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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  May 28, 2024 1:25pm-1:59pm MSK

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on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live . hello. and we begin the issue with the verdict of the notorious criminals who organized the guild of social workers. agree, the name inspires confidence. there were only women in the dock; the criminals courted pensioners, persuaded them to sign an annuity agreement, and then killed them without leaving traces, increasing the dose of medication. and the main thing in this gang was a man. the terms of imprisonment will be announced by aleftina marchenko. on these footage of the last days of alla vasilievna’s life, on the kitchen table, a mug of tea, a plate of mashed potatoes and pills, the same ones that will make the pensioner worse and worse every day, and which the social worker, without ceasing, gives her, obsequiously, helping her to scoop up more dose. an elderly woman is clearly in a clouded state of mind, disheveled hair, an undecided robe and complete disorientation, what is poisoning her, she is clearly not...
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under the guise of a harmless medicine, the woman received a dose of a drug that had nothing to do with her illness, which actually killed the elderly body day after day, so to speak , the dynamics of the approaching end, the nurse monitored the client’s condition daily on a mobile camera, sent reports to management, her ward entered into a life-long annuity agreement, a moscow apartment in exchange for services for...
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they did not miss the dose, increasing it, khadzhaev's death was due to poisoning. and the detectives have yet to identify all the victims of the bloodthirsty nurses. at the moment, the investigation has been able to prove the gang’s involvement in seven murders and one attempted murder. murder. the first person to hear the verdict was someone who was not in the courtroom. organizer ivan gorb felt unwell in pre-trial detention. there he learns that he will receive treatment only in the prison hospital. ivan nikolaevich gorb was found guilty. on points ajz, part
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two of article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation in the form of a lifelong decision. this is inna melikyan shuddering. apparently, god's dandelion with a short haircut in a white suit seems to be a modest, quiet woman, but she personally brought several people to death. this is how she relieved stress after successful, as he says, completion of the transaction, in other words, after the sudden death of another client. “hello, mom, we have returned, this is victory day, these women coldly watched as helpless people died before their eyes, because the reports recorded how, time after time , unscrupulous nurses turned into real monsters if the client, despite heavy doses medications, clung to life, delayed
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the process of their enrichment, nurses accelerated the process, one of the methods was called the greenhouse effect, they wrapped a blanket in warm clothes sedentary pensioner, causing profuse sweat, and then opened. the windows turned on the fan, the man died after a while from pneumonia, alla vasilievna, you’ll fall, you like to serve, but what’s wrong, i just gave a pill, but what’s wrong, is this a crime, that is, you know, one gets the feeling that these are absolutely soulless , cynical, immoral people, from the point of view of psychology, the management... of the company, fursov, yes, gorb and danilova, chose the absolutely correct types of social workers, looking at these, so to speak, god's dandelions, no one, not even me , would have thought that these were cold-blooded,
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cruel killers, for eight criminal episodes the court sentenced the gang members to different terms, the closest hand of the leader, the youngest of them, svetlana danilova, received 24 years in prison, the rest 16. .. specially distracted, but this one didn’t drip, well , it’s like it’s standing there now, i have tea there all the time, but the story isn’t over for her, the pensioner still can’t terminate the annuity contract, she concluded it with social worker vitaly demin , he's on he was a witness in a criminal case against a gang,
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he allegedly was not aware of what was happening, but he was in no hurry to break the deal, now the woman, with the support of her nephew, is trying to invalidate this agreement, i just have a huge request that... finally it all ends so that my soul can calm down, even for so many years i am constantly in tension. perhaps vitaly demin will still be involved in a criminal case. investigators are confident that not all the perpetrators and not all the victims of the murderers' caregivers have been identified. according to preliminary data, they could to bring more than 100 old people to the next world, so the detectives continue their work, they need to carry out a huge amount of checking the causes of death of all lonely old people in a certain one. life to criminals, actually went crazy, defenseless pensioners who entrusted theirs and the gang members calmly filmed it and sent it to their leaders, terrible
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video reports of social workers about how slowly their charges were dying in full, posted in our telegram channel to subscribe to it must be entered in the search bar. name chpntv, even simpler go through the qr code that you now see on the screen. a preventive measure will be taken for islambek abdekhalikov, who hit his partner to death. the couple was together for many years, raised twins, according to neighbors, this is a wonderful family, and if there are quarrels, then like everyone else , it’s nothing serious. what really happened at home was revealed only after the tragedy about the motives for the crime, what secrets did this couple hide from everyone? ivan gubin recently found out. in this case, love and hate were separated not by a step, but by one pedal press gas. the father of twins is driving the car. his sacrifice is the one who gave him children. they
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arrived together, but the woman had no idea that this joint trip would be her last. the couple stopped at a spot near the minsk highway, according to preliminary data in one of the cheapest ones. arine’s sister worked in the cafe. it is unclear whether the women met that day, since a conflict broke out right in the parking lot, during which arine’s husband got behind the wheel and ran over her. he pressed the gas pedal so hard that only the cafe extension could stop him. it was almost impossible to survive after such a blow. with multiple fractures, the woman was taken to her lover's hospital for questioning. while the head of the family was choosing his words, doctors were fighting for the life of his partner in a small village where a couple lived with their children.
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despite the birth of children over several years of marriage, they never got married, apparently because everything in their relationship was not entirely cloudless, we heard that ... some kind of scandal they had before this was strong, i know that several times it happened that he was breaking dishes on the street, in general it seems to me that he is sometimes very psychotic, judging by how... before armenia there were scandals there often, now it’s a surprise for me , however, it’s one thing to upholster dishes and it’s quite another to decide on the irreparable; however, the investigator still gave the detainee the reason for his action, which in his opinion was quite compelling. it was previously established that the man committed this crime as a result of a quarrel over the desire of his cohabitant to break off the relationship. in the man has now been charged with murder by forensic investigators.
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to sort out the entire history of the conflict, they will most likely interview the children, who have now been taken in by the sister of the deceased. ivan gubin, larisa kopinskaya, dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. and then, the slave system, violence and murder, what other secrets did the nondescript villager keep? in the chelyabinsk region, what exactly his owner will answer for before the court, we’ll tell you after the advertisement, don’t switch, what’s his name, dubrovsky, and is he still hanging around everywhere? how? well, i can’t, i’m just sitting there the whole time, what’s up, it looks like a murder, we go to the performer, the performer leads us to the customer, classic, you’ll help with an identikit, you’ll get off with the minimum wage with... dash, the officer’s word, who is he, little guy chased,
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killer, suspect in the cell already, time is working against us, well, yes, dolphin, that’s where we’ll get him, new season, today 20:00 on ntv, you locked us all here, why, let’s play a game, colimbo, only. in the okka online cinema. tinik platinum credit card does not charge anything commissions and interest for transfers. tenkov platinum can do this. get a tingkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without interest fees. tenkov, he’s the only one. pay less. panties hagiis 9990. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app. pyaterochka helps out. yes , the same one from 100%
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malt baltika 3 without alcohol is coming back i'm gulet in 2024 why do you always fly into the past for my combo star combo dasha greshchagin for 355 rubles and for a long time it will continue until june 16 at a delicious point. just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you with a 300 rubles discount on your first order. all goods have already arrived here. summer sale on ozone. lego constructor for 1.199. robinson suitcase for 3999. aida pasta for 489. every wedding ends the same. i prefer investments, where to invest donated money, investments in the future,
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these ugly growths once and for all. the special formula of clareol will help deal with the problem. calls within russia are free and the meeting point is today at 14:00 on ntv. a resident of uryupinsk demands that three children be taken away from her daughter and distributed among relatives. one can be to the grandmother, the second to the godmother. and the third? well,
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can i take the third one, at least limit it, at least take it to the internet only through my corpse? you won't give up the children? after all, with living parents , children turned into eternally hungry street children, what is it then that we don’t have in the house, they don’t do anything at all, the children turn out to be ma-ugli, they don’t get bathed, they don’t have clothes they don’t wash and even babies sleep in their shoes, you don’t wash children’s clothes, you don’t bathe girls, in general this is true, during the winter you did at least one wash, washed them, they sleep somewhere on the floor, well, where did they get it, where on the floor, maybe on the floor in ...
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tatami, a hip-hop coach, the father of one of the little students, what the men did not share will now be sorted out by the police, who have begun checking to help them a video recording of the conflict, where it is clearly visible who struck first , however, what they saw contradicts what they heard , because the testimony of the participants in the fight is strong vary. sergey putyukov with details. it was supposed to be a children's hip-hop lesson at a choreography school, but the father of one of the students at one point turned a dance battle into a boxing match, hitting the coach completely. on the right, then, in the style of fighters, he moved the fight to the ground, and then violated all conceivable rules of fair sparring, began to finish off the enemy lying on the floor with his feet, all this in front of shocked six and seven-year-old children. at some point, the teacher,
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his name is igor kosonogov, managed to get up on his feet, but the student’s father dmitry meterev did not stop, it is worth noting for the beating on... igor kosonogov says that the son of an aggressive parent studied in his group a year ago, but after a couple of lessons, he probably realized that hip-hop was not for him, the parents asked for the money back, and for some reason the insignificant financial story remained unresolved for almost a year. it was established that... 2023 between a thirty-one-year-old dance school coach and the parents of one of the students there was an unresolved issue about the return of money means, because the whole scandal is about 15,000 rubles. the coach assures that several times he made an appointment to transfer money, and the student’s parents canceled them later, but suddenly they came and demanded that they be given cash at that very minute. the teacher said that
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he didn’t have that amount of money with him, and offered to return everything in a couple of hours, for which he received a slap in the face, the boy’s father is now pretending that nothing happened... now the hip-hop coach is undergoing a medical examination to establish the severity damage received, the qualification of the article will depend on this which the police can attract the offender. after the incident, the student’s family was not interested in the coach’s health, so there is no need to expect an apology. the teacher says that until recently he did not want to write a statement to the police against his offender, but in the end he realized. the investigation into a high-profile criminal case on the use of slave force has been completed. the accused, vladimir chiskidov , held the girl captive in his home for 14 years and regularly
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beat and raped her. however, the man claimed that everything happened mutually consent, and this testimony could have been taken into account if not for the fact of the murder of another captive. for a long time, the reserved and unsociable vladimir cheskhidov managed not to arouse suspicion among his neighbors; no one could even think that something terrible was happening in this unremarkable village house with blue-and-white shutters and a low-rise fence. inside, time dragged on painfully in captivity for ekaterina belyankina. chiskidov lured her home when the girl was only 19 and forcibly kept her in one of the rooms for almost 14 years. these shots were taken during the investigative experiment has never been published anywhere before. the detainees talk about their captive. we lived in this house, in this house, in the room next to it. in this room katya came to life for many years, or rather tried to survive, the conditions were inhumane, but moral suffering was much worse, guests rarely came to the chiskidovs’ house, but still
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there were strangers inside: either a neighbor would come in for salt, or an electrician, no one guessed that there is a girl locked up right behind the wall; she couldn’t scream for help. in during the searches, the detectives discovered a special device that vladimir chiskidov made with his own hands to stop any attempts by the captive to escape, it’s creepy to even imagine, arms and legs. he tied the unfortunate man up, put a wooden box on his head, and sealed his mouth, all this speaks of painful and sadistic inclinations. for more than 13 years, the man held her, systematically using violence, including restricting her freedom of movement, and also committed socially dangerous acts against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the victim. as it turned out, right before her eyes, chaskidov brutally dealt with another of his captives, whom he had kidnapped a little earlier. in 2008, he was captured in a barn; in these footage, he shows investigators how he killed the girl when she tried to escape. the terrible secret was eventually revealed, and vladimir chuskidov, after the horrifying details of his life,
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was nicknamed the smolinsk maniac. no matter how many threads there are, the end will still come. according to the results of a psychiatric examination conducted at the medical center named after serbsky, he was declared insane, he will be sent for compulsory treatment. this has already been reported to ekaterina, who now lives with her older sister and is trying to recover from what happened. everything is fine with her, but she doesn’t want to communicate with anyone, she doesn’t want to give any interviews, the house in which the smulin maniac committed his atrocities is now empty, his mother, unable to withstand public censure, was never able to return here and moved , but it ’s too early to put an end to this matter; it was still not possible to establish the identity of the girl whom vladimir chiskidov killed. investigators compiled an identikit of her, created a database of missing people in the chelyabinsk region, detectives do not exclude the possibility that oksana was probably the name of the deceased, just as ekaterina was a graduate. that's not all, see below.
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those who want to become a millionaire must risk their health, residents of yekaterinburg decided; they lick balls in a store to get money. you will see for yourself after the advertisement on ntv. i'm going for a walk in 2024, why do you always fly into the past, for my combo, dasha's star combo greshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16 at a delicious point. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tinkom with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank, using a phone number, without commission, and if i need money from
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the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, we will first open a deposit with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, it’s more profitable at sber with prime. again an emergency incident, we continue the release: the court began to consider the criminal case of electrician vyacheslav antonov, because of him a fifteen-year-old teenager died, a schoolboy was electrocuted with 380 v, the boy’s friend desperately tried to save him, he was also injured, fortunately he survived, everything turned out due to the fact that the electrician, when connecting the soda machine,
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forgot about... grounding. electrician vyacheslav antonov, it seems, simply does not have the words to explain how he is a specialist in with many years of experience, he could have neglected the basic laws of physics, violating safety rules. it was because of his negligence, as the investigation believes, that a fifteen-year-old teenager died, he was electrocuted . these shots show the very moment when one of the schoolchildren on the playground decided to get the ball that had flown over the fence, grabbed the metal structure and immediately fell. it turned out later that it was part of the fence. at that moment was under electric voltage, no one will give you any comments, well at least still, no explanation, once again, it is not surprising that when asked about the defendant’s suitability, his lawyer reacted extremely negatively, according to some reports, it was about a charge of 380, such a powerful current can cause instant cardiac arrest and death, eyewitnesses told investigators, they they tried to resuscitate the victim before the arrival of the brigade, but there was no chance, i opened the entrance, i heard there, well, the children were screaming
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there, help, help, they tried to do something, but as i understood, he was already like, well died quickly. it turned out that the fence was energized due to the so -called water pump standing nearby. the apparatus for selling drinking water belongs to one of the local entrepreneurs. it was very popular among schoolchildren who played football and volleyball on the playground. the deceased teenager, he was fond of motorcycles and football, often came here to kick the ball and practice. they closed it, turned off all the mechanisms, but left the voltage on it, because in the morning before... 2 hours later the owner called me, says: the child will be killed here. the owner of a private house reported the incident to the businessman, this was from his electrical network, which is called for a fee, the owner of the device decided to supply power to the water pump, apparently, he wanted to save money. this doesn't seem to be prohibited by law. electrician antonov’s task was to connect everything as expected, but apparently he did a poor job. the accused agreed to this work, for which a monetary reward was provided.
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further. he connected this water pump to the electrical network of a residential building, however this was done by a citizen in violation of the necessary safety rules and regulations; in other words, the so -called grounding was not installed, this was on purpose. a system that is precisely designed to protect against electric shocks when touching metal structures, given that antonov worked in an energy supply company and had to undergo a fitness test every year, he simply could not help but know how dangerous it was. residents of the city for a long time brought flowers, candles, toys to the site, now the place where vodomat stood empty. daria and oksana goncharenko and anna samburova. ntv television company. about some residents. yekaterinburg was caught doing a strange thing: they were licking chicken eggs right in the store. a very dubious pastime, knowing that unwashed shells contain a lot of microbes of dangerous infections, but extreme sports enthusiasts want to get sick, why? ilya usheninin will tell you.
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even in childhood, everyone is told not to put anything nasty in their mouth, but some even continue in adulthood. the news that customers of a retail chain deliberately lick dirty eggs on the shelves in hope. getting sick has been haunting yekaterinburg for several days now. those who actually became infected after shopping have already undergone treatment only laugh sarcastically. i felt bad, i took pills, i thought it was due to work, my stomach was upset, but the pills didn’t help, i went to the hospital, and was admitted to the infectious diseases department. timofey, like almost two dozen other people, tried the supermarket’s products, ended up in the hospital and spent unforgettable days in the infectious diseases department. immediately after it turned out that the source of the infection was here, inspectors came to the store, i... had to hide escherichia coli bacteria in washouts from equipment taken from a number of product manufacturers, orders were sent to enterprises to suspend products in which microbial contamination was found. the owner of the retail chain
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rushed to apologize in order to avoid reputational losses. videos began to appear on social networks of stores being intensively treated with different solutions so that customers were confident and more afraid nothing. the processing has begun, they said at the top that they will not carry out it. in general, they will do everything at the bottom with handles and handles - well , it’s clear that we pulled all of these out along the track, removed everything. supermarket owner ivan zaichenko promised compensation of 1 million rubles to eighteen clients who became infected after eating eggs. and after that, those who did not manage to get poisoned so successfully rushed to the stores to catch up. now the businessman has to explain: a million is only for those registered with rospotrebnadzor. one of the victims, eva azab, said that they wrote nothing to her in the comments, although she just recently returned from the hospital. people are jealous and want the same thing, well , as i tell my mother, if they said that pork contains pork mushroom and you can get a million, they would eat pork, like that, so it’s just inaccuracy, but lawyers want to
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make money on such here, to put it mildly, one is, of course , skeptical about this unhygienic procedure; the store’s initiative to pay compensation is commendable, but to receive large payment in court is almost unrealistic, and those who came to lick specifically have nothing to hope for at all, well, if they prove it. that they suffered very much morally and will compensate for the moral damage, but taking into account the latest trends that i have observed, there is no particular harm to their health, they spent several days in the hospital, the severity of their health is, well, most likely either small or not at all, but we have courts usually 5-10,000 rubles satisfy. meanwhile, the chain's stores continue to recover from the scandal about which ill-wishers they say at all that this is a rude pr move, the businessman himself, it seems, also caught the wave, sadly posting pictures of...


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