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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  May 29, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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corpse, rodanov kyrmov on the way out, now we’ll finish the tea, so on the way out, the corpse won’t wait, quickly, we were sitting in the car, talking, a wild roar, something fell on the roof, i go out, i look, and there’s this one lying there, yes, yes, yes, that’s how it happened, i almost died of fear, i wonder what floor he fell from, lesh, oh, he didn’t have any documents with him, i think he didn’t have time to put them in his pocket before the flight, quietly , not scary. and the height from which he fell is great, i think the window on the eighth floor is open, why don’t you you saw that someone suspicious was passing by, the killer had to come out of this front door, but what did you look at, or what? okay, sign, you’ll need more, listen, what kind of territorials are we taking the rap on again, a typical suicide, only before he fell, he was dealt a fatal blow with a heavy blunt object to...
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empty? yes, i, too, captain igor, hoped that the killer was sitting here waiting for us. and that’s just as i hoped. well, i think this is the murder weapon. apparently, the murder was not planned, and most likely occurred in as a result of a sudden quarrel with varlamov. yes, at first glance, there are no signs of robbery. yes, it doesn't look like robbery. it looks like he flew out of that window. more precisely, someone helped him fly out. guys, here's the phone number. apparently murdered, don't think the killer left his here. lyosh, will you take prints from him later? i'll do it. yes, then give it to yours.
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let the new equipment work, guys, let's go around to the neighbors, otherwise we 'll sit here until nightfall, i obey, comrade bolkin, i'll give him the car number, nikolay, the number he gave me a car, a jeep, he didn’t call the police, didn’t report it, i don’t know, i don’t know, but let’s talk more about this car, yesterday evening, i’m going home, i see some two thugs hitting nikolayev’s car, pounding bi...
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nikito, great, i ’ll text you the license plate of one car, you quickly call the owner, call me back urgently, yeah, that’s it, the car number, thank you, i didn’t see anything, you just woke up my baby, well, sorry, please, what happened, your neighbor was killed, and not just killed, but... thrown out of the window, like that, you did you happen to hear a scream from his apartment, but i just arrived, and what kind of creature killed him, i would like to find this creature myself, and you knew him, well, you knew him, otherwise i remember every one of his goals, well, that’s me i also remember how he didn’t score through himself in the pad, yeah, okay, but you know something about his personal life, i know everything, since from rostov in the wings of glory only six months later he became number one, but
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he bought it with royalties, and you i don’t happen to know, maybe he’s had some conflicts lately, but i’ve been visiting him the last couple of times months, he’s been a bit of a jerk, so he’s drunk all the time. was banging on the door, so he must have killed him, kolya never opened the door for him, and kolya didn’t happen to tell you what kind of creep he was, no, i even offered him my services a couple of times in cleaning this freak’s snout, if only you they helped me draw up a portrait of this citizen, i would be very grateful to you, so i’ll sketch it for you myself, after all, 7 years of art, i rolled my fingers, took blood samples, i’ll report the results tomorrow morning. bye, lesh, bye, be healthy, happy! well, nikitos hit the car of these thugs with beats? the car is on the rental company's balance sheet, tomorrow i'll go to this office and find out who rents this car. well , yes, we’ll fight for this one guy. i wonder what he presented to this varlamov?
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a bunch of suspects, not a single one on hand. what's going on in the neighbors? van, well, like the first time, of course, no one saw anything, no one heard anything, although there are a couple of clues. okay, morning and evening are wiser. come on, tomorrow. early, come on, yes, of course, i remember, i handed over this jeep in such a frame, you know, like bulls galloping, like from the nineties, from one with a finger, a chain around the neck, and some kind of data, they can be found, yes, of course,
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don’t yell at me, alyushka, the sting has fallen, listen here, if you’re stupid, then write it down, at 3:00 in the vacant lot near red october, it’s clear, we’ll solve lamov’s problem, that’s it, well, you’re formidable, captain igor, i couldn’t do that, my heart was pounding too, i couldn’t do that, i’m kind, okay, let’s go. here you go, thank you, what's wrong with your appetite, margarit? tasteless, tasty. hey, i’m tormented by the housing problem, but
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i can’t find an apartment for myself, you know, no i can, there are options, but everything is mostly outside the city, it takes 2 hours to get to work, you understand, i already get up 2 hours before to do my hair. why do i need to get up now? maybe through an agency? my inhumanly huge salaries are already only enough to pay the rent and also pay the agent, and why didn’t the landlady beg? well, maybe we can contact our guys? is it somehow inconvenient to bother your superiors on such issues? no, i ’ll leave oleg georgievich and igor sergeevich for last, when i’m left without a roof over my head, then there’s a way out just... what, we urgently need to get married, nadezhda alekseevna, pull yourself together, and get married,
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it’s you, the boklans were hitting our mark, we were hitting the arrow, only you’re the boklans here, and we’re from the inter-district. homicide department, i don’t understand, klim, what kind of a garbage set-up is this, you couldn’t tell the difference between the lads and the garbage guys on the phone, or what, you’ve got the priest confused, or something, how can i tell you from the garbage guys on the mobile phone, so guys, calm down, and what do you want from us, you just need to talk, well, speak up, since you came, this you say how they killed the eagle, but did you think the cops were rude or something, we didn’t kill anyone, of course we didn’t kill him, why do we need him dead, but why did they come to
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you then? i’m interested in the wings of glory team, i coach 4 year, i invited varlamov at the end of last season, but i managed to study his features, yeah, what are his main features? career, but you understand, not everyone is capable, i understand, many are blown away, it’s impossible to get by, of course, many dream of such a one that can withstand loads, regime, etc., pavel lavrov, one might say, is heading into the abyss; who is lavrov? the former striker was released last season due to a problem with
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alcohol, well, the age of 32 for a player, you know, is extreme, but i found varlamov, he replaced lavrov, lavrov, of course , was not happy with this, there was no, there was a scandal, in general, he believed that varlamov had tricked him and blamed him for his problems, but you see, this is not so, say, this is lavrov. yes, it looks like it, but do you have its coordinates? yes, i'll give it to you now. do you think it was he who killed varlamov? well, while the investigation is ongoing, i cannot provide this information. yes. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element. stop defeating the fire, the calling of the strong. pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers-firefighters, air forest protection rosles. a reliable shield of the russian forest, that your watch
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didn’t kill anyone, my watch the city can sleep peacefully, what a 15th century, bears chew people, but that’s not why she died, the reason is strangulation, this beautiful frost of yours found new remains in the forest, series personality tried to install, no documents, no phone, nothing i wasn’t there, i was far away, we don’t have a goal to imprison... or anyone else to do this, we really want to love the pines. flock, today at 22:10 on ntv. we didn’t kill kolyan, we scared him, we smashed the car, but he still wouldn’t give us the money if he was dead. what's the story with debt? let's go into detail in order. kalyan drove into his parents' car into the jeep of one particular man. he bet it on real money and turned on the counter with hefty percentages. kolyan had to be given back. we helped, what a nobility we are, but so what, we didn’t know that this goat would cheat us,
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i thought he would hide from us in st. petersburg, but the debt was big, 4000, before this was an unaffordable amount for kolyana, but now it’s a different matter, so we decided, but he didn’t want to give you the money and sent you to hell, right , and as soon as you realized that the debt would not be repaid to you, you decided to deal with him like a boy, he sent it first, but when he saw that we destroyed his car, he called back and agreed: murder, when was he killed? well done, didn't get caught, tell me where you were yesterday and what
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you did yesterday, so there is a boss, there is an alibi, that means, now you’ll tell the investigator about this, let’s go, no, citizen, boss, don’t blame someone else’s wetness on us, it’s too early for us to go to the zone, we have a lot of plans outside, i see you’re dashing guys, okay, huh where were you yesterday around 9:00 pm, so he was killed at that time? no, we have an alibi, so let us out, citizen boss, well, what do you mean, let us out, first show us your alibi, but we drank all evening in the bar, like his clover, you can check, i’ll check, i’ll check, but just look, if you they didn’t remember there, oh, you and your friend will be the real suspects, you’ll go as number one, why didn’t you remember, we had such a blast there, they won’t forget us there, retulya, hello, retul, where are you? you’re going to look at the apartment, listen, put it aside
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for a couple of hours, not for work, for friendship, you need to go to the clover bar, i ’ll send you a photograph of one handsome guy via email, ask the staff if you saw him there yesterday at 9:00 pm, yeah, i’ll send it now, just wait, we’re smiling, great. hello, lavrov, help, who are you? and we are for you, stand, stand, where, ah, how bad, lavrov, hands are shaking, legs can’t hold up, you can’t run away from us, i’ve had enough of a lecture on the dangers of alcoholism, enough, i’m a free person and i don’t need your services, i
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’m generally on i’ll take you to court, it’s clear, georgy, what he’s talking about, in my opinion, is delirium tremens, okay, let’s go. understand, quietly, quietly, quietly, don’t twitch, let’s go, klimov and popov, yes, they were here, i’ll remember them for a long time, when exactly they were here, yesterday, from about 7 pm until midnight, until the security sent them out , and what have they done? we ran out of the whiskey they were drinking, so they demanded a discount for compensation for damages, when our bartender refused them, they pressed him to the counter and demanded to say the phrase “i’m a pimply idiot.” yes, why didn’t you call the police? didn't they turn them in for hooliganism? so try to hand them over, they are a strong infection, they won’t wait for the police. well, at least there is a guard. thank you, sorry. girl, can i see you? yes, is it ready yet? yes, claudia petrovna. claudia petrovna, i can’t right now, i’m at work. what kind of dancing? i'm
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questioning witnesses. oh, claudia petrovna, okay, wait. thank you, well, the version with the rostov bandits fell off, so... yes, so we have only you, a real suspect, dear, what kind of suspect, what am i doing here, i don’t understand, you understand everything perfectly well, where you are, why , where i understand, that’s why, excuse me, i just can’t understand, i’m now obliged to report to the police from here for escaping from the clinic, wow, are you okay, what kind of escape, from which clinic, from a private drug treatment clinic, from which also, well,
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well, you took me for escaping, yes, i’m there i signed documents that i agreed to treatment until complete recovery and without the right to be discharged at my own request, well, i didn’t like it there, at first i thought that you were from this hospital security service lying, that you were from the police, but you are real cops, georgivich , look, what tales he tells us, what tales, what am i doing here, i don’t understand anything, explain already, so wait, you killed varlamov, what are you guys, someone really killed this bastard, but that’s not i, honestly, it's not me, where are you were you around 5 pm yesterday? well , i was at the clinic, i only ran away from there in the morning after a medical round, well, i was thinking of staying with a friend at the dacha, okay, we’ll check your alebi, but while you stay with us, i ’ll survive, just don’t send me back to the clinic , i don’t want to, well, young people, i have such a cozy apartment, i
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showed you everything, the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen, i hope you liked it, just right for young people. uh-huh, thank you, well, klavdia petrovna, just a second, hello, hello, hello, well, i hope you call me wait, okay, bye bye. goodbye, klavdia petrovna, yes, what was that? rita, i couldn’t wait for you, i was showing the apartment to the new tenant. rita, what a mess this apartment is, it’s just embarrassing. i didn’t invite guests. well, why are you grumbling there? i didn't hear. i say, klavda petrovna,
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i have a fiancé. fathers. where did he come from? i was abroad on a business trip, just now i’m going to transport things, well , i don’t know, i don’t know, i don’t know if i’ll agree, oh, she has a fiancé, i need to look at him, i’m organizing, so that means you already have laurels, that’s for sure, but i warned you that interrupting treatment threatens delirium tremens, and as a consequence, social actions, but what has he already managed to do? tell me, please, what time exactly did you discover his disappearance from the clinic? today at about 11 am, i ran away in my pajamas. so, it’s clear, that means. before he has done anything, you tell lavrov to come back here immediately, we ourselves will not look for him, and lavrov just thinks that
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, as far as i understand, you will be violent keeping a patient in a clinic without permission is illegal here, but unless he already came here with delirium tremens, and he didn’t have any delirium tremens, he just signed the papers himself, agreed to treatment, and then started yelling, screaming, what’s almost it’s not a prison, i ’ll tell you, it’s just that a person doesn’t want to treat himself, so he’s looking for enemies in us, well, of course, thank you, good health, but to me , please, andryushechka, help yourself, cool, thank you, i have something for you. small, small, small, small request, oh you fox, you chose the moment, radanov is well-fed, sobbing is kind, ask, marry me,
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this is a statement, but she’s matured, yes, she saw her happiness, it depends on what kind of dowry they will give for you, the dowry is excellent, but seriously, the situation is like this , my thought tormentor klavdia petrovna, flatly refuses to continue. to rent out an apartment to me, so he says, now i’ll rent it out only to married couples, so what? well, i need to show her that i have a promising, 100% groom, your choice fell on me, well, i’m flattered, okay, i’ll help, well, go only 3 days, but my condition is, everything must be for real, fulfillment of marital duties, four to five times a day, of course, be sure to roll your lips, otherwise i will ask you to do the shtam.
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yeah, there are relatives, no, there are hundreds of numbers and phone calls from st. petersburg, there are no relatives, but i dug up an sms correspondence with his girlfriend alisa. alisa khotankova, we ’ll call her now, i’ve already checked everything, she’s out of the network coverage area, wait, did you try to call her yourself? oleg georgievich, i'm a computer genius, not an operative, i'm everything i do it through the computer, in general, i checked everything, but the number is unavailable, the location is not peeled, by the way, the data on alice, by the way, was also through the computer, so where is he, where are you going? and oleg georgievich, i’m sorry to bother you, this is coach silandev, remember, and hello, hello, here a man broke into my room, of some shades,
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he’s looking for varlamov, he destroyed the office, he threatens, he says that he’ll kill me if i don’t tell me where arlamov ’s , khokhankov, okay, i’ll send two of my employees now, thank you, oleg georgievich, goodbye, so, listen, nikit, call me for the father of this alisa, hotyankov. and if there are also brothers, okay, okay, ale georich, i’ll do it, here’s his car, yes, i can see it’s a house on wheels, let’s lure him out somehow, let’s make some noise, let’s, uh, listen, well, let’s go away from the car, quickly, now i’ll break it off, wantenkov, well, wantenkov, and we and... the police about varlamov, did he start a cop’s roof? well done, guy, i underestimated him, varlamov was killed, where is alisa, should i
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ask you about this, in any case, i’ll have to come to our department to talk, listen, andrey, well, in general, it’s still a frame, i’m looking at it, so there are three shots here. for robbery, causing grievous bodily harm and illegal possession of weapons, but the last 12 years ago, nothing at all since then, you hint that he has reformed, well, i don’t think so, in his recent history of messages there are a dozen sms with threats to vorlam , listen, make a printout, okay, yes, i’ll do it, yeah, come on, i’ll do everything for everyone, this doesn’t prove anything, it’s also news to me that kolya is dead. and we have to believe you, but i don’t care whether you believe me or not, i didn’t kill him and my people too, why do i need this, that
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then my daughter hated me all her life. well , you wanted him to get away from her, that ’s right, get behind her, and not die, okay, where were we yesterday, around 9:00 p.m., we were at the meeting of our club, in a bar on kamenoostrovsky, let’s check, where did such affection come from in general? to a young man, a promising football player, from a good family, for a young football player, my alice, a girl for a couple of days, but for her it’s...
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what if he got her involved in what? well, for starters , you could have gotten her involved in something, not a football player, rich past, thieves, three imprisonment, and now there are no text messages with threats yet, captain crimea and i still can’t believe the story about a caring dad, fuck you, so we’ll look for your daughter, and for now you’ll sit with us. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition. finish new
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season today at 20:00 on ntv. i am marina kravets, and this is your deepest desire. you have thrown them far. but it's a birthday ozone. i want perfume and tofni. and a bigger closet. is it possible that you will always be in ozone advertising? can. tell me the discounts. discounts. about the ozone birthday sale. viviyan sabo set for 399. tunda robot monitor for. 849 babushkina lukashka puree for 449. attacked by credit card debts? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay them off within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. magnet. soufflé candies timmi 499. magnet - the price is what you need. contribution is the best
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any card without commission or interest. tinkov, he’s the only one, i’m marina kraves, and this is your deepest desire, you ’ve thrown them far, but it’s ozone’s birthday, i want it. i appreciate investments, where to invest gifts money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit for interest on the sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best
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interest brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares as a gift, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. about the weather for today and the region, positive negative anomalies are very picturesquely distributed on the temperature map of our country, clearly presented in siberia, numbed by the cold, surrounded by bright spots of warmth on european territory in the far north east. it’s real summer in yakutia, temperatures are almost 10° above normal in some places. in this weather, the taiga is about to burst into flames. well, the rains in the south in the coastal areas, especially heavy in the kuril islands and the wind there is hurricane, cannot be avoided in nastya and kamchatka, the rains will intensify in buryat. so. +14, however, this is the most popular temperature for the entire south. now it’s cold siberia, it will hardly reach +20 in altai, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, from novosibirsk to omsk it won’t be +10, and also wind, rain, snow in the north, almost zero there,
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in yekaterinburg it is again cool +12, while in orenburg +26, there is little precipitation in the region. on the european territory of russia, an atmospheric front separated the cold north from the warm center of the warming south. in the area where the front is affected by rain, this line is: relia - tatarstan. the temperature contrasts are impressive. in mormonsk -10, in petrozavodsk +25. the center today can reach the 30-degree mark. the sun is here again. in the south, slowly but surely, it is also getting warmer, only near the sea it is still not far from +20. and again local rains with cargo. in st. petersburg, too, during the day, freight rain is possible and +27. in moscow 28:30 no precipitation. this is already a reason for a storm warning about dangerous extreme heat. khotinkov needs to be shut down, igor sergeevich, if khotinkov killed varlamov, why did he then break into the sports complex? this is obviously a red herring. somehow i can’t
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believe this. well, listen, facts are important, and they are against khotyankov. it’s strange that he waited so long, i’ve been dating his daughter for 8 months, and the first text message was a threat. we have khatinkov as a suspect, we are free, andryush, you remember where we are going, this is not about if you forget, look at me, come in, klavdya petrovna, ok, ok, hello,
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meet me, this is andrey, klavdya petrovna, very! it’s nice, andrey, i came especially because of you, to look at you, chalk, sit down, help yourself, drink, tea! klavdia petrovna, andrey, is a very serious, reliable, well-mannered person, without bad habits, yes, from a good family, and we serve in the police together, we have tested our feeling with time, so, wait, what was he doing abroad like that? long if in the police serves, well, i taught, yes, he taught, as a student abroad, i approve of your choice, thank you, when is the wedding? in the very near
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future we want to legalize our relationship, in a week we are going to submit an application to the college, well, no, i won’t tolerate this. “first one roommate, then a second, then a third, right here, here’s a brothel for you, well, it’s only a week, what a week, i have to leave in 3 days, which means shtav, or a certificate from the zachs, or live wherever you want, that’s the only way. klavdia petrovna, you are absolutely right, tomorrow morning we go to zacks, submit an application and bring you a certificate of filing documents. well, look, oh. hello to you, hello, oleg
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georgievich, take a seat, how are you, how is your family, thank you, everything is fine, it’s clear, it means the conversation will be about business, and not about life, and i ordered vodka for someone how to drink it, support me, well, the working day is over, pour it, great, well, another conversation, well, tell me, why do you need me again? tell me, do you know khotyankov? i know, i had business with him, but a long time ago. you know i have everything now officially. he has too. well, now it’s like that for everyone who stayed afloat. the hard times are over. ven, tell me, could khotchankov throw his daughter’s boyfriend off the tenth floor? lord, what have you done, have you raped your daughter? no no no. they have a young love together there, but khotinkov didn’t like him, so to speak. but he’s not hysterical or
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a maniac, he’s had worse showdowns, but he’s never caused housebreak, and you have no other options, smotrievich, you know better, people sometimes change a lot.
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andrey, maybe you should really give it to me application, and then just take it away, otherwise if they find out here that i’m issuing false certificates, they’ll fire me, tanyusha, no one will find out anything, no one will fire you, oh sob, you really decided to get married, well, if i get married, tanyusha, only on you, i already promised this to you 10 times, of course, so i believed it, andryukh, i found this alesa, while delivering sushi,
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the daughter of a rich dad, you see, she’s used to eating delicious food, she didn’t even have time to spend two days outside the house, but she already order sushi from an expensive restaurant, like this, svetlanovsky 77, check out, hello, hello, who are you, we need to talk, girl, okay. father, calm, calm, we are from the police, homicide department, we’ll talk here or drive with us, come in, and i’m wondering why he’s not answering the message, yes, that’s how things are, alice, we’re very sorry, but in order to find the killer, we need your help, you came to me because of your father, right? “do you think it’s him, but we don’t know yet, but the fact is that
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your father threatened nikolayev, so what, and did it more than once, and what? yes, they didn’t quarrel, your father can be very rude, but he would never did this, but why did you run away from home, because of your father, he offered kolya a lot of money if he left me, i wanted to go to kolya, i looked for him, wrote to him, he didn’t answer, didn’t go online, but why phone?" "they turned it on, he could have called you or sent you text messages, but we communicated with him on the internet so much more conveniently, and i turned off my phone because of my father, well, well, if it was n’t your father, then...
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really curious. and where is this recording? i have. i discovered something interesting here. the victim had big problems. well it it's clear. for this he was killed. no, but i mean with health. so. let's go into more detail. the fact is that recently varlamov
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has been vigorously treating the skin on his face. well, some powerful specific drugs. what was he sick with? seborine dermatitis. this is certainly unpleasant, but it can be treated. yeah, so what does that give us? next: we know very well that varlamov fought with the killer before his death, the suspect just had abrasions on his knuckles, right? well, i told you that this is weak evidence, indirect, that’s right, here are traces of drugs on the face varlamova, this is a completely different matter, they should have remained on your hands for about a week, so they can be washed off, you can, but you need to know with what and how, these drug residues can exist on clothes for a week or two or even... more, so that means , i urgently need to do it by washing it off my hands from my clothes at khotyankov’s, well , i’ll do it in two parts, okay, uh-huh, sorry, yes, andrey, uh-huh, very interesting,
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good afternoon, citizen silant, hello! but will not even notice that you are a good player, now there will be a very interesting place about kickbacks in match-fixing, this is a chance earn real money, kolya, everything is serious here, treat this as very interesting, and that you are offering me to go with you, and to our department, okay,
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that’s it, selantyev has been detained and he is being taken to the department uh-huh, what about khotinkov? we are releasing khotinkovo, the washings from his hands and clothes gave a negative result, and khotinkov’s own alibi was confirmed, he really was at a meeting with friends at a motorcycle club. in general, we can only charge him with hooliganism at the sports complex. yes. sorry, this is radanov, they probably brought him to selandi. will you allow me? yes, go, oleg georgievich, come back with disclosure. eat. yes, you understand that it is pointless to deny, now you can either remain silent or cooperate, i’ll tell you honestly, we already have all the evidence and
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we don’t need your confession, but there is always a chance to win a couple of years in court through active repentance. but if you don’t want to, just wait, i ’ll tell you everything, i’m listening to you, i did it for the sake of my daughter, 10 years, 10 years they approached me with a proposal to fix matches, and for 10 years i refused, but what has changed for me my daughter is sick and needs surgery in germany. even my salary is not enough for this, but varlomov was also someone’s son, yes, i understand, i didn’t think of killing him, he wanted me.
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traces of a blow, clearly, well, now write, here, klavdia petrovna, thanks to you, our relationship will very soon become official, thank you very much for helping us make such an important decision for our lives, very, very good, wonderful, oh, well now i can go with a calm heart... keep it up, thank you, happy journey, love to you and family well-being, thank you very much,
6:28 am
i hope we will live in love and fidelity, yeah, yes, bitterly, for my sake, bitterly, well, many years to come in your life. thank you, oh, i have to run, there’s still so much to do, so much to do, don’t see me off, i hate you, your lipstick is disgusting, and your lips are tender, what’s wrong with you, thank you so much, i don’t know how to thank you, yes no problem, always contact me, after all, i dragged you to the tax office, so you know, it hardly counts, the certificate is fake, you know , fake, i’ll hang it up in the department and for the men i’ll show you, well, roll it here, give it here, give it, give it, here, here, come on, oh, redano, oops, well, go
6:29 am
make your bed, go home, tanya, hello, i wanted to thank you for your help. “thank you very much, it helped a lot, yes, but now i need a certificate of divorce, but i’m kidding, i’m kidding, i just wanted to invite you to dinner today, you can’t, it’s a shame, oh well, no big deal, next time, bye- bye, see you, darling, hello!" this is rydanov. listen, let's meet tonight. it's okay that 3 years have passed, i was secret task. we wish you
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the best morning. next in the program. let's find out the details of the emergency. let's listen to road stories ahead. and some residents of yekaterinburg were caught doing strange things, they lay eggs, chicken eggs right in the store, a very dubious pastime, knowing that the unwashed shells contain a lot of microbes of dangerous infections, but it is precisely to get sick that extreme sports enthusiasts want, even in childhood everyone is told not to delay in... such disgusting things to put in your mouth, but some continue even into adulthood. the news that buyers retail chain deliberately licks dirty balls.


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