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tv   Kazaki  NTV  May 29, 2024 1:40am-2:31am MSK

1:40 am
bears of people, but she did not die from this, the reason was strangulation, this beautiful frost of yours found new remains in the forest, a series of attempts were made to establish the identity, no documents, no telephone, there was nothing, he was far away, we have no goal of imprisoning anyone for doing this, we really want to kill and catch, the flock tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv, guess what they are for? i bought today’s ticket, but i came here hidden, to andorra, i’m forced to hide my own son, dad, they will all pay for this, i promise you, karabavsky, you only know how to drown things, zaur, sit down.
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dad, sit in the car, what do you need, let's go and talk. i need arthur, you won’t get him, believe me, it will be better if everything happens according to the law of the state, and not according to the law of blood, there is someone to send for this girl, okay, i ’ll give him, but you have to promise me that everything will be in order within the framework of the law, the officer's word.
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arthur come out, dad, what's going on, what were you thinking? you give yourself up now, i’ll get you out later, no, i won’t go back to the pre-trial detention center, that’s how it’s supposed to be, son, i said, i won’t get out, i won’t go back to prison, you set it all up for me put him back, you never loved me, take him away, he’s yours, father, let me leave, i ’ll kill him, let me leave, knee, i’ll kill him, ready to shoot, shoot, your father!
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you can even shoot everyone here, but you still won’t get away from us. come out, come, 15 years of general regime, we’ll file an appeal, we’ll try to reduce the sentence, fuck you!
1:45 am
thank you, brothers, cossacks, you did the right thing, get rid of it. egor, how can i tell you about the wedding, but i only remember the fight, i couldn’t really see anything, so the founder could sit, talk, look at, well, you don’t want to try it for yourself, well, if only with you, i agree, well, i don’t know with me, i’m a girl. i’m proud, i have to pay a ransom for me, perform heroic deeds, so what am i against? i agree, come on, what needs to be done, catch up, come on.
1:46 am
the border guards called, what's going on? now the car will jump here, you need to shake it respectfully, the documents seem to be in order, but they have a feeling that something is unclean there, it’s not he who’s rolling, but he’s blue, he’s the second border guard. cossack police outfit, cossack patrol, this is a protected area, we have to check the numbers you have stavropol ones, what did you do behind the cordon, little by little, did a shift in the city, got ready to go home, i see a couple voting, well, i’m slowing down, a guy and a girl sit down, they’re normal, we’re going, the guy
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says, weakly at sea to the white cliffs , well , i went to the fraternal republic, i earned money, well, yes, well, okay, go, thank you, commander, go, let him through, you shouldn’t let him go, he has a hiding place under the bumper, i noticed, i have one thought, hello , kuzma? we have drawn a client for you, you need to trace your destination, figure eight, dark blue, 864 konstantin nikolay, yes, i see he’s on his way, but you never know why they welded the guy’s plates on, now
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they say they steal the plates and then sell them to you, so he’s insured, but don’t worry, i can’t wait to get into the matter with the ncp, kuzma, i’ve been there for 2 weeks i wasn’t at home, at first i was traveling, and now i’m watching this devil... with someone else, my wife managed to give birth without me, well, she gave birth without you, she’ll breastfeed without you, and there’s someone to look after her, she’s not abandoned, look , i’m hungry, you see, let’s go get him, uh-huh. i'd like meat solyanka, dumplings and tea. fine, i will bring it now.
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go here starter, right there.
1:50 am
sit here and don’t yawn, yeah, how’s the cooking going? what do you want? isn't this a walk-through yard? hello, my love, where are you? yes, we stopped at the tavern to eat. when will you be there? well, i’ll be free right away on your wings. great, like a bear, who does he look more like, you or ... does he look like my mom, come on over quickly, i miss you, okay, hey, put down your weapon.
1:51 am
i’m thinking, whether i have a man in the house or not, you’re yegor, you’ll show up and reassure me, then suddenly you’re not there for a whole week, or even longer, even, well, the work is such that i can do nothing, you come home, collapse from fatigue, go straight to sleep, don’t even want to talk, if only you could move in with me, at least i’ll know that you’re alive, otherwise you won’t... me you don’t call sometimes, and i can’t find a place for myself, but we didn’t get together yesterday,
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we’ve been dating for two months, or you earn a lot of money for the corner, you don’t mind, or you have another sweetheart in the village, they told me that muscovites are all here so identical, flutter like butterflies, don’t take anything seriously, well say something, egor, what can i tell you, you’re talking nonsense, that’s all. that i don’t care about my pride, i accepted the call, i’m going, don’t touch anything, i’ll come back, i’ll finish it, in our region, stavropol kracha. his car
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is a criminal about 40 years old, above average height, dark blond gray hair, a scar on his left cheek, an old car, blue eight, number svetlana 864, konstantin nadezhda, sixth region, 864 konstantin nadezhda, remember? where is daursky? he was seen today at the bus station with lazarev. we'll be stuck here for a long time, a? two of my guys died, one of them had a gray-haired son, 2 days old, and i’m stuck here at this damn stop. no, well , you have to do something, you have to, you have to look, you have to move, sit down, after all, why sit down? if? the courier is not a fool, but this one is clearly smart, he got rid of his eight a long time ago,
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if i were in his place, i would get on a regular bus and come here to steal another car, it’s too troublesome, but he could just as easily take a ride or get off the bus at stops in front of the city and come here on foot, then every policeman knows his signs, but walking along the highway and showing your face, got on a regular bus, got lost in the crowd, now i’m already at the bus station, the best place. and where is he ?
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well, hot ones, let's warm up, at least there he is, where his face is.
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place, come to me, quickly, otherwise i ’ll kill her, we’re sitting here, i told you, brother, call ours, charioteer, emergency, capture hostage, what, what, let everyone who is free come here, stand, who are you, yes, i’m
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the driver, what’s there? you're blowing in your ears, there was another baronka, i remember, well, i'm a replacement, here i am back, don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, who is rocking the political situation in georgia, who benefits from a new war on the southern borders of russia , who leads this war party, will tbelisi be able to escape from under the wing of the american eagle and cease to be a satellite of washington, influencer of god, the first catholic saint, fly the generation of millennials, for which the pope decided to canonize a fifteen-year-old teenager, did he really heal people during his short life, continue to do this even after his death, this will be your central television, on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. a unique country. with a unique destiny,
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a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover... your russia on the unknown russia tv channel, come in and close the door quickly, don’t shoot, please, where is the stara, close it, close
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the stara, i said. where to go, let's go to the federal line, and then we'll see, it doesn't work here, go help! if they shoot, immediately fall down, don’t look at me, what are you digging there, that’s it.
2:00 am
comrade lieutenant colonel, exactly 6 kg, as in the pharmacy. okay, seal it with quechdoc. i obey. the hostage was in the line of fire. captain shmilyov should not have opened fire. major daursky. captain shmilyov completed the task. the bandit is neutralized, neutralized. alive, miraculously alive, you are still yours give shmelev an order, ataman, the relevant documents are already being prepared, are you serious, but i was joking? but i don’t, what do you mean, you want to hang a medal on this sheep’s chest, but he should have a hadveman in his hands, but because of him, the girl and my friend almost died,
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i’ll ask you to clear the room for strangers, you ’re not even a sheep, you a goat, and you have to answer for the goat. “i wish you good health darya sergeevna, hello, where is daursky? i heard there was a shootout, he wasn’t wounded, but no, he’s alive and well, the department is somewhere, i was so scared, you know, my hands are still shaking, i agree, there was a reason, you have a boyfriend, no, but what yes? so maybe i’m trying to get married or i’m old, no, not old, it’s interesting that you have a car, but it’s called durvagin, so maybe we
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’ll not only get home in your foolish car, but also drink tea, tea, is there any green tea? eat with jasmine, i love tea, i have a lot of stuff, what can you say, you have a poer, you have a fifteen-year-old, oh well, yes, in this deafness i just searched for him, this is the only remedy that gets me into myself brings you after a sleepless night, it means urgently to put you in order, show me the way. we need to strengthen the security, otherwise
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we’ll finish off our attacks, you think correctly, i agree, pick a partner yourself, and i ’ll find a replacement, just don’t count on me, if i ’m left alone with him, i’ll strangle him. rodin, you're sleeping.
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in bakuninskaya we don’t have gloomy beetroot, we only eat grass, sometimes, no, sometimes no, they’ll bring it from the capital, but so that it’s serious, yes, are you sure? wait a second, i’ll leave for half an hour, let the senior guy here take a closer look, okay, dash, calm down,
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just close all the doors and windows and stay in the house, i’ve already left, egor, i’m just starting to fall asleep, i hear. immediately someone was rummaging around under the windows, and then the neighbor’s dog wandered in, well , i immediately grabbed the gun, i then went out onto the porch, and he, he egor, jumped into the bushes, i walked around everything, there are no traces, but if someone was, traces would have remained, maybe it seemed to you, maybe it seems to me that a lot of things have been happening lately, for example, in your department today, i’ll also see how you liked alka yarmolenko’s tea, it cheered you up, right? so, are you now going to be jealous of every pillar, if only for the pillar, i ’m not made of iron either, i won’t be able to stand it for long, the girl was scared, it was scary, the girl is a beauty, and you’re happy to try? the first
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one flew to calm down, the cossack, yes i, these scenes in moscow were enough for me, that’s all, and i’m yegor, i don’t hang myself around your neck, i don’t like you, look for someone else, what, you just came up with all this in order to figure out your relationship with me here, why? the courier in the hospital gave you oaks, well, even. there is no discipline, the operatives are running after women from duty, i probably need to apologize, guilty, both will be reprimanded, and another
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matter of particular importance to you. a herd of 10 rams was stolen from the village resident elizarov, so it’s probably the people from the area, you know better, and god forbid you close this case for me by the end of the week, everyone is free, someone came into the ward without me, no, only shmilyov, he came with levchenko to change us and shmilov says. i'll go look at the client, how long has he been there? a minute, just a minute, a minute, then he runs out screaming, call the doctor, the ghoul, he glued his flippers together, did you indicate this in the rapport? yes, of course, i indicated that's it also, in the conclusion they wrote that he died from a gunshot wound, so... the point is,
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okay, let's go, where, to drag a ram, and then they got together, if, of course, to be precise, then there are not seven rams, but seven sheep, two bright ones and... this goat, goat, yes, why is this goat with them? what do you mean why? they’re all blind, like children, don’t hang out, the goat, he’ll always lead his people home, always, well, maybe the goat dragged them somewhere, and they got lost, of course, it would be nice, you know, now there would be some kind of racing dog behind them run it maybe it would be of no use, no, well, the taiga and the hero
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were sent to the competition yesterday.
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young, as soon as i walk in here my pit of the stomach itches, oh-oh-oh-oh, everything here is fresh, everything is natural, foreigners are selling, good people, registration is in order, a dream, not a market, where is the meat shop, well, that’s us now let's draw, we'll go there. please, thank you very much, goodbye to you, so boar, horse, here we have elk, here pig, chickens, ducks, ram, sofya rogova, a local landmark, i don’t remember your active participation in the field of livestock farming,
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fresh, coma and dead hogs. fresh, when they slaughtered it, yesterday, yeah, right, there are documents for the meat, here’s the stamp, what other documents do you need, an ecologically clean product, i raised it myself from this. oh, it’s going to flood, and you just keep quiet, whoever asks you, they’ll plug you in every barrel, but you’re a fool, don’t listen to her, don’t listen to her, and she’s never worked with a cat, you’re a damned nonsense, and so that you choke on your own with rusty teeth, so sofia, where is the head of the ram, that is, answer directly, where did you steal the ram, yes, he is mine, my dear, i himself i raised him, yes, i fed him from a bottle with these hands, oh, i fed him, listen to her, yes, it’s stolen, it’s a little ram, stolen, oh, these kind of shammers then come to us here and lower our prices here, but will you choke up or not, i say faster, no,
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my darling is not a criminal, she ’s been working for me for a month now, looking after newborn lambs, and i... gave that ram in advance, your farm is not small, a thousand head, with replacement young stock it will be 1,400, i have the largest agricultural farm in this area, what is this building, we shear sheep there, we store fodder beets there, and this is a slaughterhouse, where is the slaughterhouse, this is it, that is, you have your own slaughterhouse, yes, of course, we usually send sheep to the north beyond the urals alive, and for the locals we slaughter them ourselves, tell me ,
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explain to me, why the hell did you bring him here, and i won’t leave him alone anymore, but he’s an asshole, he’s a victim, well, you can say a victim -
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what’s his name, well, whales and this is nempinga , here he might get stressed, if he were on the street there he would get stressed, okay, on on the street... look, you're so smart, what's the weather like, he's whipping his daughter, but he might not be able to stand it, his blood pressure might jump, of course, of course, yes, yes, no, where they found it, where they found it , i came home myself, yes, i told you, head, head, yes. rodin, tell me, have you heard anything about this dead courier and drugs, then i won’t ask anyone, everyone is silent like partisans, and i ’m running around with this goat-sheep story, but no,
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to be honest, yegor, it’s still deaf, yes , well, it’s useless, listen, maybe they sent them across the river, yeah. and the goat jumped over it, when he ran back, quieter, quieter, they heard, no, everything, they heard, yes, well, no, come on, quietly, i heard, they didn’t hear, and come on, before the gun, they didn’t hear anything.
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they moved it with the flow so that the dogs wouldn’t pick up the trail, that’s a tricky thing, well done, everything’s safe , it’s a disaster. wait, wait, here are the buzuluks, but listen, hear, take him, bell, something needed to cut off the snow, let's go, let's go, there's an idea, there's an idea, what's another idea, let's go, let's go, the tenant admitted that he threw out the landlady apartment from the fifth floor, she was sitting on the windowsill and there was a quarrel between them, and in a fit of anger he pushes there with all his might, the woman fell to death, and was brought before the man.
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what do you have? sandwiches, sandwiches! oh, i’m hungry, i just don’t have the strength, so we’ll catch the enemies, then you’ll eat, understand? i really, really want to eat, more than a woman does now. yes, but nothing
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will help with this, alone, turn off the phone, but i never had these mobile phones of yours, but i don’t tell you, they make people go deaf and go crazy, i’ll tell you this, in this in fact, only self-heating can help, but self-heating is a tincture of chokeberry, you drink three glasses in a row, and that’s it. radin, you know what he did was a bastard,
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but give me the tree. stop living, my homeland.
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what are you doing, and if you killed him, what are you doing, i don’t have any imagination, or something, i shot him with salt, no one has ever died from salt.
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gerka, you better think about it, we ’re going to waste sor tomorrow, there are no sheep, there are no buckles, let’s start telling them that they killed the pheasant, he won’t believe it, set up a counter, it didn’t work out with these lambs, we’ll take it somewhere else, the main thing is the legs were carried away, oh, they were hit, listen, your father seemed to have a gazelle. muslim's rams were stolen, i just don't know what to do with these rams, but the goats are there, only the rams are missing, no, well, there are cows, sheep, they're fine, someone's got a fetus,
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probably, something about these sheep, i come in the morning. at five or six, look, there are no sheep, but there are no bright ones, maybe through a hole, well, i immediately call the police, and they gave me your phone number, they said, you are the main specialist in sheep, i wonder how much comrade somov will snoop on you for night vigils, oh you understand, but why am i suffering, the couriers, who missed it, he himself? rodin, go outside again, please look at why these sheep stood separately from the others, that’s what muslim magomedovich ordered, the veterinarian had to look at them today, what’s wrong, who allowed it, you’re the owner, why are you so unhappy with our
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visit, it’s just me i don’t like it when they manage the farm without me, you would like it if someone stranger just walked into your house, yeah. i should have called first, maybe they could remove me from the stairs and take fingerprints, definitely, and the tire treads are molded, call the criminologist of your homeland, you ’ve been working here for a long time, it’s me, today seven sheep were stolen from me, the very same ones, you need to find them faster than the cops, otherwise you know it’s rubbish. and that’s it, i understand, i’ll do it , so what do we have, you and i
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didn’t see the thieves, so we won’t be able to recognize them, which means we won’t establish their identities, you checked the prints on the flashlight, what kind of flashlights, and these... near the river found, but no, it was empty, apparently they were working with gloves, and besides , the river overflowed its banks, washed away all traces, without dacha, on one lantern there is an inscription scrawled by gennady konstantin, like that. what do we have left? trailer? well, we can generally fix up on trailers, every second village has a trailer, not every second one steals sheep, we can make a list of all the owners of vans, mark the most suspicious of them and those who have the same
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initial from the civil code. the cook is kidding me, or what? yes, by the way, i wanted to ask, well , of course it’s none of my business, but why did you switch from home-cooked grub to state-run food? hello guys, hello, hello, hello, i saw yours car at the entrance? yes, egor, somehow it was very annoying that i came out with a courier, it’s a shame, we don’t have time to see, we’re busy here. we are catching one particularly dangerous gang, two, two, yes, two, of two people, who are engaged in theft of small cattle, like this without... you can’t pronounce a code, is this from muslim sheepherds, or what? well, yes, i see that you have been
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promoted, now you are given especially important, especially dangerous tasks, and what do you think about this? we were looking for thieves, and now we will look for a reseller, right? i see, well how will ours pluck you? for example, a borscht wrestler, he eats salt to death. the sea is just a pinch short, someone fell in love with us at the dacha, isn’t it you, no, you, but seriously, about the reseller, we have in the village, a certain miguel angel, a gypsy monitor lizard, that’s if where in the area the wires will be cut or the transformer box will be gutted, do not go to fortune tellers. our drunkards bring everything to him for scrap, so maybe he’s not only interested in scrap, but also in gypsies, on ntv, pia
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superstar, today’s topic, disco vega, girls, you are fire, what a cool number , really cool.
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the gypsy has also disappeared, so i’m not one of these, yeah, can we inspect the premises behind this house, of course we can, only with a warrant, i
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respect the laws, mommy, they made something delicious, shurpa, i didn’t know that shurpa is a dish of gypsy cuisine, the exit is there, happily. mom, go into the house, you know what mom told him, keep your mouth shut, that we ’re messing around, we should have gone straight to the sea and be done with it, if necessary, i ’ll drown them... the ladles, but you won’t knew that muslim was under he walks around harshly, forgive us, but now you know


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