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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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about the legitimacy of the ukrainian government, the danger of a global conflict and the west’s unpreparedness for peace negotiations. following his visit to uzbekistan, vladimir putin answered questions from journalists. kiev is preparing to use prohibited chemicals.
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in russia, the demand for campers and caravans has sharply increased, what is the advantage of a holiday on wheels, where can you go and how much does it cost, evgeny golovanov found out. hello, welcome to information. service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. vladimir putin following the results state visit to uzbekistan, before departure from tashkent, he answered questions from russian journalists. the situation in ukraine in the northeast military district zone was touched upon. as the president stated, moscow is closely following the discussion in nato countries about the possible use of long-range weapons by the kiev regime on russian territory. according to putin, flight missions for strike systems such as stormshadow or atacoms.
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are programmed on the basis of space reconnaissance data, and these tasks are prepared not by ukrainian military personnel, but representatives of nato countries, these representatives of nato countries, especially - in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory with a very dense population . this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory, this is a serious thing, and we, of course, are watching this very carefully, we look, everything is now going on around the events on the outskirts of kharkov, so this are they provoked these events in this direction, i took six months.
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regarding the legitimacy of the current kiev government, he noted that according to the ukrainian constitution, the president, whose term has come to an end, must transfer powers to the speaker of the verkhovna rada; during martial law , elections of the head of state are not held ; they say, we are not ready now.
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circumstances, but i think this is no longer connected in any way with the constitution, that maybe the idea of ​​the owners of today’s owners of ukraine, they are overseas, is to entrust the current executive branch with the time of making all unpopular decisions, including the adoption of another decision to reduce the future.
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decisions made that are unpopular among the people, they are just chick, will change everything. the hosts ukraine that putin spoke about have not yet raised questions about zelensky’s legitimacy. decide separately whether to lift restrictions on ukraine’s use of weapons to strike russian territory or not. the general secretary today in brissel before the start of the meeting of eu defense ministers squirmed like an ear on frying pan on the one hand, the alliance, according to him , does not want to send troops to ukraine, on the other, something needs to be done,
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given that russia is developing its offensive. ukraine's right to self-defense presupposes striking military targets outside the borders of ukraine, that is, on its territory.
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they are beggars, and european officials are simply working their numbers, handing out what they have left, patting zelensky on the shoulder, advising him not to throw hysterics. zelensky, having organized another tour of european capitals, said today in brussels that he did not i am pleased with the behavior of biden, who does not plan to come to the conference in switzerland and therefore the whole world will now give vladimir putin a standing ovation. it is unknown what biden thinks about this; it is unlikely that he is now paying any attention to... the overdue zelensky. the belgians sweetened the pill by promising kiev 30 f-16 fighters by the end of 1928, because real europeans could not do otherwise. you have to promise something, but what will happen to ukraine in 1928 is no longer the case important. ukraine will be able to push back the enemy
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only if we provide even more weapons and as soon as possible. as europeans and members of the alliance, we understand the need for this like no one else. we should look back, everyone said that sending tanks would change the situation, this did not happen, then there were stormshadow and scalp missiles, nothing has changed, even the supply of f-16s is unlikely to lead to an escalation, although russia takes every opportunity to say that the supply new types of weapons lead to escalation of conflicts. the only one adequate.
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money for the war in ukraine. the belgians today signed a security agreement with kiev, which provides for the allocation of about 1 million euros, and for the first time , income from frozen russian assets appears there. in other words, to steal on such a large scale, the war will write off everything. sergei khaloshevsky, maxim zainchenko, stanislav bystrov and boris filchikov, ntv european bureau. russia, unlike the west, is ready to continue the negotiation process on ukraine, vladimir again emphasized today.
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pilots, the general director announced this rosatom alexey likhachev. today in kaliningrad he held a meeting with the head
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of magata, rafael grossi. according to likhachev, provocations and direct threats continue from the ukrainian side. the head of rusatom again drew the attention of magathe’s management to the risks due to ukrainian shelling. unfortunately, there is pressure from the ukrainian armed forces on the zaporozhye station. we can talk about a noticeable increase in the number of unmanned years. the device is in the air, most of them are neutralized about the arrivals that have taken place in recent months on the territory of the station, on the roofs of power units, on personnel training center, on infrastructure, the real threat is the thoughtless, completely reckless actions of the kiev military, who are trying to provoke us, and intimidate people, to call our armed forces to some kind of return fire, we always defend the point of view that
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neither the station , nor from the territory of the station, there should be no armed strikes. we exchanged views on further steps, and also discussed the possibility of restarting the zaporozhye npp, which, at the moment, according to the general opinion, seems impossible. negotiations between lekhachev and grossia lasted about 3 hours, the parties agreed to continue contacts on a regular basis. the head of the iaea has visited russia more than once over the past 2 years to discuss the situation at the zaporozhye npp. with the start of the special operation , russian troops took control of it. there are four magath experts stationed on zaes at all times. the ukrainian military is spraying toxic substances in the sfo zone. this has already become systemic, the ministry of defense said today. according to the department, the kiev authorities are making plans for a large-scale the use of toxic chemicals, for this purpose they stock up on antidotes and gas masks. in moscow they note that. ukraine acts with the tacit consent of the americans, and the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, which is now effectively controlled by the west, does not
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respond to the obvious violation of the convention. nikita korzun got acquainted with the report. washington not only openly ignores the international convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, continually using toxins in all hot spots of the planet, but has now legislated the possibility of their application, said the head of the radiation chemical and biological protection troops. in the united states, a combined arms manual was adopted. on the use of non-lethal weapons, and the committee of the chiefs of staff approved guidelines for the implementation of the provisions of the chemical weapons convention. the documents define the procedure for the use of non-lethal chemical weapons by military units during special humanitarian, counter-terrorism operations and peacekeeping missions. this legal framework, according to the lieutenant general, opens the ability to use chemical weapons unilaterally, and not in response to the enemy’s chemical aggression, as the pentagon said earlier. they also talked about the destruction of stockpiles, but of course, practice has shown highly toxic reaction
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masses on site, including abroad in panama and cambodia, documentary evidence has also been presented to the public, non-lethal chemical weapons are also transferred to ukraine. numerous cases of the use of the destructive substance chloropicrin in the ukrainian country have been recorded, in sweep with chlorocytophenones. similar incidents were recorded in areas of the city of donetsk, in the settlements of bogdanovka, gorlovka, kremennaya, and artyomovsk. chlorine picrin is directly prohibited by the geneva convention, recalls igor kirillov; it is this substance, according to him, that was used against those who disagreed with the coup in the odessa house of trade unions on may 2, 2014. the use of this toxic substance is indicated by the presence of pre- prepared filter gas masks among the militants, the appearance of a characteristic yellow-green smoke after the trade union building started to catch fire, as well as attempts to disguise the use of toxic chemicals as the consequences of the fire. in the krasnolimansky and boguslavsky directions, according to the words.
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indicates ukraine's request for the supply of antidotes, gas masks and other means of protection in volumes that are clearly excessive. it is also striking that all these facts do not have a full-fledged evidence base.
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impossible to apply. nikita korzun, alexey seregin and vladimir zabnin, ntv. calculation of the heavy flamethrower system tos-2 tosochka for one night it hit two strongholds of the ukrainian army in a narrow area of ​​the kharkov region. warriors of the north group of troops are participating in the operation to liberate volchansk; their next task was the destruction of reserves that the enemy was gathering to carry out counterattacks. for several days, movements in the ukrainian armed forces were monitored . the blow was struck at a time when the number of ukrainian military personnel was low.
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targets that are well protected from conventional artillery shells are concrete shelters, long-term firing points fortified dugouts. in the area where the special operation is being carried out, small groups of sunshine fighters work at the request of the stormtroopers, clearing the way for the attacking squad. ukrainian air force mig-29 fighter, dozens of drones, american hymers and atakoms ammunition, french hammer guided bombs. these are air targets that were shot down by russian air defense systems in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. anti-aircraft. missile systems protect cities from ukrainian shelling, cover ground forces, and also control the sky during flights of our aviation from avdeevsky directions, report by maxim berezin. commanders of combat vehicles often give them names, especially if they have been fighting on the same one for a long time. the young piton officer arrived at svo immediately after college, was given command
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of the pvkm2 complex and decided that the multi-ton vehicle would receive the call sign swallow because it was easy to operate. and can quickly leave the danger zone, the enemy repeatedly tried to hit the swallow, they used mortars and rockets on it, the crew was lucky every time, the damaged vehicle was forever theirs was returning to the parking lot, pierced our antenna, as a matter of fact, me and my crew, we sealed it with special fiberglass, here, here, here, fragments also hit here, here... our turbine was damaged, there was one here there is a big hole, as you can see, we patched it up, our car is enchanted, every time it comes under fire, it always comes out of the battlefield alive. the buk crew is on duty awaiting the command to leave; there are targets in the sky not only in the form of rockets, bombs. the apu periodically raises air-tactical aviation, albeit cautiously, is trying not to enter the control zone of our air
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defense. the crew has approximately 3 minutes to drive to the launch pad and prepare to launch the rockets, battery. m2 covers both army units and cities of the donetsk people's republic, which are often fired at by the ukrainian armed forces with haymars missiles. the air defense units of the central military district in the ovdeevsky direction are not idle, they work intensively. each vehicle has several combat missions per day. the swallow's calculation chalked up several confirmed goals. of course, of course, we were lucky, so to speak, we shot down several enemy planes. well, it was not to say that it was easy, but we still managed. thanks to our experience, so to speak, we have been sitting in the car for several years now, as they say. the beech is well hidden in a forest planting, next to the car there is always a military guard and a live drone detector, a guard dog that reacts to the zvsu drone comicat faster than special gadgets. the guard always accompanies the swallow on combat missions. the direction is covered by
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various air defense systems of the central military district, the tor m2 complex can hit an airplane and a small copter at a range from one to 15 km. torus crews accompany our aviation and protect it from enemy missiles. so the experience still does not increase when you hit a training one, when you hit a combat one, you already feel, you see, that is , how the target behaves, how the machine behaves, work experience increases. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to deceive our air defense, they are using nato missiles, which are... destroyed, hit. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey pakhtyukov, ntv, donetsk people's republic. israel continues to launch massive attacks on the city of rafah
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in the gaza strip, the bbc reported today. at the same time, israeli authorities are trying to justify sunday's bombing of the refugee camp in rafak, which killed at least 45 people. more than half of the dead were women, children and old people. israel informed.
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the murderers who unleashed the genocide, who have already killed more than 36 thousand of our palestinian brothers and sisters, yesterday unleashed rockets and bombs on civilians in the refugee camp in rafah. which they declared as a safe zone, the massacre that took place after an international court called to stop the attacks once again exposed the bloody and treacherous face of the terrorist state. erdogan said turkey will do everything possible to hold israel accountable. the massacre in the rafah refugee camp is expected to be discussed today at an emergency meeting of the un security council. this is the program today. issue of how russian science lives today, from the anniversary general meeting of members of the russian academy of sciences, report by alexey kvashenkin.
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the first flight arrived in alesta in more than 2 years, how the airport was opened and what happened to the others that are still closed, denis talalaev talks about this. together we can do a lot, together we are able to change the world for the better, together it is easier for us to get down to business and turn it into the work of our whole lives, together we become stronger, ready, all systems are ready, and we can reach for the stars. vtb - opening together, to be closer to you, switch to profitable products and take advantage of all the advantages of vtb. vtb and open. together with by you, together for you, feel free to face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away,
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at the post office or at inlo. ru millioner will increase, catch your luck with the national lottery, more millionaires. sportmaster presents the outventure brand - reliable travel equipment, buy in the sportmaster app and order with express delivery. meet the new washing gel kvalita. with a new formula of seven anti-stain enzymes. qualita effectively removes contamination. kvalita washes and softens perfectly. freshness, softness, purity. jack! just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you. with a discount of 300 rubles. for the first order. moscow coffee shop on the fields. taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our
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release. over 620,000 people today took the most widespread unified state exam in the russian language. this is the first of two mandatory exams required to obtain a certificate of secondary general education. the second unified state exam in mathematics will be taken by graduates on may 31. the exam was held in all regions of russia, as well as in schools working on domestic educational programs abroad. job designed for 3.5 hours, it contains 27 tasks, one of which is an essay. to qualify for school?
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in a two-volume work, the archeology of the suzdol land, the materials collected there give an understanding of suzdal as one of the most important centers of ancient russian culture. the meaning of archeology is, well, not the digging up of individual things, it is some kind of communion, contact with some other time, but an understanding of how this time works, yes, how it differs from us, from the fields of the past to the fields of the future , for lyudmila bespalova reflection about daily bread - this is her calling and the subject of scientific activity, when our varieties...
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today we saw one of the achievements of our science, these are high-yielding varieties that were bred not only in the south, but in the central part of russia, science is working to ensure that there was dependence on foreign varieties. this year's main favorite is the tour variety. our tur has an excellent nature, as our breeders say, this variety has large , very heavy grains. the bread goes through the oven, the variety must be not only productive, but tasty; in a french bread, not only is it important crunch, but also snow-white pulp, this is usually achieved by bleaching flour, but here the same result was given by an experimental variety of hybrid, rye wheat, that is, without any
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chemical ingredients, so we all tried it with pleasure, tasted it, and were very happy, it’s hard to imagine happiness without health, this year we can sum up the work on... an experimental drug against autoimmune diseases. autoimmune diseases are essentially a mistake of the immune system, it begins to attack its own tissue, destroying more and more tissue. an original strategy for combating ankylosing spondylitis was proposed at the pirogoov institute. we attack the very cells that cause disease with antibodies that recognize unique, specific receptor molecules on their surface. and the death of these cells leads to a complete stop of the disease to the fact that we do not disrupt the functioning of the immune system as a whole, the result of the work was an innovative medicine that allows us to achieve complete remission and avoid severe complications. the effectiveness of this drug
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can, well, fundamentally improve and i really hope, improve people’s lives. it may not be a panacea, but new technology can provide a whole line of drugs. work is currently underway on a drug for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. we will tell you more about this drug and what prospects it opens up this week. today a lot has been said both on stage and here on the sidelines, this is what russian science is again in such a boundary-transitional state when it is being destroyed due to there are only connections between objective reasons, new ones are created instead of them, and the researchers themselves show a certain one.
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and iran, and for import. since february 2022, it has been closed to passengers for security reasons, like some other air ports in southern russia. we’ll find out the details right now, denis talolaev joins us. denis, so what are the airlines’ plans for ilista? they have such plans. now only redwinx flies towards the middle. aeroflot will arrive in june. today in russia, not formally, but the first airport of those that has been closed since february twenty-two actually opened its doors. the first flight in more than 2 years arrived in
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elesta. it was carried out by red wingks airline. the flight from moscow to the capital of kalmykia, according to the online scoreboard on the red winks website, took almost 3 hours. at the local airport there were all the signs of a big event, including a water arch for an airplane and... after the opening, restriction sheets continue to apply for anapa, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, gelendzhak, krasnodar, kursk, lipetsk, rostov-on-don, simferopol. in autumn last year. calculated that the state had already spent
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approximately 12.5 billion rubles on supporting closed airports. western companies have begun to reconsider their plans to leave russia, at least this is what the financial times writes. according to the data she cites, since february 22, approximately 1,600 international companies have left russia or reduced their activities here, but more than 2,000 companies have remained. according to the newspaper's interlocutors, there are two main reasons for this: consumer activity.
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to sue, today it became clear that the day is inexorably approaching when muscovites and volga residents will again drive along the streets, and traffic cops will again keep an eye on them. the head of the state traffic safety inspectorate, mikhail chernikov, announced today that his department will again be renamed gai. the name of the traffic police will be abandoned altogether, according to mikhail chernikov, this quote has already been regulated by law. the state traffic inspectorate appeared in the country in 1936 . lived with this name until 1998, then
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they decided to rename it to the state traffic safety inspectorate in order to improve its reputation, but already in 2002 it became clear that something did not work out for the new the name was returned to the old guy, since then the department has lived in this dualism, at the address gbd.rf, there is a website in the header of which it says “state traffic inspectorate”. russian rnikaktsii bounced up today after yesterday's strong fall, but they demanded that
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the harmful advice of grigory ostra be removed from sale of the children's book. at first the news spread across telegram channels, which is not surprising. and later a source from the tas agency confirmed it. the local prosecutor's office conducted an investigation and found that the harmful advice and quote contained scenes of cruelty and could induce a feeling of fear in children. as interlocutor tas clarifies, the prosecutor’s office did not seem to have any complaints about the author or the text of the advice; questions arose regarding the illustrations, as well. the first harmful advice, which grigory ostor himself calls pedagogy by contradiction , appeared back in 1983. the first collection was published in 1990. the ast publishing house told rbc today that the works of grigory ostora have been published for more than 30 years, it is difficult to believe in the prosecutor’s demand to seize the books and destroy them without a court decision. later, the prosecutor's office of the krasnoyarsk territory stated that an application for seizure and destruction will not be sent to the court. but the store owner has already reported that
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she has removed the controversial book from the counter. everything about economics? with the economic overview of the day, watch this program today after a short commercial. a new walking excursion route has appeared in st. petersburg, connected with the emperor and founder of the city. nikolai bulkin was the first to follow peter’s path. on the eve of the summer holidays in russia , the demand for campers and caravans has increased sharply. rv holiday property where you can go and how much it costs, evgeniy golovanov found out. this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career at
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peter’s path connects the iconic places where the city on the neva was born, petrovskaya embankment, troitskaya square, alexander park. the space contains symbols of the peter the great era carved in granite and cast in bronze. the audioget will tell you about the formation of the empire in three languages. the route was created on the initiative of gazprom; it is part of a comprehensive program for the improvement of st. petersburg. our correspondent nikolai bulkin attended the first excursion. you can now follow the path of peter in st. petersburg literally step by step, especially for the new excursion route, one of the roads in such an alley on the embankment has been paved. and the granite... slab here is 84 cm long, which corresponds to the step of the city founder. it’s difficult to keep up with peter not only in business, but also in ordinary steps. it's almost like doing the splits. today it is. embankment, then first street of the city, and the emperor paced it every day , heading from his wooden house to the peter and paul fortress on
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state affairs. now on this path there are many reminders of his deeds in the form of new sculptural architectural compositions, and about the russian fleet that arose under him, about the science that received support, and about the empire he created. in 1721, it was in this church that he was proclaimed emperor. voila, before you is the beginning of the russian one. the church in which the king became emperor has not survived, but what it was like now a bronze model will tell you the entire excursion route, which winds through the city center along the niva from the nakhimovsky school to the alexander park, like a new artistic object, under your feet you can see letters that are familiar to us, but unusual for the beginning of the 15th century, the civil alphabet is also thanks to peter i, introduced according to his personal sketches, we tell the story of how the city was built, what innovations appeared. the task is to do it in such a way that not only professional guides can conduct this excursion, but any teacher with
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a class who came with scanned code information accounts was able to tell the children about the excursion. there are information stands with a qr code along the entire route, and indeed anyone can go to the project’s website. the life path of the emperor is, of course, huge, an excursion walk, it takes 2 km. and the new route is the next stage of pau gasprom’s city improvement program, this is the very idea of ​​the project, and artistic compositions and reconstruction of pedestrian areas and new lighting and street decor elements. we are confident that the new route will become a new center of attraction for residents of our beloved city, for its guests, and, of course, for young people, where they can get acquainted with our past, study our past, etc.
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places of the country, while you can significantly save on travel costs in hotels. and the government supported the development of this type of recreation; they presented a program for the development of auto tourism for the next 10 years. we are talking about the construction of campsites, motels, and recreation areas, all of which will double the number of tourist trips by car. what evgeniy golovanov learned the advantage of holidaying on wheels. hello, come on in, welcome, like this. we live in marianna’s cozy house, there is everything for a completely comfortable life: sofas, toilets, a shower with hot water, a refrigerator, cabinets, a table, a stove and an autonomous
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heating system, but the main advantage, according to the hostess, is that it is a house on wheels , we don’t depend on anyone, we just wanted to go somewhere for the weekend, since we visited some city, we change the views outside the window, we are not tied down, in short, it’s called freedom, yes, freedom, yes, this is freedom, let's go, the love for road travel was not yet instilled by her parents, she always took it with her on trips, after receiving her license, she bought her own motorhome and is now instilling a love for this type of vacation in her daughter, eva michel . she made her first trip while still in the womb . there is, there is a staircase here, but children, as a rule, don’t really like to use it, so they prefer it this way. our constant travel companions and pets, the english setters momo and urlika, don’t cause any particular problems on the road, do they? that you have to stop more often. walk, let's go, let's go, let's go to the sea, let's go, let's go, they are already accustomed to travel, because we travel like this all our lives, and the main thing is that
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the dogs are well-mannered, and know what a car is, what... it can be a long time trip, that's all, yes, yes, yes, i love you too, in her motorhome she traveled half of europe, spain, germany, austria, italy, there is something to compare with, recently mariana began to discover the tourist routes of russia. in europe, yes of course, the service is better, but more and more parking places for such motorhomes are starting to appear here, they have begun to develop them very actively. this kind of tourism, which i am very happy about, because in russia we really have a lot of places that i really want to visit. on one of the most popular routes in crimea, on the eve of the opening of the tourist season, hotels and campsites for autotourists are springing up like mushrooms after rain. rv sites are equipped with electricity and water, parking costs from a thousand rubles per day. for drivers and passengers of ordinary
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cars, comfortable rooms are a little more expensive. now tourism is becoming. with another, and if before it was just a holiday in tents, now it is also houses and motorhomes, and we, in turn, are developing the infrastructure and doing everything possible to make our guests comfortable. today you can travel comfortably by car to almost anywhere in the country. in recent years , 1.0 km of federal highways have been repaired and built from scratch. in the ministry of economy developed a concept for the development of automobile tourism until 2035, according to which it will not be easy to build on all highways. gas stations, and multifunctional roadside service areas with cafes, car washes, hotels and even children's play areas. our country has about 1.5 million kilometers of highways, one of the tasks that we are now setting for ourselves in the near future is to create the main transport tourist road routes, which will provide us with the necessary infrastructure for
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comfortable safe travel. another question is what to travel with, campers? even with mileage, not everyone can afford it, the price is comparable to the cost of an apartment, caravans are not much cheaper, if previously both of them were mainly imported from abroad, now more and more companies are appearing in the country producing domestic ones from russian components, import substitution is in action , sanctions have a very positive effect on our work, in fact, i am ready to sign where necessary so that they are extended and made more stringent, because thanks to them we are essentially have grown into what they are. not only us, in principle the entire industry in russia has grown. dmitry is an engineer, designer by training and a tourist by vocation, with many years of experience. several years ago, having become disillusioned with camping with tents, i decided to build a trailer with my own hands in which i could not only transport things, but also live. now his company produces a dozen such trailers a year, for example, this drop costs a little more than half a million rubles, the queue of buyers is scheduled until next winter. the imagination
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of the developers and manufacturers of such residential buildings. car trailers, caravans are limited not only by the financial capabilities of the customer, but also by the width of the road lane, because they have to move on public roads, but no matter how you look at it, or rather don’t turn around, it’s certainly a little cramped inside, although this trailer is designed for six people, but this is a drawback of houses on wheels is easily offset by the main advantage, mobility, for example, having settled in moscow this morning, tomorrow we can find ourselves somewhere in crimea without taking off. slippers and not being tormented by the question of where stay. in addition, holidays in your own motorhome are several times cheaper than hotels, and you choose the view from the window yourself. one of those for whom the tempting vaults of palaces will never replace freedom are the mikhailov family from yekaterinburg. they decided to sell their two-room apartment to buy a motorhome. of course, they twisted it at their heads, some of them basically and still don’t understand why we did it. well, we don’t regret anything;
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of course, it can’t be compared to an apartment. but the impression is overshadowed by everything, i travel with children, they study remotely, go to school they return only when the eldest has to take exams, in terms of supervision, in fact, in a motorhome it is much easier, because the children are always with us, so, in terms of the house, the children can go somewhere, and you do not always keep them there in the focus of attention, that is, well, for me personally in a motorhome they are more in my attention than at home, in 4 years they have visited almost all corners of russia and several... neighboring countries, now they are planning to get to china when you understand that these sensations are available to you, just sit here and drive, and you realize that now you’re just sitting in the same place, this is the day of tsurka, when you do the same actions, and you’re like, damn, i want all the impressions, and you just sit down and drive, well, we can talk about this for a long time, but you need to experience it, feel it in order to understand, and there
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are more and more people like this who prefer a car at home to the comfort of home, at least for a while in russia. and if approximately 23 million people a year now travel on the country’s roads, then according to forecasts ministry of economic development, in the next 6 years the internal flow of motor tourists will double. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in st. petersburg. according to meteorologists, in the coming days the average air temperature in the northern capital will be 10° above normal. it's hot in moscow today for summer. irina polikova is with us. irina, what is the forecast for tomorrow? for us it’s also summer, but in general there are two types of weather in russian. the border between them, the frontal section , will be along the line tomorrow. east of tatarstan, kostroma, petrozavodsk, here and light rains during the day they are more active, and this border is between two anticyclones, the northern, new and southern old, in which there are different air masses. to the north it is cool, maximum +10-13, but to the south
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it is warm in summer, the temperature is 5, or even 10° higher than the seasonal temperature, only in the north-west there is a chance of rain and thunderstorms, but the summer resort mood does not appeal, especially since that the temperature of the reservoirs is about to be ready for comfortable... swimming without the threat of numbness, by the end of the week warm nights will definitely be ready, these are the necessary conditions, for now in the reservoirs near moscow, the water for the brave, in my opinion the reckless, is +17°, 16-17 in the gulf of finland, if you think that it is much warmer in the black sea, you are mistaken, in the sochi area the maximum is +19.5, the fact is that the weather with rain and thunderstorms has persisted here for a long time, so the south is not at all in first place in the race for summer, 30 each only in the don region and the lower volga. capital. among the leaders in the rate of warming in st. petersburg tomorrow is +27, there is a possibility of rain and thunderstorms, in moscow there is no such probability tomorrow, and the temperature ever higher, refreshing rain is possible on the last spring day to wash out the already
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stagnant, dusty air of the metropolis, and in general a hot welcome to summer, okay, well, thank you, that was the weather forecast from irina polikova, these are the main news at this hour right now, the premiere detective dolphin, at 22:10 detective series flock, well, we... in the moonlight, silver snow along the road
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, troika mchitsa, ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding, ring the bell.


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