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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:45pm MSK

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out of surprise, i turned sharply towards them, the boy was very scared, and his mother began to scream out loud, of course i apologized, then we laughed for a long time, but in my opinion, i inflicted psychological trauma on them for the rest of their lives. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. promising relations, what issues were discussed during vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan. attack on civilians israel hit the refugee camp in sertiregaza, killing dozens of people. and how emmanuel macron tries show yourself as the new leader of europe, what comes of it? about the main thing for this moment in the studiors. hello.
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negotiations between vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyuev ended in tashkind. as a result, the delegations of russia and uzbekistan approved more than twenty documents. these include action plans to increase mutual trade, agreements on technical assistance and joint scientific research. as planned, documents were signed on the construction of a nuclear power plant of russian design in the republic. according to vladimir putin, russia is ready to increase gas supplies to uzbekistan to 11 billion cubic meters. he also emphasized that our country is consistently moving to payments in national currencies. central asia is a key region for both the world economy and international stability, and russia’s position here has always been strong, as has the handshake between the leaders of russia and uzbekistan. under the arches of the carved tent in front of the green palace of the presidents, a guard of honor greeted them.
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ubekistan is a great respect for uzbekistan and the multinational people of uzbekistan, i am very grateful to you for this, it was uzbekistan that came, such a representative delegation was not accidental, this emphasizes our special nature of strategic partnership and allied relations, the pace of development of economic ties, they are really very impressive. we sealed the political agreements by signing an impressive package of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents.
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and interregional cooperation. a state visit is a kind of apotheosis of diplomatic protocol. every detail is important here. at the kuk soroy residence, the president of uzbekistan receives the most honored guests. in the green palace, vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev held the political part of the negotiations. economically, part of the visit took place in the business center of tashkent. representative delegations from the regions of the two countries met each other for the first time. the economic sanctions that the west imposed against russia had almost no effect on... our country’s relations with uzbekistan, and this opens up additional opportunities for partners. currently, 80 russian regions are working directly with the republic. in samarkand, the domestic automobile plant, together with partners from uzbekistan, is building trucks. a chemical technology park was launched not far from tashkent. domestic digital flagships help introduce promising services in the country. russian gas is already flowing to uzbekistan through kazakhstan and a project to build the first nuclear power plant in the region is on the agenda. signed today. the protocol on
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amendments to relevant intergovernmental agreements of 2018 opens up the possibility for the construction of low-power nuclear power plants in uzbekistan according to modern russian ones technologies that, i emphasize, meet the most stringent safety and environmental protection requirements. the uzbek market helps russian companies expand, and this is a good incentive for the further development of our country and uzbekistan, and the republic remains the most russian in the region. speaking about cultural education, the presidents of the two countries noted the success of the russian seasons that took place in uzbekistan. alexey prokin, vyacheslav spereddonov and vladimir morozov, ntv television company, tashkent, republic of uzbekistan. as a result of a night strike israeli aircraft in the city of rafah killed 40 people, mostly women and children. shells fell on refugee tent camps. footage of the fire that broke out after the air attack is being circulated on social networks. she followed everything. 2 days after
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the un international court of justice in the hague ordered the end of the military operation in the gaza strip and the immediate opening of the border crossing for the delivery of humanitarian aid. the court decision is binding, yes itself. the israeli army previously called on palestinians to evacuate it was in rafah that it declared it a security zone for the civilian population. now the israeli army emphasizes that they hit legitimate targets and reported on the liquidation of two high-ranking hamas representatives from the installation from which the militants fired at tel aviv. the death of civilians during the attack was called an incident and they promised to look into it. well, in tel aviv, meanwhile, protests continue, demonstrators take to the streets with portraits of hostages, demanding the resignation of the government.
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kyiv has the right to use weapons that the kingdom set ukraine up for attacks on russian territory. paul yuyunson noted: ukraine has the right to self-defense, but he did not specify how this self-defense is connected with the ability to shell peaceful russian cities. stockholm recently became a member of nato. last week , the swedish government agreed on additional military assistance to kiev in the amount of 75 billion crowns, which is about $7 billion. the swedes supply archer self-propelled golobitzes to ukraine; they can strike at a distance of up to... 60 km. not all are european politicians agree with the opinion of the swedish minister. the day before, german chancellor olaf scholz, at a meeting with berliners, urged not to cross this line. but at least the rules for the use of weapons supplied by berlin, according to scholz, have long been agreed upon and must be strictly followed. we all know that germany
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is ukraine’s largest partner in europe. we have already supplied and will supply weapons in the amount of 28 billion euros in the future. this is much more than everyone else has given, and yet we do it in a way that prevents war between russia and nato. i take this into account when making every decision. at the same time, the chancellor outlined the time frame for nato's admission of ukraine to nato. according to scholz, if this is possible at all, it will not be in the next 30 years. german spiegel, meanwhile, citing his own sources, writes: “the baltic states have already hinted to germany that they could send their military to ukraine.” they allegedly talked about this. security conference in tallinn. according to journalists , pribalsky believes that if russian troops succeed in making a big breakthrough in the special operation zone, we will have to send ground forces to frame up the ukrainian armed forces. by the way, this position has already been criticized in washington. they fear that sending soldiers will make the alliance a direct participant
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in the conflict. yes, the nato leadership is not yet ready to support the baltic rhetoric with actions. the general of the alliance, jens stoltenberg , said that nato continues to adhere to the principle of non-proliferation of the conflict beyond its territory. ukraine, and there should be no military organizations on the ground or in the skies of the country. but however, in an interview with economist magazine, stoltenberg is more inclined to belligerent and calls for kiev to be allowed to strike with western weapons on russian territory. europe is now experiencing a moment on which its existence depends, emmanuel macron said in berlin. according to the french president, the european union has never had so many internal and external enemies. the eu, i quote, may even die. in germany. macro flew in to resolve foreign policy issues against the backdrop of colossal contradictions within france itself. sergey khloshevsky for more details. the franco-german engine must run without interruptions on the first state visit of a french president to germany in the last 24 years, the last time jacques cherak came here on a state visit was in 2000, as
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the european press writes, almost the last attempt by paris and berlin to stop blaming each other against the backdrop of the european crisis. a magnificent welcoming ceremony in front of the palace. bellevue honor court. what else is needed to emphasize the importance of franco-german relations? macron sees scholz almost every month, but the official state visit is this is of course a different protocol level, meets macron, now president frank-walter steinmeier. i consider it a big misunderstanding when they say that there are difficulties in german-french relations, beyond complicated.
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the eu's defense sector is no longer a priority for europe; europe could perish because of what is happening in washington. we have never had so many external internal enemies. europe is experiencing, as i said a few weeks ago, a moment on which its existence depends. i really believe that our europe may die. french, creation european rapid reaction forces,
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the development of the european military-industrial complex, and for stricter rules in trade with china. and this is where the franco-german engine begins to act up. berlin still hopes for the american security umbrella and looks at relations with china differently, not to mention how the cautious scholz meekly sends weapons with german crosses to... you can endlessly look at the fire and water at how the americans bend olaff scholz, forcing him again to send weapons to ukraine again. ulavshol resists, complains, says that budesfer has nothing left, and then, bowing his head, goes obediently to carry out the next order received from washington. this happened quite recently with the patriot system, when the americans ordered the europeans to urgently find another installation for kiev, everyone threw up their hands and only scholz found one lying on the balance sheet.
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the future of europe. sergei kholoshevsky, anastasia konorovskaya, boris filchikov. european bureau, ntv. the head of the us treasury warned banks about the risks of sanctions if they continue to operate in russia. next on the air is business news. denis talolaev is with us. denis, what specific banks are we talking about? ilya, well, it’s not that many western banks have remained operating in russia; everyone has been looking closely at the austrian bank and the italian unicredit for a long time. european banks may come under additional restrictions due to their work in
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russia, as the head of the us treasury, janet helen, said in an interview with reuters, us authorities are considering the possibility of further tightening secondary sanctions against foreign banks that continue to operate in russia. janet yellen did not specify which specific banks were being sanctioned, but said that this tightening of sanctions could affect those banks that carry out operations according to her. stated that the country's banks should stop conducting transactions with russia, as this
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creates reputational risks. the state duma has indicated at what salary the progressive scale of income tax for individuals can begin. last week parliamentary hearings began on future tax changes. and based on their results, the duma budget committee on taxation published its recommendations. lower threshold for the new progressive scale. it is proposed to establish at least twice the average monthly nominal wage in russia. according to rosstat, the average nominal salary in the country at the end of last year was approximately 7,500 rubles. that is, the progressive personal income tax scale can affect salaries starting from approximately 150 thousand rubles per month. the recommendations of the duma committee on the budget say taxes. quote: it is important that the increase in the tax burden did not affect the vast majority of citizens. also the committee. held a proposal not to change the vat rate, to introduce new tax deductions for
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families with many children and for those who regularly undergo medical supervision, publishes gto standards. the russian stock market starts the week in the red. firstly, investors suspect that at the meeting on june 7, the central bank may raise the key rate. and secondly, the shares of exporters are hit by the fact that the ruble continues to strengthen, now the dollar is below the level of 89, and the last time it was there was at the end of january. the domestic currency continues to be helped by the fact that russian companies are preparing to pay taxes and the peak of these payments is tomorrow. the quota for wine in cafes and restaurants at first may be 10-20%, said nikita kuznetsov, director of the internal trade development department of the ministry of industry and trade, at russian retail week. he announced that russia is quite a wine-producing country and should not be ashamed of domestic wine. more recently
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, the association of winegrowers and winemakers of russia proposed introducing a quota for stores of 20% of domestic wine. proposed to set import duties for... wine from nato countries at 200%. now, according to the federal customs service, of all imported wine in russia, so-called unfriendly countries account for 64%. at the same time, according to the retail trade association, in most retail chains the share of domestic products in total wine sales has already exceeded half. ilya, everything about the economy. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. the government will allocate an additional 2 billion rubles for restoration roads in emergency-affected regions. mikhail mishustin announced this today at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. according to the head of the cabinet of ministers, the measure will affect crimea, which at the end of last year was hit by a hurricane in the trans-baikal, primorsky, khabarovsk territories, amur, irkhutsk regions, which suffered from an emergency last year, as well as the orenburg and
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kurgan regions, in which the spring flood of this year destroyed a large part of the infrastructure. we are talking about roads of local, intermunicipal, regional significance, then there are about those routes that people use the most. recently , the orenburg and kurgan regions were hit by large-scale floods; 9 billion rubles were allocated to help citizens and eliminate the consequences of the emergency situation there. many objects were damaged, roads were destroyed. it is important to restore them so that they meet all regulatory requirements, i know you are working on it, but i ask you to keep it. the prime minister also named the renewal of the bus fleet in the regions as one of the main tasks of the government, so in the pskov region the cabinet of ministers allocated 750 million rubles for the purchase of 25 modern high -capacity buses this year. in total, ambassador mishustin, over 6 years , the regions will receive about 40,000 new trolleybuses, trams and electric buses,
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ntv viewers in the capital, then the program will be released today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions. central part of the country. today, a state duma committee approved a bill on fines for riding electric scooters while drunk. for such walks and refusal to undergo a medical examination, the document implies fine from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. what other measures are designed to make scooters a safe means of transport? ilya lyadvin will tell you. unfortunately, such collisions between electric scooter enthusiasts and pedestrians even occur. consequences, in order to protect ordinary passers-by throughout the country, restrictions are being introduced for undoubtedly convenient, but dangerous transport in inept hands. in the capital, new rules apply in all major parks. it is no longer possible to enter the botanical garden, ostankino square and novkhov on scooters; restrictions also apply to bicycles while here russia forum is taking place. the main architectural ensemble
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of tsaritsyn is also closed for such trips, but in sokolniki and gorky park you can travel by such transport, but only with. speed up to 10 km/h. a shared or rented scooter will slow down on its own in such a slow zone, but the speedometer of your personal two-wheeled friend will have to be controlled manually. since this year , another 50 spaces with speed restrictions have begun operating; in total, there are already more than 300 of them in moscow. international experience, unfortunately, for people who manage today, it negative because, in principle, basically all countries are moving forward.
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traffic and pedestrians into completely separated flows, when scooters and bicycles move only in their own lane. in moscow, they plan to increase the length of bicycle paths this year by almost 90 km, and the total length of this infrastructure will exceed 600. in addition, additional dedicated lanes will be installed on many sidewalks where the width allows. krasnodar is following the path of development of cycling infrastructure, in addition to the work of the same slow zones of the busiest streets banning scooters in six city parks. since 2013, we have organized 16 bicycle routes with a total length of more than 35 km, in our future plans we have the construction of another 25 km of bicycle paths, the total cost of the project is about 115 million rubles. it is necessary to develop a culture of using scooters; for example, in sochi, kick-sharing vehicles left outside a special parking lot began
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to be evacuated from the beginning of may. they are working in this direction in moscow, to make it easier to track violators using cameras, each scooter was given analogue of a car license plate. those who like to deviate from the rental traffic rules will now not only be fined, but will be blacklisted. of course , it makes no sense to cover up numbers; we urge all users not to do this, because we all do. one of the most common violations of a paired trip on scooters, during such the risk of complete loss of control increases exponentially, now a new intelligent anti-tandem system can detect them, it was developed by specialists from one of the largest kick-sharing companies in country. a trip for two is determined while the scooter is moving, that is, if the person stands with someone. for one scooter, during the trip he will notice a scooter and receive a jackpot notification that we have discovered a trip together, and if there is a repeated violation,
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we will most likely stop the trip completely. whether the new restrictions will be sufficient is still a big question depending on the consciousness of fans of individual transport, who often forget that electric scooters, segways and unicycles have already had status of a vehicle, they are no longer treated as pedestrians while driving and have their place in the rules. road traffic. ilya lyadvin, sergey koreshkov, olga alferova and ekaterina katilevskaya, ntv. this is what we will talk about further in our issue. elusive avengers, how russian marines, under the cover of self-propelled guns , storm ukrainian oporniks under the harvest, for which the prisoners are grateful to them, will be told by evgeniy golovanov. crossing, crossing, left bank, right bank, bridge from the middle of the last century. became a stumbling block between two regions, who should repair it and what residents should do, andrei shamin found out.
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she will come back to you more than once, hello, me, hello, no, start, please, pay, please, or you can smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely, conveniently with savings, cool stuff. thank you! via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today we continue our release. russian troops in the special operation zone liberated two more settlements, as reported by the ministry of defense, this is the village of nitaylovo, north-west of donetsk and the village of ivanovka in kharkov region
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areas. air defense forces shot down more during the day. 40 ukrainian drones, haimars alha rockets and six french-made hammer bombs were also destroyed. our fighters are pushing the enemy further into the depths of the defense. thus, in the southern donetsk direction, the actions of attack aircraft are reliably covered by artillery. the modernized 100 howitzers hit the enemy from a long distance, but always without a miss. evgeniy golovanov saw the results of coordinated combat work. self-propelled artillery. mstas installation rarely stands still for a long time stay in one position to give a gift to the enemy, swing from point to point, an elusive avenger howitzer with a caliber of 152 mm, with a rate of fire of up to eight rounds per minute, this is a modernized version of the famous self-propelled gun, now the gun is aimed at the target much faster, and during combat work sometimes everything seconds decide, in the previous version everything is on tumblers, it’s all done
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manually. there are already computers here, all automated. msta can hit with both conventional projectiles and krasnopol laser-guided projectiles with a 100% guarantee hitting the target. as soon as msta’s crew receives the coordinates of the target and moves to firing positions, a report is immediately sent to the assault units, located several kilometers from here not far from the ukrainian positions that are to be taken, they will act only after it.
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we didn’t even understand where it came from, what happened, i looked out from the dugout, and your guys were already standing there, saying: either surrender, or we ’ll throw a grenade into your dugout. ukrainian nationalists who stood on the second line of defense, and essentially in detachment, tried to recapture the defensive post. the very first tank worked, the second time another tank arrived, then more armored vehicles and infantry came to us, they burned the equipment and the infantry also rolled back. ukrainian tank crews hit the hangar. knowing that their captive brothers-in-arms were there, the equipment worked on us, our equipment, accordingly, the ceiling slab fell on my leg, crushing my leg, we dug out for a day, your guys provided assistance, bandaged it, in that battle all our attack aircraft were wounded , but they kept position until the main forces arrived for 5 days, repelling counterattacks, shelling and drone raids, all this time this
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yaga, a cassette, flew in at night. they flew in, yes, uh, a polish woman, well, a mortar, this silent one, which is the ags, everything that was possible, flew from us, but the opornik survived, and in the end they took the entire industrial zone. on the hangar, which was occupied first, they hoisted the st. andrew's flag of the marine corps, only after that they rolled back to the rear, carrying out prisoners. well, honestly, i want to thank the 40th marine brigade, that the guys are good they turned out, well, let’s say, they promised that if you surrender, nothing will happen, so they did, well, food, water, a toilet, help, for the wounded. everything is fine, for this battle our marines were presented with state awards, after a short rest and treatment they have already returned to duty, i say hello to everyone, especially the marine corps,
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victory will be ours. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, south donetsk direction of the special military operation. an abandoned bridge was discovered on the border of the ivanovo and nizhny novgorod regions. are not listed on the balance sheet, but are vital for residents of nearby villages. along the dilapidated soviet-era crossing, they go to school every day and to the shops and to the doctors. and they are forced to fix it on their own. andrey shamin for more details. ani and sasha travel on foot between the regions every day, live in the ivanovo region, and go to school in the nizhny novgorod region. you can almost jump across the bridge, no one knows where it will fall through. every trip or drive across this bridge is like roulette, you will be lucky or unlucky. here to someone. no luck and there are a lot of broken boards under the bridge, they say about local drivers here, he not a rut, he knows every board, especially if he placed it himself, this is where you can fail, you carry your boards with you, yes, and then how it gets in, and then
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it goes into the trunk, although not everyone here carries such car accessories and not always, well, just recently, now it’s about to fail, now it ’s failing, just like that, i found it, thank you, god, across the lukh river, in these places there are two settlements: the village of sankhar, about 70 houses at most, it belongs to the vladimir region , and mugreevsky bor, it is in the ivanovo region, and the road is suitable for the passage leads only from the village of frolishche, nizhny novgorod region, across that same bridge. the administrative borders between the two regions run in the middle of the river, and accordingly in the middle of the bridge, there is the nizhny novgorod region, there is the ivanovo region, the whole problem is with...
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which side is bigger, spending money on repairing a bridge that is not on the balance sheet is a jurisdictional matter for any municipality, here for two decades now, residents have been renovating with whatever they can get their hands on, we bring our own from the forest, they donated it from someone just now sawmill, cuttings, well, like cuttings, quite commercial wood, but kind people donated it, a new bridge in this place, according to various estimates, can cost from 200 to 400 rubles. the entire annual budget of the pestyakovsky district of the ivanovo region is 139 million. the old crossing through the court to the prosecutor's office is currently being registered as an ownerless building in order to document the very fact of its existence. it must remain abandoned for
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a certain period of time, how long? up to a year, during this time, during this time, and some subject or municipality may apply. to put this ownerless facility on its balance sheet, the problem could be solved through federal programs, but they are implemented with co-financing from the regions, and for... nisimov and sofia lesovets, ntv, nizhny novgorod and ivanovo regions. at the bakulev center for cardiovascular surgery , two unique operations were performed today: for the first time, a patient with rheumatic heart disease had a meter valve made of artificial material replaced with a donor one. and in the next operating room they fastened the leaflets of a poorly functioning heart valve special. details in the report by pavel rybalchenko. both valves in the heart of patient
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vladimir li are artificial. the mitral continues to help pump blood. the tricuspedal has served its term. my valve will be replaced with a human one. to be honest, it's still scary anyway. well, i trust my surgeon, who operated on me 10 years ago. in 2014, when surgeon pavel kakhtyan operated on vladimir, there was no question that the operation to transplant a living heart valve had begun. right now
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the main stage is taking place on the operating table operations. the perfusionist controls the artificial circulation in the patient's body. the rest of the surgical team is focused on the heart. success in working with a scalpel is based on precision and patience. such an operation can last more than 6 hours. during the transplantation process, pavel kakhtyan explains another interesting detail. doctors remove the tricuspedal valve. they transplant the mitral valve, the mitral valve is initially much larger, and operates under more severe conditions, so this transition from the mitral to the episvedal valve is much more easier than the opposite. the donor valve is in place, everything is ready for the most exciting and important moment. doctors restart the heart. in the next operating room , another unique operation is taking place in parallel.
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open heart manipulation is contraindicated in a patient with heart failure. previously, people in this risk group were simply denied surgery, but now, in order to improve the functioning of the valve, there is no need to stop the heart. surgeon karen petrosyan in the chest makes its way through a small puncture in the femoral vein. there is a special clip at the tip of the catheter. it’s like a bracket that will connect the valve leaflet, preventing excess blood from spilling out. after this, all this is removed, the clip remains in the hearts and the valve leaflets remain fixed, and after this , mitral insufficiency is directly corrected and, accordingly , all clinical manifestations are reduced, the clip is eternal, it grasps everything, after a few months it is completely epithelialized, covered with a natural membrane; all this remains with the patient all his life; each of these operations is expensive in itself.
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comfortable warmth has established in the regions of the central part of the country; in the coming
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days the temperature promises to rise to several degrees above normal. the forecast will be presented by irina polyakova, contact us meteorological studio, irina, will it rain? not yet, just the sun. so, what about summer plans for the european territory of russia? the success of the weather is now guaranteed by increased atmospheric pressure. in the central regions it is like this will be there all week. look, the red line here is the atmospheric pressure forecast for the coming days in moscow. for several units. above average and even if no special records are expected, but this is quite enough, all the conditions are for sunny weather, which means for warming up the air, however, there is also something special here, the sun is beautiful, but the deficiency... in the soil is too large, rare local mosaic rains of it are not stopped at all, so the level of fire danger in the middle zone is quite high, we cannot ignore this and forget about it, about it a decline can only be said at the very end of the week. meanwhile, another cyclone is laying claim to our atmosphere; like its predecessors, it is coming from scandinavia,
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carrying fresher air that has yet to warm up here. in arkhangelsk tomorrow the maximum is only +14, but in vologla -27 and an atmospheric front with rain. it will be just between them and further south in koma, in the north-west rains are also possible, and the heat is below 30, in the middle zone there is definitely no precipitation and 22-27, and this is already on the volga. in the south there are again local showers with thunderstorms, the temperature is still in no hurry to increase, under 30 only on the don, in the astrakhan region in kalmykia. and in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be + 27-28, there is a chance of rain and thunderstorms with gusty winds. in moscow , the maximum air temperature is 26-28 sunny, and from wednesday in the forecast. +30 will already sound. thank you, this was the weather forecast from erina polyakova. that's all for now, go to, see you.
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