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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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always guarding the borders of the homeland, border guards celebrate their holiday today. under the reliable cover of the sky in the zone , the beech complexes are covering, what combat rituals do the crews have? driving all over the country, what are the advantages of vacationing on wheels and how much does it cost? about the main thing for this minute in the studio, hello! in russia today , a professional holiday is celebrated by those who are responsible for protecting state borders in service.
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the unit is assisted in this by, among other things , the crews of modern flamethrower systems. so on in the kharkov direction, in just one night , flamethrowers destroyed two strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. targeting was provided by drone operators. the tos system is superior in combat capabilities to many artillery pieces. it is capable of launching powerful thermobaric projectiles to destroy enemy personnel and equipment. over a large area, army aviation crews operate effectively in the sky, nk-52 helicopters destroyed several camouflaged enemy vehicles, as the ministry of defense specified, the attack was carried out using unguided missiles, then alligators returned safely to base. to prevent the enemy from attacking russian positions from the air, air defense crews monitor the area day and night. they reliably cover troops and civilians. moreover, many hunters for celestial targets have already developed their own combat rituals. about the operation of the buk systems on... in the deevsky
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direction. maxim berezin. commanders of combat vehicles often give them names, especially if they have been fighting on the same one for a long time. a young python officer arrived on isvo immediately after college, was given command of the buk m2 air defense system and decided that the multi-ton the car will receive the call sign swallow because it is easy to operate and can quickly leave the danger zone. the enemy repeatedly tried to hit the swallow, using mortars and rockets. the crew was lucky every time. car with damage, forever under its own power. was returning to the parking lot, broke through our antenna, now, in fact, i and my crew, we sealed up special fiberglass, here, here, here, also fragments got here, here our turbine was damaged, here there was such a big hole, as you can see, we patched it up, our car is enchanted, every time it comes under fire it always comes out alive,
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the buk crew is on duty waiting for the command to leave, there are targets in the sky not only in the form of missiles, bombs, the ukrainian armed forces periodically raise tactical aircraft, although carefully, they try not to enter the zones control of our air defense. the crew has approximately 3 minutes to go to the launch pad and prepare to launch rockets; the m2 beech battery covers both army units and cities of the donetsk people's republic, which are often in the ssu fired at by hymers missiles. the air defense part of the central military district in the ovdeevsky direction is not easy. they work intensively, each vehicle has several combat missions a day, the swallow crew has chalked up several confirmed targets. of course, of course, we were lucky, so to speak, we shot down several enemy planes, it was, not to say that it was easy, but we still managed it, thanks to our experience, so to speak, we have been doing this for several years now they say, we are sitting in the car, the beech is well hidden in a forest area, there is always a military guard and a live drone next to the car. gadgets,
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the guard always accompanies the swallow on combat missions. the avdeevsky direction is covered by various air defense systems of the central military district. the tor m2 complex can hit an airplane and a small copter at a range from 1 to 15 km. thor crews accompany our aircraft and protect them from enemy missiles. so the experience still does not increase when you hit a training one, when you hit a combat one , you already feel, you see, that is, how the target behaves, how the machine behaves. work experience increases. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to deceive our air defense; they are using nato missiles, which are difficult to detect. they maneuver through heights and terrain. soldiers at different levels of air defense are learning to counter western weapons and are looking for and finding effective countermeasures. destroyed,
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hit. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey pakhtyukov, ntv, donetsk people's republic. they took place in kaliningrad today. confirmed that russia is ready to ensure the safe operation of stations in the face of ongoing ukrainian provocations, and grossi, in turn, informed the director general of rosatom about his assessment of the situation at the nuclear power plant. zaes is the largest operating nuclear power plant in europe and is now under the control of the russian military. the ukrainian armed forces are systematically shelling the station and objects around it. there is a high risk of a nuclear catastrophe, but they are in no hurry to name those responsible.
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seven people became victims of a new idf strike on the city of rafah in the gas sector. for the second day in a row , israeli artillery does not stop shelling. monday night tsahal, contrary to the decision the international court of the un to stop the offensive, struck the tent camp where i... expand the acceptance of payments for some goods. next on the air is business news. denis talolaev is with us. denis, what products are we talking about? ilya, there is a possibility that the relaxations will affect clothing, cosmetics and shoes. turkish banks may soon resume settlements with russia for some
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goods. as alexey razumovsky, commercial director of ipair, told the newspaper, they want to be included in the list of permitted add consumer products and electronics. he clarifies.
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in turkey, who says that so far there has been no concrete progress in the situation with russian payments. the cargo delivery service sdek has not been able to resume work for the third day; due to a technical glitch, neither the website nor the application can open, the company has completely stopped issuing parcels and picking them up in order, as it says, to avoid errors during manual registration. even on sunday, sdek hoped to resume work on monday, but this did not happen, about an hour ago. the company announced that it would resume issuing parcels no later than may 29, that is, tomorrow. previously , one of the international hacker groups took responsibility for stopping the service. she claimed that she used a ransomware virus. this was confirmed by vedomosti's source in sdek itself, as well as in
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companies from the information security sector. experts say the speed of system recovery depends, for example, on how often backups were made. the russian stock market rebounded upward today after yesterday's strong fall, but alor broker analysts remind us that the russian stock market still does not have any special drivers for growth. the ruble, having risen in price yesterday, having risen sharply in price, is trying to continue today, but it is not doing it very quickly yet. dollar 88.34 euro 96.15. in the karatus district of the krasnoyarsk territory they demanded that the harmful advice of grigory ostro be removed from sale for a children’s book. at first the news spread across telegram channels, and later a source from the tas agency confirmed it. the local prosecutor's office conducted an investigation and i discovered that this is bad advice. quote: they contained scenes of cruelty and could cause a feeling of fear in children, as interlocutor
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tas clarifies, the prosecutor’s office seemed to have no complaints about the author and the text of the advice; law enforcement officers had questions about lustrations, as well as about the lack of age markings. the first harmful advice, which grigory ostor himself calls pedagogy by contradiction , appeared back in 1983. the first collection was published in 1990. the ast publishing house told rbc. that the works of gregory ostor are published more than 30 years, it is difficult to believe in the prosecutor’s demand to seize the books and destroy them without a court decision. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. russia is discussing how to more effectively achieve the new national goals set by the president in the may decrees at the exhibition. a meeting to prepare the state council is taking place there. as the aide stated at the meeting.
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center, it is clear that this work is not easy, quite complex, there are certain financial restrictions, which means, well, we know what priorities, which means the president has outlined them, and the most important thing here is to make synchronization, adjustment with the federal center, with, first of all, with the economic bloc, with the financial bloc, well, this work is quite complicated, but it is interesting, i am sure that it will be quite productive in all areas. in total , there are five national projects to be implemented, all of which do not relate to the socio-economic block;
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the state pays special attention to supporting families with children. in russia, the internal flow of auto tourists is growing, according to forecasts ministry of economic development, in the next 6 years it will double and approach 47 million people per year. why this type of tourism attracts russians so much and how the government intends to develop the industry, evgeniy golovanov found out. on one of the most popular routes in crimea, on the eve of the opening. tourist season, hotels and campsites for motorhomes are growing like mushrooms after rain, sites for motorhomes have electricity and water connections, parking costs from 1,000 rubles per day, for ordinary drivers and passengers cars have comfortable rooms, a little more expensive. now tourism is becoming different, and if before it was just a holiday in tents, now it is also houses and motorhomes, and we, in turn, are developing infrastructure and doing everything possible to make our guests comfortable. today you can have fun in a car in comfort almost anywhere in the country. in recent years
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, thousands of kilometers of federal highways have been repaired and built from scratch. the ministry of economy has developed a concept for the development of automobile tourism until 2035, according to which will build not just gas stations on all highways, but multifunctional roadside service areas with cafes, car washes, hotels and even children's play areas. our country has about 1.5 million kilometers of roads, here is one of them. one of the tasks that we are now setting for ourselves in the near future is to create the main transport tourist road routes, which will be provided with the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable, safe trip. another question is, on what travel, campers, even with mileage, are not affordable for everyone, the price is comparable to the cost of an apartment, caravans are not much cheaper, if previously both were mainly imported from abroad, now more and more companies are appearing in the country producing domestic... from russian as for components, import substitution in action , sanctions have a very positive effect on our
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work, in fact, i’m ready to sign up where they need to be extended and made more stringent, because thanks to them we have essentially grown into what we have, not only we, in principle, the entire industry in russia has grown. dmitry, an engineer, designer by training and a tourist by vocation, with many years of experience, several years ago, having become disillusioned with camping with tents, decided to build it with his own hands. a trailer in which you could not only transport things, but also live. now his company produces a dozen such trailers a year, for example, this drop costs a little more than half a million rubles, there is a queue of buyers. until next winter, the imagination of developers and manufacturers of such residential car trailers, caravans are limited not only by the financial capabilities of the customer, but also by the width of the road lane, because they have to move on public roads, but no matter how you look at it, or rather don’t turn it around, it’s certainly a little cramped inside, although this trailer is designed for six people, but this is
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a drawback of mobile homes is easily offset by the main advantage, mobility, for example, having settled in moscow this morning, tomorrow we can end up somewhere in the crimea, without taking off our slippers and without being tormented by the question of where stay. in addition, holidays in your own motorhome are several times cheaper than hotels, and you choose the view from the window yourself. some of those for whom the tempting vaults of palaces will never replace freedom. the mikhailov family from yekaterinburg. they decided to sell their two-room apartment to buy a motorhome. of course, they turned it around, some people still don’t understand why we did it. here, but we don’t regret anything, of course, it can’t be compared with an apartment, but the impression is overshadowed by everything. i travel with children, they study remotely, go to school they return only when the eldest has to take exams. in terms of supervision, it’s actually much easier in a motorhome, because the children are with us all the time. now, in terms of the house, the children can go somewhere, you don’t always
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keep them there in the focus of attention, that is, for me personally, in the motorhome they find me more. into consideration than at home. for 4 years they have visited almost all corners of russia and several neighboring countries, and now they are planning to get to china. when you realize that these sensations are available to you, just sit here and go, and you you understand that now you’re just sitting in the same place, this day of tsurka, when you do the same actions, and you’re like, damn, i want all the impressions, and you just sit down and drive, well, this can take a long time to talk about it, but you need to experience it, feel it in order to understand such people...
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they literally erased some of the area. the wind toppled trees, power poles, and demolished roofs and entire houses. storms are accompanied by large hail and heavy downpours. forecasters warn that the tornado continues movement inland. 110 million people are at risk. among the regions under threat are major cities including washington, baltimore and philadelphia. bangladesh, which was hit by the powerful cyclone rimal, is recovering from a natural disaster. at least 10 people died under the rubble of buildings in the water. 30 were destroyed. 5,000 houses affected rimala and neighboring india, six people died there, several hundred thousand people were evacuated, several areas of calcutta were flooded. and in pakistan, after the largest in 60 years after the floods, the country was covered in extreme heat. in some areas the temperature reaches +53°. hospitals are filled with victims of thermal sunstroke. authorities urge people
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to stay indoors, drink plenty of water and not store gas cylinders outdoors. in addition, residents of rural areas are faced with the fact that while cleaning snakes , scorpions are now crawling into houses in search of coolness; heat, abnormal for the end of may , has arrived in the central part of russia p30 in moscow, 27 in st. petersburg. the authorities of most regions of the european part of the country have introduced high and extreme fire hazard classes. and at the same time , arctic air is spreading in the perensky region, and night frosts are still possible there. now the word from my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program. lera, what's on the air today? today i’m talking about sentencing the ruthless killers of lonely old people. there were only women in the business, they pretended to be attentive social workers, cared for, cared for, and then brought their patients to death. four ladies created a guild of social workers. with this name no one doubted that the business was in the hands of conscientious employees, and not notorious criminals who transferred the property of pensioners to themselves. how was it possible
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to expose the attackers, since most of the victims had no relatives, and what terms the court gave to the accused. we'll tell you in our issue. ilya, yes, lera, thank you, this is not only covered in the emergency program after a short pause. that 's all for now, go to, see you. i am a new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories and get cashback up to 25% in rubles. at the megamay megamarket, millions of products at competitive prices, for example, a set from byson, mattress, pillow and blankets for only 8,990 rubles. catch a bird fire? it’s not easy, but anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, sword, vdgo, tears, serebryaniki
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emergency in valery's studio gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. and we begin the issue with the verdict of notorious criminals. who organized the guild of social workers, you must agree, the name inspires confidence, in the dock only women, criminals, looked after pensioners, persuaded them to sign an annuity agreement, and then killed them without leaving traces, increasing the dose of medication. and the main thing in this gang was a man. the terms of imprisonment will be announced by aleftina marchenko. in these frames, the last days of alla vasilievna’s life, on the kitchen table, a mug of tea, a plate of puree and pills, the same ones that get rid of every day. the pensioner will get worse and worse and which the social worker, without ceasing, gives her, obsequiously helping her to scoop up a larger dose, the woman is clearly in a clouded state, disheveled
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hair, sloppy clothes and... complete disorientation, what is poisoning her, she is clearly not.


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