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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  May 27, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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work im parni.
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everything is clear, what happened to him, he was killed, hawk, we have a dead body. excuse me, comrade colonel, maybe i ’ll come by later? come on in, okay, comrade colonel, i have a huge problem with personnel, and as i understand it, you are bluntly posing the question, well, there’s not enough staff, you know, there’s a catastrophic shortage of people, and you demand increased performance from us, well, no one has performance from us he filmed and won’t film, we are working with a short staff, so the police school sent us an intern for training.
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meet yulia, vastrykina cadet, hello, hello, that's it, excuse me, comrade colonel, and you are also a comrade cadet, but i need experienced operators, oleg georgievich, where can i find you experienced operators? here you go, take the youth, educate them, train them, that’s it, the question is closed, igor, we have an emergency, an organized crime.
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to teach you that the opening must be carried out as soon as possible, and so that the mosquito does not undermine the nose, there is, well, everyone heard everything, so put your hands to your feet and, as they say, work, hello, hello, hello, great, oh what a beauty she is by you, i now, of course, mean nerita, oh, bulokina, our trainee from the police school, uh, hello, hello, so, andrey,
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take rita on a door-to-door tour and see, maybe there’s a surveillance camera somewhere nearby. georgievich, maybe i shouldn’t share my experience with ritochka, with yulechka, so to speak. he acted through intermediaries, well, we decided to give him the marked money, 10.00 euros. and if he had received them, we would have taken him already as an organizer, when they broke into the apartment, there is a body, the safe is empty, there is no money, so the violation looked where it was, that’s the point, there was no surveillance, informants said that the kostet was already in the house, the money was on it, well, we
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decided to take it, he was killed with a knife, there was no murder weapon, death occurred an hour before here special forces appeared, free, uh-huh, guys, look what i found. apparently they tore the amulet from my neck, there’s a mark here, soveliev, jeweler, uh-huh, andryukh, call our new computer genius, let him find out what kind of jeweler it is and the address of the workshop, why am i now going to find everything on the internet myself, what have you learned, well, yes , cool guy, this is you to ours police officers from the states for an internship, why from the states, i’m one of my own, from st. petersburg, from our police school, and don’t you tell me? where can i watch the recording from the surveillance cameras above the entrance? and nowhere, 2 days ago, a yard bastard broke the wires from them, they still haven’t repaired it, it’s a pity, a lot of people went to your neighbor, visited them, all such
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suspicious individuals, as they say in the tv series, criminal-looking, and today before the special forces, someone came to him, but i saw one guy about twenty years old, he had previously visited his neighbor for... a clean hard worker, and they came to him together they came, there’s no fakery, yeah, well, i’m off , let’s go, happy, how
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’s it going? your friend, how they killed him 2 hours ago, what a horror, how did it happen, what happened? where were you yourself 2 hours ago? i was in the pool, next to the house, things, he himself asked me to leave, because he was waiting for some person about a debt, and i left, uh-huh, andrey, can i see you for a minute, listen, take rita and check volodina’s testimony for the moments.
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so today she was, everything is recorded here, look, the time of her arrival and the time of departure are marked here, uh-huh, could someone else come using her subscription? well, what are you, girl, no, of course, only the owner herself can use her subscription, besides, i remember this volodin, she was here today, and what did she do something, no, everything is fine, everything is fine, thank you very much, what do you owe the gentleman’s visit to the police? i am in compliance with the law, i have a purely positive reputation, radion ignatovich, we are not questioning your reputation, we are interested in who you sold this incense to, yes,
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this is my work, i made it several years ago, i did not sell it, i gave it to my sister nina, she died last year, well... apparently it was inherited by her son, andrei, that is, your nephew, yes, but how did she end up with you, the thing is...
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an unfinished proletarian, he plowed at his factory, and his son grew like a weed, by the way, he he let nina’s illness go, she melted away before his eyes, yulenka, i agree, at the university of the ministry of internal affairs they teach very well, not i will dispute this fact, but unfortunately, this is just a theory, in practice it is completely different, and how to combine practice with theory? that’s a good question, for this there are real seasoned
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operatives, such as captain rydanov, and somewhere during a personal meeting in an intimate place, captain rydanov, so to speak, will help, i understand, andrey, to combine practice with theory, that’s right, combine theory with practice, there is just one seasoned operative there, the authorities are looking for, by the way, yulenka, lesson first. you should never make your boss wait, yeah, take my proposal very seriously, very seriously, i ’ll be back, come on, he’s another one of us, what wonderful interns they started sending us, hello, kudasov, nikita kudasov, yulia, it’s very nice, meet yulechka , nikita, gasov, computer magician and genius of the technical department, this is why you would like to attend
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my master class on high-speed retrieval of operational information, i wonder, well, what, how will we take it, well, we’ll simply call, the top floor, it’s unlikely that it’s from here from us will fly away, yes, come on. who's there? andrey erokhin? yes. they've come for you, open up. who are they? inter-district slaughter department. don't be a fool. the house is surrounded, special forces are on the roof, waiting for orders to storm. so open the door yourself. with the door once, let's go, good afternoon, quietly,
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calmly, calmly, walk, said, quietly, step forward, what are you, what are you for, why do you want me, sit down, why do you want me, for all the good things, tell me , how did kosteta kill, why, kosteta, i didn’t kill anyone, look at him, just look at him, and i ’ll ask questions, so where was i this morning, specifically by the hour, were you at home? who can confirm this? i don’t know, that means you don’t have an alebi, even if i was at the cosmetologist’s, so what? i didn't kill him, did i? what did you do with him? but who knows what i did with him? i stopped by for tea, yeah, what's wrong with the eye? did you come across a teapot? did the knuckle hit? that's it, we argued a little, yeah, that's why you crushed him, right? wow , i found it in the washing machine, what is it? this is my blood, do your examinations there or something else, i don’t have anyone else’s blood on me, that’s good! where is the money? what money? 10.000 euros, which you cut from the brass knuckles safe when
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you killed him? yes, i don’t know about any money. okay, that's it, get ready, let's go to the department. rise, rise, come on, stand still, one, two. where are you going, son, why? fuck, don't bother, go home. yes, how can it be, let your son go, unfortunately, we can’t let you go, your son is suspected of murder, dear, what kind of murder? who is the crime boss named brass knuckles, but it’s not him, it’s not him, it’s not him, so we’ll let him go, but i killed it, i, take me, what did you want, yulia? comrade, senior lieutenant, i wanted to ask your advice. let's make it easier, rita. fine. well, what did you want? a comrade, the captain, looked at me like that when he offered to conduct his master class. radanov? this one can. and this one of yours, a computer genius. seriously? yes. just think, this one goes there too. well, what did you want?
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you are a beautiful, prominent girl. well, i ended up in the men's team. enjoy, so what should i do, i came to you for an internship, not to have affairs, and i have a guy, what to do, what to do, i have one little girl, how do i know why my dad is in slaughter i confessed, or maybe i really killed this creature, but my hands were itching, but i didn’t want to go to the zone, okay, i’ll hold on to the results.
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yeah, nikolai pavlovich ignatiev, born in 1940, his seventy-five-year-old grandfather found money for a cool jeep, think about where it came from, but the grandfather, of course, is a leftist, he just has a cool car registered for him, yes, to find out who exactly is driving it, you have to look , who was detained on it for violating traffic rules, uh-huh, let's go, oh, like that. sevkov pyotr semyonovich 74 gr, already more looks like the truth, and now let’s run it through the database of criminal elements, uh-huh, the nickname of siva, we’ve been convicted three times, extortion, robbery, arbitrariness, great, and also, and also,
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yulenka, i’ll tell you in a quiet and cozy cafe, you don’t mind ? with pleasure, what girl can resist secrets? this? well, i told you the knife was there, but what was the point of hiding it here and then showing it to us anyway? yes, the main thing is that you let andrei go, there’s no reason for his son to sit in a monkey bar? it’s okay, he’ll survive, son! put him in the car go!
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they agree with pleasure, but today it’s not possible, maybe tomorrow, tomorrow, yes, okay, it’s covered, andryukha, stop confusing yulia, let’s go to work, rita! “i ’ll come now, cat, let’s go out,
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oh, great, i just need you, detained in the cell, while, you hear, i already told yours, now, listen, you, i carried out an examination of the blood from the shirt of the younger erokhin, and found out the next thing is his blood, but it ’s no one else’s. it’s clear, so we’ll let him go. well, by the way, the elder’s fingerprints were found in kastet’s apartment. erokhin. well, this once again proves that ivan erokhin was in kostet’s apartment, he was there, he left it there, although we didn’t find the marked money on ivan erokhin, but in principle, he could have killed and not taken the money, that’s right, but who then did you take the money? listen, what if another person took the money, well, the one who killed. and the elder erokhin took the murder of himself in order to shield his son, but he thinks that his son killed, logically, that’s it, no,
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not everything, i’m bringing you a knife, which most likely was used to kill the boner, you need to roll off your fingers, i wanted to get a haircut, lesh, well, that can definitely wait, let’s go, so, tell me about your last meeting with the cosmetologist, what they talked about, about business, about connections, well, everything you know, but what should you tell? let him go anyway, i just feel sorry for my dad, oh, stop pouring on me, i feel sorry for him, but what can i do for him, what he himself told me that he would crash the bone, i just can’t understand how he could kill him, he looks like that quiet, besides, i told him that i wouldn’t get into any fornication with the kosteto boys, well , just sleep peacefully, i don’t know that he doesn’t bother me i believed it, we were very interested, you haven’t messed with some whore, i have an uncle.
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he wanted me to draw diagrams of security systems to help him disable them or disable them, well, before i was green, stupid, i looked into my mouth, now i realized what kind of creature he was, so i decided to jump off, came to him, said : “that’s it, odie, why didn’t he tell us all this right away? but to me the hunt looks like frost, who is stirring things up against his own uncle, no, well, when he came to the brass knuckles, he grabbed me by the breasts moved his eye, tell me, what?" kostet had enemies lately, was he in conflict with whom, who could have taken money from his safe? well, listen, the last time i came to see him, he had some other guy there , they went with him, well, about the uncle’s business
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, it hasn’t been done yet, when the man left, he said that he would come back, i ’ve never seen this guy, can you describe the guy, what he looked like, listen, well, he looked like that ? urka, impudent face, and he also has rings on his fingers, an identikit you can compose it, but it’s easy, well... why are we driving yulk and i to sovel’ev? yeah, let's go into more detail about the ill-wishers, maybe it's not brass knuckles that are the ideological inspirer, good! forest fires arise due to human fault, to stop defeating the fire is the calling of the strong forest firefighters, air forest protection of the rosleskhoz, 90 years guarding the forests of russia, hello, so what do you say you did with the knife? yes? i already reported to georgivich, everything is fine on the stem, on the handle there are the fingerprints of the elder erokhin, the blood matches the inka
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with the blood of a murdered brass knuckle, so it’s still ivan irokhin who is the killer, uh-huh, well, let’s close the page, along with the case, georgievich, yarukhin is still in our hands, well, let’s wait until tomorrow with the accusation, suddenly the one who got caught took the blame, because... according to the testimony of irokha jr., there was one shady guy in the case, let's try this topic, well, let's work it out, well, we'll have lunch and talk about it, so, well, let's go, the guy had a mustache, a beard, no, no , it wasn’t, it definitely wasn’t, so, yeah, that’s the hairstyle. no matter what, he's not bald was there a little bit there were eyebrows that eyebrows
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were eyebrows? well, well, well, what kind of eyebrows were there, light, dark, thick, sparse, like this , well, well, like this, it looks like, well, okay, lips, like lips, well, two pieces, well, that’s logical, huh form, listen, i’m not an artist, i’ll see him live, i ’ll show you.
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i heard that lately dimit had been coming at him harshly, knocking out the money he had taken for interest money, but what kind of demid? glory to the demids, but that’s a shame, he served three terms, under various charges, a bandit bouquet, the demid often supplies money from the public utility, people, well and not return the money to the real common fund. so you understand, well, where can you see this demid? well, i won’t tell you my home address, i know that demit is very attached to a certain tavern in the admilkiysky district and today he will talk there with one of my old friends, kolya makhrov, so bari will definitely be, of course, he has rings on his fingers, he looks like an urka, girls, think about it!
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where am i and where is this audience? so, citizen savelyev, let’s somehow get by without this, we’ll leave, and he’ll try to get you again, but not through brass knuckles, but through someone else, but you need it, you’re right, i don’t need it, nikitin’s last name, name is igor, came to me a few months ago, such a character, offered business cooperation. did you offer a roof? no, he suggested replacing real jewelry with fake jewelry when making jewelry. he said that any client would believe a master like me. he even purchased a batch of fake stones for this purpose. of course you refused? he refused, but not right away. at first the topic seemed interesting.
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then i sat, thought, figured out why i need to old age on a prison bunk, yeah, i refused, and he began to demand money from me, the money that he spent on fakes, the little one led him into fornication, i should compensate him, and what you did, yes how, he sent him away, he , apparently, with a brass set, he decided to hump me for compensation, well, how can we find this nikitin, of course, you don’t know why i don’t know, i know, but what you said is yours, what are you, i’ll give her the laleryan woman, vyacheslav demidov, who are you, and we are with the police, homicide department, finish your whiskey, come with us, everything is fine,
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came in. calm, calm, guys, everything is fine, criminal investigation, ordinary detention, and for an hour you didn’t bother to raise your hand against the police, i thought you were from a ruff, what kind of ruff? well, i owe him, what do you care, i talked to him a couple of times, and he half-heartedly threatened to set his cops on me, now we, in addition to all your other sins, also have me... for resisting arrest, let’s add what sins, murder, tape, stealing money from him, why sit, what money, what murder, what are you doing, this means you took me in order to hang someone else's wetness on me, and they themselves cut off the money, i said to sit, you visited the brass knuckles this morning, i haven't seen him for 3 days, so
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tell me where you were from 10 to... in the morning at home, who can confirm, my poodle artemon is so dim, good to show off, my patience is not limitless, neither is mine. mister, i'm serious, you're flooding me, open the door for me, what are you doing, the loudspeakers have confused you, some police, let's go in, what 's this, let's go in, come in, citizen erokhin,
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look carefully which of these men did you see mr. kostrov in the apartment today, no, i didn’t see anyone, look carefully. you don’t look like anyone, okay, that’s it, guys, thank you, demidoh stays, sergeant, erokhin is a monkey, and let the fake ones go, and why are you smiling, we ’ll ask ourselves for the story in the bar, you don’t have the right, citizens legal ones, no? you have no reason, you are not understood, i know the laws better than your generals, no wonder, what are you looking for, what are you going to present to me, you love flowers, citizen nikitin, yes, it looks like it, come on
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bring him here. water, don’t water, but you didn’t skimp on convenience, well done, yulka, however, the city leaders won’t thank us for this, it’s a disgrace, oleg georgievich, but you started a woman’s partisanship, well, what grounds did they have for detaining this nikitin, tell me, are you okay?
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igor sergeevich, if we leave the case of kastet’s murder out of the picture, just for fake precious stones, this nikitin can be imprisoned for 10 years, listen, explain to me why i should be imprisoned, for the fact that he enriched flowers with fake stones? so jeweler testified against him, we can safely charge him with fraud with counterfeit precious stones, i still think it ’s guerrilla warfare, instead of reporting to the authorities, as expected, these two beauties are trying to detain a potentially dangerous criminal, and if he had both of them put it, what would we do then? i still didn’t have enough to deal with the police school that i didn’t save them, so to speak, the intern, but it turned out okay , comrade. listen, this eternal russian of yours may have worked out, today it worked out, but there is no tomorrow, and these are all the fruits of olek georgievich, your leadership. okay, i will personally sort it out and personally no, leave him aside,
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i will personally punish him to sort it out. well, beauty, on the carpet to the authorities. i didn’t expect this from you, rita, oleg georgievich, uh-huh, well, nikitin, stones are stones, and what about the murder of the boner? slander, boss, in our world murder, without serious proof, is a mortal sin, but we had nothing to share with the brass knuckles, and the money from the safe?
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and i don’t deny that there was brass knuckles when this guy tried to ram there, and nevertheless, nikitin, we are detaining you for 48 hours. so, gentlemen, what are your thoughts on the identity of kastet’s killer? we have two suspects, but only one killer. well, okay, nikita and kostet worked together, they were going to shake this jeweler sovelyev, but i don’t see any particular motive to kill. and the money is from the safe. in addition, andrei erokhin refused to participate in the robbery of his uncle, a jeweler. nikitin might have been dissatisfied with this and rolled out his brass knuckles. but ivan erokhin could have had a motive, in addition,
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he confesses to the murder, showed the place where hid a knife, yes, but where were the sword money from kostet’s apartment, they probably could have taken it, they could have, but during the search at nikitin’s apartment no marked money was found either, allow me two words, judging by the location of the wound on the telestet, i dare to assume that the blow was struck left hand, erokhin nikitin, left-handed, no, right-handed, but erokhin sr. and nikitin couldn’t... they attacked him, well, here, well, yes, here, and how
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he stood at the moment of the murder, well, something like that, with his back , yes, uh-huh, okay, show how you struck, well, just like that, and you write with your left hand, yes, well, that is, why did you hit with your left, right, that means you also used your right hand, so, well, i showed... with your right, like that, of course, lefty, among the kostetovskys, no, something i don’t remember anyone like that, but use your brains to remember, maybe you can help your father, well, i recently had a friend who was left-handed, but she has something to do with the matter, well, what kind of friend, in short, when kostet first asked uncle rodya to carry me around, i refused , then a few days later i met a young lady, she, of course, is older than me, but
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just sexy, she sat down with me in the bar, uh-huh, okay, okay, what's the name? anya, anya, we started having murmurs there, then, then she said that she urgently needed money, her mother was having some kind of operation, and i went to the kostet, the kostet owed me, said that without any conditions, then the next day he says: return all the money, otherwise i’ll install a meter, i’ll leave you without an apartment without pants, hmm, and as they sorted things out, i agreed... to pinch uncle rodya, then i really refused, well, i said this to the brass knuckles, as i was going to get the meter out get off, was going to go to the police, didn’t have time, the police came to you, that’s right, so what’s with this ania, i don’t know, i gave her the money, she disappeared, she scammed me, i guess she looked like a beautiful pest, slim , she has long hair, below her shoulders, brown eyes, uh-huh, listen, fierce... do you know tatyana, kastet’s friend? no, thanks,
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eroh, well, free for now, well, i'm off, go, oleg georgievich, listen, we should go to this pool again and check alebi with tatyana volodina, yes, at the very beginning training, volodina said that she wasn’t feeling well and would go to the medical room for...
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well, captain igor, at first glance , there was no sign that anyone was feverishly getting ready, that is, she didn’t go on a serious run. yeah, i agree, i don’t think we disturbed her, hello, nikita, we urgently need to find out the location of the mobile phone, with the cohabitant’s brass knuckles. so, yes, igor, there is contact, your bird is in the park not far from kostet’s house. so, thank you, nikitos, that’s it, be healthy. andryukha, she’s not far from here,
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let’s go, let’s go. come to me, hello, tatyana, good afternoon, we looked for you, what a charming little boy, yours, of course, is hers, i took him from my mother, i adopted him, we would like to invite you to visit us, please, let’s go, so keep this for you, so that’s enough,
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tatyana, you will have to go with us to the department, and nikita, you have someone to leave him with, yes, a nanny. “if i tell everything right away, i’ll have to turn myself in, let’s think about it, and the maximum possible reduction of the sentence, i have a child, well, that’s how the court decides, but you knew what you were getting into, is the money really a waste were worth such a risk, kostet was a rare scumbag, at one time in my youth i was a gunner, and i was just lucky to never get caught, i was on drugs, then i found strength, i got off drugs, i came to my senses and..." "my children i cannot have, so i adopted a boy, at least some meaning in life. i met brass knuckles 2 months ago, fell in love with him like a fool, was afraid of losing him, didn’t tell anything about the child, hired a nanny, but brass knuckles is good at studying
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the biography of people with whom he is closely connected, in general, he found out everything about me, he was immediately hooked , well, it’s clear, that’s it, why..." you took the money, i have to raise the child, i also pointed the brass knuckles at andrei erokhin, yes, he forced me, threatened that he would hint to the guardianship authorities about my criminal past and the child would be taken away, in general, i i realized that i had wasted my time, and besides, i came, and i felt so disgusted, and you decided to kill, on the day of the murder, before erokha arrived... i went to the pool, swam there a little, then said that it hurt head and came out of the water, made his way into the service area , exited through the service exit, came into the house the kostet, from whom erokha had just left, he grumbled at me for a long time that i could have bumped into him at the door, he turned
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his back to me and i stabbed him with a knife, erased the prints and quickly returned to the pool through the service desk. and then she left through the entrance for visitors, why do you ask me the same thing all the time, i confessed everything, i told you that i killed, what else do you need, but we just know that it wasn’t you who killed have already found a real killer, how is it and who, koset’s girlfriend, you better tell me, why did you fool us, because because of you we almost overlooked the real murderer? andryukha came home that day with a broken eye in a bloody shirt, said that it was the bone that had caused it, but i went to deal with this family, i came to the door to the apartment, it was not locked, i looked in, and there was a bone with a knife in the back, but you thought , that your son did this, they killed themselves, well, then everything is clear, i missed my son,
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you know, it’s my fault, that he became friends with the brassiere, that he was hanging around the yard with a gobota... hanging out, and if they had imprisoned him according to 105, he would return to normal life, but he didn’t feel sorry for himself, but why feel sorry for yourself, i shook mine, i’m not afraid of anything, please, great, great, what are you doing here, what are you doing? yes, nikitos, i think they treated you like tsutsikov. okay, it’s me, but you, rydanov, you’re a shot sparrow, calm down, let’s give you a refill of vodka,
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let’s sit like a man, it’s accepted, head of cabbage, it’s breaking me, it’s really breaking me, think of something, no, but i’ll be back tomorrow when he comes back from shift, i’ll grab it from him. late, tomorrow, kochan, late, yes, where am i, now i’ll take the money, okay, let's go, now we'll come up with something, kochan, that's it, i can't, let's go to the entrance, hang around, maybe we'll stop someone, huh?
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kochan, look, he’s drunk, but the homeless guy has nothing, and he’s not decent, look, let’s get dirty, wait, you forgot how drunk i am here, kochan, kochan, what are you doing, kitten, help me turn it over, i’m under i can't get into my pocket, motherfucker, let's get out, get out, head out!
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good evening, borya, hello, please give me some tea, dear father, you have your own office, with a kettle, in this office, except for the kettle, there is no sugar, no tea leaves, nothing, no little bun, everything is so good with you, please. yes, the guy on duty is listening, i understand, but where? now a task force is coming to you, i feel something is wrong, you’re out of luck, andryushenka, there’s a murder here, thank you, i’m glad. girl, can i see you? what's the matter? i saw how you put a can of red blood in your coat pocket and didn’t
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show it on the kais. what? which bank? are you crazy? you stole it. it's in your right pocket. in what other pocket? you see, girl. it's a shame, a very shame. this is some kind of mistake, it's not me. yeah. have you been caught yet? and rightly so, we’ve had enough of these nonsense. my wife works in a store. they are constantly forced to pay extra because of thieves like this, you should be ashamed, yeah, but it’s not me, who is the bank itself or something in your pocket to talk to her, call the police, i will be a witness, i saw how she stole it, yes, it’s a little dark here , uh, yes, where is georgievich, he’s questioning a witness on the street, and what are you doing here, and today i ’m working as a vadily in the investigative committee, thank you. my pleasure.


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