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tv   DNK  NTV  May 29, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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she told me that they had already been adopted, she called, they took them, let’s clarify, if they were adopted, that’s one question, if they are in a foster family and their status is preserved, they inherit, plus, if she had the status of social orphan, that is, she is not a physical orphan, that is, her parents did not die, then these relatives, aunts, uncles, nephews, whom they did not want to know, and so on, will they inherit this housing, natalya, if the guilt of your partner is proven? will you wait for him? i will visit, as it were, that during his lifetime he also did a lot for me for my daughter, how to leave a difficult situation, we will not abandon him, but time will tell. nikolay, could you, for your part, monitor this situation so that the culprit is sure to receive a fair punishment? of course, definitely, i am ready to take control of this case, that it was the guilty person who was prosecuted for...
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remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, a new test right now dna. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. first, her lips appear in the room, only then she herself. i told myself honestly that i already had monkeys on my face, i wanted more, more, more, only in my lips. now she dreams of marrying her beloved, but the mother of her chosen one is categorically against such a bride for her only son. i found out that she has a ninth-grade education, we have an intelligent family, oh yes, a teacher. will two women who love the same man be able to find a compromise? rude rude, uncouth, should sit and be silent, just listen to a mom who loves about her son and how he sat down, he took her skirts off, she doesn’t like that... my son lives with
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me, i love her, and it’s not about sex , this is beyond, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. a resident of the kemerovo region with many children decided to search for a biological family only when her adoptive mother gave consent. ekaterina olenchenko contacted us for a dna test. hello ekaterina. how long was your mother against it? yes, for a long time, well, one might say, throughout all the years, well, now she agreed. what influenced this? maybe a stroke, she had two strokes. of course, my children helped me, her two brothers helped me, well, with their wives and their families. so you took your mother to your home? yes, she already lived with... me before, well
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, she went to her home for the summer, took the kids as if on vacation, but after the first stroke she finally abandoned everything there, even the house , just everything, she’s now with me, well, because that her right side was paralyzed by 10 cm, she believes that she is like me a burden, she told me about this more than once, well, she even goes so far as to say, well , she can’t wash herself in the bathhouse, i go wash it, she somehow washes it, she tells me: hand me over... the elderly, i i say why? well, i ’m a burden to you, i say: mom, well, i was little, yes, i also didn’t immediately start washing myself, dressing, eating, it was you who did everything to me too, i say, then my children, you also with them these sleepless nights, teeth, you were always there, what happened to me, what happened to them, how can we just turn away now and give you somewhere, she’s just my mother, it’s... part of me, like i’ll just
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take a piece of myself and give it somewhere, i can’t do that, but most importantly, your mother understood that you never leave her, that she is the most dear person to you, yes, she knows this, she understood, that’s why she told me that look for brothers, sisters, even if you want, you can find your biological mother, but about the fact that you are an adopted daughter , mom told you herself, no, not herself, just a second, i was 14 years old, we lived in the north in the republic sokha, yakutia, my mother’s cousin, aunt vera, lived there, and i went into one of them, aunt vera said: are you going to eat? i say i will. i remember now, she poured soup for me, i sat down to eat, she said to me: you are not my own daughter, you are adopted. how did you react to this? and i finished the soup, got up,
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said thank you very much, went, came home, mom was sleeping, i woke her up, well , she dozed off for something, she, i asked her, i said, mom, so and so to me. i told her i was adopted, she cried, she said, yes, well, she said, come on let's wait for dad to get home from work, then we 'll tell you everything, so that we can sit down with the family and talk about this topic, i say, okay, dad came home from work, the three of us sat down, they told me that i was born in the kemerovo region , in the furnaces, in the maternity hospital, she left me, didn’t even come over. then i ended up in malyutka’s house in prokopyevsk, from there my godfather first found me, well, how was the procedure there, i don’t know, the godfather is my mother’s younger brother, he found me, then my grandmother came there, they looked, and they immediately said that i am a copy of the father, then my parents arrived at 2
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months old and they took me from there, but they changed my name and date of birth, no, they didn’t change it, my mother said that the date of birth was like me... so they left me on december 19, 1982 when i my parents took my last name and gave me my father’s middle name, that is, i became rozina ekaterina nikolaevna, and before you were adopted, what was your name? medinye, ekaterina, i won’t say my middle name, i don’t know, they gave me the name in the maternity hospital, she says we didn’t change it either, we just changed the last name, that is, it wasn’t my biological mother who gave it this is not for you, maternity hospital staff. when my mother and father told me that i was not my own, that she left me in the maternity hospital, and they said that i was not the first child left in the maternity hospital, i was either the sixth, well, in general, there were a lot of us, then or even the seventh, that’s what, all the children turn out to be abandoned, that’s how i
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understood them, as they said, that’s exactly abandoned, i’m the fifth or sixth there or the seventh, that is, i gave birth and refused, well it turns out like this. do your parents know anything about those children? no, and they didn’t find out, didn’t try? well i tried, but i went on the internet to a maternity hospital in the furnaces, everything was closed, and i didn’t try to look for anything anymore, that is , this maternity hospital no longer exists, no, it’s closed, i don’t know how many years it’s been closed, but he is closed, i would really like to find his brothers and sisters, well, his own blood, he is still a dear person... it seems to me that everyone needs him, yes, i don’t argue, this is the family in which i grew up, yes, relatives, these are my brothers, sisters, my children, but still, when you have a brother and sister, it’s different, ekaterina, you are mothers yourself, tell me, is there any reason that could force
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a mother to abandon her child, well , i don’t know about this, i don’t understand such women, honestly, i have... there are five of them yes, there were some nuances when we went to rented apartments, i mean, well, it wasn’t, we haven’t bought a place yet, i didn’t leave even one, i didn’t even take one to my grandmother and didn’t say, let him live with you, and while i’m there i’m wandering around somewhere, they were all with me in rented apartments, about all this, and i don’t understand this, i can never find an excuse for this act, but the woman who gave you life, who gave birth to you, deserves...
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someone knew, probably, maybe they were looking for it too. ekaterina, the man who will now come into our studio, learned about the fate of his brothers and sisters only when he arrived at his father’s funeral. in the studio oleg medin. hello, oleg, please come and have a seat. let's get to know you. medin oleg mikhailovich. oleg, where did you come to us from? from the stavropol region of the city? palovsk. have you always lived there? no not always. born in siberia, kemer region, city of topki. did you have a big family? six children. first brother sergei. he is sixty-six years old, older than me. then comes marina, my sister. she,
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i am sixty-seven, she is seventy-two . then comes alexander, aged seventy-three. then elena, she is seventy- five years old and the last is natalya. in the eightieth year, how we lived, yes, we seemed to live normally, that’s the same thing, my father worked, my mother worked, we had our own private house, we had a cow, geese, chickens. that is, in general, children feeding was not a problem, it wasn’t, you come home from school, what to eat, my mother is cooking, go get sausages, make a sandwich and eat, parents treated all children the same, well, my father loved me more, he had a favorite, he was everywhere with me i took him fishing with me everywhere, well, there was also an older brother, why they didn’t take him, i don’t know, he just always took me with him, so your birthdays were the brightest, but how can i tell you how everyone is doing?
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separated, and what was the reason? excuse me, i myself even, well, from what, now this very time you got divorced? maybe you noticed that they were fighting, maybe dad was hurting mom, but they weren’t fighting, like when our father starts to punish us, well, mother , of course, always stood up for us, she got it too, well, sometimes it happened , how did you live after your parents’ divorce, well, they separated, i went to my grandmother, finished school, went to college, but why did they go to my grandmother? and for this very thing,
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the father didn’t want to share like the mother, that is, they didn’t want to offend either one or the other, and the rest of the brothers and sisters how were they distributed? the eldest was with his father, and the rest were with their mother. oleg, tell us what you know about your brothers and sisters? i just left for astrakhon, then i received a telegram, an orphanage, that is, your younger sisters were taken from their mother to an orphanage after they say they were motherless and even deprived of motherhood, it seems like yes, so wait, there were four children left? with their mother, and you say, they only took two of them, marinka and sashka, they were already big, but
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these were still small, then they took the most little ones, but it turns out that way, and you also met marina at the pohana, and i met my sister at the time, and the other sisters, elena, who was in the orphanage, lives somewhere in novokuznetsk, she already has a child, and natalya, i’m nothing at all i didn’t know, she was little and because of her i didn’t even hear anything, but whose parent’s house? who got it now, it went to me, my father did it for me before his death, and my mother, i did the same thing, they did the power of attorney documents so that she would transfer it to alexander for her younger brother, why? well he was in prison to to free himself, he had a place to live, i had my own house in the caucasus, you already lived somewhere else, you didn’t need it, and my older brother didn’t need it either, but he’s in the far east, as he was drafted into the army, he’s there stayed after the army and that's why.
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you maintain some kind of relationship with your brothers and sisters, with joy, well, i left, since 1992, i don’t know anything, that is, since 1992 you haven’t seen anyone, no one, now there are telephone numbers, but then there weren’t no phone numbers, nothing, well, somehow exchange addresses, well... addresses, so what did he ask for his daughter, so that she could search on this internet, but nothing happened, do you think, after so many years you will immediately recognize your relatives, i don’t know, but more than 40 years have passed, she still hasn’t found out , why the parents were deprived of parental rights, and the children were taken to an orphanage, in the studio of elena slepchenko, maiden name medina. elena, hello, please come in, have a seat, tell us about your childhood,
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i was born in the city of tabki, kemerovo region, all i remember is how we were taken to an orphanage, that’s the moment i remember that they put us in the car, and my grandmother was crying, asking to give us up. her, but that she would raise us, and since she was old, we were not given to our grandmother, but we were taken to an orphanage, well, they were taken away, it was...
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they were adults, sasha and i were taken to the city in the eighth , or in the ninth, but they were already berezovsk, kemerovo region, sasha and i were in the same grandfather’s home, and marina was sent to yurga, natasha was taken away before she was a baby, did anyone visit you in the orphanage, we have a grandmother, she ’s like us came, she often visited us very much, and then she took us from the orphanage for the summer, summer holidays, all four of us. including natasha, little one, natasha had already been adopted, natasha was not in our lives, she took me, sasha and marina to her place for the summer, so the three of us saw each other there, that is , we never got lost, never forgot each other with alexander and marina , yes, but mom didn’t show up at grandma’s house, when she did show up, she was there, that is, you
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always knew your mother too, of course, of course, and after leaving the orphanage where are you went, well, after the children's? i went to novokuznetsk to school, i studied there, it so happened that i got pregnant with my eldest daughter, so i went to the furnaces, came to my mother, to my grandmother there, marina was there, we all gathered, although sasha was not there, sasha i was imprisoned there in prison. is this the kind of life my mother was leading at that time? mom, she’s normal, she, firstly, she helped me a lot, firstly, when i moved to furnaces, my mother looked after the children, but i worked in the city of kemerovo, i went to kemerovo several times and she worked, well, that means the woman could be trusted, she became a good grandmother, i
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left my grandmother and great-grandmother to her, but they are in the same house, i... i don’t know, well, that’s why then, when they saw that my mother was a good grandmother, they said, mom, you are such a good grandmother, how did it happen that we were all taken away from you, well, we didn’t talk about this topic and i tried not to ask, that is, your family didn’t accept such frank conversations, you see, i never called her mom, even when i left my grandfather’s house. i called her tudia, why? well, maybe because of the fact that, thanks to my grandfather, i still have my eyes, i ’m going to lin now, maybe because we lived there, that’s all, that is, i’m offended by what you can say thank you to the orphanage, but you can’t say thank you to your mother, and you can’t even call her mom, no, i forgave her, but
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what kind of relationship did you have with your father? i saw my father once, it was when... i had already become a mother myself, i came to visit my grandmother, and he was there, there he was lying on the bed, he had some kind of thread on his forehead, i asked my grandmother what this is the thread, she said, as soon as the thread turns black, dad will die, so the doctors said, that’s it, i left, then somewhere in december they sent me a telegram, i was in vnuznetsk, lived there, so i...
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never, he even , even if she arrived, i could have said there, i was still sick, i was lying down, i could have said, daughter, i’m sorry, no, no, elena, in our studio there is one person with the last name medin, and he was looking for you, like do you think who i ’m talking about, well, i think it’s either seryoga or oleg, maybe you recognize him?
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this also did not bring any results, but you with one of your sisters, brothers, keep in touch, no, i don’t keep in touch with them now, because my older sister marina, she was killed, it’s been 20 years, no, as they said, there’s some kind of company stabbed to death, i don’t know, sasha, sasha is gone, 4 years old, he died because he had... sculpted and sasha is gone, oleg, we didn’t expect to hear that, no, of course, wow, 20 years old, marina, yes her first, and sasha himself died, that is, of your
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brothers and sisters, who is still alive now, of ours, it’s oleg, seryozha and natasha and i, but we didn’t try to look for our younger sister natasha, when marina was alive, we tried... to look for natasha, and marina, my sister somehow found out the woman’s address, she used to work in these tiny little ones, so we came to her home, we found this woman, she said that we don’t give out such information, and then somehow by chance we were on the bus, a girl was sitting with headphones on, and marina said to me, look, she says how much she looks like her mother, what does she look like? ours. we approached this girl, she was wearing headphones, marina was on her shoulder, she she took off her headphones, and marina said: we are looking for our sister, we have a photograph, well
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, that you look like your mother, we show her the photograph, she says, yes i am, well, there is something, that’s all, and we then arranged a meeting that she would ask her parents whether she was theirs or not , and that we would meet there later, but she didn’t come, marina and i came, she didn’t come, elena, but... actually in fact, we all gathered today at the request of ekaterina from the kemerovo region. she grew up in a wonderful foster family and before being adopted, she wore last name medina. ekaterina is in our studio, take a closer look, maybe you ’ll see something familiar in someone. i'm watching. he gave it to his mother to give a fuck, so, you see, no, probably, like here, or exactly why you,
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elena, are pointing at this girl, i don’t know why there’s some kind of premonition, natalya, something- then there are the features of the mother, and why then is her name ekaterina? well, that means they changed her name. and your natalya, what year should she be born? i was born on december 19, 1982, eighty-two, wait, well, in the maternity hospital they immediately abandoned me, and what kind of child were you in your biological family? as my parents told me, from the fifth to the seventh, that’s the fifth, sixth, seventh, that’s something, well, there were a lot of children, oleg, once again you, as the eldest, are asked how many children there were in the family, six, here i am, natalya was little. and natalya turns out to be the sixth, she was born in the eightieth year, well, i don’t remember exactly, i could be wrong about two, well, how many years
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have already passed, but the fact is that ekaterina was born in the eighty-second year from her very birth, she is ekaterina, the doctors at the maternity hospital called her ekaterina, but i don’t know, well, we don’t have ekaterina, ekaterina, your mother certainly could not have confused anything and got confused with the information. no, no, i couldn’t, because my uncles even told me about this, my grandmother told me about this, that is, i heard from more than one mother that i was ekaterina, and the data did not change, that is, this is a different family, either another, or it’s just that the information is already there somehow. elena, you lived with your mother for some time, she never mentioned that she had another daughter, who had to leave, we never even have anything like this on this topic. she was generally little,
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do you think she even knows that she has you, but how would she know about us, if she is small, how many children were there in medina’s large family? in a few minutes we will continue to understand this confusing family drama using dna tests. for murad's long, eternal memory from his daughter natasha, maybe she will be the closest and dearest to you in your life. leah has dreamed of meeting since childhood. with my sister, whom i saw only in photographs. i found this photo from grandmothers in the album, i was about 7-8 years old at that time, at first no one told me, after a while they admitted that this was my sister, as well as the story of irina, who has been looking for relatives for 30 years. i have been searching for my biological mother for 30 years. who else? well, if there are any relatives. my
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i was very lucky with my adoptive family, i have a very good mother, father, whom i loved and love very much, yes, my father is dead at the moment, no, my mother is still there, well, i love them very much, i never need anything there was no refusal, i was pampered, that is, well everything was for me, when were you taken, how old were you, when they took me, i was about 2 years old, you are happy that you became the daughter of your parents. yes, very much, mommy, forgive me, please, that i hid from you that i came here, but i love you very much, i need to know the truth,
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what i learn here will not change anything in life, we are like we were together. we will do this, why did you hide this from your mother, evgenia? well, because my mother was a little against it, well, throughout my whole life, i asked, i asked some questions, but she was against it. why, jealousy? well, i guess, i don’t know, she wanted her daughter to be only her daughter. yes yes. when did you finally find out that you were not your own daughter? well, it actually started back in childhood, when i went to school, well , my... my parents told me that this is all not true, that people just say that out of anger, maybe they are jealous or
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something else, but when i was already older, i was 14 years old, and i understood that people could just say that there should still be some reason for this, i raised this topic. well then, of course, my mother told me that she took me from malyutka’s house, my real name, yes, that medina natalya, and the year of birth in my passport at the moment in my passport is the eightieth year, on february 1, to the city of furnace, they changed everything so that my mother i didn’t find it, but it turns out like this. your parents told you what condition you were in when they took you, yes, they told you, they took me away, i was in very bad condition, i was, well, how i was developmentally delayed, for
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my age i could neither walk nor talk, i had an open window tuberculosis, my parents treated me for a very long time, for, well, three or four... years, well, then everything was fine, you recovered, you got better, of course, of course, many years have passed, that is, everything has dragged on for me, this is the window closed, i took a lot of all sorts of tests, well, now everything is fine, well, my parents invested a lot of effort in me, and finances, and in general everything, so that what is sitting in front of you now would turn out, if only you had met this woman who gave birth to you, what would you ask her? i would give her only one question, why did she do this to me? in principle, i have nothing to ask her, she has nothing to say either, i have only one thing: for what, even a small child, for what? tried to find out something about your biological family?
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when my late husband was still alive, we had a conversation with him, i told him, he suggested that i go to the furnaces, find out, try to find out, using all this data that i have, to find out something. in general, well, it so happened that he fell ill with this covid then, for 2 years i was like a vodova, everything, all this stopped, you never went, no, we never went, but it would be nice for you, evgenia, to know that... they tried to look for you too , well, it seems to me, take any person, it will be nice that someone needs you, someone is looking for you. evgenia, now there are three people in the studio who were given the surname of medina at birth, ekaterina, who is also looking for her brothers and sisters, as well as her siblings oleg and elena, who have been dreaming all their lives of finding their younger sister natasha. take a closer look, maybe you
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will see something familiar in someone in a blue jacket, elena, what do you think, here is evgeniya, who is sitting in front of you now, this could be your natasha, it is quite, quite possible, and i hope so , that she is, because you feel, i don’t know, such excitement, right here and first of all, there are some similarities... what, not that, right there is something right inside , just tell me then, who is next to you, this is oleg, older brother, maybe your older brother, evgenia too, maybe you notice some similarity, yes, eyes, oval faces, evgenia, this is ekaterina, like you, i grew up in a foster family, i was born in the kemerovo region. in the city of tabki in the maternity hospital, they gave me the surname medina, the name ekaterina
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was given to me by the workers of the maternity hospital, after the maternity hospital i ended up in prokopisk in the malyutka house, from where i was taken into a foster family at 2 months old, notice the similarities between us, yes, there are small similarities, i don’t know, maybe i ’m wrong, but somehow i think evgeniy and i are more similar, there are similarities, like with oleg and elena. elena, tell evgenia ekaterina about your mother, their supposed biological mother, but my mother is gone, she’s been gone for 24 years, my mother died, marina, i, and my sister buried her. that mom is gone, and what
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happened to her? she was sick, the doctors, we took her to the hospital, the doctors recognized she had uterine cancer, they told us that she had 2-3 months left to live, but she lived for two, you were with her and looked after her, well, yes, until the last, bye she didn't die. oleg, you didn’t know this, as i understand it, no one even told me about my mother, they told me about my father, but not my mother, although i don’t have the address changed, they didn’t send any telegram, nothing, marina knew my address, she was at the funeral, i left the exact address, they couldn’t give the address, why didn’t you and your mother keep in touch yourself, well, how... i went there myself i didn’t succeed in any way, before
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there were no telephones, like letters, telegrams, congratulatory messages, this is a fat mother, how can you not communicate with her, you had some kind of conflict, but no, ekaterina, evgenia, if now we are talking about your biological mother, then elena was able to forgive her mother, but you someday you will be able to forgive your mother, perhaps, at least understand what... happened, why it happened, this is the reason why this happened in life, why we ended up there in the orphanage, there in the orphanage, i myself still i still can’t understand why they took us away, when i left my grandfather’s house, i came to her, she treated my children well, she treated me well too, in our family, she sat with my children, i went to work, so you see what is happening ekaterina evgenia, the older children cannot explain why they took the children, i think... they returned, yes, after
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the orphanage, to their mother’s house, or to our mother, i don’t know, there, or to yours, you asked the question why this happened , you personally asked the question, no, you just returned because that i was waiting for her to speak, she asked for forgiveness, cried, but i never got an explanation from her. and what kind of life did she have, did she work, didn’t work, she didn’t work, didn’t work, abused, well, it happened to her, well, the fact is that when i left her children, i came with work, she was always sober, her father was also deprived of parental
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rights then, it turns out, then there was still a problem in the family, two of them, i don’t know when they separated, the mother didn’t drink, the father... drank beer, yes , but the mother was taken away, i don’t know, ekaterina, evgenia, didn’t drink, that’s why later she had children , unfortunately, you won’t be able to ask oleg and elena’s mother why this happened, but you each dreamed of a brother and sister, maybe today your dreams will come true, maybe, i really hope so, it’s interesting to know about the supposed brother... the supposed sister is a little bigger. asked uh-huh. let us show you the plot. oleg medin has not officially worked anywhere and has been divorced for a long time, but he does not waste his free time. the man regularly visits his grandchildren’s youngest daughter. so, while my daughter is putting her little granddaughter to bed, i am helping my grandson
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do his homework. what were you asked about life sciences? mm, also life safety and literature. let me see what you did. it’s good in the notebook, well done, an a! twelve-year-old mark shows off the medals he received for his success in mixed martial arts. the loving grandfather is proud of his grandson, because he is following in his footsteps. oleg also leads a healthy lifestyle; he gets around his native novopavlovsk by bicycle. i can go anywhere you want in the city on a bicycle, please, no need for a car, you can easily go to the market or shop. to go, so as not to carry packages in my hands, i put them in a basket and went, but elena slepchenko prefers a quiet rest in front of the tv in her cozy apartment in the city of kaltan, kemerovo region. my husband and i got this apartment, uh, it turns out that we lived in novokuznetsk, then
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my husband’s parents died there, so his sister bought him a house, here in koltan, only when he was a child. i guess we lived there for 11 years, then the house was demolished and we were given an apartment. elena loves her cats, maxim and zhozha, but sometimes her other favorite, the orchid, suffers from the pranks of the tailed pranksters. this is my orchid, it was a little sick, my cat threw it from the window, and i replanted it, but it hasn’t had time to bloom yet. in the kitchen, elena not only takes care of flowers, but... also perfects her culinary skills. skills, her specialty is bun pies, i make the dough myself, and since if i’m not in the mood, i don’t make the dough, because the dough won’t work out, this is already a proven matter, and if i’m in the mood, i make the dough, i i bake pies, i also bake buns, i
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can bake bread, elena is happy surrounded by her children and grandchildren, one thing upsets the woman is that she did not have a trusting relationship with her own mother, nadezhda medina is buried in the cemetery of the city of topki in the kemerovo region , she was always there, just not we accepted each other, then before my death i forgave her everything and it so happened that when i forgave her, it was already too late, she died. evgenia, ekaterina, pay attention to this photo, this is a photo of oleg’s mother and... well, it seems to me that in general, well, of course, i’m prettier, but this is my face, you notice the resemblance to yourself so much, yes ekaterina, what do you say , i also notice similarities, here are my eyebrows too , how do i say them, lips, but something
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is similar, oleg, elena, your opinion, is it similar ekaterina and evgenia look like your mother, well , evgenia also looks a little bit like a fucking woman. there is a little, there are also a few of them, too, yes, yes, there is, do you believe that today you have found your natalya in the person of evgeniy, yes, and about ekaterina, what do you say, i’m of course in shock, but in general, what about natasha we they knew, that’s what else, as they say, i’m just in shock, did you meet your little sister today? we will open the envelope with the dna test result immediately after a short advertisement. just like that, andryukha, they take them down one by one. the question is, who's next? we we are dealing with very.
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the okko online cinema, it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, get super cash in any atms, not dna. brother and sister, oleg and elena , withdraw rubles for free every month underwent a genetic examination with evgenia to make sure that she is their younger sister , just profitable, alpha beneficial. this is natasha's program. the great-grandmother told her that everything was in the family. hello christina,
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hello, when did your great-grandmother confess to you how many children there were? i was probably 19-20 years old, i was already studying at a technical school, and it so happened that i came for the weekend and...
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tell your daughter christina, who did you meet today? natasha, medina, sister, probably, well, i hope so, i'm right i hope so, this is also my sister, ekaterina, and this is my brother oleg, they were looking for natasha, natasha is here , and this is katya, there are no words, if we assume that...
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their adoptive parents. seventy-two-year-old vera rozina recalls how she and her husband took the girl from malyutka’s house and nursed her for almost a month. but she was, how can i explain, well, what kind of child is there in a children’s home, you know this very well, first of all, we washed her for 3 weeks, korosa, everything is there, well, a child’s home, what should i explain to you? vera ivanovna lives with her daughter in the same house and helps raise her grandchildren. here is my bedroom, well there, there.
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there are a lot of table services, we even have coffee and tea sets, this is all of course my mother’s, another weakness of evgenia’s mother: silverware, she loves it very much and treats it very carefully, oh, this has been around for many years, these are small and large spoons , well, the forks are here, and this wall plate reminds evgeniy of his adoptive dad, these are... i don’t know the plates, i’ve probably had these plates for about 35 years, and this was my dad’s favorite, we always have it, as far as i remember, it always hung with us wall, we never ate from it, i just liked it for beauty, but my dad has been gone for 25 years, and this plate still continues to hang on me, i just periodically
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change the location, oleg, elena. looking at the plot, what do you say, it seems , it seems like you would like it to be your sisters, yes, yes, evgenia, do you want to hear what the result is, well, i don’t know, i can’t say, i wanted to know this whole truth , yes, well, you could say, 30, yes, for more than a year i wanted to know the truth, yes, there were, well, you could say, a few minutes left before this... truth, now even i’m a little scared to find out there, yes, i don’t know, well, in any case, yes, if it turns out that this is my family, then time will tell, and i think that everything will be fine, we will continue to communicate, ekaterina, you are ready to hear what you came for, you are ready, i really hope that it is positive, that after all, my two sisters
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and brother are sitting here, i invite daria popova, ours, to the studio... the initiator of today’s meeting was a resident of the kemerovo region, ekaterina olenchenko . the woman grew up in a foster family and i always wanted to know the truth about my biological relatives. according to her adoptive mother, ekaterina was either the fifth, or sixth, or seventh child in the medina family, from the city of topki. in the studio, ekaterina met with...
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the first envelope contains the answer to the question: is evgenia really the sister of oleg and elena? oleg, are you ready to find out if you met your sister natasha today? i went for this. elena, ready. evgeniya, can i announce the result? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, brothers and sisters. on the other, their supposed younger sister evgenia shreyvogel. the probability of
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consanguinity between you is 99 and 9. i know that it is very difficult to start communicating, that it is very difficult to become family. after many, many years of separation, but this step taken to bring each other closer in our studio, believe me, it always brings only good. evgeniya, do you think everything will work out?
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yes, i think so. ekaterina, would you like to become part of this family? yes, i would like the result to be the same, that same younger sister who... who didn’t know anything or was a stranger? dna test result we'll find out in a couple of minutes. watch at 19:00 on ntv. barbecues in nature can result in a fine of up to 60,000 rubles. - reminds the forest guard. an experiment started in the moscow region. search for fire safety violators. foresters, the national guard, aviation and cellular companies. what is the effectiveness of these measures? a photo of former us presidential candidate nikki haley, where
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as they call it, prostatrikun, remember, remember, it’s better to try once than 100 just to hear what you think, it works, what, i don’t think, i know, it’s dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when ordering they’ll explain everything in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, order, remember , it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is.
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dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, two sisters and brothers met, who were separated in childhood due to the deprivation of their mother and parental rights. will they have another youngest sister, with whom they, according to... a genetic
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examination carried out between their siblings and brother elena slepchenko, evgeniy srifogel, oleg medina, their alleged younger sister ekaterina olenchenko. oleg, are you ready to find out if you have another sister? anything is possible. elena, do you want to know who you are? accounted for ekaterina? yes i want to. evgeniya? yes. ekaterina, are you ready to hear the result of the dna test? yes. attention. i open the envelope. on the one hand, siblings. oleg medin, elena slepchenko, evgenia shreyfogel. on the other hand, their supposed. younger sister
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ekaterina olenchenko, the probability that you all have the same mother, which means that all of you, people related by blood, is 99 and 9, just sit there, please, i didn’t imagine this at all. thank you for bringing us together, in the same grief, sit down together and disperse,
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ekaterina, you have found your blood family, thank you. thank you very much, you will communicate, of course, if they want, we will communicate. oleg, as the eldest brother, do you take responsibility for all the younger ones? i’ll take it, but at least move back to siberia, leave this caucasus and move there, well, i can go on a visit once, i’ll definitely go, don’t doubt that everything is possible, because this is a dna test. if you also need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, a new test,
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7:00 pm
there are resources and personnel, plans for the development of russia was discussed today at the strategic development council. israel carried out an american-made airstrike on the palestinian refugee camp in frafahi. the whole world is gripped by protests against the genocide of the population of the gaza strip. he was about to talk again, but it looks like he won’t get it done, suggests nikita korzun. engineering solutions. evgeny golovanov. armored vehicles, about the masters of the repair company, people with golden hands and about the unusual , restoring and returning damaged ones to service. rituals and rituals that are the same for everyone, travelers from different countries will meet in saudi arabia.


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