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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  May 29, 2024 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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children were caught, they not only watched their dad being beaten, but they themselves suffered, how events developed further and what caused the fight in general, ivan gubin found out. it would seem that there is definitely no place for a child in a conflict between two adults. this two-year-old baby in the arms of his father unwittingly became a participant in the fight. first i listened to something that was not intended for children’s ears, and then i also received a strong blow to the head. what scum! what scum! the emotions of the residents of the house who are reviewing the recording of surveillance cameras are understandable, but not you can tell about the intentions of the man in the red pants. not only did he decide to start a fight with a man who had one child in his arms and another next to him, but he continued to attack when the baby fell on the asphalt, not allowing his father to help, but the second child, who was knocked down in the fight, got the worst of it. only eyewitnesses managed to separate the men, there was swearing, they were swearing, they were swearing very strongly, then in general - the children were moving in, there was a crowd,
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a crowd, a crowd, they eventually dispersed peacefully, as it turns out in the hospital, serious injuries the children did not receive it, but this was rather a big luck, in the yard they are not discussing this at all, but what preceded the fight, according to the residents, the villain was initially the same man with the children, he started a fight with his wife right at the entrance, sorting things out rudely, very loudly, then he hit his wife, and it seems that things could have gone very far, the man grabs her by the hair, the woman is dragged into the car, then, when she ran out, he began to crush her, i went to look, i went to look and intervene and another bastard was at home, anton nikitenko, the same man in red pants, when i received a rude answer to the remark, i decided to use the same force against force, as he told his relatives, the opponent deliberately covered himself with a child, and my mother went out onto the balcony, it turns out that she heard screams, there this man was beating his wife , who, well, has a child... in
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my arms, mom called dad, dad came out and everything, dad didn’t want to, the man just hid behind the child, that’s all. this turns out to be the case when a minus and a plus still give a minus. perhaps anton nikitenko has the truth there were noble intentions, but at some point he himself became the one he wanted to stop. the degree of his responsibility for what happened to the children is now being determined by investigators. currently, investigators are seizing video recordings, ordering and conducting a forensic examination. participants in the conflict are interviewed. the progress and results of the inspection are under special control; moreover, a criminal case has already been initiated ; it is possible that the police will be interested in what happened before the fight, namely the relationship between the pair of parents, since it was largely their fault children were harmed. ivan gubin, radu gurdish, ntv television company. many victims did not live to see the verdict of the tverskoy court of moscow announced, to scammers who are more valuable.
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deceived pensioners who dreamed of a dignified old age, who believed in advertising and gave their savings to employees of a certain company who promised to increase their capital, were very nervous when it turned out that they had been deceived, someone’s heart could not stand it, someone’s chronic diseases worsened, those who turned out to be stronger came with hope to the last hearing on a high-profile criminal case case, to hear the amount of compensation and find out whether their money, the 191 victims , will be returned at the end of the trial at...
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before this trial, before the start of the trial, well, in general, today those who were able to come to court could hardly fit in the courtroom meetings, these were mostly elderly people who did not want to live on a pension alone and wanted to receive some kind of stable income from profitable investments, at least that’s what the scammers explained to them, luring them out of their last money, and also offered to make deposits either in the purchase of valuable papers, so-called bills, or they offered to sponsor microfinance organizations, i assure you... that from this clients and investors will receive huge interest. in order to give a legal appearance to criminal activity for the massive deception of citizens when concluding fictitious investment loan agreements for various amounts. the defendants used the details of three commercial organizations, including a fictitiously registered one, and do not actually intend to fulfill the conditions for the subsequent return of money and interest for use.
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found a job, and what they explained to you, like this what responsibilities, what he does, accordingly, he puts everything in, they set him up, very much like they set him up, if we had known, we didn’t work there, we would never have worked there in our lives, we attracted
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investors mainly by advertisements in newspapers that were distributed in metro, and after the first call they immediately took the future client into circulation and found out. and now i’m counting every penny,
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not all members of the organized group heard the verdict today, since the identities of some have still not been established, but one of the leaders has been in prison for many years federal wanted list accusing. chaos: after traveling to kamchatka, foreigners flew away with their prey, there were three less bears in the forest, did they manage to find the criminals, we’ll tell you after the commercial, don’t switch, just like that, andryukha, they’re killing one by one, the question is who’s next, we
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’re dealing with a very smart dangerous enemy, an ambulance, call an ambulance, this one was interested in explosives, yes, that’s right, is that him for you? threw in a dose of food, well, such coincidences don’t happen in life, but what happens, the kid just teleported here from the zone, and tattoos him, and the scars, this is a guy, a clone, who are you, knock me out, i won’t say anything, i’ll call the special forces now, there’s no need to call anything with these heavy ones, one morocco, dilpin, new season, today 20:00 on ntv, they’re locked up here, for what? let's play a game. colimbo, only in the okko online cinema. vadik, come out, come out and start a business. hmm, with sber, our idea
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a girlfriend, and then another and another, but alena noticed, she didn’t notice and the mole was given to her by alena’s husband, nikolai said: “i love all your moles so much, he didn’t know.” investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, according to, but first we will open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can it’s profitable to increase your savings, open a deposit with the best percentage brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime, with the tunik platinum credit card they don’t charge any commissions or interest for transfers, tinka in platinum knows how to arrange it. tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. tinkov, he’s the only one.
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dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. sinoden - ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna, wait, where are you going? since i have no time to play, my grandson took me to music, i’ll drop by home, now i’ll feed the cat, and then back for my grandson. look, that's it. in the morning his grandson goes to the garden, then to social security, then to the post office, grandson from the garden to music and evening scandinavian walking, she also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, these are the kind of joints you need to have to live on the fifth floor without an elevator to run so briskly, an exact terminator, liquid, an ordinary person’s legs would have broken his back long ago, and i’m telling you, her means are from the future, there’s no other way to explain it. sinaten - ease of movement.
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call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinaden. everyone who calls our line when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge. in this case, you don’t even have to pay for delivery. yes, yes, you heard right, delivery is also free. okay, let's go home. oh, petrovna is already scratching the ski track back for her grandson, girls, by the way, and you ask her in between times, what kind of synoden is this? call now for more details information about the drug sinoden, because today anyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you do not have to pay for delivery, order the course. directly from the manufacturer right now using the number on your screen, without any extra charges or commissions,
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remember, delivery is also at our expense, sinaden - ease of movement, meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air, we continue broadcasting. the poaching chaos was captured on a mobile camera by a hunting inspector in kamchatka and now the police began an investigation, the criminals shot three brown bears in a specially protected natural area, tied the carcass by the head to a helicopter and flew away. the hunt was carried out, as already established, in the upper river area. it was there that they killed the predator, skinned it, and then put it in a bag and took it away from the reserve. the fate of his relatives is even more tragic. stanislav kostikov will tell you the details. foreign tourists vacationing in the mountains of kamchatka really expected to see a bear when
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they were going to russia, but of course not so: on territory of the reserve, among the snow-covered hills , before their eyes, a helicopter flew by, carrying a killed predator through the air. poachers take the remains of an animal by helicopter, here they are hanging out, this is happening here in russia. shocked by what was happening, they saw the silhouette of a brown bear, they tied the carcass so as not to take up space on... this means that there were several hunters, or more precisely, poachers. the huntsman began an investigation and found out that this clubfoot was not the only victim of the criminals. the same helicopter was spotted in in the vicinity of the reserve the next day, and also next to the next killed bear. there he is, there are people, it’s good, you can see him now, he’s shaking. and people over there are getting ripped off. this record was already kept by the hunting inspector. also, after a while , he managed to record direct evidence of the poachers’ guilt on his mobile phone. two men are photographed cutting up a bear carcass. the huntsman handed over all the data to the police and now they are looking for
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the criminals. they took a non-disclosure agreement from the inspector, either to protect him, or it was the identity of the violators, but jaeger’s colleagues can freely comment on all these amateur posts. they believe that the poachers acted in a deliberately defiant manner, as if they were confident that they would escape punishment. here it’s just, let’s say, this is rudeness. rudeness, impudence, yes, because this, well this. obvious poaching, that is , here the person who invited him to this hunt, because he organized this hunt, and the person who carried out the hunt, specifically that hunter, bears responsibility. because he understood that hunting rules prohibit shooting from a moving vehicle. apparently, the poachers were shooting from a private helicopter of a german model. its tail number was captured and thanks to these images, security forces identified the owner and pilot of the vessel. it should be assumed that identifying exactly those who shot the bears is not a problem, but so far this information is not available. local yagers believe that these are
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high-ranking officials who rented the aircraft specifically for bloody entertainment. it turns out that all the records were raised, naturally, directly on these dates, these, well, let’s say, no one received permission to visit the reserve, well, this is all considered a violation of the rules of staying on the territory of the reserve, illegal shooting was carried out by not poor people, renting even a small helicopter costs 100 thousand rubles per hour, poachers tracked bears and shot them from the air, which is prohibited by law and threatens with criminal liability under a separate article, this is the way of hunting... no, that’s all that is done with the help of a helicopter, that’s all poaching, the use of transport, i repeat, it is categorically prohibited, that is, it is prohibited not only during hunting as such, but the use of transport is also prohibited for transporting illegally obtained products, including, at least three brown bears became victims of poachers, law enforcement officers, concerned about the silence, and local residents are afraid that the attackers will escape punishment, despite the fact that the fact of
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illegal hunting has been officially confirmed, a criminal case has not yet been opened. stanislav kostikov, alexey birulev, radu gurdish and anton lukyanov. ntv television company. the culprit of the fatal accident was sentenced to the driver of the car that hit a woman at the intersection of novosibirsk; he was the son of a former deputy of the altai legislative assembly. it was the father’s status that alarmed the inconsolable relatives; they were afraid that the culprit would escape punishment or receive leniency. as a result, the twenty-three-year-old young man went to the colony, what he... said in his last word, tamara simonova knows. about high-speed trips with major friends in cars and noisy parties to alexander bushkov will have to forget. now his company, other criminals and guards. the son of a deputy of the regional legislative assembly, a curly-haired partygoer, 23 years old, flew into an intersection at high speed and hit a pedestrian. the woman was walking through a green
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traffic light. the culprit in this accident was obviously drunk, although he denied it. do you admit guilt? the woman he hit died, this recording was made by eyewitnesses, when bushkov had already been taken back to the scene of the accident, by police officers, because immediately after the incident, likhach left the place and got home only later time dialed 112, saying that he wanted to appear with pavin, but he didn’t go on foot to the station, either because it was not his level, or because he couldn’t walk when the police came for him, bushkov could barely speak . after i turned out. but i called the police officers on my own, went down, began to wait for them, when they arrived, i approached them on my own, did not offer any resistance, gave the documents, showed where the car was parked, and got into the police officers’ car with the keys to the car. checking the history detained, the police were convinced that he was a dashing driver; apparently, there was no one to teach him how to comply with the laws. the father, a former
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deputy of the legislative assembly of the altai territory and the general director of a wood processing company, himself found himself under investigation. in 2021, he was caught illegally logging, and his mother, unfortunately, died when the boy was 14. then he abandoned his studies, after school, he entered a university, but as they say, not so much thanks to knowledge as for money, he entered the company the same children from financially prosperous families, so in his alcohol in large quantities , drugs appeared in life, the fact that the man was run over in an inadequate state was established by the investigation, surveillance cameras were found at the car service station where he and his friends... a car accident, he stopped by to change a broken tire, you can see how the bushko comes out with difficulty car, swaying, disoriented, an examination showed that there was alcohol and illegal substances in his blood. a sentence of 7 years in prison was imposed, with deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 2 years and 6 months. claim for 15 million rubles, which were submitted by the relatives of the deceased, bushkov asked to reduce, operating
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on the fact that he did not have a job and lived only on the allowance that he received after the death of his mother, until... he taught him parenting lessons, we’ll tell you , and before that he beat his father, who now after the commercial. after school, ekaterina went to her aunt for lunch and she told her that she was not her own. and my adopted daughter, i was 14 years old, and that she had six or even seven older brothers and sisters named medina, i ended up in an orphanage, only with many children the medin family... there never was a younger sister katya, there was a younger sister natasha, you have a big family, six children, older brother seryozha, then oleg, then comes marina,
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sasha, me and natasha, ekaterina assures that the adoptive parents, they didn’t change her name, they gave me the name in the maternity hospital, they just changed the last name, unknown sister or namesake, i would really like to find my siblings, they took me from the baby’s home, my dad was. dear, he had another woman, well, she gave me up, my mother found out, went and picked me up, i opened the envelope, dnk, today at 17:50 on ntv, you are still thinking about the ideal housing, it’s time to switch to domclick with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a secondary building, to find it. it’s for any, even the most daring taste, choose what everyone will like, at domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves, you locked us all here,
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the latter in general... as it turned out, he keeps not only his peers at bay, he is in the fourth grade and goes to classes with brass knuckles, so i used it the other day. daria visa with details. this is a day in his life when someone attacked him with brass knuckles at school, another student, ten-year-old anton, really wants to forget, like a bad dream, but so far it’s not possible, the memories are too difficult. when they brought my child into the utility room, all our store employees simply ran out. there was blood everywhere, on the face, on the neck, the hands were all covered in blood, when they gave napkins, i started wiping my forehead, the child just screamed, mom, it hurts, mom, i have a headache, it happened here near the bridge, a boy bleeding i had to urgently take him to the hospital to stitch up a deep a wound on the head, it turns out there were beatings here, i even photographed the marks the next day, it’s even clear that it’s a bone,
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some kind of irresponsible, i don’t know, in some kind of drug or alcohol addiction, moreover, the reason for the attack, how told his parents, the victim himself was insignificant, he refused to go for a walk with the offender, it is difficult to make friends with a child who behaves aggressively most of the time, he instantly exploded and took a knucklebone out of his pocket, a phrase was uttered that now i don’t even care remember, because i’m very worried , you don’t keep your word, people like you need
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to be killed, a schoolboy... it turned out that they’re studying in a special class, precisely because of developmental disabilities. residents of the village say his parents are not involved in his upbringing at all. the first signs and peculiarities in his behavior were noticed back in the first grade, people told how he wounded his own father with a knife, but everyone quickly forgot about this incident, it is unknown whether preventive work was carried out with the family, the family was not registered and whether they were interested at all the boy's condition is social services. all this now remains to be clarified by the investigative committee staff, who have begun an investigation into this fact. the present. the victim is provided with outpatient medical care. investigators inspected the scene of the incident, appointed a forensic examination, and also interviewed witnesses and eyewitnesses of the incident. investigators also interviewed the attacker himself; he said that he was actually forced to defend himself. allegedly, anton was waiting for him with a friend when he was coming from school and demanded that he give the money. then he struck, but allegedly not with brass knuckles, a wire wound around his hand. however,
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express your version, as well as explain yourself to the front." once again isolated from society, a man who had recently been released from a colony, he was in prison for murder, had not reformed, this became clear after he attacked his wife’s mother-in-law with a knife, the women asked for help from the police long before the attack, they wrote a statement, as if
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they knew that such outcome in... the wife wanted to divorce, this outraged the aggressor, in the end he hid the knife in a bouquet of flowers, as if he was walking date, shot of this meeting with yulia oblitsova. this footage clearly shows that the attacker acted suddenly and purposefully, planning to kill his ex-wife. the man attacked her when she went outside with her little son. a three-year-old boy was nearby in a stroller, but even this did not stop nikolai myurzlov, he began waving a knife, striking his ex-wife one after another, in some way. she, the child was crying at that time, eyewitnesses who scared off the attacker managed to stop the madness, there are stab wounds and cuts, this is the neck, glory god, he didn’t hit the artery, it was right next to it. daria, one might say, was lucky to survive, she received 13 stab wounds, including in the neck, and spent several days in intensive care, the day before
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she was transferred to a ward, she agreed... followed her everywhere, came with flowers and a knife hidden in his pocket, when his wife, as they say, in feelings, threw this bouquet in his face, the man lost his temper, mother daria and oksana were also in serious condition, trying to save her daughter, she took part of the blows herself, both women now
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trying to recover from shock and wounds, he was preparing for this in order to take revenge on me, he told me that i don’t forgive those who did me bad, but i didn’t expect that he would catch up with me, if it weren’t for people... i’m here for you i’m actually saying, he didn’t want to cut the mountain. it is known that nikolai merzly was convicted of murder. he was sentenced to seven years in prison; after receiving a pardon, he was released early, but apparently never reformed. such a reputation should have served as a reason to isolate an inadequate man from society. daria's clovo wrote on him two statements to the police at once. after this , a criminal case was opened against the tyrant for beatings. he was repeatedly detained and released on an undertaking not to leave. as a result , he continued to pursue his wife unhindered and committed. the accused intentionally inflicted multiple stabs and cut wounds in the neck, arms and back to his ex-wife and her mother with the aim of causing death. the victims were taken to the hospital with their injuries. another criminal case was opened against nikolai merzlov case for attempted murder, after
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attacking his wife and mother-in-law, the court sent him to jail. most of all, the victim worries about the children; girls who are 10 and 12 years old also saw the attack and ran to the nearest store for help. the daughters and son are now with the first.
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observation through the lens of a tyrant’s attack on his victim, if you are still on the channel, we have posted the full recording of the camera and are not subscribed, do it right now, the simplest thing is to point your phone at the qr code that you now see on the screen, or enter the name of the chpntv channel into the general search bar. well, that’s all for us, i’m valeria gavrilovskaya, thank you for your attention, all the best, stay on ntv. today in our program,
2:00 pm
missiles are launched from here from russia, your card will be beaten, russia is closely following nato statements, how the flexing of muscles will end for the alliance, they must generally be aware of it. what are they playing with, the president himself, donald trump allegedly said that he would not mind bombing moscow and beijing, what other setups are biden’s supporters preparing for him, under trump this government will disappear from the face of the earth, the buzz has been broken, any mention of drugs may disappear in movies, songs, books, and through the efforts of deputies, the instagram singer found herself on a par with the writer mikhail bulgakov. morphine bulgakovo, does he promote drug use or not ? watch it now.


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