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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  May 27, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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girl, can i see you? what's the matter? i saw you put a can of red game in your coat pocket and didn’t show it to cas. what? what bank, are you crazy? you stole it. it's in your right pocket. in what other pocket? you see, girl. it's a shame, a very shame. this is some kind of mistake, it's not me. yeah. have you been caught yet? and rightly so, we’ve had enough of these nonsense. my wife works in a store, so they are constantly forced to pay extra.
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it’s still a little dark here, yes, i asked the witness who discovered the body, by the way, how did she even find it here, but not she’s her dog, in general there’s no use for her anymore, lesh, well, i examined the corpse, but almost nothing is visible, it’s a little dark, andryukha, provide light, and i’m prometheus or something, although there’s some similarity in the heaviness in the right side, find light bulb, i'm coming, i'm coming. how about i see the light bulb? uh, come on, calm down, put the gun away, captain rydanov, inter-district homicide department, but this does not give you the right to steal other people’s light bulbs, no one stole light bulbs, they killed a man down there, you need to do an inspection, they killed you, okay, no touch the light bulb i’ll bring you another one now, and at the same time a weapons permit, okay, wow, excuse
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me for doing this, but they’ve already started stealing light bulbs, here’s a light bulb, here’s a weapons permit, i’m a hunter, yeah, everything’s fine, by the way, i’ll get it this evening two blokes jumped out to meet me, one was limping, not ours for sure, i know everyone here, he looks like a typical drug addict, yes, yeah, you didn’t see the corpse, and there was nothing visible there at all, i shone the phone at my feet, and you understand, you can only see what's on... your feet, ok, thanks for the information for the light bulb, light bulb i’ll return it now, but leave it there, you might still need it, okay, let there be light, well, that’s a completely different matter, so karibov, sergei vladimirovich, is married, no children, oh, registered in this entrance, that’s a very good fact, you won’t have to go anywhere to travel, just to
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work less, but i like to work, well, lesh , can you tell me first, what was used to kill him? i can, but only in advance, there is no murder weapon, but judging by the wound, the picture is this: he was hit on the head with something heavy, blunt, maybe with a hammer, he lost consciousness, and then they finished him off by stabbing him in the heart, and the knife, well, judging by the wound, i would assume that it was a naval dagger, but i’ll tell you for sure tomorrow, wait, so when the knife struck him, he was already lying down, or did he withstand the blow of the hammer?
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okay, i’ll go, i’ll go to the murdered man’s apartment, continue, why they hit with a hammer then they could have just used a knife. listen, an interesting question, i also think, why? gentlemen, we will write a protocol, okay, fantasize, give me the facts, you are not a romantic, vanya, a pragmatist, how can this be, drink some water, thank you, excuse me, but i need to ask you a few questions, then of course, tell me what sergei was doing, trading, two small grocery stores, you don’t know, well, who could want him dead, i don’t know, i don’t know, you know, seryozha has been acting strange lately, but such enemies, to kill, no, it wasn’t, tell me, what does strange mean? he could
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leave on friday and return, on saturday evening someone aggressive, even angry, would come, he could... shout at me for no reason, by the way, this is so unlike him, but you talked to him about it, he talked and not once, he said that he was investing in a new business, he even sold his car for this, it all lasted six months or so, and the day before yesterday he came, gave flowers, said that everything worked out, and we will soon get rich. last question, what have you been doing lately? 2 hours? what? what have you been doing for the last 2 hours? i drank tea, my friends came and talked. listen, maybe they are drug addicts because of the dose? by the way,
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georgivich, oh, i completely forgot. a witness from the second floor told me that when he was returning home, he saw it from the entrance. two suspicious drug addicts ran away appearance, one of them was limping, limping, you know, 5 years ago i already imprisoned one of these for robbery, i also frightened my victims with a hammer, dabbled in drugs, but it didn’t get to the point of getting wet, you know, after 5 years on the needle you can become a criminal, by the way, he lives not far from here, let's go check it out just in case, uh-huh, the damned kamans, they tortured everyone. andryukh, just like him, go ahead, be careful, great,
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guys, and we are after your soul, bullshit question, how can we help, young people, the criminal investigation department has granted you a favor, but what is this cop? we need, we they didn’t kill anyone, we weren’t there at all, and where we weren’t, we weren’t everywhere, well, you guys are stupid, you’re high, you’ll have to ride with us, it’s easy, listen, and you have some sweets there, whatever you can find, sweetie, there will be one, but first we’ll search you, quietly, quietly, quietly, i’m screaming, yes please, oops, where’s the knife, what are you talking about? you really don’t know where the knife is, everything is clear, well, let’s go, get up, get up, come on, come on, come on , forward, lower, lower,
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we couldn’t distinguish the dead from bukhov, it was dark there, we couldn’t see, so, so, calmly, calm down, that's it, let him go to the cell, let him think, sit in the monkey bar, calm down, go ahead, oh, excuse me, please, girl. nothing, oleg georgievich, how can you explain that you are
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not at full strength again? well, potapinka asked for time off, it will only be in an hour, krymov and rydanov will finish the interrogation, so they’ll come over now. what about the night battle? this means that the detainee is already in the cell, these are certain shlonov and kapustin, well-known in circles. young man, would you hand me that slice over there? braunschlig or this one
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to the right, check which one? exactly , i understand, please, thank you, all the best, yeah, they want to kill me, we’ll figure it out, yes, what’s there to figure out, they want to kill me, let them kill me, that means. you yourself volunteered to glue the fins, what doesn’t stick here? yes, i see, as soon as i glued the fins together, i immediately started giving out orders right and left, stir up the water, it’s a million-dollar deal, but we desperately need underwater archaeologists, raise a wave, andryukha was blown up, make him white, before our eyes, and i’m a homonist , now i will be in charge of the investigation in yuzhnomorsk, to pin down the most dangerous fish, it’s all somehow strange, don’t you think, it looks like a setup, too? i repeat, less amateur performances, only sergei zharkov is capable of this, he’s always ready,
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what’s your name, dubrovsky, all for the sake of dolphin, they wanted to kill vasilisa, just like andrey, dolphin, new season, but he’s really alive, today at 20 :00 on ntv, contract soldier, you should know this; when you enlist in the military, you receive a number of benefits. and guarantees, but there is also something that has no price, to be shoulder to shoulder with comrades, to defend your family and homeland, fight for a just cause, gain new knowledge and skills, become stronger, join your people, serve under a contract, yes, we are waiting for you, have a seat, well, i will continue, the victim
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was killed with a knife in the heart, and they beat the corpse with a hammer, about an hour after of death. by the way, the hammer is the same one used to beat him, which was confiscated from drug addicts. wait, lyosh, yesterday at the crime scene you said something completely different, well, yesterday it was yesterday, and today is after the hiding, so today we have accurate data, that’s what we need. the autopsy was thwarted, oh, well, excuse me, yes, by the way, there are also changes now with the killer’s height , there will no longer be a criminal of basketball height, since they were already hitting a horizontally lying corpse, a maximum of 80 meters, it turns out that your drug addicts will not be involved in the murder, yes, comrade colonel, but we will close them anyway, because they have worked enough for another article, in general, we need to work closely on the murdered person, connections, interests, business, what does the wife say, does she have a motive? there is, well he says he had some financial problems, but nothing, i think we
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let's sort out the problems, with her too, she has an alibi, but she could have hired someone, thank you very much, so, quietly, quietly, calmly, a criminal investigation is taking place, senior lieutenant potapenko, this man stole you into a jar of red caviar, what is this it’s not me, she stole it, look in her bag, look in my bag, and now look, in his right pocket, well, yes, it happens, so let’s return the can to its place and let it go.
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how much was your husband insured for? 3 million. strong, but what kind of office? wall. and which one? has your husband entered into an agreement? 3 days ago, he somehow foresaw his death, but how do i know, unfortunately, he didn’t tell me anything, he didn’t have time, and in general i didn’t know anything about insurance, at night i found documents in his mailbox for the company, they were all lying together,
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it turns out that you had a motive, first to order your husband, then to take his money, what do you allow yourself, i said, i’m okay. i don’t know, there are still questions, or you will continue to mock me, calm down and excuse us, for god’s sake, my colleague was joking, it would be better if the killer was caught, goodbye, well, well why did you ask her about the motive, well, i wanted to see the reaction, the reaction, if she has a motive, then not these 3 million, an apartment worth about eight million, and a company that is also worth several million, okay, 3 million on...
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i don’t know what kind of new business there was, he should have sorted out the old one, trade was going badly, no, but caribo recently began to take money from the business, yes, the owner is a gentleman , of course, maybe an apartment i wanted a car, but i’m not stupid either, i graduated from economics, i do accounting, i see everything, so, something is wrong in the accounting department, the air conditioner is gone, there are two refrigerators that are barely breathing, and in general there is something to do, but... lately i have been cleaning everything out often, only there was enough to purchase goods, oh, at this rate, tell me, lately, specifically, what has he been doing, what has he been doing, yes, he has been doing nonsense, yes, i wonder what it is, hmm, look, what is it, but some kind of rubbish, i myself tried
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to understand everything, but somehow... i didn’t get it, so he ’ll be locked up on friday. looks at his numbers and is silent, hmm, and then immediately after lunch pulls out, on friday say, yes, lilya, i’ll take this daddy with me, okay, yes, please, karibov was brought by vorovsky, this is our former employee, despite his last name, he was an honest, decent person, and why then did the former leave and find another job, uh-huh, in fact, he left, we have no scandals or intrigues in the office, the payment is piece-rate, you bring clients, you get money, you don’t bring clients, you don’t get money, you don’t even have to fire anyone, people leave on their own when they understand what didn't go well and what you can say about karibov, a client is a client, nothing special, we got through to him through our channels, everything is fine,
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there is no crime, but people won’t just run to insure their lives, in different ways, some are outright paranoid, some... he works in a dangerous industry, but if vorovsky brought him, then he must know about karibov’s motives, i can give you his phone number, ask him yourself, please, that means igor, give me the phone number urgently, let him handle his calls, and at the same time the location phone at the time of the murder, thank you, well plus or minus 3 hours, yash, you have no criminal record, why do you need all this, your salary is not enough? what will happen to me now? there will be fraud with you, 5 years in prison, maybe conditionally, no need for a colony, my mother is sick, so tell everything as it is, honestly and in detail, that’s all snezhkin, a store security guard, we once studied with him, said , that you can earn money on suckers a month for a foreign car, well, forgive me, please, i won’t do it again, of course you won’t, of course you won’t, then go ahead, well, i put
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a jar of eggs on the client, he catches them at the checkout, i act as a witness, he offers them... so beautifully and cleverly you put cans in people’s pockets and bags, that i get the impression that this is not the first time all this has happened to you, but i’ve never sat there, well, it’s nothing it means he just didn’t give in, that’s what we’ll do. are you writing me a paper about cooperation? do you want me to become an informer? yash, write! okay, what should i write? for starters, this one? your snezhkin. ale georgievich, gives. please give me
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time off for today. well, what a day off, so much work? i understand, but i really need it personal matter. yes, i understand, well, rest today. yes. all. rita took the day off. who? hello, criminal investigation department. lieutenant colonel. solovets, open the door, please, what do you need? we need citizen vorovsky, we need to ask him a few questions, we can’t hear a damn thing, what is he doing there, is it a machine gun or is he digging trenches, the second floor is a little high, of course, but who knows, igor, it’s clear. varovsky, if you jump, you’ll only break your legs, don’t be stupid, i won’t die alive, are you crazy or something, come on, go back to the apartment and open the door,
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back, i told you.
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i didn’t know, i had nothing to do with it, but we will find out, check everything, maybe you can tell us what kind of set of numbers and letters this is, they were found in karibov’s office in your apartment, this is personal, not a very good start to a conversation, conversation, but there won’t be any conversation until i see the lawyer, sergeant, you see the detainee, stand up, hands behind your back, on the way out, oleg yaurievich, i basically billed varovsky’s phone, he did not leave
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the microdistrict, he answered karibov’s calls from your own home, of course, what handsome men walk around here, please ask, and you happen to live in this house, in this one, take away the little ones. you don’t know from the twentieth apartment, i know, why are you so interested in him, is it his girlfriend or what? yes, yes, i owe him money, but well, i’m so late, he left half an hour ago for the dacha, yes, yes, my name is rita, slavik, or maybe he collected it, why, i myself saw how he collects a bag, a spinning rod, and well these, what’s their name, but it doesn’t matter, i forgot again, but of course i ride back and forth 10 times, but... it’s still far away in his pine forest, a bit far, so maybe let me go see him with you, show him what he’s up to, and then we’ll sit somewhere
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and talk, come on, i don’t promise, but i won’t refuse, so what will be your thoughts about these records, hey, it’s all interest, designation of letters and numbers, maybe a stock quote, or maybe? they've started some kind of money fraud, that's all right, i wish you good health, sit, sit, oleg georgievich, maybe i should go out, no, don't, but what's interesting about this, why the hell is the player constantly folding cards, he? what a newbie or what? do you know what it is? of course it is statistics of card hands in poker, who folds what, who plays what? comrade
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colonel! what is your knowledge of gambling ? where is it interesting? i’m crying, i’ve been living for a long time, yeah, then i have a friend who plays, and i say my friend played, not for money, but for fun, that’s how i know, well , i’m curious, why such statistics are needed, how for what , in order to know who chose what tactics, well, for example, kolya always plays only with good cards, and vasya, for example, goes to the bank. rushing to break, bring the detained varovsky, that means they are on fridays we played poker, so the car was sold, and a threatening call, it seems that karibov owed someone a lot, but based on my experience, i understand that debtors are not killed, well, it’s getting crowded here, oleg georgievich, when
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you get free for... let’s sit down with me, i said that i won’t say anything without the presence of a lawyer, where you and karibov played poker on fridays, and how did you know, mr. vorrovsky, if you got into something serious, only we can help you, but of course, if you are not to blame for anything, only our advice to you, be completely frank with us. well, yes, we played, found an apartment where a decent company gathers, learned all the moving combinations, began to write down who plays how, almost already studied the features of the game of all the players, but then we ran out of money in order to continue the game, then he took in debt, but no, the money is in...
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clear, sergeant, take it away, well, and we ’ll go for a ride with the gadfly shooter with the extortionist, yeah, collect it, so
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what? he won't come anymore, a whole hour has passed, if you scared him away, like me, don’t worry, citizen karibova, we’ll figure him out in the near future and we’ll definitely detain him. igor, all lights out, we're filming. so, andrey, call nikita, let him actively call this phone number. and escort the citizen out just in case. goodbye. goodbye. yes, andryush. nikito, great, what’s with the calls, where did they call from? and they called karibovaya from a payphone, not far from stina, i checked if there were cameras there, but unfortunately, well, in general , it was not fate. nikitos, you need the exact address, okay, i’ll send you an sms now. so and what about vorovsky? i don't think he's the killer. well, firstly, barovsky has no motive, and secondly, he is too soft for murder and is not suitable for murder. well, what should we focus on now? you know, i'll visit the apartment where
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they played poker, maybe i'll go there. whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. vinaros is the choice of millions for varicose veins. вinarus can help 1 2 3, one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions. вnarus, as simple as 1 2 3. attacked by credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts
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with nts travel, choose free breakfast or other useful gifts, pain, spasm, bonuses buprofen renival, it reduces pain, take dertaverine renival, helps with spasms in stomach, we trust renival, we choose renival. tinkov reliably protects the accounts of bank clients and has already saved 200 million rubles from scammers. this is the security service. enter the code from the sms. let’s do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client, but it’s unlikely that you will succeed. tinkov returns money if it was stolen by telephone scammers. order a sim card f mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. tinkov, he’s the only one. about the weather for today. hello. in the far east, one cyclone leaves kamchatka, give it just a day's respite from the stormy wind. tomorrow it will be intensified by a new
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cyclone. it comes from japan. today he will take care of the islands, there is serious rain there. primorye in the khabarovsk territory is already weaker, but during the day it is only about 15°. and all the heat is near lake baikal and summer temperatures are accompanied by summer ones. also in the irkutsk region, the rest of southern siberia is cooling under the clouds of a cyclone, which is quickly moving towards the krasnoyarsk territory, in the middle course of the yenisei the rains can be heavy and in krasnoyarsk only about 15°, even lower in novosibirsk, omsk, tyumen only about +10, rain everywhere, in the urals it is also cool, but without precipitation, this is the signature of a huge anticyclone that has captured almost the entire european territory of russia, it will allow precipitation only on its outskirts, in the north and in the south, and in the middle zone in the northwest it is sunny and about 25° during the day. there are still few places on the volga above twenty, but the sun is even greater than in the center. in the south there will be rain and thunderstorms in places, but the dangerous wind will finally weaken, allowing temperatures to begin to rise. in the leaders near the bottom,
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it’s already up to +28, the rest will definitely catch up. not tomorrow, but soon there will be about thirty everywhere. what is the most interesting thing in capitals too. in st. petersburg today it is +26, in moscow it is 24, but by wednesday it may already be plus. 30, the sun is working hard on this, yes, listen, outside the city, of course, it’s completely winter, but there are no summer residents, we can stay with him... it’s easy to make noise, we’ll build a snowman, yeah, not far away, they came, they came, they came, you see, the light is on, he's at home, so let's wait, let 's go, let's go, please, i hope he'll pour some tea, oh, hot, knock, who, the police arrived, open up, you thought for a long time, stand,
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stand, said, that’s it, got there, rit, what, i was joking, but i wasn’t joking, criminal investigation, well, glory to you, you’ll figure it out later, oh, guys, i didn’t care , stop by for the jacket, otherwise he’ll kill the horse before we get there, i think he noticed you, that’s why he didn’t come, what should i do now, he’ll definitely find me. first of all, calm down, citizen karibova, nothing will happen to you, we guarantee that. it's him, so turn on the speakerphone and answer. yes, i'm listening. hey, kaza, why did you bring garbage with you? no, you are mistaken, i was alone, who are you scratching, chicken, are you taking me for a sucker? there were at least three with you. no, i’m telling you, i was definitely alone, keep quiet, listen, later
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i’ll tell you where to go, this is your last chance, if there’s trash again, i ’ll finish you off later, i understand, on principle, you don’t need money, don’t even think about it that the cops will guard you, they’ll follow you for a week, they’ll leave you, and i ’ll find you, wait for the call, and you say that he didn’t notice you, calm down, please, calm down, everything will be fine, i don’t think so, i don’t even know if i can trust you guys after this, i tracked the second call, well done, well, i’m a computer brain, where did it come from, so it’s from a payphone, but now from a different payphone , a printout, everything will work out, come on, guys, please, find out something, well, do it, but in the end you get paid for this, well, i’ll go, i have a lot of funeral business, can i? please,
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thank you, you are the head of the department for the investigation of especially serious crimes, and what brought you to me? forgive me, your face seems familiar, you... weren’t involved in any case with me, but no, on the contrary, you were involved in a case with me, well, until 2005 i was the deputy head of the department of internal security, colonel rosin, now a lawyer, that’s how it is , well, then it will be easier to talk, karibov was killed, i know, he was detained without charges, but
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considering your former place of work and your current one, i won’t ask how you know this, let’s do it this way, i’ll answer your questions, which you have not yet had time to ask me, karibov, a thief, but not one of those people who visited my house on fridays and played cards, but there were no scandals, no one blamed them for anything, no... financial problems either for them or for them was, that’s why i think that in our informal team, we are unlikely to find a person who would be interested in the death of karibov, here’s another thing, the thief didn’t kill, he doesn’t need it, you’re really saving me time, i’m saving mine time, not yours, i know... what else do you want to know? do i understand
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i say that by organizing card games on my territory, i am breaking the law. well, yes, i wanted to know something from this area. i don’t have a katran, i have a gathering of respectable, responsible people. prosecutors, one vice-governor, the director of a large plant, by the way, a school director, teachers, engineers, a famous screenwriter. we have a nice time coming to us from the street. will come here to check, it is unlikely that he will find crime here, if you have no more questions, then thank you, please,
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yes, there are no surveillance cameras, yes, it’s a shame. you're looking at the ballot box suspiciously, suspiciously very greedy, andryukha, one chance in a million, no, captain igor, in my opinion, we have a little more of them, yes, the mulberry sea, well, excuse me, whatever i can do to help, thank you, friend, i helped, dive in. lord, big kids, what are we doing? well, you said one in a million, and we’ll check with nikita for the card number. well, let's call it our day. this means, borya, i repeat to you once again, all documents must be in perfect order. do you understand everything? yes sir. well done. uncle bor. wait, wait. rit,
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i think you took the day off today. so like this i must say that i decided to work after school hours. what is this, a criminal, a murderer? i’m not a murderer, a swindler in a store, yes, it’s strange, i must say, you spend your free time, and i’m carrying out gorodovikov’s plan, work ahead of the curve, yeah, well, look, just don’t overdo it, formalize it, formalize it, uncle bor, let’s roll off our fingers, yeah, we’ll do it, well , sit here, so, come here, handcuffs, now the following about the card, well, that means i looked at this payphone card, there are fingerprints of two people, we don’t know one, i think it’s the seller, the other is ours client, a certain agafonov, convicted for robbery, served time, was released again, went to prison, now for murder, served 2 months in the crosses , released due to lack of evidence, clearly, lesh,
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go to the forest, fingerprints need to be taken there, which i probably won’t to nikitos, we’ll try to get through the registration address, then the two of us will go there, well... so, are you preparing a report on wood grouse? georgiysh, i’m with you, by tomorrow, so that the report will be ready, but i ’m out of paper, well, take it from me, what ’s going on with your paper, i haven’t run out, i they are over, talker, georgivich, come on, put your fingers, yeah, thank you, hello, great, so, i don’t understand, margot, why are you here in votgul, well, it’s clear, we have a free country, everyone has the right to go crazy about - to his own, and this is who, just a little thing, worked as a security guard in a supermarket, scammed people. well, he’s not that small, judging by the card index, i mean, but 3 years ago his fingers got into the database, taken from the knife that was used to kill a citizen on the street of stakhanovites, it’s not me, it’s a pretzel, who on the guard was stationed, the captain of the crimeans, the inter-district homicide department, the khanovtsy building 5, well, yes, so it was you who worked with a knife, so citizens,
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comrades, congratulate me, i just uncovered the wood grouse, so who revealed it, but were you even there today? so krymov, i ’ll shred you, okay, okay, they uncovered it together, here’s his car, wow, georgivich, we’ve got a criminal duo in sight, to be honest, i didn’t expect it, but it won’t surprise me much, well , let’s go, let’s go get it , citizen agafonov. good evening, you have been detained on suspicion of murder of citizen karibov? who is this? well, stupid question, this is her husband. by the way, this also applies to you, citizen. yes, how dare you, i’m actually in grief. here is the resolution. about your arrest and search of your apartment. so, citizen agafonov, we do not advise you to do this. i don't need advice.
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hands. yes, lesh. what can you say about this cutlass? it seems that it was they who killed karibov. true, there are no traces of blood, the prints are all carefully erased, but we will find something. tell me, agafonov, why did you bring dirk home? this is the same street. be very quiet, guys. i found some interesting documents, this couple was going to buy a house in finland, they even had a deposit. lyosh, roll your fingers off the documents. but this is already it. real evidence, well, as i understand it, you are having an affair, and karibov was disturbing you with his presence, you decided to kill him, take possession of his property, sell him?
6:27 am
tatyana semyonovna, you must tell us everything, otherwise we won’t be able to help you, but i don’t guarantee what they will give you conditionally, yes, yes, i understand, it was like this, my husband and i wanted to get a divorce, and after the divorce i planned marry this one. out of stupidity i told everything that my husband had an apartment and a company before marriage, that is, after the divorce i won’t get anything, in the evening my husband was killed,
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igor called in the morning and said that it was he who killed, all the property will remain with me, you understand, you believe me, you tell me, tell me, i immediately met him, cried, screamed, i understand that i will be the first. the police will think about me, but igor said that he will do everything so that they will not think about me, he began calling me allegedly, they are extorting money from me so that you think that i have nothing to do with it what, this was already unnecessary, but i’m not guilty of anything, i’ll give all the testimony, but it’s him, the murderer, put him in jail, i listened to you, but i was telling me something.
6:29 am
well, krymov, of course, rydanov is marked, he shouldn’t, why on earth is rydanov, potapin slaughter, let it be marked, krymov
6:30 am
wants to lead you, so stop, okay, i’ll treat you, only cakes, the rest is all up to you, this is up to you . we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we are clarifying the details of the emergency. we remember the shocking accident in first gear. on ntv there is an emergency program about an incident in the marat seddikov studio. our correspondent stanislav kostikov knows firsthand that dogs can bite. he returned from a dog handler competition. "the federal penitentiary service identified the best. the most spectacular stage of the tournament is the detention of an armed criminal, which...


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