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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 29, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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maksatikha lived there, she came very rarely, for what reason did you move into her apartment? v in the month of september we had a fire, there was nowhere to live, alexey and i were working together at that time, we asked him to talk to the landlady temporarily while we were looking for housing, to live there, and alexey is also a tenant, that is, in her it wasn’t just you who lived in the apartment, yes, literally before what happened , a roommate appeared, all his... acquaintance oksana, and we all began to live together, that is, we lived in one room, they lived in another room, you paid, yes, we didn’t argue, nothing, you lived in this apartment until the day of the tragedy, and i left a little in advance, how tired i was of partying, fun on their part, then we had a little fight with our roommate, 4 days before the tragedy or five, i left for my daughter, from whom did you find out what happened to the owner of the rented apartment?
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to the scene of the incident, i stayed with my grandchildren to sit in the nannies, and she came and said: we were not allowed to the scene of the incident, but mom, yes, i saw from afar that she was dying, and after the first interrogation, the roommates of oksana and alexey, they came to me they already said that she was in formation, but the three of them, and that she was sitting on window, and supposedly something happened, she falls sharply down. this was the first
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version, yes, the second version was that they came in, it was about nine in the evening, who are they, oksana and alexey, and they came in, we sat, talked and the following question was asked: do you trust your wife? he answered: yes, and oksana turns around and says: “ my roommate did this.” i say, this can’t be, i don’t believe it, but he didn’t tell me either yes or no, he just lowered his head and... you know, how little hysterics a person has, how as if the desire to cry began, from their words, from the words of oksana alexey, it was said that the landlady of the apartment made complaints to the roommate, really annoyed him, it got on his nerves, and what kind of complaints it is not clear, well, firstly, the roommate in the shower , that he put some kind of ionic thing, and supposedly there were complaints about these things, she was very strong... harassed him and that he was standing near
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the window, and alexey was on the sofa, oksana too, and he just takes her and pushes her, i was told this, then there was talk that... the words of our village, that it was not his roommate who did this, oksana did it, that they began to put pressure on him or persuade him, that the owner of the apartment died, you have nowhere to live, nowhere to eat, there you will be - there it is in prison, yes, there you will be as if he was well-fed and had a place to live and so on, well, that is, his friends who were with him that evening could have persuaded him to take someone else’s guilt and yes. well , as alexey answered me, if they blame everything on oksana, then i will honestly admit that it was your roommate who did it. why don't you believe natalya, is your roommate to blame? we lived with him for 10 years, i would never have thought such a thing in my life, that is, he is a calm person, that is
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, he is a kind person who never showed aggression, he could hit, if you know, to be honest, if you bring it, bring it, but it takes a very long time to finish this, but i can get under. only from him, that is, you are leading to the fact, natalya, that he could not hit the owner of the apartment, much less push him, no, this cannot happen, when your roommate was detained, i saw him the last day on the day of the incident, the 27th, this is the last day in the evening, now he is detained, yes, but your partner has been charged, not yet, there has not been a trial yet , he did not admit his guilt, he seemed to admit it, couldn’t he? the tragedy that happened was the result of some kind of conflict, friends said that they had some kind of conflict between oksana and the owner of the apartment, and they called the police, and the police came. what do you think, natalya, then happened that evening, who pushed the hostess out of the window, if not
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your roommate? the conversation goes in such a way that all the blame they are doing more for oksana, the woman who saw the tragedy happen also came to our studio today. nikolaeva, hello, hello, did the deceased fall on her own or was she pushed? pushed, who? our roommate is a mutual friend, have you often seen him aggressive? i won’t say that often, but it happened that he and his wife, his partner, and natalya argued, but he was quiet and calm. tell us in detail about that day: on march 27, my partner and i came. to the apartment of the deceased to get things for him, since he had previously rented an apartment from her, we they came to pick up his things, since we had moved to my house to live in my house, they came there, natalya’s roommate and the deceased were there, they
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began to have a joint quarrel, with whom, with the deceased with our friend, about the fact that he allegedly our friend dumped some things there. from the balcony there from somewhere else, that he allegedly laid out her things in the toilet instead of a rug, she started telling him that you have to buy me these things today, and he can’t stand the stress, i don’t know, or whatever it was him the state of the effect of this, he she was just sitting on the windowsill, swaying, he takes her by the hips and pushes her back down, pushes her out of the window, and pushes her out of the window, in what room did this all happen, in the hall, who is in this...
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how close to this window was the roommate natalie? well, he was standing right in front of her, and where were you? and i stood about a meter away from them, your roommate, he wandered back and forth, back and forth, then he lay down on the sofa , reclining, about two meters from them, that’s all, it literally happened there for a few seconds. further, when i saw all this, i i look out of the window, i see that she is lying, i immediately call an ambulance until the moment you looked out the window, how did you even react to his act, did you try to somehow prevent, stop, it all happened too quickly, what seconds there? - for about two or three seconds that’s all, there
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would have been no way to even react, but natalya’s roommate, he realized what he had done, no, he didn’t realize it, he was also in a state of shock, but the way he behaved, he was just silent all the time. what did you see when you looked out the window? she lies in the pose of a star on her back, i ran out from the fifth floor i ran up there, and there a skull was crushed, half a skull. the eye was missing, there was a lot of blood, when i saw it all, i told the ambulance, i say, you won’t help the police, call, that’s it, we have a photo of the deceased, the photo shows injuries incompatible with life, but i’m warning you, the photo is terrible , very, loleta, you don’t feel good, this is without words, you know? it’s drizzling, it’s hard to look at this photograph, these shots. undoubtedly. yes, i see that no
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one has any comments, i understand that you are in absolute shock from what you saw. yuri, but neither there can be no talk of any kind of salvation here. judging by this photograph, yes, this girl no longer required medical assistance after her example was most likely immediate. is there even a chance to survive a fall from the fifth floor? sometimes from the eighth they fall, cling to some objects that, for example, are located on the floors below, some sticks, air conditioners, or trees, then the living remain higher, but it happens when there are no obstacles, then the second third floor happens fatal, especially since there are concrete slabs, most likely a blow hit the slab with his head and bounced off immediately, most likely it was... the head hits this concrete ledge, after which the body turns around and lies down in this position,
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why such serious damage, that is , there was some kind of hard object that there was an impact, taking into account the fact that a free fall has quite a high speed and energy, well, accordingly, this was enough to cause such damage incompatible with life. nikolay, well, i would say that this photograph was most likely taken after or during the examination places. incident after she was turned over, that is, she was turned over at the time of the photograph , the pose is not typical for the fall described, but oksana, when the owner of the apartment fell, when you first saw her, she was lying in this position or she was turned over, this was her position, this is this so yes, as the police officers later told me there , the emergency medical service, that supposedly she hit this stone, you can even see the blood there and... she was allegedly thrown to the side, look, she is a meter there, well, about one and a half - two miles from the wall, quite far from
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walls, this is not a man who fell and clung to something with his nails, fell in such an incomprehensible position, but this is a classic for a man who was flying and maybe waved his arms, screamed, flatly, the blow was like this, i don’t know, there was blood you can’t see this when it’s sung, but usually people immediately pull it away and look at it alive. the living one interferes with the investigation, because someone pulls him out of fright, he thinks, let’s bring him to consciousness, so there are different situations, here you need to look at who was the first to approach and change his position, already the person who or lost consciousness or died. yuri, what if the woman had fallen out on her own, would the pose have been different? yes, firstly, the pose could have been different, and secondly, it would not have been located so far from the vertical with the window sill lowered, but in this case we are clearly talking about either... a fall with giving the body an initial additional acceleration, as he says oksana
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, when pushed into the beoder area, or about a stepped fall, that is, when a body, in the process of falling, encounters hard and blunt objects on its way, collides and its position changes. oksana, after after you got down, what did you do next? i ran back to the fifth floor and started talking to my roommate natalie about what, what have you done, what have you done. that you should have seen all this there, he’s in a state of shock, he doesn’t understand what ’s happening at all, then the police officers arrive and i’m already going out to them, the police officers tell me that call natalie’s roommate and my roommate, i’m already i’m following them, they’re already going down themselves, he’s already gone to the police, together with you my colleagues also visited the place incident, we have a plot, right here in the village of maksatikha. in the tver region, in the backyard of an ordinary five-story building, between a concrete ledge and a narrow pedestrian path,
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oksana nikolaeva discovered the body of her friend, she fell from the fifth floor, from a window, from this one, somewhere between maybe the second floor, like this so she shouted, ah, the last was her ah, that's it, then the clap was already a blow, that's it, she fell already, the woman confesses, the terrible picture is still standing before her eyes to this day, she was lying here, here, here here, here, here, where the blood was, it lay here, like a star, in this position it was, the missing eye was crushed into half of the skull.
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yuri, if the body had not fallen on a concrete surface, there would have been a chance to survive when landing on the ground, on some soft surface, a lawn, yes, the probability of saving life was quite high, but in this case we clearly see a stepwise fall with a primary contact of the head with a concrete crime, but in general in such a situation, a person manages to understand what is happening to him, in most cases a person being conscious, he groups himself, in the process of grouping, when landing on a soft surface, the chance of survival increases, but in this case the landing took place on a concrete surface, head down, there was no chance left, let's check with oksana whether she resisted, whether she tried she could hold on, and there were some seconds, whether she grabbed with her hands, they didn’t allow her
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to grab hold of her hands, but nikolai, didn’t the woman really try... to somehow save herself, to grab onto, firstly, the person who was holding you he is pushed out the window by the hips. i i am sure that the investigation will establish these circumstances, because it is really necessary to examine all the people who were nearby, yes, for the involvement of the fact that if there was resistance, some traces may remain, but if there was not, then this is the only reason, that the action was unexpected, that is, the person in relation to whom the victim was carried out, she simply did not expect that she would be pushed there or that some action would be taken.
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the police officers are already bringing him, he lets the police tell the whole truth, then confessions. oksana, why did you even decide to cover up this person, didn’t you understand that you were deceiving the investigation, that there is responsibility for this, we just feel sorry for him too, no matter how short the sentence, we feel sorry for the person who threw out the window, another person, we felt sorry for him him, just for what reason? we treat him well, nikolai, but what kind of responsibility is provided for the task of false testimony? the question here is whether these testimonies containing information are available, that is, whether they received procedural consolidation, or it was the initial explanation, these are different things, yes, accordingly, if we are talking about explanations, that is, in this case we cannot talk about giving false evidence if
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the testimony of a witness was nevertheless recorded and subsequently it was established that they are not true, in this case we are talking. committing a crime, knowingly giving false testimony, that is, due to the fact that it is a particularly serious crime, it provides for imprisonment, in addition, we can also talk about such actions on the part of oksana as concealing a particularly serious crime, that is , in this case a particularly serious crime is covered, and criminal liability is also provided for, and it is necessary to establish the circumstances. oksana, you said that you felt sorry for your friend, whom you covered for, and who died. it wasn’t a pity, it’s a pity, i still have this picture before my eyes, i was pushed or fell myself, who is to blame for the death of the owner of the apartment, we will find out immediately after a short advertisement, a burn, for pain, for discomfort, and for problems with stomach, on the air of ntv, pia superstar, today's topic: disco of the century, girls, you
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are fire, always some kind of obnoxious, help, help, i was completely confused by what was happening in the area, i don’t know. superstar premiered, and i can’t lie, i liked it, this is my subjective opinion, i’ll reset it now, on sunday
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clareol for only 1 rub. 8 800 200 exactly, 7 5 6 7. calls within russia are free. central television, on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. hello everyone, i’m timur rodriguez and i’m pleased to announce that the unique travel show popookka is returning with a new exciting season, so i’m announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, send your applications to, the show companion is calling a second one, see you , beyond, this is beyond, the landlady was thrown out of the window fifth floor, one of the tenants admitted guilt. but his partner is sure that he took someone else’s blame. this is beyond the bounds. the tenant threw the landlady off the fifth floor. the tragedy happened in front of their mutual
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friend. take the blame for him, he is generally a calm person in my life, he never got into any conflicts, fights, no matter how he got involved anywhere, we lived without conflicts. natalya, you said that many consider oksana to be guilty of this tragedy. hyot, oksana and i talked, we came, and for some reason everyone thinks about her. one girl who wrote comments against me, she says, there was some witness that supposedly i was standing at the window, i pushed her out, i tell her, you are the investigation.
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please present this witness, let the witness testify, if it was me, i will always answer for mine, she tells me: i can’t tell you who it is? oksana, what kind of relationship did you have with the deceased? from about the age of fifteen, we knew each other, well, we communicated, that’s all, then she began to lead the wrong way of life, they took away her children already, she had even more, he left this rubbish because the children were taken away, that’s all, we then stopped communicating, and then, when i was already in the village... i returned, but i didn’t have a place in the village, i didn’t live there, when i returned to the village it was already to live back, i’m already with my roommate, well, we all made up, he rented an apartment from her, so we started communicating with her again, then they lived , natalya was her roommate, they crossed paths with the deceased, but of course, how does she like you reacted, but somehow it was that she called the police on us, well, with my
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roommate, this is the case that we are talking about we say, how long before the tragedy happened? is it possible in a day? i think that your man rented a room there, they lived, met with this landlady, you understand, you didn’t like it, you took it all and turned it around, then another man turned up. kirill, do you believe oksana’s version? you know, i believe oksana’s version, because everything is very logical, women are less cold-blooded, if... of the dead had a conflict, then in any case there should have been traces of resistance in the struggle during the throwing out of the window, but words about these traces it wasn't said let's check with oksana, she was examined for any physical injuries, were any bodily injuries found on you, and were any subungual contents removed from you, for example, this was not the case, we still have a confession, valentina, do you think that the partner could have done this, of course, especially since
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he confessed. marosya, what do you think? i support the theory that the woman did not resist, here it seems to me that everything is obvious, very logical, because oksana remembers everything, and i hear her reasoning before seconds, where she was, in what place she stood, and well, it’s hard to imagine that something was wrong, and especially since the investigation is interviewing everyone, not together, they are sitting separately. oksana, this version, you said that it fell out on its own, did we decide to say so, when did we decide? as far as i understand, you went out, saw the body, the police arrived, you already met your friends on the way back, about a minute before the police, who proposed to negotiate, i can’t say it, i don’t remember what worries me here, very clear wording , who where there was a certain action, here in the subsequent, that is, an inconsistency, i don’t remember something there, when we agreed there, who proposed to determine accordingly that
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it was... an accident, that is, yes, let’s say that there was a motive like the person who is now under soot, so oksana, yes, that is, there were certain circumstances on the basis of which certain actions could be taken. natalya, please tell me, when we came to your daughter’s apartment, what words did your roommate say to you when he gave a confession to you, and the only thing he said was sitting, she fell out on her own. alexey, who to trust more?
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comes, we take the explanation, the next day the operational explanation of the interrogator or the investigation already, when a criminal case was opened, competent investigators of the operas, well... quickly determines, that is, you, alexey, have no doubt that it was the man who gave it confessions, the girlfriends of the deceased do not believe that she was pushed out of the window by natalia’s partner, in the studio irina dmitrieva and anna suvorova, hello, hello, hello, irina, you have another suspect, i, like the majority of our village, think that oksana did this, she had motives. long before my friend’s death, she came to me on march 26 and complained that they had created a mess there, to put it mildly, and that they had already got her, she constantly calls the police on them, the police come,
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take them away, then release them again. anna, and she called the police because she wanted to kick them out of the apartment, she wanted to kick them out of the apartment, yes, so that they would leave, well, that is, you are leading to the fact that you also suspect oksana, i believe that the suspect did not have one. we studied in the same class with her, she was a good, sympathetic person, but then she began to lead such a lifestyle, she changed a lot, became very aggressive, there were many conflicts with the deceased, the deceased constantly
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complained to me that she was just talking that oksana is acting weird, and oksana may have had some problems with the law, well, yes, she had a criminal record, oksana, what did you have a criminal record for, 158, part three and part two. i suggested that alexei, oksana’s roommate, rent she was leaving for the city, the apartment remained empty, this apartment, and you and alexei knew each other well, okay, yes, we knew each other, she agreed, said, okay, let him live, but there was an agreement that she herself was the owner of the apartment. will sometimes come there, stay there, yes, the agreement was that when the owner arrives, she lives in another room, oksana lived in this apartment or just came to visit, came to visit, your friend, who died, did not like it, she didn’t like it, on the eve
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of death, on that day, the day of her death, she she told me about this, that when i leave, that the apartment should be closed, buy a castle, make a lock, and so that they would no longer be here, on the day of death it was. what did she complain to you about? yes yes? and how did she complain to you? i came to her on march 27, 27 at 10 o’clock, i came with my child, but to call her for a walk, she didn’t go, look, why did it happen then - after that, she sat with us, called you, you didn’t she picked up the phone when she wanted to go visit you, she wanted to come to me when i agreed to go with her for a walk, that you will also go with us, but it’s on the weekend, yes, we were going to, what’s the conflict then if you’re going for a walk? these three about a month ago they had a fight because of alexey, oksana's roommates, this oksana who died had a fight because of alexey, yes, oksana was jealous of my friend with alexey , she grabbed her hair, they started fighting,
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alexey separated them, oksana, it was like that, alexey just said ugly words towards her, that he supposedly visited there, we started all the conflict, but then it was a fight didn't get it.
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let's look at the situation from another angle: the girl is sitting on the windowsill, i would say, seducing, yes, the player has been playing for an hour, does he become jealous? who joked before that there was some kind of connection, i think this can be allowed, i believe that the motive here is not jealousy, but something completely different, the fact that my friend called the police more than once, and oksana left us on parole, so violations cannot be made, otherwise she would have again, well, not a sealed criminal record, but this time , just before the death of my friend, she too caused, i think, the conflict occurred because of this. you are telling us now that she was afraid of calling the police, but not afraid
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of being killed, well, do you hear yourself, well, i think that maybe they didn’t sew up my administrative record there, so i’ll kill her, or what? but note that the original version was about an accident, by the way, the person who was sitting, according to his ideas, to cover for a comrade, this is the most logical, to say that guys, let’s cover, let’s say that this is an accident, and why are we not considering the murder version? groups of people after all, criminal liability, and according to part 105 of the second, is much higher than in the case under consideration, that is, in your opinion, as a version, there was a group, they blamed everything on one and chose one in order to avoid responsibility for everyone and receive less punishment . anna, from whom did you find out that your friend is no more, oksana’s roommate called me and said that my friend is no longer there, she died, how it happened, he explained to me, he said: that she herself fell out of the window, and he was very i was upset, i even
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cried. alexey, yes, alexey. irina, how did oksana behave after what happened? on the day of the funeral , my friend and i came to the cemetery to bring flowers and say goodbye. after a while, oksana came up. she didn’t love the deceased, they constantly had some kind of conflicts, squabbles, then she felt sorry, she said that she would put it there... if only she was a person, that is, you
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mean that you just did it humanly, humanly, not because you feel guilty, i don’t feel guilty, it’s not my fault, she was sitting on the windowsill with her back to the open window, they there was a quarrel, and he, in a fit of anger , apparently had this effect, i don’t know what it was, he comes up to her, takes her by the hips, by these places, and pushes her there with all his strength. a criminal or a criminal who pushed the owner of the apartment out of the window of the fifth floor, as a lie detector test will show, we will find out the whole truth in a few minutes. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. you can't open it, come out. look how beautiful you are. a smile will make everyone brighter. well from the smile the rainbow will wake up in the sky, share all
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of the apartment, is returning to his place again crime, this time in handcuffs and under convoy. fell, can you use a dummy to show how, tell me, oksana, you didn’t say that the man pushed the deceased by the legs, you said what the hips were, you clearly showed, he points by the legs, he’s most likely in this state of shock, he just doesn’t remember, because... if they pushed the way the accused shows, how then should the victim fly far, because the push should be strong, when by the hips, there he already falls next to a building, there a structure, that’s that terrible the photo we saw
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it is closer to which version, by the legs, the push should be like this, i believe that that terrible photograph of the position of the corpse... at the place of the fall, it does not fit either the first or the second version, the body, judging by the photograph, was moved, the position of the body changed after his fall, no one would have had time to approach her, because i was the first to run there, we saw one moment, that is , the window sill is quite high, if we talk about taking it by the hips and pushing it out, that is, here you need to make an effort, because here your legs will get in the way, while at the same time, as a face, but in the order of testimony, he says: an elementary way: raise your leg, anyone of us will fall there. regarding the position of the body, here we cannot say that some kind of force was applied there and so on, because most likely, after all, the blow fell on a concrete ledge, and after that the body changed, that is, it made certain trajectory configurations in an unnatural
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pose, that is, it is already left. lyudmila, what impression did you get? yes, the impression is ambiguous, because it’s really very there is a lot of conflicting information and it seems to me. still, there’s still some kind of puzzle missing here, the opinion of another person who was present there, you’re talking about alexey, obviously, yes, you think that he could have done this too, it’s possible, he’s a witness in the case in the studio alexey spiredonov, hello, alexey, how long did you live with the deceased, about 2 years, you lived alone, alone, first alone, for six months somewhere, and then with someone, a friend and his partner, but you have? natalya with her partner, yes, yes, yes, but oksana didn’t live with you? no she doesn't lived there, she began to come there periodically, she used to stay there when they started living with you... and her partner , the owner, was not against the new residents? but initially, yes, she was arguing, that is, here,
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why did i let them in, then they agreed, discussed everything, everything was fine, they lived like that, you got along with the deceased, we got along, we didn’t have a relationship, but everyone thinks, that we are in a relationship, that is , those around you often saw you together, they thought that you were a couple, and the neighbors thought, so we go out to the store together there, that is, we communicate, what? we live together, no one else lives, and there are various rumors, then you didn’t have an intimate relationship with her, no, you didn’t have an intimate relationship, we had friendly relations, but why did you then tell oksana that there was an intimate relationship, there wasn’t, that i was there, she misunderstood, they started to have a quarrel, well, there was a quarrel, well, there was a quarrel, then they were fine again, she was an outspoken person, the kingdom of heaven, she honestly spoke frankly, she says, here he is with me and when she gets dressed, she hit me, i say, why there you dress like that, it happened, well, it happened, and you think that
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your girlfriend had no reasons for jealousy, but wait, until that moment, before we met 2 months ago, first of all, she showed up, we didn’t have a relationship no, that is, you are talking about the fact that you did all this when you were a free man before meeting oksana, yes, well, it was not flirting, that is, it was just a joke, but... and i say, why do you dress like this? did you like the deceased? i liked her as a person, as friend, not like girls? alexey, but if you and the deceased had friendly relations, as you say, then why did the police come to you the day before the mistress fell from the window? i don’t know what she had, she said that now a person will come to me, a similar boy there or whoever is there, i don’t know, but supposedly go to sleep in that room, so as not to interfere, we all went into the room, oksana was there, we went to bed together, our employees will be there, why i don’t understand at all, the police don’t just come, they came from a statement that she
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wrote, called her, well, she called her for some reason, for what reason, if we had a normal rest together, roughly speaking, she accordingly did not say, get out of here, the next day, how was your relationship with the landlady of the apartment, when they took us away, well, we got out of there. they came around 5:30, i don’t remember, they came about 12 hours or so, and oksana told me, supposedly that’s it, you won’t live there, you’ll live in me, we’ll take things from there, that’s it, knocked on the door, the owner of the apartment opened it, said that it was necessary, i said, we will bequeath her, she says, okay, she silently went to her room, everything was closed, they packed up their things, the owner of the apartment, i collected some things, i said, yes, i collected my things, natalya’s roommate woke up, the owner. the apartment will climb in, it was warm, the sun is on the windowsill, it’s fun and good, i sat on the windowsill for a long time, she
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probably climbed in four times, she’ll come out, and i go back to the room, oksana is worried about not falling, she and yes there are all sorts of words - she says, i didn’t listen attentively to what she was saying there, you heard how natalya’s roommate and the apartment owner a conflict ensued, but of course i heard that she presented him, roughly speaking, for... things that he threw her clothes on the floor there, some clothes there, what he promised to pay her, allegedly, she began to present them to him and began to spread rot on him , they’re standing next to each other, he ’s here, she’s sitting here on the windowsill, she insulted him, well, yes, she was annoying him, she was annoying him and reprimanded everything, but he showed aggression towards her, no, he generally stood silent, he even said- he didn’t say that, he just spoke calmly at first. him it’s boiling, i see, it’s boiling, i think he ’s about to hit her, no matter what, and i just hear it, but that’s it, with peripheral vision, i can even say
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i didn’t see it, i just don’t understand what happened, that is, you didn’t see , like the owner of the apartment was pushed out of the window, with peripheral vision, like this, i’m lying there and i’ll open it like that, and just what you saw with peripheral vision, that he’s standing there, not smelling, oksana is looking out the window, coming up to me, i, well, i immediately jumped, running up towards her, then i look, he’s just standing there, he doesn’t understand why you told him this, maybe she herself she fell, maybe oksana pushed her, you didn’t see anything, you only heard for a second, you only heard a woman’s scream, but you saw the moment of the fall, the moment of the push, then why did you decide that natalia’s roommate did it, because for that.. .. the owner of the apartment annoyed him and drove him crazy, if you were sure that
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natalia’s roommate did this, then why did you first tell the police that the deceased fell out of... herself? to answer this question, i can say that she could have fallen initially probably three or four times, when she was swaying there all that time, that is yes, that she behaved like a woman to the police, why did you say that she fell out on her own, if you didn’t see the moment and at the same time believed that it was natalia’s partner who did it, you know, honestly, if these suspicions would n’t have been there oksana and the like, when... a friend didn’t even understand, he still couldn’t come to his senses, so natalya already said something, admitted everything, that is, yes, he admitted it himself, told about it, no, he himself he admitted, that’s all, he didn’t admit it himself, i learned this from oksana, that it was your partner who did it, i didn’t hear either yes or no from him, alexey, now you might just be covering up for your girlfriend, i’ll take any blame for her, she
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didn’t have any intent either, what are you convicted under? for thefts, how many times? times three, that’s why the complexity occurred in the testimony and so on. we must immediately tell the truth, because the police will still find the detection rate among the police today, almost 100%. oksana, are you sure that what happened is not your fault? yes, i'm sure of it. you even agreed
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to take a polygraph test? of course, how i have nothing to hide. let's see how it went. before starting the study, polygraph examiner anna sakhauddinova tells oksana nikolaeva how the test will be carried out, asking her not to move and answering questions only with yes or no. oksana looks confident, she is determined to prove that she was just a witness to a terrible murder and her friend. did you see the moment when the owner of the apartment fell out of the window? yes, do you know for sure that your roommate’s friend pushed the landlady out of the window? yes. did you fight with the dead that day? no, did you push the deceased out of the window? no, but the woman fell out of the window because you accidentally pushed her? no, did you specifically accuse your roommate's friend of murder to hide your guilt? no, there was such a thing that they argued on that day, on that day no. anastasia, do you think oksana behaved confidently? more than confident, let’s not forget that
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oksana has a criminal record behind her, she was... under conditions of very high stress, and to keep her face like that during a polygraph, well, apparently that’s what she’s doing somehow it’s already typical when we talk about how she tells it, there are too many details, it doesn’t happen. oksana, are you ready to hear the results of the detector test, then i invite polygraph examiner anna sakhauddinova to the studio, hello, oksana was easy to work with, not very, not very. why? it's quite difficult to work with a person who enjoys the fact of someone's death. you say terrible things, oksana tried to confuse you? she lied to questions regarding conflicts with the deceased, said that they had good relationship that she took care of the deceased, she regularly swung on the window, which means that our subject said that she
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was trying to protect her from falling out. it’s not true, it’s not true in terms of care, they had conflictual relationships, there could have been some scrapes, scratches, as a result of these conflicts, that is, there were fights, there was something like that, maybe they weren’t fights, but some traces of violence as a result of this , they remained, in which oksana was also dishonest, in other moments she tried to answer sincerely, we found out that the person being studied here these issues of conflict, and we found out that... that she actually didn’t see, but how the suspect touched the body of the deceased, she looked at the sound from his facial expressions, from his non-verbalism, from his reactions, she realized that he did it he, according to his body language, oksana was involved in what happened, she could have pushed the deceased from the window, no, she
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was not involved, she herself did not push, she did not have any physical influence... on the deceased. natalya, it turns out that your roommate did it after all, and it was not in vain that he admitted his guilt. i wasn't there, i tell you i can’t say anything, no matter how i deny it. we will find out in a couple of minutes who is waiting for the killer and who will get the apartment that fell from the owner’s window. after school, ekaterina went to her aunt for lunch and she told her that she was not her own daughter, but an adopted daughter. i was 14 years old and that she had six or even seven older brothers and sisters named medina. i ended up in the house of malyutka, but only the large medin family.
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and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese braintherapy product, it contains all the phospholipids that contribute... 8,800,100 exactly 1985 8,800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese braintherapy product dolphin new season today at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the limits is beyond the limits, a woman fell to her death from the window of her own apartment on the fifth floor. one of her tenants confessed to the crime. the committee of the russian
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federation for the tver region has charged a man with murder. according to investigators, on march 27, acquaintances were in an apartment located on the fifth floor of a building in the urban-type village of maksa, tekhodver region. there was a verbal conflict between a man and a woman. the man approached the woman sitting on the window sills of an open window, familiar with forced her out the window. death of the victim. actions aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base. nikolay, what sentence does the accused face? if guilt in committing a given crime is established, it is reduced causing death, murder, that is, a punishment of 6 to 15 years, then the presence of aggravating circumstances, the presence of mitigating circumstances will be considered.
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on average there, i again assume there in the region of 9-10 years, we can talk about some exceptions there, the presence of an effect state and so on, but i repeat, that is here, as it were, i do not believe, that is, that such states will be established due to the circumstances that we have already voiced. anna, how did your friend’s relatives react to what happened? a friend was from a grandfather’s house, from a grandfather’s home, so the administration gave her this apartment to her relatives. no, she has a foster mother, but she is unknown where, i never asked my friend. lyudmila, what will happen now with this apartment, which was given to the deceased as an orphan, who can lay claim to this apartment now, well, if there are relatives there are none, then i believe that the property may also go back to the administration, she has three small children, all of her children have already been adopted, the children are adopted, they were in her orphanage, and then... she
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told me, that they were already adopted, she called, they took them, let’s clarify, if they were adopted, that’s one question, if they are in a foster family, their status is preserved, they inherit, plus, if she had the status of a social orphan, that is, she the orphan is not physical, that is, the parents did not die, then these relatives, aunts, uncles, nephews who they didn’t want to know and so on, they will inherit this housing, natalya, if the guilt of your roommate is proven, will you wait for him? i will visit, as it were, that during his lifetime he also did a lot for me for my daughter, as if to leave a difficult situation, we will not abandon him, but time will tell. nikolay, could you, for your part, monitor this situation so that the culprit is sure to receive a fair punishment? of course, definitely, i am ready to take control of this matter, that it was the guilty person brought to criminal liability.


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