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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 28, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we will open a deposit, with interest on the sea, with sberbank everyone can it’s profitable to increase your savings, open a deposit with the best percentage brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, it’s more profitable at sber with prime. beyond: eternally hungry, dirty and naked children, the grandmother asks to save her beloved granddaughters from their own parents. in the studio of svetlana irshova. svetlana, hello, how many granddaughters do you have? i have three granddaughters, the eldest, masha,
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doesn’t do anything at all , doesn’t go to classes, they don’t do anything at all, they walk on their own, they walk, they walk on their own, the children are street children, the children turn out to be mowgli, they can walk until the evening, that’s all , they can walk until the very night, it’s useless for mom, that is, your daughter doesn’t take care of the children, how many times have i told ira, i say, go look after the children, they’re not little ones, they’ll come for walks, at least ...dressed for the weather, not
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for the weather, in winter they can run out without a jacket, in a bum, without boots, so you can get sick, it ’s easy to catch, we have an average girl, sonya, an average girl, we were sleeping in the hospital, they have the clothes at least there is, there is clothes, but they are lying around, in one corner it’s lying around, it’s lying around in another bin, it can be lying around the yard, in general things can be lying around the yard, that is, everything. everything is dirty and untidy, there is jam here, there is soup, there is borscht, the yaropad will be removed, whoever needs it, don’t let him look, these are her words, but they even bathe the children themselves, they don’t bathe them, they don’t bathe children at all, perhaps why is this happening, why does she there is no water in the house, it’s hard for her to get water, i say, well , bring a bucket of water, i say, at least a bucket of water, i say, bathe the children, at least a bucket of water, and how old is she, she’s 25, but here
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such an attitude towards children’s hygiene is extremely dangerous for health, of course, it is very dangerous for health, i’m sorry, but i can’t even imagine what my grandmother is talking about now, that i can’t wrap my head around it. means not bathing the child, if this is actually the case, then we need to ring the bells here, because this shapes future health. svetlana, do your children have any health or developmental problems? the older girl, yes, has it, she can’t pronounce the letters s, l, these are the r’s, she can’t do speech therapy, she signed up for speech therapist, but her mother doesn’t want to take her, she says, it’s too far, i want to sleep, i can’t, she says, take her, you need it, she says, take her, ekaterina, mother of many children, can you understand why a woman treats her daughters this way? no, i can’t understand, firstly, when children don’t wash themselves, don’t brush their teeth, and the children willfully go out into the street, and the mother doesn’t pay attention to how they are dressed, besides, these are girls, here hygiene, well, first of all turn, and at the same time, the mother is an example for the children, but for me, while i’m listening,
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i get goosebumps, i’m scared, scared imagine what is happening there, svetlana, in the house where the girls live, what are the conditions, they sleep, where they got, well, where they got, it’s somewhere on the floor, maybe on... in shoes, maybe on a chair, just like that curled up everywhere the youngest girl lida doesn’t have a crib, no, no bed, wait, they sleep in shoes, i understood you correctly, maybe, yes, maybe, they came in with shoes on, they’re tired, damn, no bed, no sheets, no the pillowcases, what a horror, the pillows are all black, there are no toys or books, the house is a mess, the house is cold, there is gas in the house. fine, there is heating, there is heating, yes, but what about your food? they come running to me, i feed, i feed, you live not far from across the fence, you feed them normally, yes, okay, there is pasta, there is buckwheat, there is rice, soup, let's talk about the parents, your granddaughters,
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they are officially married , no, but the children are registered under their father, the eldest maria and sofia are registered under alexei, the youngest is registered under their mother, how many are yours? my daughter was years old when they met, she was, when she became pregnant with her eldest child, she was 16 years old, he was 30, i found out when the belly had already appeared, it was in the tenth grade, she was finishing in the tenth grade, how was this even possible if she was not an adult, here the law, you understand, was on your side, it’s a big mystery to me, i join the question , how was he not brought to justice because of his mother, but what did his mother do? what saved her son from criminal liability, i feel sorry for your son, you felt sorry for his mother, your daughter got pregnant quite early, she eventually received an education, but her partner has some kind of education profession, maybe not, neither he nor she has a profession, wait, but did they at least
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once work, no, they live on child benefits, they live on these 3000, they still want, alexey still wants a fourth child . children, to raise a hand against the children, for three children, it comes to fights, it comes, he can on the little ones, but guardianship was never involved, guardianship came, well, well, what did she say, they’ll call on the phone and say, ira, you clean the house, feed the kids,
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give them a bath, we’ll come and see what the solution is you see from this situation, i just want to limit them to the parents... i don’t believe that guardianship called, came, everything is perfectly clean here, like in cinderella’s apartment, and the children are sitting in beautiful dresses, i agree, alexander, i see, that you also can’t help but say, yes, i’m generally in such a little shock, i’ll tell you why, the fact is that i now understand the grandmother who came to your program today, and is looking for... justice, looking for help, this it was very right that you came here today, this is the first, second, i, of course, i support you in the fact that we need to save the situation, firstly, them, of course, so that they are well-fed, most importantly dressed and clean, if such an opportunity exists on your part, then i personally think that this needs
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to be done. svetlana, why don’t you help your daughter yourself, buy clothes, look after the children, clean the house, start taking the girls to kindergarten. to go to classes with a speech therapist and so on, what is stopping you, if you are such a conscientious, caring grandmother, i come, i want to clean up, dad says, don’t interfere, i say, come on! you understand, lesha, i i want to help the children eat, he can’t feed the children themselves, that’s what, that is , he forbids you to take care of the children, wash them, feed them, your daughter thinks that it’s not for you to teach her how to look after children, now we’ll find out why , in the studio irina shvidchenko, hello, hello, mom, did you call the guardianship, did you? you deprived your parents, do you want to deprive these of my children? i was stupidly
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deprived, you understand, stupidly, ira, turn it down, she helped me, she helped me on the other side, my mother helped, well, i know, interesting, yes irina, that is, your mother did not raise you, she raised you, but she was really deprived of parental rights to you, yes she , yes, i was deprived of parental rights, not deprived, limited, well limited, how old were you when she limited at... i was 14-15 years old, but despite all this, did you live with your mother from childhood or were you removed from the family for some time? no, we lived with my mother. svetlana, what is the situation with the deprivation of parental rights or restrictions, as you say, why were you limited, but i i was, you know, i was young, i’m stupid, i wanted to go for a walk, you know, to dance at the discos there, with whom did your daughter stay, with my mother, for going to the dance, when the child finds... the grandmother’s guardianship does not limit anyone in rights, by the way, for how long have they limited your
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rights until ira turns 18 years old, almost 4 years, lilia, grandma isn’t telling you something, firstly, most likely she ’s not telling you something, secondly secondly, she was deprived of parental rights until the child came of age, that is, this is not temporary, you already understand, until adulthood, that is, a serious measure, of course, and what time did you give birth to your child, your eldest daughter gave birth at 20, i gave birth to this one at 21. how did you find out that they want to limit you in parenting rights? well, i didn’t go to their grandmother, i found documents for the girls, she became a pikun, so this does not mean a restriction of rights, but deprivation, right? of course, i want to clarify that when a child’s parental rights are limited , families are also taken away, it’s just that the parent has the right to restore his rights, accordingly to take the child back, if the raidian rights are deprived, in fact there is an irreversible consequence that i will return it.
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irina, mom wants to limit your parental rights, not take you away, but simply limit, you know, no, not at least limit, at least take you to the internet only through my corpse, you won’t give up the children, no, i love you, and i won’t give them up , then why do they hang out with you all day long?
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that is, your mother is lying, why am i not feeding your children, ir, well, honestly, just like that, let’s be honest, come visit you, what is it then? we are there, we’re not in the house, and what do you feed your daughters, for tomorrow i’m preparing buckwheat with milk, for lunch cabbage soup, or fried potatoes, what kind of soups do you cook, daughter, well, regular soup, there’s potatoes, pasta, what else do your daughters like? , compotes, salt. these are the dumplings for dinner, my little one loves litka, are you buying all this for them?
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no, it’s the grandmother who brings these twists from the village, when it’s cold, when it’s winter, honestly, they wear winter jackets, summer jackets, well , tell me honestly, well, yes, tell me honestly, well, that’s how they walked, ira, well, they walked they wore them in winter, well, it was like that, irina, but how do you dress them in winter, can i just say? here is a child going outside, blouse, jacket, tights, warm pants, socks, warm boots, jacket, scarf, hat, irina, yours? mom told us that you don’t wash children’s clothes, girls, don’t bathe, in general this is true, during the winter you at least washed them once, honestly, you washed them, when i wash them every week, and every other day and every 2 days i bathe them, what you're lying, why are you lying, you haven't even once this winter, why are you lying, mom, about
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let's talk about hygiene, you teach the girls that they need to brush their teeth in the morning, at night too... they need to brush their teeth, that they need to comb their hair, wash their face in the morning and evening, they know all this, your girls, they know, why is there such a pause before the answer , okay, they just comb their hair, they don’t brush their teeth, why don’t masha and sonya, the children don’t want to brush their teeth, and the ruts are like cats, so you’re a mother, why didn’t you teach them to do this, you’re not interested, you’re lazy, i’m interested? you don’t work, you don’t do anything, how often do you wash your daughter, what about once every 2 days, but why once every 2 days, why not every day, because when they come running they stand and i wash their feet, they go to bed, they immediately fall asleep, she is young, she has three children, it’s hard for her, especially if her husband doesn’t help, in general, uh, as i
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understand it, she watches her children, she says that they walk in the yard and what they have and what to wear, what to eat, judging by how irina tells how soup, pasta and potatoes are prepared, but this is no longer soup, this is some kind of porridge, she doesn’t think about children at all, thank you that even now, after 25 years, my mother suddenly thought, well, thank you very much, but what is happening to you, what you are now releasing into life, 4 years, five and so on, they are still just little girls, you follow them don't follow and don't lie. sit here, what are you watching, what are you cooking, i don’t believe a single word she says. genita, whose words do you believe, your grandmother or your mother? well, the picture that really emerges is that irina herself is under-educated and, of course, perhaps too young, she experienced motherhood very early, she did not get enough exercise, she did not have youth, perhaps she
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is still in some slightly unconscious state, she doesn’t even realize, doesn’t believe that she is a mother. but at the same time, it is also clear that the mother seems to be filling in her gaps now , trying, perhaps even somewhere to find fault with rina, somewhere to raise her as a mother , perhaps to fill in some, it is too late to raise her. irina, why don’t you take your girls to kindergarten? i took them to kindergarten, but they often started getting sick in this kindergarten, then i said: this is... a fever like porridge, let them they sit at home, in kindergarten the children really get sick often, but this is compensated for by many other things, socialization, education, friends, nutrition, again, walking, development, irina, you pay enough attention to your girls at home, at home they color and write , and they draw, they glue there,
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they do all this together with you or separately from you, they are either with me, then i... yes, without me there, and the girl is 7 years old, she goes to school, not yet, in this the year will go, it will go, your children have books, there is a copybook letter, a copybook at your grandmother’s, you read bedtime stories to the girls, no, but what kind of fairy tales, before bedtime, don’t come to talk to them, pat them on the head, read a fairy tale, who has a favorite fairy tale, sleepyhead yes, but what toys do they have, dolls, and soft, and the elders help in the kitchen, the elders , yes, sasha does the dishes, and then i ’ll wash it back, you lead to the fact that you spend enough time with your girls, yes, what time do you wake up, what do you do next, tell us, we wake up we are at 10:00, we clean the sofa, sweep, eat, everyone has their sleeping places, cribs, yes, they ate and
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they went for a walk, when they go out into the yard for a walk, you watch them through the window, you can clearly see them. on the road, they even drive in a car, they walk on the road, i shout, come here, your girl is safe, she comes home straight away, your eldest daughter really has problems with speech, yes , my eldest daughter has it with her speech, we went to a speech therapist, and what did she say, i don’t want to go to this speech therapist, i’m already tired, like i don’t want to brush my teeth and don’t want to wash my face, but you don’t understand irin, what? you are an adult person, and you must explain to your daughter that this is necessary, this is important. irin, if now at this age you don’t form and deliver your speech correctly, then of course, in the future it will be... very difficult both to study and to read, and this will even affect self-esteem, it will affect life, life, irin, you haven’t thought about this, you are a large family, we
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have a lot of benefits, including a free speech therapist, yes, of course, maybe he is not in the next yard, but you have him. irin, tell me, maybe you should just it’s difficult to cope with three children, maybe you don’t have help, support, there is help, neither your parents nor your grandmother. the neighbor is sure that both here and there the children will be in great danger, why will we figure it out in a couple of minutes, what is dubrovsky’s name, and is he still hanging around everywhere, even though we can’t, i can’t just sit there the whole time, what the hell is it like? murder, we find the perpetrator, the perpetrator leads us to the customer, classic, you can help with an identikit, you’ll get off with minimal wages, you’ll give a damn, who drove the killer so little the suspect in the cell has already been working against us for that time, well, dolphin, then we’ll pin him
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this is beyond the bounds, woman. intends to save three grandchildren from irresponsible mother and father. irina, do you have enough finances for everything? what are you on do you live with girls? for child benefit. how much do you receive? 30,000. are you spending all this 30,000 on children? no. five remain. do you have five left? no. it remains just in case. do you have any support from your girls' father? yes, he helps. how does it help?
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years old, svetlana, this is another son of yours, yes, another one, my third son, and why do they have such a bad relationship with your daughter, well, i don’t know, he hasn’t loved our children since childhood, he doesn’t fit in, he starts yell at them, irin, your roommate, he brings them into the house money, he really brings himself with his feet, only on the bed, why don’t you leave such a man, where, where not to go, and where do you live in general, what kind of housing do you have, this is zamatinsky capita. is this your apartment, or does your roommate also have a share there, no, that is, you can freely kick him out of the house, that’s all, but you don’t do it, no, why i don’t know, alina, don’t you think this position of irina, her housing, is strange? , no help, and yet she doesn’t drive him away, everything suits her, i’ll tell you why even children don’t go to kindergarten i went because irina didn’t wake up in the morning and
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didn’t get ready. this is work, yes, a whole production, she has no other picture of the world, that she needs to spend time with children, education, her grandmother raised her all her life, and for her it’s normal that the children woke up, through the fence, ran out, went to their grandmother, when she talked about the children, that they play with toys, i see that her eyes are shining, and the eldest and the youngest loves dumplings, after all, she loves her children, now everyone is saying, leave your husband, but how can i continue to live? , yes let the husband he’s so good, he’s next to me, he
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sometimes kisses me, that’s why she lives like that.
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they have toys, books, everything, but do they have a father? yes, where does this father work? i can’t work because i have problems with my spine, i can’t carry heavy things. passed, why? because you need 400,000 for treatment, why should you be treated in some kind of commercial structure, when there is an absolute medical examination, on the basis of which you can completely calmly get a diagnosis from you, i don’t know, i didn’t do the examination all the doctors, take tests and check the spine, i can go through the doctors, well , the operation costs 400.00, you said, you don’t know the diagnoses, i don’t know, but my friend also had the same symptoms, that is, the diagnosis... was made by a friend, not a doctor, well , understand, it’s hard for me, i don’t understand, i don’t understand, i don’t understand, when a healthy man with health problems won’t go to the clinic, there are many professions that don’t require physical labor, i work as a welder, then a mechanic,
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but how much money do you bring to your family per month ? 2-300, you’re not ashamed that you’re an adult man, bring 2-300 rubles per month, of course it’s a shame. there is an opportunity, i will make money, bring home money, it happens, yes, well, he doesn’t work anywhere, you understand, i’m not telling you that i work, i’m saying, you have some responsibilities around the house, of course, i help her , and i cook myself and help her wash, the children’s clothes are clean, well, excuse me, these are children, you change them three times a day, they went outside. then i’ll measure puddles, then something else, then i’ll climb into the wet sand, and after that, with dirty clothes, what happens? erased, the laundry is done, the children are washed and combed, yes, is there water in the house? there is no water in the house, why don’t
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you provide it? well, it’s not within our means yet, but where do you get water? in the central column, why don’t you take your children to kindergarten, to sections, clubs, also grandfathers. your eldest daughter really needs to see a speech therapist, why not take her? because we wake up, sleep for a long time, such excuses as we overslept, but it happens once, it happens different, when a person is awake, working and so on, overslept, okay, it happens, but when you say systematically this continues, how can you say that children will go to kindergarten, but you understand that kindergarten would really give them and the social issue would be solved once. in terms of food they would have, they could be there until 6:00 pm, communicate with children, be educated, play and the like, what a relief it would be for you, you understand, i, for example, know from imagine that in addition to that, we
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really have a free kindergarten, well, like a large family, they give free food at school, then we go to free clubs, and i also want to say that you can go to the theaters. go to the zoo, our state has provided people who have many children with such cool privileges. alexey, you knew about this, that you have such privileges and a free kindergarten, sections and clubs, you knew about this, of course, you knew why you didn’t use it, i can’t answer, in your house, alexey, there are sleeping places for children, of course we do, and we will soon. expand, my colleagues visited you to see everything with their own eyes, a broken window, wallpaper blackened by mold, there is a layer of dirt on the wooden cabinets, twenty-five-year-old irina shvidchenko shows the house in uryupinsk, in which she has been living for a year
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with her beloved alexei, three daughters, here my husband and i sleep on this sofa, this is masha, the eldest daughter, sleeping, this is sonya, the middle daughter, sleeping . and here they are playing with toys, her little ones, according to the mother of many children, have everything they need, toys, they are scattered throughout the house, books for preparing for school , clothes for all seasons, under her weight the shelves in the closet are about to collapse, here's the dress sweaters, tights, here’s everything for them, here’s sonina, please, she goes for walks and wears it, here’s a lidana blouse.
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here it is, this bucket is enough for three, three children, because it can be hot, it’s generally steamy, and we... we dilute it with cold water, so i bathe the children in turn, first the eldest, then the middle one, then the youngest, himself in this trough and also a husband. the refrigerator in the kitchen is empty, irina assures us, it’s usually full of food, but this time we just didn’t have time to buy groceries. there is no meat because they ate it, they eat tomatoes, everyone, me, my husband and children, i have a cake for them, today we... had breakfast for them alexey, if
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everything is so good at home, if this is a cozy place for three beautiful girls, why is your loved one crying now, looking at all this, well, this i probably need to ask her, no, i want to ask you, i don’t know, irin, tell everyone why you’re crying, your nerves, maybe you’re just ashamed that your roommate can’t provide you... your children with decent conditions, i can , but this, what they showed, is left from the former owners, alexey, i’m okay, i understand irina, why she just cries and can’t say anything, because she is a woman, she hopes on a man’s shoulder, but what are you doing in this family, why are you there, why are you just a parasite, you have two hands, two legs, you can earn money, but you don’t do it,
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you have to feed yourself as a man, you have, that you devour these three little girls, this is some kind of miracle, here i am , i even i have no words, neither one nor the other another thing is that she’s crying, she’s crying simply because she doesn’t know what to say, go and do it yourself work, after all, there are grandmothers, go and work, if he can’t, then forgive me, this is not a village, this is uryupinsk, what are you talking about, what is a welder, yes, this is one of the most valuable professions in general, yes. why are you sitting? you need to find at least some work
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and not waste your children's money for your pleasure. you are telling her that you are helping her with something, if you don’t get rid of this disgrace, black mold - it’s scary, it’s very dangerous, it can also lead to asthma, asthma is everything, you’re yours you can bring your own healthy child to a very serious state. i told him everything, why they said it,
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they wanted to intimidate, yes, what will the second grandmother say and what awaits the mother of many children, her minor children, in a matter of minutes we will find out, superstar, he will burn your names, he will burn your names names for all time, for all time. old, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, hey, if you are among us, that means you, that means you, that means you, superstar viia superstar on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. you are silent like a fish. shrimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only
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a mother accusing her daughter of abandoning her three children, who they look like hungry street kids. alexey, what will you do if it suddenly turns out that sonya is not your daughter? it’s okay, i’ll raise you the same way as always, but do you want a dna test with sonya? yes, why, just to establish myself, let him check, i know it will be 99.9. alexey, could irina stay? alone, for a while, somewhere to go on a spree, perhaps, but where were you when you left her alone, sat for a day 26. for driving while intoxicated, maybe that’s why you don’t care about irina, don’t care about girls, because you feel, well, that something is wrong, that the woman was dishonest with you, that the child may not be yours, perhaps a pantile, but what do you think about this whole situation, two
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unsocialized adult children are sitting, they have no idea about their future, about the future of their children, it’s just from... they don’t understand the cause of the investigative connections, they don’t understand why their behavior can lead to what, and i see that the two of them are going with the flow, and they need help, which in the future...
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hello, lyudmila, what truth are you talking about you say? well, when masha was born, lyosha came, he caught ira cheating , iran and mom were aware of this, dad was aware, ira cheated, and ira was pregnant, but ira had a miscarriage, lyosha came, wanted to take masha, they attacked him, his dad beat him with a shovel, lyosha, ira’s mom attacked him, they beat him with asphalt, but for some reason lyosha hides this, you say terrible things. “let’s understand everything in order, you ’ve known your neighbors for a long time, yes, i know alexey at the moment when he appeared, when they
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started dating, how close to them you live, through the wall, what’s happening behind your wall, he he can yell at ira because she doesn’t clean the house, because she doesn’t wash the children, doesn’t look after the children, but he can hit her, she can throw him, i saw how lyosha walked with his wife’s poker, "with a poker"? yes, she burned him, she had a chest, lyosha tried to push her something like that, she burned him with a poker, and you often hear children crying, yes, children are provided with everything they need, they don’t buy things for children, they buy them this grandmother, the others don’t take part in this, you know that svetlana wants to take the girls, at least one of them, wants to limit her daughter’s parental rights, uh, you can’t trust svetka, because there’s a roommate, there are always fights, there is... her son, doesn't work anywhere. in what conditions does svetlana live? this wooden house with a rickety roof
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looks more like a hut on chicken legs. forty-six-year-old svetlana irshova has been living here for 17 years. i ask you, dear guests, to welcome you to my home. now i will show you where we live. in the living room, opposite the faded photo wallpaper, there is a crammed closet. it's not just blankets and bedding mixed in the huge piles.
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svetlana is not here either, but she plans to finish building a shower on the street; we are building a shower here. this is our toilet, this is an old shower collapsed, this is a shed, there are
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hoses, then old things, everything is stored there in this shed, bricks, this is for the shower, these are the poor girls, svetlana, i’m not just talking about the conditions there yes, i just feel sorry for these girls, where do you want to take them, that’s where, you don’t have a shower? wants to take care of them, when a person wants, he takes it and does it, we are adults, there are no conditions anywhere, these conditions simply aren’t there, but
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now we will take the children from the situation where there is at least some kind of mother and loved one. yes, we’ll bring it to grandma, from one swamp to another swamp, children, you’ll be better off here, svetlana said about how terrible it is there, really, well, it’s just mold , i don’t even know that it’s even a nightmare, but she has herself too, and the most important thing is that she walks around the yard where the trash can is, she says, this is it, that is , she’s even proud, or something, i don’t know, it’s people who are used to this, they, well, on the other hand on the other hand, you know, i personally was born where there was no cold water, where everything...
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but do you help them to the best of your ability? very i help them a lot, with food, i have everything of my own, everything is homemade, homemade meat, potatoes, carrots, i eat everything, everything for my grandchildren, my granddaughters often come to see you, very much, and you have good conditions, good conditions, you are in an apartment do you live or in a house, your own house, we have everything in the house, water, gas, everyone bathes every day, and you
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have a room for the girls, you have it, that’s where dad lived, they have a room now, in what condition are your granddaughters in? they arrive, hungry, dirty, no, no, no, they are always clean, when we go, when your son just met irina, you don’t they dissuaded her and him from this union, well , i don’t see them both work anywhere, and then they had a strong age difference, she wanted to marry him, she wanted, and he wanted too, and why didn’t they sign. if there was no money, we just spent gas with my grandfather, why don’t you demand from your son that he get a job, i demand, he says, his back hurts, he always worked, he worked in moscow, and there was a job nearby, he worked in moscow, and what he worked for, security, he worked for a long time, he also worked as a detective, but what about you? they didn’t tell him that it was wrong to live on children’s money, we talk, we talk, with my grandfather, we talk, we always talk, how they react, maybe
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they at least promise to get a job, promises? promises, but do you think the children in this family are in danger? no, there’s no danger, well, they cook, they eat, they don’t go hungry. do you know that irina’s mother wants to limit her daughter’s parental rights? why does she say that? the reason is that children live in poor conditions, benefits do not reach the children. do you think that your son irina should be given chance? yes, it's worth it, do you think they can? smogot, he has golden hands, he will do anything, why hasn’t he been able to take himself into these golden hands until now, he has three children, and he continues to eat away these children’s money and doesn’t work, doesn’t do absolutely anything in the house, they’ll come the guardianship authorities will look at the conditions and the children will be removed from the family, and i believe that there will be many reasons, you are not afraid of this, i am afraid,
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let him think, now, no, they don’t want to. irina, no, they are children, they won’t live without mom and dad, they love dad, in general, masha, for dad doesn’t care, alexey was brought up in a wonderful family, like me, he’s the only one you have, no, he also has a daughter, and yet, what made him become like this, that is, he liked living like this, or something, and his conscience doesn’t torment him , after all? three children, three girls, and he sits, well, i’m generally silent about her. galina, do you know that your son doubts his relationship with his middle daughter? no, i didn’t know, i just didn’t recognize it. you think this is your granddaughter, of course. alexey, do you continue to insist that you want des dna? yes. for genetic testing, we turned to
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the most reliable source in the dna program. and i invite you to the studio. professor, doctor of biological sciences, sergei kiselyov. daddy's girl or a girl of someone else's blood: we will find out the result of the dna test immediately after a very short advertisement. a resident of the orenburg region is perplexed why her former lover first recognized her son, and then declared that he was not his father. i didn’t give him a reason, while the man himself explains, his ex personally. she told him that she had given birth to a child from someone else, this is not your child, she didn’t write down paternity in me, she didn’t give me my last name, according to the man’s mother, her son’s ex had no end of admirers, you have men,
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shovel mushrooms, the grandson is not ours, she will give him a month i just said that she was pregnant, she was going to see friends, i heard some men’s conversations, she came, her whole face was completely broken, how is it even possible to attack your mother? so who became the father? i need a dna test to apply for alimony, i wouldn’t give her a penny, but he sends, i want to make sure that the child is mine, i am hiding the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to switch to domklik. with a mortgage to build a house. triple or secondary to find housing for any, even the most daring taste, choose what everyone will like, everyone will find housing for themselves at domklik, everything
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movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, along which electrical signals are constantly flowing. with age in the brain. changes occur, brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids, there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of japanese malust. extend the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for
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memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese brain product. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed and he will be again. find out more about the japanese product brain therapy dolphin new season today at 20:00 on ntv. it's beyond, it's beyond. the grandmother of three grandchildren wants to deprive their parents of the rights to their children, and in the meantime the father has decided. a genetic examination to
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establish paternity was carried out at the request of thirty-nine-year-old alexei dovgan. a man doubts his official, but born out of wedlock, five-year-old daughter sonya. despite the fact that, according to him, he loves his daughter very much. doubts haunt him. mother girls, irina shvidchenko, insists that she gave birth to a daughter from alexey. but we’ll find out right now whether this is so. irina, can we open the envelope? yes. alexey, are you ready to find out if you are not only the official, but also the biological father of your daughter? yes i want to.
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so, i open the envelope. on the one hand, the official father, alexey dovgan, 39 years old, on the other, his official daughter, sonya dovgan, 5 years old. the probability of consanguinity is. 99.9%, i said, i’m sorry, please, alexey, it’s on your shoulders responsibility for the family, you must pull yourself together, and if you don’t, the competent authorities will decide, for the sake of saving these girls, to send them to a shelter, you understand what you need... to stop
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partying first of all, you i need to get a job, of course, i understand, you will do it, i will, promise, irina, and not only alexey must pull himself together here, but you too, you must pass all the checks now, but we will certainly watch, lilya, there are now compelling reasons to deprive or limit parents in parental rights, of course, are a totality, everything will be here in full,
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each child should have a separate sleeping place, children should have...


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