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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 29, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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a fiery wave of protests, how the anti-israeli rally in mexico city ended and the army’s version of what happened in rafah, a package of amendments to the tax system, who may be affected by the changes from 2025. a journey to the black stone, russian muslims go to mecca to perform the hajj, because it is prestigious and promising, how british russophobia loses to the desire of the king’s subjects to study the russian language, and also a picnic not on the roadside, where you can cook barbecue and how violators will now be identified and punished. this is the program today in dmitry's studio zaboistoy. hello. let's start with the main
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financial news of the week. the russian ministry of finance has submitted to the government a package of amendments to improve the tax system. is it expected that the state duma will adopt it in the spring session? according to the project, those who earn less than 200,000 rubles per month will continue to pay 13% to the treasury. but those with an annual income of 2,400,000 to 5 million per year will pay 15% income tax from the twenty-fifth year. with incomes from five to twenty. income over 50 million rubles per year implies a tax of 22%. at the same time, the ministry of finance emphasizes that people will pay the increased rate not on the entire amount, but only on the balance that exceeds the limit. as the department calculated, the introduction of a progressive income tax scale will affect slightly more than 3% of the working population and will not affect participants in a special military operation. to the ministry of finance. benefits for families with two or more
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children, if their average per capita income is below one and a half subsistence levels; more details about the package of amendments from the ministry of finance in our next programs in business news. israeli military operations in the border area rafah caused a new large-scale wave of indignation around the world. in mexico this night, protesters threw molotov cocktails at the jewish embassy. bravo, as local media report, a peaceful demonstration of a dozen activists first gathered at the diplomatic mission in mexico city, but the meeting quickly turned into riots , stones, cocktails, molotovs were thrown towards the embassy building, six people received burns, four of them were police officers, unguessed residents in support ...
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but it seems the israelis are not moving forward with ground operation in the urban center of rafah. the day before, israel's strikes on the refugee camp in rafah were discussed at the un security council, which was closed from the press, and the organization's secretary general also condemned the aggression. millions of muslims from all over the world gather these days in saudi arabia to perform the hajj, a pilgrimage to the city of mecca. the main shrine of islam, kab, is located there. for russian citizens, flights to khahadsh are organized by special companies that sell tours; you can go on them from moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, makhachkala and other cities. the first plane from grozny has already taken off with residents of chechnya. for them, expensive travel and accommodation were paid by the regional fund named after akhmat kadyrov. fatima dadaeva led the pilgrims on a sacred journey. this year
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, 3.00 believers will go on this sacred journey for muslims from the public, the first group of pilgrims - 170 people, will fly out today, accompanied by a doctor. and the temple put on special costumes for pilgrims performing hajj even before departure. a traveler to holy places can be recognized immediately and not only by clothing, they reveal excitement and emotions. sultan batuev is 70 years old; for the last 30 he has lived with the dream of making a pilgrimage to holy places. at home i was very worried, now i already feel that this is very good, well, i am now in the hands of the almighty, everything is fine. before performing the hajj, devout muslims prepare in advance, repent of their sins, and pray for forgiveness. and distribute alms to those in need, the main thing here is sincerity and purity of intentions. lisa adieva still does not believe that in a few hours she will see the main shrines for muslims. of course, i’ve been dreaming about it for a long time, my dear son, i’ve been dreaming about it all my life, to be honest, don’t even
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believe it. hajj is one of the five pillars of islam prescribed for every muslim with income; pilgrimage in debt is taboo. commitment this year. hajj costs $5,500, an unaffordable amount for many, so the regional fund named after akhmat kadyrov paid for the travel and accommodation of pilgrims performing the hajj for the first time. the most important thing for a haji is fear of god and patience, because no matter how great the conveniences were there, there were not, hajj is a test, it is a difficulty, because a person experiences... difficulties and must withstand these difficulties, be patient, because the prophet sola said: “he who performed the hajj” and showed patience, he was cleansed of all sins. other pilgrims heading to the shrines have a chance to be cleansed of their sins. until
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june 10 , 16 more flights will depart from grozny to saudi arabia. the hajj will end with the main muslim holiday of eid al-adha. the pilgrims will return home, already spiritually enriched. with the prefix haji. fatima dadaeva, tamir khadzhiev, alya kutulov, north caucasus bureau, ntv, grozny, chechen republic. the socio-economic development of ingurshetia became the main topic of the conversation between vladimir putin and the head of the region. the meeting took place the night before in the kremlin. mahmud ali kalimatov told the president about the opening of several new industrial production facilities in the republic. this brings additional funds to the budget. in addition, 40 investment projects have already been prepared in this area. among them the construction of liquefied gas processing plants and production treatment facilities. the head of state emphasized that it is important to create favorable conditions for business in the region. and another important topic is the demographic situation in the republic and the construction of kindergartens,
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schools and clinics. i see that your life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country in general, and the population is growing.
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free higher education in russia is becoming more accessible in domestic universities and colleges, and the number of places financed from the budget is growing. in the state duma committee on science and higher education reported this year more than six. kazan energy university is one of the country’s leading universities in training personnel for
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the industry, and from next year the number of budget places there will immediately increase by almost 400, but it’s important to graduate at least a million people a year, it’s important to give them knowledge. in principle , there is a lot that contributes to good absorption. is now done in most educational institutions to denote a set of practical skills, focus on competence, this is a fashionable word, russia, the country needs programmers, the country a technician is needed, so most of the new budget places will go not to lyricists, but to physicists, this is the it direction, this is mechanical engineering, this is technology. this is welding production, it’s like a sign of quality, usually a graduate goes to interviews and tries
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to find a job, but here on the contrary, the employer goes to universities trying to offer a job. they are not even graduates, they are even third- and fourth-year students, master’s graduates, and so on, they offer them their own jobs, this salary, benefits package and many different things. as a result, more than 85 percent of graduates quickly find work in their specialty. makar is a future builder, well, as a future builder, he doesn’t have a diploma yet, but he already has a job. now i’ve been officially employed since the beginning of my third year in a construction company, i’ve been working in a team for about six months now, gaining new knowledge in parallel with my studies. among the most popular universities among applicants is the moscow polytechnic university, which traditionally has one of the biggest competitions. well, if you look for example, based on the results of the reception. twenty-third year compared to last year, then, for example, in the area of ​​​​training for information systems
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and technology for 227 budget places we had 5,270 applications, and so the competition in new areas that are opening under new educational programs, we expect 40 in the region person in place. this year there are 720 additional budget places and two new areas that are related to information systems and technologies. distinctive feature of moscow polytechnic - project-based learning. what does it mean? students solve not abstract, but very specific problems, they are set by partner companies, they then use the results of the project, plus they take the guys to work for them. every year, polytechnic students create more than 250 projects, including startups, and the number of industrial partners tends to one and a half thousand, and here everyone wins. since our projects are interdisciplinary, it is very... interesting, over the last few years we have seen a trend that industrial our partners take our kids in teams;
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according to experts, russia will face a shortage of personnel in the coming years, especially in technical specialties, which is why the state is relying on young people; in 2024, three out of five graduates of russian schools will be able to enter the budget. nakhit babaev, alena antonova, svyatoslav gordin, arthur gavrish, vladislav guryanov, ntv. many schoolchildren in britain are preparing these days. for the russian language exam. the great and mighty is still popular in the kingdom, despite the deep crisis in relations between london and moscow. elizaveta gerson found out which of his majesty’s subjects is learning russian, and most importantly, why. this is a classroom in an english secondary school, and russian is not taught here, but french or spanish is usually taught, and poorly. russian speech is heard here only on weekends, children come. here to learn our language from scratch, or to perfect your home
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or grandma’s russian? babushkin, mother, alexander sergeevich or fyodor mikhailovich, russian falls on the language under the influence of various people, historical figures, in private schools in britain, such as eton, where prince harry studied poorly, or herrow, where churchel did well, russian is taught, and for students of public schools there are two budget options, either a russian tutor, or another one. the school of knowledge has existed for 21 years and operates throughout the uk and beyond, we have a branch in germany in bavaria. in london, we have five branches where more than 3,500 children have studied during this time. here in russian, not only russian, but singing, theater, drawing. this an attempt to expand your vocabulary horizons in 4 hours a week. most of the students are children of former citizens of the ussr.
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russian language may be one of the subjects for certification. for those who grew up in a russian-speaking family, it is possible to get the highest score with less effort, but even for those whose first language is russian, it doesn’t matter. you need to prepare, right off the bat , all the time, especially if you don’t understand the meaning of these synonym words or don’t understand what a synonym is, you won’t pass these exams. i believe that the speaking language would be normal, a little bit worse than mine now, but i believe that my grammar would be worse, and what i read, i would read and write much worse if
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there were no russian school. the exam in russian is like war and peace in four volumes, that is , sections: reading, writing, speaking. the task for the state exam is more feasible, tolerable and not burdensome, to study and understand pushkin’s story and mikhalkov’s film, those children who they start from the very basics, those who only have a russian name, i’m anastasia, and i’m 10 years old, and i, i am. for such little ones and its own methodology: a word game: distinguish a bear from a mouse, a castle from a padlock, soap from milk. the teacher always asks such beginning russian students, why? the goal is, for example, i want to read well in russian, or - for example, i have friends and i want
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to be able to talk with them, or, for example, i have a grandmother who speaks russian, and we when we go there, i don’t know how it is with her... school graduates who did not give up in the face of difficulties, but passed the russian language, can then choose russian as a specialty, and only after it's like fate. despite the daily indecent anti-russian hysteria in the british press, in the depths of the silence of university libraries, among literate people, everything is quite calm, no one is closing the russian language departments, because in order to keep it down - it is prestigious, promising and profitable. elizaveta gersyna. boris halfin. ntv television company. london. abnormal heat is coming to central russia. and for many, this is another reason to go out into nature and cook their favorite dishes over the fire. but starting a fire can be a big disaster. moscow regions, in order to prevent large-scale forest fires, now use the same technologies that in big cities determine
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traffic jams. true, not everyone is happy with the spot work of foresters. alexey ivliev, more details. we have a forest here. such pine ones - mostly the litter is needle-shaped, dry, so now everyone is on guard. all these are caravans of three cars that set off on a rapid roar to the grain-rich places, rich in potential violators, in the forests near moscow near voskresensk. the tenth quarry is a favorite place for those who cannot imagine your weekend without barbecue. there’s only one problem: there’s a pine forest all around and it could go up in flames at any second. the experience of forest rangers nikolai gorozhantsev and ekaterina suvorkina does not let us down; at the very first point a fire blazes, those who lit it are called upon to immediately extinguish the flame, and there is a video recording of the violation. bonfires, barbecues, everything is prohibited. and then barbecue lovers are shocked when, during the registration of the protocol, they find out that even if they invited all their
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relatives, friends and acquaintances, to the most expensive restaurant, meat on the grill, there it would cost them a lot.
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several departments often resembled fortune telling on coffee grounds. now, all telephone companies have joined the fight against forest arsonists, voluntary and involuntary. they will constantly transmit to this fire monitoring center, which operates around the clock, information about the number of people with mobile phones in one or another point of the forest in the moscow region. this allows us to make patrolling risk-oriented, that is, the forester does not travel along all routes, yes. and reveals, and travels directly to a place where there are more people. alexey ivliev, alexander viktorov, alexander plotnikov, andrey tokar and anastasia altukhova, ntv television company, voskresensky district. moscow region. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. only at
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be active every day. my strength is returning. prospekt. about the weather today. hello. in the far east , dry, abnormally warm up to +25 yakutia. and the south is cool, about 15. and rains in places, heavy in buryatia. the most important zone of bad weather is in the kuril islands, where hurricane winds and a storm are still approaching the south of kamchatka. well, the weather forecasts for siberia smell of some hopeless cold, the negative anomaly in some places reaches 10°. in the north there is almost zero and sleet, in the south there are rains, wind and a maximum of +20 in altai and khakassia, while from novosibirsk to omsk there will not be even +10. siberian coolness will look into yekaterinburg, it’s +12 there, but orenburg is on the warm side. which is located most of the european territory of russia. only the north here is behind the cold front, and there, as in siberia, it is cooler than normal and precipitation is possible, and it becomes less stable.


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