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tv   Leningrad 46  NTV  May 30, 2024 3:20am-4:51am MSK

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we’ll see whose it will be, we’ll see , we’ll see, why don’t you eat anything, i ate at home, out of habit, to be honest, i’m here too. how
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you think about food every day, i even borrowed money from the guys, to be honest, so that there’s enough for everything, and looking at such abundance, a piece doesn’t weigh on your throat, maybe we’ll drink, yeah, for the meeting, well, you know, i ... all these 10 years i somehow wanted, in general, to say, let’s drink to you know what, let’s drink to the fact that there will never be a war again. well, are you going to dance? well,
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let's go. sorry, can i invite you to dance? you don't mind, do you? excuse me, i don't dance. but why? well, just one dance, please. well, of course, let's go, okay.
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what are you doing, yes, why do you need it, i’m just curious, i apologize.
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here 12, everything is correct, evgeniy semyonovich, yes, pyotr andreevich, what a surprise, how glad i am that you haven’t forgotten me, hello, you’re busy, oh well, what a problem, the warehouse rat has one problem, accounting and control, accounting and control, as the great lenin used to say.
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yes, that means these are your bins, yes, here they are, here they are, here they are, okay, what about me, how, how did you get settled while in the hotel, you know, it’s not easy, it’s not easy, it’s even difficult. to find a good apartment, i would like, as they say, without the proletarian contingent, oh, now there is such a problem with housing in the city, yes, on the other hand, when this problem did not exist, why are we standing here, let’s go to my office , yes, let’s go, have some tea and talk, and i have a proposal for you, and there’s a very good restaurant nearby, i invite you to have lunch, we’ll talk there, and... lunch is just wonderful, great, just one minute, the janitor, apparently, decided to show diligence,
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to figure everything out, and they, as you understand, don’t need extra witnesses, we ’re lucky with our neighbors, he generally works brazenly, it would be safer these nights. to do, but again there are fewer witnesses, don’t you think so, i don’t know yet, comrade captain, it seems to me that we need to send all the district police officers on patrols, let them look for sealed apartments, and what will this give us? it’s unlikely they managed to cover half the city? no, i just thought, the neighbors see such a seal and won’t report it, on whom? and it’s not just luck that they work like that, either there is a spotter, or they somehow know who lives in these apartments and what is in them, a good idea, we haven’t looked for common features between the victims before, and if we find one yet ...
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return the case to your department, you have an experienced lieutenant colonel, i think you can handle it, are you afraid that you have a mole? we have a suspicion that one of our employees may be involved in organizing the gang. therefore, all i require from you is complete secrecy. the circumstances of the case should not go beyond limits of your task force. perhaps everything
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is more serious than we imagined until now. evgeny semyonovich, and i was here on occasion, passing by a flea market, so, yes, i think, i looked in, but i also see that the lady is one of the former, selling something, so i bought a trinket, a salon, or something, well, yes, a salon, but whose... whose, i don’t know, gift to you, down there,
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the romanovs, well, he was friends, he was so friendly. well, thank you , thank you, romanov, if you please, some bread, wow, what have you done, you bastard, we ask for forgiveness, you understand what you did, you bastard, let me wipe it off, but take your hands off, salt, salt, no matter what, you clumsy bastard, where's your toilet, you've been having fun all day, you don't have to go to work yet, sorry. i don’t need your forgiveness, your forgiveness! as soon as the train moves away like an arrow and the wind stops, i’ll write to you,
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dear, we’ll meet before then, i ’ll leave you early. hello zhenya, you look great, comrade ribs, and am i coming to see you? hello, you
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asked me to make a list of what could have been stolen, thank you, you are great, well done, let me take a look. just tell me what it’s for, mom didn’t really need it jewelry, it was dad who liked to give her gifts more. important for us, you gave us a lead that will help us find the gang, you know, they
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will try to sell these things, and we will try to find the seller, you know? yes, of course, where do you live now, at home? no, i’m afraid, i’m with a friend, this is very correct, thank you again, you helped us a lot, lieutenant! show the girl off, yes, since you have been working in the police for a long time, since the end of the war, i graduated from college during the evacuation. received a match lieutenant, but never had time to fight, so they sent me here, you know, to me
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i like it, honestly, thank you, well, come on, let's go, i feel that the day was not in vain, if i helped find some loot or neutralized some dangerous bandit, you see, listen, as you just wonderfully said, the day is not in vain, but i i didn’t achieve anything, well, i entered economics, but it was my dad who wanted me to have a profession, so... what did you dream about? well, like all the girls, i wanted to be an actress, but can you imagine, when i told my dad that i was going to the theater, he thought that he thought that it was my girlfriends who influenced me so much, and quickly, quickly, you know, he sent me to moscow to his friend, now i’m studying at the university, and acting is so, but although you know, i even took a couple of lessons. well, there's dancing and vocals, right? yes, but please show me now? well, of course, i can’t, but
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i beg you. no, i can’t, why are you embarrassed, there’s no one but me. well, please, okay, let me help you. do you know the leningrad song? certainly. wherever i was abandoned by war, among the black and smoky sea. no one can imagine that under the moonlight the seaside, the gutters of ships there, in the evening , the neva leningrad quietly splashes, my dear brother, my homeland, everything that you forgive me whispered became forever dear to my heart, only the white night fluttered lacyly over the foundry bridge. there , in the evening, the neva wave quietly splashes,
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my leningrad, my dear brother, my homeland. my leningrad, my dear brother, give birth.
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katya, i don’t care, understand, i need you. then you yourself will be ashamed of me! well, forgive me for this stupid restaurant! sorry, i'm an idiot! give me another chance! how! well, salamon yes? invoices are good, high quality, and the rest are filled out somewhere on the table, and vanya, yes, when the key, well, i need to go buy two blanks, it will be ready in an hour and a half, well, at least tell me how it all went, and what did pyotr andreevich show
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him the salon, yes nothing interesting, like this nothing interesting, vanya, wait, solomon, i’ll tell you now. i’ll tell you everything, in general, the teacher threw this salon to him, he swallowed it like a greedy crucian carp, it went all the way to the ribs, then i roll up to him with a licked spear, i say, if you please, a piece of bread, and so on i quietly touched his elbow, he immediately screamed, what are you doing, crooked hands, where is your restroom, i basically took him to the restroom here ivan. i carefully copied a key from his briefcase. andreevich, this is the plot, well, it was. so, vanya, let's go to the market, yasha, what's wrong with the truck? everything is fine, the driver is reliable. driver, you understand, we’ll decide, you’ll decide, now. yeah, come on.
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solomon davidovich, that’s what they say, you made some delicious fish. maybe i'll buy a bottle of cognac, go ahead, go ahead, do you hear, solomon, you’d better buy vodka, otherwise i ’m getting heartburn from this bug tincture, from heartburn, yakov, i’ll make you a soda in the evening to go with the fish yakov, i, as a knowledgeable person, recommend white wine to you, but why are you, a knowledgeable person , buying cognac? i love, let's go, well, you are solomon and a doctor! van, you heard, he wants to give me soda to drink, drink your own soda, shit, don’t twitch, pyotr andreevich, who are you from, from the bear, from him, lower the gun.
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this is being prepared, people are worried, i would like to say a few words: recently, as part of a delegation of soviet writers, i visited paris, where i met, averbakh is a jewish surname, yes, yes, a jew, then nobel prize laureate in literature ivan alekseevich bunin. and be aware.
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the fact that the most important thing for us, of course, is socialist realism, i would like to start our evening with a few stern bunins, thank you god for everything, after a day of anxiety and sadness you give me the evening dawn, what a provocation, the expanse of fields the meekness of the blue distance ? i am alone now, as always. well, how did you like the concert? concert? you know
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it's strange, but i've never played classical music before i didn’t like music, i listened to kozin and utyos songs all the time. by the way, where did kozen disappear to, i don’t know, you don’t know, here, it’s amazing, it’s hard to explain, such, such music, bidhoven, as if something, something inside opens up and flies straight there, to the sky, and
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no words it’s not necessary, you’re right, sometimes words are completely unnecessary. turn the car around to face the exit. yeah, what if someone shows up? no one will show up, don’t turn off the engine, but evgeny semyonich, and
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good day, i’m very glad, very glad, peter andre, again to you, but this time i’ll serve you right, meet my assistant in the household department, mikhail mikhailovich, it’s very nice, very nice. i saw you somewhere, i don’t remember where, where on the train, but on the train, on the train, on the train, it’s truly peaceful, i’m engaged in supplying communication centers, i receive invoices, i look, and the address is yours, exactly my address, well, yes, hardware products, and a lot of things, products, products, yes, quilted jackets, it’s here, it’s here, i have everything, i have everything, yes, it’s here to... go through, yes, here, small buckets, one, two, three, four, and
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where are the big ones, yeah, evgeniy semyonovich, yes, you already know better than me. 1 2 3 4 and three more, a total of seven, exactly seven according to the invoice, now you have stewed meat, according to the invoice there are 36 pieces, where is my stewed meat, here, here i have stewed meat, a package of exactly 30 pieces, and you also need, but this is not stew, this is mariupol, they can’t make stew in mariupol,
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if you had told me earlier, i would have prepared american buffalo for you. by the way, it seems like i still have some left in my office, i’ll bring it to you now, i beg you, we have time, i’ll be there for you in a jiffy, evgeniy semyonovich, really, next time, come on, the signalman and mariupol will eat, well, look, i warned you. me too, let's all go. now
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i have canned fish, here they are, behind me, so, good health, i wish you, but how can i find the boss? who are they? yes, we, here we are, what is it, who let you in from military unit 84, which military unit, what are you shouting about? stop, creatures!
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i’ll write to you, dear, to meet you at seven, i’ll go out to meet you early, he’ll smile at me at the door, and i’ll stop knowing, you bring a word to your eyes, a farewell call, yours. their
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no words can be heard, you smile at me in the bright fire, goodbye my love, i’ll go out to meet you early, pyotr andreevich, of course, i may be mistaken, but don’t you think that we need to go to the bottom, for a while, i’ll figure it out , vanya, yeah.
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solomon, yes, i need your help, i’m listening, pyotr andreevich, you must find me.
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personal question, personal answer, captain, go to hell, stepan, wait. significant funds and documents were stolen from the safe; interestingly, the safe was not broken into, the attackers opened it with a pre-made key, where did you get it from? the duplicate key remained in the door, and we found the original in zakharov’s pants pocket, it needs
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to be strengthened. observation in the markets, they will probably try to get rid of the stolen goods, that 's not all, the guys carried out a ballistic examination, one of the dead was shot from a pistol that previously belonged to danilov, danilov, more precisely from the pistol from which the policemen were killed at the entrance to the city a year ago, do you remember the case of the judge, danilov, look, he hasn’t been with us for a whole year passed through more than one of the cases, then, therefore, he returned. you understand, he couldn’t have acted alone, the whole warehouse was surrounded there, what do you think? i think that danilov has formed his own gang.
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comrade captain, but volodya is such a buffoon in life, but this is just funny, he sat at the same table with the leader himself, yes, and more than once, he simply cannot be against the soviet regime.
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comrade captain, what’s going on, you’ve been sitting and writing for 40 minutes and don’t say anything, say it. marina yuryevna, have you ever stood in line for a camp bathhouse naked? what, excuse me, on the street, without clothes?
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a radio center and a cinema hall will be equipped, completed at. what is this? this is from work in the hr department, i put everything in one pile. it's clear. the connection is unclear, they didn’t study at the same school, didn’t work together, they all have an age difference,
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we just don’t see something, there should be a connection, it’s just luck, the criminals didn’t commit fraud, it’s a risk. wait, is the apartment still sealed? this means that no one has entered there until now. why? but because they all lived in separate apartments. it turns out right? yes. come on, certificates from your place of work. they all they worked in grain-earning jobs, which means that the criminals were well aware of their property status, who can know everything about completely different people, a local police officer,
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apartments in different areas, the answer is nearby, but where?
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you, i thought you disappeared forever, are you on business or what? just keep in mind that i don't do this anymore, so bye, i have a lot of work to do. here in the envelope is everything you need to make an id, you don’t understand, i said that i don’t do this anymore, it’s definitely you who came for a passport, the id is for me needed on friday. yes, go do you know where? i am a soviet man and i am not going to help
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any carrion. i am an artist. he sees kharms or loves him. yes, your kharms was a dubious poet. it's right that he was shot. do you understand me, do you understand? well, you yourself understand what a woman, i’m tired of driving away from here, it’s a pity, beautiful woman, what have you got? nothing, the neighbors don’t know anything, i got there soon, and what do you say?
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hello, death occurred about four hours ago, well, more precisely, after the autopsy, and the cause was death, i’ll do some magic with this, then i’ll say, is this moonshine or what? that's right, moonshine tarizh captain, yur, we have moonshine here, who cooks it here, so brew it? necessarily, ridiculous, for the elder, there is, so let's visit, well, now who? open what you need, yes, it’s me, lyonka,
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open it, i say, i don’t have anything, get ready today, come tomorrow, open it, i say, we need to talk, what we need, and, well, hello, varya, who did you bring? , hello, varya, meet captain rebrov, captain karasov, anti-banditry unit, foreman, yes, you will confiscate, there is, well, varya, get ready, let’s go to the department, well, lyonka, you’ll come to me again, lenka, lenka, i asked for loans from you, i asked for a check, i didn’t give it, so...
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if your little girl doesn’t know the low-spirited measures, it’s my fault, explain , but what is there to explain? she was hysterical, almost in tears, she wanted to lay hands on herself. varvara, you’re either playing the fool here now and getting charged with murder, or you’re answering our questions, the court will take this into account, well
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, what kind of questions, one of these earrings was found in usha borisova’s apartment, the second one is in yours, where is it from? did you get it? dunka for she paid for the moonshine, said the guy gave it to her, the bear is a baron, a gypsy or something, but you can’t understand him, but he buys stolen things, he’s the one who makes a living, he’s the one, i know how to take it, let’s go, it’s a waste of time to ride, why, and dunka said that they quarreled and he left forever and didn’t say when he would return, i’m telling you, he left forever, that’s why she started drinking, wait, wait, if matters of the heart come back, where will he go, we need to set up an ambush at his apartment, in 12:00 noon, columns lined up on the platform in front of the exit tractors and horses with plows, sheep,
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cultivators stood right there, don’t worry, i won’t tell anyone about the ambush. good evening, good, oh, comrade captain, what do you have? yes, here comrade captain, citizen, you asked someone from the department for combating banditry, hello, captain rebrov, my last name is nikolaev, they are threatening me, but i see this. in more detail, it started a year ago, a person came to me and said that from a mutual friend, she once did me a favor, the fact is that i am an artist, and this person asked get a passport, she is our mutual friend, a judge, i couldn’t refuse her, as the judge’s last name is kulakova antonina pavlovna,
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continue. well, i agreed, a fool , i hoped that he would never come again, then yesterday he showed up again, told him to get his documents done, brought him photographs, but i naturally refused, he beat me, you have the photographs with you, yes , of course, here. i’m surprised at your strength, you drank the same,
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it’s as if you were resting on mineral waters all night. if i worked with mayo, i would be the same. by the way, don’t forget to get your waybills for tomorrow. yes, i remember, i remember, i, how many addresses do we have left? three families, we'll work through everything. i'm leaving. listen, maybe we can work tomorrow and that’s enough? are you afraid? what do you have to be afraid of? you sit here, not blowing your mind, knowing your fate. that no one found you here, that thank you, that
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i will follow you, you tell me thank you, you’re laughing, that you’re laughing, that means so. “tomorrow you and the men will work off the last address, we’ll run away, understand? well, come on, come here, we’ll run away when i say, do you understand that when i exterminate every last one of these fat slugs, i will treat them like a human being with understanding, and behind my back they were blaming me, everyone will answer, everyone!” no, it’s immediately clear from you that you’re a man i have a trained eye, i see a person right away, that’s who you are, a freezer, tears,
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a treat came up, everything is immediately clear, a person with respect, a correct one, the cats will give way to you and me, because who we are, the proletariat, the working class. , do you understand me?
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dunya, dunyasha, i’ve come, meet me, dunya, oops, where are you, dunya, what did i bring you, dunya, i don’t understand, who are you, what kind of fag, captain karasev, department for combating magnetism, and where is dunya, dunya died, she was poisoned with moonshine, well, mish, tell me, how did they get there, one guy brought it, what kind of guy, thieves, yes, it seems
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not, but serious, you can describe him, and i ’m a woman to look at him, i say, he just brought little things, he said his wife died, he himself sits without work, well, and sells it on the sly, well, after all, well... short, height, about the same as you, misha, tense up, special marks, well, there is a mark, like a temple on his forehead, like this, all over his head. lieutenant, did you have any questions for the detainee? i have? well, yes, yes, yes,
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we had such a wolf, he served in the obkhs, was involved in speculators, and then he was put under investigation, either for extortion, i don’t remember, in general, he was taken from the authorities, and so he has a scar across the whole head. said that he is getting ready to get married, so everything is fine with them, his daughter, she is also
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fine, although she is small, growing weakly, she was ill with something during the war, and your the ex-wife is worried, but she has enough money. how did you know about the disease? i also talked to the janitor, have you seen her? i saw your daughter calling this cop dad. well done! it’s not for nothing that you served in intelligence, hello, hello, good afternoon, please, uh-huh, hello, girls,
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please, uh-huh, are you late? show me, yes, come on, yes, yes, this is good for you.
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colleagues, we have gathered for a comradely court to discuss the immoral behavior of citizen mulyarova, who is not worthy to bear the high title of soviet citizen. mulyarova stand up. so, we received a letter that i, as a leader, cannot ignore. you all know that an anti-soviet, counter-revolutionary, vladimir averbakh, has crept into our ranks. the competent authorities quickly neutralized him, citizen
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mulyarova. i felt it. we know about your relationship with citizen overbach, so tell us about it, what kind of relationship, we didn’t really know each other, we just talked everything, i have a written statement from an employee of our team who demands to end yours, so so-called love relationships, this is impossible, marina, tell me, here is marina, she was averbakh’s fiancee, i myself am getting married soon, i couldn’t with my best friend’s fiancé, you understand, marina, tell them!
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everything that lyudmila mulyarova says is a blatant lie and blatant slander. i have never been averbakh's fiancee. yes, we talked only about work. and i, just like you, was all wrong. but he told me himself. that he likes you and what you have with him, but everything is clear here, wait, our komsomol cell, we demand that, citizen, averbakh give you any paper, you supported his anti-soviet
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sentiments. he just read all his poems to me, well, that means you admit that you and averbakh had a relationship, for a vote, who is in favor of expelling?
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in all the wolves' reports he constantly mentions the same agents, there are 11 of them, but what if he robs these... his own agents, so what, he knows everything about them, and no one knows anything about them, everything this is very interesting, but we only know their nicknames, director, engineer, electrician, supplier, accountant, and so on and so forth. so wait, the nicknames of volkov’s agents
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coincide with the professions of the missing people from the sealed apartments. petrov, supplier, supplier, vladyka’s accountant. accountant, grigoriev, engineer, engineer, how many people are there? 11, there were 11 people as witnesses in the volkov case on the prosecution’s side, so the list, here’s the list, whatever the names are, petrov, petrov, there is. vladykina, vladykina, yes, grigoriev, grigoriev is, which means his agents
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were witnesses for the prosecution in volkov’s case of extortion of money. case fell apart, volkov was taken from the authorities and now he is taking revenge on them. see information about the remaining ones. yes. let's. we need to understand who the wolves can go to next, so, well, this is definitely not the case, i wish you good health, comrades, well, captain, what a success, we managed to identify the leader of the gang, in the sebolat volkov, a former police officer, wolves, wolves , i don’t remember this, he served in the obkhs, you just didn’t find him, but i ’ll pour you some tea, what’s on the list? well, here is detailed information with addresses of only three, these are rusakov, lopatin and timofeev, which means we have only three addresses, yes, okay, we will have
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to play by luck, we have no other choice, given that they go to apartments once a week, in the mornings, tomorrow a crime could be committed at one of these addresses, tomorrow we will have to crash into three groups, you and nelepov are at the first address, oleinikov and i are at... the second, you’ll have to send one of the patrolmen to the third, leave the patrolmen aside, i’ll go, take afonin, we’ll go for a ride, comrade lieutenant colonel, this matter concerns not only me as your boss, if i then the wife's parents would still be alive.
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third floor, everything is as usual, uh-huh, follow me , hello, let's go, let's go, here she is. most likely the second floor, but what difference does it make which floor, if they appear, we will understand, the main thing is which entrance, front door, why in leningrad they say front door, not entrance, but what did i say? well, working youth street, building 2. comrade lieutenant colonel, if we detain them, will you transfer me to captain rebrov’s group? i’ll translate, i’ll translate, just don’t yell like that. better go and look at the yard, it’s there.
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i remembered, i forgot, i had to think earlier. comrade lieutenant colonel, there is a cart, black and a warm engine.
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help, help, polga, drop the weapon, don’t be stupid, let the people go, i’m letting go. come on, come on, cover it!
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damn, afonin, what are you doing, son, comrade lieutenant colonel, i hit him in the hand, breathe, look at me, breathe, breathe, comrade lieutenant colonel, just don’t tell your mother. please, oh, it’s ridiculous, comrade captain, what?
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they showed up on the street of working youth, unlucky for the little ones, just like that, for some a title, for others nothing, they were sent here, that i don’t know yet, i need to go, let’s go, thank you, i’ll thank you very much later, thank you, well, what do you have, documents for the driver, he has a pass to enter the city and travel through the region, he himself is from a settlement, the village of kuznetsov, 101 km. what’s wrong with afonin petya, why are you silent, by the way, you’ve never seen him before, no, i haven’t, but then i came, i don’t see anything, okay, you’re talking upstairs, which floor, okay, olennikov, get in the car , you’ll go to afonin’s mother and tell him what and how, yeah. "stop, i'll go with you, tell me
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address, you know, uh-huh, yura, finish with this bastard, there is." what happened? don’t you see? where are
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both men in the next world, pull my hand, hand, now, now hand, what happened, rusakova has already been taken out of the house, so, the cops are here, they’re shooting, and so on, but i hit the gas in the car, well , you see, i’m hooked, but i told you, i told you, and if they find the waybills, that’s it, they’ll be here, so stop whining, you need to pull out the bullet, the bullet, the bullet, you can, the bullet, yes, yes, you just need to use the tongs...
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hello, ladies, you live here, well if you need something here, ask a couple of questions,
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questions - these are for our superiors, yeah, and here we have an article for the period of workdays, okay, department for combating banditry, captain karasov, captain, is this so familiar to you? man, no, we don’t know, no, i don’t know, maybe he stopped by and talked to one of the locals, no, well , i saw that, what are you talking about, well, that’s what, how to screw me up at every formation, he knows how to do it, well done , this is a friend of our commandant, he lives with him, like a brother or a fellow soldier, i don’t know, but he doesn’t stick out too much, it’ll pass.
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hello, head of the anti -banditry department, captain of the ribs. captain karasev, and captain vorobyov, great, you’re going somewhere, no, nowhere, sit down, go ahead, and what happened, everything seems to be fine with us, you know this man.
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yes, honestly, i don’t remember, yes, they told us that he lives with you, with us, but we can take a closer look even earlier, well, yes, of course, this is this, yes, wolf, my friend, yes, uh , he lived here with me, uh, well, he has some kind of family difficulties, but why is he happy and i’m happier, why are they scattered things, so this is me yesterday, when you last saw him, when it seems like
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a month ago, and then he left, didn’t see him again, and you knew that he was always hiding under investigation. ugh, no, i ’ve been the boss here for 2 years, he came here one day, he says he quit the police, he says his heart hurts and his head hurts, he hit his head, he has a scar here, so he’s a citizen -boss, i brought this manure, started throwing it into the pit, and then, what is there, what is there, what are you doing, eh? don't you see me? people, i'm busy then, okay, then you can come in later, where's your manure? and what? i ask, manure pit, where? and what? let's go and have a look,
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so where? what, where? there, let's turn around! volkov often told me that he had a wide network of agents, the kind that didn’t go hungry even during the blockade, but he kept them until the last moment, so that he could then turn them in and then get a reward or a promotion, but they were ahead of him, they were against him they wrote a letter, well , a denunciation, and in general the whole thing fell apart. that is, well, in general, the volkovs took the organs, and then i
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i was already the head of the settlement, so he came to me, and there he already decided to take revenge, tied up some prisoners, and for some reason it didn’t matter who to kill, oh, where did they get the mgb uniform, the tuyere killed one of the wolves, and... the other i got it from friends somewhere, i don’t know, then, further, then i wrote out invoices for the driver, they were the second in the car going to the city, and there already...
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i wanted to live differently, here is such a case, prisoners were killed, wolves were wounded , he hid the loot from me, so i killed him, but i only killed volkov, and then i purely from the heart admitted, captain, please note that i am sincerely robbed. i gave all the loot to the police, tell me, are you
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sleeping peacefully, well, i’m asking you, you’re sleeping peacefully, nothing is bothering you, but no, i saw enough of this during the blockade, i’m sleeping! “zhenya, i’m very sorry, i hoped that they were alive, don’t despair, you know, i have a feeling as if they deceived me all my life, loved me, bought me all the best, my mother even met me every day at the cat’s house, and now it turns out that it was all a deception, zhen, believe me, your parents loved you very much, you understand, sometimes a person stumbles. he is weak, it seems to him that the most important thing is that his child drinks, eats, is dressed, has shoes, but
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this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that you are a wonderful girl, thank you very much, well, go, my driver for you he'll take you out , kolya, you want to say goodbye. oh, thank you, well, goodbye, kohl, otherwise we didn’t go to the movies, but i’ll write, if you’re in moscow, we’ll definitely meet. zhen, really write, really,
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i’ll write. dad, dad, yes, hi, i caught a lot of bandits, a lot, hello, yuri alekseevich, and molotakh, go play with the guys, there is lyusya, what happened, what are you doing? go to her, yur, go, go, lucy, what happened, they held a comradely trial and declared willows to be an enemy of the people, wait, but this is a mistake
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, everything will become clear, they said that... she was his accomplice and mistress, they fired me, you understand what this means, they can come for me at any moment, that means we have to get married, in the coming days they won’t dare to arrest the wife of the head of the oss, you hear, here come here, yeah, yeah. here is my room, the second door, here, hello, katyusha, hello, alexander, hello, where should i put this, on the table, thank you for helping,
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how? are you going to be late for the tram? katyusha, katechka, i love you, i walked down the street today and thought, some kind of huge, impossible happiness, to find you again, you’re close, i’m nowhere to go. and i will never let you go, what happened between us on the bridge doesn’t mean anything, go, you have to go through the whole city.
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citizen rebrova on her way out with flowers, especially for... i didn’t understand, i’m sorry, you’re violating, you fool, you’re violating, comrade captain, i’m just now, wait, get the keys, how to open it, how did you find me, your colleagues told me, you yourself asked me to tell you, so i came, he came, yes, and i know where he is now, where
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is the warehouse of captured weapons on tepanov, exactly, yes, where are they, well, well, what is it, thank you, and what if he suddenly returns again. well, yes, it’s very beautiful, and where is natasha and natasha is waiting for us, car keys, i mean, what is it, car keys, great, now get up up, i. i'll be back soon. and what happened? yura, do it. well, are you coming? oh, it's urgent, i'll be there soon. let's. but what about it? what is it? let's go, otherwise, hello, here we are, mom. and
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congratulations, congratulations, newlyweds, thank you, thank you, and where is the yurka, he ran away or something, he ran away someday, and i would say i got married, oh beauty, here you go. everything is according to the law, lyudka gurey has prepared pan to china, thank you, hello, congratulations, thank you, meet me, this is katya, very nice, lyusya, very nice, congratulations, thank you already.
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put away your mess, now, now, come on, come on, as quickly as i can, hello, well, everyone’s assembled, but the groom is somewhere, and he ’ll come soon, of course. wait, wait, wait, wait,
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i say, what happened, sergeant, black deck 2292, a man in a hat is driving, a particularly dangerous criminal, did you see it? no, comrade, captain, there is a factory entrance, there is a dead end, come with me, where is it? be careful! i’ll catch up, i’ll catch up, catch up, let’s go after him, you’re so gloomy, comrade captain, but he took my gun from me before leaving. that
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maybe i’ll try to walk next week, i think.
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my brother, my dear brother, my homeland.


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