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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 27, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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strategic partnership and common memory alexey prokin followed vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan. the first visit of the french president to germany in 24 years sergei kholoshevsky on how emmanuel macron is trying on the role of the new leader of europe and what comes of it? evgeny golovanov will tell the elusive avengers about how russian marines, under the cover of self-propelled guns, storm ukrainian oporniks under the harvest, for which the prisoners are grateful to them. convert the mitral valve into tricuspedal and get to the heart through.
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scooters, as city officials are looking to hit people abandoned on the sidewalk, are a compromise between comfort and safety. hello, welcome to the information service of the television company. the pace of development of economic relations between russia and uzbekistan is impressive. vladimir putin announced this at negotiations in tashkent with shavkat mirziyoyev. they lasted more than 3 and a half hours. putin called uzbekistan strategic partners and reliable allies. moscow and tashkent are actively cooperating in the implementation large joint ventures
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central asia is a key region for international stability, and russia's position here has always been strong, as has the handshake between the leaders of russia and uzbekistan. under the arches of the carved tent in front of the green palace of the presidents, a guard of honor greeted them. vladimir vladimirovich putin. shavkat mirziyoyev and vladimir putin are attentive. we talked with all members of the delegation from the russian side. members of the government, heads of regions and corporations arrived in tashkent. and
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the uzbek press today called the relationship moscow and tashkent, a quote truly popular, we have been preparing for this visit very carefully and for a long time, and i think it will actually be historical, i am very grateful that one of your first visits was to uzbekistan, this is a great respect for uzbekistan and the multinational people uzbekistan, i am very grateful to you for this, i came to uzbekistan like this. russian industrialists are looking especially closely at the possibilities of uzbekistan. the emergence of industrial parks over the past year and a half, opening every year everything is new and new, indicates that the interest of the russian. business,
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creating production here is of active interest. in samarkandi, a domestic automobile plant together with partners from uzbekistan is building trucks, a chemical technology park has been launched near tashkent, our digital flagships are helping to introduce promising services in the country, russian gas, which is produced by gazprom and is already flowing to uzbekistan through kazakhstan, is also on the agenda for the construction of the first in the region of the nuclear power plant. rosatom is actively working abroad, may be. maybe it is, it ca n’t be, that’s for sure, it’s probably the leader in this area, in the world, number one, in terms of the number of power units, units produced outside the russian federation. alexey, how many blocks are we making, building? there are 20 blocks under construction and 20 blocks under construction abroad and six contracts, well, of course we are ready to make checks. everything in order to
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work effectively in the uzbekistan market. we sealed political agreements by signing an impressive package of documents on intergovernmental, interdepartmental, between our country and uzbekistan, and this opens up additional opportunities for russia for its partners that have almost no impact on relations. the council of regions of the two countries is meeting for the first time, and its status was emphasized by the presidents of uzbekistan and russia. in total, 78 out of
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89 constituent entities of the russian federation have mutually beneficial partnerships with uzbek regions. it is thanks to such... direct contact, active proactive joint efforts of regional authorities, regional management teams, business circles, cooperation between russia and uzbekistan is filled with specific content and involves more and more participants. at the council, ministers of the russian government, heads of constituent entities of our country and khakims of regions of uzbekistan discussed cooperation in the field of high technology and textile production, in industry and agriculture, and the supply of berries. the flow of fruits and nuts from uzbekistan to russian markets is also an important component of both bilateral relations and local hospitality. when will almonds and delicious nuts become cheaper in russia? well, here the question is probably the cost of production, so we will discuss with our colleagues how this can be achieved, but
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it seems to me that the main products from uzbekistan are our fruits, these are our grapes, yes, which everyone loves very much, these are peaches, apricots and of course, cherry blossoms. uzbekistan saw each other quite recently at the victory parade in moscow. in tashkent, the feat of the soviet people in the fight against fascism is immortalized here in victory park. memorial composition "eternal feat, the main dominant." all the years
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of independence in uzbekistan are well remembered from with whom shoulder to shoulder, and most importantly, in the name of what the grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought. the park was opened quite recently, and since then it has been visited by leaders, an important part of the state. the entire complex is divided into thematic zones, which tell about the horrors of war, about heroism, where the stone is carved to the point of perseverance. putin and merziyoyev paid tribute to the memory of the front-line soldiers, this is a reminder of the common history of the two peoples, who, based on the results of today’s multi-format negotiations, will continue to develop communication cooperation in all areas, from economics to culture. russian seasons, like noticed the heads of state were held in uzbekistan with great success. alexey prokin, vyacheslav speredonov, vladimir morozov. television company ntv tashkent, republic of uzbekistan. the russian military liberated two more settlements in the special operation zone: nitaylov, in the dpr and ivanovka in the kharkov region. the ministry of defense reported this today. moving into the depths of the defensive ukrainian army, tankers of the
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north group of forces destroy fortified enemy positions. in combat conditions, crews fire from both closed firing points and direct fire. this tactic is used during assault operations, when the equipment is on the move and hits targets at short distances. the crew of this t-72 b-3m tank participated in the liberation of one of the villages in the kharkov region. on the battlefield, when everything is often decided in a matter of seconds, tankers are obliged to act in a coordinated manner and understand each other perfectly. when on a straight line there is not only equipment moving towards you, but also manpower, here is the infantry, there is artillery there working on you, because a tank is a very scary, but very strong and powerful weapon. so this is the initial goal, here is attentiveness and good vision and reactions and shoot correctly. the modernized t-72 is one of the most modern russian tanks; it has received additional dynamic protection against direct hits
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from shells, and a new automated fire control system allows the crew to quickly navigate during combat operations. the thermal imaging sight makes it easier to find targets, and the weather data sensor helps you shoot accurately. in the southern donetsk direction of tsvo , artillery fire does not subside even for a minute. crews of mstas self-propelled howitzers and vostok troop groups make up to five firing missions in just one day. positions, firing dozens of large-caliber shells at the enemy. long-range artillery supports the advance of the pacific fleet's advanced marine assault teams. military korentv evgeniy glovanov met with the soldiers who successfully completed their next task in the area of ​​the village of urozhaynaya, the junction of the dpr and the zaporozhye region. the mstas self-propelled artillery mount rarely stands still. stay for a long time in one position to give a gift. the enemy, swinging from point to point, the elusive avenger is howled with a 152 mm caliber, with
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a rate of fire of up to eight rounds per minute, we can load it in 10-15 seconds, that’s how we can say it, and the rest is a beginner, that is, how it aims fast, this is a modernized version of the famous self-propelled gun, now the gun is aimed at the target much faster, and during combat work , sometimes seconds decide everything. on the previous version everything is on toggle switches, it’s all like that, well , manually, there are already computers here, everything is automatic, the revenge can hit with both conventional shells and guided missiles, laser-guided krasnopol, with a 100% guarantee of hitting the target, we have different targets, strongholds, equipment, three axes hit, a tank hit, two armored infantry fighting vehicles were hit recently, it shoots accurately, it’s as if they never missed once. as soon as msta’s crew receives coordinates and targets and moves to
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firing positions, the assault unit located from here immediately reports several kilometers away, not far from the ukrainian positions that are to be taken, they will act only after it has worked after the artillery barrage. this is footage of one of the battles near the harvest. the marines of the arctic battalion, under the cover of artillery, stormed the hangars where they were holed up. ukrainian fighters, when the command came, we, it turns out, passed through the previous one in the fence and reached, it turns out, the opornik, after which they began to actively throw grenades, well, the assault phase began, such a swift and daring breakthrough, the ukrainians the military didn’t expect it, one arrival, a second arrival, shooting started nearby, we didn’t even understand where it came from, what happened, i looked out from the trench, and your guys were already standing, saying: either surrender, or we’ll throw a grenade into your dugout, ukrainian nationalist... standing on the second line of defense, and essentially in a barrier detachment, they tried to recapture the defensive post, the very first tank worked, the second
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time another tank came, but our artillerymen, well, the agents worked on it and it rolled back, then more armored vehicles and infantry came towards us. , they burned the equipment, and the infantry too rolled away, the ukrainian tankers hit the hangar, knowing that their captive brothers-in-arms were there, the equipment worked, our equipment, accordingly, the ceiling slab fell on my leg, crushing my leg, we dug out for a day, your guys provided help, bandaged it, including in the battle, all our attack aircraft were wounded, but they held their position until the main forces arrived for 5 days, repelling counterattacks, shelling , drone raids, all this time this yaga flew in at night, cassettes flew in, and well... a mortar, this silent one , which ags, everything that was possible flew with us, but the opornik
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survived, in the end they took the entire industrial zone, on the hangar, which was occupied first, they unloaded the st. andrew's flag of the marine corps, only after that they rolled back to the rear, carrying themselves prisoners, well , honestly, i want to thank the fortieth marine brigade , that well, the guys turned out to be good, well, let’s say, as they promised, that if you give up, nothing will happen. well, they arrived, well, food, water, well, toilet, help, the wounded, well, everything is fine, the captured national guardsmen speak russian perfectly, they tell, that they entered the war against their will, instead of the promised service at checkpoints, they were thrown into the front line, into a meat grinder, they were given a summons, they said, in 2 days, if you don’t show up, then you will be in prison for 7 years, i didn’t initially, well, i didn’t consider russia as opponents, in in principle, well, because, well, in the end, to say, half
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of the blood in me is russian anyway, but we didn’t go to war against the fraternal people, the war is not necessary for anyone in any case, there are losses on both sides, as with on your side, so on our side, everyone wants to live in peace, understand, what is happening, well, today there is one president, tomorrow another, everything can change.
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especially the marine corps, victory will be ours. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg today again called on the alliance countries to allow kiev to launch strikes with western weapons on russian territory. at the same time, he spoke out against the idea of ​​sending nato troops to the conflict zone. stoltenberg believes that the war with russia must be fought with the help of ukrainians and proposes to establish uninterrupted supply. weapons of ammunition to ukraine, statements on the topic of the ukrainian crisis are heard in berlin, where emmael macron arrived on a state visit. the french president still does not rule out sending troops to ukraine and promises to do everything to ensure that russia is defeated. the german chancellor is not so militant and calls for nato not to be drawn into a direct conflict with russia.
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sergei khloshevsky monitors the progress of the visit. a magnificent welcoming ceremony in front of bellevue palace. there's a guard of honor in berlin, what else? necessary in order to emphasize the importance of franco-german relations and what else can be done to make emmanuel macron feel like the new leader of europe, which he is trying on. the first state visit of a french president to germany in the last 24 years, and the last time jacques chirac came here on a state visit back in 2000, as the european press writes, almost... the last attempt by paris and berlin to stop blaming each other against the backdrop of the european crisis. macron sees scholz almost every month, but an official state visit is, of course, a different protocol level. and now president frank-walter stanmay, relying on the number 75, exactly the age of the german constitution, convinces everyone and himself of the existence of indestructible european
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unity. i consider it a big misunderstanding when they say that there are difficulties in german-french relations. the frenchman’s calls to save old europe, which, according to him, was surrounded by enemies, looked more like panic. we have never had so many external internal enemies. europe is experiencing, as i said a few weeks ago, a moment on which its existence depends. i really believe that our europe may die. macron
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says that the european union needs its own army, its own powerful military-industrial complex and more. the fact is that berlin still hopes for the american security umbrella and looks at relations with china differently, not to mention how cautious olaf scholz mentions ukraine and german weapons supplied to the east. in my imagination the german chancellor drew a certain line over which he promised the germans not to cross. we all know that germany is ukraine’s largest partner in europe, we have already supplied 28 billion euros in weapons in the future, this is much more than everyone else has given, and at the same time we are doing this in such a way as to prevent a war between russia and nato . i take this into account when making every decision. but following macron , the nato general secretary is raising the bar. stoltenberg called on
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the allies to allow ukraine to attack russian territory with western weapons. i think that the time has come to think about lifting some restrictions, since we see today that, for example, in the kharkov region, the front line and the border are almost the same thing, if the ukrainians cannot attack military targets on russian territory, this makes it very difficult for them defense i am sure that if we transferred weapons to ukraine, they are no longer our weapons, they are their weapons, which means they can strike them at legitimate military targets, including in russia, for example, at air bases that they use. but to fight according to stoltenberg, it is necessary to use the wrong hands and risk other people’s lives, those that are of no value to europeans, that is, ukrainian ones. if nato forces become directly involved in the conflict, if they attack russian targets in the sky or on the ground in ukraine, then we will find ourselves in a situation in which it will be very difficult
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to keep nato out of the conflict, so we should not have nato troops in on the ground or technology in the skies of ukraine. however, among the most loyal and most russophobic nato allies there are those who are still verbally ready to send their soldiers to ukraine. the german spiegel refers to a statement by representatives of the baltic countries ... that there are even specific plans according to which the nato army can directly help ukraine in self-defense. in general, macron , with his threats to send troops to the eastern front, turned out to be not the only hawk; another thing is that few people take the frenchman’s words seriously now. the visit to germany was precisely planned for...
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the purpose of the airstrike was to destroy the leaders
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, representatives of the israeli army say that hamas in rafah and a rocket launcher from which israeli territory was fired. earlier, the un international court ordered israel to stop the military operation in rafah and allow inspectors into the enclave to investigate information about the palestinian genocide. the netanyahu government refuses to implement this decision. in armenia today, the promised positions of mass action of disobedience began, demanding the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan. today in yerevan , protesters took to the streets and blocked roads with cars and garbage cans. police tried to push people back and clear the passage. as a result of the clash with security forces, about 300 people were detained. archbishop bograd galstanyan, whom the opposition nominates as a single candidate for prime minister, called for the protest action. to participate in the political struggle, he has already announced that he is ready to freeze. their service in the church, opposition supporters express dissatisfaction with the actions of the current armenian authorities, including on the issue of delimitation of the border with azerbaijan, we are talking about the transfer to the azerbaijani country of a number of border
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territories. the night before , a rally of thousands was also held in the center of the armenian capital near pashinyan’s residence, which was attended by more than 100,000 people, according to official police estimates. this is the program today. and further in our issue. russian restaurants are preparing requirements. knocking down people, scooters abandoned on the sidewalk, as city authorities seek a compromise between comfort and safety. every wedding ends the same.
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always flying past? for my combo, dasha vereshchagina's star combo for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16, yes to a delicious point. if you are, be the first, the first, whoever you are. from songs - the best songs, from books - real books. and don’t listen to the cowardly, you will blow them away like foam, if you are, be the best, if you are, be the first, gdve fuel reveals the potential of the engine and those who strive to be the first, tested in racing conditions, drive, be the first, i new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories and get cashback up to 25% in rubles, thank you, not thank you, but in rubles, in
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a regular payment. pay with your smile with sberpay. dolphin, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. sportmaster represents the outventure brand. reliable travel equipment. buy in the sportmaster mobile application and receive 300 bonuses for calling yourself. national lottery. more than 1,600 millionaires have already fallen out. nice stock up on tickets from the national lottery at the post office or at millionerad will intensify. again profitable, not again, every day, profitable on the price tag, which means low price, olive global village 1499, five helps out, the day has just begun, and i’m already tired, then a prospectus appears, i’m a prospectus, i help you to be active every day, come to me strength returns, tekno - common 30 series of smartphones, stunning clarity photos and 4k video. new series
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of smartphones common 30 from techna. history in every frame. tekna. via superstar premiered in sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. the government will use additional funding to restore roads in six russian regions affected by floods.
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regions taking into account environmental standards. mishustin said that in the next 6 years about 4,000 new buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses will appear on the roads. the menu of russian restaurants and cafes will contain at least 20% percent of russian wines. the upcoming introduction of a quota was announced today, details we'll find out right now. denis talalaev joins us. denis, what is known about the timing when these quotas can be introduced? well, lovers of domestic wine will have to wait for now, because the timing and the size of the quotas are still being discussed. and today the ministry of industry and trade reported how, for starters , the requirements for cafes and restaurants regarding the range of domestic wine might look like. director of the department for domestic trade development of the ministry of industry and trade nikita kuznetsov at
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the russian retail week. having specified that russia is quite a wine-producing country, to be ashamed russian wine is not worth it, he said: at first, the quota for russian wine in cafes and restaurants may be 10-20%. but nikita kuznetsov added that the numbers are still being discussed with the ministry of agriculture, and they will continue to grow. previously , the association of winegrowers and winemakers of russia proposed that starting from september 1 of this year , at least 20% of the wine in stores should become russian, and the wine lists of cafes and restaurants should contain at least 50% of domestic products. the same association of winegrowers and winemakers believes that duties on wine from nato countries, and this is an italian wine from...
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the committee also supported the proposal not to change the vat rate and introduce new tax deductions for
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families with many children, as well as for those who regularly undergo medical examinations, and issues gto standards. due to the may frosts, the ministry of agriculture plans to introduce a state of emergency throughout the country. this was announced by the minister of agriculture oksana lut. she did not specify when this might happen, but added that the ministry will ask the government to compensate for damage to fruit crops. at the regional level an emergency regime due to frosts was already introduced in saratov, voronezh, lipetsk, tambov, volgograd, rostov, penzya and oryol regions. previously, the company platform pf (it takes into account more than a million online cash registers in the country) reported that just because of the may frosts... it would consider the possibility of supplying apples from other countries, this is also because of the may frosts.
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there was a major glitch in the work of the cargo delivery service sdek; its clients have been unable to receive or send a parcel for more than a day, neither the website nor the mobile application work. this morning, kfor clarified that there was a disruption in the work abroad, but since the beginning of may it has become available that allows you to order goods from even car delivery from europe, china and korea. the russian stock market
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fell sharply today. according to the moscow exchange index, such a sharp decline has not occurred since february last year. firstly, the market suspects that the russian central bank may raise the key rate at its meeting on june 7. and secondly, the shares of exporters are hit by the fact that the ruble continues to strengthen, now the dollar today based on trading results is below 89, and the last time it was there at the end of january. the domestic currency continues to be helped by the fact that russian companies are preparing to pay taxes and the peak of these payments is tomorrow. the st. petersburg automobile plant, a former russian nissan plant, announced that it is starting to sell xxide brand cars.
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that avtovas gave this plant into state ownership, probably to remove it from the threat of sanctions, everything about the economy, thank you, denis talolaev presented an economic review of the day. more than 10 thousand scooters from kick-sharing companies were seized by police in st. petersburg and one of the districts of linoblast. a large-scale raid was carried out due to massive violations of parking rules, but this is far from the only problem associated with scooters. and while pedestrians quietly hate those who rush past along the sidewalks on two wheels, and scooter riders defend their right to enjoy the summer weather, city authorities are looking for a compromise that would suit all road users in parks on the streets. what has already been done and what innovations are coming this summer. planned, ilya ledvin will tell. such
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collisions between electric scooter enthusiasts and pedestrians, unfortunately, even have lethal consequences. in order to protect ordinary passers-by, restrictions are being introduced across the country for undoubtedly convenient, but dangerous transport in inept hands. in the capital, new rules apply in all major parks. it is no longer possible to enter the botanical garden, ostankino square and novkhov on scooters; restrictions also apply to bicycles while the russia forum is taking place here. closed for such travel and main. control manually. since this year , another 50 spaces with speed restrictions have begun operating; in total, there are already more than 300 of them in moscow . unfortunately, international experience. for people who manage sims, it is negative,
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because in principle, basically all countries are going, well, big cities, including the same paris, are going along the path of banning force, but of course we don’t plan to do this, we don’t do it - so, but we are trying to regulate it, because it is certainly an innovation, and in principle i agree that in some part conveniently speeds up movement speed. people, in general, any speed, it drags along with it and saves money. safe proximity of individual transport and pedestrians; completely separated flows, when scooters and bicycles move only in their own lane. in moscow , they plan to increase the length of bicycle paths this year by almost 90 km, and the total length of this infrastructure will exceed 600. in addition, on many sidewalks where width allows, additional dedicated lanes will be installed. krasnodar is following the path of development of cycling infrastructure, in addition to the same work. in the past year, we have organized 16
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bicycle routes with a total length of more than 35 km, and in our future plans we have the construction of another 25 km of bicycle paths, the total cost of this project is about 115 million rubles. it is necessary to develop a culture of using scooters; for example, in sochi , kick-sharing vehicles left outside a special parking lot began in early may. they are working in this direction in moscow, to make it easier to track violators using cameras, each scooter was given an analogue of a license plate number, those who like to deviate from the rules rental movements will now not only be fined, but will be blacklisted. covering up license plates, of course, makes no sense, we urge all users not to do this, because we still track who was driving, when they were driving, and at what speed they were driving, that is, the absence of a license plate or a sealed sign will not help the offender evade responsibility . one of the most common violations is pairs. when traveling on scooters during such times, the risk of complete loss of control
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increases manifold, now a new intelligent anti-tandem system can detect them, its developed by specialists from one of the largest kick-sharing companies in the country. a trip together is determined while the scooter is moving, that is, if a person gets on the same scooter with someone, during the trip a scooter will be noticed and a push notification will be sent that we have detected a trip together, and if there is a repeated violation, then we will ... have the status of a vehicle, they are no longer equivalent to a pedestrian while driving and have their place in the rules of the road . ilya lyadvin, sergey koreshkov, olga alferova and ekaterina katilevskaya, ntv. this is the program today, watch after the short commercial. turn the mitral valve into a tricuspel valve and reach the heart through
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a puncture in the thigh. about unique operations at the bakulev center for cardiovascular surgery. report by pavel rybalchenko. crossing, crossing, left bank, right bank. the bridge from the middle of the last century became a stumbling block between the two regions. who should repair it and what should the resident do? andrey shamin found out. difficult. spot the legendary credit card alphabank with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get super cashback in rubles every month, withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, it’s the ecology of the city, it’s a contribution to
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every month. and up to 30% in the category. the bridge could collapse at any moment, and there is no other road in the village, however, as well as the owner of the crossing. why this happened and who is now repairing the bridge over the lukh was investigated by andrei shamin.
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anya and sasha travel on foot between the regions every day, live in the ivanovo region, go to school in nizhny novgorod, across the bridge almost to pripri. just recently, here he is now, here he is it fails, just like that, once and everything has passed, thank you, there is a lush in these places across the river. there are 70 houses at most, it belongs to the vladimir region, and mugreevsky bor, it is in the ivanovo region, and
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the road suitable for travel leads only from the village of frolishche, nizhny novgorod region, across that same bridge. the administrative boundaries between the two regions run in the middle of the river and, accordingly, in the middle of the bridge, there is the nizhny novgorod region, there is the ivanovo region, the whole problem comes down to who should repair this bridge, either one bank or another. the bridge in this place was built by a timber processing plant of the ussr ministry of defense in 1924. in 2000, the timber enterprise was liquidated. the villages it connects ended up in different regions, and whose bridge? now the big question. when specialists visited the site, it was determined by cadastral engineers that the bridge does not belong to the knizhegorodskaya bridge. the bridge is yours, and the bridge at the moment is not on the balance sheet of any
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municipality, swimming under the bridge is just as scary as driving over it, but if you look closely, the supports are completely rotted, everything hanging is about to collapse. in the villages on the right bank there are no schools, no shops, no hospitals, just as there are no alternative roads here, both the dead and the living, and children to school, to kindergarten, that’s all. for the last 24 years , no one has even formally been responsible for the bridge, and if it collapses, formally no one will be to blame, accordingly, upon departure, experts determined that this bridge is on the territory of the ivanovo region, now we are currently preparing technical documentation for this bridge, then and it will be determined yeah, where and how much is which side is larger, spending money on repairing a bridge that is not... is on the balance sheet is a matter within the jurisdiction of any municipality, for the past two decades residents have been repairing with what comes to hand, we bring our own from the forest, from
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whom - just now they donated, the sawmill cut, well, like cutting, quite commercial wood, but kind people donated it, a new bridge in this place, according to various estimates, can cost from 200 to 400 million rubles. the entire annual budget of the pestyakovsky district of the ivanovo region is 139 million. the old crossing through the court is the prosecutor's office still registering it as an ownerless building in order to document the very fact of its existence? it must remain abandoned for a certain time, up to a year, during this time, during this time, and some entity or municipality can apply to place this ownerless object on its own.
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these days the moscow bakulev center is hosting the largest scientific event, the annual may session on gold standards in cardiovascular surgery, in addition to discussions, lectures provided practical classes, attended by our correspondent pavel rybalchenko. both valves in patient vladimir li’s heart are artificial; the mitral valve continues to help pump blood. tricuspedal its term from. my valve will be replaced with a human one, to be honest, it’s still scary in any case, well, i
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trust my surgeon who operated on me 10 years ago. in 2014, when surgeon pavel kakhtyan operated on vladimir, there was no question that it would be possible to remove an artificial valve from the patient’s heart and transplant a real donor valve person, we will essentially return the valve that at one time... alexander bakulev. a unique operation to transplant a living heart valve has begun. right now, the main stage of the operation is taking place on the operating table. the perfusionist controls the artificial circulation in the patient's body. success in working with a scalpel is based on precision and patience.
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such an operation can last more than 6 hours. in the process of transplantation. works under more severe conditions, so this transition from mitral to televedal, it much simpler than the reverse. the donor valve is in place, everything is ready for the most exciting and important moment. doctors. they start the heart, in the next operating room another unique operation is underway in parallel: patients with heart failure are contraindicated for open-heart manipulations; previously, people in such a risk group were simply denied surgical intervention, but now , in order to improve the functioning of the valve, it is not possible to stop the heart necessary, surgeon karen petrosyan makes his way into the chest through a small puncture in the femoral vein, at the tip
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of the catheter there is a special clip, and... like a bracket will connect the valve leaflets, preventing excess blood from spilling, after that all this is removed, the clip remains in the hearts and the valve leaflets remain fixed, and after that it decreases accordingly directly mitral insufficiency is directly corrected and, accordingly , all clinical manifestations are reduced, the clip is it , it is eternal, it grasps everything, after a few months it is completely epithelialized, covered with natural it's all a shell all my life. stays with the patient. each of these operations is expensive in itself: the cost of a disposable device for transcatheter clipping, for example, is about 4 million rubles. however , today patients do not pay a penny for such operations. we now have compulsory medical insurance and a high-tech medical program, yes, according to which we are given special subsidies for providing high-tech assistance, this
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is not done in all centers, but in federal centers. in almost everyone, and today our patients, they can receive help within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, within the framework of vmp, they should not even particularly care about the framework within which this is done. progress in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases does not stand still; these days , the alexander bakulev center is hosting an international summit, thousands of cardiologists from all over the world share new experience, knowledge and discuss promising technologies for the treatment of heart disease. ivan niko. the coming summer in russia will be warmer than usual - yandex weather reports today; july heat is expected in moscow already in the middle of this week, on the weekend, according to meteorologists, the swimming season can open. irina polikova is with us, irina, what temperatures are we expecting? it will be five to six degrees higher than above. such hot successes are now
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guaranteed to us by increased atmospheric pressure. this is true in the central regions. will be all week, all the conditions for sunny weather mean for warming up the air, however, there is also one here, but the sun is beautiful, but the moisture deficit in the soil is too great, local mosaic rains did not stop it at all, so the fire level the danger in the middle zone is quite high, we cannot ignore it and forget about it, we can talk about its reduction only at the end of the week, and while the next anticyclone claims our atmosphere, it , like its predecessor, is coming from the country of scandinavia, bringing fresher air , which has yet to warm up with us. in arkhangelsk tomorrow the maximum will be +14, but in vologda - 27. and the atmospheric front with rain will be right between them and further to the south of the koma republic. in the northwest, rain is also possible, and the heat is below 30. in the middle zone definitely no precipitation and + 22-27, and this is already on the volga. in the south there will be localized showers and thunderstorms again. the temperature is in no hurry to rise yet. 30 each only on the don in the astrakhan region in kalmykia. i'll continue about
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the weather in 15 seconds. increase your wealth. together with uralsi bank, right now in branches throughout russia there is a special offer for new clients, deposit-income with a high rate of up to 17% per annum. uralsip bank is reliably convenient. and the weather in the capitals in st. petersburg tomorrow is +27, there is a chance of rain and thunderstorms with gusty winds. in moscow +27 the sun, further, higher, i haven’t raised my hand yet, write +30 here, some kind of psychological barrier, let it be. 29 as on the tricky price tags in stores, in any case, this is already a category of extreme heat, and i think it’s good that she plans to soften up a little later, colleagues, thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova, these are the main news by this hour right now the premiere of the detective dolphin, at 22:10 detective series flock, but we igor weaves and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, good luck to you.
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yes, andrey, you haven’t forgotten about the holiday, we ’re going fishing, maksimich, well, yes, wednesday suggested going to the islands, well, to the islands, so to the islands, with a boat, and i rented a boat. andrey, haven’t you forgotten about the holiday? did we miss it? maksimich, well, yes, wednesday proposed to the islands. oh, to the islands, so to the islands, with a boat, what? and i rented a boat. great, where are you going? and it's not far from here. sereda
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said the islands are some cool ones, they know the fishing there.


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