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tv   Utro  NTV  May 27, 2024 6:30am-8:00am MSK

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only cakes, the rest is all up to you, this is the side for now, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency, we remember the shocking accident in the first gear. our correspondent stanislav kostikov knows firsthand that dogs can bite. he returned from a competition where dog handlers of the federal penitentiary service identified the best. the most spectacular stage of the tournament is detaining an armed criminal, to confuse the animal, instructors use a lot of distractions, they shoot a gun, they throw it. various objects
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shout out commands, the dog must not succumb to tricks and calmly complete the task, and although the situation is simulated, the injuries blood from sharp fangs are real, listen, this is a grip, but he would have rolled through his jacket, more and more often the service in detentions uses belgian shepherd dogs, for the efficiency of their work, dog handlers nicknamed them clothespins, the main quality is tenacity and focus on results, the dog’s light weight is not a hindrance, it has been tested on itself. on competitions there was a place for me, but only as a conditional criminal during an escape attempt, this shepherd dog named izma was obliged to help detain me. let's see how she copes. everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, i give up. izma, it must be said, is a professional of the highest level, although she was named after a witch from a cartoon, she is not vindictive by nature, even affectionate. after a harsh detention, he allows himself to be stroked, as if speaking. forgive me
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, it’s nothing personal, the work is just gnawing at me, now he’s smiling calmly, one might say, and the main weapon of these dogs is a keen sense of smell, meet labrador tiona, an excellent fighter in combat training, and don’t let excessive playfulness bother you, she is the owner of a cute face, a terror for drug dealers and a champion of the department for searching for prohibited substances, her owner sergei popov recalls how on the eve of the competition , the dog helped detain a group of drug dealers transporting goods to car hiding places. they gave it on their own. dogs work outside, inside and under the seat found drugs, how much do you think in real real conditions , your dog worked competently and was 100% effective, she immediately found it, smelled it, well, of course not, she had to work, but i rate it 100 points, and this jumping, at first glance, clumsy dog ​​named eurek is an irreplaceable master of his affairs, highly specialized specialist.
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you can sniff the box, but you can’t touch it, the cost of a mistake is too high, in real conditions a bomb can detonate from any contact, you can’t do without a dog here, no technique has yet interrupted a dog’s sense of smell, or won, so to speak, therefore, we still need dogs, in addition to valuable experience and acquired skills, champion cynologists will receive sports categories, their pets? delicious prizes. hello, i'm alexey kulyachkov. the first program is on the air, and first of all it’s about an event that left no one indifferent. seven people drowned in a leaky glass box with a motor. a regular bus crashed into the river. why only one passenger and driver managed to escape. the depth at the crash site is small, because as soon as the bus had its wheels on... the ground, the roof was at the surface
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water, a pleasure boat immediately approached the scene of the accident, and yet seven people were unable to get out of the cabin, how effective are evacuation systems in public transport in general, let's figure it out, muddy waters instantly absorb the azure body of a passenger bus, they rush to help...
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the similarity with this fellow from minsk can be called significant in the front part, low floor, large storage area, emergency exits, according to gost there should be at least six of them plus one hatch, located on both to the sides, at the beginning, in the middle at the end of the cabin, next to these are special hammers, the number of seats varies from 22 to 26. in st. petersburg, a bus with 22 seats fell into the river; there was no last row. in the rear window, instead of them , fuel tanks are installed at the stern; perhaps it was this ballast that led to the fact that the bus sank so quickly into the water. let's try to imagine how events developed at the time of the tragedy: after a collision with a passenger car, the bus drives in an arc into
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the middle of the bridge, breaks through the fence and falls into river, the windshield breaks when it hits the water , silt rises from the bottom, muddy dirty water begins to quickly penetrate into the cabin, people have no opportunity or time to get their bearings. an elderly lady, a russian language teacher from sfbu, was sitting here. behind her is an elderly professor, doctor of medical sciences. most likely, they were washed away by a strong stream to the end of the cabin, where the rest of the passengers ended up after the car fell into the river is not known. 10 seconds later the bus is completely flooded. the only surviving passenger alexander tveritnik, traveling on that bus with his wife, tried to hold her at the moment of the fall. everything is completely filled with water instantly, i don’t know, seconds, some fractions of a second, i don’t know, my wife and i were holding hands and i lost her in pain, it was dark , brown dark water, you couldn’t see anything at all and it was unclear, i tried to kick out the windows, but how... it didn’t work out at all. the windows
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of modern buses are equipped with special tempered glass. it is almost impossible to break it. but it is installed in emergency exits. more fragile material true, you won’t be able to break such glass with your feet. this hammer is called a glass breaker; it can look different, but is always red. a glued handle to make it easier to hold, a special carbide tip in the shape of a cone, the blow with such a hammer will be precise, which means that the glass will easily crumble. to be honest, i have never broken glass with such a tool, and i believe that most of you have too. let's see what happens without experience. it didn't work, let's try again. well, it’s like five hits in a row at one point and the result is zero.
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well, as you can see, the tip of this hammer is deformed, which means that the metal used in this hammer was not carbide, but some other one, and with such a hammer... you definitely won’t be able to escape. who cares about this question: the manufacturer of this pin or the designers of the rolling stock evacuation system. by the way, it is much more difficult to break glass under water due to increased resistance. the tragic ending of this flight was commented especially for our program by vitaly madi, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the department of automobiles goevsky. why couldn't the driver stop the bus? no, he didn’t press the brake, most likely he forgot about it, that is. judging by the internal video, that is, he was just turning the steering wheel, that is, he was all, it was as if he woke up, saw that he suddenly started to panic, that is, a shock occurred there, i don’t know, glitches or something else, but the driver , besides the fact that he was steering, the steering wheel was jerking back and forth, he constantly pressed on the gas, and looking
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at the video, it is clear that it was simple, if he had not even pressed on the gas, crashing into the driver, which weighs 2.5 tons, i looked at the technical characteristics of the bus, the curb weight is four. 600, as it is written here, plus 9 passengers, well, that’s 5 tons somewhere, the anchor is 2.5 tons, that’s half the weight of the bus, the video shows that it doesn’t even notice them, it moves on, displacing it, then knocks down the grille, without noticing either, then he hits a car that itself weighs about 2 tons, there is a crossover, then a curb, he doesn’t notice it, but the energy of the impact and the curb, when he threw it up, if he hadn’t pressed on the gas, this would have already happened stopped him, he wouldn't even got to...
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the accident may have been caused by the driver's grueling work schedule, fatigue and chronic lack of sleep. here are questions regarding the organization of labor in the bus depot. the head of the carrier company's convoy has been arrested. the driver himself, rakhmatshoh kurbonov, was also sent to pre-trial detention. during the election of a preventive measure, he admitted guilt and probably soon the suspect himself will tell what happened to him in the last seconds of the fatal flight. the best for today. 20:00. big premiere, new season of the action-packed series dolphin. kill me want. let's figure it out.
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dangerous fish, it’s all somehow strange, don’t you think, it looks like a setup, i repeat again, less amateur performances, only sergei zharkov is capable of this, he’s always ready, what’s your name, dubrovsky, all for the sake of a dolphin, they wanted to kill vasilisa , just like andrey, dolphin, new season, and he really is alive, today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. hello. in the far east , a new cyclone promises heavy rains for the islands,
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and also stormy winds for the southern kuril islands. next up is kamchatka, but today it’s there one-day respite. in the south there is practically no precipitation, and from a cool +15 in vladivostok to a hot 27. siberia is just like summer in the irkutsk region, the rest of the southern regions are watered with cold rains by a cyclone. in krasnoyarsk it’s +15, in tyumen it’s only +10, but the urals are also cool, but there are clouds. the anticyclone will already disperse from european territory, there is a lot of sun here, starting from the northwestern regions the air is rapidly warming up, even in arkhangelsk up to +23. in moscow today it’s the first +30° of the season, in the cities of the center it’s about 25°, on the volga it’s still about twenty, as chekhov said, the weather is anathemaly good. i propose to start summer trips with it, to the melikhov estate, one of the main museums dedicated to the writer. here you will see how little material is needed. to create brilliant works and nature , take a look, in the south there are also many places like chekhov’s
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, the weather is also going well, rain and thunderstorms are possible, but the main thing is that there is no longer a dangerous wind and the cool period by the end of may will be replaced by thirty-degree heat. the capital has already forgotten about the coolness; they are preparing for hot days. in in st. petersburg today it’s +26, tomorrow it’s 30, in moscow it’s +24, but by wednesday it will also reach thirty. and all this against the background of dry sunny weather. see below. morning is the best. we catch up with the motorcycle on the main road. let's listen to useful news from sergei malozemov. we learn about cultural events . chasing a motorcyclist. in the transbaikal region, a racer crashed into a cow while running away from the police. the driver and passenger died, now their parents want to bring the police to justice, they called me and
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said that your son crashed on a motorcycle. ruslan malyshkin and nikolai shilkovnikov died in an accident with a cow while fleeing from the police on a motorcycle. the traffic cops drove them, drove them, crashed, i arrived there at the scene of the accident with my husband, he was already taken to the hospital, and the driver... that evening ruslan visited his parents, on the way home he met an acquaintance nikolai, the friends decided to ride a motorcycle. unfortunately, he didn’t have a license; he was going to study for a license. look, these are the last seconds of a motorcyclist's life. at great speed with a passenger, he flies down the street, followed by a chase, a second, and a motorcycle crashes into a cow. afterwards it was established that the driver was drunk. yes. there they found alcohol in nikolai’s blood. the driver nikolai died
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on the spot. passenger ruslan died in hospital 4 days later. their relatives believe that the police are to blame for this. if he runs away, let him run away, but if the passengers behind him had no right to drive. and the inspectors are confident that they are in their right. the boys were killed, huh? yes, let them have more brains. well, whoever tells his mother that’s not what his son has, she no longer has. relatives of the victims are trying to the police were brought to justice, but were refused everywhere, there is no law prohibiting the pursuit of motorcyclists, are they... the same as road users? with the opening of the motorcycle season , motorcycle battalions, mobile, maneuverable, and powerful, hit the road. now the moscow state traffic safety inspectorate and the ministry of internal affairs division have the kind of bikes that the average motorcyclist would envy. experienced motorcyclists know that
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it is useless to compete with them; novice riders, mostly without licenses, try to escape. in regions where many traffic cameras are installed, inspectors have long stopped chasing motorcyclists. at all briefings and events, of course, certain instructions are given so as not to endanger road users in general. if you have a license plate, why bother chasing it? and
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if not, we will find a way to squeeze him, without chasing him, he will still arrive somewhere. in reputable motorcycle clubs, before each season they themselves teach newcomers how to be polite. this is the story that traffic police officers do not chase motorcycles; it remained somewhere far back in the nineties. if you are reprimanded, you need to stop. because the consequences can be completely fatal. ruslan malyshkin, the deceased motorcycle passenger, might not have ridden with a drunk, and the driver nikolai shilkovnikov from transbaikalia only faced a fine, but they paid with their lives. my darling, how hard it is, this is living food, we have here not only recipes and investigations, but also news about what interesting things are happening in the world of food around it. watermelon was initially
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valued not for its softness; it was greenish- white and bitter, but was grown exclusively for its seeds. this was found out by highlighting dna from the oldest watermelon seeds, which are about 6,000 years old. archaeologists found them in the sahara desert in libya, where there was once a site of ancient people. after analyzing the genome and comparing it with biomaterials from different countries, it became clear that the oldest cultivated watermelon came from a wild variety - egusi, which is still found in west africa, its pulp is practically inedible, so... it is eaten dried and fried , and also add stews to soups, but the way we know watermelon is the result of centuries of selection. on the seventy-seventh cannes film festival ended this weekend on the azure coast, which was marked by scandals, film discoveries,
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vibrant social life and the appearance of dozens of first-rate stars on the red carpet, how... it all happened, which premieres were the brightest and who attracted the most attention attention? this is the show business news today. the cannes film festival is not only about watching movies, but also about watching the stars in their outfits on the red carpet, an opportunity to see those celebrities who are rarely seen during the year. come out into the world, but they make an exception for kan. for example, fifty-year-old aishwarya rai. a regular guest of the festival since more than 20 years ago. presented the musical melodrama divdas here and became a favorite of the public not only in the east, but in the west. fifty-six-year-old carla brunet shone on the red carpet in gold, fifty-three-year-old naomi campbell preferred black, a copy of the same vintage chanel dress that she herself presented on the catwalk 27 years ago, but seventy-four-year-old meryl streep eclipsed everyone
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in simple and elegant dior. that evening she was awarded an honorary golden palm... greetings for her contribution to the film industry. meryl admitted that when in 1989, as a forty-year-old mother of three children, she received an award in cannes for the first time, it seemed to her that her career was over, because at that time there were practically no interesting roles for actresses 40+. unfortunately, it was largely thanks to streep that this situation changed. the current kans have distinguished themselves by a number of scandals. firstly, the employees themselves threatened to disrupt the screenings film festival, dissatisfied with their modest earnings. however, after they were publicly supported by the chairman of the jury, greta gervik, passions subsided, and the dissatisfied, if they stood up, did so quietly. secondly, just in time for the beginning of the festival, supporters of the movement became more active. neetu. the main face of the protest was fifty-two-year-old actress judith godrèche. in the canals she presented the short film “moua usi”, that is, mittu in french, where
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she talked about victims of sexual violence in french cinema. she previously admitted that as a teenager she herself experienced violence at the hands of two famous directors. on the red carpet, gadresh, along with other actresses, staged a silent protest, covering her mouth with her hands, as a sign that they are trying to force silence on many victims. the most noisy premiere of the hollywood blockbuster by george miller, a prequel to mad max, which debuted at this festival 9 years ago, came out in the canals. the entire star cast came to present the film, including anya taylor joy and chris hamsfort, from whom neither his wife, actress elsa potaki, was not far behind. he barely had time to take a few selfies with fans, and then dutifully returned to the red carpet, posing in an embrace with his wife. the premiere of one of the most anticipated films of megapolis, francis ford coppula, was also a family affair. the eighty-five-year-old director came with his son roman, granddaughter roma and sister talia, as well as actors adam
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driver, jon voight, giancarlo isposita, laurence fishburne, oubre plaza and nathalie emmanuel. this is kopala's first painting in 13 years, on which he has been working since the late seventies and the production of which he completely financed himself from the income from his winery. there were also russian stars in the canals. yura borisov, daria yakamasova and markay delshtein starred in the romantic drama by deanor sean baker. kirill serebrennikov presented his first english-language film limonov balada about bedechki. greek director yorgas lanthimos, in the already familiar company of amyston and william dafoe, presented the kienmons with types of kindness. richard gere and uma thurman drama o canada. cate blanchett, black comedy - rumors, demi moore - body horror substance, and kevin cosner - western. horizons, an idea that i had been nurturing for 30 years. in general, this year the canes gathered, it seems, everyone they could, filming the cream of the film season in venice at the end of summer, you will have to try very hard to be
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on the level. this is the show business news today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real. recognizes, loves, remembers, appreciates, truly, psb is a bank for the real, yes, i’m an honest cop, be honest cop is not very profitable, i no longer have a wife, i was kicked out of moscow very much. not dangerous, i just can’t guarantee that by the evening i won’t be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov, you know how to make people
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angry, you made your choice a long time ago, there’s a good mentav proverb, if you don’t know what to do, act according to the law , and doesn’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of us couldn’t cope with him, bring us the head of this cop, maybe it’s really better for you to leave and let him pass? if you take one more step, your brains will be on the guard’s face, understand? flock, today at 22:10 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and sublime. find the verney scent to suit your mood. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as
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a car vacation without spending extra money on avito. it doesn’t bite, in the old farm there is no luck, we had one blacksmith, his horseshoes brought good luck, and now there they make the arcuate, also for good luck, let’s check, the arc is an arc, delicious, rich meat, and oh, it pecks, it pecks, take the arc from the old farm luckily, we at persil are taking stain removal to the next level with deepclean plus enzyme technology persil work on the surface and inside of the fabric. let the memories remain, not stains on things. once i've persisted, i've always persisted. the academy of russian television announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the twenty- third all-russian television competition tefiregion. details on the website
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hi where are you? and it’s a secret, but what i have here is cool, i’ll show you now, but i have something better, and you have one there, oh, you end up here, and we have a good secret place, yes, it’s not secret, everyone already knows about sebriz, relax guys, the morning continues, the best, we will check with our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal advice, we will go to crimea, eat an unusual dish with federico arnaldi, duck breast in sauce, but white fish fillet with lingonberries, turkey gratin with carrots, airy soufflé from... salmon, no,
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i won’t change these delicacies from the reception on the occasion of the coronation of the new king of great britain , charles, and food for cats and dogs, dogs live well, but otherwise, as veterinarians confirm, healthy nutrition is important for pets. just like people, oops, with the difference that if these get sick, they won’t be able to complain, but this will happen, for example, if the food for kittens, yes, doesn’t have vitamin a and an amino acid called taurine, without them the cat faces blindness and afforestation, but the owners don’t
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know that either, oh cats sing with milk, although most don’t get digestion from milk, they drink it because it’s sweet, they can’t stop, and then they get sick and gastritis appears, and for dogs as a treat, oops, to save money, often, oh, go away, don’t be afraid, they’re cooking porridge, yes, they’re cooking porridge for you? although many breeds do not have enzymes capable of digest cereals, but not everyone can trust food , it turns out there are no technical regulations for such a product, that’s why the composition of some animal foods, as the examination found, makes cats scratch their hearts, which of them contain vitamins the cat cried for, how it works a special chemical...
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bait that makes them, oh, oh, greedily gobble up food with absolutely any composition, look, turn the key and the kitchen is immediately filled with the aroma of duck pate, wow, mm, what an aroma, very rich taste, duck you can feel it, soft texture, but no matter how sergei was. it’s delicious, he gives most of it to valdai, this is actually food specifically for adult dogs, well, after all, i opened it for you, help yourself. 6 years
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ago, sergei worked as a top manager in a construction company, but he got a dog, and he couldn’t find food. valdai went on hunger strikes, the dog breeder immersed himself in studying the compositions and technologies of preparing food, but it turned out that without... tasting it was impossible. so let's try it for cats. the food is delicious. yes, friends, pure meat. now he calls himself the first and only professional animal food taster in russia. breeders from all over russia are asking to find out the truth, since the consistency of all foods with a tenfold increase in price is similar, masked by sauces, and the description of the ingredients on the label is often vague. someone writes about... let's say lamb, like lamb, an animal ingredient, yes, but then again, what is lamb? lamb - this can be fresh meat, dehydrated meat, or meat and bone flour, at the factory where they prepare food for
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pets they don’t hide, yes, the food contains ingredients that the owners are unlikely to like, but the animals will gobble it up with appetite, what is tasty for us is not always tasty for them, on the contrary, feed. feeding a cat only meat is irrational and not entirely correct, because in nature a cat does not eat pure meat, it will not get rabbit fillet or chicken fillet anywhere, in nature, what can it catch, the most accessible diet for it is a mouse, what is a mouse, this is skin, bones, muscle tissue and those grains that are in the stomach of the mouse, so when the cat eats the mouse, it eats it completely, practically nothing. without leaving, therefore, pure meat, even in expensive premium food, a maximum of a quarter. the rest of the offal, which is brought in the form of such huge ice briquettes from the meat processing plant, is defrosted using three meat grinders and turned into minced meat. the task is to make it
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not only tasty, but also healthy, because besides the same food for years, pets often receive nothing else. regular simply bones, calcium, a fundamental micronutrient. for any animal, liver, like this, you know, is an easy bait for the animal, so that it would like to eat this particular product, then light pork, a lot of peptides are formed, chicken neck is a source of collagen, vitamins, proteins, etc. are mixed into the minced meat in powder form, by the way, their quantity in cat food and dog food is fundamentally different, the base is meat and meat by-products, the composition of the vitamin-mineral complex is very strong. ruben markaryan, lawyer, is changing. i received a question, i heard that the authorities are planning to tighten administrative liability for dirty license plates. now the fine
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is like 500 rubles. true, they can slow down at every step and fine you. well, we are not reading the headlines, but the text of the legal norm. we're not talking about dirty rooms with rags. it is planned to toughen penalties for driving a car with devices that hide state signs. this bill developed by the ministry of internal affairs was approved government. according to the document, such violations will now be punishable by deprivation of rights for up to one and a half years, whereas currently the validity of rights is suspended for up to 3 months. we are talking about devices for hiding numbers. such devices make it difficult to catch traffic violators. indicated by the authors of the legislative initiative. some experts believe that it is necessary to punish not only car owners, but also sellers of devices that allow one to hide state signs. what kind of devices are these? they vary, but most often
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they can be controlled from inside the car. well, such devices include electromagnets, curtains, folding frames, flip-flops, and so on. this is the driver driving, receiving a signal from, uh, well, about a speed camera. presses a button in the cabin, the number will disappear under a plastic cover, as they said in the state duma, in the context of the development of modern technical means that make it possible to hide or modify state registration plates. means it becomes especially important to increase the effectiveness of countering such actions, hence the changes in the law. by the way, according to the bill, there will no longer be fines for using devices that allow you to hide your number; you will immediately be deprived of your rights. and statistics, the number of detected offenses under 12.2 kuap, this is about driving a vehicle in violation of the installation of state signs, has increased over the past 5 years, for example, in 2018 this number was. by the way, regarding
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the need to tighten punishment, this issue was supported by the ministry of defense, the ministry of transport, the ministry of justice, the ministry of economy, the ministry of finance, the state the legal department of the russian president and even the national automobile union. to be honest, on this issue i agree with the authors of the law.
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was with spies and spies, evgeniy has been a cook for more than 20 years, he has a huge amount of culinary knowledge in his hands, which he will now unpack and explain to us, are we cooking flounder or what? flounder, aka kolkan, aka guinea rooster, aka azov diamond, aka pizza, aka mozzarella, she eats behind your back, wow, in fact it’s not the biggest, that’s why you call it sea fish chicken, yes, yes, although you... like a whole rooster, even if this indigo is not whole, stunned,
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this bird needs to be filleted and forgotten about it for a while, we will start by preparing two sauces, with one simple one, this there will be a cold sauce, for this we chop the peeled ginger, look, we will blend the whole thing in a blender, ginger, since it is hard in itself, it is better to cut it smaller, let’s start with the onion, oh, this is the yalta onion, and i adore it. you can literally cut the garlic into five or six parts, yeah, it is important that the sauce does not turn into a homogeneous consistency, but there are pieces, uh-huh, well , you just like it that way, no, if you grind everything properly, it will be a very ugly color, at least there will be no texture of the sauce, that is, it will be like this gravy, this is a special idea, this is a special idea, everything that was chopped into a blender, now we just add oil, it’s better.
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we just take a frying pan and just some oil and
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just fry it all, the next stage is to prepare morels, also morels, here are my friends, we don’t chop them coarsely, then into the centurion add butter, morels and mix, the morels seem to be cooked too, so add a little water . all the taste is in the sauce, we don’t need mushrooms in the sauce, really, that is, we will remove them or something, well, we will remove some of them, but wow, that is, we add water so that it is absorbed by the taste of the mushrooms. add heat and evaporate, it’s almost dry, now it’s time to add cream, 100-150 g will be enough, as soon as the sauce boils, pour it into a blender, so we leave some of the mushrooms, but this is again to taste, if i want a thicker sauce, then i add it to the surf, punch it with a blender, pass it through
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a sieve and it’s done, now we’re preparing the sea chicken, and we’re just frying the flounder, the most important thing is not to stir it, the crust is incredible, so golden brown, we remove everything, yes, we remove everything , we put in the fish, wait for the side dish, fry the cauliflower in vegetable oil, almost until half cooked, so that it crunches, it’s like popcorn cauliflower, yes, then we put in the spinach, fry for literally another 30 seconds along with the spinach. side dish goes to fish, sauce for fish, now you can try it, we seem to be in crimea, but this sauce, of course , reminds me very much of asia, distant
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exotic places, well, in principle , you can get there through the sea and through the taste, it turns out, then cream, mushrooms. “this is definitely not asia, russia, but probably my favorite is the first one, it’s cool when you combine something from your region with something very exotic there, but at the same time it’s all somehow closely intertwined very harmoniously, here in this pine there is a huge palette of flavors, yes sour, sweet spicy and ginger spicy, well what then evgeny, thank you for the new recipe, it was nice, i was glad to see you, why everything?” “smiled, it means they recognized it, smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize it, hmm,
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they love it, they remember it.
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if you have an appetite, sausages, maybe langidase helps break down fibrous tissue, langidase against prostatitis, dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, this t-shirt needs to be started urgently, but start the washing machine. expensive, washing by hand kills the skin of your hands and manicure. stop, the compact lotos washing machine from liamax is ideal for a small amount of laundry, children's clothes, socks, t-shirts, underwear, quick wash without overpaying for water and electricity, folding design, three automatic programs, spin function, water drain. everything you need is already included in the kit. after washing, fold the machine, put it in a drawer or on a shelf, or take it with you, save your energy, time and money, call and order
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the weather for today, hello, in the far east a new cyclone promises heavy rains for the islands, and also a storm for the southern kuril islands wind, kamchatka is next, but today there is a one-day respite, in the south there is practically no precipitation, and from cool +15 in vladevostok to hot 27. siberia is just like summer in the irkutsk region, the rest of the southern regions. the cyclone is pouring cold rains, in krasnoyarsk it is +15, in tyumen it is only +10, but the urals are also cool, but the clouds will already disperse the anticyclone from european territory. there is a lot of sun here, starting from the northwestern regions, the air quickly warms up, even in arkhangelsk up to +23. in pskoevo today is the first +30 of the season. in central cities about 25°, on the volga it’s still about twenty. as chekhov said, the weather is anathematically good. i suggest starting summer trips out of town with it. the melikhov estate is one of the main museums dedicated to the writer. here you will see how little material wealth is needed to create brilliant works and
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admire nature. in the south, too, in many chekhovian places , the weather is also getting better, rain and thunderstorms are possible, but the main thing is that there is no longer a dangerous wind. and the cool period by the end of may will be replaced by thirty-degree heat. capitals about coolness they have already forgotten, they are preparing for hot days. in st. petersburg today it’s +26, tomorrow it’s around 30, in moscow it’s +24. but by wednesday it will also reach thirty, all this against the backdrop of dry sunny weather, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we take care of your health with your doctor, we will fry shish kebab according to yulia vysotskaya’s recipe, we will open a miracle technology with sergei malozyomov, we will talk one day from the incomparable irina panorovskaya. good morning,
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the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello, vera mitrafanovna, i’m very glad to see you on our show. vera mitrofanovna. vitamins are very interesting products, such an interesting substance that, of course, our body needs every day, in small doses, but every day. we definitely need all the vitamins, here are the products, what basic products today are enriched with vitamins, in what products we get our necessary daily doses, how we should eat properly, let’s call it so that there is no deficiency of essential vitamins. vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamin c and carotenoids, which are very useful. and folic acids, which means that b vitamins come mainly from meat, dairy
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products, vitamin b1 is contained. in bread, but only over the last 100 years, the consumption of bread has actually decreased by half, and only due to this, the consumption of b vitamins has decreased by 230%, only due to this, that is, this is not a secret, and well, fatty varieties of sea fish are source of vitamin d, fish - on the contrary, sea, but not fatty, it is largely a source of iodine, which is also very it’s important, well, these are rather microelements, microelements, and that is, it turns out that if we imagine such an ideal scenario, then we should have a very wide, very large diet, which yes, the more varied the diet, the more likely it is that we will get something so useful for
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the body, this, by the way, is not only limited by vitamins... it turns out that in real life such a huge variety is extremely difficult to achieve, because we get used to some kind of food model and live with it, well maybe there’s something you don’t like, maybe some family preference, someone at home prefers to cook this, they don’t know how to cook, that’s absolutely true. everyone is different, everyone is different and this is one of the reasons for the deficiency , it also works out to compensate for that wide diet where everything is there, it makes sense to take vitamins and mineral complexes, i wanted to ask, are they safe for all categories of the population , and for children, and for men, for women, elderly people, that’s why they
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are called mass demand, because they. is intended for children over 3 years old, but in fact it is possible before and until the end of life, in fact, regardless of whether you have any disease or not, a man, a woman at any age, that is, it is always useful, here on it contains small doses of each of the vitamins, yes, which simply make up for that deficiency that we don’t even know, naturally, having gotten used to it, they are absolutely safe. we even carried out such a calculation that if we just so purely speculatively replace all the products of our diet into enriched ones and with the highest degree of enrichment, then in this case we will not reach any dangerous levels, we will, well, achieve the maximum of what is allowed as part of biologically active food additives, the same tablets
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are the same for children and adults , well, let’s say, children are teenagers... when we talk about vitamins and mineral complexes, here is a person’s need for vitamins, it increases gradually with age, in a child it is minimal, then it gradually increases and reaches the requirement an adult, therefore, when choosing vitamin-mineral complexes, firstly, i pay attention that you need to buy them only in a pharmacy, because what is sold... in a pharmacy, it has passed state registration, which means it has been tested not only the presence of any toxic substances, but also the content of the vitamins themselves, and what ended up in the pharmacy, the label was checked there, here are the dosages strictly for each age, if the label says for children from 3 to 6
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years old, then that’s what he needs these are the pills buy, and these tablets, they can be very different from what we understand by tablets, they can be some kind of chewable bedding for children in the form of some kind of animals, so that the child will have more fun, more fun , somehow it was more interesting for him to remind his mother that today she didn’t give him a vitamin, but for adults it can also be capsules and tablets, there can even be some... granules or powders that you can dissolve it in water and it will look like this like a drink, and just drink it, and dosages are also written for each age, and recommendations on how to take it, taking vitamin-mineral complexes is best and most correct during meals, so that they mix with our food and pass through the gastrointestinal
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tract , have traveled the same path that... our food takes, and then they will be better absorbed. thank you very much, vera mitrofanovna , for the wonderful story, well, i hope our viewers will. your advice, and i want to emphasize once again that the most important thing is that this is not carries with it no side effects of harm, this is the most important thing, well, let’s hope that this will help, thank you very much, good morning everyone and see you again. now the barbecue season is approaching, look at what a beautiful piece i have, this is a pork neck, the neck should be at home temperature. first, let's make a marinade, for the marinade i need four tomatoes, that is
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, you need about 200 g of tomatoes, i also add a little pepper here, look, i don’t even cut the tomatoes, they’ll all be chopped here on their own, one onion is small onion, or onion or shallot, i have a small one. a shallot, two cloves of garlic, a little salt, a little ground coriander, leaves from two sprigs of rosemary, well, i have one of these long ones, it turned out, one is enough, we start whisking, what happens is the acid that is in the tomato, it’s wonderful. .. meat, of course, salt also helps the marinade, spices, they are wonderful, paprika, it is sweet, a level teaspoon, and 300 ml of sparkling water,
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that is, such a large glass, whisk, the marinade is ready, i take a sharp knife, cut the neck into large pieces, add the marinade to the meat, ideally it should sit for at least 2 hours, if your meat is much denser, it has less fat, it’s leaner, so let’s say, by the way, this marinade can also be used for other types of meat, but pork, it seems to me that it works best, you can leave it overnight, only then put it in the refrigerator, i take these... these sticks are soaked and i string pieces of meat on them,
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well, here you go we ended up with five skewers, it’s advisable to remove excess moisture like this, the marinade has already done its job, it worked well, and now i have a well-heated grill pan, and i’m sending these skewers here. in order for our kebab to fry a little, seal it, as soon as we see that a golden crust appears, we turn the meat over, and here i have a baking sheet ready, we will bring the meat to readiness in the oven already in the oven, that is, literally... one -two, but maximum 4 minutes in a frying pan, and then in the oven, medium temperature, 180°, in order to the meat remained juicy, tender, just like that
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- rich in taste, and no oil, nothing, no oil at all, tomatoes, all the rest of the joy, spectacular, right? faster than on the street, no, well, in fact , it’s faster precisely because we marinated it after all, i marinated it for a long time, 2 hours, i left the meat in the marinade, and it would probably also be fast over the fire. now i put it in the oven and bring the meat to readiness, and beauty, look, you can start the meal sooner. the meat has cooled down a little, of course, if you want it from zhika or tamal or sotsibelli, well, in general, some kind of sauce for this kebab, then why not, bon appetit, many thanks to everyone who
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writes to me through the website chudo.teg and social networks. let us know if you see an advertisement for some interesting, but mistrustful device, we will definitely check everything and say: a miracle or not a miracle, today we will test an anti-bark collar, wean pets from barking and... the animal’s voice is given by different impulses, there is, how writes advertisements that are soothing, act only with sound and vibration, and there are those that respond electric shock, prices for such devices start from 100 rubles and can reach several thousand. stylist olga misnik often takes her pets, the maltese dog fililya, to work. and a dachshund named simba.
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clients are delighted, but this was not always the case. as a child, simba was simply uncontrollable. olga turned to veterinarians and dog handlers, but the dog’s behavior did not change, it only got worse. my friends, parents, absolutely everything told me that get rid of the dog, why do you need such torment. i posted the ad after all. i went to about everyone, unfortunately, while i was writing the ad, i was just scared all over. i didn’t want to get up with the puppy, then my friends told me about the antilay collar, we tried it, which means we took a collar that is without current, only for sounds and vibrations, that is, these are gentle methods of influencing the animal’s psyche, and for us , one day was enough with just sound, and the dog is completely different, she understands what is possible and what is not, the collar really helped, but now olga says that she would not use such things. still continued
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working with a dog handler, depriving a beloved pet of the right to vote, in her opinion, is inhumane. by the way, this is what not only she thinks, but also the expert community of veterinarians; they have a particularly negative attitude towards collars that deliver electric shock. let me try it on myself now, wow, it’s quite sensitive, although i have it set to 11 here, that is , the minimum mode, nevertheless. i was in pain, such collars, according to veterinarian anastasia solenkova, can lead to long-term stress in the animal, especially since often, the doctor is sure, the devices work incorrectly, reacting to the wrong things. by the way, the network is full of reviews about such defects. the collar works, but for some reason it works not only for meowing, but also just like that when the kitty is sleeping, as a result she does not sleep normally, taking it off at night is also not an option, since she always... screams in the early
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morning. recently, due to allegations of animal cruelty, such collars were even removed from sale in major online stores, but soon returned. we bought several devices of different prices and asked experts, physicist vladimir reshetov, a specialist from the ruden veterinary center serazhuddin salikhov, training instructor ekaterina zaimkina and her dog rita, check how they work. the first sample for 4 60 rubles, as the advertisement says, picks up sounds and begins to vibrate. three, the device worked, a squeak was heard, there were no vibrations, we tried again, again only a squeak and no vibration. in addition, it turned out that the collar reacts to any extraneous noise, a loud male voice or the sounds of a saw. imagine that the neighbors are doing renovations. and for this it goes to yours
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favorite? this device is simple, it is so cheap that there is no sound analyzer, and just a loud signal, i can blow on it and it will work too. the second sample for 2.00 rubles, as the manufacturer promises, can discourage a dog from barking without causing pain or anxiety; it is even called calming. the sound is quite pleasant, close to 50 hertz, that is, it resembles how transformers wake up. this means the sensations are quite significant, well, comparable to an old drill. for extraneous sounds, loud voice and noise from the saw, the device responded only with a squeak. experts from the ruden veterinary center believe that collars with sound and vibration do not cause much harm to the animal, but the dog handler sees them as dangerous. collars that only vibrate can make an anxious dog even more anxious. you can't buy a collar. if you just put pressure on your dog to leave
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home, there will be a lot of problems, the dog may become depressed and other psychological problems may arise. now let's check the collars that deliver electric shock. device for 450 rub. reacted to all extraneous sounds. see, i'm talking, it continues to shock me. the sample for 3,500 has two modes: soft, only sound and vibration, the second is classic, in which a discharge is added, this collar is the only one, did not respond to extraneous noise, a reliable device, you can’t fool me, but if i bark, let’s cafe on him, we agreed. but according to the general opinion of experts, such pulses with a current strength of 30 ma can seriously harm the health of the animal. along the entire length of our neck we have the so-called nerve vagus, then there is a vagus nerve, which, in principle , deals with innervation or transmission of signals to
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various organs, that is, here is the heart, stomach, intestines, so irritation of this... nerve or damage to it can even lead to death, as experts say, such collars can be used only if neither training with a canine handler nor drug treatment has helped, and they should be used under the supervision of a specialist, and before that the pet should be examined; collars should be special, which can be controlled using the remote control has the ability to be configured individually for each animal, do not forget that for a dog, barking, and for a cat , mewling are means of communication, even those devices that suppress communication with sound and vibration are harmful; collars with electric impulses can potentially lead to death. in many countries their use has long been banned. in russia , sales and purchases are allowed, but if it is proven that the animal was harmed, the owner
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faces up to 5 years in prison. what kind of miracle is this? one morning... on ntv. i'm sergey mayorov. hello. 3 years ago, at the age of 68 , after a break of almost 15 years, irina ponorovskaya returned to the entertainment industry. and for me, due to the fact that the fatigue has gone away, i perceive each stage appearance as something new, like the first time. and for me this is joy. and today i can say for sure that if earlier i...
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knows and says that evil envy gives birth to diseases, but it is still blooming and is not going to fade. thank you, serezhenka, thank you very much. what colors do you associate yourself with? with piercing eyes. such summer, cute, gentle. yeah, motley, summer, tender, very persistent, their survival rate is very stable. and they’re like, inconspicuous, like they’re not garden-grade, like... you can’t give them away except in pots, yes, here they are, you, because in general, i won’t hide it, we’ve known each other for a long time, a very long time, and i saw you in different situations, i allow myself to say that even once i was allowed to see your dress and buttoned it up at the back, and
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i saw your incredibly beautiful, almost sculptural figure, you haven’t changed at all size forty-four, then they were forty- two, no more, well, yes. everything is clear, how you kept yourself in control, how you struggled with excess weight, how illness played a not very good role here, and so on and so forth, why you hold on, why don’t you allow yourself anything that the deposition of a star allows, for many years of communication with you, i have never seen you untidy, the word you gave me, i really like it, this is the strict upbringing that i received, and i love... life, i love people, i am a very grateful person, because a lot what i’ve experienced, and i understand the value of life, i understand that how cool it is to just live when you don’t have pain. ponorovskaya, a native petersburger who lives sometimes in st. petersburg, sometimes in moscow, and sometimes at
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the family dacha in estonian narva, although she hasn’t been there for a long time, says she has a lot of work, she has an excellent pedigree, parents, grandparents, musicians, teachers, russian flows through her... it is known that throughout her adult life she struggled with excess weight, paying for her amazing stage form, health, problems with kidneys, many operations, clinical death, and chernobyl radiation mercilessly hit the singer’s vocal cords and her metabolism. ponorovskaya was among those... stars of the ussr who were not afraid to perform in the exclusion zone in front of the liquidators of the worst disaster of the 20th century. realizing your importance is important, of course it is important. but i’m modest about this , i’m shy, a few words from irina
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ponarovskaya about herself, her character and the world around her. let's start with the fact that i'm a modest girl, i'm tired of the show, not because i i don’t want visuality, some kind of entertainment, yes, i’m just a little on the counterbalance, i’m still more about the soul, i’m still more about the gut, for now i have the strength to hold on.
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why did you still return to the stage? i asked the same question to the audience, i said: why did i return to the stage? well, why do you think? someone tenth of those who named something there, said there, you can’t live without a stage, you love to sing, you love music, said, the money has run out, firstly, who said that it’s over, and secondly, who do you think they started? soviet stage, here in mine consciousness, this is some kind of incredible kaleidoscope of names, songs,
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i’ll name a couple of people who maintain this dignity, are in a sober mind of memory, do not allow themselves to spit, keep this brand, in general you remain adequate, as you think , what happened to people? fear, i think that people are afraid, people are afraid, people, unfortunately, have accumulated a lot of evil, where it comes from, i don’t know, i...
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this is not the ultimate dream, on the other hand, there are people who, for example, want in those years, i don't want in those years, why do i keep dignity, as you said, you called it dignity, it’s not dignity, it’s love for the land that made you, it’s gratitude to this land, why is it that so many people who used to be one big community turned into some kind of group of evil dogs, not i know, maybe.
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believe me, our work is not the easiest, although many people say and write in the comments: well , what did you do, put on a beautiful dress, fly in on a plane, yes, fly away, sing, sing, sing, me too, i’ll sing like that too, a two-hour concert by a vocalist is equivalent to a change mines in terms of energy, emotional and other costs, and also physical, so it’s very reckless to call our work nothing, i understand that this is all...
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happy, this is all no good, this is all not beautiful, we want to put up a beautiful fence. a new fence is not a cheap pleasure, but now raisa nikolaevna is stably saving a certain amount from her pension for it every month. the pensioner’s payments increased last year, since the social fund began providing russian state support measures, and here in the donetsk people’s republic republic in other new ones. objects in march of twenty-three, we applied for recalculation, in may i received it, i received a recalculation, already a new pension, i received 10, and received a recalculation of 19, well, we started collecting a little, putting aside a little, we can
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finish the repairs on the teeth, finish the fence, well, vacation i want to relax by the sea. more than 1,400,000 of our citizens now receive federal pensions there and after a corresponding revision of the pensions that already existed, on average the pension amount increased there by about 40%. there are pensions there according to local legislation yet, and there are about 200,000 such citizens who receive local pensions, but these are those people who are still, first of all, those people who are not yet entitled to our russian pension, to the federal one, and, as a rule, due to a different retirement age, therefore, as soon as they reach russian retirement age immediately. transferred to a russian pension and will also receive it. families with children will also receive additional payments in new territories starting from 2023. elena has two daughters. after the birth of her youngest, she took out maternity capital and recently applied for monthly payments. i applied for a monthly payment from maternity capital until the age of 3
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for my youngest daughter. there is no answer yet, i’m still waiting for consideration. of course, i will spend it on... on the child, on nutrition, on development, on health. in the new regions , low-income families are now also supported; they can apply for a single benefit; payments are available to parents of children under 17 years of age and pregnant women, and the family’s property status is taken into account. new twenty-third year, russia's social fund has fully expanded into new regions began to provide social support to all our clients, including child benefits and monthly payments to disabled people. types of insurance, others are also present there, of course, for example, permanent temporary work ability insurance, there is also such a type of insurance as occupational diseases, and in our country, and there it now also exists, and 72,000 citizens receive benefits for private work or occupational disease , you also know this big block - these are the so-called monthly cash payments to disabled people and people affected by
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man-made disasters, these are beneficiaries, federal beneficiaries call them, during this period of time that... the same 270,000 people are already receiving payments as beneficiaries. you can make all payments easily and simply using the state services portal and the i in russia service. it was created specifically for residents of new regions. and of course, everyone can personally apply for advice or to process payments at the mfc or a branch of the social fund of russia. the best for today is beyond. mother of five children i forgave my husband all his antics, when i got tired of forgiving, i announced a divorce. everything was impossible, once it happened that he raised his hand in front of me, against my grandson. the husband begged to save the family and promised to improve, but instead he stabbed his wife to death. in the area of ​​six, the family in the back area is six. she broke free. was he running after her? yes, he caught her and finished her off. the murder
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happened in front of their eight-year-old daughter. she is 8 years old, she is a woman, she says i didn’t save my mother. why did the husband kill the mother of his children? i didn't think he could do something like that in front of all the children he killed, how is it so, you don’t believe it, in the pockets of his trousers, they found four funeral ribbons that he was preparing for, i... still don’t have the consciousness that she’s gone, i just didn’t have time, this is for border, today at 16:45 on ntv, smiled, it means they recognized him, he smiled, it means he’s real, they will recognize him. hmm, they love, remember, truly appreciate. psb is
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a bank for the present. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show popuchek is back with a new, exciting one. season, therefore i announce a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, send your applications to the address fellow traveler, the show fellow traveler is calling you on the road, see you, viia superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. traxivazin experts know everything about varicose veins. traxactiv tablets and traxivazin gels against heaviness and pain in the legs. troxaktiv troxyvosin expert view on treatment. buy at a discount in the capital's pharmacies, we're going on vacation soon, and you'll also move to a new level of savings, thanks to a wide selection
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a car vacation without extra expenses on avito, rabeprozol is the northern star, pleasure from life without heartburn, about the weather for today, hello, in the distance one cyclone in the east is leaving kamchatka, give it just a day's respite from the stormy wind, tomorrow it will be strengthened by a new cyclone, it is coming from japan, today it will take care of the islands, there is serious rain there, the sea in the khabarovsk territory is already weaker, but during the day it is only about 15°, all the heat near lake baikal, and summer temperatures are accompanied by summer thunderstorms. also in the irkutsk region, the rest of the south of siberia is cooling under the clouds of a cyclone, which is quickly moving towards the krasnoyarsk territory; in the middle reaches of the yenisei, rains can be heavy and in krasnoyarsk is only about 15°, even lower in novosibirsk, omsk, in tyumen only about +10, rain everywhere, in the urals it is also cool, but
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without precipitation, this is the signature of a huge... cyclone that captured almost the entire european territory of russia, it will allow precipitation only on its outskirts, in the north and south, in the middle zone in the northwest it is sunny and about 25° during the day. there are still few places on the volga above twenty, but the sun is even greater than in the center. in the south there are rains and thunderstorms in places, but the dangerous wind will finally weaken, this will allow the temperature to begin to rise. come down to the leaders, the rest will definitely catch up there already up to +28. not tomorrow, but soon it will be around everywhere. what’s most interesting in the capitals is also +26 in st. petersburg today, 24 in moscow, but by wednesday it could already be +30. the sun is working hard on this.
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bilateral relations and regional problems, the second main day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan. natural disasters claim lives and destroy everything in their path. the russian ministry of defense said they were ready to help. flood victims in armenia, as well as in search of common ground, how the main drivers of the european economy are trying to show the ability of paris and berlin to work together for the benefit of the eu, how much russia plans to toughen penalties for violating traffic rules on personal mobility devices.


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