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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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“i can’t say that this knowledge was somehow very useful to me in life, but judging by the fact that with age i see everything worse, apparently i’m still drinking something wrong, this was the meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye." with the support of tanks, our assault groups are actively pushing back the enemy in the kupa direction. we will tell you about changes to the tax code and who will have to pay more according to the proposal of the ministry of finance in business news. the wave of protest against israel's actions in the gaza strip is causing increasing outrage throughout to the world. great and mighty, why do children learn russian in british schools? about the main thing for
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this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello! vladimir putin today held a meeting in the kremlin with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler. the socio-economic situation of the region was discussed. special attention was paid to eliminating the consequences of the flood, in particular, to restoring the infrastructure of children's health camps. i know that your work is going on, however, there is one enough.
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children, accordingly, we have plans for the whole summer will rest, but one of the most important tasks for us is still the restoration of the camps that were damaged, it is clear that they were all built along the ural river, today 24 of 46 of them were damaged, of course they need to be restored, a big task, we they have already selected new places outside the flood zone, and of course it will be here... vladimir putin also supported the intention of the governor of the orenburg region to participate in the elections of the head of the region. the european sanctions policy towards moscow and minsk has failed. about this today said the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, petr seyhart. communicating with the press during his visit to belarus, he emphasized the words about the failure of the anti-russian movement. the restrictions are not a political
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statement, but a fact and noted that budapest will block any measures that could damage the country’s national economy and ties with russia and belarus. according to diplomats, hungary does not support the loud calls of european politicians to send military personnel from eu countries to help the kiev regime. szijarta said that budapest does not want to take part in the conflict on ukraine, will not allow the presence of even one hungarian soldier there. honestly, we in hungary are horrified by the statements that...
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are supported by t-90 tanks and acacia self-propelled howitzers. they deliver concentrated attacks on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, destroying the enemy’s stronghold and manpower. ilya lyadvin observed the combat work. cloudy sky, strong wind, ideal weather for the departure of armored vehicles, but not so. western group. the guys work part-time at several enemy firing points at once on one of the dominant heights in the stilmakhovka area. this is a great help to our infantry, which in this sector is now actively pushing the enemy to the western bank of the stallion river. after sixteen high-explosive fragmentation rounds there is a quick rollback, and the crew leaves the firing point in a different way, which... the enemy did not copy from
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the cloud of dust on the dirt road. after a year and a half of work , a young officer, born in the crucibles of this conflict, has already learned the call sign for the enemy fleece. after graduating from the kazan college, he immediately ended up in the svo zone, distinguished himself in dozens of successful tasks, among awards - the order of courage, work, work and work again, too young, very little experience, but it grows too quickly, you also don’t have time to realize how you’ve already gone through one assault, two assaults, at the beginning of your control there is a platoon, a company, bezon calls the battle near kupinsk counter, but even though the enemy is pulling up reserves, the initiative is still on our side, this is the moral and psychological component that there is a constant onslaught on our side, and the enemy is slowly retreating meter by meter . the crew emerged from the next assault the day before yesterday, with the support of two combat vehicles and infantry, a nine-wheeler walked through a minefield directly to enemy positions, using a trawl to make
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a passage for an armored group and attack aircraft. during the day, when everyone said what our task would be, it was very scary, we were all very... under oncoming arrivals, the tankers walked without slowing down, at the same time they fired heavily to suppress, fired more than 15 shots at the enemy, something happened to us two shots from an rp, one hit a mine trawl, he... mowed down the blow with himself, apparently the enemy tried to hit and thicken car, get into a track. the second anti-tank grenade fell into the ground a few meters from the vehicle, received 90-3 hits from kamikaze drones, but the armor withstood the task, the guys completed the task, the attack aircraft took the landing.
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the infantry's advance is supported by large-caliber artillery. the guys were immediately directed to the already targeted intersection, waiting for the passage of enemy equipment, but literally... right now the command came to work on one of the enemy’s support forces, to support the attack of our assault groups. three fighters in this calculation have known each other for 17 years, since the first grade, dmitry the senior gunner, the gun commander nikita and his close loader, who is now on vacation, in his native lipetsk, everyone there is already collecting parcels from home, i’m already taking them, they’re already taking them there to give to him, so that he would hand over everything here, they pack it to the maximum, then it’s already a classic, he then comes and says how... he’s tired of it, why do they fill you with such bags? after universities, the three of them decided to go for a contract, they were included in the same calculation, and from the first days they participated in special operations on an acacia self-propelled gun. yes, heavy fire work is exhausting in places, especially when you fire hundreds of shells a day, but leaning on each other
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, it’s much easier to cope with the soldier’s burden. we feel here, well, calmer, yes, for example, when we listen to stories from home among themselves, yes, we talk about how we were there, what adventures we had, hanging out, what our parents are. he’s been friends for a long time, too, but the guys joke among themselves, it’s too early for us to go home, we’ll only return to our native lipetsk with a victory. ilya lyadvina igormichkin, dmitry tsarkov, ntv. kupinsky direction of the special operation. israeli military actions in the rafah area have caused a new large-scale wave of protests around the world. in mexico this night, protesters threw molotov cocktails at the jewish embassy. bravo, as local media report, at first a peaceful demonstration of a dozen activists gathered at the diplomatic mission in mexico city, but the meeting quickly turned into riots,
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stones and molotov cocktails were thrown towards the embassy building. six people suffered burns, four of them police officers. pro-palestinian activists also took to the streets of madrid, paris, and london. at the official level, strikes hit the rafahi camp. representatives of many countries condemned it, while in israel itself they first claimed that the attack on refugees in tents was a traditional tragic mistake, now the women say that they shot in a completely different place. contrary to the reports that appeared, we struck outside the zone that humanitarian aid had designated and where civilians were called to evacuate. our strike was one and a half kilometers from humanitarian zone. according to the palestinian side, due to the strikes. a fire that broke out in a tent camp in rafahi on the night of may 27 killed about 40 people. on the eve of israel's attack on the refugee camp, they spoke at the un security council, closed to the press. today, the initiators of the meeting, representatives of algeria, promised to circulate the resolution. the organization's secretary general, in an interview with japanese media
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, also condemned the idf's actions, calling on the israeli authorities to comply with the decision of the international un court. on may 24 he decided immediately end the military operation in rafah. the ministry of finance has submitted to the government a package of amendments to improve the tax system; the most important thing in the changes is the return of a progressive scale of tax on personal income. the state duma is expected to adopt the amendments in the spring session. they will come into force in 2025 . so, how much will you have to pay and what other changes are being prepared? next, business news, denis talalaev is with us. denis, what are the details, what is changing? ilya, as they say in the ministry of finance, for the majority the rate personal income tax will remain 13%. and the changes apply to those who have an income of more than 200 thousand rubles per month. the ministry of finance presented the most specific future tax plan to date. parliamentary hearings were held last thursday, and the ministry has already submitted bills to
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the government. the ministry of finance proposes to introduce in russia a full-fledged progressive scale of income tax for individuals, which was abolished in the country back in 2001. it will not affect those who receive less than 2,400,000 rubles per year, that is , less than 200,000 rubles per month. for them the rate personal income tax will remain 13%. for those whose annual income is from 2.4 to 5 million, per month. this is from 200 to approximately 417 thousand rubles, personal income tax increases to 15%. if the annual income is from 5 to 20 million, and this corresponds to a level from 417 thousand to approximately 1.5 million per month, then the rate is already 18%. there are also steps of 20 and 22%. moreover, increased rates do not apply to all income, only to that part of it that exceeds the established level. for example, if the annual income is 2.5 million rubles. then, with 2 million,
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investors’ suspicions influence that the central bank at its meeting on june 7 may increase, so the indices fall. there are tax changes, but it’s obvious that russian exporters yesterday passed the peak of tax payments, the supply of currency on the russian market has decreased, so the ruble today logically began to fall. the dollar is now 89.48, the euro has climbed above the level of 97. ryfison bank announced that it will stop opening. new savings accounts from june 1. accounts that were opened before june 1
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will be valid, but it will no longer be possible to renew them after the expiration date. the bank explains everything like this. quote: market conditions have changed significantly, and we are seeing a steady decline in customer demand for this type of product. and from june 10, the bank will stop making outgoing transfers in dollars. austrian is one of the largest western banks remaining in russia today. the authorities of the european union and the united states are putting pressure on him to curtail his russian business. the american ministry of finance even threatened to disconnect him from its financial system because of transactions related to russia. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, with economic review. a trading house of moldova will open in russia, said elon shor, leader of the opposition pobeda bloc, at a press conference in moscow today. according to him , a moldovan agricultural producer. is on the verge of bankruptcy, one of the main reasons for the closure of traditional sales markets. russia is one of the most important such
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markets, and the trading house will take on the function of transporting goods to our country. the sales market for agricultural producers is not only, in fact, fruits, vegetables, cognac and wine, but unfortunately, today there are a number of closed, processing agricultural enterprises, which not only... provided jobs, they enabled several sectors of the economy to develop and live, our task is to restore and tell. deliveries will begin in the coming days; it is planned that, based on the results, moldovan vegetables and fruits will appear on the russian market within a month. many schoolchildren in britain are preparing for the russian language exam these days. the great powers are still popular in the kingdom, despite the deep crisis in relations between london and moscow. which of his majesty’s subjects is learning
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russian, and most importantly, why? elizaveta gerson found out. this is a classroom in an english secondary school. and russian is not taught here, but they usually teach french or spanish, and poorly, russian is spoken here only on weekends, children come here to learn our language from scratch, or to perfect their home or grandmother’s, russian, grandmother’s, mother’s alexander sergeevich or fyodor mikhailovich, russian falls on the language under the influence of various people, historical figures, in private schools in britain, such as eton, where prince harry or herrow studied poorly. cherchel is good, they teach russian, and for students of state schools there are two budget options: either a russian tutor, or another school on weekends. the school of knowledge has existed for 21 years, it operates in the uk and not only, we have a branch in germany, in bavaria. we have five branches in london and
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have educated more than 3,500 children during this time. it's not just russian that speaks russian here. we speak russian, with dad we speak english, because that my mother grew up in the soviet union, in latvia. in britain, high school students are now taking state exams. russian language may be one of the subjects for certification. for those who grew up in a russian-speaking family, there is an opportunity to get the highest score, with less effort, but even those who speak russian as their first language still need to prepare, head on,
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head on, and hell, especially without understanding the meaning. these words are synonyms or not understanding what a synonym is, the task for the state exam is more feasible, bearable and not burdensome, study to understand the story pushkin and mikhalkov's film. those children who start from azov itself, whose only name is russian, should also come to this. i'm anastasia, and i'm 10 years old, and i, i'm an apratic, and i'm two
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bunnies. for such little ones there is a special method, a game of words. distinguish a bear from a mouse. lock from lock, soap from mil. the teacher always asks such beginning russian students, why? the goal is, for example, i want to read well in russian, or - for example, i have friends and i want to be able to talk with them, or, for example, i have grandmother, who speaks russian, and when we go there, i don’t know how to communicate with her, this is very important for me. school graduates who did not give up in the face of difficulties, but passed the russian language, can then choose russian as...
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and this is what we will talk about further in our issue. there is more space for free education in russian universities. what specialties are the most in demand? employees of forest districts near moscow come to the aid of the telephone company about an unusual experiment. from the surrounding area voskresensk. report by alexey ivliev. this is moscow. this is moscow. we know. what i love most is when your gaze lights up with this special light, come fall in love, be surprised, be inspired, your moscow, you
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always be in ozone advertising, can you tell me the discounts, oh, sale on ozone’s birthday, mixit set for 549, hartons tv for 1299, men's patrol sneakers for 1.699, oh, great choice. biotex two in one, beauty protection in one jar. biotex is ready for the summer season in a new design. enjoy your different self. fill your summer with bright looks. nazon. with you the weather forecast from the national lottery throughout our country's fortunes continue to rage. more than 1,600 millionaires have already fallen out, we are simply flooded. a combination of traditions and
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advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it. sale in honor of ozone's birthday, we are giving a lot of discounts up to 80%. bed linen lavmi for 1.179. superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. anti-government protests have resumed in yerevan today. in the morning, demonstrators holding fires in their hands walked along the central streets of the armenian capital and gathered for a rally near the building of the ministry of internal affairs. there , opposition leader bagrad galstanyan demanded a meeting with the minister of internal affairs in order, in his words, to understand why people were killed the day before. the meeting is not in a street format.
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updating the public transport fleet in the regions and improving logistics in cities is one of the key tasks that the president set for the government as part of a large-scale program to modernize the country’s transport system. it is designed until 2030. to make travel around the city as fast and comfortable as possible, the authorities they are doing a lot of work right now. in problem areas, they will find out from the townspeople themselves and the drivers. how digital technologies are helping to change transport. infrastructure and what the quality rating of public transport now looks like, alexey prokin found out. our carriage is beautiful, it’s a real gem, and we have all the stencils. tram cars in rostov-nadon really began to please the eye and drivers and passengers more and more often; the city is not going to stop there, preparing to receive another 106 tram cars, new and after a major overhaul, but in the ranking for the quality of public transport rostov is only
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at... the main activity in the near future until the thirty-fifth year is the development of light rail transport, the administration of the city of rostov-on-don, the government of the russian federation, together with senara, concluded a concession agreement, the cost of the agreement is 61 billion. the project provides for the construction of a new new line from leventsovka to the central market, reconstruction of the existing tram networks as well. construction of a branch from the suvorovsky microdistrict to the central part of the city, but with fresh carriages and new transport hubs it is extremely difficult to solve the issue of moving around a busy city, therefore, whether in rostov or, for example, in voronezh, passengers generally have one complaint - time. we wait a long time, it takes a long time to get there, but in the winter it was very bad, especially in the evening it was impossible to leave at all when there was snow, and in the summer... well
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, it’s very good 45 minutes to work and back and not a minute more - this is an indicator which is relied upon in all russian megacities when transport planning documents are developed, it is called the time of correspondence for work purposes during peak hours, in order to get closer to this time, on the roads drivers of cars are crowded into dedicated lanes for public transport, paid parking is organized in the centers of large cities, the public transport, as expressed on...
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both from residents and guests of our city. after contactless washing of their new bus, the driver goes on the route from ufa vadim fayzulin, he is a local and not far from home, but now between flights vadim is not averse to spending time in his native fleet. recently a hostel was built here where needed. only to live, but also to relax, i travel by private car, by public transport, i rarely have to get somewhere, how much time you spend in traffic jams by car, well, sometimes 30-40 minutes, the modern hostel, although partially, has also allowed us to close the personnel issue , having made, if not the work, then at least the working conditions at the enterprise more interesting for nonresidents,
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and while vadim is on the road... sensors and applications help make his work easier and more cost-effective, we have organized dispatching, and online we can monitor any bus, where it is located, at what intervals on the routes they operate, and of course, accounting for passenger flow, that is, we can we play with the class of buses, if it means it has increased, we can change medium to large, and back again, passengers wait for the bus at smart stops, warm in winter, cool. and the situation on the roads and territories adjacent to them is monitored by a smart eye system, an inconspicuous car equipped with cameras and a neural network analytics complex, damage to the asphalt concrete pavement, a missing side stone, and so on and so forth, including graffiti and various advertisements on lighting poles, and well, there are several dozen here, these are snow piles, and so on. so on, this all appears in
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the cloud, appears in this information system. we see on the map, we can get any analytics and statistics, yet ufa is only fifty-fifth in the ranking in terms of the quality of public transport development, that it is an undeniable fact that everyone knows that a river has two banks, sometimes even... sings it, and residents of cities with a population of over a million, which are built on two banks of deep rivers, like the white river in ufa, are well aware that sometimes you can get there from one bank on the other hand, a greater feat, here at the friendship monument, the load on the bridges is 90 thousand cars per day , it is compared with the load on the mkat, and the repair of bridges is discussed in every kitchen, as well as the construction of a new cable-stayed bridge and the southern bypass around the city, a few years ago in ufa they came to understand...
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the ability was increased due to an increase in speed, that is, artificial intelligence analyzes the flow of cars, regulates the movement of the following intersections, but this gives the corresponding result, here of course we are grateful to the federal center for the implementation of this project more than a billion rubles, and for us this very good help. according to the mayor of ufa, it is first and foremost important for officials and passengers to learn to hear each other, which is how they decided to develop the city electric train project. in the mayor's office heard the residents, the railway workers heard the mayor's office, and ufa residents began to travel from north to south. through the entire city in just 40 minutes, and now, within the framework of a unified transport system, the construction of transfer hubs will begin, and when the southern bypass project in ufa is implemented, a full-fledged ring traffic by rail around the city will appear. alexey prokin, roman vikmanes, denis
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grurinov, olga chernova, maxim zabelin, roman blestanov, ntv television company. in the moscow region, due to increased fire danger, restrictions were imposed until the end of the week. visiting the forests, which means next weekend. kebab lovers will not be able to go out into the countryside, despite the fact that weather forecasters promise unprecedented heat at the end of the week. for those who still want to go on a picnic, our correspondent alexey ivliev has calculated how much it will cost to violate the ban, we have such basic forests here , mostly the litter is needle-shaped, dry, so now everyone is on guard, all these are caravans of three cars that set off on a rapid roar to the grain places. rich on potential violators in the forests near moscow near voskresensk. the tenth quarry is a favorite place for those who cannot imagine their weekend without barbecue. there’s only one problem: there’s a pine forest all around, it could go up in flames at any second. the experience of foresters nikolai
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gorozhantsev and ekaterina suvorkina does not disappoint. at the very first point a fire blazes. he calls on those who lit it to immediately extinguish the flame, and the violation is immediately video recorded. bonfires, barbecue. everything is prohibited, then barbecue lovers are shocked when, during the registration of the protocol, they find out that even if they invited all their relatives, friends and acquaintances to the most expensive restaurant, meat on the grill there would cost them much less than the amount of the fine for lighting a fire in the forest during a period when a high fire danger regime has been declared in thousands of rubles, well, the border from 15, from 15 to 60, are you serious? you saw that the fire is 15, yes, provided that you put out the fire, you eliminated the violation, a large escort group goes on a joint raid with foresters, which for the time being are only observed on the sidelines, here and
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representatives of the local administration and employees of the ministry of emergency situations and even the national guard, this is what is important: a representative of law enforcement agencies is armed not with a rubber baton, but with a service firearm. a fragile girl, she is more susceptible. they are already beginning to react more calmly, however, even such joint raids into the forest, representatives of several departments at once often resembled fortune telling on coffee grounds, but now all telephone companies have joined the fight against forest arsonists, willing and unwilling, and they will be on an ongoing basis transmit to this fire monitoring center, which operates around the clock , information about the number of people with mobile phones in one or another point of the forest in the moscow region. this allows us to make patrolling risk-oriented, that is, the forester does not go along all routes, and
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even identifies them, but goes directly to the place where there are more people. alexey ivliev, alexander viktorov, alexander plotnikov, andrey tokari anastasia altukhova, ntv television company, voskresensky district, moscow region. russian universities they are increasing the number of free seats on the state duma committee on science and higher education, and they say that this year 60% of graduates are provided with budget positions. what directions are we talking about? nakhit babaev found out how to get into the flow during the meeting. kazan energy university is one of the country's leading universities in training personnel for the industry, and starting next year the number of budget places there will be increased, by almost 400 at once. but you can graduate at least a million people a year, it is important to give them knowledge. this university has many simulators, including the novovoronezh npp block simulation simulator, vvr 1200, in principle. there are a lot of things that contribute
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to good learning, that is, classes with modern computer systems, good programming training and many laboratories. the focus on competencies, a fashionable word denoting a set of practical skills, is now being done in most educational institutions in russia: the country needs programmers, the country needs technicians, so most of the new budget places will go not to lyricists, but to physicists. package and many different points. as a result,
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more than 85% of graduates quickly find work in their specialty. makar is a future builder, how is the future? i don’t have a diploma yet, but i already have a job. now i have already been officially employed since the beginning of my third year in a construction company and have been working in a team for about six months now, gaining new knowledge in parallel with my studies. among the most popular universities among applicants is moscow polytechnic. there is traditionally one here. the biggest competitions, well, if you look, for example, at the results of the reception of the twenty-third year, according to last year, then, for example, for the direction of preparation of information systems and technology, for 227 budget places we had 5,270 applications, and so there is a competition in the new areas that are opening here, for new educational programs we expect in the region there will be 40 people per place, this year there are 720 additional budget places and two
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a distinctive feature of the moscow polytechnic university is project-based learning. what does it mean? students solve not abstract, but very specific problems; they are set by partner companies, and they then use the results of the project, plus they take the guys to work for them. each year, polytechnic students create more than 250 projects, including startups. and the number of industrial partners is approaching one and a half thousand, and here you are. everything, like our projects are interdisciplinary, it’s very interesting here, over the last few years we have seen a trend that our industrial partners are taking away guys in teams. according to experts, russia will face a shortage of personnel in the coming years, especially in technical specialties, which is why the state is doing bet on the young. in 2024, three out of five graduates of russian schools will be able to enter the budget. nakhit babaev, alena antonova, svyatoslav gordin, arthur gavrish, vladislav guryanov. now about the weather in central
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russia, the swimming season has opened, the water has warmed up enough, weather forecasters say, the coming days will be very hot. the forecast for the near future will be presented by evgenia neronskaya. weather studio is in touch with us. zhen, the temperature is only rising so far. yes, every day it’s only going up, and even the lagging northern regions have come to their senses. here western, that is, the warm side of the anticyclone. in the murmon region, the temperature will immediately rise by 10 degrees. in the arkhangelsk region, in the republic. in some places it will be higher, but the ural anticyclone will add a touch of variety to the weather in the northeast of the region, in pechora, nalyanmar, while the wind is north, very cold and barely above zero there. in irkut the frost persists even during the day. the northwestern regions have already become fully accustomed to the summer weather; the atmospheric front at the height of the day will stretch from voloda to kazan and orenburg. there will be thundery showers along the front. on in the north-west they are everywhere, on the shores of the baltic also with rain. in the middle zone
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, the thermometer is very close to +30. we expect moderate rains in the tver, yaroslavl and kostroma regions. at the same time , there is no precipitation in vladimir tula and ryazan. in the volga region there are thunderstorms with steamy winds, in kazan - 24, in samara almost 30. light rains will hit the lower reaches of the volga and don in the krasnodar territory in the mountains and foothills of the north caucasus. more serious precipitation with thunderstorms and gusty winds. in sochi -24. there is no rain in crimea, but... it falls short st. petersburg tomorrow 27 and short thunderstorms, in moscow no precipitation 28:30, the end of may promises to be hot, and the summer will begin with... with abnormally hot weather, the temperature will be six degrees above the climate norm. thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that's all for now, go to our website, see you. we need coal and lemonade, we need
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