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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  May 29, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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what is it? put it on! what kind of crap is this, he’s making fun of him, he wants war, but i’ll force him to swallow his own blood. i
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’ll carry him scum in my own guts, let every single person in this city know, i need him dead, dead!
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well, maybe i’ll already go, or you want more, don’t leave, you calm me down, we still have half an hour, well then i ’ll come soon, just you! but i'm quick with her.
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come on quickly, calm down, we have 20 minutes.
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i have a traditional question: why are you not in full force? krymov on behalf of bulkin i went to a meeting with a witness in an old case, he promised to come for questioning, but for some reason he didn’t show up. it's clear. as i understand it, this is our disclosure. yes, per quarter. not bad, not bad. therefore, i believe that two people can be allocated for a special task. in a neighboring area, a colphilinist poisoned a woman. fatal, in our area there are also two cases, so far there is no corpse, but why aren’t the neighbors doing this, why are we? you’re not listening to me attentively, i keep telling you that you need to work for advance, we will then formalize this as prevention, here, by the way, there is a special column for this, but why us? because oleg georgievich, our neighbors don’t have specialists of the same level as ours? this is of course very pleasant, but still, since two cases were recorded in our area, i believe that he moved to us, i
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will call the neighbors, they will provide the case materials on the corpse for review. owners, can you tell me, owners, is there anyone alive? sorry, yes, igor, georgievich, hello, i have a dead body, the witness was killed, no, that’s not it at all there is no house, and our client is in another apartment, one floor below, so leave, of course, crimea
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called, we have a corpse, colofilin, not yet, a gunshot, so great, krymov instead of bringing in a witness. i found a corpse, okay, it means, work, so, citizens, who, we will present such documents, where, stand, where, buy, clear sea, are you okay?
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have you already looked here? yes, i did everything. feel free to paw. yes. listen, what do you want to find there after me? i don’t know yet. and when did death occur? about an hour and a half ago. killed gromov victor. 38 years. not married. i just asked my neighbors. have you seen the girl? running down the stairs, young, beautiful in a leopard print coat, and the girl was running away, not just running, therefore she was very frightened by something, well, they also identified me, as many as six people, that’s right, you see two wine glasses, one has lipstick on it, by the way , i took excellent prints, if she was sitting, then
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i’ll immediately identify her, uh-huh, but how they opened the door, with a master key, so, this is what we get, she first drank with him, then left, then the killers appeared, he has it, he looked all over the house, didn’t see it anywhere, there’s a keychain for the car keys, create , invent, try, thank you, so let’s click in the neighboring yards, maybe someone will respond, lesh, oh, where’s the phone number of the deceased, here it is, i looked through the phone book there,
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five numbers with women's names, pizza delivery, car service and the phone number of a subscriber with the strange nickname ram, krymov, when you manage to do everything, yes, yes, i’m listening, so, where? got it, thank you, so igor, run on, in the neighboring area a car was found with the villains left, well, here he is, where, well , he’s sitting at the table, look, with a girl, well, yes, it looks like him, in the last recording, he was without a mustache, so what, he still looks similar, look, the clothes are the same, the slouch is the same, yes, there he is, as if he is, there he is, not a conspiracy, adopting, but no clothes. yes, he apparently only works in this area. what do we have planned next? three cafes. let's go see what else he came up with. thanks a lot. well, what happened there in gromov’s apartment is still unclear to us. the only thing that is certain is that we have a corpse with bullet wounds, an empty siev, an unknown girl and two men whom
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krymov saw. have they begun to study the connections of the murdered man? well, it’s difficult, because the neighbors don’t know anything about his personal life. yes. well, there’s a telephone, a computer, yes, yes, yes, we confiscated a telephone from the murdered man’s apartment, but there, however, were women’s numbers, delivery, advertising, judging by the apartment and the situation, he was a man in the sky. he also had an expensive car, but we haven’t found it yet, but it turns out to be some kind of flying dutchman, so little time has passed, comrade colonel, so now, returning to the phone, the murdered man’s money was found, based on this we can judge that he was active, but now it’s very difficult without a mobile phone, yes, so i think that he had two mobile phones, just from the second he conducted all his business negotiations, but the villains took him away, so what? we’ll still get the number, but it might not have been registered to him,
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what are you thinking about doing? well, we’re waiting for the results of the examination, we’re working with the phone that we found in the apartment, and nikita kudasov is making a detailed certificate about killed, okay, allow me, comrade colonel, sit down, captain, the expert examined the car that the bandits stole from gromov's neighbor and then abandoned. the steering wheels of the doors, unfortunately, are worn out, on other places there are only the owner’s fingerprints, bad, yes, but there is good news, on the front passenger seat there was a diplomat, you know, one of the old-fashioned ones, one of the criminals when he got into the car, this one threw the diplomat away so that it would not interfere with him, accordingly, a clear imprint remained on the handle of the diplomat, uh-huh, great, the examination determined that the fingers belong to alexey shumov, who was convicted four times, the first two convictions were for...
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so, nikita, are you ready? er, yes, oleg georgievich, that means this is our situation. yes. gromov is here, he returned from uzbekistan 11 years ago. he immediately bought an apartment here and immediately registered in it. i checked commercial enterprises, there are no registered ones. we have not been convicted, he has not been brought to administrative responsibility, no telephone numbers are registered to him. stop. we seized a phone from the apartment. yes. who is it registered to? sim card from it? the sim card was registered 2 years ago. without identification, what else besides a phone? so, it means that 6 years ago
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a certain oleg nikolaevich gromov, 2 years younger, was registered in the apartment, and i suspect that this is his brother, he also came from uzbekistan for permanent residence, he checked out and registered at a different address, by the way, in the phone number that you found, my brother is listed as a sheep, well, that’s it, i’ll call him, ask him to come to the apartment, well, let him take a look, maybe we can...
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recording from cctv cameras in the cafe andryukh, report back later, there are more important things to do. look, here is a printout of calls from the phone of the subscriber to whom gromov called right before his death, we need to find him urgently, krymov has all the details, i ran. ritka, look, more than half of them call for a taxi, yeah, and that’s already something. let's go have lunch, then we'll get in a taxi. agree. you know, i'm sick of all this. understand. what did your brother do? paternal half-brother, we didn’t communicate much. to be honest, i have no idea
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what he was doing there. officially he unemployed, but there was always money. maybe crime? well, maybe crime, but hardly anything serious or dangerous. why? you know, he got burned by this more than once. vitya has a criminal record, this is a disgrace for an intelligent family. he was in prison, but for what? he dealt in burnt diamonds in tashkent. i entered the university, and he wanted easy money. he contacted some bandits, they contacted someone. from a jewelry factory and off we go, two convictions, minus 6 years of life, i had no intention of quitting, i swore to my family that i would start a new life, but who will believe him, even after the first time
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he gave money at interest, but this does not characterize him in the best way, tell me, you don’t know who could want his death, but no, no one threatened him in front of me, maybe that guy, what kind of guy, in more detail, please, yes, there was one here when i arrived, it seems his name is, it’s a neighbor from the first floor, so they were arguing there , they were arguing, yes, as i understand it, vitya lent him money, the man, he returned it, and the interest i didn’t want to return it, it was 50 or 60 thousand, i don’t remember exactly, but will you show me this apartment? yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, yes, uh-huh,
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hello, i, this, your neighbor’s brother, can you imagine, came to... to visit, but this pepper is not there, do you know where it is? i have nothing to do with this, is this his apartment? yes, yes, well, apparently, he’s not at home, okay, don’t worry, we’ll find him... we’ll find him, okay, all the best, here he is, yes, wait a minute, lieutenant colonel solovets, inter-unit homicide department, i need to pick up, wait, wait,
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duty officer, solovets, urgently intercept the car, write down the number. in total , 42 calls were made to our company from this number, 23 calls taxi to one address, the rest two, three times to other addresses. so. well, practice says that the address where the most calls were made is usually the client's home address. in addition, i noted that in most cases, when the client called the machine to other addresses, he called this exact address as the endpoint. and we would like the address where he rode 23 times. easy, savushkina 23, we need to go there, even if the apartment is rented, maybe we can contact the owner, please, we need to do this all quickly, thank you, please thanks.
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oh, oleg georgievich, did you hit your neighbor gromov? so i didn’t come precisely on this issue. this means that prokhorov gennady gennadievich was born in the sixtieth year, a native of leningrad, and has no criminal record.
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britka, why did you switch from food for real predators to food for artiodactyls,
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decided to eat right, otherwise with our eternal snacks, i will very soon reach the same dimensions as you, but it will suit you, and don’t get your hopes up, but please tell me , how did you find out her passport details, and you don’t think that the passport is fake, perhaps it is fake, but only she rented an apartment using it, the owner... said the contract, yes, if it’s a fake one, then she could easily get a ticket with it, oh, that’s right, she bought a train ticket for st. st. petersburg, murmansk, seventh car, seat 17, when departure, in 40 minutes, we'll have time, let's go, hide it, i 'll finish it later, okay, yeah, and as quickly as possible, let's go, girl, good
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afternoon, criminal investigation department, where are you going, we're heading in a minute, girl, tell me, to the seventeenth place, someone on the train sat down, no, not yet... sat down, but he won't sit down anymore, we're leaving, thank you, thank you, let's go, well, apparently she gave us the wrong tip, or she'll sit down at the next station, the next station is 55 km, let's go, they took you with weapons that were clearly obtained in violation of the law, you were in the apartment where the murder took place, you ran away from our employee, you stole someone else’s car, you know, this is quite enough for...
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they were killed, we have one channel for estonia, in short, boss, i'm tired, i won't say anything more, take me into the cell, guard,
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if you see the detainee, stand at the exit, oleg georgivich, let's go, let's go, come in, come in, sit down, lord, and i punched the telephone from which they called. to your landline number, and why did tatyana igorevna alferova call, she is registered in the moscow region and has no previous convictions, is that the left number again? her husband boris alferov was convicted a year ago of two murders. i wonder if he ran away? no, no, no, he didn’t run away, he’s sitting in a moscow pre-trial detention center. where did the call come from? the call was made between klin and the village of redkin. and what is there? a, there's nothing there at all. nonsense. so, prepare me information on...
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listen, tell me, do you believe that these noise pirates could buy stones from the thunder one? no, it doesn’t look like they were clearly working for someone. in general , tomorrow we must try to find the person for whom they bought the stones. hello, girl, good evening, and who are you? criminal investigation, i’ll tell you everything, it’s not me, of course you’ll tell me, let’s go, comrade colonel, there is a doubt that shumov and petrov killed gromov, most likely a pirate, then
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there is petrov, he speaks the truth. well, in any case, close them down for stealing a car, with diamonds, if estonia was mentioned there, prepare a case with the fsb, and not with the ubp. okay, let's do it. so, so, who is the killer then? the most realistic candidate is the neighbor from the first floor, gennady prokhorov. yes. he has no criminal past, but he may be associated with a criminal, boris alferov. from a phone, by the way, registered.
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close relationship with him? continue, he sometimes called me to his place, sometimes once in a while, how did you even end up there, that there were a week, sometimes every day, and why was she running from us, i was afraid, it was scary, i went to my apartment, which i was renting, i didn’t know what to do, i packed my things, i decided to return to my mother in murmansk, and why did we go to the station by taxi, i thought you would look for me, i knew that you could somehow figure out who was going where... i drank tickets, so i thought you would be waiting for me at the station, so i decided to get in not in st. petersburg, at the nearest station. well, it’s clear, you were afraid of the killer, but why didn’t you go to the police? how can i prove that i was not in league with the murderers? well yes, now it will be much more difficult to do. listen, i was so afraid that the killers would find me and also as a witness, you know? wait, why are you talking about them in the plural? maybe he was alone? no, they were talking to each other. yes, what were they
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talking about? and one said to the other: come on faster, otherwise you answered them, no, don’t rush, we still have at least 20 minutes, they didn’t say anything else, but do you think they knew that you were in the apartment? i don’t know, but i didn’t say thunder, maybe he ’s waiting for someone? yes, he said that he was waiting for some the sailor, and also said that i should leave before he arrived, he was waiting for the sailor, he didn’t tell me, he just talked on the phone. i heard that he was expecting him in an hour and a half and said that by that time he would already be alone. well, why do you think that his interlocutor was a sailor, well, he called him a pirate, but these were such sailors, yes, that’s all, yes, i have nothing to hide, your testimony does not contradict the testimony of the person you call a pirate, you see , can i go home, we need to check everything, besides, you tried to hide from us, so
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we are detaining you for 48 hours, take you away, eat, stand on the way out, if the girl is telling the truth, noise pirates are not a killer, why? well, the villains somehow communicated with each other, but the noise wasn’t mine, which means they couldn’t possibly talk to each other. yes, yes, georgivich, okay, then we ’ll take care of the clafeline for now, come on, good luck, well, we’re working on live bait, just let’s not be fanatical? oh, okay, don’t be nervous, i always get nervous when you play the role of live bait, then please be nervous, thank you, your tea, allow me,
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yes, andryukha, listen, it’s not him, that means it’s not him, well that means it’s not him, you see, go home, are you crazy, how can i leave you, well, i’ve gone a little crazy , that's it, come on, well
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, reada, getting acquainted. please, maxim, what is your job? nurit, i work as an artist. wow, i’ll be happy to invite you to my gallery, and i’ll be happy to go to it, then meet. question: what is your job? i’m not waiting for anyone, listen, i think i know who it is, i
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have a younger brother, and he’s very fond of me he cares a lot, yes, he follows me around the pits, i think it’s him, well, we have a proposal, we won’t open the door for him. i'm afraid otherwise he 'll knock it out, then it's better to open it, good evening, meet me, this is my brother, yes, brother, the eldest, yeah, maxim, coffee, come in, no, no, thank you, can i have a drink with my little sister alone? okay, just not for long, why are you here? reed, what's wrong? well, i mean, why isn’t your phone answering? listen, i'm sorry, i
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forgot to turn on the sound, you're fucking crazy, i 'm sorry, it's not him, but i realized that it's not him, and in general, in my opinion, something strange is happening here, but a very nice guy, maybe he’s gone crazy, well, i mean, should i now be on duty at the entrance until the morning, well, be on duty. go already, go, uh, aren’t you afraid of dying from a fit of jealousy, sobbing, well, come on, rita, eldest. “listen here, solovets, you come near my brother again, i’ll tear your head off, you understand everything, you are now threatening a police officer on duty, and this is an article, some kind of cop,
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real cops with gangsters don’t work with normal people like that they arrive, pass it on to my ghoul gromov, that no one agreed on percentages with him, i’ll see you again, i’ll hand you over to the osb, let’s go, that..." everything’s fine, ours, lieutenant colonel sylovets, head of the homicide department, ugh, damn it, let’s go and talk, you everything was misunderstood, gromov was killed, this is good news, according to our information, your brother had to return interest on some debt to gromov “i wanted to talk to your brother, but he disappeared, and then you called to set up a meeting, that’s it. what's the matter, i thought you were working for gromov, racking up debts, especially since you were with a man whom my brother saw gromov at the apartment when he was paying off a debt,
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now many police are involved in this, well , let’s say, not many, but some, well, gromov said that he has connections in the ministry of internal affairs and it is useless to complain about him and that he himself can set the cops on, but what kind of debt is it, 2000, but he didn’t tell him anything about me, well, now everything is clear, if your brother hadn’t escaped, none of this would have happened, well, we figured it out, we sorted it out, yeah , by the way, what kind of phone is this from which you... called, but you were on a business trip with soldiers, from a moscow pre -trial detention center they escorted a freak to st. petersburg, somehow his wife gave him the phone, and we found this phone on the train and took it away, and in order not to be exposed ahead of time, i called you from this phone, and the last name of this freak is alferov , boris alferov, it’s clear, be a major, happily, a comrade will come, what’s up with the colofilinchiks, andryukha, nothing yet, today we’ll try again, yeah, oh,
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chumov and petrov, yes, i thought that you would look for me, so i decided to come myself, well, that’s right, please come to me, thank you, thank you. we're talking off the record for now, right? well, you can, for now. so, tell me, what connects you with the pirate and shuma? well, with petrov and shumov? yes, i just knew them for a very long time, but i haven’t seen them for a very long time. what if we prove that you were constantly in phone calls with the pirate, and that you saw each other recently? well, even if so, then what, is it a crime? no. do you know that?
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such a person named gromov? no, the fact is that gromov was killed yesterday, and then your people came to him. i didn’t send anyone anywhere. your people split, they said that they bought ugrom diamonds for you. it is not true. i see that our conversation is not working out. unfortunately. although you are a very nice person, and i would be happy to discuss one issue with you. how. very simple, you never saw petrov and shumov, and they didn’t have 2 million with them. now you indirectly admitted that these were your people, and how much money they had when they were detained, but i didn’t admit anything, so at my suggestion, we won’t agree, i have another proposal for you, it turns out that you didn’t get the stones from the dead man’s safe, what stones? and the money we seized from
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your people you will never see again. what money? it turns out that someone simply cheated you. i won’t ask you anything else, just answer me one question. who in the city can buy such things. hmm, you are cunning, mr. policeman. oh, cunning. no, i understand, there are a lot of jewelers, but... few people will dare to buy such, let's say, obviously stolen things, you tell me, and i will avenge you, well, you have your own interest, to solve the case, but i have mine, well what do we need it makes it difficult to cooperate a little, but suddenly the criminals come to hand over stolen diamonds, okay, i know. write down their addresses, of course, there are others, but they have their own
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suppliers, they won’t buy someone else’s, well, that’s another conversation, i’m listening to you, how did the night go in general, but it went well, well, well, tell me the details, well, now you, eh i think you 're jealous. yes, i’m jealous, i’ll strangle you, but to be honest, rida, i was very worried about you , but seriously, forgive me, andryukh, okay, let’s go, kiss you, you fool, karidanov, you’re a fool yourself. yes, georgivich. well
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what do we have? peace and quiet with us? the jeweler had not yet had a single visitor. i'm starting to worry that we'll end up at the wrong door. andryukh, stop whining, let’s sit until the evening. so far no one interesting has come to our jeweler either. but if it doesn’t bite today, we’ll try differently tomorrow. well, that's it, see you later. shall we cook? let's cook! listen, what are we going to do with the jeweler the noise pirates worked for? we don’t have anything on him yet, let’s send all the information about him to the ubp, let them figure out how long they can wait, listen, andryukha is right, we’ll discuss who is right later, now it will be... take brother gromov, look, you see, two people are going to the jewelry store, it’s gromov’s brother with some guy, here you are, you ’re like an opera, you believe in such coincidences, don’t i believe, georgivich, we must take it, stand, police, hands,
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trap, calm down, where, with your back to me, hands behind your head, hand, hand, igor, georgivich, come to me, rest them, come on, come here, for the last time i’m asking whether we’ll confess or not, i don’t know anything, boss, you’re working, excuse me, i’m just here to say a few words to you, i’ve run my fingerprints through the database fingers of this handsome man and found out that he was wanted for... murder in the city of kirov, for two murders in the city of moscow, for a series of robberies in cherepavets for, well, there’s a lot more, just study it, and also for the pistol that i confiscated, its caliber coincides with the caliber of the weapon that was used to kill gromovy, well, now it’s clear why you immediately decided to shoot,
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it makes no sense for you to surrender, tell me, it was you who shot at your brother, that’s not necessary, it was the person with... who shot you took me and what is his name? vitaly, surname kotin, but everyone called him a trap. well, let's tell you more. my brother had his own business. one of his former classmates worked at the brichmul plant, a gem processing plant in uzbekistan. yes. he stole stones, i don’t know how. then they transported us here. here a jeweler took them, from whom people came to his brother’s house and left money. they took the stones, you were also in this business, in tenth roles, he always told me that i was an idiot, he said that he was keeping me only out of pity, but with me it’s like that it’s impossible, but where did you meet kapkan, he went to uzbekistan for stones, his brother had fake documents, and kapkan suggested, let’s remove your brother, well,
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we’ll stir up topics ourselves, why do we need your brother, you know, it seems to me that this he didn’t tell you... but you proposed this plan to him? no, he's for me. ok, so be it. further? i knew what time the couriers would arrive, that the stones in the safe arrived half an hour earlier. the trap killed my brother, i took the stones, and we left. you knew that there was a stranger in the apartment. why wasn't she killed? but she didn't see ours persons besides, it's a good distraction maneuver. if you started looking for it, you would waste time. “if she had called the police, she would have been the first to be suspected, yes, i didn’t feel sorry for my brother, now everyone is for himself, besides, he is to blame, so you judge me, you think that i’m not cruel, i’m still for my work i haven’t seen anyone like that, and it’s not for me to judge you.
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rita, be careful, he already added clofilin to the glass. oh, oh, a little bit, my legs hurt, wait, wait, wait, oh, oh,
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oh . ! maxim, stand still, don’t twitch, don’t twitch, you’re okay, maxim, here, on. lunch was going on, i saw you, what’s going on here in general, calm down, don’t be nervous, maxim, criminal investigation, great, that means there’s a reason to sit and have a drink, you tell me who you are, we’ll do it, look, ritka, this is for you, here i am again, hello, rita, hello, younger brother andrei, elder, and i would like to kidnap rita and invite her to a restaurant. excellent offer, maxim, probably not today, no, you can with your brother, if your brother doesn’t mind, i agree, he’s against it, oh, by the way, another brother is very
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strict uncle, hello, hello, what 's going on here, uncle oleg, there's a man here, our whole family is invited to a restaurant, he jokes that rita, of course, i didn't know that you had such a huge family, me too, well, if without there’s no way for them, then i invite everyone, well , it’s somehow awkward, but refusing would be even worse, right? we agree, we agree, we agree, besides, grandpa wants to join us, please, with pleasure, let's go, let's go,
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stop it, what if someone sees? nastya, i don’t care, i missed you, and you heard that there is a fine for debauchery in public places, that’s also debauchery, but we have love. big big, yeah, what is this, don’t come out, come out, i’m scared, no, yes, yuri, police, some guy fell on our car, i know, i won’t touch him with my hands, klavdia petrovna, what are you saying? , for a calm morning, without corpses, my dear man, you
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know me, well, that’s it, i understood you, goodbye, that’s it, guys, as things go, i’m homeless, why, what happened, and my housekeeper refuses to continue renting to me apartment, so what about her apartment? did it burn or flood? by god, it would be better if i flooded it and burned it, no, she got it into her head that now she would rent out the apartment only to married couples, and she also talked to her friend, who also rents out the apartment, and she told her that she was renting out the apartment to a girl, and then they closed down a whole brothel there, well, tell her that you work for the police, show her your id, so she already knows it and you’re burning, retula, so apparently you took whole men there in droves, yeah, in companies, okay, retula, you you stayed only...
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i wonder what floor he fell from? lyosh, did he have any documents with him?


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