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tv   Staya  NTV  May 29, 2024 10:10pm-11:36pm MSK

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00 on ntv. and again in the heat. i, who i don’t know, in this case, soft, volleyball, again in sight. at the edge line.
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shall be the bastard, that's it.
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shishilmysh, the morning newscast of zarechensk is on the air. the visit of deputy prime minister of the russian government for industrial development alexander pryazhka to the zarechensk-stal plant was canceled at the last moment. analysts associate this decision with the latest events in the city, the murder of the head of the zarechensk criminal investigation department, nikolai krotov. canceling the visit appeared for management. region, city and itself enterprise was a complete surprise, since to ensure the safety of the distinguished guest , the city administration had to remove reinforced posts, interception was introduced according to plan, when exactly the meeting of the deputy prime minister with the employees of the steel foundry plant will take place is not specified, in other news, i did not understand what was going on, you're talking about interception, yes, welcome to the province, and the lop was smashed, and the bandits were missed. listen, this also applies to
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the head of the main internal affairs directorate, krotov. seryoga, did i cancel it? and the city authorities are so kind i wouldn’t have done it either. apparently, this order came from above from the headquarters. now they are definitely gone. for sure. but, by the way, i have to work out my version that they are still here. yes. well, she's a good girl, she couldn't do that. 21 years old is no longer a child, it’s an adult. well, you don’t know her at all, so why don’t you believe me? i believe. well, i don’t believe what happened, i have a daughter, but my daughter is missing, marina buryatova is 21 years old, she hasn’t been home for 2 days, the cars don’t work, i have a photo, yes, send it to me a cell phone, the duty officer will give you the number to help you write a statement correctly, olya, and you ’re on duty today, but razumovskaya is for me, and this, and this is the opera of belov’s slaughter department, you’re lucky that she’s on duty today, let’s go through. every wedding ends
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the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree. but first, let’s open a deposit with interest at sea. with sberbank, everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. hello everyone, hello, so what if no one was killed while on duty? no, they didn’t even hurt me, while i was on duty the city could sleep peacefully, in the region a bear ate a woman in a blue dress, what kind of abomination this morning, why is it abomination, now the operative has arrived. allow me, yes, a statement,
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okay, goddamnit, everything is calm, i’m going to bed, you slept here all night, you yourself say, nothing happened, and that i’m entitled to a day off, san, in your orientation, except for the blue dress there are some other signs, that there was something about the fable, that you haven’t turned off the skin yet, but what’s wrong with you? so here is a girl who looks 20-25, dark brown hair, eyes, eyes, okay, dressed in a blue dress, on her leg, sandals,
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the location of the second one has not been restored, there are even photos, then i read, on the left calf there is a tattoo in the form of a split hearts, that's it, i'm off to bed, goodbye, i'm on duty, this one is in outdoor traffic, seryoga, only you stay, where to go, look there, forestry, voronina. i can send you a map and navigator it will take you, that’s good, from the table from my tears,
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bring me some coffee, yeah, they haven’t had time to do the autopsy yet, the photographs in the orientation were from the scene of the incident. they tried to establish her identity, they tried, but to no avail, she had no documents, no phone number, nothing, she herself was not entirely intact, they looked around and looked around, but it soon got dark, and at night in the forest, you know, the idea will need to look around the world, yeah, it will be necessary.
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and there is such a thing, yeah, not only bears have worked here, judging by the bites of their teeth, both badgers and foxes, and even mice, that’s a shame, but she did n’t die from that, the cause was strangulation, as evidenced by the strangulation stripe, and the fractured slits are characteristic of something like a noose, that’s where we had to start.
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i received the photos, yes i did, but it would be better if i didn’t receive them, they are now celebrating her for rechensk. your sum, there are no examinations here, only potolats, yes, i will see to it that they do it quickly, you said that the mother wrote a statement, yes, yes, maybe the father is there, it’s better that he come for identification, otherwise this is not a sight for the faint of heart, yes, i understand, and tell me please, i'll be late, we're going to look for evidence, bastard, come out, come out and start a business, with sber, our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rubles. help at the start from sber experts, all services in your internet bank. analytics for your business and
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transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a blast! that the police are senior lieutenant belova, hello, i believe you are mr. buryatov, yes, you are probably about your wife’s statement, yes, and not only that, the fact is that her heart felt bad, and today we even called an ambulance in the morning, lyosha, who’s there? have you come? uh, this is for me, for work, what’s
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the secret? i'll ask you to ride with me, why? for identification. masha, i still have to go to work urgently. okay, i feel a lot better now. but you still have to find out, even if it’s not he who is to blame for her death, but how far he could
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have dragged the corpse from the scene of the murder, but who knows, this is his territory, and if shishil-myshil began to bury, then it’s moko to steal a neighbor, the neighbor is far away, so we’re going in that direction, we’re also busy here, like the police, we’re watching all the showdowns, and... the shoe you said was white, it seems like you’ve made a mistake, it’s a gift from your hall, it’s not a shoe, so here i am, poking around, i don’t remember our animals having bones like that, who did it, she? she was kind, she didn’t even hurt a fly, i will find them, i will destroy them,
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alexey vadimovich, i understand how hard it is for you now, but i really ask you to concentrate, when did you last see marina, in the morning, well... on the day she disappeared, we had breakfast together, maybe she was upset and alarmed about something, no, she was joking, as always, marina has a young man, what a young man, she is her, she needs to study lord, see. i, i need to somehow, masha, i have to say somehow, our corpse
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is elegant, so to speak, fresh, but the bone is large and old, we need to do an examination, here are the trees, as they say, there was no sadness while you i didn’t come, since we have to comb the entire bypass, there must be more fragments of the body. tomorrow, perhaps? tomorrow no way, tomorrow we bury the boss. and the point is not that nikolai was my friend. by killing our colleague. we were challenged. everyone who wears shoulder straps, everyone who serves the law, they spat in our faces. criminals must not avoid answering,
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we must find them and punish them to the fullest extent of the law, no matter what it costs us, nikolai himself in such a situation would do everything to find the scum as soon as possible, find them to punish, so let's... guardians on original, this is who the chalam is, looking outside the city, are you serious, this is what everything is normal, we have to go to them now there are no complaints, the person wanted to say goodbye, you’re right, otherwise it’s normal, but what,
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listen, let’s get on with business? aren't you funny yourself? no, that he is now a businessman? there is only one hope for you, sergei. i know you won't quit. i won't quit. very well. vika. i understand that you are not in the mood right now, but just know. that nikolai’s case is under special control in the main department, well , sergei will help here, if you need any help from me, call immediately at any time, don’t be shy, thank you, you will stay at the wake, forgive me, i’ll stop by sometime another once i remember nikolai, now i have to run to the train, okay, then see you, well, that’s it,
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happily, and you report the news. “valera, why did you want to explain something to me, what does shalamov want, or what? what don’t you understand, he was a dashing bandit, he drove to the arrows, fought with competitors, then he defeated everyone, became the coolest in the city, now he sits quietly, pretends to be a law-abiding businessman, that’s all, but what kind of business, weapons, drugs, prostitutes, taxi market , vegetable warehouse, otherwise what are you talking about?” “he doesn’t advertise and it’s impossible to prove it. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card
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tragedies did the tv stars hide behind their smiles? i wanted to run away from the first broadcast. the 4 a.m. bell rings. andrey viktorovich. why did ksenia strizh never become a mother? my mother told me it's better not give birth. and where is her visiting son now? he volunteered to serve. what do you think? host archie found out that he was adopted, my whole world collapsed, why did my own mother abandon him the second time, the second time was much more painful, how much did the shark-feather ilya lyagostaev earn from star scandals? it turned out to be a small apartment in the central administrative district, it was easy to get in, but it was not so easy to stay, and how tv presenter andrei razygraev became related to lera kudryavtseva, how do you like the situation, tell me, okay, the secrets of the tv stars, i in general, in all the time... i have never scolded masha, mom and dad are scolded only on saturday at 21:20 in secret for a million on ntv.
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senior lieutenant belova, is anyone at home? when will you release the body? hello, alexey vadimovich, i can’t say for sure about the body, criminologists and forensic doctors need time to determine the exact murder weapon , perhaps they can find some other traces. “well, do as much as you need, i need to talk to your wife, if it’s necessary, then let’s talk, let’s go.
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hello, maria, she needs a tranquilizer injected, masha, do you hear, we need to talk to the investigator, do you hear, masha? yes, i hear you, maria, you wrote in your statement that your daughter was going to see a friend in the evening. to anna manykhina's party, is that right? yes, she
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deceived me. there was no party and she didn’t come to kane, where is marina with two friends, anya manyykhina on the right, they are together at the institute. you have her number, this is marina’s laptop, you know the password, no, okay, then we ’ll call criminologists, arrange a seizure for examination, in the meantime, please find the phone friend, go out, wait downstairs, i ’ll bring the laptop now, what are you doing?
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threw everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, yes, seryoga, problems, the bone you found is male, funny people say that it is no less than six months old, there are hot farms there, yeah, you know what we need to check to see if they had any incidents over the last six months, maybe someone went missing, well, i asked, they have strict accounting, they record everything when issuing a license, passport data, license plate numbers, even these vouchers, they are personal and no one says anything about the missing hunters he said, yes, it sucks, it sucks, we never found the second barefoot, why do you think that they killed him somewhere else, although
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theoretically they could have killed him in the city, and then... there is a corpse in the forest? i think not, there was an interception plan announced, reinforced posts, would you carry a corpse at reinforced posts? no, i wouldn't. so, what should we do? you need to comb everything there again, well, if you comb it, then you need to comb the whole property, because if there is one missing spot, maybe some other fragments still remain. yes, but we don’t have the resource. wait, i’ll call the school police now, we’ll kick the kids out. fields, it will be good practice for them, and bor, wait, can i look at the materials on the mole’s case again, why, yes , we were all emotional, we just missed something, well , look, i’ll be right back, thanks, what’s with the phone, at the bus station, and then,
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where did the signal go? which direction was she going? i understand, i’ll send you the address now, where to pick it up from, that’s all. alexey vadimovich, i have a few questions for you, yes, as i understand, you own a company. yes, well, what company, so, forges. and two metal fabrication shops, well, we buy iron from the plant, forge and make all sorts of blanks, but you may have had some conflicts with manufacturers, competitors, maybe someone threatened you, well, who can threaten me, the competition is clear , but i’m not the only one so smart as to open my own production at the plant, although my forge is the oldest, i mean an acute conflict, no, that definitely didn’t happen, because we all know each other for a long time,
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we worked at the same plant. got it, maybe you have is there another country house or dacha? dacha, where? on the other side of the river, in the north of the region, is someone living with friends? well, there is a dacha settlement from the plant, krasny stolevar, many zavochan residents have a dacha there, but so that her loved ones, no, you don’t know who she could go to in that direction? umanimperash, that's it. “i agreed, tomorrow they will bring you 150 people, dry rations in full combat gear, now i’ll write down the boss’s phone number, great, tell me, where are the protocols for interviewing witnesses in the razumovskaya case, aren’t they there, no, that means they weren’t handed over to me, but examination of video recordings, what kind of video recording, well, how should they identify the car, what should be identified there, they found
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evidence in the cabin?" "which was left from these ghouls, so wait, according to the testimony of witnesses, the car was either black, then brown, or even blue, and the camera... they make the recordings in black and white, this is called eyewitness color blindness, you see one color, then they tell you about another, this is a normal phenomenon, but the numbers of the car license plate on the video recordings are the same, but eyewitnesses call completely different ones, i also said this in the first the rapport indicated, well, that means they transferred it, in general it’s a matter of one minute, i somehow don’t really understand, you’re speaking like a prosecutor, here you go, there’s something else there. marinena’s mom said you were better than friends? yes, from kindergarten. maybe you know where she was going on the day of the murder? i don’t know, she ’s been kind of secretive in the last few days,
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bothered her or something? it’s rather the opposite, as if something joyful had happened. she didn’t share it with her best friend, she just said she was in a good mood. you didn't try. what the reason, yes, my head is full of other people now, i’m cleaning up my tails at the institute, it’s marinka who’s an excellent student, she didn’t help, we’re at a factory, but in different faculties, okay, what’s the story with the young man, we discussed the murder of yakushev and that followed this event, right, because everyone in the city was discussing the murder of yakushevo, recalling stories from the city’s past and from their youth, what don’t you like, i don’t understand? “bor, he’s driving you into that place, and you didn’t even try to pin him down, but i understood why you came to us from they sent us from moscow, now you will teach us how to work, how to live, but we won’t catch the cool guy killing himself like that,
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asmolov had no reason to kill the meek one, but how do you know that we have some evidence , yes because asmolov is the second person in the city after the mayor, the director of the plant is personally appointed by the governor, and none of the shareholders even..." she had a young man, they started dating at school, he was a little older, he was finishing college then. what's his name? ruslan shunin, maybe you know where the phone lives, it
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he’s in prison, he was given 2 years, for what? allegedly for theft, but they say that marinkin’s father set you up, he was against them dating, in general he dreamed that she would go to another city and... find a job in yekaterinburg or get married there, so why is she full-time then? i learned, my father could pay for his studies well enough for maria kirillovna to send her precious daughter so far away, i barely have enough money for a little baby, for them it’s like that, it’s better for mommy to come, but what’s the story with the theft? marinka herself asked her father to i hired ruslan for his company, he was sitting here without a job because there was a layoff at the plant, who was he? was building it for a warehouse, and then the theft was discovered, they began to look for it, and what was missing was found at ruslan’s, some strange story, so then they gave him a full sentence, for the first theft they usually give a suspended sentence, well, they say her father tried his best,
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when it was, about a year ago, okay, on the day of the murder, marina’s mother said that she was going to your party. yes, i’m telling you, i didn’t have any party, i was preparing for the retake like clockwork, and marina i didn’t warn you, i probably thought that she wouldn’t be back so late, and in general i had already been asleep for a long time when maria kirillovna started calling, but she still said that she had just left, well , i’m a friend, after all, then she started calling , the phone doesn’t answer, she wasn’t on vk, she only has you and your parents on her call list that day, “i don’t quite understand the purpose of your visit, i answered all your questions at the investigative committee, yes, yes, yes, i read protocol, but i still have questions,
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nothing to disclose, ask, so i’m vladimir pavlovich, he already asked them, back then in a restaurant, and then you referred to your lawyer and avoided answering." please remind me what you were interested in? krotov, tell me, he... blackmailed you, and blackmailed you with what? well, around the city there are persistent rumors that he was digging under you and that he could have dug up something that you would not want to see in public space? you shouldn’t believe rumors in our department, vladimir pavlovich, “we work with rumors, uh-huh. often they are confirmed, but you won’t
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believe it, well, not in this case, you said then in the restaurant that krutov was digging not only for you, i want to know what you think about it, what you know about it, who else could have been tamed on the pencil, you’re talking about rumors again, you know, i’m a person in particular.” “if you have some specifics, i am ready to discuss, if not, listen, i arrived in zarechensk, you are talking about your special powers, i heard you tell about not the governor, it was he who appointed me to this position, i think this is our not the last conversation, yeah, think about it at your leisure, yeah." what can happen if there is dirt on you will fall into the wrong hands? superstar, will wait for your
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prizes await you. catch your bird of luck. after all, we are winning. every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. hello, good afternoon, arhodi, to be honest, i don’t remember kolya calling smolov her friend, it seemed to me that they had some kind of long-standing conflict, a rather complicated relationship, a direct conflict, well... “i never got involved in my husband’s affairs, but we discussed some things with him, he shared his thoughts with me, and from what i remember, kolya had a very bad attitude towards the cosmologist, why? well, i can’t vouch for the reliability of the information, but
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it seems that kolya suspected that he was deliberately going to drive the plant into a debt hole and subsequently bankrupt it. "? but what about the mayor, shareholders, don’t they really have all this? did you see? i don’t know if there was any evidence, what? telephone call records, copies of contracts and bank transactions. if this is all true, it would be great to find these materials, this has been proven. okay, sergey, i'll look. thank you. olya, is there anything new about this buryatova? for now we are only identifying the circle of suspects.
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i will identify the zavrashovs to help you. what kind of generosity are you? damn, this frost of yours is beautiful, i found new remains in the forest. series? listen, don't croak, but a series, that's all we needed right now, and her laptop taken for examination? yes, they’ll just do the refill, tell me, is your frost, is he actually frostbitten, but what? yes, he told me that i questioned osmolov poorly, he will interrogate him himself, nothing funny, so you’re the boss, i’m io, so io, explain to him that such tricks don’t work with us, listen to what you’re saying from me you want, you forgot where he was sent to us from, what can i do, what do you want from me, now a new boss will come, let him educate him, it will be too late, i won’t give a penny, what with such behavior in a week they won’t trample him out of the service, or they won’t kill him, month after month, they’ll trample him or they’ll kill him, he’s ready to put a mower on duty,
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put him on duty, oops, what did you think, i don’t know that you have an underground betting for football there , have blossomed, what, some kind of underground betting, like football, what’s serious, or what? well, if you know, show me a more reliable place in the city for storing bets, and you don’t have to pay a commission, come on, the whole department grazes there, everyone who plays football? are drawn, and not only ours, you have such a rich life, if you were busy they will find the horns, we need to send for forensic doctors, and that’s what it has to do with it, and you have such
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a forest humor, i understand, sergei igorevich, we found your shoe, where we found it, but here, here, that... we didn’t touch anything , you’re offending us, we have state farm fields behind him, of course, let’s go, discipline, they said to guard the evidence, they will guard him, where is the cadet standing.
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well, is she, is she stuck, or what?
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mother of god, most holy theotokos. are you going? yes, it turns out that the young man with whom our young lady was in love two weeks ago was released by paudo, and so the suspect has appeared on us, right? i'll go and visit. olya, listen, can you tell the relatives that the doctors have completed all the examinations, they can take the body. there are no traces of violence other than our mark. but there are traces of being in a humid environment, swamp silt in the hair in the folds of the skin, but there is no water in the lungs, which means she was strangled and not
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drowned, well, yes, a metal string was used as a noose. hello, please tell me, ruslan shunin lives here, so he was imprisoned, and what about his mother? alexandra died, did not wait for her son, well, it’s been months since they buried him, and the door over there is sealed, who sealed it, he has the district keys, that is, the son didn’t appear here, right?
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well, now we’ll quickly clean you up and okay, the main thing is that the hot water is not turned off, but what happens? yes, it happens for six months, this is not moscow, you will regret it, well, wait, it’s great in general, girl, girl, look, if you don’t want to, it’s in vain, great, why are you forcing the beluga? such
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a fit is not for you, it’s a blind thing, look. uh-huh, canol in general, well, yes, come on, let me tighten the lybak, don’t pull the corigi, you want to get some money light up, that's it, i give up, i give up, i give up.
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it says somewhere that that woman’s bag, where did you get it, where did you get it, is there the only one in the world, is there such a bag, let her first prove that it’s hers, it’s not signed anywhere, i looked, they killed her, i heard about the operation you are in the forestry enterprise, this is where the cops were driven, what? yeah, let's put him in the isolation ward now, and then i'll take him away from zarechensk, let's see what he 'll sing to us as a follower, uh, are you going to inflict bullshit on me, or what? and how will this go, well, you must be an experienced tramp? understand, this is a resonant matter, we need results if the track will be completely empty, empty, there will be no need to sew anything, the bag is also a motive, evidence, oh, poor one, i’m poor, also think carefully before you say where you found it, morat dal, what other morat, gastric ,
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for construction sites in the village, they have him as a foreman there, who has them, in villages with a road? i found some work in a swamp, they’re digging something there now, they’re making trenches, 80 meters deep, you set them up there, a week ago, so he thought that you were preparing this very raid, why did he think so, so he has only these, illegal immigrants there alone, through one, one with a permit, three without, but what can i do, i have to work, that’s why i went to work, anthracite, you’re a proper varyuga, you ’re a sucker for work, but hunger is no problem, so he promised me four per trench when i dug , he gave me two bags, and said, you ’ll raise more money with it, don’t give it away for less than an appetifon, so i acted like a loser, and why didn’t i hand over the huckster, didn’t you realize that it was scorched, so you slapped the huckster yourself 2 weeks ago, yes it was, sign, let’s go where to look for marat, sign, just let’s go in first to wash and
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change clothes.
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ntv apartment house at margulis, on saturday at one in the morning. you again? hello, anya. did you know that the little boy died? yes, marina spoke. she even sent money to relatives for funerals. did they communicate? no. mother believed that their whole family was to blame for what happened to ruslan, and to her too. she even cursed them. did she communicate with the shunin himself? i wrote letters to him in the zone, but he did not answer. anh, did you know that he came out? how did you get out? two weeks ago. conditionally delayed, no, i didn’t know, and marina didn’t tell me anything, if you find out anything, call me, okay, thanks.
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and silence, well, come on, you’re from here, i’m from here, yeah, the police, let’s go out.
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are you going to stand far away, which of you is morat? marat who? marat, who i don’t understand in russian, how did you get a work visa then, should i invite an immigration translator so that someone can go home today, come on!
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so here he is, moraz, you stuck your tongue in the hollow, and now it’s clear what he was trying to drop into, so comrades, thank you all, sorry for disturbing you, go away, well, marat, you’ll find out, you’ll find out, i’m asking, or too you don’t understand russian, but he understands everything, russian is better than ours, shut up, woodpecker, stop. stop, i said, let's bury them in investigative, go ahead, calm down, i both said, come on, well, in an amicable way, we need to dig up all the swamps, because the environment there is acidic...
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they last a long time, if they threw off some bodies, then most likely there are more parts of bodies, they found something else in the forest, it’s full of fragments, well, mostly bones, forest animals, they went there as if they were going to the dining room, in general , they stole everything all over the place, how many? well, according to a preliminary examination by a local pathologist and anatomist, at least four, it’s a hell of a 15th century, what kind of bears do people live in? well, in short, well in general, the first and most beautiful thing is that we are dealing with a series, there are three of them, four or 25, in general, it doesn’t matter, in any case we are on the pencil of your friends’ chapters, that’s right, it works out, we will need to raise all the statements of missing persons over the last at least a year, a more accurate examination will show, rom, well, get busy, please try to get the maximum out of these forensic doctors.
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so, now we know the name of only one victim, right, let's focus on her, olya, continue to work with these relatives, acquaintances, well, in general, it’s already screwed, yes, and you go to fodeev in the morning, bring him up to date with the matter, then he will be happy with you, tell him about the bears, oh, damn it, god, how good it will be, if this is the killer.
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so you go, i’ll wait, okay, of course in such cramped conditions, but where is he?
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i want to present to you a model of a residential area, which i decided to link to the area of ​​my hometown, outside of rechensk, the problem of quality housing is acute in my city, it’s as if she ’s speaking before a commission, there are a lot of old houses, according to construction dates back to the beginning of the last century, some people, for example, me and my family, live in a hostel for a long time, and the people in our city are good, they deserve to live in normal conditions, wait a minute, this is the place where yakushev was going to build, petrovich, well, just wait, they’ll explain it to you more simply, i just.
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she will come back to you more than once, hello , hello, i need a copachina, please
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pay, please, or you can with a smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile , safely and conveniently with savings. cool stuff, thanks, what, what other lawyer, maybe i also a translator, a consul, why waste time on trifles, but he immediately invited the pope, pain, well, wait, marad, listen, we have no goal of imprisoning just anyone for this matter, you know, we really want to kill and catch, because otherwise they will continue to kill of people. anyway, you won’t believe me, so tell me so that we ’ll believe you, we’ll believe you, in short, i was walking in the evening, yeah, or rather it was already night, wait, where was i going, where was i coming from, from the pond to our construction town, from pond, no, there’s
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actually all the food there even on the map, we’re there we wash sometimes when it’s warm. i see a car parked near the slope, usually no one stops there, i think it’s broken down, otherwise, what else to do there, i decided to approach an unfamiliar car at night, yeah, well, what if i need help, so i could get a tug from the village, the tractor driver would have told me off later, so wait, let's continue, in general, i approach, uh-huh, i take a closer look, there is no one in the cabin... there is no one, only noise is coming from below, i think they went out to relieve themselves, then i hear a splash, as if someone was in fell into the water, heavy, well, i shouted, i shouted, hey, everything’s fine, give it a shot, what,
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i see them running from below? oh and what did they hear, no, then once, the door slammed from behind, the car drove away, when
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it stopped and i thought, see what they were doing there. first i found the bag, i think it was thieves, they took the money, threw the bag away, then i went downstairs, and there was a dress, why didn’t you immediately call the police? i was scared, i ran faster than i ran from them, an interesting fairy tale, yes, i told you not to believe it, you don’t need a translator, right? i’m actually a russian language teacher, i graduated from college in the village, in the village, take him away, but
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11:27 pm
victoria, hello, hello, excuse me for being like this on the street, without calling, tamilin, yuri nikolaevich, excuse me, why am i... of interest to the fsb, i would like to clarify a few points regarding the case of your late husband, do you have time , maybe we can sit in a cafe, yes, no problem, please, victoria, your husband contacted our department before this tragic incident. we had a good interaction, i don’t know anything about it, he
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i didn’t let you in on my affairs, but is there really no story? what’s happening at work, well , he told me something, no about cooperation with you, well, yes, well, in principle, he shouldn’t have, tell me, he often worked at home, it happened, but he most often worked at work, although sometimes he stayed late , when things were really going wrong, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i understand, well, for the police... this is the norm, tell me, did he keep any materials at home? do you mean working? yes, to tell the truth, i still haven’t gotten around to taking it apart things. yes, yes, i understand, i understand. i can help you. in what sense?
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it's easy to sort out the papers. he didn’t have time to hand over some materials to us, but they are of great operational interest to us, what kind of materials are these, so the operational development of some people in our city, you’re probably confusing something, he doesn’t tell me anything about it said. and yet, if, if you suddenly find something similar, i ask you, call me, okay, yuri nikolaevich, i hope you understand that these materials are of absolutely no use to me, of course, of course, not enough
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lieutenant belova. olga vladimirovna, hello. and it's you, an, hello. you they asked me to call if i found out anything about marina. yes, of course, i'm listening to you. so she knew that ruslan had left. where? she met his friend at the shopping center. the name of? pasha reznik, he works in that shopping center, handing out phones. and how does this butcher know shunin where he saw him? he came to his dacha when he had just left. marinka probably went there too. no call? you said, he didn’t even answer her letters, she firmly decided to wait for him, she hoped that he would forgive her and in general last year she was blown away by this topic, so she probably decided to make a surprise, she realized, you don’t know where the return is, in the red salt pan, i know where it is, you have everything,
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yes, that’s all, that’s all, thank you very much, you give us helped a lot, in short, an approximately dark, compact suv of foreign manufacture, or certainly not a niva, where they went, in which direction, somewhere from zarechensk, and you know what i can’t understand, why they threw the body right next to the road in swamp, they will inflate it, it will float up in the most visible place, you understand, there if for a couple steps further to throw the body, then there is such clay that it will pull everything to the bottom, i almost left my boots. while we were getting the man out, his body did not surface, although, according to the examination, it lay in the swamp for almost a year, uh-huh, it would have lay further, boys, there is information that the young man of our victim is sunbathing in the village of a red table worker, the area is registered by his mother.
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what’s your custom here, shall we knock or go this way? i see, who are you ruslan?
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solera, if you have to go to work on the 9th, then it’s already been more than a week, oh, no one else came, no, just you, you didn’t
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go anywhere yourself, no-no-no, i’m only here in the village, to the store and back, why didn’t i go to the city, it seems like a friend is waiting for you there, what kind of friend, marinka, or what? , but she went to see her dad because of her dad . can i call marina when we get to town? thank you, no need, i decided back in the zone that i would bypass her family.


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