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tv   Pyos-4  NTV  May 27, 2024 10:35am-12:59pm MSK

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to the tyumen region they fall into warm air, however, only for one day the temperature will jump to 18-22°, on the european territory of russia there are anticyclones one after another, they create a summer, warm and sunny, but these anticyclones are northern, pedigree, so the air they need to be given time to warm up. and tomorrow there will be new coolness for the northern regions. in arkhangelsk it is no longer +22, 13, but in petrozavodsk it is 26, all the way to soktyvkara there are rains with thunderstorms. and it's hot in the northwest. 30 and there will be conditions for the development of heaps of rain clouds, on average the strip is definitely without precipitation and + 22-27 already , including on the volga. in the south there are again local showers with thunderstorms, the temperature is not in a hurry to rise yet, but in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +28, there is a chance of rain in moscow, 26-28 sun. well, here it is, since only the tricksters can do it.
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igor, are you always on the lookout for us? naturally, i never relax my beeches, well done, yes, i’m on the check, if someone tried something from me , well, it doesn’t count, he stupidly took it and stooled, yeah, he didn’t steal anything from me, if there was a wallet there, for example, or something else, like this one, for example. so put it back, return it, that doesn’t count either, we haven’t argued yet, we’re done, i don’t see any obstacles, igor nikolaevich, well, you ’re quitting, okay, yes, that’s understandable, yes, well, then you’ll run through the wall , through the wall, yes, from a run, yes, easily, we’ll score, well, we’ll score, we’ll argue, well, i mean, don’t be smart. come on, lyosha, look at
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the contemporary art workshops, there’s a toilet here, what a toilet, these are artists. cubic power of art. hello. hello. but why? it seems to me that this there's definitely something there. hello. hello. for example, here is a wonderful installation symbolizing loneliness. a picture.
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who needed it anyway? here we come to the most important thing, i’m also very interested in why no one knows why the painting was exhibited in the gallery, that is, this is how the artist can be made happy by a bad word, well, the answer is simple, it was the mistress of the owner of the goretssky gallery, well, that’s actually the whole installation, it was a short interview, you know, and you have a very interesting appearance, i
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i would like to write to you, thank you, i’m very pleased, i’ll think about it, uh-huh, uh-huh, goodbye, goodbye, listen, don’t you think all this is strange, what exactly, how about posing for a completely unknown artist, wait, do n’t you? i like this idea, if you are interested in my opinion, yes... great, i have a spit in eternity, yeah, well, i mean , there’s no photo shoot, just a whole painting, thank you, maxim, painting, that you listen to this conservative, nalesha , in this case , you look like a conservative, but why is that, well, at least it’s interesting, but hang it in the bedroom above the bed, the linen seems to be at work, it seems to be at home, well... so, we’re going home, and
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you go to the informer and check, maybe the picture has been woven. sorry, but can you tell me where i can fish here? to catch big fish, the perfect kill. we are dealing with a very smart, dangerous enemy. the question is, who 's next? he will become bait himself. feel, so to speak, this spider in the jar. he is capable of any surprises. don't do anything, he'll give it to you. command taurus, let everything go according to their plan, stage my murder, and sergei zharkov, are you under a spell or something, korablev, and we are generally dead, terrible people, dolphin, new season, don’t swim far, the investigation will have more
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questions for you, today is 2:00 on ntv, via superstar premiere. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for the marinade, it is necessary, coal and lemonade. all you need is tomatoes for a salad, the whole family will be very happy, discounts up to 50% on vegetables and herbs. we deliver to sbermarket in 30 minutes. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help with any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. refer friends and get 15,000 rubles. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. one of my friends is preparing for a new
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10:44 am
barny bear cake 79.90 delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes as long as in the pyaterochka app pyaterochka helps out one of my friends didn’t come in. day new, you will find not just a job, but your place. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100%
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10:46 am
according to the law, and i don’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of ours couldn’t cope with it, bring us the head of this cop, maybe it’s really better for you to leave and miss all the fun, no, vakhtank beridze, you’ll take one more step, your brains they will be on the guard’s face, i understand, the flock is today at 22:10 on ntv. igor, that’s it, how did you find me, installed the program today, find a friend, yes, well, show me, here’s the whip. for frightening you, as you can hear, what a fright, i wasn’t scared, it’s
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just my increased combat passivity, it’s unfair passivity, yes , unfair, unfair, well, let me give it, yes, like that, like that, yes, i’m like a lobster, i have everything under control, everything is always on me, that is, i have zero chance of stealing from you, well, okay , train your combat passivity here, and delete the program, that’s not a friend, i’ll go, cross it out, leonidov, something, but maxim, wow, maxim, wow, ah, you didn’t agree that way, maximo, that’s it, go , said,
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take a walk, mom, you and i didn’t agree on this at all, but at least we talked about something at all we agreed, give me your wallet, it means that you need information, a painting has disappeared, the artist baziuk from the gallery, you know, something, oh, a painting, it’s all complicated, nothing complicated, you give me information, i’ll give you your wallet. i understand, let’s go to the factory, i’m getting a job at the factory, to the factory, to the factory, to the factory,
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so, let’s go in quickly, take it out, it’s clear, it’s clear to you, we’ll be taken by surprise, we’ll catch you quickly, well, where’s the gun, your screams ? hurray forward, i don’t need a gun, you’re scared, you get it, but i’m not afraid, i feel the danger with my backside, i understand, come on, go, easy, oh, what is it, i was just checking the escape route, but when i checked, it’s a bit low, yeah, well, it’ll do, well, it’s a completely different matter, it would have been like that right away, so, i’m to the right, you’re to the left, don’t stumble , kurot, okay, she's straight.
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max, i'm here now! i’m already running to save you, running, but there’s no way to help, but it’s not the right time, art critic. and tell me,
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what do you need? a painting was stolen from a contemporary art gallery last night. portrait, yes, well, if you can put it that way, a portrait, do you know anything about it? i heard they offered me to buy it again a week ago, it’s strange that it’s strange, it happens, they are looking for a buyer for... in order to sell it faster, but i refused, it ’s worth absolutely nothing, really nothing at all, because of it, after all, the director of gliria was killed, i don’t i know why your
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gallery director was killed, but definitely not for this painting. at the megamay megamarket, there are millions of products at competitive prices, for example, sunscreens with up to 35% discount. a resident of the sverdlovsk region sent a photo of a beautiful curly-haired girl milena with an offer to adopt her. when i took it in her arms, she immediately pressed everything against me, i
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just couldn’t do it anymore. the adoptive mother was told that the biological mother left her daughter with her son at... a stop in the winter and disappeared. milena at that time was lying in a stroller, and two brothers stood nearby. and 16 years later, the young man asked for a genetic examination with milena, although his mother did not stop him. mother never left us, the police came, took my brother, and left my sister. will separated relatives, brother and sister, really meet? i knew that she had two older brothers. he very small, but always took care of you.
10:54 am
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10:56 am
yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought, i won’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy , what is there, as they call it, prostatricum, do you remember? also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when ordering, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying. that’s it, i ’m done, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better
10:57 am
to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new gold prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order. him for himself, and women for their men. men, hurry up women, hurry up and try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. viia superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, they want to kill me, let’s figure it out, what’s there to figure out,
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they want to kill me, let them kill me, sergei zharkov, are you under a spell or something, and we are generally dead, terrible people, dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, here. that you are whole, garenya, there is no face on you, of course, i am intact, i was ready for this blow, yes, that means it seemed to me, when it seems, i need to be treated, maximo, i understood, yes, i just wanted to show my humanoidness, not i wanted people to suffer from my karkad, well, a black belt, it’s a joke, it’s humane. are you the only one who suffers from your crap, are you the only one? oh, this is the seat, got it, right? what are you really saying about black the train switched, lost the gun?
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who? i, ram gun, where am i, where is the gun? that's it, where's the gun, igor? it’s only morons who can lose a gun absent-mindedly, but i have it here, it’s all in place. i’m done, i’m always on the check, blah, oh, as if i don’t give a damn about this, guys, i’ve collected a dossier on the owner of the goletsky gallery, a successful businessman, deals with investments, investments, and what about the gallery for the soul, or something, well, he loves he is contemporary art, he opened a gallery, if he is a successful businessman, then he has there were probably enemies, i didn’t find any direct business enemies, but there is something else, he recently got into a fight in a hotel. reason, woman, uh-huh, it turns out he was still that don juan, 2 days ago one kid in the haven hotel caught him with his wife and attacked him, it’s because he doesn’t calculate everything
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in advance, he’s not always on the alert, so maybe this i killed zatali with jealousy, he ’s always at the pub nord, you can talk to him, i’ll go, i’ll go, oh, here it is, the gun, here it is, i put it here on purpose for you to see. i wanted to understand the place, you'll see are you under my nose, well done, yes, and you, loshara, mikantar, hello, where are you, where are you, pazza, to whom, ram, who plays like that, hello, nikolai. this is hello, kolya, well, hello, who are you, peppers? police, can you hear me, you've gone crazy, or
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something, peppers, here. what did this guy write? yes, it’s a little hard to write a report from the morgue, without a morgue, oh well, it’s cool, come on, if you didn’t, it wasn’t enough for you to fill his mug, igor, that igor, i ’m working, don’t bother me, from the burning picture, who stole, you stole, and you stole, you stole, you stole, you're rotten, you're wasted, don't eat, i didn't kill him, i wasn't in... in the country yesterday, i
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just arrived in the morning, i wasn't in the country, yeah, i arrived in the morning, yes, as usual, well, we 'll check that, and we’ll check now, yeah, that means, sit, watch, i’m looking for a connection, you just told this to someone, excuse me, sit, watch him, bye, okay, yes, maxim, hi, can you break through something for me here? i can, what exactly? tushinsky nikolai? i'm sorry, i don't know, it doesn't matter. see if such a person has flown somewhere in the last 3 days abroad? there was no such thing. that means he’s lying,
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thank you, there are no more questions, that it’s cold, i’m freezing to go to the toilet, i can’t stand there, either wait for yourself, or walk and sit, i didn’t expect such a turn, but what should have been proven, he didn’t fly anywhere , where he ran away, what by himself, i immediately realized that he was an idiot, as soon as he shot me in the face, i’m a moron, i immediately realized it, instantly realized that he had no alibi, that’s it, the end of you, kolya, i’ll drown, what?
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i lied, i didn’t want any unnecessary questions, i couldn’t avoid it, so let’s start yourself, come on, come on, get out, well , i had no reason to kill this highlander, there was another woman in the room with him, so that means another woman. “the thing is that an unknown person called me and said that supposedly at the hamlin hotel or whatever it’s called, my wife is supposedly messing with this beretskoy, yeah, he told me what room they were in, yeah, well, i grabbed him, dragged him a couple of times , and then, lo and behold, there was another woman lying in the bed, not my wife, in short, he pushed him and ran away, that’s it, woman,
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you hesitated, do you hear, i’m taking him to..." in general, i took it, clearly, i agree with you, you park it, i’ll park it, yes, what happened, let’s move the spoons, more actively, like this, stayamba, forward, beat, hooves, yes, what? yeah, got it, come on, if anyone here is interested, then the painting was found, and we’re going to the gallery, to the gallery? can you imagine, i'm so glad that
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the picture is back, a real adventure, phew! i'd rather look at the welding, where did you find this one? she stood at the door at the back entrance, wrapped in paper, i was so happy, the return of the prodigal canvas, just imagine how it will now increase in price, in price? well, of course, now the kidnapping is connected to her. scandal, murder, but they are buying exactly this story, stories, stories, and you thought someone was interested in painting, all these chiaroscuro, no, they are buying exactly this, history, name, everything, and i knew from the very beginning
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that this it will come back, yes, where did igor know, and this is elementary nasychik, they stole it, thought it was expensive, and then turned it around, saw this and returned it. sorry, this is explicit art, okay, we'll contact you, just a second, there was another mannequin standing here, where is it, there are always them there was so much, it’s not true, in the photograph from the murder scene even before our arrival, there was another mannequin, where is it, you’re not confusing anything, congratulations, lyoshik, our killer, mannequin? the killer was next to us in the morning, a mannequin, find the odd one out, yes, something like that,
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join us, this is a photo of those who entered the gallery in the evening, from 18 to 20, now let's see who came out, remove the photos and find our mannequin. igor, what? are you with us? no, i, i'm busy. did you find the gun? what? no, what does the gun have to do with it? you made me hesitate with your pistol. and what are you looking for? i'm looking for the zipper, i lost the zipper, i'm looking for it. this is the first time i have seen a person who also wears zappanka buttons. that's it, shut up, watchman, turn on the movie, yeah, so, a woman in a red scarf and a man in a coat, so these moneymakers are passing by,
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so this couple, oh, man, that's it, our finalists, so... well, who is there? that’s all , it looks like this is our dummy, i know it, there’s a part in the center, maybe we can take it now, well, whatever we’re dumb about, let’s go fight it, well , you know better than anyone where to fight it, that i i'll go, well, you said it yourself center? their faces were on every tv in the country. brunette, hot, sexy, sexy. and what tragedies did the tv stars hide behind their smiles? i wanted to run away from the first
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broadcast. the 4 a.m. bell rings. andrey viktorovich. why did ksenia strizh never become a mother? my mother told me it’s better not to give birth. and where is her visiting son now? he volunteered to go. host archie found out that he was adopted, my whole world collapsed, why did his own mother abandon him the second time, the second time it was much more painful, how much made money from star scandals shark of the pen ilya legostaev? it turned out to be a small apartment in the central administrative district, it was easy to get in, but it wasn’t so easy to stay, and how tv presenter andrei razygraev became related to lera kudryavtseva, how do you like the situation, tell me, okay, the secrets of tv stars, i’m in general all the time ... on saturday at 21:20 in a million secret on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells
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11:13 am
it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank, the best employer in russia. i walk in 2024. why do you always fly past. for my combo, the star combo of dasha vreshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16 at a delicious point. beyond the new season with timur eremeev
11:14 am
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call or order on our website via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i are pleased to announce that the unique travel show po puchak is back with new exciting seasons. and therefore. i’m announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, all you need to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my traveling companion to see the world, send your applications to in the show traveling companion calls the guard, see you!
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ugh, excuse me, he doesn’t like your look, and who are you talking to, well, i’m sure, but it’s clear, so what and where will we look for this persian, i don’t have time to wander around for no reason city, look right here near this moronic monument. yes, by the way, who am i calling, and what is it i don’t know, and is it for reconstruction, oops, oh, phew, igor, i almost shot him, but i would... it’s just that he piled on a little, well, yes, there’s no bulk and i decided to pay with a banana to pay , i just suddenly remembered i took it out, well, i have reflexes, you know, yeah, that is, you carry a banana in a holster instead of a pistol to walk people around, yes, you moron, you know that i have
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a pistol, it’s where i put it there and worth it, then why the hell do i need him? i was going to communicate, these are golden words, why the hell do you need a gun, if you have a black belt for crocodiles, and i’ll give you first in hand-to-hand combat, in hand-to-hand combat, shut up, tell me, please, here in the gallery, they could also portray a mannequin with talent, i understand, stand, wait, brute, statue, stand, i’ll cook, yeah, i got caught by a statue, my hand is raised, guys,
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help me, what’s wrong, what are you talking about, huh? i took it, and well done, yes, so that it doesn’t bite you off, go forward, go forward, slowly, and help me, what are you from you want me, i didn’t do anything wrong, well
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, that means you have nothing to be afraid of, tell me why you dressed up as a mannequin in the gallery, well, i wanted to steal a painting? you are sincere, so why do you need this ugliness? - what are you about? well, supposedly this is a portrait of an ugly woman, otherwise it wasn’t me who wanted to steal, but the man of the mask, maximo, help me get up, let’s get it in order, come on, well, i wanted to steal a nature with flowers, yes, this is a painting by this famous artist, rybnikov, clearly, this is why i entered the gallery and pretended to be. i stayed for us night, yeah, in short, i didn’t have time to start when this guy in a mask appeared, it was he who wanted to steal this portrait, well, so that a scandal would arise and the painting would become even more expensive, more expensive, and this is the highlander director of the gallery, he’s, well, in short, a man wearing a mask, he offered to kill the artist so that the painting would become even more expensive,
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yeah, but he refused and, in short, the mask killed him, didn’t give it to him, you had a stormy night, don’t say it, exactly igor, don’t say it, and i also recognized the voice this guy in a mask, it was, oh, where the hell have you gone, huh... you are a gift, oh, did you lose your nest? the bacchante hesitated, he might even sneeze when you come in. listen, i’m scared, wash your pants, i’ve been sitting here for an hour, do you hear who’s scared? don’t talk indura, i’m always on guard and ready to attack, i just could have kicked you in the aleppo, oh,
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finally, come on, well, you’re lucky, big time, oh, where’s the gun and what? you stuck with your pistol like a bath leaf until naked at the cleaning , he, in general, is the one who killed goretsky an hour ago shot the artist, guess what the artist’s name is, arthur, by the way, then timur, in full stop, he was our witness, it’s a pity that he didn’t have time to name the killer, it’s a pity, yes, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, but a reasonable question arises, how did the killer guess that you went to meet him with the artist, igor, who did he tell? klavya, in the sense that i told someone that there was a nest right away, i didn’t say anything to anyone, maybe he himself realized that the artist had become a witness, decided to remove it, and the fact that this turned out to be an accident, he himself. i understand, guys, and as i said, i said so, well, since
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there are no more versions, it means that we take vakhtang’s version as the main one, i guessed it myself, and that we we’ll do it now, but we have one more person who could know about the murder, it’s not me, igor. gnezdilov doesn’t know, of course, igor gnezdilov, doesn’t even know that he’s igor gnezdilov, i don’t know, stop it, this is this artist, this vazyuk, mazyuk, bazyuk, that’s bazyuk, he himself hinted at something like that, here, well , then, i propose to hide it in the storage room for paintings, security is needed, why, lesh, someone will guess, great idea, guys, or maybe, maybe we’ll forget about this matter altogether, but let’s go in sneakers kosani, moron, y you will have a separate task,
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take the gun, i knew it, i knew it, asshole, that you would set me up, but i don’t have a gun yet, i have it to replace the spring, yes, you said cleaning, cleaning to replace, yeah, i’ll go pick it up, go pick it up, and don’t forget to take your brain from cleaning the springs. what the hell, he hears everything, but what should he do? what, am i now like a prisoner? what a precaution, while the criminal is at large, and what does he care about me? well, there is an assumption that in order to increase the prices of your paintings, he needs death the artist, but i understand, uh, the artist is dead,
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the paintings are more expensive, and this is in the sense of my death, yeah, don’t be afraid, nothing threatens you here, but i just started the portrait of elena. well, finish it here, but if you need anything, you can let us know, maybe brighter paints or a wider brush to finish the portrait faster, unexpectedly, of course, pose for the artist in the bullpen, well, this is a precautionary measure, how are you doing? is everything progressing? yes, everything is fine, the only thing is my back is numb, pose without moving, me
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they write half-naked, i think you ’ll like it, as you said, well, with a bare back, lyosha, well, you’re not some closed-minded conservative, i was convinced that you wouldn’t mind, in general, i’m somehow against it, what are you talking about, you these?
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aggressive husband or something, and igor, tell me, you ’re completely fucked up, what is it, i ’m getting into the image, what kind of image, igor, salvador gave, a brilliant artist, he wrote stills. and colleagues, oh, give me a gun, why do you need two, igor, well, you took yours from the cleaners, right, i, i, i took it, i just took it with both hands, and well then - here it is on you, if anything happens, here, dudi, i’m an artist, i won’t fool you, but give it back, no, no, don’t, let it stay, maybe blow it, don’t break it, protect me, hide, but
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protect me , got it, get out of here. so actually it’s up to me, i understand, well, yes, no, guys, you just can’t take me with your bare hands, so, oh, oh, this is
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the thing i understand, and this is actually my favorite size, that’s it , do you understand how to do this? “now you and i carry weapons, i’ll tell you a terrible secret, lesh, little girl has been deciding everything herself for a long time, in general, just like she decided herself everything that’s like that, that’s it, that’s it, well,
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that’s what i understand, it’s a masterpiece”? beauty, shut your mouth, you understand a lot about modern things, get out of here so your eyes don’t see me, smart guy, no, well, this is a lemon of bucks, well, no less, but try, try, kill real art, try, this is what you saw, shandavr, no, it can’t be, don’t interfere at all in our lazy relationship, and don’t shut my mouth , yes
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, the yaga has gone to the su help, su, help, hi, hi, how are you, oh, thank you, max, what is it? i'll show you how to encroach on my masterpiece. don't you understand?
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this man will not rest until he finds his wife's killer while he is alive. you will truly go all the way. i'm not used to changing my decisions. pack. this is a series. today at 22:10 on ntv. dolphin. new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds
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on our website the mother of five children forgave her husband all his antics, but when she got tired of forgiving, she announced a divorce. everything was impossible. one time it happened that... well, in his trouser pocket, they found four funeral ribbons that he was preparing for, i still have there is no consciousness that she is not there, mom, i just didn’t
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have time, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, jack one by one, the question is, who is next? dolphin, new season, today. 20:00 on ntv, why there are so many difficulties, you don’t understand, you are a person far from art. that is, you call this daub art, but explain to me a distant person, i dug up the artist bazyuk in the passage, i had far-reaching plans, which, you can tell in more detail, you have nowhere to rush now, he painted a dozen paintings for me, how modern artist, he promising, and most importantly exclusive, the only thing missing was... fame, yes, first
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the theft of a painting, a scandal, and then the death of the artist, prices would soar, i would become rich and join the elite, yeah, and why kill viktor goretsky, what does he have to do with it, i needed access to the gallery, and gretsky was the only contact, he did not want to implement it. my plan for the artist, and you decided to set a jealous man on him, yes, i thought he would kill the highlander himself and there would be no questions, but it didn’t work out, i then decided to do everything myself, myself, and you yourself know how to draw, well... yes, but not very good, well, there will be time
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to hone your skills, hello, hello, ladies, go ahead, let's go, yes, well, what's up, like, they caught the killer, they caught him, there's no threat anymore, you can go, no , no, wait, show me the portrait. with pleasure, kubicher power, in my opinion, you were hasty when you said that nothing threatens you, because what is this, well, it’s wonderful, in my opinion, very good, original, very unusual, but i’ll tell you the whole truth, yes
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it would be better to paint the sand, you know, ladies first, well done, that’s what i was going to do. you crazy? did you find the gun? are you going to kill me with your pistol? igor, the peak illness will destroy you, but you need to find the gun, have you found it? there's a gun, where? is there, where? well, he’s just, he’s just, yes, here, igor, he’s just. where did you get it? in my desk, right
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there, could i put my gun in your desk? no, i couldn’t, i put it there myself, and you have a water pistol in your holster and a banana, all of me, from what, a miracle from what, what are you talking about, what about our dispute, what, you’re always on the alert with us , yes, i'm always on the check, it turned out, no, does that mean you? you’re going over the wall, come on, i won’t go, i won’t go, but because, because you falsified everything, in vain i, that is, you won’t go through the wall, i won’t go, look, karma zhatam, yeah, of course, yes, yes, oh, oh, oh,
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i think i shot off my tail, yes, but there is a plus in this, igor, what, the club will find a normal man, and now you are igor, just igor. it's strange, why is he here?
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and now i praise you, and not like a washed chimney sweep, what a shame, like this, like this, wait, wait, oh, i saw who’s calling, yes, water procedures at us, but i had no doubt at all, what address, yes, i’ll hurry it up, come on, come on, bye-bye, despair, requires desperate actions, beauty requires sacrifice, i understand, come here,
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come here. well, it’s not for long, by the evening it again stinks so much that you can’t help but brush it off later, in general, the apartment belongs to the famous plastic surgeon igor gorlov, but apparently, the man lived alone, why according to everything,
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what are you doing, what a moron , i understand that he lived with a woman, what did you take, look at how much cosmetics, look in the closet, look there solid men's clothing, here's an interesting fact, igor, please tell me, what is written on the jar? shaped, so, what does that mean? uniform for women, moron, uniform is men's cosmetics, this is what men apply directly to themselves and not only to their faces, and to seryozha too, what is it, it also turns out to be men's lipstick, of course, men's. everything, even women’s, especially women’s, say hello, here is everywhere the logo of the clinic where the murdered man worked, by the way, he’s dressed, correctly, in fact, he says, lyosha, in fact, i’m overversions, but you’re still
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well done, igor, it means that there was a woman after all, and what does this mean, it means murder out of jealousy, yeah, he’s a famous plastic surgeon, she went to his clinic, he restored her beauty, seduce her. we don't allow dogs. igor, did you hear? i'll sort everything out now. so, girl,
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by the way, we’re not walking a dog here, and we’re smearing it on our faces, we’ve got something more serious going on. your surgeon, doctor. gorlov, thank you, lisa, thank you, lisa, hello, hello, actually, surgeon gorlov will die, we even saw your corpse, what? they saw yours, well, if you are gorlov, as you say, then that’s who it is, it’s pashka,
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pashka, or rather, excuse me, doctor yudin, my friend and colleague, they killed him, yes, they killed him, damn it, i can’t believe it, i can’t believe it myself i believe that you... that you are alive, by the way, please tell me what your friend was doing at your house in your absence, but he doesn’t like bringing girls to his house, and sometimes i threw him the keys to my apartment, so be it, who could wish him death, well, where there are many mistresses, there are many deceived husbands, some of them could... well, you keep me informed of the investigation, friend, after all, yes, we’ll find the killer,
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we’ll definitely let you know, igor, put it in its place, it’s really like the bench, only higher and better, please tell me where doctor yudin’s table is, right here, that means our colleague, our , yes, he will take personal belongings, doctor, sorry, we don’t allow animals. stop fucking around, get down to business, i'm telling you, it's perfect, like uklava, come here, uklava olegovna, my wife, so you say, there's his table, yes, yes, yes, oh, great, right.
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for an examination, i forgot everything, didn’t take anything, and if there are any questions, you don’t hesitate, call me directly, yeah, as a thank you, i want to offer your wife to take a free rejuvenation course with us, and why did you decide that my wife needs a free rejuvenation course, have you known her, for how long, no, i i just assumed...
11:51 am
11:52 am
dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, come on out. look how beautiful you are when you smile, you will become brighter when
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ourselves. we present to you cottage cheese, green village, which contains so much fresh milk. real cheese, cottage cheese, fresh village. green, everything is normal, i have never been so normal, it’s normal for me to wake up earlier than before, rise above myself and circumstances, find strength for what i’ve been putting off, devote time to the most important things, then sport is the norm of life, i’m fine , find energy on, on the megamay megamarket, choose, buy with convenient delivery by click on the megamarket, megamarket, i am a new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories, get cashback up to 25% in rubles, thank you, no thank you, but rubles a resident of the sverdlovsk region sent a photo of a beautiful curly-haired girl milena with an offer to adopt her. when i picked her up, she immediately pressed everything against me, i simply couldn’t anymore. the adoptive mother
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was told that the biological mother left her daughter with her son at a bus stop in the winter and... disappeared, milena at that time was lying in a stroller, and two brothers stood nearby, 16 years later the young man asked for a genetic examination with milena, although his mother i didn’t stop. mother never left us i came to the police, they took my brother, my sister left. will separated relatives, brother and sister, really meet? i knew that she had two older brothers, he was very small, but he always took care of you, there were moments when... we didn’t have anything to eat, i had to go to the neighbors to ask, i open the envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv, so you hear, well , get your fifth ass out of my car,
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haven’t you collected a few eternal breaths, you’ve overdone it, that’s not all the eternal breaths, these are the eternal breaths, this is my course for... i don’t recognize it, i decided to transplant it into my head, well, you're not an ordentalian, what? maksimov in a person, in a man, especially in a policeman, everything should be perfect. and the skin, and the body, and the line of the eyebrows, and the shape of the nose, and well, i definitely decided to change my head, well, if it’s clearer to you, so be it, uh, hello, where are you going, you, get him out of here, he’s already made me hesitate, well - come here, you haven’t mixed up anything, don’t hesitate, stupid, don’t bully me, come on, just like that, go,
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it feels like this notebook is 100 years old, what? that's all, igor. thank you for being able to establish the identities of all these, olya, lips and masha’s breasts. thank you, vakhtank. wow, give it to me too. and you go to hell, gnyazdilov. milana buttocks, the list
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turned out to be impressive. and what the hell, that envy just sounded. what, what hatched? just pills for me? the doctor wrote, they are so advanced that they must be taken exactly on schedule, yes, otherwise you will die, stand there, don’t touch them, this is mine, it’s too late for you to rejuvenate, it’s time for you to be put to sleep, oh, oh, here comes lena, yes, lenchik , yes, yes, come on, i’ll come in, i’m coming, i also need to go to lena, no, i shouldn’t call you. absolutely igor, and domino, and bastard, what is it, hello,
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lisha, hi, there are fingerprints on the lipstick case from the scene of the crime, but i ran it through the database, there is no match, the victim’s last mistress had no contact with the police, well, we’ll fix that, put it back, but that’s not it. this is ballistics. oh, hi, lesha. my head hurt. yes, will there be any pills? no. lena. here are some headache pills. ah, thank you. there are pills for jealousy. will you accept? no need for jealousy. yes. the pistol that was used to shoot yudin was small in caliber; in order to kill, it was necessary to shoot at point-blank range. well, this killer is a weakling. to his opponent in a fair fight, i wonder, lyush, how would you behave if you knew that your lover was much stronger than you, guys, and
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where are you going to start, from the finale, lenochka, i think from the last call of the victim, the stink is recorded as angela guba. lesh, are you sure you need to go? well, i'll take it. bye, lya, bye, it turns out that this is angela, that she is married, and why don’t these women live with their legal husbands? yes lyashik, and why don’t these women with laws have a good life for their husbands? who are you referring to now? maybe her husband is just very jealous, what do you think? what does this have to do with it?
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jealousy is an insult by mistrust. and sooner or later you want to do what you are accused of. are you hinting at lena now? hello igor. what's happened? i didn't understand again. what, did he love me? i just thought. it is perfectly. let's go. let's go to. how do we know this? on the lips, if we don’t have a photograph, at the address igor, about squeaks, about what squeaks, you only have squeaks on your mind.
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"listen, give me some wine, come on, let's put you in a bowl, this is for the dog, put it in a bowl, let's check your fingers at the same time, damn, you're on some kind of path i chose, the lipstick is here, most likely it has nothing to do with it, well, you still need to take your fingers, well, we need it, oh, since you took the lipstick, i
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’ll probably take the tv. well , okay, well then at least the varnish for notes and moisturizing cream, embroidered with white threads, what kind of consultations, she cheated on her husband with this doctor, and talking on the phone doesn’t mean anything, i assure alyoshnik, everything starts with talking on the phone, all women cheat on their husbands, those who don’t. cheated, will cheat, you know, if a woman cheated to the first husband, this is absolutely... limonov sent an sms, please read it, i can’t understand it at all, 2 days before the murder yudin was attacked, georgy korchagin, the husband of the patient registered with yodin, like ilona’s chest, here’s ilona breasts are much more interesting than angela’s lips, it’s just a wash, start over, nothing, soon i’ll become
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like alain delon, you’ll see more. am i a freak, a fucking asshole? yes, where the hell was i looking, you retarded creature? yes, wait, wait, excuse me, i need the pills very urgently, i have a schedule, you know, sorry,
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wait a second. now i can, oh, i came in, that’s it, i can go, yes, why did you attack your husband? he couldn't attack anyone? can you show me the fudge they gave you at the clinic? oh, i don’t even remember where it is, i probably lost it a long time ago. that means we won’t find your fingerprints at the crime scene, right? yes, i was with
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the people that night. well, how did i almost die of fear when this happened, uh-huh, but i ran away, your husband knew about your relationship, he didn’t know, but he suspected, so he started following me, wow, hello, what you are just like husband and wife, listen, don’t stop, are you drinking? pills, such a transformation you have in common from them, but no, it ’s not from the pills, i know, i met a rude guy on the road, he cut me off, i went out and brushed him off, i brushed him off like that, you should have seen,
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hello, hello, hello, again you, yes, a freak, an asshole, a creature, an idiot... if you kill him, then it’s a bad idea, he’s from the police after all, wait, wait, i’ll just be a second, comrade, that’s okay, thank you,
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please, my fighter , i train, and now bubindem himself, what’s on megamay megamarket, millions of products at competitive prices, for example, tommy hillfiger brand products with discounts of up to 60%. vaska, i have to see her. she was always next to him, goodbye, brother, i will destroy those who did this, no matter what the cost to me, he will return from the other world, killed, that means killed, you yourself volunteered, but i’m tired of this afterlife,
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to hell to find the criminals, they sent me a black mark, the fin was a dolphin, remember, to save your dolphin, they wanted to kill her, just like andrey, but it doesn’t happen in life of such coincidences, it’s hard to be dead, by the way, dolphin, new season, if you sit too long with this investigation here, then how will we then play back the story of our death, today 20:00 on ntv, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20 :20 on ntv. vdygos locksmiths artyom vladimirovich serebrennikov.
12:12 pm
i prefer investments, where to invest donated money, investments in the future, i agree, but first we’ll open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open
12:13 pm
deposit the best percentage brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, in sberbank it is more profitable with prime, the legend returns, the one that was brewed from 100% malt. the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. sinaden - ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna, wait, where are you going, this time the girls have no time. my grandson took me to music, i’ll drop by home. now i’ll feed the cat and go back to get my grandson, look, the record is being set, the grandson goes to the garden in the morning, then to social security, then to the post office, the grandson is out of the garden. evening scandinavian walking to the music, and
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she also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, what kind of joints do you need to have in order to live on the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, an exact terminator, liquid, an ordinary person’s legs would have broken his back long ago , and i’m telling you, her remedy is from the future, there’s no other way to explain it, sinoden - ease of movement, call right now to quickly get a detailed consultation for the drug sinaden, everyone who calls our line when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, and you don’t even have to pay for delivery, yes, you heard right, delivery is also a gift, okay, we’ve been spoiled home, oh, petrovna is already scratching the ski track back for her grandson, the girls. by the way, should you
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ask her in passing what kind of sinoden she is? call now to find out detailed information about the drug sinaden, because today everyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free, as a gift, and you don’t have to pay for delivery, order the sinaden course directly from the manufacturer right now using the number on your screen, without any extra charges, etc. remember, delivery is also for our synaden - ease of movement, meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv, what are you waiting for me, this man will calm down until he finds the killer of his wife, as long as he is alive, you will really go to the end, i i’m not used to changing my decisions, flock, this is a series, today at 22.10 on ntv. yes,
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i didn’t kill your yutin. yes, i hit a couple in the face once. so what was it for? there’s no point in pestering other people’s wives, especially mine. well, he didn’t kill, that’s true. well, maybe she does. well, your motive is painfully beautiful, you and i are completely albino. or is there? a? okay, that's it, i'll tell you how it happened. and i told you it’s different, don’t call me, i spent that night, in short, with a girl, well , maybe there were other witnesses besides this, and the girls, they have a lot of cameras in their hotel, and the staff clearly remembered me, i didn’t first time there, what is this cream for problems? zone, i rub my face, you are problematic
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zone, even though it’s all on mars, i urgently need to wash myself, this is a tragic mistake, and moron, i didn’t understand what happened just now, the dog, they just started the drugs. that means we’re digging in the wrong place, we need to find out
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who was interested in the death of this throat, well , if gorlov is as much a woman as yutin, then the list could be very long, again, just envy, that’s envy, i never envy anyone, igor, igor, igor, exactly, exactly, exactly, a pill, igor, it’s okay that it was a phone, not an alarm clock, not an alarm clock, what are you, a bastard, you, why the hell did you do that, i i took the pill an hour earlier, that’s it, the whole system went down the drain, yeah, i’m petty, but hoo-hoo, no ho-ho, and you, i’m going to the doctor, yes, it’s high time, igor, come on! and so as
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not to touch, i signed and counted everything here, yes. an amazing anti-aging mask, come on, come on, i love everything amazing, anti-aging, how the investigation continues, there are suspects and versions, yes, there is one amazing version, yudin was killed by mistake,
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they were actually hunting for the owner of the apartment, what kind of... apartments for us , this is my apartment, well, yes, what am i for, you don’t know, it’s still unclear, but you need to be careful, the killer is still at large, and you know, i was recently threatened by a patient, yes, yes, what are you saying, last name, raevsky, raevsky? and the surname is encouraging, he is a very dangerous type, also do something, you can’t allow them to kill you, well, until my course of looters ends, roevsky is 35
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years old, recently married, but for an inconsolable dealer he leads a rather cheerful lifestyle, i would even say he's wasting money on a rampant basis. where does he get the money from? new car, new nose? an inheritance from his wife, a marriage of convenience, and not the first. he was faithful to everyone, lesh, and he didn’t cheat on anyone. he's a widower, that's different. yes, he probably loved all his wives to death. i'll tell you guys this, amazing lubricant, no traces of the bottle, no, quietly, you're crazy, or something, give it back, you brute, crimean creature? eats mine, you also want to become young, handsome, no, take it higher, captain, whatever the hell, where through the lieutenant, i spent 20 years on this, oops, roevsky just paid card in the restaurant, now i’ll send you the address, send it to me, let’s go, i’m on my way now, i’m with you,
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otherwise it’s all there, maksimov, wait, you’ll ruin everything for me, lenka. don’t even think about it, everything is signed there and it says that you hatched, this applies to you too.
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who will, like this, you hear, insure me, i will insure you myself, for you?
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i didn’t have time to come, you already missed it, deer, get out.
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okay, creature, scott, but not scott, shit, shit, maksimov, shit, shut up, my youth, leaving, theoretically, let's go, i 'll hit you now, shit,
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behind me. oh, hello, hello, oh, sorry, wait, i need a pill urgently, i'm on schedule. well, wait, please, you bastard, i asked as a person, creature,
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hello, come on, surprise me, oh, ah! but it’s impressive that if you don’t get up, he’ll bite your children off, murder, why did i need to kill the throat, your new nose, a sufficient reason for revenge, belsky’s weight, are you kidding me or what? listen, if you knew what kind of insurance they paid me, and for this money i started
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a completely new, beautiful life, this i should be grateful to gorlov until the end of my days, the kingdom of heaven, why the kingdom of heaven, well, you yourself said that someone killed him. but they wanted to, but they killed another by mistake, when i don’t know the other at all, what have i got to do with it, why did i run away? firstly, i thought it was the husband, secondly, listen, have you seen this maniac, yes, yes , you would have run away from him, i agree, but still, don’t you look like a person grieving for your wife’s death? is this really punishable? i hope your wife cheated on you during your lifetime, who are you?
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to wind down the operation. well, i can’t, i’m just so lazy. what's there? yes, it looks like murder to bring everyone to clean water. here in vizhnomorsky, what doesn’t happen here, but here is a murder with a crossbow arrow for the first time. just like that, andryukha, they’re taking them down one by one. i think this is a clue. new season. you will be contacted no matter what. today 20:00 on ntv. hello, hello, hello, doctor, doctor, hello, this is gnezdilov, doctor, me, me! an irreparable untranta overtook me, i lost your amazing mask, what should i do, doctor, sos, why aren’t you taking care of yourself, i’m still taking care of myself, i’m the only one taking care of myself, no one else cares about me,
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they’ve put everything on me, you’re the main thing take care of your face, apply ice more often, and in general it’s better to keep your body cold, yeah, i got it, i got it, doctor, doctor, but tell me how... yes , everything is already changing for everyone, yes, the hatch, the dog can’t see the fleas, yes, what i say, even when women were executed for treason, it’s still husbands instructed, this was a hint just now, no, leshenka, this life is pain, which is closer to you, wasn’t it you who lost? no, we threw it away, where did you find it, in the morgue, in the freezer, you don’t know what he was doing there, it’s clear that the trabo was freezing, you should drink something hot, no, no, you can’t, the doctor forbade me, he said that
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i need to be kept cold, it’s high time, now, by the way, women are already rushing at me straight into their pants to shine, who is it this time, gnezdilov, letter, anonymous, wow, please, i’ll read the proverbs in my i don’t understand your shit, they’re anonymous, so read it out loud to me so that everyone can hear, the pistol that was used to kill pavel yudin is in a black car, number st-8222 at 44 yubileiny avenue, here you go, it doesn’t look like it it doesn’t look like a letter from a fan, wait, i’m with you, are you without pain without me? and you learn to write dirty, you talk all kinds of crap.
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what is there, a fan of creativity gnezdilovit? look, what's there, lesh? look, yudinn was there! killed from a weapon of the same caliber, don’t you think it’s strange why he didn’t get rid of it or at least hide it somewhere, you’ll get it , well, the car could be stolen, yes, maybe, oh, the ice is still fresh, it means
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it was recently, pull some thorn, move away, hatches. so against the will, we’ll wait for the owner, we’ll set up an ambush, igor, everything has already been found before you, thank you, oh, this is what the doctor wrote off, let’s go, get out of here, igor, you’ll foil the whole ambush for us. max, hello, i checked the database, the car belongs to a certain ilya mikhailovich pirogov, previously convicted under article 115,
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is there any connection with our case? pirogov’s wife was a patient of the murdered yudin, but she is not in the love notebook, and there is no talk either, at least she did not cheat on her husband, thank you. he didn’t call and that doesn’t mean he didn’t cheat on something, listen, between a man and a woman there are relationships without sex, well, for example, there’s friendship, business relationships, hobbies, i don’t know, platonic love, well, gosh, everything that concerns sex , of course, you know better, our client? it's broken, no. and what is this,
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give it here, quietly, quietly, sit bravely, about murder yudina, you’ll tell me, and i’ll give it to you right away, it’s so clear that it’s clear, this is because of my criminal record, so i served my sentence 4 years ago, you didn’t answer my question about the murder, how did you find out, my wife told me about the murder and from the clinic they called, you have a pistol in your car, boy, they found a pistol, from exactly the same stapes, listen, i ’ve never held a pistol in my hands, yeah, well, since i didn’t hold it, that means there aren’t your prints on it, let’s go check it out , quietly, i have a very serious question, quietly, what, i don’t know where the toilet is, i i also don’t know where the toilet is here, rejuvenation has gone too far, to anres.
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the throat has no alibi. we must prepare for detention. prepare. suck, suck, my ass. yes, igor. are you here? yes, igor. there your male dog has a particular crush on me and wants me this, this, this. igor, and he is much stronger than you. this is very bad. looking for someone? hello. i checked your tablets, yes, the ingredients are the same as in cheap dog food, i mean, chicken giblet fat, what to do and chicken fat, igor, and chicken fat, yeah, the dog has a crush on your tablets, on the tablets, huh bastard you choke, rapist, maniac, how
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can it be, oh, how can it be, i, i, i entrusted this doctor, this ancient man , with the most valuable thing in my life, my beauty, not earthly, well, never mind, igor, it will still be yours finest hour, what time is it, eternal for you, oh, so it’s time to go home, yes, but first. you will help us find the killer, i, you, igor, it’s no secret to you that our main suspect is doctor gorlov, yes, of course, you see, yes, i saw through this little doctor right away, what do you think, i just so i ate this dog food and smeared all sorts of things on my display, well, of course, for business, igor, as naturally for...
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it’s very dangerous, i just can’t guarantee that by the evening i won’t be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov, you, morozov, know how to make people angry, you made your choice a long time ago, there is a good mintaf proverb, you don’t know what to do, act according to the law, and you don’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of ours couldn’t cope with him, bring us the head of this cop, maybe it’s really better for you to leave? and
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miss all the fun? no, vakhtank beridze, if you take one more step, your brains will be on the guard’s face, understand? flock, today at 22:10 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. with the kinkov platinum credit card they do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. tenkov platinum can do this. apply for a tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. tinkov, he’s the only one. hemorrhoids prevent you from enjoying life. proctoglivinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglivinol is an assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids, you locked us all here, why should we play the game, kolimbo, only in the okko online cinema. come on, give me a new
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use the promotional code vesna, it will be added to the existing discounts, buy more profitably with the promotional code vesna. just a couple of clicks in yandex food, and your favorite dish is already rushing to you, with a 300 rubles discount on your first order. one day, at a car mechanic, xie, 55 years old, had a heart rate speedometer showing the maximum 200. the wife was puzzled, you should have gone for diagnostics, but semyonovich said: don’t get under the hood, woman, men, don’t slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now, every wedding ends the same, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer
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investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, we first , let's open a deposit, interest at sea! with zber , everyone will be able to profitably increase their savings. open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. the cycle calendar is useless. he'll grab it like that that the eyes grow dark. these symptoms may be caused by adhesions, i.e. fibrosis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrosis, reducing pain in the lower abdomen. longidaza against adhesions and inflammation. the mother of five children forgave her husband all his antics. and when... he forgives, he’s tired, he announced a divorce, everything was impossible, once it happened that he raised his hand against my grandson in front of me, the husband begged to keep the family together, promised to improve, but instead he stabbed his wife to death, in the region of six seven six in the back area, she broke free, he ran after her, yes, he caught her
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and finished off, the murder happened in front of their eight-year-old daughter, she is eight years old, she says, i didn’t save my mother, why did my husband kill the mother of his children, i didn’t think that he could... do something like that, in front of everyone he killed children, how is it possible, you don’t believe it, in his trouser pocket, they found four funeral ribbons that he was preparing for, i still don’t realize that it’s missing. mom, i just didn’t have time, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, doctor, a male dog fell in love with me, hello, doctor, and this is all because you look much better, yeah, yeah. by the way, what about the investigation? by the way, during the investigation, we
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found a new suspect, his last name is pirogov, they found a pistol in mazhen, but this is not enough, it would be nice to find cartridges for it, and it would be nice to have it directly. at home, right at his place, well, you’re a professional in your field, i ’m sure you’ll definitely be lucky, yes, yes, if your assumption is correct, then he should appear now, don’t move out, leshnik, all wives are cheated on by their husbands, this can’t be, not all, all wives change husbands, no, institute i’ve exhausted my marriage, if... you and i don’t love each other, that’s it, we need to break up, you know, not torment each other, so we
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just love and in general, i don’t hear you, you don’t hear me, although some cases justify betrayal, dashenka, you are our walking excuse for betrayal, just sit here, show yourself to our client? oh, wait, general, let me know that i have a schedule,
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that’s it, oh you! rukey.
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stand in front of the creature, come on, give me the gun, give me the gun, i took it! get up from me personally and fuck off from me. igor, well done, doctor, oh,
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bullets, igor, it’s time to get up, well, klavochka, well, something was like that. the company belonged to you and yudin 50x50 here. it was the greed of the friar that ruined him, lyosh, you weren’t rotten, it’s not about greed, yudin turned the clinic into a brothel, he dragged all the patients to his bed. oh, lyoshka, this already looks like envy, i bet on jealousy, he was always lucky, women loved him for his talent, she
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loved him... he didn’t feel like an empty place, oh, this already looks like revenge, jealousy too suitable, one alone then, what do you mean , little tag, save, save, save, people, people, what, what, who are you? it was me, i was staring, and well done, wow, how smart you are, igor, listen, this is what you gave, wait, an experiment,
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that’s self-critical. wait, you at least bring yourself to the morgue, i’m not interested, oh, ivanochka is not having fun, that he’s hanging his little head, ilona, ​​lips and angela grudin, and roevsky and his mistress, in my entire life i have never seen so many cuckolds and cheaters as for today. yes, well, it’s, it’s normal, lyoshenko, to cheat, everyone cheats, no, not everyone, no, not everyone, it’s only cynics like you who don’t believe in love, in fidelity, to a normal family life, don’t listen to him, lyosha, but i don’t listen to him, i don’t understand him at all, you don’t understand, maksimov just wants to annoy you, yes, maksimov,
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of course, understands.
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promising relations, what issues are discussed during the state visit. attack on civilians israel hit a refugee camp in the gaza strip, killing dozens of people, hundreds of people detained in the capital of armenia, mass protests demanding the resignation of the government, quickly dangerous in the wrong hands, how the use can be limited electric scooters? about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. vladimir putin is holding talks in tashkkent.


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