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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  May 28, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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just like that, and you say, the number of murders has decreased, well, the criminal element, so to speak, does not sleep, cherdyntsev, stay, freely, so gentlemen, go out, sit down, major, one wonderful girl needs your help. “bless you, in general, we went up one floor and saw a corpse in the elevator, we immediately reported to the police, and when we called, the core wouldn’t wait, we had time, thank god, we didn’t see anyone in the entrance or near the house, no, i think it’s a murderer left before us, excuse me, we have to go to the next call, where sign here, thank you, when death occurred.
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there is no information about his wife and children. registered novikova street, building 5, apartment 39. there's his apartment, by the way, well, i 'll go and pick it up. let's call the neighbors and take a walk. good. andrey, call somewhere, let him dial the deceased’s phone number and at the same time find his relatives. vanya, this will all take a long time. now i’ll find some relatives in his phone number myself. well, my
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marina, girl, apparently i’m calling, it’s clearly not a robbery, it looks like a custom order, i agree, marina, hello, unfortunately, this is not artemy, s captain rydanov, inter-district homicide department, says to you, we need to help the press service, major, man, you are no stranger to literature, as far as i know, well-read, solve crosswords with what exactly, igor sergeevich, can write to press releases, but you have enough of your own workers who they cope with this satisfactorily, you need to be the leader, who? we are currently filming a documentary about crime and we need an expert with experience, with an impressive appearance, this.
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well, i'm done, happily, come on, alyosha, happily, what's your ritka, why, in in general, in the apartment of the murdered man there was silence, there was no one, but we managed to communicate with two residents on the first floor, although they also didn’t see anything, didn’t hear anything, but they really want to look at the corpse, well, of course, these are the people, they only have bread and circuses , don’t say, andryukh, what’s wrong with your marina, but any minute now it will be, nikitos, yes nikita, agency. elite real estate,
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i understand, well, did you dig up something on rachenko himself? yeah, yeah, that's it, let's get in touch, well, is there anything worthwhile? the person killed is one of the two co-owners of an elite real estate agency, but unfortunately, not for the deceased, nor for the company, there is nothing negative in the databases, well, nothing, we’ll have to dig deeper, we’ll dig, hello, marina, yes, let’s go and talk in the apartment. i ’ll join you later, uh-huh, let’s go, let’s go, well, ritol, to the yards, uh-huh, sergeant, it was shchurov who killed artyom, who is shchurov, his business partner. they had a terrible
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conflict, uh, what was the essence of the conflict? artyom decided to leave the joint business and sell his share. shurov got terribly angry and called his traitor. he said that he did not need other partners, that he would buy the share himself, but would give the money in installments, since he did not have the full amount. artyom did not agree, he wanted to start his own business, and he needed the entire amount at once, that is, they could not agree, so artyom is no longer there, when artyom began to look for buyers for his share, he came. here, threatened artyom in front of me, said that he would bury him, i persuaded tyoma to go to the police, but he said that shchurov would not do anything to him, that there was no need to worry about why, lord, why did i listen to him, you fool,
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who lays claim to artyom’s property after his death, well, if only his mother lives in arkhangelsk, but he doesn’t have one here... after artyom’s death i won’t get anything, i ’ll have to move out with this apartment, because artyom is the only owner, we didn’t have joint property, we lived for less than six months and except for the sofa in the bedroom, well,
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okay, okay, it’s clear, but what does shchurov get, full control over the company, well, of course, according to the law. your mother will get a share in the business, but you do you understand which pensioner is a businessman? i think shchyur will relieve her of her poverty and buy artyom’s share on the cheap. oh, and i’m coming to you, guys? well, i talked to the dog owner and two homeless people, no one heard or saw anything suspicious. is there a surveillance camera? no, they live like in the stone age. we need to take this shurov and stab him, yes, we need to call the kisser, let him send krymov there, andry, go to this marina’s work, let them confirm her alibi at the time of the murder, and let margo finish here, okay, you know what, guys, i believe this marina, and she doesn’t seem to have any significant motives, but a material
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motive, are you sure that this rachenko didn’t have a safe in his house with millions that only this marina knew about, i had such a case, i need to check that this is a bird according to the database, but all this is clear, in general she is a sincere girl. a good actress, but perhaps, okay, they fled, fled, today crime in russia is one of the most social ulcers. borya, listen, there was no other place to work, oh, the duty staff is always distracted by something, but it’s like that here calmly, today crime in russia is one of... the most social ulcers, a disease, in a word, what? well, for which lead lotions, 9 mm caliber , eight pieces per clip, are the best help, but i’m kidding, well , jokes for you, but i need to learn this nonsense, teach,
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borenka, teach, the growth of crime has a complex, complex nature. igor, yes, i ’m silent, borya, you rustle, distract me, i can’t concentrate, okay, borya, i’ll be very quiet, the increase in crime is difficult, and what are you doing here, well, i’m teaching, well, teach, teach, this means, igor, we need to go to the office of the real estate agency, talk with the employees about the relationship between the murdered rachenko and the second co-owner of the shurovo company.
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were in conflict, did yarachenko even want to get out of business? i didn’t eavesdrop at the keyhole, maybe they had a conflict, but only on work matters, they didn’t punch each other in the face in public. could we talk to mr. shchyurov himself, but he is not in the office, he has been traveling since the morning, showing clients suitable objects around the city. yeah, mm, it will be soon show buyers an apartment in an elite residential complex. great, yes. draw a line in the sand, please,
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what’s his name, dubrovsky, and is he still wandering around, where did he end up, how, well, i can’t, i ’m just sitting there all the time, what’s up, yes, it looks like murder. we find the performer, the performer leads us to the customer, classic, help with an identikit, you'll get off with minimal wages, you'll give a damn, the officer's word, who is he, the little one who drove him, the killer, the suspect in the camera already, time is working against us, well, yes, dolphin, this is where we will receive him, new season, today 20:00 on ntv, today. in russia one of the most useful public
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public hello, guys, guys, guys, well, there is no voice, the voice is gone, i mean, well , just now there was and no, seriously, shout like that. hello, shchur vladimir nikolaevich, i’ve already been waiting for you, a wonderful apartment, the view from the panoramic windows, as they say, is in a million, and i thought you would come as my wife, you know, we are much more interested in your frank answers to our questions, lieutenant colonel sylovets, head of the inter-district combat department, captain krymov, sorry, i mistook you for others, but we weren’t mistaken about you, the fact is that today the co-owner of your company, mr.
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rachenko, was shot dead. artyom, wait, how, when, so we need to ask you some unpleasant questions, what kind of relationship have you had with rachenko lately? what, do you, do you suspect me of artyom’s murder? yes, it’s nonsense, you know, it’s not nonsense, but you still threatened him when he refused to sell you his share of your business. the subscriber's phone is turned off, the subscriber's phone
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turned off, wait, wait, how can this be, just a second, here i am, i called at 10:15, dobrynin was confirming the meeting place, okay, nikita, urgently get dobrynina’s home address. yulia sergeevna, i ’ll send you her mobile phone now. yes. well, let's look for your dobrynina. in the meantime , call clients and cancel appointments. wait, how is that possible? well, until your alibi is confirmed, you will have to stay with us. borenka, how is your speech now? i don’t know, maybe i can buy some kind of incalator at the pharmacy? no, you need folk remedies. yes, we need to breathe boiled potatoes over the steam. no, you breathe over potatoes when you have a cold. you need to mix ginger, honey and lemon, or anoint the ligaments with sea buckthorn oil, my granny
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did this for me, or maybe, like singers do, they drink cheese and eggs to make their voice come through, so you need raw eggs, i’ll go to the dining room and ask the cooks, and i’m for tea, i didn’t kill radchenko, well , how many times can i tell you, well, you searched my apartment, you didn’t find anything, but we haven’t searched your dacha yet, i don’t have a dacha, but yours does. "we are in able to check not only your property, but the property of your loved ones. standard soviet-era procedure, the investigator must obtain permission to search. yes, will you allow me? oh, just in time. well, what does science say about traces of powder gases on the client’s hands? there is none of them. we're convinced. but traces of acetone. and, as you know, it is used to wash away these very traces of gases. i poured oil into the car in the morning, and then put acetone in my hands. come on, uncle, in one
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gulp, olive. you were talking about sea buckthorn? well, i said, where in our country? should i take sea buckthorn from the department? olive is also good for you, come on! well done! well done! so, borechka, come on! and raw eggs to boot! come on, you'll sing like a mountain! drink, drink, drink! let's! great! so, are you already drinking at work? we will definitely revive the voice of comrade major before it is important.
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not everything, don’t forget to do the asanas that i showed you, and at home cleanse your chakras twice after eating, please come in, thank you, well, what do we owe the visit, you need my talents in finding criminals, tell me, does the name shchurov mean anything to you , i'm going to try now
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tune in, did you bring me a photo of shchyurov or some of his personal belongings? in short, you don’t know who shchyurov is, girl, but my possibilities are not limitless, i cannot recognize a person’s karma by one name. okay, you bought an apartment from a real estate agency run by churov, right? this is the first time i've heard about this. where were you today from 10 to 11 am, here at home, i conducted a conspiracy session for good luck in business. was the client a man? it was a businesswoman. clear, strange, somehow. please look here is the mobile number, this is your phone number, calls were received from this phone to your mobile phone in shurovo, this is not my number, i have a completely different operator, we used this number to get your address and the phone is registered under your passport, this is a mistake, and you recently bought someone any sim card for your passport? anyone,
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can i take a look at your document? yes, sure. let's see, okay, the issue date was weeks ago, did you change the documents? yes, it was stolen from me a month ago in a cafe along with my bag and wallet, yeah, but apparently your passport is still alive independent life, here are the scoundrels, they stole the document and live under my honest name, well , it’s time to cleanse the chakras from failure, you’re kidding me, but if the attackers committed a crime using my passport, why should i now go to jail for them? i beg you, find the bastards. well, maybe we can take advantage of your gift and somehow manage without our help. girl, why waste astral powers when the police are working. really. for me, andryukha is a real charlatan. are you suggesting that we now also look for documents? they'll hang you anyway on us, at least within the framework of the rachenko case. yes, but if we find the thieves, we will start slaughter.
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in my opinion, everything is interconnected here. yes, but for me , this shchurov is leading us for us. he... came up with this combination in order to secure albi for himself, he doesn’t have albi yet, on the contrary, someone is deliberately setting him up, okay, let’s put nikitos under pressure, let him punch through the stolen passport, kindly, so, nikita, wait, oleg georgievich, you they themselves gave me 10 minutes, wait, 5 seconds, 5 seconds, time, nikit, time, ready, that means, on the 25th for the stolen passport of yulia dobrinina sergeevna took out a loan for... half a million rubles, good money, if i had that kind of money, i would run such a laboratory here, look at me, a young aspiring swindler, work!
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so scroll through it a little, yes, now, here she is, dobrynina, look, only, unfortunately, it’s not dobrynina, but the one who pretends to be her, please print it out, yeah. did you meet her at the international station today? no, it doesn't look like it at all. who is this? and this is the lady who, using the stolen passport from the dobrynins, took out a bank loan of 500,000, so as not to return. i have no idea who this woman is. yes, oleg georgievich, well, hello! good afternoon, it means that i broke through your scam of banks, it turned out to be koptilina maria anatolyevna, nicknamed kopchennaya, has two convictions for theft, like that, like that,
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yeah, andryukha, write down the address of the scammer, well, who has dobrynin’s fake passport and abbulla bank for 5000 and rush there with margarita. “call, calm, calm, guys, we don’t make sudden movements, and no one makes sudden movements, who are you, and who are you, territorial department, inter-district homicide department, there is a certificate, but you have it, slowly. well, guys, come on, you can solve your own problems in the same way, what do you want here, we
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came for smoked food, we were late, we were the first to take her with a club at another apartment theft, a long time ago, last night, great, now what are you doing here, she bargained for a confession in exchange for two of her accomplices, here we are sitting, waiting in ambush, and now you’re scaring away all the fish for us here, well , excuse me, all the best, guys, yes, georgivich, well, smokey, neither to kyurov, nor to has nothing to do with rachenko’s murder. yes, yesterday the territorials took her for a burglary, so she has an iron-clad alibi. well , that's it, let's see you in touch. what's ridka? i got scared when i adjusted the guns. don't worry, me too. georgivich, everything is according to the law, or i managed to wave the judge’s permission for a search, i hope you took the keys of that owner, damn it,
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you forgot, well, you give it, so, in general, guys, if you are ashamed, you can turn away, what have you got and there are returns, we’ll have to find them from the garage, how’s the order? "legs only wipe, yes, the dust collector, don’t even think about it, georgivich, don’t worry, it’s just dust, i know what kind of dust it is, i know, i
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’m telling you.” i have no idea about any pistol at my mother’s dacha, and where did it come from then? he hid himself, planted it, but don’t you understand that i’m being framed for radchenko’s murder, personally, i don’t yet... i understand, yeah, yes, here you go, citizen shchurov, do you recognize any of these women, well, you showed me this one in a photo yesterday, you’ve never seen it in your life i met, and this is the first time i’ve seen this one, dobrynina, you know this man, i’ve never seen him, you have a big dark spot on your aura, so what do you say, unfamiliar? but
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i’ll be happy to meet you, but if only in the zone, citizen dobrynina, you are free, borya, and let him sit in our monkey house until the territories are taken away, but you understand, if i had beaten up radchenko, i would not have hidden the gun on mother's dacha, but i would have thrown it, i don't know, into it, but no one would have found it, you know, even professional criminals sometimes make mistakes, and you are not a professional, and you don’t believe me, yes we believe, we don’t believe, that’s not the point, if we don’t have evidence of your innocence and... pointing to the real criminal, the investigator will charge you with murder . yes, what happened, the voice disappeared, comrade colonel, seriously, yes, yes, however, however, filming is in danger of being disrupted, which means,
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first of all. and complete silence mode, be silent, be silent, be silent, be silent, don’t say anything, don’t even strain, write notes, if necessary, second, you need be sure to drink warm milk with honey, damn, it’s not the right time, which means we ’ll go to the dining room now, and then i’ll immediately call you a very good specialist, i have some ligaments, let’s go. “so, let’s do it again, you met this false dobrynina in a park near the international one, yes, you got there by metro, why by car, and where you parked, in a shopping center, in a parking lot, wait, they gave me a ticket there, on a ticket there must be time, well , somewhere in the car in the glove compartment, so why didn’t you say right away, somehow everything it slipped my mind, maybe
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you left the car in the parking lot."
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shchurov didn’t lie, i found a parking ticket from a paid parking lot in his car, the time on this ticket almost coincides with the time of the murder. lyosha, roll your fingers quickly, okay, uh-huh , i will, even if shchurov’s fingerprints are found on the parking ticket, this does not mean that he parked the car himself. besides, he had time to somehow leave his fingers on the ticket. well, it’s good if. he thought of everything so wonderfully, why immediately didn't tell us about the ticket? and why didn’t he deliver? from such serious evidence as a pistol, this whole story with false dobrynina is just a bad attempt to make albi for himself, he should have thought through everything to the smallest detail, it seems to me that they are screwing us up, the real killer rachenko is leading us on for us, that means so, if by the evening shchurov’s alebi doesn’t pop up, we close it and no amount of fingers from a parking ticket or anywhere else will help him, everything
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is clear, yes, great, great, gray, oh, let’s do it in winter, great, great, georgivich, it’s not cold to create, right? actually, it’s cool, i’ll tell you, his hands are freezing, so tell me, how’s life, what did you call about? well, life is normal, but there’s work, they send you to retire, yes, but you don’t want to, no, no, it’s too early for me to retire, well, yes, i can’t solve the murder, you can’t, what are you doing, what about yours? - experience in fighting crime, ah-ah-ah. tell me, sir, who in our city, having a real passport in front of their eyes, can make a high-quality fake. dima buyak, he’s working now ok, he’s a small employee in an insurance company, but he lives well, i’ll tell you, more than
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one salary, a rare creature, an insurance company, but now it’s clear where he gets the originals for his fakes, sorry, yeah. andryukh, contact dobrynina, find out which insurance company she took out her medical policy with. typical laryngitis, you can tolerate colds on your legs. what advice do you have for the major? several days of complete silence, keep your throat warm. in what sense? well, in the sense of wrapping it in a warm scarf. "i will prescribe a medicine, inhalation three times a day and physiotherapy at the clinic and no talking until the voice is restored, do not eat or drink anything cold or spicy, no, well , this is impossible, i mean silence,
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today the major has a recording of the program, he must speak, this is simply impossible, you want so that he remains without a voice forever, no, i don’t want to, well, i said everything. in general, here is the recipe, hello, hello, good afternoon, we are with the police, we need dmitry buyak, yes, yes, he came out for 5 minutes, i’ll call you now, but wait a second, who are you, exactly? anton skvartsov, chief sales department, yeah, very nice, oh, dima, have you taken out a death policy? well, everything is clear. nice to meet you, dmitry. calm down, girl, police. well, tell me, you made fake documents in the name of yulia
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dobrynina. we do not advise you to immediately refuse, because several false passports were found in your apartment, everything necessary for their production. i will say it, but with a condition. you know, not yours. i made a fake passport for this dobrynina a week ago on the order of the former prostitute vasilitsa, she didn’t care whose passport it was, but dobrynina was just the right age, so how to find this vasilisa, where her hut is, i don’t know, i don’t have her phone number either, such
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clients, you know, don’t leave their coordinates, but i wrote down the number of the car she arrived in , i always do this to be on the safe side, and where is it? your duty officer has a notebook among my personal belongings, everything is written down there, yeah, well, let's see, andrey, everything, there is a contact, ragozhina vasilisa, date of birth, passport number, registration address, rue jacques duclos, building 11, print it out for you, no, i remember, comrade colonel, what if we postpone the shooting for a couple of days, well , until... the voice will not return, no, this is not even discussed, olesya has her own deadlines, and i am not going to quarrel with general merzlyakin, so there is no need, that’s it, the question has been removed, so oleg georgievich, yes, you will have to take
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the blow yourself, no, i don’t understand, well, how, well, sit in the frame and trade your face instead of cherdyntsev, but well, there’s nothing at all in the text. look, here’s one page, no, comrade colonel, i’m not photogenic, then when i’m worried, i start swearing, and in general i i’ll bet the whole frame who will catch the criminals, you know what, we’ll do it this way, we ’ll put cherdyntsov in the frame, so he’ll just open his mouth, and behind the scenes you’ll read the text from a piece of paper, but it’s the same damn thing, they’re the voice on then they will put it on the computer, well, i don’t know, i don’t know, i ’ve never done this, in my opinion everything is working out, i ’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring,
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warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 22. soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, many vacancies are new every day, you will find not just a job, but your place, credit card debts are attacking, i’ll show you i’ll give you a couple of tricks, we’ll collect all your credit card debts and pay off them conveniently. 24 months, and don’t forget
6:18 am
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6:20 am
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almost all of siberia, only in tuva, in khakass it’s about 25 so far, and from krasnoyarsk to omsk no higher than 15, in solihard is only plus one. in the urals there is a short burst of heat in yekaterinburg, today +18, tomorrow again 12, rain in places, well, orenburg, ufa are warmed by confident european territory, today up to 23, in a day up to 27, because on the russian plain, it’s real summer, everything is filled with sun and the temperature is every day it’s getting higher, even in the volga region it’s already about 25, in the center it’s up to 28, every other day it’s all 30, in the north-west it’s raining in places, it ’s also very warm, but just for now, because the north is nearby, it’s noticeably cooler. the atmospheric front in arkhangelsk is now +14, in the northeast it’s almost zero, and in some places it’s not only rain, but snow. in the south, of course, not so much, but it’s also cool, in sevastopol +23 cloudy, in sochi no precipitation and 24, rain tomorrow, and today throughout the region there will also be rain and thunderstorms in places, it may thunder during the day in st. petersburg, but there +27 , moscow without precipitation
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and also 27, on wednesday we are waiting for the first +30. who's there? hello, you are worried about stszh. we need your signature to install a video camera in your entrance. what if i don’t want to put a video camera in the entrance, but in any case , your signature is really needed, otherwise you you will have to pay in the same way as the other residents of the house. good afternoon, criminal investigation department. well, aside. calm, calm, stand, stand, wait, kotlerov, i’ll shoot, good ones, there you are! please, well, i
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don’t want to go to prison, i didn’t kill anyone, you, girl, are an accomplice of a murderer, that’s enough, well, i’ll tell you everything, everything, everything, just please, please, just don’t go to prison or at least a suspended sentence, you will ask the judge, now tell me, continue, stas came up with all this, kotlerov, well, we have a kind of love with him, carrots and all that, he’s been around for a long time radchenko pour love into shchurov's carrots, so is this his jacket? yes, then, well, i was supposed to act simply as the buyer of the apartment, meet with ashurov while he was killing radchenko, yeah, his
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pills, and these are his pills for his head, his head hurts very much, is he seriously ill, no , it’s just his head... they pierced his head in the zone, and then they performed surgery on him, but the pain still hasn’t gone away, he eats these pills all the time, he constantly takes them, and where in what hospital does he get a prescription, in ours, that is at the place of registration, okay, that’s it, boris, now you just open your mouth, silently, pronouncing the text, oleg georgievich, read the order. ready, working, working, now, once, once, once, so, yeah, today crime in russia is one of the most, excuse me, one of the most, one of the most painful social diseases, so
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stop, everything, everything, removed, gone , oles, well, colonel. you have cognac and lemon, i have an excellent recipe, seriously, let’s go to the hospital, on the wool floors, and i ’ll check here, okay, just be careful, without amateur performances, well, you'll run away.
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kotlerov, criminal investigation, calmly, don’t twitch, face the wall, hands behind your head, slowly so that i can see, well done , drop the gun, i’ll stab you, calm down, don’t be stupid, don’t be stupid, throw the knife, well done, ritka, don’t you killed him, yes, i seemed to be careful, well, stas came up with it all, i had to, under the guise of dobrynina , lure shurov into a meeting so that he would not have alebi at the time of ratchenko’s murder, i shot ratchenko himself in the entrance, then planted the gun at his mother’s dacha screw it up so you can they found it there, but why is it so difficult? it was necessary to substitute shchurov, well, stas came up with that idea, rachenko himself was a big deal to him, and that the gottlers were not shared with ashurov, well
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, i don’t know that for sure, it’s probably better for you to ask him himself, i was ready for anything, to get even with this scum, shchyurov, yes, why did he cross your path like that, he and i once worked things out together, threw us into different scams, then they pinned us down, that’s all true... there were arrows on me, shchyurov, bastard , cunning, didn’t really shine, why didn’t you pass him then, yes he cheated me like a fool, promised to keep my entire share while i sat and warmed up during my imprisonment, well, i believed him, he deceived me, not right away, until the trial before the investigation, and the first year he really warmed me up, and then out of sight throw away the matches, i decided to take revenge on the bastard so that...
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an old russian recipe: 100 g of warm cognac, three spoons of honey, three drops of lemon and borya, drink in small smooth ones, oh my voice has appeared! oleg georgievich, can i kiss you, you are a genius, a genius, that’s it, we’re working, we’re ready, yes, we started, today
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crime in russia is one of the most painful social ulcers. we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we will clarify the details of the emergency and listen to the road history in the first program. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. resident of the moscow region. i found out that she rented out her house to a seemingly respectable man, who did not fulfill the terms of the rental agreement and generally changed them, registered
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the property as his own, and this is what he turned into a luxurious mansion on...


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