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tv   Delfin-2  NTV  May 28, 2024 8:00pm-10:11pm MSK

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now the evening is dedicated to art, even before i retired, i didn’t allow anyone to interfere with the leisure of art along the road, the c grade rushes, bravo, bravo, it was great, bravo!
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lyudmila, this is amazing, this hall has not heard such applause for a long time, thank you very much, thank you, which way to the hotel? if you turn onto the embankment, you’ll walk straight to the hotel, about 15 minutes, thank you, lyonya, i’ll see you in the morning at breakfast, lyudochka, you’ll take the key from the counter, thank you again, and of course, of course.
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senior lieutenant leonidov reports, on the embankment is clear, i’m going down to the beach, i’ll look around everything up to the rozochka store, as i understand, welcome, i understand you, continue monitoring,
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senior lieutenant leonidov, i found the body!
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to your former general, he was at a speech yesterday, he left his business card, told him to contact the crimean if anything happened, excuse me, akimov, yes, okay, but where? understood. how can it be, but i listened to her just yesterday in a restaurant, yes, what a voice she had, what a loss, are there any versions, and what versions, they only found this morning,
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mine are working now, how is things going there, shiplike, moving normally. we found a man with the last name lobov, who sold the seed to the contractor, who the customer is, it ’s difficult, and we don’t have a contractor yet, hurry up, pal maksimovich, you ’ve been fiddling around for a very long time, but you need to decide on the person performing the duties, they can’t pin everything on you , korablev, it seems, had a smart deputy. sereda, it seems, well, propose his candidacy, and we will support it. pal maksimovich, time is precious, we need to make a decision. well, maybe we can somehow decide for ourselves? yes, of course yourself. i’m just saying that the position
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is vacant, and i don’t want to hire someone from outside. let them be their own. every wedding ends the same way, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, i agree, but first we’ll open a deposit, with interest on the sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open the best deposit percentage brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, sber is more profitable with prime.
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what, korablev, are you crazy, or what? so you can get a heart attack, sorry, maksimych, well, i can’t, i’m just sitting there doing nothing, what’s going on, yes, it looks like a murder, why did you come here, there’s news, but what kind of news can i have, who is he with? talking, i don’t know, maybe on the phone, on speakerphone, now.
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the visit to the administration has been approved, arrange a show for the siberian crane, okay, meeting today, i’ll go and cheer up the mayor of this town. okay, just don’t get too frisky, i’ll save my strength for you, we’ll see, it’s better to focus on mary. hello, dear young lady, hello, ilya vadimovich is at home, yes, and you are georgy
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sergeevich lazarev, i made an appointment with you and showed up exactly on time, and this is for you. yes, yes, of course, georgy sergeevich, the head of the city is already waiting for you, just a minute. thank you, myself, gentlemen, uh-huh, uh-huh, why? you need cement, your wheelbarrows , yes, i can help you with something, there are wonderful baskets from turkey, no, i don’t need baskets, i need a broom or a better broom, but what do you need a broom for, for cleaning the garden or watering, ha ha, comedian on navtalina, joke with a beard, girl, you’re not just think, i thought there, maybe for cleaning the garden or cleaning the house, although no, you know, i need such a broom, which is for both the house and the garden. it will do, well, if anything,
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here’s a great option, well, yes, i’ll take this one, only at a discount, of course, dear, the bag was cut up. thank you, thus, in some 2-3
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years, subject to the approval of a special mountain zone on the coast, we, and therefore you, will receive a completely new urban infrastructure, a new economic cluster, the possibility of regular growth in revenues the city budget, so now everything is in our hands. well, this is certainly interesting. tempting, thank you, but why do we need all this? this is a big business, and we have a small seaside town. ilya vladimovich, don’t be modest, yours is not a small seaside town, it’s a real golden coast, and no one will just let this place sit idle. money, especially big money, must work. and understand, this is... only my decision, everything is clear, of course, what will be needed from the
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city leadership, from the authorities, an excellent question, practically nothing, well, the most important thing is not to interfere, from the point of view of investments, i think that no questions will arise, because one of these days i will meet with representatives of your local business, you will be required, well, organizational skills and your powerful... administrative resource, without which, i think, we cannot cope, do not interfere. well, i think we can establish cooperation, especially since you have such a project, such good recommendations, well, it’s great, we get a deal, if it’s a stray gang, we’re 100 years old, not a lot
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or two gangs for one village, oh well, they don’t rob every day, judging by their schedule, we still have a week, we’ll figure it out. police hands up the hill, the robbers didn’t show up on the cameras, maybe they knew where these cameras were, raise the agents, shake the gangsters, but these need to be found, the pack, what sense are you, no, this is seryozha and valera, today at 22:10 on ntv . via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. together we can do a lot. together we are able to change the world for the better, together it is easier for us to get down to business and turn it into business throughout our lives, together we become stronger, ready, all systems are ready, and we can reach the stars. vtb - opening together, to be closer to you, switch to profitable products and take advantage of all the advantages of vtb.
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vtb opening together with you, together for you. vinaros is the choice of millions for varicose veins. can help on 1 2 3, one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions, viinarus just like 1 2 3 extended an additional 15% discount. choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone. use the promotional code spring, it will be added to discounts already in effect, buy more profitably with the promotional code spring. hmm, smiled. it means recognized, smiled, means real, they recognize, hmm, love, remember, appreciate, truly, bsb
8:18 pm
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rubles. liamax purchases with a plus, call or order on our website ready for a ride? always ready. so, so, pioneers. use extreme caution. yeah. this especially concerns you. once again , don’t shine in public. oh, is he still wandering around, where did he end up, and how? yes, i understand everything, maksimych, don’t worry, everything will be fine. come on, good luck, yeah. lord help me,
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hello, how can i help? sorry, uh huh hello, anastasia, what are you doing here? hello, well, you said i need to change my job, so i found it. yes. and how it turns out? not really yet. what, do you want to settle down? no, i'm on a different issue. can we talk to you? certainly. i'll be a second. “so you’re saying that you’re not local, you arrived a long time ago, but only this afternoon, and
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where do you live? nowhere for now, i’m looking for things at the station, we’ll be here for a long time, i haven’t decided yet, i’ll look around, and then we’ll see, well, in general, i don’t know what you forgot here in yuzhnomorsk?” " but you’ll live with me, i just used to rent out rooms to tourists, but then i got tired of them, but so be it, i’ll rent out a bed, the first month is free, and then you’ll settle in, we’ll agree, okay, okay? legally, that is, you claim that the weismen on ryshkin behaved quietly, there were no scandals or quarrels between them, but no, it seems, although you know,
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the maid said that she heard some kind of screams, what kind of screams, you can talk to her, yes, of course, but she’s just not there right now, but, but i can give you a phone number, that would be great, but you know what, in our the cameras are recording sound in the corridors, if you want to listen, of course. come on, hold on, for the duration of the operation, you are major semyonov, ruslan olegovich from the krasnodar ugro, by force of the present, you can break through, in your personal file there are even three reprimands, there is also a service record, the names of superiors, colleagues. is unlikely to be useful, but just in case, semyonov ruslan olegovich, it was impossible to come up with a normal name, quite a normal one, ruslanchik, ruslanchik, let's
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keep an eye on the road, this is the maid, yes, slow down, please, so slow down, and now you can with from the very beginning at maximum volume. uh-huh, well, how many times do i have to tell you, this is not my little cigarette case, a portigar, i don’t smoke, you know, i don’t smoke, then how come your initials are on it, well, how should i know? are there many people with the same initials as mine? listen, oleg, how about your middle name? petrovich? well, do you
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really think that i could kill the little girl? well , it’s funny, it’s, it’s unthinkable, you see, lyudochka and i have known each other all our lives, well, her whole life, of course, i... i couldn’t even, even, even imagine it, okay, i’m still i understand, excuse me, please, i’ll just be a minute, so why are you taking so long, is this already? interesting movie, hammer, i got it, i’ll watch it now, i ’ll kill you, such rubbish, i’ll kill you, despite the fact
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that i’ll end up in prison after this, no, don’t kill me, i trusted you, that’s precisely because you trusted me, i and i’ll kill you, my god, turn it off and i, i can’t, you confirm that the voice of the deceased is present on the recording, of course, the second voice is yours, yes, that means that on the eve of the murder there was a quarrel between you, but what a quarrel, oleg petrovich, well, well, what a life... my little girl and i live, god, we lived like two halves, i’m financial, and she’s creative, a perfect complement to each other, then what’s on the recording, there’s an obvious quarrel, yes, yes, this is a rehearsal, we were rehearsing the play, lyudochka was supposed to have a premiere in a month in st. petersburg, wait, wait, you want to say that here, well, of course, these are the texts of the plays, i will kill you, you rubbish, these are not our words, is it
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really not clear ? good afternoon, good afternoon, excuse me, but can you tell me where i can fish here? then my friend and i were going fishing, but we didn’t know where to go. is it fair? no, we're on a business trip, so we decided to relax. yes, so is it you who should go to the golden beam? where is it? by boat, about an hour and a half. what’s better, throw a spinning rod or immediately jam it with an accordion? calm down, guys, what are you doing? nothing. who are you pushing to the left? i don’t care for anyone, i do it purely for myself, for fishing. yeah, that is, fishing without concertinas is no longer fishing, right?
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why are you nervous? what you? then tell who you sold the snack to, well, there’s one, who is vitka, a skinny guy, you’ve known him for a long time, but not very well, he worked for us until he went to prison, but he’s asking why, i don’t know, i didn’t ask, coordinates, his phone number is there, great, he turned around. let's go to the wild beach, the client has appeared, guys, well, you promised, i didn't promise you anything, the second one, it's quiet, look. well, let's take it, let's take it, don't
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shine yet, i myself, well, whatever you say, boss, citizen of the kudryavtsy, you're like, okay, let's go after him, i'm at the entrance. don’t fool the curls, throw away the bagpipe, otherwise i’ll explode like hell, that’s all. look,
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i’m putting it, don’t do anything stupid, kudryantsev, let it go, it hurts, i didn’t see it, i threw it away, and so she, and she’s training, it was impressive, shut up. good morning, good, good morning, what about ponoryshkina? well, vaisman is not injecting drugs yet, says the partner, not his. just like that, screams from hotel rooms, rehearsal for a play, rehearsal for a play, what? some kind of performance, theater on pryazhka, i called there, no one picks up the phone. seryozha,
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hello, dear, how are you, great, please tell me! you know, we met at a party in moscow, so they were shouting there, listen, i’ll kill you, you’re such rubbish, i’ll kill you, despite the fact that i’ll end up in prison after this, no, don’t kill me, i
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trusted you, precisely because you trusted me , i trusted you, i’ll kill you, it turned out even better, hello everyone, great, here’s the result... so that’s what needed to be proven, the fingers don’t belong to weissman, so we’re looking for the owner, and with those initials, there are so many people in the city , that ’s precisely why we don’t get attached to weissman, wait, the owner of the pet hotel, aka victor, you too, great, come on, act akimov. what? never mind. agree? nothing.
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i don’t like this lazarev, he’s an upstart. well, we all are in some way. upstarts, or do you have any specific claims? so that’s the thing, it’s nothing concrete, he invited you to meet you in the lagoon? yes, will you go? well, why not go, as far as i understand, almost everyone will gather there, yes, but it’s not clear why he called such a meeting, lazarev i... have something global in mind, it would be stupid not to go and find out, i agree, my only advice to you is to stay away from him, it’s not without reason that he came to our region,
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oh, it’s not without reason, look, i told you everything, that’s all, that’s how it was , tell you everything, yes, i understand, i understand, leonid, now i'll turn right along the corridor.
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on a colleague, he is doing everything possible to disclose, all the witnesses have been interviewed, examinations have been carried out, so maybe you can familiarize us with the results with the interrogation protocols there, for example, i don’t know, we will familiarize you in the manner prescribed by law, when, when you familiarize us, how long can we delay leave it alone already, oleg, you you hear yourself saying that in the case on ryshkina, a new suspect has appeared, so go and work, you’re free, on the air superstar. today's topic: disco of the century. girls, you are fire. what a cool number
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overall. it's impossible to take your eyes off. cool cool. what exactly happened here? cool, i’ll leave half my heart with you, it was touching and lyrical, we’ll put it on... on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is sasha. it
8:37 pm
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the choice of millions for varicose veins, because vinarus is created to reduce fatigue, heaviness and pain in the legs, vinarus contains two components that enhance the effects of each other, vinarus can help by 1 2 3, one tablet in the morning, two components. three actions to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins: vinarus as simple as 1 2 3 in the russian lotto we will play country houses in honor of the anniversary golden barrel an additional chance to become a millionaire in each circulation tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores i'm walking in 2024 why do you always fly into the past for the main combo star combo dasha vereshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16
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a complex digital machine, and they think correctly, because dima is a professional graduate, we will teach you to think with your own hands, choose collegeprof.rf, leading employers are already waiting for our graduates. professional, you're in good company. the tenant admitted that he threw the owner of the apartment from the fifth floor. she was sitting on the windowsill and they had a quarrel, and he was in a fit. i have to push there with all my might, the woman fell to her death, and the man was charged with murder, i look out the window, see that she is lying, i immediately call an ambulance, there are witnesses, here only at first... they reported that the unfortunate woman fell herself only then that she was pushed. we initially wanted to somehow cover up with the resident. didn't you realize that you were deceiving the investigation? i just feel sorry for him too, no matter how short the time. i feel sorry for the person who threw another person out the window. but why are local residents sure
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that the victim was pushed out of the window not by a criminal, but by a criminal? i, like the majority, think that oksana did this because she is a harmless person, a roommate. he couldn’t do this, it’s beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, look, trauma, i didn’t know who you were, i didn’t know that you were from the police, i was waiting for others, who were you waiting for, did you owe something to someone, well , it’s a little, okay, why did you buy explosives, huh? and he specifically drained you of his forehead, who would doubt it, so stick around and we’ll think about what to do with you, everything depends on you, well, in short, a tramp came to me alone, i don’t know what my name is, but i really don’t know, he contacted me through the zone brother, and what did he
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need from you for me to bring him down, because lobov... sells explosives, well so i brought it up, but this guy told me to buy the explosives myself and bring them to him, but what did i do for a small share, and what did this tramp do, he killed a good man, no, well , i don’t approve of mischief, of course, yeah, damn it can you find out, help with an identikit, get off with minimal wage, will you give me a tooth? the officer's word, what did you choose? help yourself, thank you. so, the last time you saw
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naryzhkina was in the restaurant in the evening? yes, of course, i thanked her for everything, have a wonderful day. why go to the department? viktor konstantinovich, you are suspected of murder citizen naryshkina. i suggest you calmly now get to the department and give your testimony in an amicable way. well, come on, i don’t know, wait, i hope the bukhtovs are in place, he’ll figure it out. well, this is some kind of mistake ahead. deposit, the best interest
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in savings with a favorable rate of up to 16% per annum. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account. to get three shares of sberbank as a gift, the deposit is the best percentage, in sberbank it’s more profitable with prime, in general they made an identikit, well, let me see, this is the buyer of explosives for me, whom kudryavtsev handed over one, the passenger reminds, the little one was chasing him, who is the killer, i closed him down in moscow years ago. well, how did you work him out, did he sit down later? yes, he sits , sits, sits, andrei remembered about him, i called, he’s in a colony near st. petersburg, well, that means he just looks like, yes, they all look alike in the identikit pictures, well, how to work with this, okay, we’ll work it out, maksimovich, how’s wednesday ,
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bad, middle, worried, like... too, well , nothing, i hope he won’t interfere anywhere else, so we need to keep him occupied with something so that he is he just sitting there? yes, i’ll borrow it now, i’ll borrow it, we have one high-profile murder, well , i’ll make him work it off, krymov came to see me, why krymov, he ’s retired, thanks to igor, by the way, but what did he want, what did he want, i think , we won’t find out, but the conversation was about the middle, he wants him in andrey’s place, huh? well, in principle it’s possible, but there are no principles, andrey, he’ll appoint it now on wednesday, so what? what? if you sit here with this investigation, then how will we then tell the story of our death? we'll play it back, have you thought about it, time works against us, well, yes, but for you, and for you,
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and for you, and for you, and for you, and for you, about you, about you, about you i only dream about you, about you, about you, about you, and about you, i fly to you, to you, to you in sweet dreams at night, i’m tired of wandering, in labyrinths of roads, i’m tired of suffering, of troubles. lived an absurdly difficult life, and the loss is mourned, but by the grace
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of god, i reached you, in this world there is no desire for you and dearer, smile and the dark head will become brighter, and for you, about you, about you, and for you, about you, and you, about you, and you, and you, i only dream, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you in sweet dreams at night i fly, and to you, about you, and to you,
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and to you, about you, and to you, i only dream about you, about you, about you, to you, to you, to you, and to you, to you, to you, to you in sweet dreams at night i fly, and to you, and to you, and to you, about you, about you, about you, about you, and about you, about you is just a dream. good evening,
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good, we heard the news about the favorite, yes, they grabbed him, they won’t let him out of the cops, well , they didn’t take him on economic grounds, and the murderer’s suspicion is some kind of nonsense, has he gone crazy or something? well, who knows, i’ll always find fault with him. and lately the world has generally gone crazy, even professors are painting their students, yes, where is everyone going, good evening, south sea residents, thank you all for accepting my invitation, it is a great honor for me, and since we are all busy people, i i'll get straight to the point. so, i hope you all know that in the near future... yuzhnomorsk and the surrounding areas will experience powerful development, thanks to creating a special and mountainous zone here. this is
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of course a project, but in the future, when it is approved, everything here, including the establishment you are in now, will skyrocket in price. i have coordinated my plans with the authorities and propose that you and i join forces. yes, he can talk. to divide the territory into a cluster in which each of you will work out his own sector, without interfering, on the contrary, helping his neighbor, which will lead to overall economic success, and for you, what is the profit from all this, and why do you even need to share with us? i'm an ambitious person, but even i understand that i can’t do it alone, i just need help and support. serious and ambitious people like me, your support.
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their faces were on all the tvs in the country, brunette, hot, sexy, sexy! why ksenia strizh never became a mother, my mother told me, it’s better not to give birth, and where is her guest son now, he volunteered for svo, how tv presenter archie found out that he was adopted, my whole world collapsed, why my own mother refused from him the second time, the second time
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was much more painful, how much did i earn from stellar. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a superkick in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, not just profitable alpha
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profitable great news to the store.
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and remember, he is on a megaphone, he has megapower, if anything happens, call. the word of the megaphone, imagine, you have a lot, a lot of milk, oh, well, you can imagine it, we’d better do it ourselves, we present to you green cottage cheese, in which there is so much fresh milk, real cheese, fresh cottage cheese, the village is green, catch the pyro firebird.
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and don’t be cruel to me, don’t be cruel to me, we combine all policies in the mobile application, and for inviting friends we get real money, right now live a better future, already in the present with alpha insurance, on vacation, in the mobile application daily there is more cashback, with the quick booking option you can go on vacation right now. let's find a place to stay, this is the security service, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i'll return it stolen money to a client, order a sim card f mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers, he’s the only one, pay less, hagis panties 9990, delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes, using the code in the app pyaterochka, pyaterochka helps out, this is sasha. it
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is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. it won't keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. yes, come in. hello. i am nadezhda lyubimtseva, my husband, please sit down, you know, i want to say that i do not justify victor at all,
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but all the accusations against my husband that he allegedly killed this woman are absolute nonsense, well, since you so you immediately got down to business, tell me, at what time did your husband return home in the middle of the night? i don’t remember, it was quite late, there was a show in the restaurant, usually after such events he stays late, counting the profits. yeah, your husband, what kind of person is he anyway? well, in general he the last brute and liar the world has ever seen, even so. why are you surprised? we were about to divorce him, and he did this because of some nonsense. that the lawyers haven’t been able to agree on anything for a whole month, but because of what nonsense? well because of the restaurant? you wanted the restaurant to remain with you after the divorce, i understand correctly, but
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actually i have every right, it turns out, it seems, yes. here's the hostess, take the job, look, i thought i'd have to buy a new one, thank you, thank you, well, sit down, everything's covered, yeah.
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for all the good. thank you, oh, zakhar, zakhar, golden hands, where were you before all this time, what were you doing? i spent 9 years in the zone from bell to bell,
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i was released 3 months ago, i came here, i was imprisoned for what, but they accepted me because of slander. i had my own business, carpentry, i trusted good people, and they set me up, article 159.4, fraud, i got knocked up out of stupidity, we all walk under god, as they say, from the scrip and from prison, you’re right, that’s what, zakhar ,
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live with me as long as you need, everything will be as agreed. thank you. igor, bring us two coffees, yeah, well, when you went to the cops, everything is fine, they had questions, as you said, that’s nice, nice, now he’s not going anywhere.
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igor, i, of course, was preparing for all this, but i’m very worried, i didn’t think it would be so scary, don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon, you’ll become the owner of this shaman, we’ll sell it, we’ll leave, finally from this unfortunate country . hurry up, darlings. to the exit. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. every wedding ends the same. newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. money, investment in the future,
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we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit with interest at sea! with sber, everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit account with the best interest rate brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, sber is more profitable with prime! via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. well, as a good thing, the case needs to be closed after the death of the main suspect. what are your thoughts, colleagues? wait, how do i close this? the main clue is the cigarette case on our hands. akimov prizhaltsev, he could not stand the shame and hanged himself in his cell. this is not the first time i have encountered this. i am categorically against it. he knew for sure that the murder took place on
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the beach, but when i talked to him, i wouldn’t say that he was scared at all, he was rather perplexed, that’s it, we still had to prove his guilt, and it’s good, even if there’s in the cell of his favorites, he really committed suicide, but this does not give us reason to believe... that he is a murderer on ryshki, and, most importantly, the motive, it is not clear at all, i agree, i agree, there is no motive, okay, we’re working, but all these ideas still need to be proven.
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as there? inna? i don’t know, she’s with vasilitsa almost 24/7, nursing her. and how is vaska? it's a bit much, but that's all i can say. it's clear. is there any progress regarding the murder of this singer? did you read the material? well, of course i read it. for the case, but how to close it, well, the main suspect in the cell is already that, you can’t, maksimovich, close it under no circumstances, i understand, but there is no reliable motive, and oleg also thinks, of course, it’s tempting to hide the case, maybe then the authorities he’ll fall behind, it can’t be like that, it’s impossible, they could have simply planted the evidence, and you yourself say the motive, no, something doesn’t go well here, it really doesn’t go well, everything needs to be called...
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they’ve definitely called, yes, sit down, please, i’m forced to you. .. to inform you that your husband, viktor lyubimtsev, was found dead today in a cell of the pre-trial detention center, like nadezhda matveevna, i understand your condition perfectly, but you must help us, you must
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once again tell in detail everything that happened, calm down, maybe some water, oh my god. have a drink, please. hello, yes, hello, it's gentle again. i received the screening results, thank you. i
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understand correctly that no one has noted new forms of bacterial taxi infection in our region. i see, thank you, vaska, vaska, you feel better, you’re my good one! yes, you are my smart girl, this is my dear, yes, yes, yes, well done, here she is, my good one, come on, yes, vaska, finally i
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recognize you. i, of course, share your desire to quickly close this case, i have my own boss about it, and i also want to quickly put an end to it so that they lag behind up there, but i think i’ll agree with major sireta, we need to bring the matter to its logical conclusion, i apologize, comrade colonel, do you seriously think that i am going to close this case just to please the authorities, come on, everyone wants to please the authorities, but now the situation is not the same, oleg, i ask you, unwind all your connections, my dear. look for who would benefit from setting him up, that’s how we work, pavel maksimovich, well go ahead, i won’t delay you, comrade colonel, since you gave the middle a separate order on this matter, i ask you to monitor its prompt execution, the timing
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no one has yet canceled the investigation. well, what about the owner, did someone give you a nightmare? i don’t know, i don’t think so, but where am i and where is he? our revenue has fallen, that’s a fact, but why did it fall? but you don’t understand, first the singer was killed, the girl, the owner was swept away, now he’s dead, bad words have gone to us, it happens, let it go, let it go. hello, hello, who are you? my name is ilona zhurina, i am the former manager of this establishment, pash, confirm, uh-huh, i forgot my purse here, pash, look, but there is no purse, no, strange, that means i left it at home after all, excuse me, please, i can ask one
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question, uh, you left here a long time ago, why should i answer your questions, well , basically, you don’t have to answer now, then i’ll summon you to the department, and then you’ll have to answer, well, , call, well, i’m not a lady, please tell me, did she have conflicts with her pet? no, on the contrary, they had a relationship with their favorite, in general, they were in a relationship, are you serious now, uh-huh, elon, elon, wait, please forgive me, after all, could you give me a couple of minutes, but i she said, we have nothing to talk about with you, on all issues. that we were preparing the operation in a wild hurry, we had already stretched out a thread to the perpetrator of the attempt on his life,
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that’s right, only to the perpetrator, yes, everything is correct, maksimych, we go to the perpetrator, the perpetrator leads us to the customer, classic, yes, all that remains is to complete the operation to the end, yeah, i agree, well, what are our next steps ? kudryavtsev will be released in a couple of days, so he will spread the rumor that he was taken to the police, but they didn’t show him anything, which means we have there is nothing, what if? will smash, smash, smash, otherwise he will never wash himself off in front of his own people, so when he raises a wave and our swamps are stirred up, the customer, i am sure, he will take some action, then we will pin him down, so everything goes according to plan, so what happened, what is the urgency? “you know, for now it’s better for us not to shine together, he’s no longer there, that he died, he
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hanged himself in his cell, my god, this, lord, god, it’s all my fault, what should i do now, hush, hush , which means quieter, my husband died, wait, maybe it’s for the better, the only owner of all his real estate, not just the restaurant, what are you saying, what does the restaurant have to do with it, i lived with her for 20 years, i didn’t think that such a situation would arise when listen to me, stop the hysteria, if you decide to merge, accept yourself, i will get you out of the ground. “calm down, my dear, everything will be fine, of course, forgive me,
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please, i, i was just scared, i understand, you’re great, we’ll succeed, yes, of course, of course, i, i’ll go, okay, i i'll go." via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is sasha. it is important for him that his friends are nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help at any moment. and vanya will never keep you waiting for a career in alfabank. bring your friends and get 15.00 rubles for each. alfabank is the best
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we had one blacksmith, his horseshoes brought good luck, and now they make a bow there also for good luck, let's check, dugushka arcuate, delicious, rich meat, and oh, peck, peck, dugushka from stradvorya, take it for good luck, only in the alpha bank, spin the reel in the application and get super. cashback up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, viia superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in
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central television. on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. after school ekaterina. i went to my aunt for lunch and she told her that she was not her own daughter, but an adopted daughter. i was 14 years old, and that she had six or even seven older brothers and sisters named medina? i ended up in malyutka’s house, only the medenykh family with many children never had a younger sister katya, there was a younger sister natasha. it’s a big family , you have six parents, older brother seryozha, then oleg, then comes marina, sasha, i’m on... ekaterina assures that the adoptive parents they didn’t change her name, they gave me my name in the maternity hospital, they just changed my last name, unknown sister or namesake, i would really like to find my brothers and sisters, she took me from the baby’s house, my dad was my dear, he had another woman, well, she gave me up, mom found out, went and picked it up, i open the envelope, dna, tomorrow at
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17:50 on ntv. “i haven’t been given a date in such places yet, it’s not a date, but i understand, i didn’t want to meet with the police officially, i came to the restaurant specifically when i found out that there was a search there, i wanted to informally talk, why didn’t you want to meet officially, i’m afraid, vitya
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went to see me right after the restaurant, of course.” i can’t prove anything, just believe me, he didn’t kill anyone, and we’ll just check, he and his wife wanted divorce, a rare creature, she wanted to squeeze the restaurant from him, the lagoon, yes, and the restaurant was his pride, he put his whole soul into it, he didn’t want to sell it, he wanted to somehow give it away with money, gradually, in the last few weeks, to vita they even threatened me. quit because vitya thought it was safer. who threatened? i don't know. these were mostly phone calls. once he was waylaid right outside the restaurant by a man in a black mask. well, what did he want, how exactly did he threaten? yes, i don’t know, it’s just constant pressure, threats that they will kill him. i think
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it's because of this. he just couldn't stand it. well, i'm glad you like everything. yes, it’s great here, and our commander is simply excellent. danyush, i need to tell you something. yes mom. i'm listening to you, just come on faster, uh i'm selected in 2 minutes. danya, andrei is no more, he died. dan, can you hear me? danya, that’s it, i have a curfew, bye.
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let go, andrey, i can’t take it anymore,
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andrshka, did you really almost extinguish me? don’t sneak up on me, otherwise i’ll definitely strangle you with my hand, understand? that's what you do, and what do you do? she already sees you in every passerby, because the heart, a woman’s heart, you will deceive, you know, she feels everything, she feels that you live and you are nearby, but i understood, i understood that you got to the bottom of me , okay, i'll go and this, you, excuse me, just wait, i don’t know how...
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shut up, help, help, you should n’t have talked to your cop, wasn’t it clear to you , help, police,
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i was wounded with a knife at the train station, you’re still alive , thank you very much, but no, thank you, press me and hold me, you saved my life, oh, the police are just coming. she'll help you, what's your name? dubrovsky, bastard, come out, come out and start a business, with sber, our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for zero. help on start from sber experts, all services in your internet bank, analytics for your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission.
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open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business, it's a blast. hello. how would you like some water? no, lie down, lie down normally, be careful, you have to get up early, tell me, do you remember the face of the attacker? no, he was wearing a mask, like a medical one, black, it’s a shame. but
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now i’m absolutely sure that you are the same person who threatened vita, and why did you so decided? yes, because he said that i shouldn’t have gone to the police, but by his figure, i don’t know, by his voice, could they identify him? i think so, well, you're getting better, get better, thank you. wait, there was another person there, he saved me, what kind of person is he, also wearing a mask? no, i remember his face very well. as much as possible, can you describe it? yeah, well, in general, i think that, well , it’s clear, it’s definitely better. get well. so, guys, don’t let anyone into the room, check all the doctors and nurses. it's
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clear? it’s clear, not the first time, well done, well, in the middle, we actually managed to find out new circumstances in the case, the deceased pet was subjected to threats and blackmail, perhaps this happened on the initiative of his wife, she wanted money, rather real estate, pavel maksimovich, you are not alone, hello, good afternoon, no problem, well what, nikolai petrovich, yes, we have already... actually finished, something urgent, but i wanted to find out about the naryshkina case, the suspect died in the sezo, unfortunately, yes, well, the case is closed, as i understand it, the murderer of his beloved singer deputy minister found committed suicide, i'm afraid not just like that, if you don’t mind sharing, new circumstances have appeared in the case, maybe you
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got the wrong one. “wow, the ministry will be very unhappy, very, and pal maksimovich, this time i won’t be able to cover for you, this is incomprehensible, you put a person in a cell, he dies there, and then it turns out that the charges are against him - this is just a dummy, and this despite the fact that the matter is under control, at the very top, yes, i understand everything perfectly well, but the investigation is an investigation, we are working, work while you can, not this kind of news..." i expected, not this kind of news, yes i i thought that when he was resigning, we would sigh, it turns out in vain, and i warned you, pavel maksimovich, now we need to speed up this matter all the more, can you imagine, she describes andryukha to me, well , exactly the same eyes, face , well, you never know how many similar people there are on the planet, it’s a coincidence, maybe
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a coincidence. are you talking about korablev? but eavesdropping, by the way, is not good, it’s not good for you, but for me, as the head of the investigation, it’s possible, sometimes even necessary, so what were you saying about korablev? the victim zhurina described her a mysterious savior, and this description coincides exactly with the description of koralev, a coincidence, of course, a coincidence, i have both! if we take as a working version that someone wanted to frame the favorites by killing naryshkina and planting a personal item in her case as evidence, then we need to look for someone who benefits from this, well, so far everything points to her, at least a motive has appeared, right, so let’s let's pull lyubimtsev, put pressure on him, that's all, no, not all, why, or rather, not everything is so simple, is it not
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a fact that lyubimtseva organized all this herself? perhaps there is someone else behind her stands, hungry alphonse, who decided to seize the assets of his hubby from his mistress, maybe not everything is so poetic, wednesday, she could have been used blindly, i agree, so, let’s see what else we missed, which of the witnesses we haven’t interviewed yet, but actually there is another witness who saw naryzhkina leaving the restaurant and weissman and the favorites indicate that she was offered a car. but she refused it , she walked along the embankment, absolutely right, she drove, do this immediately, and i i’ll try to talk to my favorite, there is akimov, if i speak immediately, this means that you need to take it and do it immediately. find out what the driver is behind the car. understood. does this apply to you too? yes yes yes.
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a plus. call or order on our website the stars aligned on sunday immediately after via superstar on ntv. why are they keeping him for so long? was it supposed to be released half an hour ago? don't drive the horses it will come out, it won't go anywhere. and there he is, why is he so cheerful? the air of freedom played a cruel joke on the professor. come on, let 's go after him slowly. i don’t give orders, ruslanchik.
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good afternoon, where are we going? we’re not going anywhere, we’re standing still, captain akimov, what happened, do you have any questions for me?
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excuse me, the twenty-second apartment is in what entrance, in this one, i live there, malkin, malkin, what is my duty, i need to talk, but what’s wrong with your face? yes, the client didn’t want to pay, we had to argue, but we’ll talk about this, but no, not about that, on the fifth in the evening you drove up to the laguna restaurant on the fifth, yes, there was a thing, there was a thing, you’re talking about the murder of the singer, of course, she didn’t get into the car, she was walking and you see, or she took it into her head, and if she had gotten in, she would have been alive, just like that, yet can you remember anything, um, yes, it seems like there is nothing. and i was taking food from the hotel to the restaurant , even before the performance, well, she
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wasn’t alone with this, with the guy, well, like her director, something like that, so they sat down at the hotel, so let’s argue, i don’t remember what they were arguing about, but they weren’t loud they were talking, and i didn’t listen, listen, you need to listen, i’ll kill you, you’re rubbish, you’re like that to me, i’ll kill you, despite the fact that i’ll end up after this, yes, it seems, no, it seems, don’t kill, just... she also presented him with something else for money, like he took too much for himself, and gave her pennies, well, some other details, but no, it seems like i can’t remember anything like that anymore, and she also told him about the trial, that he was going to trial he will serve it, that’s some kind of dregs. it turns out that weissman gave us the motive? yes,
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what should we do now from the setup for our favorite? so, maybe vaisman loves him and set him up, but that this is also, by the way, an option, they also could not have divided the fee, he squeezed the money for his favorites, he was saving up so that he could pay his wife for the restaurant, somehow it still doesn’t work out, zheka, well, firstly... vaisman, when did he manage to do this, and secondly, will vaisman lose his main source of income, but in any case, we have to work out this version, i agree, let's go to the hotel and catch i’m dragging this vaisman to the department. fine.
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thank you, all the best, come to the night, hello, are you far away? you, you seem to be from the police, but what do you really care about, well, it means there is a case, since i’m interested, i’m flying home, there’s a car waiting for me, what else, listen, what do you want from me, i’ve already spent so much time in kutusk sleepless night, but they sorted everything out, and in general i’m tired of all these nagging of yours, we’re just doing our job, you have with you financial documents confirming settlements, both with contractors and with snoryshkina, i don’t have, i don’t have any pieces of paper, this it doesn't concern you, it's not yours business, now let's go... to the department there we'll sort it out, we won't go anywhere, where the car is waiting for me, i'm flying home, the car is waiting for me, listen, you have no right, i'll get to the deputy minister, he loved the little girl , you will answer for this arbitrariness.
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hold on, there’s silence for now, just wait, let him come to his senses, first he’ll wash himself, then eat, and then he’ll start calling, okay, let’s wait.
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hey, is anyone there? hey, girl, we're closed, the kitchen isn't open, didn't you see the sign on the door? i was told that you are welcome here find. justice major sudakova, investigative committee, we can sit down and talk. yes, of course, pasha, go, i’ll be right there, please, our client has been fattening for too long, or maybe he hasn’t come home, he’s gone out into the yards, i’ll go and check it myself, it’s quiet, great, it’s
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your nephew, in short, grandma is still sick , but i’ve already been discharged from the hospital, i ’m stocked up on medications, so... they say, you don’t have to worry, that’s all for now, so what was it, i don’t know that it’s a code, or maybe it’s a conversation about my grandmother, san, it’s great that there about bathhouse, everything is fine, i understand your feeling, are you lost? husband, but you know what, it seems to me that his death is also your fault, and not some indirect fault, but the most direct one, forgive me, forgive me, help me, so, darling, calm down, you are not can you imagine, he will kill me, he is a terrible
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person, i didn’t know, i really thought that he loved me, so stop it immediately, come on, get up, calm down, and what do you want to tell me with these pieces of paper, but that you have financial problems with naryshkina after all, there were, this confirms the testimony of the taxi driver and these extracts, these pieces of paper do not prove anything, we had an agreement, the little lady had a fixed fee, let’s say, we will check when we study the agreement, please, please, please, but the testimony of the taxi driver . his words against mine. yes, lyudochka and i had disagreements on this issue, but we settled them that very evening. what do you say to this? why are you
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lying? oh, i'm lying. i'm lying. how dare you make such absurd accusations against me. do you know? who, i have already cursed myself three times for that he brought the little girl here, she was, she was, she was a wonderful bird, giving love, so... and your hole, they killed her, zolin, he is such a person, on the one hand soft, on the other hand hard, like a rock, and you never know which side he will turn to you, pete, thank you, apparently, when you met him, yes, he was the very romanticism and courtesy that my husband and i have long since lost. a common language, and he was only involved in his business and restaurant. izolin seemed like a good alternative. i fell in love with
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him at first sight, and then, then everything has changed. i realized that the only thing he needed was my husband's assets. how long ago did you realize this? recently. probably, when you took your husband, before the divorce, i had to rewrite my husband’s restaurant for myself, yeah, under any plausible pretext, but vitya, vitya, he understood everything, he guessed , said that this would never happen, and he began to receive threats . did zolin personally threaten your husband? he did it through his man, what's his name? i don’t remember, i saw him only a few times, it seems, galkin,
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galkin, maybe malkin, malkin, yes, malkin, his last name, just a minute, oleg, listen to me carefully. now we’ll drive up to his house, stay in the car, don’t go upstairs. why? he’s already seen me, let’s go together and scare me away. got it, wait, wait, tell me, what will happen to me now? you will go to trial as an accomplice, or as an accomplice, right? “if you actively repent, the court may treat your participation in the crime as leniently as possible, what does this mean, tell me where
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you can find zolin now, and i will help you, for the long, eternal memory of murad from his daughter natasha, maybe she will be the closest and dearest to you in life." since childhood, leah dreamed of meeting her sister, whom she saw only in photographs. i found this photo in my grandmother’s album, i was about 7-8 at that time years, at first no one told me, after a while they admitted that this is my sister, and also the story of irina, who has been looking for relatives for 30 years, i have been looking for my biological mother for 30 years, and who else, well, if there are any relatives , my reception mother didn’t tell me anything, i contacted to the baby's home, they told me that the data is not stored, i contacted the tax office... this is the strength of our project, it is impossible to do, wait for me on friday at 17:55 on ntv. via superstar,
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9:57 pm
, it turns out he’s gone? yes, it’s unlikely that there’s anything to blame him for, he doesn’t know that we found him, maybe he went to zhurina’s in the hospital, we’ll check that now. it's on the second floor, the last floor.
9:58 pm
sorry, you can't give me a painkiller pill give me, yes, yes, of course, don’t twitch , i’ll shoot, guns on the floor, i count to three , i’m shooting, one, two, quietly, quietly, guns on the floor, to two, i’ve already counted, guns on the floor, calm, quiet, quiet, ok, that's it, that's it, that's it, let's go to the wall, stand here, malkin, the corridor is long, if i see you, i'll shoot you.
9:59 pm
where are you going to shoot, you see a lot of people, he’s leaving the city, you’ll shoot there,
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well, look, don’t miss him, we’re moving in the direction of the south sea village, block it. okay, now you can shoot, thanks for allowing me.
10:01 pm
the creature left and took a hostage, you are as if alive, yes alive! oh, they went there, help ivan, i ’m behind them, yes oleg, well, no, oleg, this is an order, give me your hand, carefully, oh, it hurts, call an ambulance, no need, come on, go ahead, get up, get up, let me go, i
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can’t take it anymore, get up, creature! she interrogated herself, so it turns out that it was you who ordered the murder of the singer naryshkina, and this still needs to be proven, but we will prove it, don’t worry about it, considering that fans of naryshkin’s talent are not only the retired general of the crimea. but the deputy minister of internal affairs, this is a matter is under such control that you won’t find it enough, and your only chance to mitigate the punishment is a sincere confession and
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repentance, and i will also keep silent in the protocol that you resisted arrest, okay, yes, i brought that up. malkina, we didn’t intend to kill anyone, at first i wanted to conclude a normal deal with my favorite, i offered him normal money, and you decided to influence through your wife, she gave in, well, that’s what i thought, yes, first through her, when nothing worked out, then i i just solved it finish off, but malkin, malkin suggested that the best option would be a setup, how can you hide all the cons in the water, and you chose naryshkina, stop, it’s not me, it’s not me, malkin, malkin, i gave him complete freedom of action, i even i couldn’t think that he could commit murder, but i thought that
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it would work somehow differently, if this is a rogue gang, we’re 100 years old, isn’t two banyas a bit much for one village, oh well, they don’t rob every day, we still have a week left in their schedule, let’s figure out that the police, hands down, the robbers weren’t on camera, maybe they knew where these cameras were, raise the agents, shake the bandos, but these need to be found, you’re just a bunch of people, no, this is seryozha and valerara, today at 22:10 on ntv, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20: 20 on ntv. in closed spaces, people can behave differently. colimbo - series premiere only in the okko online cinema. only at alfabank. spin the reel in
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10:09 pm
will you allow it? yes, yes, i'm waiting for you, how did it become free here? you even managed to bring out the furniture, that’s great, that’s what i had to do, you ’re buying a restaurant for such ridiculous money, you made money selling furniture, well, that’s right, that’s good, but what does it mean for ridiculous money, considering the reputation of your establishment, this is quite a decent price, and i’m here, well, yes, but it doesn’t matter.
10:10 pm
are the documents ready? yes, are we going to the notary? go. bad news, i just saw our friend again, i don’t know what that means. but he is closely herded, i am attaching a photo, he is capable of any surprises, don’t do anything, taurus will give you a command, okay.


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