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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  May 28, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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internet channel st. petersburg horror and i am its host nikolai mikhailov in another infernal place of old st. petersburg, they say there are undead here, although... guys,
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vampires are not fairy tales, damn it, tyoma, she seems to be dead, horror! andrei, wake up, we have murders on petrogradkaya, rydan, stop pretending, but i’m not sleeping, borya, ah, i hear, ah, i’m getting up, i’m on my way now, don’t forget to call for an expert, grab a bag of bread from the investigative committee, maybe also a coffee at the investigative committee bring the committee, they have their own cars, but they have a state of emergency. with
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car, someone tore holes in all their wheels, oh, they made them out of a sobbing taxi driver, yes, we shoot such scenes for you every week, today we decided here, how come you didn’t notice the body right away, it’s an accident, we’re actually from the neighboring country the arches are out, it’s not us, honestly, wait there, i’ll come to you later, hello, who haven’t you seen, good night, georgivich, what’s wrong with us, lesh, what’s the cause of death, well, preliminary. say asphyxia, judging by the abrasions and bruises on her face, before her death she fought with the killer, they were strangled with a noose, but no, with her hands, her hands they were wearing gloves, and special gloves, you know, the kind for household ones with pimples, under the nails i found microparticles of skin that scratched the killers, i’ll tell you for sure after the examination, and, by the way, the jacket is clean, there are no traces of dragging, so why did she come here, you you want me to answer you, right?
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maybe she came by car, well, maybe by car, but i didn’t find any traces of the tread either, the data was killed, georgievich, i only found the passport in the bag, marina zaitseva is 25 years old, married to valery zaitsev, no children, the bag is completely gutted, not cell phone, no money, no jewelry, nothing, just a business card from some jeweler, i should check, maybe it’s somehow connected, well, not in the middle of the night, tomorrow of course, there are witnesses, georgivich, what kind of witnesses, i beg you, with video cameras, too, there are a couple on the street, but they don’t get to the arch, especially here, it’s clear, okay, andryukh, let’s go, let’s tell my husband about what happened, work, silence georgievich, suspicious, maybe he’s sleeping, call again, maybe he’s sleeping , or maybe he’s hiding, uh-huh, let’s go and ask the concierge when the last time was the hare showed up at home. yes, hello, good
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afternoon, lieutenant colonel solovets, criminal investigation department, captain radanov, what is my duty, tell me, do you know? the zaitsevs from apartment fifty-four, well, yes, of course, i know, you know, unpleasant people, especially my husband, will pass by without even saying hello, that time, recently he actually yelled at me, but for what? they started such a scandal here in the entrance, shouting, swearing, well, naturally i couldn’t stand it, i made a remark, but then it started to happen, he started telling me, tell me what topic they were talking about quarreled, you don’t remember, well, on what topic, of course, money from the rich? one topic, the last time you saw them, did they leave the house together? no, you know, separately, first the wife, and then about an hour later the husband, of course, okay, thank you, goodbye, well, all the best, but finally, radanov
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has a washing machine. bastards, and hello, good morning, i bought a washing machine from you yesterday, i was guaranteed 25 years of uninterrupted operation, so what if i turned it on for the first time today, it
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mine broke, then, well, it vibrated and started leaking, i mean, what complaints do i have? should i fix my machine or replace it with a new one? what do you mean within two weeks? am i going to walk around in dirty underwear or what? 2 weeks? so, if i don’t have a master within 24 hours, i will complain. that's it, goodbye! what are you singing? don’t tell me, i still don’t understand. so listen, you can... establish valery zaitsev’s mobile phone number, but you need to somehow inform your husband about the death of his wife. okay, ale gergivich, i’ll do it now. and at the same time the localization of his phone, last night at the present moment. wait, is he a suspect? not yet. i won't. you
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know what will do to my townsmen. oh-oh-oh-oh. listen, nikit, you can do this unofficially for now. well, look, if he was in the area of ​​his wife's murder. his status will immediately change, from victim to suspect. oleg georgievich, why do you need this unofficially? well, i won’t fail in court. you know what, for an opera there is always a sense of data, even if it is unofficial. well, if it’s confirmed, we’ll find it way to legalize them. no need to sigh, no need, no one said it would be easy. oh, by the way, and zaitsaevich’s own mobile number, well, i’m not a computer, i don’t know how to do a million operations per second. need to study. i’m studying, here i am studying, here i am studying, georgivich, i finally found you. andryukha, why did you come? you're supposed to get some sleep after being on duty, right? i had a very serious personal problem. what 's happened? the washing machine is broken. well , imagine, on the very first day it immediately broke down. please, release krymov from
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me, he understands washing machines. which release, who will develop the slaughter? so, take krymov and go to the jeweler, since he’s already come to work. well, there are no clean socks left. i you. attached, but what were the grounds for thinking so? what is there to think? for the last six months they have lived like a cat and a dog. marina even filed for divorce, but what businessman would want his ex-wife to get half of his property? i specifically
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advised her to have a good lawyer in order to strip this hare to his core, so that all the property, which he acquired before the wedding was taken away from him. are you a serious businessman? master? in a chain of sports stores, but you don’t know where you can find it? if he’s not at home, then i don’t know, i wasn’t particularly interested in his business, and my daughter didn’t tell me. well, okay, tell me, your daughter could have had a lover, i don’t know, she herself didn’t talk much about matters of the heart, and of course she went to the wedding not without it, but when she got married, she seemed to calm down, and she had some noticeable things with her jewelry, probably her favorite ring, i i made it myself at the end of the institute, but how... the ring looked, can you describe it, i have a photo, yes, please, she
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almost always wore it, can you imagine, the washing machine broke on the first day i bought it, oh well , new car, well, yes, but i understood what happened there, i’ll fix it for you. let's go right now, otherwise i'm running out of clean underwear, no, now where is georgievich waiting, but he'll wait, let's go, so what do we have with the ring of the murdered hare, well , we're raising all our agents, yes, as soon as the ring will come up with the agents, we're talking about it we’ll find out right away, okay, but from nikita’s phones, what’s working, he’s established the numbers of the zaitsevs’ spouses, and is now trying to localize the whereabouts of the murdered husband, if this is a robbery? no, we are unlikely to track the dead phone, most likely the sim card is swimming in the neva, but we still need to check, i agree, right,
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right, check, but the most important thing now is to look for the husband, the husband was killed, it was too, too lucky for him to disappear, you you suspect, well, who else, the concierge showed that there was a quarrel over money, so here you go motive, but it could really be a robbery, in any case, work, figure it out, look for your husband. at friends, at acquaintances, at work, wherever possible, and push nikita so that printouts from phones, things to do quickly, there are, so, your hoses are in order, let’s start opening, it doesn’t seem to be missing anywhere, hey, igor, what are you doing, quietly, quietly, calmly, what kind of car do you have, i’m like...
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that’s it, we’re finishing the repairs, so what, it will live with you, we’ll go now, then you’ll return home, collect it all, again check, let's go, let's go, well, nikita, what's taking so long, where are the results, so your hares don't go through any of the cop databases at all, i already called the operators, got through them, but you yourself said, it's not official , no, our husband is now officially our main suspect, so give him the full treatment, i did everything, well done, thank you, report what you found? so, i analyzed the entire localization of his phone last night, he
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called a lot of people, all the calls were from the center, next to nightclubs there, with different ones, so, look, the last call from the center was almost in the morning, from here, the room is being peeled, yes it is peeled, this is a club , and he’s been hanging out here since the very morning, but i checked everything already 10 times, and what about the time of calls, he could have killed his wife, and then, so to speak, go... to celebrate this event, this is what a schizophrenic schizophrenic idiot he must be, well, although you know, i think he could, because that an hour after the murder there was a call, clearly, so, give me the address of this tough, uh-huh, it’s done, hey, andryukh, are you messing around, or what? no, what are you talking about, stop it, let’s get into someone else, calm down, captain rodanov is not sleeping at his combat post, look, yes, georgievich, well, how many minutes, probably another 15 and we’ll be in the department, but what? that's it, accepted, bye, andryukh,
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turn around, we're going to a nightclub, to a nightclub at 10:00 in the morning, what's there? our zaitsev seems to have been peeled off. come on, shake yourself out, well, guys, what are you doing, let's go, i didn't do a damn thing, let's go! what 's easier, come on, well, you wanted something reliable cover, plausible, well, not the same, but maybe cookies, give me a ring at once, and then cookies,
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your ring surfaced at one well-known address, boss, a magpie brought it there, who is she, but there’s only one homeless woman, she used to go to the subway in cars ... thank you, shurus, thank you, now i can have cookies, or i can have money, i can use money, or i can leave you with a show-off, well, they’re like bastards, i’ll file a complaint against you, an honest man, no way, well try it, a couple of days ago we also had one show off, then i was lying in the monkey house for 2 days, no, then i
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’d rather do this, well, if you’re needed, we’ll call you, blow, okay, oleg georgievich, we have a suspect in the hare’s case, a certain magpie, okay, i’ll come in now, but could the hare’s woman be strangled? science will say on this topic, science will say on this topic, oleg georgievich, that some fashion model would hardly be able to do it, our normal russian woman could easily, you remember how in soviet times. well, yes, he will stop a galloping horse and enter a hot hut, but what about the fingers on the neck of the murdered woman? judging by bleeding, the fingers could belong either to a normal man or to a large woman, to a large woman you say, uh-huh, alla georgievich, who can take your hand? so you and i will go, okay, good luck to you.
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young people, we are closed, and we are from the police, the homicide department, here you have a citizen of the hares should be resting, here your hares, along with all their sickness, stuck in at night, fermented until the morning, now they are sleeping, go somewhere, but there they sleep , then where? you’ll find, thank you, thank you, wow, yes, everyone is dead drunk, uh-huh, there’s a bar counter, it looks like someone’s alive, dear,
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where? hare, yes, come on, come on, dear, i don’t want to, it will be easier, well, it seems like here he is, a citizen of the hares, yes, a thinker, a citizen of the hares, let’s load the case, come on, let’s get up, guys, you ’ll just bring me up to a meter, then i myself, it looks like she’s a danka
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forty, criminal investigation, wait, stand, wait, i’ll shoot, it’s not forty, some kind of ostrich, well, i won’t live long, well, take it, cats, hares, hares, wake up, hello, hares, listen, it’s useless. yes, i see that it is useless, what should we do? well, on a drip, or what? maybe he should also have a cleansing enema? to do here? listen, captain igor, give him a monkey! you'll sleep it off there, as they say, an alcoholic's sleep is sound, but not strong, come on, come on, come on, quietly, don't hit your head,
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what are you cops, i really want something, ask whoever you want, when the wet woman hasn't gotten dirty yet, and even more so a woman wouldn’t lay a finger on her, well, well, everything happens for the first time, you don’t have an alebi, uh-huh, the things are dead, you handed over the purchase, show me your hands, oh, and you have such gloves,
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the story of irina, who is already 30 i've been looking for relatives for years, i've been looking for my biological mother for 30 years, and who else, well, if there are any relatives, my adoptive mother didn’t tell me anything. one case, you know, the investigative committee cannot have two suspects , but they will understand, are you afraid that the investigation will make claims? “i think that we will be able to decide before bringing charges, we will hold the murdered husband as the main suspect, while the homeless woman soroka will be charged with selling property
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acquired by obviously criminal means, but at the same time we will figure out which of them is involved in the murder of marina zaitseva, well let's say, but somehow i have a hard time believing that some homeless woman could so calmly strangle a hairy hair, then she should have been wearing different gloves, wait, but they have pimples, so what? magpie's gloves are frayed old , that is, they fall apart
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into fibers, so these fibers should have remained on the body of the dead, they are not there, well, somehow unconvincing, okay, then something else, on the body of the dead , abrasions and wounds were discovered during the initial examination, which i took for traces of a struggle, and upon examination... it turned out that these were post-mortem wounds, they were received about half an hour after death. wait, you said that the car didn’t drive into the arch, but they couldn’t carry a strangled woman in their arms through the city center, that’s somehow bold. i said that the tracks from the car were not readable. oh, tell me, what about the pieces of skin under the nails of the dead woman? did they find out? found out it was cow leather. industrially processed, painted black, so what? this means that before her death, zaitseva struggled with someone who was wearing a black jacket, or she was carried in a car. with
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black leather upholstery, hardly oleg georgivich, this magpie could drive around the city in an expensive car with a leather interior, so tell your husband, yes, yes, and one more thing, zaitseva was in her second month of pregnancy, well, they quenched their thirst, now tell me, citizen of the hares, what to tell as a wife he killed a pregnant woman, and are you stunned? why should i kill her, she would have screwed herself in a month. well, that's right, with your money. now, of course, i don’t owe this goat anything. but her father and lawyer say something completely different. i've heard these tales. what do you think i look like? idiot? gentlemen, bosses, before starting the divorce process, i prepared very well. my lawyers made sure that all the real estate and business remained with me.
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yes. and... the fact that she got pregnant ruined your plans, right? yes, that’s where they laid it all out, firstly, the child is not from me, yes, yes, not from me, and secondly, you can do it so easily, you won’t pin it on me, and we won’t pin anything on you getting ready, your wife was killed and you have a serious motive, a luxury apartment?
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we have a witness who saw you i had a hard fight with my wife in the entrance of their house, they swore, they swore, they fought over the apartment, i thought that after the divorce, to celebrate , she would hook up with this guy, at first, yes, yes, fuck off, i’ll leave, and then i look, she has doubts , well, i decided that the man must be married, so he’s dynamite her.
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yes, yes, you can check, we’ll definitely check in the morning, but for now, sit with us, well, let’s sit, can we have some more water, please, young man, you’re free, busy, girl, what are you doing? i'm crazy, i'm sorry, i'm in trouble, what happened, clean laundry in the house ends, so what’s the problem, can you imagine, the washing machine broke down, the first day i bought the washing machine, an hour later it broke down, i don’t understand why you won’t return it under warranty, how smart we are, not stupid,
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we… it's already been dismantled to hell, it's out of warranty, you guys are crazy, you need to think first and then do it, so leave me alone, oh, well, buy yourself a new one, lend me money, no, leave me alone, yes, guys, what kind of guys you are, yes, you can’t return the washing machine. andryukha, great, hello, listen, i just opened the site of the most popular tips for repairing washing machines, oh, i lived, i’ll listen to advice from the girl, so, sobbing, i’ve already taken it apart, yes , i know that you took it apart with krimov, i remember , so, let's go point by point, come on, the heating element is ok, yes, the heating elements are ok, yeah. no,
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there is no scale, it’s new, yes, i understand, so you don’t smell the burning smell? no, i don’t feel it, nothing seems to have melted, but they checked the hose connection, did it come off? it's okay too crimea and i disassembled the power supply unit, he said that it was normal, well, i don’t know what, yes i, but i wanted the best, i can do without you, okay, that’s it, let’s see you in touch, thanks for the help, well, suffer, too , men, too. i’ll confiscate the packages, they’ll come in handy, oh, i had a bottle of medicine in my pocket, what kind of medicine, with a tincture of this oats, pure vitamin, i took it out myself, but
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it hurts, calmly, calmly, this one, yes, for your health, that’s another matter, so a citizen of forty, outside the department. please, now, yes, i need to improve my health, well, repeat the requests, corrected, tyava, well, what a frame there is, uncle fight, come, please, come to the kitchen, well, where is the warranty patient, why did you take it apart, take it apart, i tried to fix it, but unfortunately it didn’t work. according to the terms of the warranty, you were not supposed to remove the seals, climb inside and try to fix the problem yourself, your warranty was squawked, yes, i understand that my warranty was squawked, but how much would it cost, well
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, 10 thousand, what 10, yes, i bought it for eight , well, what can i do, oh well, i have three, my salary is in a week. well, after your salary then i’ll come in, goodbye, goodbye, but i almost forgot, give me for the call, please, i still, well, i wasted time, about 700 rubles. i won’t have change, but we’ll figure it out later, well, people, let me know how you’re getting on. regarding the murder of zaitseva, well, the homeless woman soroka was released yesterday, yes, but the husband, the husband was detained, but they are not injecting themselves yet, well, they are injecting more actively, potapenko, iordanov went to the bank to check
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zaitsev’s testimony, well, about the money, which he transferred to his wife, well , he transferred about 1.50 to her a month, according to his standards , this is modest, the toad was strangling property to share, because... he made all the rabbits even before marrying her, so there is not enough evidence against the rabbit for us, and the skin from under the victim’s nails, what did the expert talk about? doesn’t match anything from the house, doesn’t belong to his car, well, soroka identified him, comrade colonel, she saw him from the back at night, not serious, but he could have hired someone, there’s money, you’re so sure it’s ... "i am sure, oleg georgievich, that this case needs to be solved as as quickly as possible, either look for a new suspect, or work more carefully with what you have. yes. well, andryush, how many pants are left? leave me alone,
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ridka, i'll buy you 10 new ones tomorrow. leave me alone, as i understand it, you didn’t repair the machine, no, you didn’t, krymov and i took it apart, then you and your advice from the internet. oh, okay. this evening after work we’ll go to your place and we’ll sort out your car, that’s what you asked for, thank you, look , your husband really didn’t lie, on the first every month, as per schedule, 50,000 rubles, that is, she paid for two phones from the card, yeah, call nikita, let him have this number. nikito, great, we have a party assignment, yes, oleg georgievich, so what is there for
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zaitseva’s second number, which means that the second number, which zaitseva regularly paid for, is registered to igor davidov, and what kind of person did he find out, yes, he is a very important person , he... forget it, i still have, wait, it means davidov, there are two telephone numbers registered to him, one is listed on the website of the legislative assembly of st. petersburg, as official, the second, which does not appear anywhere, but the story is that from the first they called to the second an hour and a half and 20 minutes before the murder, and before that, and before that they regularly called there several times a day, look, it turns out , if davidov was zaitseva’s lover, then he could well have given her this phone, if it was a surprise, then he bought it... decorated it himself, and if
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a child was also to be born from davidov, an interesting picture emerges for us, so, in in general, here is all the information on david, phone numbers, yes, nikita, yes, husband zaitsev assumed that the unknown lover of his wife could be married himself, and so it is, oleg georgievich, i struck, which means that davidov has a wife and two children, a wife, a daughter of that same deputy of the legislative assembly. i see, well, it's time to visit him, we would like to talk about your husband, igor. ask, but i don’t know much about his work, he helps my dad. no, we're not talking about work. tell me, have you noticed anything suspicious in his behavior lately? well, for example, do you mean some kind of depression? there is nothing so, we have a wonderful family, why should he
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be sad, the day before yesterday your husband didn’t leave the house anywhere in the evening, mm, he did, he said he was called to work, this happens often, i’m used to it, yeah, when he returned, i don’t know, but not soon, he warned me not to wait for him and i went to bed at 12, i try to follow the regime, uh-huh, tell me, does your husband by any chance have a black leather jacket or raincoat, no, no jacket, no raincoat, no , no, are you sure, don’t believe me, i can do it for now, no, no, no, thank you, this is not necessary, thank you, tell me, please, now, where is your husband at work, and what time is it three, well, yes, two to two, then yes, igor is usually in the office at this time at a meeting with his father, tell me, your husband left for work by car today, funny, what did you ask, he usually does this, but yesterday i took the car to the service center, i immediately say what happened there, i don’t know, i didn’t even ask, i don’t understand cars at all, i understand, but... thank you, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, will you see us off,
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of course, yes, excuse me, what's the matter, i don't i understand, citizen, good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon, we are from the criminal investigation department, we would like to talk to you about what, you know that i am an assistant to deputy semyonov, yes, we know where you were the day before yesterday at 11 pm . sergei mikhailovich, the police are in my office, they’re presenting something to me, of course, yeah, that’s what we understand, you don’t want to talk to us in a good way, we have nothing to talk about, but about her, this is the first time i’ve seen her, what is this? good afternoon, criminal investigation department, who gave you permission to interrogate my person? and we are not interrogating anyone, we
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just came to talk with igor nikolaevich, we don’t need permission for this, there are charges, bring them, show the arrest warrant, but no, i’m calling general merzlyakin, and you go to the labor exchange tomorrow, everything is clear to you , okay, thank you, let the gorodovik colonel sort this out, goodbye, let's go, andryushka. what did they want from you? i don’t know, they showed the photos to some girl. do you know her? no, of course, just don’t try to lie to me. if you got involved in some kind of crime or god forbid got yourself a woman, the cops will be the least of your problems. sergei mikhailovich, i would not risk working with my family. i really don’t know why the cops came to me. okay, if so, then forget about it. they won’t come to me anymore, because of
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your exercises, oleg georgievich, general merzlyakin ate all his baldness and cut off the phone, this deputy complained to him about you, what’s his name, your cop thinks semyonov.
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a call from his mobile to the victim’s phone was made right before the suicide, and this is already significant evidence, this is not the case with the deputy’s assistant, we need something more serious, that’s not enough, but what’s wrong with the car, maybe we can get a service to look at the upholstery, if we can take samples of the upholstery leather, they will match the samples that we found under zaitseva’s nails, davydov won’t get away with it, that’s an option, only you be on time. he handed over the car to the service center yesterday morning, more than a day has passed, suddenly they have already managed to do everything, well, we’ll see, and let’s go, yeah, tell me, what kind of work did you do on davidov’s car, preventive maintenance, everything is fine with the chassis ok, electrical too, and brake
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the system is normal, yeah, they changed the upholstery, well , they changed it or not, i ’m trying to pull everything out of you with pliers, they changed the upholstery of the driver’s seat. well, where is the old upholstery, they disposed of it as it should be, it’s not good to lie to an entire police lieutenant colonel, young man, i know your brother, i’m not afraid, they snuck in for personal purposes, i don’t understand, why do you want to go to prison for complicity in murder from suppressing evidence, for company together with davidov, but how to sit down, where, where the court will determine, you’re going to cut down the forest in the taiga, yes, let’s drag the old upholstery here, that’s... zhok, it’s a completely different matter, right, oh, well, georgivich, there are scratches, great , so call an expert and bulkin, you look for witnesses, we’ll talk officially, okay, oh, lyoshka, oh, well, tell us what we have with
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the examination on davydov, so, complete skin match, well now i...
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it’s very difficult, this is not a bag of cocaine planted in the glove compartment, so it’s time to write a confession, igor nikolaevich, why do you need my confession if you have so much evidence, but it will make our life easier , you, think carefully, you face a serious prison sentence, but not life, when semyonov finds out that you they did, i don’t envy you, such a scandal with the assistant... oh, if i confess, will you protect me from him? well, semyonov is, of course, an influential man, but i think that he is unlikely to be able to get you into a pre-trial detention center in a colony, if
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she had listened to me, was marina blackmailing you? yes, i asked for money, if only. no, she wanted this child, she wanted marriage, a full-fledged family, and i, i’m married to my career, they didn’t hire me for legislative work based on a resume, you understand, one day she began to threaten that she would come to my wife, and i realized, that i have no choice, and you lost your temper during a quarrel, no, we didn’t quarrel. when i made an appointment with her, i already knew what i was going to do, i strangled marina, tried to make everything look like... she was robbed in an alley, that's what, now let's go into more detail and
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in writing, yes, andryush, and you are a filter - i changed it a long time ago, retula, are you taking me for an unintelligent baby, or what? what kind of filter, it’s new, but in my opinion, it’s new, assembled from 25 old ones. so what do you mean by this ? yes, they threw you away, it looks like that's what i'm talking about i want to say, wow, no one has ever ditched captain rydanov, there’s a first time for everything, nothing, so give your girlfriend to scrap metal, and give me your clothes, i ’ll wash them at home, well, it’s somehow inconvenient, but why uncomfortable, everything’s fine, thank you, but you’re welcome?
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hey, don’t hold the elevator, your neighbor on the tenth floor has a heart attack, the doctor can’t get to him, you freaks, you’ll have to walk.
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hello, police, on novik five, a man was shot dead in the elevator. thus, comrade colonel, there is clearly an increase in the detection rate, according to compared to the same period last year by 4%. not enough, igor sergeevich, but the number of murders has decreased compared to last year, where is krymov? and after duty he sleeps it off. i thought so. yes, it’s there, cherdyntsev, report in the form. murder, igor sergeevich, of some guy. they shot dead in the elevator, just like that, and you say the number of murders has decreased, well , the criminal element, so to speak, does not
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sleep, takrita, cherdyntsev, stay late, free, so, gentlemen, pen, on the road, take a seat, major, one wonderful the girl needs your help. dazhi, be healthy. in general, we went up one floor and saw a corpse in the elevator, and immediately reported it to the police. and when they call you, the core won’t wait , they made it in time, thank god. did you see anyone at the entrance or near the house? no, i think the killer left before us. excuse me, i have to go to the next call, where do i sign? right here, right here. thank you. yes. lyosha, oh. death, when. it's time to...


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