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tv   Leningrad 46  NTV  May 28, 2024 3:20am-4:50am MSK

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sergeant-major, go, calm her down, there is, good health, i wish you, great, calm down, please, calm down, come on, get up slowly, he said, calm down,
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hello, children, my name is pavel markovich, now, children, i would like to talk to you, talk in detail about your teacher. let's wrap it up, wrap it up, my little brother-in-law was stopped on the road, it didn't matter that they didn't like the documents, they almost arrested me, oh well, and then one of the drivers said that at the entrance to the city in the morning the whole post would be put down. what are you talking about?
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i’m seriously saying, that’s it, citizens, comrades, alice kaput, i’ve figured out that let me sit a little longer, quietly, tomorrow come and sit, oh okay, but tomorrow is our bath day, we won’t come to you, so after the bathhouse and come, come on, well, well, let's see how you'll see me off, oh, okay, comrade, we 're closing, it's time, well, that's it, bye, cap, bye, i said something incomprehensible, we 're closing, yes i i’ll go warm up a little, you’ll warm up at home, and get out of here, or should i call the patrol, call, i was joking, but i’m not joking, the doors are... locked,
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proceeds on the table. it’s great how we can climb through hatches and basements, but when the judges shot the case, state security is right there, comrade junior lieutenant, this is what i can’t get out of my head, because the dry yura escaped from the camp just a day before the germans occupied the territory. are you saying that he could have collaborated with the germans? actually. it happened, you make a request to the mgb, let them find out there, okay, but for now you interrogate ignatov, i wish you health, comrade captain, hello, vera, i wish you health, vera, good afternoon, evgeniy viktorovich, hello, i’ll say that everything is fine. i wish your document good health
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, igor afanasyevich, igor afanasyevich, and i ’m looking at you or not, and you’re not mistaken, well, we found out, timofey, that’s right, i’m great!
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forgive me, how is it your fate, but you are an ungrateful creature, but do you have somewhere to live? no. “come to me, and i’m in the bitter evening today, but stay with me, i’ll come back, you ’ll tell me everything, yes, but it’s not convenient somehow, yes, and a family, well, yes, i don’t have a family, i’m alone, really, come to me, you’ll live with me, your things, where, yes, that’s all my things, of course, let’s go, i live here nearby, and i’m still looking from afar, whether you or not, it seems similar, but how come you didn’t recognize me right away?” “yes, but consider me lucky, but on our iron such a company, that’s what you taught, the main thing is that the people are good, sincere, i wanted to know when they would let me go, the fact is that the investigation is not
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over yet, so i understand, but i don’t kill, i loved her, that’s all knew, forgave everything, because... bill, i didn’t need anyone else except her, you know, no one, tell me, who was aware of personal secrets? what do you have in mind? the same thing, the same thing. who knew about her lovers? maybe a mother, sister, friend.
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she always loved to sing, she found this raisa, who gave lessons, but they somehow got along very quickly and marusya began to disappear in the evenings, and where she lives, i don’t know, no, but i’m an honest party member, i don’t know, she works as a singer, it seems in metropolis, metropolis. tell me, do you know this man, no,
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no, i’ve never seen him before, exactly, exactly. this, this is who, the murderer, the murderer, but not your wife, a repeat offender, is on the all-union wanted list, most likely, he was a lover your wife, with the killer everything is much more complicated, catch up, come on, come on in, come on in, feel at home, we have four families living here, you know, the neighbors are all good, zina, here, hello, hello, so, meet me, my relative igorevich, neighbor,
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hello, it’s very nice, i’m on a flight today, instead of me. you're on a flight for a long time, i'm on a bitter one, the train went to the east, the edge did not disappear into the distance, of course, that means for a week, yes, yes, you know how to wash the floors, that yes, our balabol, as soon as he is on duty in the apartment, he is immediately in flight, zin, what are you saying? and the balabol, igor afanasyevich, actually teaches russian language and literature at the institute, but you. he himself said that instead of you, you don’t listen to her, i ’ll show you the room now, from the soviet information bureau, zin, stop what you’re saying, that’s enough, your little bird is not a guide, you should
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work as a radio announcer, yes, you’re not worry, give me the necessary equipment, i’ll wash everything. and i'm not worried. igor afanasyevich, let's go, let's go, come in, here is my room, sergei konstantinovich, to you, and hello, alexander yuryevich, glad to see you, no tea, no, thank you, but ninochka, what can you do, sit down, please. well, alexander yuryevich, how are you doing, how are the repairs? well, with your help, the right wing, the educational
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process, is already on track, wonderful, wonderful, this is why i called you, alexander yuryevich, i called you about one of your teachers mulyarova, lyudmila sanna. and what happened? i think you knew your ex-husband? mulyarova and he worked for you igor afanasyich danilov, but no, but, lyudmila mulyarova, ex-wife a criminal and murderer who was put on the all-union wanted list, we have reason to believe that she was aware of her husband’s actions. so, i want to tell you. that your first priority, as rector, is to cleanse the institute of unreliable and criminal
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elements. i believe that people like mulyarova have no place in soviet science. you understand me, comrade, rector. yes, but you yourself called about it, that’s why i enrolled it, i don’t know. who called you there? don't you understand me? we are now talking about traitors to the homeland, about complicity with the enemy. i i visited the molyarovs’ house and saw, by the way, books by zoshchenko akhmatova, and banned magazines, the leningrad star? does this mean anything to you? yes, of course, we will fix this error. i will correct this mistake, allow me
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to go, go, but do not delay the resolution of the issue, yes, of course, thank you for your vigilance, sergei konstantinovich. goodbye, goodbye, vasily, well , no, so far there are only suspicions, but i ask you in any case, find out everything you can about this dry matter, comrade major, where are we without state security? thank you, i'm waiting, gto norms i rented it out, danilov is in the city, where is this from? now
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i’m returning to the desk and he says: here’s a report from the district police station for your brother. what's here? yesterday they raided the pub, drew up a portrait based on the employee’s description, and then he recognized from the photograph that it was danilov who robbed him and almost killed him. why did he return to the city? well, i like it, but honestly, it inspires, but this is a siege. if you are on business, posters cost 15 rubles,
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advertisements cost five, but if you are nikolaev, then on business, but nikolaev, i am coming to you from antanina pavelna kulakova. is my passport necessary. i don't do this anymore. antonina pavlovna said that you will help without any questions. this
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will take time. i'll wait. photo. i’ll bring it with me, i’ll also need your surname, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, surname, well, something simpler, ivan ivanovich ivanov will do, ivan ivanovich samovar, there was a pot-bellied samovar. three-bucket samovar. is there such a poet, daniil kharms? there is no more such a poet. when? at forty-two. how long will it take to come in? come back in a couple of days.
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come in. data. i’ll write it down myself: well, what can i do? tell you, captain? there was no confusion in our affairs in the forty-first year. the vyazimsk prison in which sukhoi was imprisoned ended up in occupied territory. there was no time to evacuate anyone. there was a rumor among the criminals that they were being shot, so they ran, about 50 people in total. many of these escaped immediately. went over to the side of the germans, and the germans formed a special battalion from them and other prisoners, what did this battalion do? well what? at first they attacked the retreating soviet units, later they took participation in punitive operations, and some of these escapees immediately became guards
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in the concentration camp, which was formed on the basis of this very vyazim prison. dry was one of them. is it possible to find some of the former prisoners? no, when the germans retreated, they shot all the prisoners. why are you asking? you know this is better than me? i know, it means that sukhoi could not have died at the hands of a former prisoner, according to our information, no. what if one of the policemen? from the policemen? here is a list of names of all those who worked for germans in this camp: 14 people plus dry. 11 of them were brought to a fair soviet trial as soon as our people liberated vyazma, but as you understand, they were simply shot, here are the three remaining,
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there’s a problem with them, we don’t have any information on them, as you can see. yes, by the way, about the judge’s case, i wanted to tell you that, from the words of witnesses, we were able to draw up a portrait of the suspect, you find out, he brought an absurd one today, yesterday, he robbed a pub, so
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danilov is already in the city. lyudmila alexandrovna, when was the last time you saw your husband? mulyarov? was he killed? no, i mean. i am divorced from him and have not seen him for a long time, i received a signal, what a signal
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that your husband is on the run, accused of a number of serious crimes, put on the wanted list, i don’t know, i haven’t seen him for a long time, i understand, my dear, but we have a responsibility to respond to such things. are you firing me, i can’t leave you with such baggage, write a statement, wait, but what about the fact that igor worked for you for so many years, doesn’t it count, no, everything i can do for you, write statement of your own free will.
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found out something sukhoi worked for the germans, was on... and the alleged murderer was definitely not one of the prisoners, all the prisoners and women and children were shot before ours arrived, but there is a list of those who worked with sukha, 11 people were shot by court in the past year, nothing is known about three more, if it was one of these... three, he could have flown very high, so high that he was afraid to fall, of course, because sukhoi could have blackmailed him, legal,
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by the way, we are going to a restaurant in the evening , to the metropolis, she works there as a singer, maria’s ex-friend, maybe she can give us something he’ll tell you something interesting, do you hear, yura, i ’m actually talking to you, yura, yura, you! can you hear me, they shot everyone, everyone, what’s wrong with you? my mother and sister died in this camp.
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the first one was here, but what are you standing here and thinking? i don’t think, i’m looking at the product, why look at it, take it, so take it, i take it , so i take it, lady, yes, the woman really was the first, i was the first, but
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i don’t need to feed the children. yes, everyone needs to feed their children, yeah, 200, here it’s exactly 200, please count it, no, everything’s fine, i i believe, thank you very much, thank you very much, good health, thank you, how does the disk of the moon tremble in the gray waves? your soul is visible in your eyes, they shine with bloodiness, do not deceive, do not deceive, they shine with meekness, do not deceive, do not deceive. here, good evening,
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hello, please, thank you, if i knew that such handsome men work in the police, i would retrain as a secretary, what we were talking about, right? marosenki, she is a french violet, charm, seductiveness, everything is with her, but you understand me, well, not quite, well, how can that be, her husband is a pilot, and she, for a real woman, is an iceman - a little different, so you
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liked marusenka, right? i didn’t see her alive, what do you mean? i mean, your friend was brutally murdered, have some tea, how about it? but how is it possible, when and why? we don’t know yet, that’s why we came to you for help, we are interested in all connections with men, or more precisely, with this man, what kind of relationship did marusya and fedor have? well, actually, marusya was married, she was in love, tell me straight. you introduced me, well
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me and what, something like that, she somehow came to me, fyodor was with me, asked to introduce me, but i introduced her, they got into trouble, i don’t know what they got to, she just told me that he didn’t stick like a leaf, but he fell in love, deeply, and followed her around almost every day, and what kind of friends came to fyodor, thieves, military, i don’t know, but what’s her name, tell me, what’s her name, well, this is - she was strangled and tortured before that. we assume that marusya's murder is directly related to the murder of your friend, so please be careful, all the best, that is, they can do me, but for what? you knew both of them, that's enough. in general, if
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you remember anything, then call. oh, hello, thank you, zina, otherwise i can’t handle the lock. when you open the door, you push the door to the left, zina, and you won’t tell me where the rag or bucket is, today is my duty, don’t worry, i’ll wash it myself, what a look you are, zina, you need to look right away, but what could she do, there are so many crooks they walk around the market, where can you find them now? something happened, about 50 tons of potatoes and vegetables.
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to this market, there are only basotas there, but don’t be upset, zina, there are potatoes, we’ll buy some cards, we’ll stretch them out somehow, yeah, you’ll stretch your legs, but stop what you ’re talking about, bolobol, good evening everyone, hello, zina , what happened, but at the market they deceived me instead of a bag of potatoes and meat, they slipped me bullshit, i gave them all the money, it’s my own fault, and now... look for the candles, here are the fistulas, where can you find them now, there’s no, there’s nothing, there’s no justice , there is no money, the youngest is glowing with hunger, i was thinking of feeding her, and you contacted the police, no, i
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i just noticed the substitution at home, lord, why are you trying to prove it, so wait, sit down, how’s that going? calmly, look at me, and now again, tell me in detail how it all happened,
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i repeat, i removed you from this case, why, what is your relationship with lyudmila mulyarova, danilov’s ex-wife, it matters, it matters, you didn’t answer, i don’t have to answer this question, you can’t. i am quite objective, i can separate the personal from the official, but you can’t. karasev, yes, he can and will never allow himself. and you another. you don't obey the rules. comrade lieutenant colonel. i appointed karasev as acting head of the department. here he is, let him help our colleagues from state security in... danilova, i think that’s enough, that’s enough, the topic is closed, get to work, there is, i can’t hear, i obey, you’re free.
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who are you, uncle, what do you need, you bastard, and on your knees, on your knees, money, remember,
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if i see you at the market again, i’ll end up. natasha, open the door, please, hello, who do you need, call your mother, mom is here, hello!
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marya, my name is lyudmila, lyuska, that means, well come here, lyuska, come, go, don’t be shy, come here, lyuska, just give us the keys right away to keep things in order, well, so as not to forget later, the lock doesn’t work.
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give it here, i’ll give it to you, please don’t run here, let’s go to the room, good afternoon, igor, good afternoon, zina, here’s your money for meat for potatoes. take it from where? take it, there in the market,
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i have friends on patrol, they detained the bandits, they asked me to tell you, oh, there’s so much here, take it, take it, they gave so much, take it, god, thank you, god sent you to me. you know, zin, it’s unknown to whom whom god sent, thank you too. thank you, why do i need it? for duty,
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and so, the first hour of the concert ends with a drink for the people, and then the pianist quietly says so to the scraper. comrade violinist, what are you doing, you’ve already run 20 bars ahead, and the violinist answers, comrade pionist, remain calm, and most importantly, don’t say anything to anyone, i ’m late for the train, he’s late for the train, well, it ’s necessary , comrades, i treated you to lard, now i’ll go to the personnel department, i’ll treat the girls, okay, let’s go, why are you sitting there so angry, why?
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rejoice, things are in place... the pizza is in a hurry, and we, excuse me, it’s just that the violinist is also in a hurry, what did you say, a joke, in fact, where could our killer be in a hurry, cover his tracks , hide, it’s clear why now . maybe he's in a hurry to leave? what? no, well, this is just an assumption. well , of course, of course, damn it, petya, remember, the manager at the restaurant said that on the eve of the murder, sukhoi served the buffet table
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of some famous orchestra. there they met for the first time. we have now. i'm listening to you, we got close to the person, who killed sukhoi, maria ignatova and set fire to
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lydia dorofeeva’s apartment. i hope they have come up with evidence, i am sure that the killer is dry. i hope you haven't forgotten the theory yet. remind us what we consider the evidence base. direct indirect evidence collected during the inquiry process. here. well, where is your evidence? he is sure. but i’m not sure of anything.
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because only doubt will save us from mistakes. did you hear me, karasev? "the orchestra is leaving abroad the day after tomorrow, detain it, are you crazy, captain, these are international obligation, this is such a level, then everyone who travels abroad checks state security, or you think that they are doing their job poorly, you have a day.
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okay, what do you suggest? he is now in a state where he can’t control himself, he needs to be somehow provoked, pushed, then he will give himself away, but we can’t arrest them all, so we won’t have to arrest, there’s an idea.
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thank you, tell antonina pavlovna that i hope we are even with her, i’ll think about it, they raised their heads early, yeah, stepan, they’re with you
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talk, although first they’ll give you pennies, then we’ll bastard, come up, catch your luck, let’s play, so, let’s bet! so why do they stand there, stare, don’t give money, but what about you? and what am i, why should i push it with a whip? do you want to be pushed? yes, we need
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to look for another place for bread, a place for bread, go to work, no one has canceled stakhanov’s work yet, come and catch our luck, it’s delicious, take it, no, i won’t take it, they’re bitter from you, but they’re so, but don’t listen to him, female, don’t leave, i’m ready to do everything, but it’s impossible, my dear, today it’s impossible, but tomorrow we’ll leave, you see, we’ll leave right after the concert, mish, listen to me, i promise, i ’ll do everything by the evening, well then, let’s do it this way, let’s do it this way, i agree, let’s do it this way. comrades, let's give the first numbers again, i'm sorry, just a minute, what
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's going on here, we're having a rehearsal. please leave the hall, the anti-banditry department, captain karasyov, my last name, remain calm, citizen musicians, we know for certain that in your team there is a person who has committed several serious crimes. he killed the waiter restaurant who worked at your banquet, he killed the waiter's mistress, he burned the apartment to the ground along with everyone who was in it. during the war, he worked as a senior
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guard in a german camp. he killed soviet citizens, he is a very cunning , cautious beast, but he did not foresee one thing: we have a person who knows him by sight, now he recognizes him.
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i'm sorry, can we continue rehearsing? yes, please, yeah, thank you, comrades, please, once
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again from the first number.
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what, what's wrong? have we made a mistake? so it turns out that this is so? and the conductor, in my opinion, he got nervous. gloves. what? no problem, take him in for questioning. eat. can anyone explain to me what's going on here? by the way, today is our final concert. you're disrupting our performance. do you understand this? by the way, i am a stalin prize laureate and my last name is zavadsky. calm down, comrade zavadsky, we won’t keep you long, sit down, thank you, we watched you during the rehearsal, you were noticeably nervous, why? yes, i was nervous, i was nervous, but how do you think i should have react if you burst into our rehearsal and announced that there is a criminal in my orchestra. by the way, i am responsible for the entire
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composition of the orchestra. do you think it was easy to collect them all, you need crystal clear profiles, no one is interested in how a person holds an instrument, everyone is interested in who his father was, what he did during the war, and you also ask me why i’m nervous? i understand you, you are the leader, you are responsible for everything that happens, but still try to remember where you were on march 9 from 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and what so special happened on march 9, they killed a witness, set fire to the apartment in which she lived, three people burned alive, so still try to remember where you were at... time, i was rehearsing, well, well yes, i, listen, this is absolute madness, i’m also an arsonist, i
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rehearsed, well, yes, i rehearsed with my orchestra in the hall, all the musicians can confirm this, take off your gloves, please take off your gloves, why is this? well, it's not cold here, please.
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i gave concerts at the front, and once in the building where we performed was hit by a bomb and a fire started, i was lucky that i survived there. sorry, nothing, okay, now try to remember whether all the musicians were present at the rehearsal on the ninth, of course, that’s it, we’re not a sanatorium, i want to come, i want to, no. what time did the rehearsal start? at three, well, maybe you
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will remember some detail of this rehearsal, i don’t know, someone was late or some kind of conflict, every little thing is important to us, i was late, i was late, here, misha kersanov, our administrator. he's a man disorganized, drinks in the evening, then the girls have difficulty coming to their senses in the morning, but i don’t touch him, his uncle is high up, but i also remembered, molchanov was late, but this is our clarinet, his hotel door was jammed, but in the meantime they called a repairman , while the doors were broken, i was late by about 30 minutes, no more, that’s all. yes, okay, thank you, you are free, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, call
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both, yes, let's play, four very quickly, wait and one more, that's it, thanks guys. i will buy victims we’re coming, and you’ll come to us, we’re getting, we’re coming, we’ll see, the war is over, good times have come, we’re coming,
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we’re coming, come on in, thank you, hello, hello, sorry, but this will take a long time, just don’t get me wrong, we have the whole orchestra we're taking you to lunch, i really don't want to be late, but don't worry, you come in, sit down, we just have to ask you a few questions, that's all. okay, but if it’s possible, i’ll stand, i’ve already had enough of the rehearsal. ah, i'm listening to you. you were late for the rehearsal on the ninth. march, what happened, well there’s a really stupid story there, my door jammed in a hotel, i didn’t do anything to get out, well, i can’t jump out of the window with my foot, well, i had to knock down the door with my shoulder, the lock was naturally shattered, but i’ll have to figure it out, unfortunately, there was no time, we are now in final rehearsals, that is, there is no one who could confirm this. why not, there is
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a floor attendant, she made a note in the log, and a locksmith, he was just changing the lock when i left, comrades, do you have everything, maybe i ’ll go, excuse me, i was just studying your profile, and it says that you... did you fight? yes, a private, but was discharged due to injury. on what front? kalinsky? true, in 1943 our regiment was defeated, and i myself ended up in the hospital with injuries. i would, of course, then rush to the front, but unfortunately, the medical examination decided that i was not fit for combat service, my knee, and not only so many fragments were pulled out of me, well, thank god that. at least my hands remained intact, otherwise
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i would have to change my profession, for me it’s, you know, i’m from a simple family, we never there were no musicians, i survived, one might say, because i really wanted to play, excuse me, who commanded your division, colonel mironov, gennady ivanovich, you know, i absolutely don’t remember him by his patronymic name, he was so healthy, 2 meters tall, a hero, a shock hair, hair, thunderous voice, exceptional guy, excuse me, do you suspect me of something? what
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do you have in mind? why is your colleague trying to trick me into lying? colonel mironov was a short man and completely bald. if you have everything, then i guess i’ll go. you are free. what is he talking to me about, lenya, i don’t need jewish money, you ’ve worked typing zilber all your life, what do you want from me? stepan, all i know in life is to keep other people’s secrets and other people’s money, but well...
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you’re now the authority figure in the city, and i thought, who, in short, lenya, i have a daughter, stepan, i’m the only one for her i’m raising, and i just want to sleep peacefully and know that i have something to live on, i don’t need much, just take it. this is bori zilber’s money, now it’s yours, but i just wish no one touched it, you think if you brought this to me. so many people
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bring it to me, soon everyone will be under me, stepan, i know how to keep other people’s money, nothing more, oh, lenya, lenya, lenya, listen, you were clever with kortuzov, but you killed three of them, it was self-defense. vaitsovich was forced to defend himself. listen, is it true that they say that you are under a spell, but yes, you are under a spell,
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in this city i am the only one who speaks. well , just stand there, clean up here, listen, what are you doing, are you accusing me of something, well, this is stupid, i ’ll call my friend in moscow now. and he's everything to you will explain, i see that you don’t know who he is, sit down, sit down, if necessary, we will call your uncle and aunt, now we need to know where you
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were on march 9 from 2 to 5, you will not leave here until you answer, and your uncle won’t... help you, well, i’m a married man, you see, well, i have a wife, if she finds out, but you understand me, yuri, listen to me very carefully, we don’t have much time, if you don’t say now, i'm afraid i can't help you,
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how do you know, deduction, okay, but in order to verify the veracity of your words, we will need to interrogate her, what do you mean, yes, yes, if this comes out, i think that a scandal with my wife is better than an execution article, you don’t know my little box, go, go, he’s dead, this is not he, he has all his desires written on his face, they’re so good, but
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he’s got a lot of gold, he’s got it, he’s got it, right? who is this kolyan, probably go and open it, teacher, he’s still alive, yes, but i thought you were no more, listen, teachers, let’s come to an agreement, and we’ll both be alive, the city is big, there’s enough room for everyone,
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or maybe we’ll work together, huh? hands on head. “maybe you’re going after my wife, for my daughter , or for a boy, he wasn’t a brute, either his slaves would have killed him, or he would have screwed himself up, wait, wait, where is this money, look”? we can share, or everything will be yours, where, this is gold, look, gold, gold, look here, gold, this... everything will be yours, you know, everything will be yours, take it all.
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what's happened? do you hear yourself,
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relatives from near bulmansk came to the neighbors, the anti-banditry department, the captain of the ribs, what’s going on here? "we're fighting this banditry to the utmost, together with relatives who came from afar, very far away for me, now, there is vodka, there is a snack, join, so, according to the resolution of the city council, persons who do not have registration at this address, i ask you to leave the apartment immediately, whatever you want , boss, yes, yes, i’ll kolya, kolya, kolya, kolya now!” boss, we have every right until 11, okay,
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you have an hour at 20, then i’ll personally punch you in the face, yeah, what’s he? i... yes, feed, hungry as a wolf, and angry, are you because of the neighbors, well, don’t, calm down, now everyone is being compacted, this is the time . i was fired from the institute,
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how was i fired, for what? formally, in their own way, but they made it clear that the issue had been resolved, by whom it was decided, it seems to me, it was sevtsov. he met me on the road 2 days ago, he threatened me, he said that i would regret it, he kept his word, he’s a bastard, what a bastard, we should be together. otherwise, i won’t be able to protect you,
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protect you. i have to be there, i decided so. hello, natasha, why aren't you sleeping? me for you? i’m drawing a gift for me, hold it, wow, he has this medal for what, for swimming? no, he skied and won a gold medal, uh, who did he beat? another bear, right? and
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who took third place? fox and bunny? lyudmila alexandrovna? yes, timofey aksyonov, what about igor afanasyevich, was my teacher at the institute, you don’t remember, we met often before the war, i was visiting you, and hello, timofey, what about igor afanasyevich, i saw him . he said that you and your daughter died during the blockade, how did he already bury us? my husband, igor danilov, a dangerous criminal, bandit and murderer, has been declared all-union search. goodbye timofey, sorry.
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the zavadsky administrator and molchanov are not lying, everything is for sure, the fact that your version failed, allow me, comrade lieutenant colonel, i’m listening to you, lieutenant, operational information has appeared about
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danilov’s whereabouts, so calm, calm, free, there. “captain karasyov, junior lieutenant nelepov, i order you to go for detention, in case of resistance, shoot to kill, yes”? who's there, this is from the management house, please open, quietly, calmly, young lady, back, quietly, we stand, calmly, where is igor danilov, there’s his room, only he’s not there, he’s still
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gone in the morning, and you’re a citizen, where are you going, and can i get some cards to the store? reinforcements, okay, thank you, comrade major, allow me to complain to you, as a senior rank, kolya, well, why am i again, what happened, but, comrade major, nature has endowed a person with a beautiful handwriting, but he doesn’t want to write rapports, in any way, write, kolya, write, comrade major, there is a lot of luck in the matter, there are documents written by the guards, i
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think there are, a critical examination we can do it, but quickly. yuri tolubeev, nadezhdavna, anna ne. igor, hello, there’s police in the house, you can’t go there, i asked for time off to buy some cards, they’re looking for you, thank you, zina, i won’t forget, thank you, go ahead. where is my dear?
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the premium must travel on a public bus.
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so, to the platform there, no, to the platform through the main staircase there, thank you, where are you going, to kuibyshev? on vacation or on a business trip, no, short-term vacation, okay, well, have a nice trip, thank you, across the hall, platform five, comrades, well please, be quicker, be quicker, i beg you. little, little, comrades, little, please,
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silent, don’t delay, don’t delay, yes, yes, yes, the truth is, yes, 20 kopecks, please, thank you, comrade, and the newspaper, comrade, emilich, yours, fifth carriage , eighteenth place, i will accompany you, no longer...
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whom you killed in the concentration camp, but you are wandering, captain, i didn’t hear how i begged for mercy, or maybe my mother, with her sister, just cried before her death, as the young girl marusya screamed who you tortured, how did the people you burned alive in the apartment become dry, i didn’t hear or see all this, but you yourself helped me, your autograph, remember,
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there were really very few documents from the camp, but even those that remained were enough to find out who you really are .
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you're like, shut up, poke, you're fine, you fool, so everyone went back, i said move away, no one is leaving,
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