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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 11:35pm-12:01am MSK

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here is a particularly valuable one and romka has another fifty-sixth, but where is it from? in the twenty-second building a clinic has opened, uh-huh, it’s looking right at the intersection, maybe we can take a look right now, uh-huh, no, not now, so valera, collect files from everyone, copy them to the hard drive and register them. belova, yes, but did you promise me and morozov a guramo? first we have a rally, now this, uh, so now it’s time to do guram, but it won’t work out, why, but his routine is like this, why, his routine is like this, what kind of routine is this, well, in the morning at the market he’s from the patchwork collects tribute, returns home at about two, eats, sleeps, in the evening he gives the money to the lads and goes in search of adventures, now he is just at the stage of searching for adventures. it’s clear, well then tomorrow, no
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later, listen, maybe instead of belova , someone else will go to detain the guram, for example razumovsky, and what is this ? i’m good with computers, so now smirnov will instruct me to attach your video to the case, but yes, absolutely right, here you go! and you too give us your flash drives, you’re healthy, mikhail gennadievich, yes, kolya, you’re not sick either, so i’m calling to find out how my friend is doing, oh, your boyfriend is in trouble, and what’s so, he’s impudent, but you know, i like them like that .
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but they themselves were like that, that’s for sure, yes, he got into a fight with this friend of yours, with whom, with tamilin, you know, such friends, as they say, are in the museum, wait, but i don’t know what it was that tamilin forgot in zareshchensk, just i thought about calling you.
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this is the program today, artyom kolodkin is with you, we are summing up the informational results of the outgoing day, well, first of all, the footage that came from tashkent this evening. vladimir putin, together with his colleague shevkat mirziyoyev, toured an exhibition of portraits of great emperors. princes and princesses of the house of romanov and the collection of the state museum of art of uzbekistan. the presented paintings are part of the collection of grand duke nikolai konstantinovich, the grandson of emperor nicholas i. the grand duke lived in tashkent for a long time until his death and bequeathed his palace and collection of paintings to the city. the leaders went to the exhibition after participating in the council of regions russia and uzbekistan. alexey prokin will tell you what areas our countries are in now.
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closer and will report on important contracts that were concluded today. members of the government, heads of regions and corporations arrived in tashkent from the russian side. and the uzbek press today named the relationship between moscow and tashkent. quote: truly folk. we have been preparing for this visit very carefully and for a long time. and i think it will actually be historical. i am very grateful to have one of the first visits. you headed to uzbekistan, this is a great respect for to uzbekistan and the multinational people of uzbekistan, i am very grateful to you for this, such a representative delegation came to uzbekistan, it is no coincidence, this emphasizes our special nature and strategic partnership and allied relations, the pace of development of economic ties, they are really very impressive, they are watching especially closely russian industrialists are interested in the opportunities of uzbekistan.
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the last year and a half of industrial parks, every year more and more new things are opened, suggests that the interest russian business... creating production here is of active interest in samarkandi, the domestic automobile plant together with partners from uzbekistan are building trucks, a chemical technology park was launched near tashkent, our digital flagships are helping to introduce promising services in the country, russian gas, which is produced by gazprom, is already coming to uzbekistan through kazakhstan is also on the agenda for the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the region. rosatom is actively working abroad, perhaps. maybe they are, maybe they are not, but definitely, probably are leaders in this area, in the world, number one in the world in terms of the number of power units, units built outside the russian federation, alexey, how many units are we making, building? 20 blocks are under construction
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abroad and six contracts are underway, well, of course we are ready to do everything in order... but to work in the uzbekistan market. we sealed political agreements by signing an impressive package of documents on intergovernmental, interdepartmental, interregional and business cooperation. state visit is a kind of aptheos diplomatic protocol. every detail is important here. at the kuksaroy residence , the president of uzbekistan receives the most honored guests in the green palace, vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev held the political part of the negotiations, and the economic part of the visit. took place in the business center of tashkent, representative delegations of the regions of the two countries met with each other for the first time, the economic sanctions that the west imposed against russia had almost no effect on the relations of our country with uzbekistan, and this opens up additional opportunities for partners. at the council, ministers of the russian
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government, heads of constituent entities of our country and khakims of regions of uzbekistan discussed cooperation in the field of high technology and textile production, in industry and agriculture, the supply of berries, fruits and... i am very glad that our country is friends. the uzbek market helps russian companies expand, and this is a good incentive for the further technological development of our country and uzbekistan. the presidents of russia and uzbekistan met recently at the parade victories in moscow, in tashkent, the feat of the soviet people in the fight against fascism,
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is immortalized here in victory park. the memorial composition is an eternal feat, the main dominant feature. all the years of independence in uzbekistan are well remembered with whom, shoulder to shoulder, and most importantly, in the name of what.
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solovyovo and umanskoye. enemy losses amounted to 335 military personnel. in just a day.
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the mstas self-propelled artillery mount rarely stands still, stays in one position for a long time, makes a gift to the enemy, swings from point to point, an elusive avenger howitzer. 152 mm caliber with a rate of fire of up to eight rounds per minute, this is a modernized version of the famous self-propelled gun, now the gun is aimed at the target much faster, and in combat work, sometimes seconds decide everything. in the previous version, everything is on tumblers, it’s all done manually, there are already computers here, everything is automatic. msta can fire both conventional projectiles and laser-guided krasnopol projectiles with a 100% guarantee of hitting the target. as soon as the brigade crew receives the coordinates
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of the target and moves to firing positions, immediately there is a report to the assault units, located several kilometers from here, not far from the ukrainian positions that are to be taken, they will act only after it has worked after the artillery barrage. this is footage of one of the battles near the harvest, the marines of the arctic battalion, under the cover of artillery, went to ... turgars, where ukrainian militants were holed up, when the command came, we, it turns out, passed through the previous one in the fence and reached, it turns out, the opornik, after which we began to actively throw grenades, well, the assault phase began, the ukrainian military did not expect such a swift and daring breakthrough, one arrival, a second arrival, shooting started nearby, we didn’t even understand where it came from, what happened, a cop looked out, and already your guys are standing, saying: either surrender, or we we throw a grenade into your dugout. ukrainian nationalists, who stood on the second line of defense, and essentially in the barrier detachment, tried to recapture the opornik.
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the very first one was, the tank worked, the second time another tank came, then more armored vehicles came to us with the infantry, they burned equipment and infantry also rolled back. ukrainian tank crews hit the hangar, knowing that their captured brothers-in-arms were there. the technology worked for us, our technology. accordingly, the ceiling slab fell. and on my leg, she crushed my leg, we dug it out for a day, your guys helped, bandaged it. in that battle, all of our attack aircraft were wounded, but they held their position until the main forces arrived for 5 days, repelling counterattacks, shelling, and drone raids. all this time this yaga was flying in at night, cassettes were flying in, yes, uh, polka, well the mortar, this silent one, which is the ags, everything that was possible, flew at us. well, the support man survived. as a result, they took the entire industrial zone, on the hangar, occupied by the first, they unloaded the st. andrew's flag of the marine corps, only after
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that they rolled back to the rear, carrying out prisoners. well, honestly, i want to thank the 40th marine brigade, that well, the guys turned out to be good, well, let’s say, they promised that if you surrender, nothing will happen, and that ’s what they did, well, food, water, well, a toilet, uh. helping the wounded, well, everything is fine. for this battle our the marines were presented with state awards; after a short rest and treatment, they have already returned to duty. i say hello to everyone, especially the marine corps, victory will be ours. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special military operation. well, there are police in armenia. a few hours ago, she released everyone who was detained this afternoon during an anti-government protest, this
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was reported by the press service of the republican ministry of internal affairs. demonstrators demanded the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan. but the most a large rally took place in yerevan. thousands of people took to the streets, blocking roads with cars and garbage cans. law enforcement officers were forced to use force to clear the roadway. during the clash, three hundred activists were detained, well , in madrid , caravagges masterpiece, which had long been considered lost, was put on public display. we are talking about a painting
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called behold the man. this canvas has a very complex fate, which is replete with unexpected and even detective twists. the painting depicts the famous biblical plot. pontius pilate presents to the people jesus christ, who was scourged. caravaggia painted it in 1605. soon after its creation, the painting disappeared. it was discovered by accident, only a few. years ago, according to some sources, it was part of the collection of spanish monarchs for a long time, well, at the beginning of the 19th century it passed into private hands, the authorship of the canvas was attributed to another artist, later the painting was even... put up for auction for the ridiculous amount of 1,500 euros. the lot caught the eye of art historians, who identified the true author. well in the end the painting was sold for 36 million euros. the new owner allowed it to be temporarily exhibited at the prada museum. we give the floor to our colleagues smchtv.
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