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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 29, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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there are resources and personnel; russia’s development plans were discussed today at the strategic development council. the ammunition that israel used in the airstrike on the palestinian refugee camp in frafahi was american-made. the whole world.
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report by alexey ivliev. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the television company, this is the program today, its presenter is nikolaeva and igor politaev. vladimir putin called increasing the well-being of people and strengthening their health the main priorities of russian policy. the president held a joint meeting in the kremlin today council for strategic development of national projects and the state council. it was attended by members of the government, governors, and public representatives.
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until 2036, specific targets have been set . the main thing, according to the president , is not happening in the privacy of offices, even the highest, the life of the country is determined on the ground, where the key role belongs to local self-government and citizen initiatives, therefore not only government representatives, but also regional heads are invited to this council. the composition of the government, as is known, was significantly updated; by the way, it was replenished by former governors familiar with the situation.
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razvazzhaev, alikhanov, dikterev, starovoid, dyumin, who was appointed today as secretary of the state council. all these personnel changes should, in all likelihood, contribute to the establishment of clearer and faster communications between authorities at different levels. today putin said that he expects specific proposals from the regions for the development and implementation of national projects, and based on these recommendations, the government should develop a rosary by the end of summer.
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and if we understand this, then everyone, everyone should work as if on the front line, everyone should feel mobilized. this is the only way we will achieve the goals we set for ourselves. in modern conditions it is impossible to work differently. it is necessary to establish close cooperation between all government bodies and implementers of national projects. the effectiveness of our work will depend on this; only then will we achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, as i already said, and that are needed.
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enemy mortar unit entrenched in a forest belt, precise strikes were carried out according to coordinates obtained from aerial reconnaissance. we are doing everything so that our infantry thinks less about enemy artillery and moves forward and carries out its tasks directly. our direction really strikes effectively and successfully all the enemy’s means of destruction, which together makes it possible for our troops to advance calmly. live in the border areas of the belgorod region. geocinths fire at a distance of more than 20 km, targeted strikes at command posts, accumulation of manpower and equipment in entrenched areas, preventing the enemy from transferring reserves to the line of contact and conducting counterattacks. a subdivision of
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the west troops group takes the initiative, occupy new lines in the kupinsky direction of special operations, and artillery and tanks break into the defenses of the armed forces of ukraine. voenkoren tv ilya lyadvin met with the t-90 crew. who went on the attack through a minefield under dense enemy fire in order to clear the way for the fighters of the assault squad. cloudy sky, strong wind, ideal weather for the departure of armored vehicles, after all, drones are not so active, this is the kupinsky direction on the firing t-90a of the western group. the guys are working on several enemy firing points at once on one of the dominant heights in the silmakhovka area. this is a great help to our infantry, which... in this sector is now actively pushing the enemy to the western bank of the stallion river. after sixteen high-explosive fragmentation rounds, there is a quick rollback, and the crew leaves the firing point in a different way, so that the enemy does not copy the cloud of dust on the dirt road. habits
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after a year and a half of work, the enemy had already learned the call sign bison, a young officer born in the crucibles of this conflict. after graduating from the kazan college, he immediately got into it. onslaught from our side and the enemy is slowly retreating meter by meter from the next assault, the crew left the day before yesterday with the support of two infantry fighting vehicles, ninety went through a minefield directly to the enemy’s position, the thrall made a passage for the armored group and attack aircraft in a day when everyone was told what
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our task would be it was very scary, we were all very worried, the day came when is already leaving. after a couple of minutes, we just gathered our courage, got into the car and drove off, and that’s it, and it wasn’t as if there was anything particularly scary there, you just move forward to the end, all the time, under oncoming arrivals, the tankers walked without slowing down in parallel. fired heavily to suppress the enemy, fired more than 15 shots at the enemy, two shots were fired at us from the missile launcher, one hit the mine trawl, it absorbed the blow with itself, apparently the enemy tried to hit and destroy the vehicle, hit the track, the second anti-tank grenade fell into the ground a few meters from the car, received 9.3 hits from kamikatsa drones, but the armor survived the task. did not comply, the attack aircraft took the landing, large-caliber
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artillery supported the advance of the infantry, the guys were immediately aimed at the already targeted intersection, they were waiting for the passage of enemy equipment, but literally right now a command came, to work on one of the enemy’s support positions, to support the attack of our assault groups, three fighters in this crew they have known each other for 17 years since first class dmitry senior gunner, gun commander nikita and his loader, who now in...
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the usa's attitude towards russia has remained unchanged since the beginning of 2000, their goal is to prevent russia from developing and strengthening, to isolate it, surrounding it with unfriendly states. one of the tools with which the united states is trying to solve this problem is the nato bloc, which was not dissolved after the dissolution of the warsaw pact. according to lavrov, the americans maintained the alliance in order to keep europe in a subordinate position. now we can say with confidence that the reason for this decision was the ineradicable
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the desire of the united states to maintain nato as a tool of control over europe, including over germany, where there are still dozens of american military bases, so that the germans obey orders from washington. also said that the united states withdrew from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty so that nato could develop new territories, in particular the asia-pacific region, and the countries of this region, according to the minister, need to prepare for the fact that washington will offer them to deploy american hosts rockets. the desires of many nato countries to escalate the conflict in ukraine and calls for direct military intervention are categorically rejected by hungary. the head of hungarian diplomacy announced this in minsk after negotiations with his belarusian colleague, peter siarto emphasized.
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zelensky’s diplomatic disaster, as the german berliner zeitung writes about the us president’s plans to go in june to a peace conference promoted by zelensky, to meet with hollywood stars to raise funds for the election campaign. not only biden, but also the leaders of other major powers are refusing invitations to the swiss conference. according to the publication , the absence of pin on the forum, which the newspaper calls the only head of state who has influence on putin, will be fatal for ... as
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berliner zeitung writes, zelensky is practically begging world leaders to join the peace summit, but it seems even kiev’s allies realize that the presidential zelensky’s powers expired on may 20, and he has no right to act on behalf of ukraine, without the participation russia, the newspaper concludes, the conference in switzerland will most likely become another round of fruitless consultations. the un security council is today discussing a draft resolution proposed by algeria demanding an end to hostilities in rafah, where dozens of palestinian civilians have become victims of israeli army strikes. it is unlikely to be implemented. earlier, the un international court of justice ruled that the israeli military operation in rafahi must be stopped. however, israel ignored this decision. nikita korzun will continue. pain, confusion and despair, such is the range of emotions that cover only when viewing footage from
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the refugee tent camp in the town of almawasi, west of rafah. where? where should i go now? i want to bring back my father and mother, whom i loved more than anything in the world. people who had already lost absolutely everything as a result of the palestinian-israeli conflict found themselves forced into the folds of the israeli army. and here they awaited their further fate. and now those who survived say goodbye to those for whom this torture ended in exile. at least 45 people died as a result of the israeli strike on rafah. most of the victims are women and children. the camp was set up next to a warehouse of the un's middle east aid agency for palestinians. the merciless cynicism of what is happening may be a foreshadowing of the condemnation of the world community; they even impressed the defense army; tzakhali admitted that they did not expect such a destructive incident; they were aiming, as always, at hamas. as you can see, there are no tents in the immediate vicinity of the structure we hit. our blow was delivered more than than one and a half kilometers from
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the almawasi humanitarian zone. the general staff of the defense army initiated an investigation into the circumstances of the deaths of civilians in the area. in mexico city , the israeli embassy had to be defended with special forces, pepper gas and batons to prevent activists from tearing it apart; smoke bombs, riots and rallies of thousands can be observed in paris. protests are sweeping madrid and london, where police are also on high alert.
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american-made, cnn reported this with reference to expert analysis. footage from the scene of the tragedy. you call the footage heartbreaking, why don't you directly condemn this attack? it seems to me that we very sharply condemned the death of innocent civilians, but we need to understand what happened, an investigation will be carried out, it has already been stated that it was a tragic mistake. the biden administration did call on teleaviv to leave rafak alone, threatening to cut off arms deliveries, which drew sharp criticism. sleeping john's competitor in the presidential election. trump called the containment policy a disgrace and said that biden abandoned israel. does this mean that if trump returns to the white house, what is happening in the middle east today will seem like a walk in the park. it is difficult to rule this out, at least even against the backdrop of the scandal that erupted around nicky haley. former us post-press prion, who is called a contender for high positions in the trump administration, personally
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left a wish on an american aerial bomb in israel. end them, america loves israel. this sounds particularly cynical. is there really not a drop of humanity left in you, what did you want from 15 thousand innocent children, oh, american state, this blood is also on your hands, you bear the same responsibility for this genocide as israel, what good are you if you can’t stop the genocide, it’s dead in spirit, erdogan posed no longer rhetorical questions to... the muslim world asked what else needs to happen for the countries of islam to begin to protect their co-religionists, algeria presented to the social security service a draft resolution calling for an end to hostilities in rafah, but the united states has already stated that any additional documents will not be useful. nikita korzun, stanislav bystrov, natalia markevich and oleg gavrilov, ntv. thousands
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of muslims from russia are traveling these days to saudi arabia to perform the hajj to mecca, there in the courtyard. the al-haram mosque houses the main shrine of islam, the kaaba. fatima dadaeva will tell you how devout muslims prepare to perform the obligatory ritual and how it ends. this year, 3,000 believers will set off on the sacred journey for muslims from the chechen republic. the first group of pilgrims - 170 a man, accompanied by a doctor, is flying out today. and the temple, special costumes for those performing the hajj, were put on by the pilgrims even before departure. a traveler to holy places can be recognized immediately. not only by his attire, sultan batuev is 70 years old, he is 70 years old, for the last 30 he has lived with the dream of making a pilgrimage to holy places, he was very worried at home, now i am already... before performing the hajj, devout muslims
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prepare in advance and repent of their sins , pray for forgiveness and give alms to those in need, the main thing here is sincerity and purity of intentions. liza adieva still does not believe that in a few hours she will see the main thing for muslims in the shrine; of course, she has long dreamed of it like a son of honey. i’ve been dreaming all my life, to be honest, don’t even believe it, hajj is one of the five pillars of islam prescribed for every muslim with income, pilgrimage, duty are taboo. this year, the hajj costs $5,500. the amount is unaffordable for many, so the travel and accommodation of pilgrims performing the hajj for the first time was paid for by the regional fund named after akhmat kadyrov. the most important thing for haji is fear of god and patience. because no matter how great the conveniences there are, hajj is a test, it is a difficulty,
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because a person experiences difficulties and must endure these difficulties, be patient, because the prophet said, the one who performed the hajj and showed patience, he cleansed of all sins, other pilgrims have a chance to be cleansed of their sins. after the spring flood, many
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camps were damaged, especially those built along the ural river, the governor said in the summer it is planned to send 5,500 children to the krasnodar region of crimea, and the first group is already on its way, and new children's centers will be built in safer places for the next season. if at... the government level there are any additional questions that arise , tell me about it right away, okay, thank you , don’t delay right away, well, summer is starting, it’s already necessary to urgently organize all the work, because of course the water is receding, and accordingly, active work on drying begins , it’s clear about the repairs people are waiting for money, yes , therefore, yes, if there are any moments right please pay attention the orenburg region reported that the region makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy; after the floods, it was possible to quickly
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restart all enterprises ; recently there has been high investment activity; in addition, a new terminal of the regional airport is now being built, it is going to be commissioned next year. the building will be easy to recognize from above; it looks like an orenburg downy scarf. denis pasler also said that he plans to participate in the upcoming elections for the head of the region. vladimir putin supported him and wished him success. this program today. and further in our issue. moldovan vegetables and fruits are returning to the russian market. ggauzia farmers will be the first to have the opportunity to sell their products to russia. russian is such a strange language when you learn it as a foreign language. about how our language is taught in their schools. elizabeth gerson. ice delux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of tastes. try
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your favorite ice delux and new flavors. papa mango is just a tasty point. it’s not easy to catch a firebird pyro, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on choose your favorite brands at wildbrires. high quality, beautiful. and stylish: a huge selection of shoes for all occasions, shoes or sandals for going out, or maybe sneakers for every day, at competitive prices at wiildberries! submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone: 8800 101 000 04, free call! i'm lathered up on vacation! there’s more cashback on the app, with the quick booking option you can go on vacation right now we’ll find it where to stay. well, let's go to nature? oh,
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start construction with a quick search for a master using filters, ratings and reviews, avito services, who else to build with, bastard, go out, go out and start a business, with sberbank our idea... will fly! open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rubles. help at the start from sber experts. all services in your internet bank. analytics according to you business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a blast! one day, car mechanic semyon semyonovich, 55 years old, had a heart speedometer showing the maximum 200.
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his wife was puzzled, should you go for a diagnostic, but semyonovich said: don’t get under the hood, woman, men, don’t slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. i love the moscow pool coffee house, i’ll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on belts, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the belts, i love, recommend, love the moscow coffee house on the belts, i’ll tell you why, moscow coffee house on the belts, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. tecno - stunning clarity photos and 4k video. new series of smartphones common 30. techna. love you.
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coffee shop on the waist i'll tell you why: moscow coffee shop on the waist - a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste - pleasure! moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it! moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love, recommend! via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. deliveries of vegetables and fruits from moldova to russia will begin within the next month, moldovan politician elan shor promised today. the leader of the opposition bloc pobeda announced at a press conference in moscow the creation of a trading house that will negotiate with agricultural producers and retail chains. according to shor, it is first planned to begin exporting goods from the gagausian autonomy, and then from all of moldova. the politician noted that now
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agriculture in the republic is in decline.
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this week, an international competition for the best school teaching entirely or partially in russian began; educational centers in britain will also be able to take part. relations between moscow and london are currently tense, but this does not affect the british interest in the language of pushkin and tolstoy. our london correspondent elizaveta gerson talked to those who are currently taking exams in russian. this is a classroom in an english secondary school, and russian is not taught here, but taught. usually french or spanish, and bad. russian is spoken here only on weekends, do children come here to learn our language from scratch, or to perfect their home or grandmother’s russian? babushkin, mother, alexander
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sergeevich or fyodor mikhailovich, russian takes shape under the influence of different people, historical figures, in private schools in britain like ethan, where prince harry or herroo studied poorly, where churchel is good, russian is taught. and for students of public schools there are two budget options: either a russian tutor, or another school on weekends. the school of knowledge has existed for 21 years, it operates in the uk and not only, we have a branch in germany, in bavaria. we have five branches in london; during this time , more than 3,500 children have studied in them. here in russian, not only russian, but singing, theater, drawing. this is an attempt in 4 hours a week expand your vocabulary horizons. most of the students are children of former citizens of the ussr who consider russian their native language, but who want to turn it from everyday language into everyday language. my parents were born and raised in lithuania,
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our whole family is russian-speaking there, so i grew up speaking russian. my native language is russian. i started learning russian from the moment i was born. i always spoke russian to my mother and english to my father, because... and my mother grew up in the soviet union, in latvia. in britain, schoolchildren in their final grades are now pass state exams. russian language may be one of the subjects for certification. for those who grew up in a russian-speaking family, there is an opportunity to get the highest score, with less expense, but even those who speak russian as their first language still need to prepare, from the get-go, from the bay of floundering and all the more, without understanding the meaning of these words synonyms, or not understanding what a synonym is, you will not pass these exams. i believe that by saying.
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strongly, tolerably and not painfully, to study and understand pushkin’s story and mikhalkov’s film. those children who start with the very basics, those who have only a russian name. i'm anastasia, and i'm 10 years old, and i, i'm an apratic, and i'm two bunnies. for such little ones, the method is its own word game. distinguish a bear from a mouse, a castle from a padlock, soap from milk. the teacher always asks such beginning russian students, why? the goal is, for example, i want to read well in russian, or, for example, i have friends and i want to be able to talk with them, or, for example, i have a grandmother who speaks
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russian, and we, when we go there, i don't i know how to communicate with her, this is very important for me , school graduates who did not give up in the face of difficulties, but passed the russian language, can then choose russian as a specialty, and only after that as a destiny. despite the daily indecent anti-russian hysteria in the british press, in the depths of the silence of university libraries, among literate people, everything is quite calm, no one is closing the russian language departments, because in order to keep it down - it is prestigious, promising and profitable. elizaveta gersyn and boris halfin, ntv television company, london. the ministry of finance published proposal to improve the tax system, they involve the introduction of a progressive personal income tax scale.
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those who receive less than 2,400,000 rubles per year. in other words, if the salary is less than 200,000 rubles. per month. for them, the personal income tax rate will remain 13%. for those whose annual income is from 2 and 2.4 to 5 million, that is, per month it is from 200 to approximately 417 rubles. personal income tax will increase to 15%. if the annual income is from 5 to 20 million, this corresponds to a level of 417,000 to approximately.
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but in return the companies are promised that from the twenty-
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fifth year the authorities will refuse coursework export duties, which the authorities, for example, introduced last fall on a wide range of goods, for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, for precious metals, coal, fertilizers. in addition, the ministry of finance proposes to increase the mineral extraction tax for companies engaged in iron mining by 1.15 times and for producers of rut fertilizers by 2.3 times. and also the ministry of finance, as said, for development. small medium-sized business proposes to increase the threshold for the simplified taxation system; now, to apply it, income should not be exceed approximately 266 million rubles per year, and the ministry of finance proposes to raise the bar to 450 million. but for small medium-sized businesses with incomes above 60 million rubles, vat is introduced. according to the ministry of finance, tax changes will bring an additional 2.600 billion to the russian budget in 2025. the russian stock market, of course, is assessing these future
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tax changes, and also the likelihood that the central bank at its meeting on june 7 may raise the key rate, as a result, all day today indices fell, but by the end of the day the picture still improved slightly, for russian exporters yesterday passed the peak of tax payments, the supply of currency on the russian market decreased and the ruble began a logical fall, at the end of the day the dollar was 89.51, the euro... the cargo delivery service sdek partially resumed work, today the company announced that all order delivery points have begun issue those shipments that were already ready for delivery, and earlier sdec partially repaired its website, now it is opening, many tabs are working, but, for example, it is not possible to track the parcel, the calculator to calculate the cost of delivery does not work. sdek reports that it continues to eliminate the remaining ones. problems and thanks customers for their patience and understanding. the company experienced an outage
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on may 26th. she completely stopped issuing parcels and picking them up in order, as she herself explained, to avoid mistakes during manual processing. one of the international hacker groups took responsibility for everything that happened. she claimed that she used a ransomware virus. this was confirmed by vedomosti newspaper sources. last year , sdek made about 300. boomers began to ride electric scooters more than zoomers, megaphone analysts came to this not obvious conclusion, they studied the anonymized data of subscribers. the core of this market is subscribers from 25 to 44 years old, they account for 55% of all kick-sharing users, but the trend has shifted towards an older audience. for the first time, there are more russians in the 45+ category among those who rent scooters.
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preferred by men is 54%, but the share of women over the year has increased from 39 to 46%. the most active cities in kick-sharing services are moscow, st. petersburg, saratov and samara regions, as well as krasnodar. on these five regions account for about half of all gigabytes spent in e-scooter rental apps. in general, movement life is about everything today. and you still have time to grow and grow before the scooter, thank you, i’m not trying, thank you, denis, denis talolaev with an economic review of the day, this is the program today, watch after a short advertisement, free education has become more accessible, three out of five graduates of russian schools can enter a university on the budget, about in-demand professions and new budget places, report
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nahida babaeva. safe barbecues, like telephone companies, help the ministry of emergency situations prevent forest fires. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. you locked us all here, why? let's play a game. colimbo. only in the okka online cinema. tiң platinum credit card does not charge any fees or interest for transfers. tinkov platinum can do this. apply for a tenkov platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. tenkov, he is like that one, pay less. panties hagis 9990. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in
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is profitable! magnet - the price is what you need! i am marina kravets, and this is your deepest desire, far away!
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this is the program today. we continue our release. there is just under a month left before the start of the admissions campaign for universities and colleges across the country, and graduates will be in for a pleasant surprise: there are more budget-funded places. this year more than half of applicants will be able to qualify for free education. the priority is the training program for engineers, who are sorely lacking today to achieve technological sovereignty. employers are increasingly sending staff directly to the university. but as i grew older , i realized that nuclear energy is much more interesting, and what is it, much more promising and profitable? nuclear energy is a promising
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area around the world, and it is prestigious to be an employee of such a large state corporation as rusatom, because the nuclear industry is well sponsored by our state, which gives it the right to actively develop. it is actively developing, which means they are building new nuclear power plants and not only in russia, but also in turkey, egypt, china, and specialists are needed for this work. kazan energy university is one of the country’s leading universities in training personnel for the industry, and from next year the number of budget places there will immediately increase by almost 400, but you can graduate at least a million people a year, it is important to give them knowledge. this university has many simulators, including an imitation simulator there are basically a lot of novovoronezh as and vvr 1200 blocks. that promotes good learning, i.e. classrooms with modern computer systems, good
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programming instruction, and plenty of laboratories. the focus on competence is a fashionable word that denotes a set of practical skills, which is now being done in most educational institutions in russia: the country needs programmers, the country needs technicians, so the majority of new budget places will go not to lyricists, but to physicists, this is the it-direction, this.. .
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are associated with information systems and technologies. a distinctive feature of the moscow polytechnic university is project-based learning.
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what does it mean? students solve not abstract, but very specific problems. they are installed by partner companies, and they then use the results of the project. plus, they take the guys to work for them. every year , polytechnic students create more than 250 projects, including startups, and the number of industrial partners tends to one and a half thousand, and here everyone wins. unitedly, achieving one result, how the guys distribute roles in this team, then the partner already takes the entire team.
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according to experts, russia will face a shortage of personnel in the coming years, especially in technical specialties, which is why the state is relying on young people; in 2024, three out of five graduates of russian schools will be able to enter the budget. nakhit babaev, alena antonova, svyatoslav gordin, arthur gavrish, vladislav guryanov, ntv. the following story will certainly be of interest to those who are going to barbecues, outdoors, which, as you know, can result in a fine of up to 60,000 rubles. in vinogradovsky an experiment to prevent natural fires was launched in the moscow region forestry. the vast pine forest is patrolled by groups of representatives of the forestry and the national guard. they identify vacationers who, in violation of the rules, light fires in the forest from the air. aviation is helping law enforcement officers. cellular companies also joined the process. who is in the forest. all these measures have reduced the number of fires by five
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times compared to last year. reportage alexey vlev. here the forests are so pine - mostly the litter is dry, needle-shaped, so now everyone is on guard, all these are caravans of three cars that set off on a rapid roar to the grain-rich places, rich in potential violators in the forests near moscow near voskresensk. the tenth quarry is a favorite place for those who cannot imagine their weekend without barbecue, there is only one problem: there is a pine forest around, any
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trees can blaze, and it also often happens that a group of men, heated by strong drinks even tries to attack the fragile and miniature woman of the forester or suddenly refuses to put out the fire, saying that the kebab is not ready yet, the amount automatically increases to 60,000, but in any case the fire will be extinguished, a large escort group goes on a joint raid with the foresters, which for the time being time, they are only watching on
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the sidelines, here are representatives of the local administration and employees of the ministry of emergency situations and... to this 24-hour center they will transmit fire observations on an ongoing basis, information about the number of people with mobile phones in one or another point of the forest in the moscow region. this allows us to make patrolling risk-oriented, that is, the forester does not
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go along all routes and even identify them, but goes directly to the place where. number of people, at the same time in such a place where a huge number of vacationers have moved, you can quickly send a patrol plane to observe from the air whether the smoke of fires or fires is visible from above. the experiment has just begun, its results are yet to come study, but ordinary foresters who travel through the forests on weekdays and weekends have high hopes for it. the idea is good, it’s coming, different companies are coming or...
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this wednesday has become the warmest day in moscow since the beginning of the year, meteorologists reported this. time for a short weather forecast on ntv. evgenia neronskaya joins us. evgeniya, should we expect the temperature to rise tomorrow? yes, the final of may will be hot. everywhere, except for the southern regions, there is rain, temperatures are below normal, the extreme northeast, european territory, in general while in frosty snowdrifts. in varkuta -1. but the kola peninsula is rapidly warming up. in murmansk the temperature will skyrocket immediately. by 10. the northwestern regions have already become quite accustomed to summer weather, in the pskov region up to +30. now thunderstorms will be added to the heat. we expect moderate rains in the tver, yaroslavl, and kostrobi regions. at the same time , there is no precipitation in vladimir, tula and ryazan. in the volga region there are thunderstorms, with steamy winds and 25:30. light rains will affect the lower reaches of the volga and don in the krasnodar territory in the mountains and foothills of the north caucasus.
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the precipitation is more serious, with heavy loads and steamy winds. in sochi +20. about the weather in the capitals after a short pause. if you don’t know where to invest your savings profitably, uralsip bank presents a special offer for new clients. income with a high rate of up to 17% per annum, you can open a deposit in branches throughout russia reliably and conveniently. in st. petersburg +27, rain, thunderstorm, in moscow tomorrow no precipitation and 28:30. and then everything will be like in the middle of summer, warm nights, hot days and afternoon rains, only the month of may is still on the calendar. well, evgenia, thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya.
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well, it's wednesday, another contract killing? i’m even wondering if ordinary everyday life happens here in yuzhnomorsk? well, you know, a previously convicted man stabbed a temporarily unemployed man to death while drinking together. offend me, nadezhda ivanovna, it doesn’t happen here in yuzhnomorsk, but this is the first time a murder with a crossbow arrow has happened. so, i personally am so lucky. what can you say about the murdered man? what can i say, the chain started. first andrey, then lyubintsev with this beer, and now himself, nikita ilich kuznetsov. interestingly, the next one, kuznetsov himself, sounds loud. who is this kuznetsov? local owner.


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