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tv   Utro  NTV  May 28, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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crime in russia is one of the most painful social ulcers. we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we will clarify the details via. let's listen to the road story in the first program. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. a resident of the moscow region found out that she had rented out her house to a seemingly respectable man, who did not fulfill the terms of the rental agreement and generally changed them and registered the property as his own. this is what i turned a luxurious mansion into...
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i gave them the money, that’s it, they didn’t re-register year, second, third, on the fifth, they re-issued, finally, one as papers for the transfer of real estate, questions just arose, one of the examinations confirmed that antonova’s signature was false. during the criminal process, they should also conduct additional research to listen to witnesses, so in addition to taking possession someone else's property, olga malashkova accused him of assault, hit me here, that is, i fell with all my strength, he ... grabbed me by the back like this here and
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there and threw me on the asphalt. vladimir bartsakin’s detention in pre-trial detention center was extended until october and the istra court transferred the hearing to the moscow regional court. such a complicated matter requires comprehensive consideration. you have to stop him, inspector, he's making us look like idiots. it would be good if you could explain how he does this,” laystreet darkened. good morning, ladies and gentlemen. the witty sherlock holmes laughed at the stupid inspector of scotland yard, the cheese of arthur conandoyle in almost every story. the klutzy policeman himself gave the reason. but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut in case he blurted out something. here is the nicest investigator.
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in an instant, everything ended, a car accident, then all the doctors said out loud that he was not a fool, girls, get ready, on october 28, borad faizilovich was taking his granddaughter home, accidentally hitched a ride, gaped, the second participant in the accident, ilfat, calms him down, a trifle father, it happens to me there was only a small scratch there, i told him, maybe we can go our separate ways. before they had time to disperse,
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people scatter, i saw it with my own eyes, i remember this moment exactly, it stayed in my head, as if forever for the rest of my life, that same aidar gelyazov hit a monstrous strike, i haven’t yet ready to comment, five are urgently hospitalized, the heaviest ilfat gazizov, four are in intensive care
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. the picture is obvious: aidar gilyazov hit two pedestrians, rammed cars with passengers, in the dry language of the rules. road traffic did not choose a safe speed, did not maintain a safe distance, committed a collision, and this is a fact, so why is gilyazov at large, it turns out that no one is to blame here, yes, no one is to blame - says the investigator, for a year and a half the police have been stamping a resolution on refusal to initiate criminal case, clean driver gelyazov is before the law, the examination writes that in our case he did not have the opportunity to establish what, he lagged with the opportunity to stop, so gelyazova himself says, well , what could i do, he sympathizes, he drove off in the traffic, a car was driving in front of me, the car sharply steers in front of me there was an accident, i couldn’t take off or go somewhere, the best thing for today at 20:00, the big premiere,
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the new season of the action-packed series dolphin, sergei zharkov and his dolphin will bring everyone to clean water, is something not going well here? look in today's episodes, what's the name, dubrovsky, is he still wandering around, where did he get it, how? well, i can’t, i’m just sitting there doing nothing, what’s up, it looks like murder, we go to the performer, the performer leads us to the customer, classic, help with an identikit, you’ll get off with the minimum wage, you’ll give a damn, the officer’s word, who is he, the little one was driving, killer, suspected in the cell already ... the time of work is against us, yes dolphin, that’s where we’ll pin him down, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today, there are only a few days left until the calendar summer,
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but on the european territory of russia it has already arrived. the solar anticyclone, and a whole series of them, were able to produce a lot of warm air, the leaders in the rate of warming are the middle zone, even in the volga region today it is already about 20. in the center another day +30 in the north-west, also only there on the outskirts of the anticyclone there are rains with thunderstorms in places , well , the north is leaving the warm distance, in arkhangelsk it’s not higher than +15, in murmonsk it won’t even reach +10 and in some places precipitation, the south is also not in first place in the race for the summer up to +30 only on the volga on the don, in yalta in sochi a little higher twenty, again local thunderstorms. there are contradictions in the urals, in orenburg in bashkiria there is no precipitation and it is getting warmer. today around 20, tomorrow up to 27, here we go to yekaterinburg. after today's surge to +18, tomorrow it will again be slightly above 10, with rain in places. in siberia, summer is still clinging to the extreme southeast, in tyva, in khakassia it is up to +26, from tomsk to irkutsk there is no more than fifteen rain in places, in imala there is snow, there is almost zero. in the far east it is also cool and not hot at all, about twenty already
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in transbaikalia, in other southern regions and there won’t be twenty, but at least there will be a little rain; in the coastal areas there is not only a shortage of heat, but also bad weather. today there is heavy rainfall from the storm. wind in the kuril islands is next kamchatka returning to summer in st. petersburg today +27 in the afternoon, possible thunderstorm in moscow 27, but no precipitation, on wednesday we are waiting for the first +30. look further, morning, the best, we will install the winch ourselves with the main road, we will study the properties of sugar together with sergei malozyomov, we will learn about the events of cultural life, this is off-road. no, now it’s an suv, if you get stuck, you’ll have to pull yourself out with your own hands, but those who don’t have a head on their shoulders have to do it with their own hands, a winch, the last
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argument of an off-road conqueror, an experienced driver will not get into the mud alone, you arrived with one car, found a place where there is no connection, put the car on bridges for... only when you did all this, the thought came to you, why am i even doing all this? electric winches are expensive and, as a rule, require installation on a car, which means making changes to the design, examination and lengthy approvals. portable electric winches are easier and a little cheaper, the most affordable, mechanical and homemade. we have three winches, traditional, cheap, medium. and expensive, average taiwanese, and cheap and expensive - russian, now i will show you a real russian winch, and the crowbar, and
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the model designer, we assembled this winch, the design of the inventor viktor bazarev, ourselves. the universal winch is ready. well, let's plant it, just carefully, who did i tell this to, we'll test our winches in action, we'll test them, wait.
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we will break them, and the maximum traction the force of the winch should be twice the weight of the car, that ivan junhon and the sorokin winch are designed for 3 tons, and the winch from siptal is already four tons, for our car with a reserve, come on! and the shorter the standard winch cable, the more often it will have to be unwound and rearranged, the longest was on the cheap septal winch 3 m, the shortest on the road from sorokin is only a meter, then pull it, are you kidding me or something, well, really, the winch is from septal can be used without a reverse roller or pulley.
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from novosibirsk designed such a winch himself and even though it is only a model, the device works perfectly. anyone who comes to the competition without a winch, but simply cannot get past this obstacle, will receive minus points accordingly. in terms of workmanship , the first place was expectedly taken by the expensive model from sorokin. siptal could have rivaled taiwan's junhong if the rope hadn't fallen out. wait, now, wait, click this here. this is a very expensive thing, it's
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a budget option, right? it is better to attach the winch to the anchor, and not to the car, less you'll get dirty. as an extension, use a safety synthetic sling. you will have to pull out the car using a hand winch in several steps. the cable is pulled out very quickly; to unwind it again, you need to unlock the drum. manufacturer septal in this function. i foresaw that there should be a lever here to lift this, it was possible to unlock the mechanism only with the help of a screwdriver and collective efforts, on the taiwanese model and a winch from sorokin, there is an unlocking mechanism, oops, i pulled everything, but it’s simpler, well, it’s not simpler, this just works simpler, this doesn’t work at all, but this works, the siptal winch was the first to give up, bent on...
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oh, all three winches broke before they could complete the task. let's try the traditional method. i'm sure he won't let you down. the traditional winch is neither compact nor ergonomic, but it works. that,
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call a doctor, this is not the only folk way to free a car from the mud, a real craftsman only needs a rope and two sticks, and there are many such methods on the internet, but what will happen to the tractor, not i know, you drove it, you drive it away, let’s go home with it. good morning, live food is on the air, i’m sergei malozemov and my medical education helps me figure it out. scientific research on which foods are healthy and which are not. the answer to why the obesity epidemic continues to spread across the planet actually lies in one word: sugar. however, not all sugar is created equal. sometimes, oddly enough, sugar can save lives. blogger newry sharikova, who suffered from
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diabetes as a child, experienced hypoglycemia, a condition when the brain. why do i use sugar, not candy, not chocolate, not some other means, because i know the exact amount, well, now we were on the sports field, for my condition i needed 5 g of carbohydrates, this is one cube of refined sugar, and sugar can also
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be a medicine that helps heal wounds, a scientific work on... an unexpected topic was published by english scientists from the university of birmingham, the author, african graduate student moses murandu, says that his father in zimbabwe always treated festering wounds this way wounds, because sugar draws out moisture and prevents microbes from multiplying. moses and his colleagues even tested the method on twenty-two patients and noted a positive effect. another plus that sugar can carry is culinary properties, for example, fried meat, coffee. we like baked milk because during their preparation the so -called mayar reaction occurs, an obligatory participant of which is the sugars contained in the products. they combine with amino acids and give a pleasant brownish color, as well as a taste aroma, before which hard to resist. sugar also participates in
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fermentation, helps keep the shape of meringues and sponge cakes, and acts as a preservative in preparations. as they know. technologists and culinary specialists, it enhances the taste, even of sausages and borscht, sharpening the sensitivity of taste buds. well then, sugar can be beautiful and tell stories at the sergegievskoe kukhmesterskoye museum in sergiev posad; visitors, for example, are shown sugar loaves. thus, the sweetness was sold in compressed form even at the beginning of the 20th century. marina, this was called a sugar loaf. yes, that's right, that's the shape of sugar. wrapped in sugar paper, usually blue, only the white sugar top remained at the top, and that’s where the head came from. they crushed the sugar with special pincers. to be honest, this is not an easy task. i'm putting in every effort i have. yes. such a head was not used up quickly, especially since until recently they drank tea not only as a snack, but as an afterthought.
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because of its high cost, sugar was put on the table for beauty, without eating a single piece. blogger anastasia is doing roughly the same thing now. morozova, who collects sweet bags; she already has more than a thousand of them, many from subscribers. for example, one girl sent me such a beautiful selection, and sugar is about dancing, yes, about some latin dances, and it’s nice that people remember about this, collect it, send it, and i, looking at these sugars, i’m talking about them too i remember, that is, everything is not in vain. anastasia herself hardly eats sweets because she watches her figure. in the last couple of years alone, humanity has already eaten 175 million tons of sugar, and this figure continues grow. russia is among the top 10 countries with a sweet tooth. on average, we eat 32 kg of sugar per person per year, which is 8 kg more than the ministry of health recommendation and twice
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the standards of the world health organization. not surprisingly, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes are on the rise. some countries are fighting sugar with legislation, introducing taxes and limiting advertising, and manufacturers are increasingly using supposedly healthier sweeteners. is there a harmless alternative? we'll tell you very soon, for sure wait. nicole kidman received the american film institute's lifetime achievement award, becoming the first australian to receive the award. on this occasion , a ceremony was held in hollywood, where nicole’s famous colleagues gathered, who came to support her, what kidman considers the best method for building a career, and how she turned from just. actress and wife of tom cruise into one of the main hollywood divas. this is the show business news today. fifty-six-year-old nicole kidman
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looked like the queen, wearing a stunning gold dress with a train, she came arm in arm with her husband, country singer keith urban, brought her beautiful daughters into the world for the first time. fifteen-year-old sandai and thirteen-year-old faith chose elegant colors that evening. dress, her famous friends came to support nicole, meryl streep, reese uzarspoon, both of whom starred in the tv series big little lies, as well as naomi watts, michelle phifer, morgan freeman, mike myers. according to kidman , what helped her achieve such results in her career was that she was never afraid to risk. people often ask me: are you really going to star in this film? i say: yes, of course, i remember myself as a girl who went to a theater studio, where we played everything. we weren’t given any limits, like, “oh god, this role is beyond your age.” or this play is strange. we just played every role we were given. and this is the best way to start a career. in
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the theater studio, nicole hid from the scorching australian sun. nature threatened the fair-skinned girl with freckles and a funny red head of curls. this bright appearance along with talent, helped her get her first roles. here she is at fourteen in her debut film, christmas in the woods. already at 15 , kidman became the star of teenage rom-coms in australia, at 21 she played the main role in the miniseries bangkok hilton, after which they started talking not only in their homeland. his hollywood debut took place in the eighty- ninth film days of thunder. kitman played a young doctor who falls in love with a race car driver. this role was played by the main handsome man of hollywood at that time, tom cruise, with whom young nicole fell madly in love. their the couple became the most... discussed in hollywood for a decade, but now she was primarily perceived not as an actress, but as the wife of tom cruise. he separated them the same way he brought them together in a joint film. the great
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stanley kubrick's final film, eyes wide shut. the actors played spouses tired of each other with a huge burden of accumulated problems. tom and nicole became too fond of the character and the exhausting filming brought out all the contradictions. and as it turned out, the divorce from cruise was the best thing that happened to kidman in terms of her career. it was after this that she a series of significant, complex and interesting projects began. she starred in moulin rouge with basle urman in dogveli with lars von trier, and won an oscar for her portrayal of the writer virginia woolf in the film the hours. in total , kidman was nominated for an academy award five times, including 2 years ago for the film in the role of rickard aan sorkin. kitman always chose risky and even provocative projects that tested her strength and gave her the opportunity to reveal a new side. but at the same time she did not refuse box-office films that made her one of highest paid actresses. filming in tv series gave her new interesting roles. in the drama big little lies,
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which is preparing for the third season, kidman played the victim of an abusive relationship, in the detective story she played back a successful psychoanalyst who did not notice how her life was falling apart. and in recent expats , an expat in hong kong experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder. but in the personal life of the actress herself. no drama, she's been married to australian country singer keith urban for 18 years, they lead a quiet life previously in nashville state of tennessee, only occasionally social events such as this are chosen to pick up the next awards, such as show business news today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled. it means real, they recognize,
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love, remember, truly appreciate, psb is a bank for the real, if this is for... come on, they don’t rob every day, judging by their schedule, we still have a week, subtract the police , hands up the hill, the robbers didn’t show up on the cameras, maybe they knew where these the cameras are there, raise the agents, shake the bandos, but these need to be found, a flock, a little, you, no, this is seryozha, and valerera, today at 22:10 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. what mood are you in today? light and airy.
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we. persil takes stain removal to a new level with deep clean plus technology. percil enzymes work on the surface and inside of fabric, leaving memories, not stains on things. once i've persisted, i've always persisted. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show on mountain lions is back with an exciting new season. and that’s why i’m announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17. all you have to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my travel companion to see the world. send your applications to the following address:, in the show a hitchhiker calls you on the road. see you. the morning continues, the best. we will check with our consumer inspectorate. we have the right to receive legal advice. let's turn
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your home into the apartment of your dreams, go to an interesting place, eat a local dish with federico arnalde, duck breast in sauce, white fish fillet with lingonberries, turkey groten with carrots, and fluffy salmon soufflé, no, i won’t change these delicacies with reception on the occasion of the coronation of the new king of great britain, charles, and food for cats and dogs. it seems that since the cat is a dog and has been a domestic dog for a long time, then the composition of their food is exactly exactly. the pictures on the packaging are just different. in fact, from
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a zoological point of view, cats are one hundred percent predators. they feed only on other animals; all vitamins, amino acids, and minerals can only be obtained from meat, fat, and bones. therefore, cat food should contain a maximum of animals, protein and fat. and plant-based oatmeal, corn, vegetables, murki do not digest only they get an upset stomach, they supplement food for cats with important vitamin a, taurine acid, polyunsaturated fatty orochidonic acid, their cat’s bodies cannot produce and extract from food, dogs are even carnivores, but the same vitamin a is able to synthesize from coratenoids, which are found in plant foods, so if you feed dogs food for cats, then... bugs and bugs can receive an overdose of certain substances, in dogs can eat carrots, barley, and soy in small quantities; pets will learn benefits from them. in factories, dog food is supplemented with magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, but if you regularly treat your cat to this, it won’t
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be good for her? the cat doesn't need this because it can cause urolithiasis, high levels of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. even they - the famous trainers admit, the brothers are stocky, ibro, oh smart girl, bravo, sit, they would use ready-made food if they were sold, if there was one hundred percent confidence in the balance and quality of the composition, there are a lot of subtleties with feeding predators. as a veterinary consideration, they are entitled to almost the entire spectrum of meat. chickens, rabbits, the same fish, we use horse meat, horse meat is less fatty, the meat is cleaner, but not in every city you will find horse meat, there, for example, in bashkartastan or tatarstan, then
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there are no problems with horse meat, in moscow you still need to look for horse meat, and the immunity of huge, formidable cats, just like domestic ones, is definitely important to strengthen with a complex vitamin assortment, so feeding animals in the circus spare ones... but, alas, the audit showed that some factories cynically save on the health of pets. remember these brands, they did not add selenium to their food, which strengthens the muscles of cats; this cat food contains little potassium,
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which protects the cat’s heart. manufacturers overestimated these quantities, this misled the consumer, this is the main problem. if you feed a cat this food every day, it may develop a dangerous deficiency of important elements, but it will not work to sue the manufacturers for this animal impudence, because, alas, there are no laws that control the quality of food, there are no technical regulations that would indicate what exactly is possible, what is not, in what quantities, there is only guest food, remember it or take a photo. he is the only guarantor of quality so far, he has been accepted recently, so there is still little food according to the state standard, it was adopted on july 1, 2022, quite recently, it normalizes the nutrient content for all non-productive animals,
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cats, dogs, fish, and although many owners are sure that their cats and dogs cannot eat bad food will become, but pets, firstly, are not strong in nutrition and cannot say that they have something... until it reaches a severe stage, and secondly, technologists add bait to the food, for example, burnt sugar . many cats love the taste and smell caramel, they add caramelizing substances to the food precisely in order to attract. or, sweet tapinambura syrup gives a specific taste that pets like and they will eat this food with great appetite. and another one of the adored smells of cats and dogs is the aroma of liver, which is why they put it in every second food, well, because it’s cheap, of course, it will also be a more attractive product for the animal, but in terms of nutritional value it will be
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significantly inferior to those foods that contain used, for example, meat. and if you give if food regularly contains liver, your pet can get an overdose of vitamin a; 100 g of liver contains, attention, nine dog fats. standards for this substance, although it is easier and cheaper to mix a special chemical additive called, in russia they usually call digest, here it is. stern. here we see a digest. daige is made from animal products through hydrolysis, fermentation, that is, some biologically attractive substance remains. are these sure-fire flavors dangerous? how else are they encrypted in the composition? what brands of food do not contain the promised meat and fish, but do contain mold and antibiotics. what is the ideal composition of dinners for pets? i'll tell you in the second part of the investigation. do not miss.
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marina belikova, lawyer. the vice speaker of the state duma proposed allowing our citizens to present digital passports to the police. if you have been detained by a law enforcement officer and asked you to confirm your identity, you will be able to show the digital version of your passport that you have in the portal’s mobile application. government services instead paper version, that is, we should no longer need to carry paper passports with us, as the vice speaker explained, now on the portal of regulations, and a draft government resolution has been posted, according to which, instead of a paper passport, citizens will be able to confirm their identity using a digital passport this can be done in ten cases, but it is not provided for among these cases. law enforcement agencies, also among these
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, it is not possible to present a digital passport to employees in ten cases present documents when passing passport control at airports of the russian federation on domestic flights, as well as when confirming a driver’s license by state traffic inspectors. in this regard , there is a need to supplement the draft resolution of the government of the russian federation with just these cases. as a rule, citizens. most often you are faced with the need to confirm your identity in these cases, and if you suddenly forgot the paper version of your passport, law enforcement officers stop you and are asked to confirm their identity, then in this case law-abiding citizens lose a huge amount of time, but not only law-abiding citizens, but also law enforcement agencies, because as a rule , this does not lead to the capture of criminals and the detention of suspects, but only leads to a loss of time. let's hope that this... will receive their support, and those 10
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cases that are currently indicated in the draft decree of the government of the russian federation on how citizens can confirm their identity will be supplemented by these very points that you will be able to confirm your identity using a digital passport and law enforcement officers , state traffic inspectors and when passing through passport control at airports on domestic flights. if you still have questions, send them to our email address, remember that you have the right to know. hello everyone, this is a housing issue, i’m ilya a westerner, today we’re doing a renovation for the novikov family, seven people live in a small three-room apartment, it’s good, but we have to crowd together, there’s not enough space to play...
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the walls are cleaned, primed and ready for a makeover. mix universal gypsum plaster, apply and level the rule. the composition hardens evenly without cracks. we will create a solid foundation under your feet using the fast-hardening self-leveling floor from scarline. it is self-leveling, all we have to do is expel the air bubbles and after 4 hours we can already walk. to build in the light, we lower the ceiling a little,
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assemble a frame from steel profiles and sew it up with moisture-resistant plasterboard. the seams will be hidden using reinforced universal gypsum putty. paper tape. there is a built-in track for lamps in the center. the finished finishing putty does not contain harmful impurities and is applied in an even thin layer. we obtained a smooth surface without flaws. meanwhile, at the children's architecture school , an unusual lesson and task begins. architects to draw a cross-section of a medieval castle and then transfer this drawing to wallpaper. our heroes ignat and alyosha novikova will also take part. we take hogwarts, the most famous gothic castle for modern children, as an example. now the hardest part - combine the views of each of the young artists into
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a holistic vision. in general, dmitry, you have a lot of work ahead of you. well, now we’ll scan it, comb everything, edit it, i think everything is in order. will. and finally, the time has come to see what the castle looks like in cross-section. a collage compiled by dmitry alexandrov from children's drawings was transferred to a mural. non-woven fabric with a thin layer of plaster. we apply wallpaper glue to the back side and the same on the surface of the wall, after which we roll out the canvas, rolled into a roll together with cellophane, so it will lie flat. all that remains is to smooth it with a spatula to expel the air. the furniture is ready. a bunk bed takes its place along the wall. at its base there is a steel frame, like the top bunk in a train compartment. there is also room left for antrisol. and for the third bed, a ladder was assembled in advance. there will be
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a three-section closet downstairs for all the brothers, a bed at the top, and drawers in the steps. everything is needed. if usually the ladder serves as a support, then here it is only to make it convenient climb to the second tier. it’s convenient, the mattress here is very comfortable, and you ’ve provided storage here, well , there are some shelves along the bed, there’s another sleeping place, but it’s located upstairs behind a slatted partition, i usually install
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doors that go to the ceiling, and here is a load-bearing wall, and here is a load-bearing wall, unfortunately, so i came up with such a solution when it was available. it goes straight into the ceiling and the door, which is in the same plane with the platband, it forms the same kind of panel i do, everything is reversed opening, and doors with reverse opening, which allows us to avoid this difference in planes between the casing and the door panel, great, our heroes wanted a bright space, so far we are able to follow this path into the light. now they will take you to a place that, as they say, can amaze even such a sophisticated tourist as your friend federica. incredili, if i didn’t know that i was now in gelendzhak, but looking at this place, i would have thought that i was now somewhere in france, maybe in borudo, i would even
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i would imperceptibly start talking with a french accent, winery. an elegant garden, a luxurious castle, people come here on an excursion to wander through the pompous corridors and huge wine cellars and communicate with the one who is responsible for the quality of the local wine. hey, yes, i just wanted to say, looking at this place, it would probably be more correct, i wake up the funk, i wake up the monami, you’re also coming. frank dusener came to russia from bordeaux, france 21 years ago. he is an oenologist, that is, a person who evaluates the soil and conditions for growing vineyards and predicts what the result will be in the bottle. for example, in this chateau the vineyards were planted in 2007, but the first wine was received
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only 12 years later. our grapevines grow here. how many grapes do they produce? how many people does it take to pick these grapes? how long does it take?
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that many years ago, the same person who discovered the russian language and russia in general for me, i’m talking about love, if anything, while she
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was with me in italy, she thought, why not start drawing coffee, when she started this do, i suggested, why not with wine, ideally, so i personally always had the idea that someday i would release a bunch of paintings with wine, because it is associated with... this painting technique is called wine grisaelle, it is not as simple as it seems after all, the number of colors is limited, and the consistency is rather complex, which means that the principle of watercolor is here, yes, yes, it’s like art therapy, there is such a flowing story, it’s a loose painting, you see, it spreads right away on the watercolor paper, so the path begins. yes, we landed the first batch. the most it’s interesting that in an already completed painting
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, the processes of fermentation and oxidation continue, due to which the color palette changes. and it’s an even more wonderful addition when you can draw, enjoy, but also taste, thank you, that’s right, oh, we’re like straight out of a straw, you have a professionally artistic pipe for you, smiled, it means you recognized it, smiled, it means it’s real. they recognize, hmm, love, remember, appreciate,
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truly, bsb is a bank for the real, what’s your name, dubrovsky, and is he still hanging around, anywhere, how, well, not can. he’s just sitting there doing nothing, what’s up, it looks like a murder, we find the contractor, the contractor leads us to the customer, classic, help with an identikit, you’ll get off with minimal wages, you’ll give a damn, the officer’s word, who is he, the little guy drove us, killer, suspect in the cell already that time has been working against us, well, yes, the dolphin, that’s where we’ll get him, new season, today 20:00 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. rabiprozole is the northern star. enjoyment of
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appetite. a snack won't hurt. sausages will help, catching a firebird’s feather is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on the day has just begun, and i’m already tired, here prospect appears, i am prospect, i help to be active every day, my strength returns, prospect, dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. this t-shirt. you need to wash it urgently, but running a washing machine is expensive, washing by hand kills the skin of your hands and manicure, stop, the compact lotos washing machine from leamax is ideal for small amounts of laundry, children's clothes, socks, t-shirts, underwear, quick wash without overpaying for water and electricity , folding design, three automatic programs, drain spin function
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it’s still +30 for another day in the north-west, too, only there on the outskirts. the urals in orenburg and bashkiria are without precipitation and getting warmer, today it’s about 20, from tomorrow to 27, here in yekaterinburg after today’s surge it’s up to +18, tomorrow it’s raining again a little above 10 in places. summer still clings to the extreme southeast in tyva in khakassia up to +26, from tomsk to irkutsk there is no more than 15 rain in places, on there is little snow, there is almost zero, in the far east it is also cool and not at all hot, about twenty already in transbaikalia, in the rest of the southern regions there will not be even twenty, but at least there is a little rain, in the coastal areas there is not only a shortage of heat, but also bad weather. today there is heavy rainfall and stormy winds in the kuril islands,
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kamchatka is next in line to return to summer. in st. petersburg today it’s +27. possible thunderstorm in moscow - 27, but no precipitation, on wednesday we expect the first +30. we wish you the best morning. next in the program, we’ll take care of your health doctor. let's prepare an orange salad with yulia vysotskaya. we are surprised by the wonderful news with sergei malozyomov. let's talk one day with singer irina ponorovskaya. when it is impossible to treat ear diseases conservatively, in what situations is surgical help necessary, is it always possible to have surgery to restore hearing, what is the connection between ear health and such a terrible disease as meningitis? let's talk about this with otolaryngologist, audiologist
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victoria zelenkova. good morning. the program "your doctor" and here we are talking about the correct medicine with the right doctors. victoria nikolaevna, today i would like to talk to you about ear diseases, which occur quite often. tits and we know that if they are not treated on time or not treated well or treatment is ineffective, then often there is a need for surgical operations, which are generally not easy, but at the same time quite effective, these are the main diseases of, let's say, the middle ear , the inner ear, when we come to what needs to be done to carry out. surgical treatment to correct hearing is no longer conservative, but surgically. most often, patients present with chronic purulent atitis, this is when the patient suffered from acute purulent atitis in childhood and
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moved on, some kind of inflammatory process becomes chronic, and even chronic, and chronic otitis can be divided into two large groups, this is chronic otitis, when we see only perforation of the eardrum, that is, it occurs. and from there it periodically leaks during an exacerbation and the patient three or four times per year he carries out one or another conservative therapy, and due to these constant exacerbations the inner ear and the auditory nerve react very strongly, and accordingly the bones can be destroyed, leading to significant hearing loss up to the development of deafness, just such chronic otatitis.
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some urgent surgical
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interventions are indicated here, because this particular skin, when it becomes inflamed, can cause complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, and so on, and you also close the perforation, too instead, you make damaged eardrums, a new... eardrum that allows you to improve your hearing? of course, without fail, such an operation is called tympanoplasty, which implies an examination of all parts of the tympanic cavity, it is obligatory to examine the bones, and accordingly, if the bones are in order, everything is fine, then a new eardrum is formed from the patient’s own tissue and these tissues gradually grow into blood vessels , nerves, after all, such a membrane already looks practically.
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with the middle ear, connected with the inner ear, some operations are performed there, if we are talking about those diseases of the inner ear that lead to hearing loss and deafness, otherwise in this case surgical implantation or an artificial ear is performed, this is an electrode and accordingly produces impulses, but there is a very unpleasant series diseases of the inner ear, which are accompanied by painful dizziness up to... the point that the patient can no longer walk, cannot get up, these diseases include minier's disease, in which constantly attacks of dizziness occur, the patient can no longer go to work, in this case,
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if conservative treatment does not help in any way, surgical interventions using a laser are performed, such as suppression of these receptors of the inner ear, selectively, only the inner ear, with this means that the patient no longer has... instead of surgery, or there are situations when it is better to put in a hearing aid and not have surgery, of course, if we are talking about something acquired there or congenital hearing loss, which can be cured surgically, of course, but it is better to operate on the patient, that hearing loss in which sound perception is impaired, or it is sensorineural hearing loss, the hearing thresholds are already significant. the patient does not hear very well,
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then in this case the patient is rehabilitated with the help of hearing aids. of course, there is an opinion among patients that when they put on a hearing aid, their hearing begins to progressively decrease; this is absolutely not true. a hearing aid is designed to help you hear those sounds and amplify sounds that the patient has not heard before. and with a correctly selected device, and with correct wearing. these problems do not arise, and the patient’s problems with social rehabilitation disappear. thank you very much victoria nikolaevna for the wonderful story, wonderful explanation, i would like to wish everyone good health, contact qualified doctors and see you again. i understand that easter is such a gastronomic holiday, that is understandable. the thing is that this is a
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spring holiday, it’s actually such a very bright holiday, but at the same time we definitely we think about it, we have some kind of stuffed eggs, yes we, we paint eggs, we make cottage cheese easter, we bake easter cakes, we meat, fish, we put all the most delicious things on the table, but it seems to me that we must not forget about that in addition to the delicious, there must be the most delicious and healthy on the table, by the way, a dish rich in fiber, a dish rich in... tests that are on the easter table are salads, look how beautiful, the leaves are washed, dried, they are already prepared for... so we can just season them, i have fennel here, fennel goes very well with romana and radicio, and in general it also gives that, you know...
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note of onis flavor, great, with the bitterness from radicio it resonates with such juiciness of romana, by the way, it’s a good idea to add these here for aroma fennel has leaves that look like dill, but they have absolutely nothing in common with dill in taste, they rather have a lot of that ony, almost menthol taste, the aroma is very refreshing. it also seems to me that pomegranate is very refreshing, and this is also the last pomegranate this season, it seems to me, although in moscow we have quite a lot - well, they sell for a long time, they are stored well, they retain their juiciness well, but this is just sweet, sweet, pomegranate also goes well with iceberg and fennel, well, let's go with the first tomatoes, look how beautiful they are juicy, very good combination.
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in my opinion, exactly, you know, sourness, such a sweet and sour pomegranate, and tart radicio, and such a refreshing fennel, juicy , juicy iceberg, this is a sweet tomato, this is just excellent, what is missing here, in my opinion, well except for gas station, like i already she said vegetable oil, in my case i took olive oil, well, any nut oil, walnut oil might be interesting, or maybe some pumpkin oil is also interesting. just to experiment, i have olive oil on hand now, but it’s really good for salad dressings , that’s all, this is the simplest solution, here’s a difficult solution, in my opinion, firstly, orange zest, which goes very well with with all these products, and you can’t imagine how interesting an orange goes with a tomato, it turns out to be some kind of, well, just a delicious aroma, i love blood oranges, but you can’t
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get them very often in our area, this one is not red at all, but very juicy, very aromatic , very sweet, a little salt, just a little - a little bit, firstly, salt makes vegetables release their juice much faster, so just a little bit of freshly ground pepper, and then from there, if someone doesn’t have enough salt on the table, you can add salt and i also think it’s necessary to add cheese. i have this adyghe smoked cheese, it’s not suluguni, it’s this cheese has a very intense aroma and taste, which is what attracts me here, but any hard cheese will work here. well, what a beauty, the only thing is a little bit of some greenery, and you know how interesting mint works, thanks to orange and fennel, mint is just perfect, with this cheese, the way it combines is simply divine, it’s also very refreshing, well, look at this we have a salad on
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the table, bon appetit, you are looking at a miracle of technology, my name is sergei malozyomov. when we hear about augmented or virtual reality, then we imagine, first of all, some gamers who, in their games, wearing glasses or a helmet, chase monsters with machine guns in their hands. in fact, these technologies are already being widely used for serious things, for example, in medicine. muscovite alexander kokorin was immobilized by a stroke 4 years ago. after the stroke, my right leg couldn’t move, my right arm couldn’t speak well, that is, there was quite a large brain lesion. at the neurology research center, alexander was literally put on legs, virtual reality classes were added to the main therapy. here our task is
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to step on the green path; we move forward and slightly to the side. this green man on the screen is a projection of the body. the position in space is recorded by sensors and algorithms. technique of performing the exercises, the training gradually becomes more complicated, the movements seem simple, but the main thing is that the brain is actively working, connections between neurons are restored in it, it remembers how to command the muscles, it was created by the principle of biofeedback, this is when a patient or a healthy person, performing some kind of movement, receives feedback, the fact is that we restore not so much movement, but directly...
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these russian inventors, for example, managed to fit a virtual reality, actually a fairly large diagnostic device for autoalmologists, a perimeter that estimates the size of the visual field, this is important, for example, with glaucoma, this large sphere with a diameter of 60 cm, which is necessary according to the method
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measurements, we have rolled into such a fairly compact virtual reality helmet, a cleverly designed system with a screen, a lens and tracking the direction of gaze. will allow diagnostics to be carried out primarily for bedridden patients, identifying dangerous symptoms in time. medical students are now introduced to the new reality early in their courses. from the beginning of this year , a vr auditorium began operating at sechinov university, where future doctors can try their hand at the operating table and study anatomy in more depth. we need make an incision, what we will use to make the incision, with a scalpel, great, we also direct it. we press the trigger, you can see how the cut happened, what do you see, well, we see how the skin was dissected, subcutaneous fatty tissue appeared, drops of blood, yes , wonderful, quite a realistic image, and even having visited it once,
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i remembered almost that that we went through a year ago, if it had been a year ago, we would all probably have taken the exams again; virtual practice, of course, cannot completely replace real practice. feel not at all the same, in the university they say that vr is used only to improve the memorization of sequences of actions, which is also quite a lot, not virtual, but augmented reality ar also helps surgeons during real operations, at the johns hopkins university hospital in the usa they tried glasses that in real time , the patient’s computed tomography data is projected onto the surgical field; the doctor ultimately receives additional information about where exactly his instrument is located. neurosurgeon timothy whitham, who performed the operation, even compared this is with a gps navigator. and the developers call their know-how x-ray vision for a doctor. a similar development helps nurses find veins for injection,
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suggesting their location. a real miracle of technology, we are waiting for it to become an everyday reality. hundreds of thousands of accidents occur on the country's roads every year. according to statistics , a fifth of all accidents are associated with an incorrect choice of speed limit . last year more was committed. when the speed of the car increases and the flow also increases incoming information to the driver, therefore, under stressful conditions, the risk of errors when driving a vehicle increases. most often, accidents caused by an incorrect choice of speed occur on stretches and uncontrolled intersections, as well as in places with a maximum speed limit of no more than 60 and 90 km/h. the culprits of the accident due to the wrong choice... of speed in 80% of cases are men, aged from 30
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to 39 years, usually married, at the time of the violation, not working anywhere, in 40% cases were already administratively responsible for other offenses. drivers’ choice of speed is influenced by two groups of factors: external, independent of a person, these include visibility conditions, road and weather conditions, and density. the ability to safely drive a car and control its movement in specific road conditions, observing traffic rules,
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you need to choose it wisely. for example, in traffic jams it is impossible to accelerate in the city to the permitted 60 km/h, in conditions of poor visibility, fog or rain, high speed is dangerous, it's better to slow down and choose a safe speed that suits the specific conditions; it's not worth risking your life trying to rush in such situations. one morning on ntv, i'm sergei mayorov, hello, this year irina ponorovskaya turned 71 years old, 50 of them, she is an absolute star of our country, a star with a great history, and she was finally awarded the honorary title of honored artist of russia, although rightly , it has long been popular. over the past three years , irina vitalievna’s concert schedule has become dense. she no longer gives three concerts per week. day as before, but copes well with a dozen performances a month. and on april 15
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of this year , the star’s big solo concerts were supposed to begin in crocus city hall, but they will take place in mid-june in the green theater of vdnkh. we talked with irina ponorovskaya in the “once upon a time” project about creative, physical energy, intelligence and love - a message to the future generation. we are beautiful music, you are my god, let everyone know about it, i don’t want to love like a bunny anymore, i don’t want to hide anything anymore, i know, i loved, i know, forward, close the curtain, throw in final hall, did you sing the song requin? your eyes, huge eyes were full of tears, so it’s difficult to talk about you ponarovskaya singer,
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it seems to me that ponarovskaya is an actress after all, every song was a monologue, it was a statement, now there are a lot of vocalists, but there are few artists, what do you think , why is this the phrase that i wanted to say, you just got ahead of me, it is true, there are fewer artists than singers, they sing amazingly now, young people sing fantastically now. but where is this vein, where is this hook there is something that should hook them, hook here, hook here, hook here, and nothing catches them, what they need to do to become good, loved, professional artists, accumulate love in themselves, accumulate love and gratitude to the viewer, and measure responsibility and learn the scope of your responsibility, artist. must feel this responsibility before future generations, before his audience, before his children, an artist, yes, an artist, whom
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today you can call artists with great letters a, lazarev. bilan and valeria simply evoke enormous respect from me, i appreciate their attitude to work, i appreciate them, their workaholism, because i understand what it means to work to the fullest, and i see that this is happening for them. dima bilan, emotional, sharp, a little unrestrained, but at the same time, professional, dedicated.
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i wonder what you think, the artificial energy of a concert, this is very intellect to me in general, technical progress, creativity will kill, minimize, unfortunately, they will minimize, but they will still exist people will be born who without creativity, what we mean, yes, they won’t be able to, they will be worth their weight in gold, it will be massive, it will be like gold, everything changes, because my
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children, grandchildren, ask alice a question, she tells them answers, well, guys, well, in general, did you say the phrase in the eighties: i’ll be in the forest, call me, i’m going to pick mushrooms, call me, what? everything changes to such an extent that a person can not change, i think that it turns out that this technological progress makes a person wildly unfree, he is not free in the forest, they can call him, it’s a choice, it’s everyone’s choice, to take a phone with you into the forest or not to take it, who was an artist worth their weight in gold for you, i loved lydia clement, i loved maria pokhomenko, well... this is when i was very little, my age, i loved irotia very much, also with the deepest, most beautiful timbre of her voice, and then i began to work so that they would love me. which artist do you think is worthy of covering your songs in the future? any artist who takes on my song, anyone
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singer, i will be grateful to him, because this is in any way a memory of me, this is in any way an appeal to me. great minds turn to you and say: irina vitalievna, we are sending a large space expedition to another galaxy, giving you a certain amount of space on this ship, where we will place one of your songs so that other civilizations can listen to you and somehow understand about what happened on earth, how we lived and so on, what kind of song it would be, what kind of prayer, prayer that... i can’t to say that i started with her, my great success did not begin with her, but much earlier, but she is very significant for me, perhaps, let her be, call me love, call me to the ends of the earth, i will follow you and love will follow !
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what people, such stories, i’m sergei mayorov, see you on ntv, happy! the best for today, beyond. a resident of uryupinsk demands that three children be taken away from her daughter and distributed among relatives, one can be with her grandmother, the second with her godmother. and the third? well, i can take the third one, at least limit it, at least take to the internet only through my corpse, you will not give up the children, no. after all, with living parents, children turned into eternally hungry street children, what is it then that we don’t have in the house, they don’t do anything at all, the children turn out to be crap, they don’t bathe, their clothes aren’t washed, and even the kids sleep in their shoes, you don’t you wash children's clothes, you don't give girls a bath, in general it's like this, during the winter you
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've done laundry at least once, you've washed it, they sleep somewhere on the floor, well , where is it, where on the floor, maybe on the floor in... superstar, it will light up your names and yours names
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names for all times, for all times, superstar, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, if you are among us. that means you, that means you, that means you, superstar, viia superstar on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. vasin experts know everything about varicose veins. traxactiv tablets and traxivasin gels against heaviness and pain in the legs. troxactiv and troxevosin - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. buy pacifiers. they are attacking credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks, we can collect all credit card debts in one place conveniently
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nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. about the weather for today. cyclones are rushing one after another across the far east of our country. today there is a strong wind storm in the kuril islands, followed by a new cyclone, so there is no peace, including in kamchatka. in the south of the continent it is calmer in terms of precipitation and wind, but there would be more warmth in khabarovsk. +14, in vladivostok is 17, the heat has left buryatia, in irkutsk today it is only +13, not at all the may cold has enveloped almost all of siberia, only in tuva in khakassia, about 25, for now, and from krasnoyarsk to omsk no higher than fifteen, in solihard only plus one. in the urals, a short burst of heat in yekaterinburg. today it’s +18, tomorrow it’s 12 again, it’s raining in places, well , orenburg, ufa, the european territory is confidently warming, there today it’s up to 23, in a day it’s up to 27, because on the russian plain it’s the
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real one. summer is filled with sun and the temperature is getting higher every day, even in the volga region it’s already about 25, in the center up to 28, every other day it’s all 30, in the north-west there are rains and thunderstorms in places, it’s also very warm, but just for now, because the north is nearby, it will be noticeably cooled by the atmospheric front, in arkhangelsk it is now +14, in the north-east it is almost zero, and in some places not only rain, but snow, in the south, of course, not so much, but also cool, in sevastopol +23, cloudy, in sochi no precipitation and 24, tomorrow it will rain, and today there will also be rain and thunderstorms in places throughout the region, maybe rattle during the day in st. petersburg, but it’s +27 there, moscow without precipitation and also 27, on wednesday we’re expecting the first +30.
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the elite of the armed forces, border guards today are celebrating their professional holiday, moving only forward, our correspondent maxim berezina in the situation in the avdievsky direction. fear in the economy and dissatisfaction among voters. what is the british prime minister leading to? before the elections, a good face in a bad game, and also where the roads lead, in russia there is an unprecedented increase in the popularity of auto tourism. this program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. in russia, today is border guards day, a professional holiday celebrated by those who are responsible for protecting state borders, and in our country they are the longest in the world. 60.00 km is one and a half times.


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