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tv   DNK  NTV  May 28, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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will you do it? i'll do it, i promise. irina, and not only alexey must pull himself together here , but you too. you must go through all the checks now, but we will certainly be watching. lily, are there any good reasons now to deprive or limit parents of parental rights? of course, the totality. everything will be completely here. the testimony that was here, respectively, the neighbors who just spoke, is even a blessing. my own mother said that you need to take your own son by the head, pay attention, this there will also be the conditions of detention, plus the lifestyle of the parents themselves, that is, now irina and alexey have every chance of losing their children, what do they need to do to prevent this from happening? first of all, you need to change your lifestyle, secondly, put your living conditions in order, each child should have a separate sleeping place, children should have a... complete set of clothes, you must
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have all hygiene systems for children. , of course you should have vitamins and absolutely all food, this vegetables, fruits, this must be a complete diet, you will have a very long process with a permanent commission that will check all this. svetlana, you came to us today with the idea that you wanted to limit their parental rights, are you now ready to give? of course, i’m ready to give them a chance, let them have children, forgive me, mom, thank you for giving birth to me and carrying me for 9 months. lyosha, forgive me for everything, but okay, i already forgot, huh? do you promise that for the sake
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of your girls you will change your life? i promise, exactly, i will change, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond, a man and a woman came to pick up things from a rented apartment and saw the moment the owner died. there was a crushed skull, her eyes had fallen out, there was a lot of blood, they said that the woman was deliberately pushed out of the window by another of her tenants, she was sitting on the windowsill, swaying, he takes her by the hips and pushes her back down. the man didn't there is nothing to deny, but his former lover believes that he took someone else's blame. they began to put pressure on him or persuade him that the owner of the apartment was dead, you should live. there is nowhere to eat, nowhere, so who is
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the real killer, we lived with him for 10 years, he is a calm man, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. she hoped that her ex would become the most caring father for the child, but he did not show up for discharge and stopped recognizing his son. victoria nikitina in our studio. hello everyone, hello! why your ex beloved does not recognize his son? he does not recognize his son for one reason: he does not want to pay child support. do you think this is the only reason? i think so, that is, you didn’t give him any reasons for jealousy or doubt? no, for the entire time we were with him, i never gave him any reasons, no speculation, nothing, we were always together with him, and that is, he knows perfectly well that it is his...
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that is, he recognizes child, he either recognizes or does not recognize, but how does he explain the fact that he does not recognize the child, some there must be arguments, he only has one argument, that i was partying, that i cheated, that i’m always drunk or something else, yes, he says that about me, i didn’t give him a reason, that is, i have an immoral lifestyle i’m not leading, i ’m always with my child, always together, we’re always close, it’s just... he’s such a person that he says that about all his ex-girlfriends, only he leaves him and he starts insulting them, calling them the last ones words. let's then figure it out from the very beginning, how did you two meet? we met him a long time ago, i was 17-18 years old, we were friends for a long time, then we started dating. we dated for 4 years and everything was fine at first, until the moment when he and i... rented an apartment and started
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living together, he began to raise his hand, and there were also problems in your relationship, there were also betrayals on his part, he came to i have a scratched back, how can i explain this to you? he said so, he admitted that he had not changed. i say: “seryozha, what is this?” he says: "well, sorry, so it worked out." and everything like that. and you forgave? well, yes, i forgave. well, i guess i loved at the same time i was afraid that we lived together in the same village, and he could catch me somewhere , also drive up in a car, grab me and start beating me. that is, by that time he was already beating you, he was already beating you, that is, you didn’t have children yet, and you lived with this person who is cheating on you, who is cheating on you. beats? yes, yes, i was afraid of him, but why, victoria, could he raise his hand against you? he was constantly jealous, before our relationship together i had more. relationship, he was even jealous of me constantly, this all happened, that is , jealousy occurs and he begins
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to raise his hand at me, insult, humiliate, beat, did you turn to someone for help, victoria, i wrote a statement to the police, filmed the beatings, led to him coming. asked for forgiveness, said that he would change, that this would not happen again, and we went together with him, i took the statement, and you forgave after serious beatings, yes, he came with flowers, said, if you want, i ’ll get on my knees, just forgive me , let's be together, for some period of our lives , what happened was that yes, there was just an ideal person, everything was fine, we were not ready to break off relations with this person, no, at that time... no, that is, i was leaving him, that's it, i pack my things, i leave, at the same time he appears in my life, i forgive everything and we are together again, and my beloved introduced him to my family, i introduced him to my family, my family is all very familiar with him, but everyone
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was categorically against our relationship, because they constantly saw bruises on me, my mother was only because of this she was very much against it, she was against us communicating with him. she cried, she asked me not to get together with him ever again, how did you then decide to continue to start a family with this person, give birth to a child, she loved, probably loved then, we wanted this together, we wanted a family, and as it was planned that’s all, we both wanted it right, both him and me, well, somehow it turned out that the person still didn’t change when i was already pregnant and somehow it was already too late, after how... what a while yours here such a difficult relationship, did you find out that you are pregnant? we broke up with him, didn’t communicate, i mean, well, again, these were beatings, i packed my things, left him, moved to my mother, and he himself appeared, started calling me, writing, and i feel that i have
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there was a big delay, i was at work at that moment, i called him, asked him to bring me a pregnancy test, he brought it, i did it, i had two stripes, i took a picture of it. and i sent him a message, he was happy, he arrived, he hugged me, vic, thank you, finally we will have a child, everything will be well, he took me for an ultrasound, he took tests, everything was fine, he didn’t show any doubts, there were no doubts at all, and you again believed that you would be a couple, that you had a drill, but we no longer got along, we didn’t we lived together, we just met, i told him, i say, seryozha, i’m in such a situation now that i don’t want to be beaten again... beaten, he says: me and vic, forgive me, i ’ll change, let’s get together, let's live, i swear to you, this will never happen again, i understand that you are pregnant, i believed him said: “let’s see how everything will happen next, we just talked with him, we saw him when you gave birth to
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your son, on december 31, 2020, at 3:00 in the afternoon i was soured, about 6 o’clock, i came away from anesthesia i already started telling everyone that we are having a boy, that everything is fine with us, i gave birth at exactly 3 kg. how did your chosen one react to this news? when the baby was born, i was in the ore house, he was already with another woman, because. i called him, she answered the phone, i called him to tell him that he had become a dad, and he was already in the company, they were celebrating, as i understood, it was new year already, so she picked up the phone, i heard that he was there. but she answered the phone like just an acquaintance who is next to the phone, or like his woman? she picked up the phone and said: don’t call here, we are in a relationship, and that is, everything was already serious enough, well, as i understand it, yes, what did you feel then, victoria, when you called, that you told him that he had become
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a father, offended , pain, resentment, and he wasn’t even at the discharge, i didn’t tell him that we they write out who met you from childhood, my relatives, my friends, again my mother, where are you... that he became a father, the consciousness came to him when the child was already 2 months old, he called and asked to meet with his son, i i allowed him, and how can i forbid it, this is his child too, he came, he hugged him, kissed him, said, everything, this, everything, this is mine, this is my son, everything is fine, i believed him, they communicated throughout 3 years, that is, he accepted everything, decided that the child was his, yes, yes, he accepted it. took part as i did i understand, he took part a little, and gave money, well, over 3 years, about 1.15
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received from him, modestly, but at least we got something from him, at least we saw something, after he recognized the child, i somehow helped him, he registered himself, no, he didn’t register himself, the child is registered on me for one reason, that even when i was discharged, he was not there, the only thing i gave the child was his middle name. because he is the father, the child must have the father’s middle name, and he wanted to write himself down as a child, insert his surname, first name and patronymic in the father column? no, well , he either refuses, then accepts, then it’s mine, then it’s not mine, so now what kind of relationship are you in, now we have the same relationship again, that is, bring me a child, then get out of here, you’re nobody to me i don’t need it, then come on again, let me talk to him, he calls by video, give me my son, i say he...
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my sister, because i tell him this, when he starts calling, it’s mine, then it’s not mine , then i need it, then i don’t need it, i’m already starting to,
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this is not my son, i don’t need him, i say, this is not your son, just don’t call here and don’t write anymore, but your son tells you, i want to go to dad, vika, let’s go, mom, let’s go to dad, so again the son says that he wants to go to dad, but you don’t let him you accept it, but you don’t even give it, so you either agree that it’s yours, or disagree, she brought it to me periodically, why should i bring it to you, you have a car, come. i never forbade you, don’t wait, you know how, if it goes like this, she goes to her girlfriends, to friends, from time to time i call, i hear some men’s conversations, well, women’s conversations, children there, okay, i don’t know, they’re there with their families, that’s it, what’s with the families, well, she’s not taking him to me, sergey, now how old is victoria’s son, four years old, his name is like a boy, savel, middle name sergeevich , yours, well, she gave it, but didn’t give her last name, that’s the same thing... why didn’t she give it, you wanted to become the official father, i still want it, let the dna show, show 99%, and i’m ready
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to help this child, that is, you offered victoria to sign up the boy for yourself, but victoria refused, everyone suggested, my sister she said, vika, why are you doing this, i’m a single mother, i have a lot of privileges there, in kindergarten, in the hospital, everything else, i will receive money until i’m 3 years old, now i’m 3 years old, we have her here. she calculated my salary, i get paid well, she calculated how much alimony i would receive, she didn’t calculate anything, i don’t know, i know your salary, you said it yourself, you said it yourself, let’s go to a lawyer, you started me first, let’s go to a lawyer , we will document everything, i will pay you 10,000 a month, i offered without anything, i will i say, okay, come on, i agree, let's all go together, let's go, i agree, let's go, 2 hours pass, seryozha started telling me, i 'm not going anywhere with you and i don't need him at all,
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look, we rented an apartment, we had a fight , yes, there with her, she went to her mother, she was gone for literally a month, maybe less, maybe more, 2 days, no, wait, here... i was picking up, i came to make a parcel, well , to eat something else there, i the doctor says, then how come she shit at home, i ’m not there, she’s already been taken away, i call her, she doesn’t
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pick up, doesn’t pick up, then picks up, he says an ambulance took me away, well, an ambulance, why should an ambulance take him home? then i saw photographs that my brother, mother, and someone else were there to meet me, but there were a lot of them, they were photographed around the birth, that is, victoria didn’t even tell you when she was being discharged, but she told you that you had become a father, yes , she called at 12:00 at night, on new year’s day she gave birth, or at two or three in the morning, she congratulated her and said you had a son, that is, your telephone conversation took place on december 31, well, already on the first of nothing would have happened that night, i called him in the evening, already recovering from anesthesia, already recovered from anesthesia,
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on january 1st i even arrived with my father. we even took some napkins from the pharmacy, took mineral water, only mineral water, only mineral water, i didn’t even see my son then, i knocked on the door, a nurse came out, i handed over the package, victoria, why didn’t you tell me when you were being discharged? , so that dad could really meet his son, because on january 1, i was only transferred to the general ward at 6:00 pm, and i myself only saw my son while we we were undergoing all the examinations, until all these... vaccinations, all this was done, i still didn’t know when we would be discharged, and also on january 4, savely received the last vaccination, and he was discharged from the ore hospital, i was not discharged, i there were complications, i lost a lot of blood and i needed a blood transfusion, but in the end i wrote a refusal form, because how can they discharge my child, but i’m not, i
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wrote a refusal form, together with him we were discharged, well, even if you found out the fourth in the morning. that you are being discharged today, why didn't you tell your father right away? i thought he didn’t need it, but he was already with another woman, why did he need us then? i wasn’t in a relationship with the person, well , you weren’t in a relationship, but you were with her, there were a lot of friends there , it’s new year, so everyone needs to pick up the phone, and say, don’t call here, sergey, after victoria was discharged, why didn’t you go with...
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they fought, they swore, she saw it all, that’s probably why that victoria still had serious blue marks, so what kind of mother is that? you’ll like it, why are you surprised, sergei, maybe after all, but in general your life together with victoria, it was like that, well, we met, it was good, everything, then we even rented an apartment, well, everything was fine, we were planning a child, until we got hooked , my mother and i, you and my mother got involved only because you beat me, it was these problems of yours that began as soon as... you moved in together in this very rented apartment, victoria correctly told us everything, well, yes, why they started beating victoria, well, that’s also wrong, as i did beat me, it’s not true, well, victoria allowed herself, even in the company of people, well , to treat me like i don’t know, some kind of scoundrel, to send me to hell, to throw something at me, seriously,
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probably , that’s why stools flew at me, but there she accidentally flew in, accidentally, how could she fly in accidentally? victoria, what did you allow, and why did you allow him to do this for such a long time, and why did you yourself either want it, or i don’t understand that i loved him, i already said, i and him she loved and was afraid to respect herself, she had to love herself somehow, she didn’t love, well, you yourself allowed it, so it’s been 3 years, 4 years now, without being with him, irina, what do you think, i think that victoria in general she’s absolutely right in everything, she’s great, she allowed it when she wasn’t pregnant, and this really happens with women. loves, beats, that means she loves, this can be forgiven, you believe in the transformation of a person, but when she began to carry a child under her heart, she was afraid for herself because of the child, she did the right thing a choice, a completely unreasonable insult. what she sometimes says is not your child, because it’s all tied up in the bad attitude of a man, a woman, a child. sergey, could you raise your hand against victoria
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only because victoria insulted you, humiliated you, or were there other reasons? a man was walking periodically, she left me, we were sitting in the hall, she took the phone, someone called her, she went into the kitchen, i took this phone, then i met with this person, there was a scandal, a fight, and you don’t want to mention in... we have different area, she went to live there, what happened there? your family, what do they say? everyone thinks well, everyone is bored, my mother is 80 years old, she cries at night, she cries, she wants to see her grandson, that is, you think that the grandson is hers, we are used to him, you know, for the third year already, so the pregnant woman walked around the nickel and said i hang the fact that i’ve been playing around with seryozha. you can’t count them on your fingertips, and anyone could
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turn out to be sovely’s father. in our studio svetlana krasnova. you suck, you, i don’t know who, you have men, shovels and row, yeah, yeah, you’re the last one. to pick him up, he came with flowers, with sweets, he called my daughter and said, but someone took her, who took her? this, ksyusha, ksyusha didn’t
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take it, who? yes , they took me to the hospital somewhere, but she, probably, is her, the father of the child, and the father of the child is definitely not your son, i say that i have great doubts, not my, not our grandson, not ours, she is walking she’s walking with the men, we have a guy living next door... this guy is her friend olesya, they ’re relaxing there, there are some guys all around, that means she’s sitting down, i go to them, they’re there, that means they’re walking , i was told, there is light there grandson and back and forth, she walks there, i come, it means there is such a mess there, i ask the girl, the eldest, where is our vika, she says, she went to this, to the crooked one, vanka, oh my, i come, and i i still got out and saw a white car standing there, and there were two girls and a driver. i didn’t think that it was vika who went to where she was relaxing with this girl, they already said they went somewhere to vanka’s, but i realized that it was she and her friend, they jumped into the car and drove off,
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this rules out the possibility of your son’s candidacy guys, yes, she doesn’t love her son, no she loves me, but my son is with me all the time 24x7, why shouldn’t i defend my rights, this is my child and i defend my rights and mine, this is not your grandson, not yours, get away from me, to my face, you yourself told me how many times , seryozha answered as soon as possible, go away, don’t touch him, recently we were driving in a car, my husband tells me, we were driving, and she said, don’t touch, son, this is not yours, shameless, so this woman is probably saying out of resentment, what a shame.
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svetlana, if you didn’t like victoria right away, why didn’t you dissuade your son from relationship with her, who is listening now, children, children don’t listen to us, how many times i said it, she led me like this, i say, son, this is not your child, he doubts, not yours. child, she showed this 10 times, look at how she behaves towards her, i wouldn’t give her a penny, but he sends her, sends, then i can’t go to my friend’s, i go for a walk, relax, with savochka i - get to the t-shirt, he sends 500 rubles, again i go to my friend’s somewhere, he gives her 1,000 rubles, go there and buy it, that is, your son is a golden man, very golden, then you haven’t heard any complaints about your son from victoria. and why would she complain, she came to me, ate, drank, i treated her, i knew, i think, okay, okay, my son wants it, for my son’s sake, please, so victoria,
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she never complained ? he beat her, we were driving the car to the bypass to buy tomatoes, out of nowhere, she was coming, two men, yeah, she was with them and she was at me in every way, yours and theirs, and you know how a man throws himself like that, he i took her little dog with me, it’s the first time i’ve seen one like this, she just grabs him, get out of here, i was at girlfriends visiting, it was the day, yeah, i don’t deny, yes, they were sitting in the car, he was sitting with his girlfriend, probably the current one, as i understand it, he was sitting in the car with her, i passed by, my girlfriend was with i was going to accompany my two children to the bus stop, we pass by, he flies out of the car, pulls the child away from me, i give him the child, i say, i ’ll call the police now, yeah, and put you in, because the child is registered in my name, you no one to him, give the child, and she’s driving,
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i don't think i wrote it. svetlana, do you think that i don’t know, she tells everyone what she wrote, but i’m your good son, wonderful, better than everyone else, well, with whom she lives now, he’s a drunkard, an alum worker, and generally no one there, it’s generally dark, besides you, he has a car, if you need anything, he will have everything, and you won’t have it in front. not from behind, but says: i have a crown, show me, she has a crown, which crown in one place showed nothing, never anything at all, especially not shown to you, no, believe me, he has everything, the car is his father’s , the apartment is on you, what does he have, it’s the father who doesn’t know how to drive at all, here you are rushed to this car, i don’t need it, i even have plans for your son’s child, our son will always have... if
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today a genetic examination confirms that your son is saveli’s father, the money will be very useful to him, because they will apply for alimony against him, of course, we will pay, that ’s if it’s mine, but i’ll give him his entire pension, well, not that, and so, if the dna test confirms the relationship between savili and sergei, that will be good, very good, and victoria will have ask for forgiveness, but she accuses me, you haven’t yet i heard her calling me names and accusing me that she gave birth to a bad son and that he is a fool , according to everyone, who else saw with their own eyes how victoria walked with other men, could one of them be sovelia’s father, the result of the dna test remains unpredictable , we'll be back in a couple of minutes, hi, where are you and the secret, but it's cool here, i'll show you now.
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but i have a better one, and you have something like that there, oh, you end up here, we have a good secret place, yes, it’s not secret, everyone already knows about seabreeze, relax, guys, theirs faces were on all televisions in the country, brunette, burning, sexy p
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this is the dna program. today in our studio , a resident of the orenburg region wants to prove to her ex-lover that she gave birth to his son 3 years ago. sergei krasnov from orsk is outraged; his former lover victoria nikitina gave birth to a son and is now demanding child support, but it has not yet been proven that he is the father of the child. vika has admitted more than once that the child is not mine, she gave it to me he doesn’t give it if he brings it, just for a couple of hours, last night, then i accidentally left them, when i got there by taxi, i went home, sergei is looking for a reason not to help his son, victoria is convinced, so he comes up with excuses.
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begins, i am the queen and everything else happened like that. victoria is offended, she suffered beatings, insults and humiliation from sergei, now she is only trying to provide her son savely with a better future, but sergei has nothing to do with this. we are planning to move to moscow, because there is more work there in terms of what the child can do there it will seem more normal, and we are going there one of these days.
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“she doesn’t want, she wants money, now we’ll find out which side the dna test result will be on. svetlana, victoria’s friends are wondering why she didn’t break up with your son even earlier. anna ruzavina and anastasia boryagina are in the studio. oh, another scrubber, it was, he said all this, but you are a pig for coming here, you have so many men, children,
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legs, let him go, let him do this, what is this, he is my son, he will be my son until he is old, and throat overthreat with this, we i’ve been communicating with vika for a year, we’re best friends, he calls her and says, give me your son, he says, he’s in kindergarten, well, you go with yours, you know, he’s really inadequate, i don’t really feel sorry for the girl, she’s spinning around as best she can, but he helped her in some way, so they could build a normal relationship, a friend told you.
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everything seemed to ease up for her, of course, we convinced her,
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we told her, where did you dig this up, you’re a beautiful girl, where did you dig it up, why do you need him, she basically doesn’t ask him for anything, if not for his calls, not his messages, he is not needed, but now it’s natural after his behavior like this, why shouldn’t he pay, he sends you little, he omitted his bests, he sends a lot, he sent me once, 250 rubles. and he gave 300 rubles for a photograph to the kindergarten, and then he says where is the photograph, he says the child was taken today and should be taken, only today the photographs arrived, today our sons go to one group at a kindergarten, he says no today the photographs, return them to me my 300 rubles, which are for you. i sent the photo. anastasia, let's talk now about sergei's doubts, do you understand them? no, it's not clear. i say, he either wants it or he doesn’t want it, let’s go there with my son, i want it, i want it, he says, you know, i can’t, he’s either sick or something else, i don’t need all of you. . it turns out like this. are you sure of your friend victoria? 100% well, when there were
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conflicts, could victoria have sought solace on someone else’s shoulder? no, no, no, the child is 100% his. she, when? victoria broke up with sergei, things got better, well, yes, it’s hard for her, but her life is much better, at least she has a calm life, she has a beautiful child, growing up, she takes care of it, saveli is a wonderful boy, who helps besides his mother, we, we, she herself, she works part-time in a hairdresser, there mother works two after two, somewhere a mother sat with the child, she went out, worked part-time, victoria, and i have enough finances, well, i have enough finances to raise my son, my child doesn’t need anything, that is, we have everything, i give him everything he needs, i... give it to me, i also have help, that is, my mother , the girls support me, everyone supports me, i work part-time myself, well, that’s enough for me, that’s if if sergei started paying off the elements, you would n’t need them, which of course wouldn’t be superfluous, i have a question right now, we are looking for an apartment to buy in order to buy an apartment, that is, we have maternity capital, we have
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savings, so what if he helped, of course , also bylir, but we have to live in rented apartments, we moved because the apartment was smaller, and well, it was inconvenient for us that the child is small, he still needs space, savely and i sleep here, that is, well, mine and soveli, this is our sofa shared, and we sleep together, for now, furniture and equipment are moving with victoria from
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one apartment to another, things are still in bags and boxes, the single mother has not yet had time to sort them out, but some of the children's clothes... have already been laid out on the shelves in the closet, that is, in a bag like this, he has all the things, everything is in order, all the jackets, that is, everything is there, blouses, not blouses. victoria fully provides for her son; she has to work hard to buy food, clothes, toys and pay for classes with avelia in sports section. all the things, all the books, all the toys, are bought only by me and my mother , no one else gives him anything. in terms of this, seryozha is not helping us. and i work as a hairdresser, a generalist, that is, i do haircuts, both men's and women's, so i have a machine, and scissors, and combs, that is, i have everything, well, i earn as much as i can. after work, victoria pampers sovely with sweets, they walk on the playground, read and draw together. we have pencils,
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pens, books, we have fairy tales, we have everything that let's draw, with a pen, a boy, it's a pity, sunshine, with a pen correctly. take it, baby, yes, well, he already has a bruise, but how does she treat her son, gives it away, she once at night at 1:00 am, she came drunk, threw her son under his arm, tomorrow in the winter, the boy has his hands frozen, i’ll go now and come, i say, stand, i say, where will you go, tomorrow seryozha will go to work, and i’m 70 years old, i’ll be filming, i swear i came at night, opened it,
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what do you say? yes, i didn’t refuse even without dna, i offered her a day, even to live offered. yes, just recently i asked her for forgiveness, i said, vika, when we get together, we’ll rent an apartment, the child wants to be with me, what did you say, i’ll think about it, and offered to live, he was already with another woman, why did he need us then? , sergey, you live alone, alone, i live with my mom, i live with my dad, in my apartment, no girl showed up? no, we’re just dating a girl, why not? this is the same girl you are dating, how does she feel about the fact that you have doubts, and if you become a father, you will have to... no one sergei to his ex? whether sergei has any objections, what claims his new lover has with his three-year-old son from victoria, we will find out immediately
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after a short advertisement. at the megamay megamarket, there are millions of products at competitive prices, for example, pusi eyebrow gil for only 490 rubles. what's your name? dubrovsky, is he still hanging around everywhere? why, i can’t just sit around doing nothing, what’s up, it looks like murder, we’re going to find the performer , the performer is leading us to the customer of the classic, help with an identikit, you’ll get off with minimal wages give your word to the officer who drove such a small killer the suspect in the cell has already been working against us for that time, well, the dolphin is here and we’ll pin him in the new season today 0:00 on ntv. via superstar. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the
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exciting season, so i’m announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, send your applications to, the show companion is calling the door, see you , on air the dna program, ex-lover. i was happy at first a man that he would become a father, and then told him that the child was not his. victoria nikitina from the village of pervomaisky, orenburg region, complains that she wants her son to have a father, and they stopped ascribing numerous lovers to her in order to prove to him that this is his child, that i have not cheated on him with anyone, that he is not a spoiled child and so that there is a normal attitude, whether towards me or towards my son, and not like this... something is mine, something is not mine. her ex- lover sergei krasnov and his mother svetlana took up arms against the mother alone. they declare: victoria led
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wild lifestyle, so she gave birth to a son from another man. now he’s throwing mud at his ex-lover, even if he works officially, he has an income, but you don’t want it, help, how much we talked, well, take it, you don’t want to give money, take the guy , go, dress him, pay for kindergarten, i don’t
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know, take him... a dna test will show. your new girlfriend sergei claims that she is already tired of you, victoria, constantly violating their ideal. our guest is lyubov litvinova. hello, how does victoria interfere with you and your relationship with sergei? victoria always writes, writes
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text messages with threats. wow.
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after that, communicate, that is, it was you who picked up the phone when victoria called from the maternity hospital, to tell the happy news to sergei that he became a father, no, i didn’t pick up the phone from his phone, vika started making video calls herself and saying, loeb, you 3 days ago you recorded your voice and said: “i answered the phone, he and i were already together when you gave birth, yes, we were just friends, there was a voice message, that’s it, we were together just friends, it’s just your first day.”
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you shouldn’t get involved at all and build a life together, love, in your relationship with sergei, everything is fine, everything is fine with us, that is, you have not yet had sergei raise his hand against you, we never had anything like this, we never had anything like this, so that he would put his hand on me, what difference does it make, i didn’t hit a person even once, why because a person doesn’t allow himself to do that, then what we did together, now my head will split,
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that’s all , you idiot. women are bad, everyone is bad, including you, you are also a woman, you can’t do that, you grandma, you are a mother, you should be an example, my dear, if it was your child who stood up, went, helped, and not yell that she was such a beating, that would be nice, she writes to my husband and seryozha, i will light a candle for your mother’s repose ,
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i doubt that the doubt will be dispelled, yes, we will help, do everything, everything is possible, you will also succeed now after this, what did you say, who is the daddy of, i am 99.9% sure that sovely is the child of the red sergei leonidovich , god willing, god forbid. sergey, are you ready to find out if you have a son, saveli? certainly. i invite you to studio of professor doctor of biological sciences sergei kiselyov. will victoria be able to demand alimony from sergei for sovelia? will a dna test prove they are father and son? we'll find out in a couple of minutes. watch at 19:00. defense ministers of the european union countries are discussing
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how to allow ukraine to use western weapons to strike russia so as not to become an open party to the conflict. which countries are categorically against it, and which even encourage this dangerous decision. holidays on wheels, the program for the development of motor tourism in russia is designed for 10. as it is now do car camping enthusiasts travel and what kind of infrastructure do they plan to create? watch it on air this evening, on the website in the app now. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. pental extragel contains a special component for better penetration. you are silent like a fish! shrimprol, fishburger mesh is a real sea of ​​​​taste, only at a delicious point. sunflower seeds from martin, the quality
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region, she wants to prove to her former lover sergei krasnov that 3 years ago he became the father of her son savely, to demand alimony from him. about her pregnancy and was looking forward to the baby, and then stopped recognizing her son, now she doesn’t help him at all. sergei claims that victoria herself made him doubt his son. according to him, she told him more than once that saveli was not his son. did victoria really give birth?
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side, his alleged son, savely nikitin. the probability that 3 years ago, victoria gave birth to a son from you, sergey, is 99.9%. why should i listen to all this? we found out what we wanted. the rest, thank you,
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for nothing, for nothing, yes, okay, just for nothing, kusha, you won’t see him again, and you won’t see him again, seryozh, what do you mean, i’ll file for alimony, let him pay in in volumetric size, go, in volumetric size, seryozha, you will have 50% taken into account, and i will prove this to you, you have proven it, well done, smart girl, now pull yourself together and say, seryozha, here is your child, we agree that you you are doing what i... you are ready to negotiate, victoria, for the sake of your son, and yes, sergei, and you are ready, for the sake of your son, to stop insulting and humiliating each other, yes, you do not want to apologize to victoria. well, i apologized, vic, let him only apologize to his son, i don’t need his apology to me, bring him, bring him, then i will now ask for complete silence, because little saveli will appear in our studio now, saveli, come to us,
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son . look who is sitting, this one, who is sma, you will go to dad, yes, now, baby, forgive me, dad, yes, i love you, if you if you doubt your paternity, call or write to our editorial office, we will return tomorrow with new dna test results. vdygos les
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ari, serebryanikov artyom vladimirovich, played.
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about the legitimacy of the ukrainian government, the danger of a global conflict and the west’s unpreparedness for peace negotiations. following his visit to uzbekistan, vladimir putin answered questions from journalists. kiev is preparing to use prohibited chemical weapons. ukraine is stocking up on antidotes and gas masks, while the united states has legislatively approved the possibility use toxic chemicals on the battlefield. nikita korzun listened to the warning from the russian ministry of defense. beech in the case of air defense work in the obdeevsky direction in a report by maxim berezin. russian schoolchildren today took the unified state exam in russian, more than 620 thousand graduates were admitted.


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