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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 27, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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was killed by her husband, she wanted to divorce him, they they lived together for 12 years, they had five children, two from their first marriage, three of them together, but how old was your daughter and what was her name? my daughter turned 37 years old on november 2, rosa alexandrovna, you know some details of the murder, of course, i... arrived, i just don’t remember how i got from novosibirsk to irkov by taxi, the police were already cordoning off there, they didn’t let me in to see my daughter, well, i just saw that there was a lot of blood there, this husband of hers, at first stuck a knife in her throat at home, there were children at home, nina’s young daughter, granddaughter 8
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years old, daniil is, and volodya is 5 years old, that is, the tragedy happened in front of children, is this a nightmare? yes, tell me, did he only stab your daughter once? no, this one is here, in the area six seven, in the back area - six, when it happened at home, she, she vomited. he hit her six more times in the back, he ran after her, yes, he caught her, dragged her back into the fence and finished her off, the police were looking for him because he left the crime scene, you said that this terrible tragedy happened in front of children, they told you some details, what they saw, what they survived. nina, she’s 8 years old, she’s just
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coming to her senses, she says, the woman says, i didn’t save my mother, i say, ninochka, what did you hear, she says, i heard my son’s mother screaming when i came out, she says , she had a knife, dad stabbed her in the throat, and i said, mom told you something, she said, no, she just showed it like that, and i said she ran and she ran naked down the street, she ran to the store, and there there was my daughter’s middle school, another granddaughter, her double sister, she told her this. she to her she said that dad stabbed mom in the throat with a knife. julia, the girl will never be able to forget this nightmare. at this age, memory works well for forgetting, but the point is that
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she does not need to forget this nightmare, she needs to learn to live with it, because if she tries to forget it, it will remain a heavy burden inside and will shape all future behavior. the worst thing that was said is that the child feels guilty for what happened, and this is the first thing that needs to be worked on, of course, so that the child accepts, understands and knows that it is his fault. no what happened. anna, when you arrived at the place where the children were, the children were taken by the middle sister, my daughter, and as soon as your son-in-law was detained, this freak was quickly caught, well, somewhere, well, in two hours, somewhere quickly, caught somewhere - not far. yes, he just apparently mixed up the roads, he ended up at a river, and the road was like that on the central highway to go out, well, onto the federal highway, he ended up like that and there was already a river where he could not hide, he admitted his guilt, yes he admitted , but he said that it
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was motivated by jealousy, and what kind of jealousy, who was jealous, she has five children, your daughter could not be saved, when i arrived soon, then my daughter would have... broom, well, 13 stab wounds. alexander, do you think the woman had a chance to survive after being stabbed so many times, as evidenced by the number of these blows? the chances of survival were minimal. one of the blows was inflicted in the throat, the others in the back, and most likely vital organs were damaged, and under such circumstances, most likely she simply bled to death. well, as for... the very mechanism of causing these injuries, then i think that this husband, who is now already in the procedural status of the accused, he most likely simply did not understand well what he was doing, he did not have a nervous breakdown, and if this
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unfortunate woman who died, she earlier i felt or realized that i was living with an abuser and i just needed to run away from him, and i shouldn’t have run away on the nineteenth. he just apparently couldn’t control his rage, it’s some kind of incontinence, perhaps pathological, because there’s no other explanation for how this could have happened, well i’m just not there, i think they will work with him to conduct a psychiatric examination, check his sanity and the state of what happened to him at that moment. anna,
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how did your daughter even meet her husband? rosa went to novosibirs with her middle daughter to earn money, and i stayed with the children and grandchildren. that's where she met this freak, she told you something about the first date, no, because i wouldn't give consent, why wouldn't i give it, if i found out that he was disabled, i wouldn't give consent no matter what kind of health problems he has, he doesn’t have a full leg, it happened at the age of 9, he jumped on trains and got hit by a train, well, in short, he has a prosthesis, maybe he somehow looked after him beautifully, gave flowers, of course, of course. of course, of course, he took this, i think, because of this freak, how they began to live together, we constantly scolded our daughter, because of this freak, i couldn’t say many good words to her, because i was always freaking out, and what was your first meeting with him, so
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he is a man, i won’t say, he is a handsome man, he is for every person puts on a shirt, what you want to hear, then you will hear, i understand this now, it confused you, that is, he adapts to everyone, he is shy, a woman loves with her ears, my daughter probably just fell for it, that he says beautiful words himself, i don’t i liked that... he doesn’t work, but my daughter worked as a pastry chef, she left at 63 in the morning, naturally, she came like a squeezed lemon, and it’s always lying there, the neighbors are here, i’m already talking on the street there, they tell me , why is this little boy leading this boy to kindergarten, and this man for some reason, never, well, who is he to you anyway, that is, he was not involved in raising children, did not work, although he could, he was involved in raising children, in the sense that this is possible, this is not possible, in rude tones. i believe that he spread rot on them, because he was always yelling, everything was impossible, so he had to walk,
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humbly, and once it happened that he raised his hand in front of me against my grandson, eldar, he just lifted his hand from the sofa when he hit him, he rolled away, and i was baking bausaki in the kitchen, naturally, i grabbed a rolling pin at him, and he at me like a man, he fought with me like a man, you fought, he couldn’t beat me, because i had a rolling pin, i took it well myself, at your daughter, he raised his hand, my daughter told me his one cry was enough, because when he was yelling, the walls were shaking, when i told her, go away, daughter, she said, he is the father of my children, mom, how will i leave, she probably loved him, you can also love a freak, and why did she decide to get a divorce when he took her to the omsk region , away from all of us, he already took everything there, it was not long before the tragedy. yes, that's 4 they lived there for a month in the omsk region, she arrived on january 3rd in the city of novosibirsk, to visit
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her brother for his birthday, and she started crying for me, saying: mom, kill me, please, i feel very bad, i can’t take it anymore, and how did he react? to her decision, naturally he didn’t want to let her go, he came, asked for forgiveness, she forgave him again, i say, already do what you want, for god’s sake, you are already among us now, nothing will happen, we have you under control, but he took her... all the things, asked the things, why, two fur coats, mink, jackets, underwear, well, things the kind that are dear to her, he freaked out again, something, she said, that’s it, go away, i won’t live with you anymore, she kicked him out, then he came again, she kicked him out again, but the third time she couldn’t, he killed, yulia, how to get out of such a relationship correctly, in order to prevent terrible consequences, let's start with the fact that... we are not talking about jealousy, this is simply called the emotional dependence of two people, when
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the jealous person cannot imagine life without the other participant of this relationship, he actually lived there for 12 years on everything ready, and his wife provided him with a comfortable existence, which also reinforced his feeling that he was something... represents, because such a socially successful woman submits to him, since she submits to him, then he is generally a king, a situation in which suddenly all this in his life will not be, of course , is unacceptable for him, accordingly, the act that he committed, it is quite natural from this, yes, that is, he already lost her, now by killing her, he, in general, then, well, as if nothing had changed for him, for him, well it's equivalent. the situation of being left without her presence in his life, well, he has three children of his own, well, would a normal person
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kill his wife, with whom he sleeps together for 12 years, eats together and kill her, on the day when the murder occurred, rose’s sister had a presentiment that something was wrong in the studio makhabat kirikeeva, hello makhabbat, hello, please accept our condolences, you and your sister were close, we were very close, my older sister is 6 years apart, she personally always fussed with me, to put it simply, she is mine sister at the same time time nanny, what kind of relationship were you with her husband, our acquaintance did not work out right away, we met him in novosibirsk, my sister and i then worked as salesmen and pickers, she worked at the station on the main square, and he came from prokopyevsk. well , i went to have a snack and saw such a beautiful
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girl, the first time i saw him, i told her why do you need him, when she told me that he doesn’t have a leg, she introduced us to us, she said he seems like a good guy , and i feel sorry for him, but behind this pity, behind this man, his smile his ask was all that was said, this is confirmed by what he did to my sister. he was a very bad person, he simply took advantage of the fact that my sister was angry before, she took pity on him, well, maybe there was love, of course, in the beginning... he courted her, i once came to change her job , at the main station, i saw a beautiful orchid, purple, and i told her, who gave it to you? she says: my husband gave it to me, well, not my husband, but my future husband, yes, it turned out that by fateful accident this man brought one the same absolute purple orchid on the day
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of the murder, but the first orchid was with a feeling of falling in love, the second was he already knew that he would kill her, because it was a premeditated murder, horror, when your sister just met this man, he tried to find an approach to to her older children, i don’t think he tried, he beat the little ones, this happened even in front of me personally, when she lived in prokopyevsk, i say what kind of bruises, he says, yes, i taught them boxing, he always worked undercover, this is a man who was extremely complex and always dressed himself a mask of such, thanking, as if he was raising her children so that they would not become like him. at that time, since i was still young myself, and i didn’t have my own family and children, i couldn’t insist directly, well, that there was something wrong, what they were doing, because they were older, she, well , my older sister, i said my opinion, paid attention, she seemed to reassure me that
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she would watch all this, it seems to me that everything possible should have been done so that she would leave this person, thank you for telling such a story, women should yes, not only women, but also men encounter such people, we have to talk about it, we have to get it out, i have the impression that she seemed to be dependent on him for something, he starts hitting her, screaming there, but the woman doesn’t care for some reason it remains. attention, even to his own, but at the same time he was the elders . he lay on the sofa and did not pay attention to his children , beat him, protected his own, yes, he never took them to the garden, everything was on my sister, and you were glad when your sister decided to get a divorce, i
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wasn't happy, i was incredibly happy i was literally stoned... when she moved to our village, we fluttered, i told everyone, both brothers and sisters, they answered me that finally we are happy, because well , everything seems to be fine in the family , but officially she had time to file once, no, she didn’t have time, on the day of the tragedy you saw her, yes, on that day i brought her home, it turned out that i brought her home and my friend called me and said: let’s go to the gym and... i left her, it turns out it was at 6 and a penny, at 6:10, somewhere i dropped off a rose home, we bought something there for tea, then her husband wasn’t home yet, and then i went to my home, it’s at the end of the street where i live, i told my husband that i would go to training, my husband let me go and my eldest daughter,
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jasmine, came from school, she’s in my uniform, she’s a cadet, she’s... it seems to me that she loved my rose more than me, i say, you’ll go, what’s your rose, she says, of course, she without even changing clothes, i took a change of clothes with me, i took a backpack and left jasmine, that is, i no longer went into the house, and then i found out that when jasmine arrived, he was already there; why the suspect’s friend does not believe that the father of many children brutally dealt with his wife and what causes of death are indicated in the certificate of rose’s death, we will find out in a couple of minutes. what's your name? dubrovsky, is he still hanging around everywhere? and how? well, i can’t, i’m just sitting there doing nothing. what's there? yes, it looks like murder. we contact the contractor, the contractor leads us to the customer. classic. if you help with an identikit, you'll get off with minimal wages. will you give me a tooth? the officer's word. who
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is beyond, a mother of many children decided to divorce her husband, but did not have time, because he brutally killed her, makhabat, how events developed further, i had to return at 83 from training from 70 my daughter started to panic that the uncles had arrived in... nakhton was talking to aunt rosa, she wrote to my mother, my younger sister, when i was already returning back, first my younger sister called me, then my mother, that it seemed like he had arrived, call rosa, go home quickly , i came to her, i went into the fence, it was about 29 and from the senok i hear that he is speaking in a raised tone, but in principle he has the timbre of his voice, that he has a ringing voice, i go into the house, she is standing in the kitchen, near the kitchen cabinet, and he is sitting on his knees and holding her by the hips, and says to her, well, i can still hear this from the start, baby, forgive me, let's talk, let's talk, i walk in from the doorway and say:
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why are you talking in a raised voice? there are children here, you will scare them, well, i have a little daughter, it turns out, he got up from his knees, calmly sat down on a chair at the kitchen table, and i say: “rosa, let’s go to my place now, i ’ll flood the bathhouse, we’ll wash ourselves, let’s go now with all the kids,” she doesn’t, i’ll come in half an hour, talk to him and come, in the conversation she holds my daughter in her arms, me it just knocked him out, well, his presence, that... the child took him by the cheek, she always seems to sense people like that, or something, i don’t know, and she smiles and says, uncle, rose says, yes, uncle, and he smiles at this time, that is, then you already had a bad feeling, but i got ready to go to car with the children, it turns out i left, came home, and my eldest daughter was right at the door, my mother says, can i go for a walk in a circle, i say, my daughter’s time
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is already ten o’clock, where will you go in the dark, no, i’ll go, it’s passed literally there, well, some minutes, i don’t remember, rosa calls me, she says, come in 15-30 minutes, i say, what about your husband? she says: well, i ’ll leave nina with him, she won’t get sick, she won’t go to the bathhouse, we talked, she makes me feel absolutely calm, she says: he’ll sleep, and i ’ll come to the bathhouse with the boys, i say, i’ll then i’ll arrive in 15 minutes, she hung up and 11 minutes later. as we talked to her, my daughter, jasmine, and my husband called me in the kitchen, the child is small, she tells me, mom, mom, we, i met nina , she tells me that uncle aunt rose stuck a knife in her neck, mom we arrive, right here near the store with nina, i don’t remember here anymore, i ran out into the street, my husband didn’t understand anything, he said, where are you going, i say, i went, in my opinion, something happened to rosa there. i
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got into the car, drove off, picked up the girls on the way, jasmine and nina, rosina, daughter, when i was driving up, my car was old, it creaked, and he knew this wonderful noise, and he knew that i was coming, i was driving up, he came out of the gate, he came out, closed the gate , went to the curb, i parked, the girls ran out of the car . i closed the key and left it in the car when he was walking and i was parking, i saw that he was covered in blood, i understood that something had probably already happened, but i didn’t think that there was anything there at all, that she couldn’t be saved, then i get up and my neighbor shouts to me, run, he has a knife, he ran at me, that’s where he was such a knife, he ran at you, yes, he ran at me with a knife, and i understood from his eyes that he didn’t care, and he would kill me, even
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a neighbor. children, yes, my daughter was sitting in the car with nina, they saw everything, i don’t remember how i ran away, but i remember for sure that i have never been so afraid in my life, never, i just have these eyes of this, well, killer , this is the killer, in fact, the neighbor was walking with the fittings, he shouted to him, go away, run away, now, like, well, he ran away, when i ran into the fence, opened the gate, she was lying there. right in the fence next to the gate, well, i saw blood, well, her eyes were open, i thought that she, well, would hear me, i don’t know what i was thinking, i started hitting her on the cheeks there, i started to resuscitate her, revive her, pump her, pump, count this score, i had thoughts, well , so that i don’t break her ribs, because she’s thin, then the children, vova and danya, started running out over and over again, already
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wearing their phones. i sit, i think, so that they don’t see her, i send them home, and it was i who sent them, sent them, and they kept running out and they ran out, i then ran home, i didn’t know that there was blood all over the kitchen, the children saw everything, the children saw everything, yes, naturally i took all the children, then people started running, brothers, i think i lost consciousness, i arrived ambulance police, first the police arrived, then... the ambulance arrived, i was covered in blood too, and they told me, we recorded death, it’s terrible, it’s very terrible, what state the children were in, they understood that their mother was dead, nina didn’t understand, because she asked me, after 2 days, is my mother alive? for now there is no consciousness that she is gone,
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daughter, i don’t want to lose more of you all, and then it was already night, naturally it spread across all groups that a man with a knife was running somewhere, he was found in the morning, when he was in hospital, they called us that in the pocket of his trousers, they found... four funeral ribbons, that yes, i mean, you think, you talked about this, that i think that it was for my sister and three children, this is a premeditated murder, he planned to kill not only your sister, but also the children, he planned to kill not only my sister, more
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moreover, i think that he was preparing, and your sister’s husband’s friend cannot believe that he did this, because he knows him as a kind and sympathetic person, our guest is konstantin gavrilov. hello, hello, how long have you known your friend? i knew him since childhood, we grew up in the same yard, he was a calm, sociable boy, but how did he lose his leg? they rode with friends on freight trains, climbed on the bandwagon and rode, well, something went wrong, he fell off, fell, his leg got under the wheel and, accordingly , his leg was cut off below the knee, maybe it’s something influenced. later on his character, he somehow became more aggressive, then after this incident, in his youth he began to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, got involved in fights, entered into some conflicts there, this was a common thing for him, well, yes, like he began to lead
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an unhealthy lifestyle, something went wrong there, he went to prison, for which he was in prison for theft, as i remember, for a long time, about three years, in my opinion, when he came out of prison, he changed, very changed, well, prison changed him, he became more sociable, polite, that is, prison she re-educated him, but very strongly, i thought, well, the man managed, but how did you find out that your friend is suspected of murdering his wife on social networks, how did they react, they believed it, there was a shock, no, i didn’t believe it, i didn’t think that he can do this, and you still don’t believe it, you can’t believe it, you don’t believe it, well , the fact is, he’s sitting there, they took him away. well, the fact is, in front of all the children he killed, people, how is it so, you don’t believe it, well, it’s hard to believe, here we are too, moms, i didn’t know him from that side, konstantin, some details of the murder, do you know that he stabbed her with a knife, didn’t want to part with her, was probably so
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deeply in love, or what? we have footage from the crime scene, thirty-one-year-old makhabat kirikeeva enters the house where the life of her older sister rosa was cut short, and cannot hold back her tears, she used to be here with...
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broke up with her sister, he apparently decided on this, and he killed her in a rather brutal way, and the fact that he is a corpse, or an already dying person, but also... maybe he dragged her back alive and so on, this is not because he wanted to give her an ambulance help, but most likely, he was already realizing that he had committed a crime, and he just wanted to hide his traces, at least for a while, and additional confirmation of all this is that after committing the murder, and this there was a murder, he also tried to escape, another thing is that he apparently later... realized that he had overestimated his capabilities and being
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disabled, and even more so when he was missing one of the lower limbs, he probably understood that he was far from , it will not be possible to hide, and especially since this is murder was committed in front of enough witnesses to understand that it was he who committed this serious crime, sergei, what do you think? the murder was planned, i personally get goosebumps from these prepared mourning ribbons, for me personally, that’s how i see this picture, yes, they talked a lot about jealousy, but the problem, i think, lies deep behind the feeling of jealousy, the problem is envy, envy is what allowed this person to commit this crime, one successful person, works, career, beautiful woman, family, society, he simply lives essentially at the expense of... this woman, at that moment envy became
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higher than his mind, my opinion, it was a premeditated murder, he hit exactly in those places, he knew where to hit, in the neck, the carotid artery, that is, he didn’t hit the leg there, i don’t know, there in the buttock, somewhere else, yes, he hit the vital organs, that is, he deliberately did everything to hurt the person suffering in order to kill a person, so that the person dies as soon as possible, according to statistics, we have 65% of just such murders committed by husbands, relatives, cohabitants. that is, this is a crime, precisely in the rank of domestic violence, it should be time to put it in a separate article, but the worst thing is that women very often forgive and actually make peace, this seems to me, the very, very root of the problem is not realizing what kind of monster you are next to you live in ignorance of the fact that a person will never change after one blow, there will definitely be a second blow, let’s be honest, again as mahabbat said, but this is not the first time this problem, that is, he attacked mother, that is, this is domestic violence, it happened.
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arkhan, can we be talking about a state of passion here? i think not, if a person has already come prepared, i think he is just this option. most likely he was thinking about him, a knife, he was with him in the apartment, or he brought a knife, he brought a knife, my daughter, my daughter didn’t have that, it’s not a knife, it’s a dagger, you know, these ribbons, orchids, this doesn’t mean anything, in fact, the knife he brought was not in the apartment, it was proven that it was done intentionally, consciously committed this crime, on the basis of which, rosa most often quarreled with her husband, the eldest son was killed, he is ready to shed light on the relationship between his mother and stepfather, be careful, what are you waiting for me? this man will not calm down until
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he finds his wife’s killer, as long as he is alive, you will really go to the end, i’m not used to changing my decisions, pack, this is a series, today at 22:10 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. vadik, come out! come out and start a business, with sber our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rub. help at the start from sber experts, all services in your internet bank, analytics on your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a blast! buoy! may be different. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what
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if not, then i’ll put everyone, and her, our children, and this thought, he had it, he prepared, of course, yes, he surprised her again with this orchid, that is, as if come back, remember, remember, he called her, remember our relationship how they developed, well i i did everything i could, i tried to get you back, i didn’t understand, in fact the story is of course chilling, but my opinion is that this man, well, according to a friend, actually received herbs as a child. he harbored a grudge against the world, against life, tried to somehow cling on, find support, when he realized that his house of cards was a picture of the world that he created for himself, that is, his wife, who bore everything on herself, who created an illusion for him the fact that he is the head of the family, that he can do something, that he is a strong man, when all this collapsed, he finally head, most likely he came
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with just such a purpose in relation to her, the neighbor who was killed in a nightmare could not imagine that rose’s husband was capable of killing his wife, in tears or with bruises, maybe, no, no,
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but rose once - have you ever seen her sad or never seen her, that is, she didn’t give the impression of a girl who is at home behind closed doors, her husband tyrannizes her, no, she didn’t, well, there were disagreements, it happens in every family that we have a fight, there are all sorts of reasons , well, at least reasons to suspect something, to worry, call the police, you never had, no, you never had. no, when you learned about this brutal murder, were you shocked? yes, it’s terrible, i’m still in shock, i didn’t even believe it, at first, i thought it was probably some kind of - someone, probably, was either joking or something, where were you on the day of the murders? i went to town on my business, maybe the neighbors said something, maybe they heard screams and noise, of course, the neighbors then heard noises, there were screams, it turns out you know with what cruelty he tortured her? of course we have there is a death certificate. cause of death: bleeding from an artery, injury to the common carotid
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artery, attack by stabbing on the street. alexander, please comment. the death certificate is very , very short. the forensic expert who compiled it reflected the reasons why she passed away. it sounds like by stabbing, he cut her... vital artery, and that she essentially bled to death, resulting in death from massive blood loss, then the blow to the neck was fatal, yes, most likely. gulnara, what do you think could have been the reason for the murder, maybe he was jealous of her, maybe they were fighting because of this, it couldn’t be because of jealousy, rose was an ideal wife, she was a faithful wife, she herself thinks that’s why , that's why, well, i don't know. i can’t find an answer, i can’t find an answer, rosa’s son constantly watched his mother’s conflicts with her husband and was very worried about her, in
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the studio dmitry muzychok. hello dmitry, hello dmitry, first of all turn, please accept our deepest sincere condolences, i’m filming, what is your seniority among the children? i am the oldest of the children, where are the other children now? they are now in the care of their aunt, you help your aunt with the children, i come on weekends, i try to somehow entertain them, it’s difficult to do this, it’s very difficult for the children, the children don’t realize it yet, probably this, they live as if nothing had happened, like you found out that your mother was killed by her husband, well, i understood everything from my grandmother’s reaction when they called her, they called my grandmother, she screamed, i understood everything. because i'm before i found out that when he arrived, he didn’t talk to her, i wanted to come that day, but
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i thought everything would be as usual and i didn’t go, you miss your mom, you can’t believe that she’s gone, i think no one couldn't believe who told your brother to others? children about what happened, that mom is no more, well, as they told me, nina herself already told everyone about it, nina talks about it, asks some questions, no, when you start talking to her about this topic, she, of course, starts to cry, remembers everything you in general, do you know about your mother’s relationship with her husband, how it developed, when they first started communicating, everything was like everyone else’s, no litter, nothing, when the problems started? after moving to prokopyevsk, when my mother worked in a bakery, and he did nothing,
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lay on the sofa, because of this there were quarrels, of course, then there were quarrels, there were a few quarrels because of me, because he began to educate, there was assault , of course, there was a lot of screaming, he hit me hard, we mostly just got slapped on the head, and he raised your mother’s hand, no, it wasn’t on mom, at least not in front of you. there are no brothers, sisters, the youngest, because he said that they were not yet grown up, but these were his children, yes, my brother was, of course, scolded, and it happened that he punched him, you tried to defend him, well, i i don’t think that i could have protected him from all this, it’s just that when dima was already growing up, when dima was already 16 years old, he couldn’t shout at dima, because dima could already raise his voice, now dima lives with me, for the second year he is studying. mahabbat, and you are now trying to surround your sister’s children with care, caress? yes, what about me, i’m a mother myself, i’m their
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dear aunt, i just still don’t. the consciousness that she is gone, i try not to talk to him about it, uh, honestly, i see from the children that they know, but they don’t ask me, nina asked me, mom is in the hospital, i say, ninochka, mom is at clouds, she’s not there, she immediately told me, just don’t give me to anyone, i can live with you, i say, of course, ninochka, all the kids will live with me. that’s why neither i, nor my husband, nor my children, we talk about it, well, that is all together, my daughter jasmine too, well, i actually hid it from her for a long time, and then she saw the status on the phone that there was a funeral on such and such a date, but it was in our kazakh language, she guessed it herself and
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said: mom, what is this, this is a funeral, i say yes... from the mosque we bring her to the village, well, it’s as if nothing can be seen from her face, and since we had to go to michat at 7 in the morning, we didn’t take the children with us. how are you coping with raising so many children now? my husband helps me first of all, and my mother-in-law, mother... constantly comes, today my older brother and his wife arrived, we have a lot, we are not ashamed to say, we are a whole clan, we didn’t just lose her there, we each of us lost a part of ourselves, because well, otherwise it can’t be, our mother raised us in such a way that we should always be together, like a fist, we are strength, and now this whole friendly family takes care of the children together, yes, we have children,
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we have a plot, let’s see, this is a good one. we all had to share the children's room, there is a large wardrobe, tv, desk and computer, honestly , we have ordered beds in one room so far, but a two-tier one will be here for the girls and a two-tier one for the boys, and for eldar we will move this sofa to the kitchen. there is plenty of space in the kitchen, the owner says, every day in the morning and evening. at lunch, a large family gathers at this table, here we all eat, my table is transformable, it folds out big, as sometimes i push it out here, when we all eat right together, mahabat does not forget about his beloved sister for a moment, every friday they with mom they come to rose at the cemetery, bring flowers, 37 years in total and i can’t, daughter, daughter,
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i’m sorry if something went wrong, i couldn’t save you, oh, forgive me my darling, well , i won’t hurt your children, no i’ll give your children, i’ll raise them, yulia, how can you help this family cope with grief, help is definitely needed, they are needed. more than one qualified specialist, children need specialists who specifically know how to work with such childhood traumas, please, after the transfer, we will exchange contacts in the region where you permanently reside, we we will find people who will be able to help you right there in the quantity and quality you need, because this is a huge grief, this is
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a huge pain that you need to cry out, give yourself the opportunity to speak out, now the main thing is to remind yourself, please, that you are in no way are guilty, you will need to learn to talk about this in your family, you know, you will need to learn to talk about this with children, just find the right words, be prepared for it, this is constant work for a whole group of people, and this will need to be done, we will definitely do it, anna, at what stage of the criminal investigation is it now? stayed a little during the season, but now he’s gone to ten, what do you mean, this is timur, this is most likely a colony, as i assume, in this area, yes, where those who are subject to an examination are held before sentencing psychiatric, as i showed that he is sick, i don’t know, with a disease, conditions
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of detention, is he in a medical unit? you want punishment for him, you know, i want him to be punished according to the law, it’s fair that it doesn’t turn out that he has... what is the sentence for someone guilty of murder? commentary from the investigative committee immediately after a short advertisement. a resident of the sverdlovsk region was sent a photograph of a beautiful curly-haired girl milena with an offer to adopt her. when i picked her up, she immediately... that’s all for me, i just couldn’t do it anymore, my adoptive mother was told that the biological mother left her daughter and son at a bus stop in the winter and disappeared. milena at that time was lying in a stroller, and two
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brothers stood nearby; 16 years later the young man asked about a genetic examination with milena, although his mother did not stop him at the stop. mother never left us, the police came, they took my brother, my sister left, is it really possible to meet someone separated. siblings, i knew that she had two older brothers, he was very small, but he always took care of you, there were times when we didn’t have something to eat, i had to go to the neighbors to ask, i open the dna envelope, today at 17 :50 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday 2020 on ntv. order a free credit card alphabank. for a whole year without interest, get a supercake in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free, not just profitable, alpha is profitable, vinarus is the choice of millions for varicose veins, vinarus can help
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eight year old daughter. according to the investigation , on the evening of april 19 of this year, in his home, in one of the villages of the novosibirsk region, the suspect deliberately stabbed his wife multiple times in the head and neck area. the death of the thirty-year-old victim occurred at the scene. the man is currently detained; the court has chosen a measure of restraint for him in the form of detention. the investigation department for the city of ob, the investigation department, the investigative committee of the russian federation for... the criminal code of the russian federation and murders. sergey, what sentence could you face under this article? i wanted to make a comment before this, i really hoped when i received this comment before that, after all , this crime, this sadism, would be qualified not under part one, but under part two of article 105, since part.
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according to our statistics, unfortunately, every year from 3 to 400 women die from domestic violence, that is, these are global figures per day, so those women who are now watching the program, look at your relationships, while it's not too late, put an end to it. sergei, can the fact that the murder occurred in front of a child be considered an aggravating circumstance? this can be considered an aggravating circumstance not of a child, in front of the children, in fact, it happened before this tortured murder, i personally don’t see any staneffect here, if, for example, this one stands.
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he is also obliged to take care of older children, children from his first marriage, financially; if they have already reached the age of eighteen, then he is not obliged.


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