? straight, what do you think, i forgot the tubida that your boyfriend, this captain, inflicted on me, now he’s nothing against me,
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i’ll blow a speck of dust, and he won’t be there, what do you need from me, lyusenka. "come with me, you will have everything, you will never regret anything, well what are you, well, i’ll take you anyway, take you away, well, i want everything to be honest, take your hands off, rubbish, i hate it, what rubbish, i almost hit you in the face.” let’s go, yes, i’m an honest cop, it’s not possible to be an honest cop very profitable, i don’t have a wife anymore, i was kicked out of moscow, it’s very dangerous, i just can’t guarantee that by the evening i won’t
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be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov, you know how to anger people, you did it a long time ago. choice, there is a good cop proverb: if you don’t know what to do, act according to the law, and don’t retreat intends, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of ours couldn’t cope with it, bring us this cop’s head, you might as well just leave and miss all the fun, no, vakhtang beridze, take one more step, your brains will be on the security guard’s face, got it, the flock tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. a resident of the sverdlovsk region sent a photo of a beautiful curly-haired girl milena with an offer to adopt her. when i picked her up, she immediately pressed everything against me, i simply couldn’t anymore. the adoptive mother was told that the biological mother left her daughter with her son at a bus stop in winter and disappeared. milena at that time was lying in a stroller, and two
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brothers stood nearby. and 16 years later, the young man asked for a genetic examination with milena, though. his mother didn’t leave him at the bus stop, his mother never left us, the police came, took his brother, sister, and left. will separated relatives, brother and sister, really meet? i knew that she had two older brothers, he was very small, but he always took care of you. there were times when we didn’t have food, i had to go to the neighbors to ask, i open the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. why didn’t you wait for your neighbor so early? i waited, tried to talk to her, but she was so tired, she fell asleep right at the table, i waited, tried to get something else out of the neighbors, but what about at the airfield? it’s
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interesting here, ignatov was released at 6:00 in the morning, left at 6:15 on a bus with... other employees who can all confirm this, which means, if the experts were not mistaken, by the time ignatov returned home, his wife was already dead.
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when i've drunk, i have the right, but stop being bold, so what? every day, mine are new.
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ninochka, please take the paper, come here, so please contact the housing committee, but we have received a complaint regarding citizen lyudmila aleksandrovna mulyarova, write, while leningrad residents who survived the blockade live almost on the streets, this citizen alone with a child, lives in a four-room apartment, bastard, this is not necessary. write: in our country there are no privileges for anyone, i demand that within 24 hours the residents living in
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address of the hooks, channel 3, apartment 8, execute and report, uh-huh, i understand everything, go, well, now go get bald. they carried it out in front of you, petrov, you’re still here,
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why, there’s no one alive, that you’re all about me, yes about me, let’s drink to my wife, y... “galechka, it’s been 27 years since we together with you, i can’t even imagine what i would do without you, where would i be, yes, yes, in places not so remote, and the light wouldn’t have helped, that’s for sure, andreevich, i was a groovy guy in my youth , oh, i remember after the civil war, famine, me and the boys let's go, will he still remember king pea? no, gali, you know, i would like to support ignat pavlyvich and also drink to you, you are an absolutely
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extraordinary type of russian woman. he will stop a galloping horse, andrech, looking at you, wants to live. you are, how can i put it, a firefly, i have never seen you sad, you always smile, always support with affectionate and kind words, in general, thank you. for you, for the firefly, well, galya, i’ll go get some potatoes. galechka,
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what happened? their son was sevka, he died near berlin on may 2, 1945, the only son, such a cheerful, open guy, honest, bright, like the sun, and... his name was flowerfly, galya, when she found out, fell ill, let alone eat and drink, she couldn’t breathe, and then one morning she went out and he says, seva wouldn’t forgive me, he would smile, and since then she ’s probably been living for him.
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he doesn’t smoke, i found out, then they strangled her, the killer was wearing gloves, but by the shape of his fingers you can determine that this is not her husband, petya, what’s wrong with you, we found a man who is covered in blood, who has a knife in his hands , he has every reason to commit murder, and we are looking for some man wearing gloves.
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i wouldn’t let him out, okay, okay, it’s even interesting, but i don’t really believe in this version, i would personally talk to him with passion, so this.
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that's not all, dry fingerprints were found in the apartment, what? so, it turns out that they knew each other. by the way, the place of sukhoi’s murder is located very close to ignatova’s apartment. what
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if? all of them were killed by someone else, and we saw him, but didn’t catch up with him, what do i need a pilot for? yura, ignatov has such a cough that he won’t run ten meters for you, you’ll want to live, if you run through, it means that it turns out that the sukhoi killer killed ignatova, and then burned her neighbor. traces, that's just what connects them. “i don’t understand, i don’t understand, they want to kill me, we’ll figure it out, what’s there to figure out, they want to kill me, let them kill me, sergei zharkov,
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are you under a spell or something, and we’re generally dead, scary, people, dolphin, new season , tomorrow 20:00 on ntv, the mother of five children forgave her husband everything.” everything was impossible, my wife, six families in the area, six in the back area, i caught him and once it happened that he raised his hand in front of me on my grandson, the husband begged to save the family , she broke free, he ran after her, yes, he promised to improve, but instead he stabbed her and finished her off, the murder happened in front of their eight-year-old daughter, she is 8 years old, she is a woman saying, i didn’t save my mother , why did the husband kill the mother of his children? i didn’t think that he could do such a thing, in front of all the children he killed, how is this possible, you don’t believe it, in his trouser pocket, they found four funeral ribbons that he was preparing for, i still don’t realize that it’s missing , mom, i just didn’t
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have time, i’ll broadcast it abroad, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, 54, past. back and forth 60 girls 69 i have again i passed the drumsticks there are there are 18 there are past the pretzels and 88 i have my grandfather’s apartment. that's it, i have the bottom one, i won, oh, well tonya, let's do it again, no, i can't do it anymore, i'm tired, i have to get up early tomorrow, the car will come for me at 6 in the morning, so maybe put some tea on, no, i i’ll go have a smoke, thank you,
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keep me company pyotr andreevich, yes, i ’ll clean up now, i’ll clean up myself, thank you, don’t they smoke in the house? don't you understand, or what? come on.
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you know, i never forgot you. "i i remembered you from our first meeting, then in court in august. i know everything, igor, everything that you have been doing for the last six months, i know that you are wanted, i know about the lavra, about the shooting of the police station, the report." you are listed as a teacher, i don’t want to know how all this happened to you it happened, life turned out this way,
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but i don’t believe that you could have done it deliberately yourself. why? because i myself imprisoned people for a long time, as they say, for a spike, and i’m not sure that all of them are alive now. go to another city. there is an artist in the city school, nikolaev, after the blockade, out of desperation , he forged food cards, they stole them, and he died of hunger. i wanted, and he drew them, talentedly, and for this period, in
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general, he owes me the death of his life, he will make a passport for you, and you will leave, i will do everything, you hear, when you... once i saw it, i realized that i’ve been looking for you all my life, tomorrow we’ll go to the city by car, we’ll do the paperwork in 2 days, i ’ll give you money and you’ll leave, and then i’ll come to you, but why did you decide that i would believe you? you have someone to trust, igor. you understand,
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what are you doing? come on, come on, sit down, we're late, we're late. so, girls, but can you be late for school? sit down, then i can’t be late for the service. bye. natasha, bye. yes. get dressed quickly. well, quickly, let's wake up, yura, yura, what is it? good morning, lyudmila alexandrovna. kharyada nikolaevna, hello, what fate? hello. i came to say that nothing depended on me. what's happened? i decided to personally inform you of the results of the commission. the fact is that the compaction commission decided that you... with your girl, three rooms will be enough,
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that we will give your fourth seventeen-meter room to another family, this is some kind of misunderstanding, i’ll call, oh, what are you, my darling, don’t even think about it, i came only out of respect for you, only out of sympathy to your grief, understand, they called me from there, from the very top and asked me... this question is with you personally, do you understand? i don’t understand, you are walking on the edge, if i were you i would be quieter than water, lower than the grass, i beg you, for god’s sake, don’t call anyone, don’t find out anything, believe me, it will only be for you worse, i understand, thanks for the warning, i'm ready.
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hello, i wish you documents, please, hello, what's the matter, comrade, a routine check, documents, please show me, yes, please, please, here are your documents.
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what are you looking at, private, danilov, what danilov, igor, danilov, what are you talking about, comrade policeman, this is pyotr andreevich grinev, teacher, ignat, shut up now, here are my documents, look, i’m from the sudishevsky district of khulakov, i have the right to be in my car carry out please.
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help me, help me, please help to me.


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