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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  May 30, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

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ranov, no, that’s right, major cherdyntsev, that’s right, that’s very correct, but major cherdyntsev is aware, not yet, yes, excuse me, we have a murder, it’s very good that you came, well, work, most of the wounds are not deep cuts, mortal wound, only one, you think, the killer is not a pro, one is enough for a pro.
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well, forgive me what this foreign evil spirit looked like, you can describe it, let me draw it for you, guys, i found a passport, documents for two apartments, war, killed yaneikina tatyana vladimirovna, lived in a marriage with linekin nikita dmitrievich, 5 years old, and what’s curious is that they divorced just a week ago, he had two apartments as his personal property, everything was purchased before marriage, this fact still needs to be verified.
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creative, i really doubt that this will help us, it’s unlikely that he still walks around the city like this, what about the neighbors, the neighbors say that strange people have been hanging around here, but lately no one has been paying much attention to them , and today they saw someone, but they didn’t see anyone either, everyone is sitting in their apartments, and what’s wrong with them? there are no surveillance cameras, at least not at the entrance, so okay, ridka and i will rush off, hot on our heels, and check on my husband. "let's go, tell me, happily, a ruler from my colleagues in the witchcraft workshop, there were some ill-wishers, there were envious people, for sure, the fat was threatening her, oh, wait, that means it was not a messenger of the devil, but a demon whom this horn sent, to kill enekina, what kind of horn is this, what kind of horn is this, does he have a first and last name, right?” "and
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igor alferov, i used to be his client, but he has such bad energy, so yaneikina was much better. tell me, did eneykina herself tell you that alferov threatened her? well, of course, she said so, that this alferov, he believed that yaneikina had cast a spell on him so that he would not harm his clients, he was his molestress, remove the curse, remove the curse, she did not remove it and did not remove it, here he is on she has been filled with demons. you were his client, therefore, you know the address where he receives, yes, yes, he has an office on nettle lane, he lives there, is that what they sent us, the management department, yes, now you can expect from them, this is a dock thing, apirov from the crash department, and they are already 15 years old, so i adapted them for our training, comrade colonel, we will train with you here, what else, what do you mean cherdyn?
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if only there wasn’t another corpse, oh, nekarka rita, andryukha, yanikin, let’s get up, there’s vodka, but you look like that.
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drank, who are you? criminal investigation, senior lieutenant potapenko, captain rydanov, investigation, criminal, how can i help, your wife? killed, already, which means already, well, she’s such a woman, i would have killed myself, so maybe you killed her, dear, no, i’m not a criminal, i’m an alcoholic, when you saw her last time, this is tuesday or friday, wednesday, wednesday, then on sunday, exactly, then... on sunday, listen, guys, let's remember, everything is clear with you, yaneikin, after the divorce from his wife he lived separately , but she says, i can’t live with an alcoholic anymore, i’m tired, i’ve left, let’s
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remember, guys, we’ve already changed where you work, temporarily unemployed. where does the money come from? money, when from where? on sunday, when my wife was leaving, i borrowed money from a neighbor for a port, drank it, fell asleep, when i woke up, i saw a package standing there, black, with 4 in it. l of vodka, here it is on the mezzanine, let’s remember, i wonder who brought it? i don’t know who brought it, but god bless him, citizen, your gloves? no, not mine, who else has keys to the apartment, keys, my wife
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has them, yurka has them, i probably don’t remember who yurka is, well, yurka, his wife’s first name, last name. ants, here’s yurka’s phone number, you can remember this, it’s easy, there’s something to write down, write, by the way, physics and mathematics, above is not finished, understand, you won’t drink this, hold on, yeah, we’ll call bulkin with an expert, uh, citizens.
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forest fires occur due to human fault; it is the calling of the strong to stop and defeat the fire. forest firefighters of the rosleskhoz aviation forest protection service. 90 years old, guarding the forests of russia. and he
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seems to be calling us somewhere? dolphin? led you to a dead end? don't swim too far, the investigators will have more questions for you. well, i want to say, here is such a list, we’ll take it for 10 years, but there is an alternative proposal, dolphin, new season, but how could i kill the woman i love? i’ve been working in the police for so long, i’ve seen enough of this, today it’s 20:00 on ntv. tell me, are you alferov? where am i, and where is the master of immersion and penetration, i am lucius, a humble assistant to the master of the horn, would you like to make an appointment?
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unfortunately, the master will not be there today, but i can sign you up any other day. prices, thank you, no need for spells or curses, just a few questions. normal. you have lucius in this rough physical world, my name is igor dementyev, and about the master, everything is tomorrow. come tomorrow, and could you give us alferov’s mobile phone number? no phone the problem is only if he is in the subtle astral plane, he is unlikely to be able to answer, well , we’ll figure it out ourselves somehow, tell me, where were you yourself today, well, about three hours ago, here, here, who can confirm this , any spirit, what happened, well , it doesn’t matter yet, what happened, i thought? some spirit will also tell you, the phone is turned off,
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but you know, three liter bottles of one brand and two half-liter bottles of another were bought, yes, a strange combination, i agree, an unusual combination, well, if you want to look, you can check on the computer, i want, georgievich, well, did you pay attention to the long hair of the evolution, yes, well , he doesn’t have a good alibi, only you said that... the witness described that the killer had long blond hair, and this one is brown-haired, well, he has hair i could have repainted it, and in general i think that we need to take this guy and stab him properly, it’s better to keep an eye on him, if he and alferov were involved in the murder of yaneikina, this lyusa will now twitch and try to warn his boss, yeah, and you’ll follow him , i ’ll leave the operational machine for you, but that’s another matter. "i i looked at the lock, it was as if the door had been opened with a key,
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it’s clear, well, well, well, dear lyoshka, i’ll have to take fingerprints off all the bottles, sorry i messed it up, that went well in the old way, yes amazingly, i’ll wait for andryukha and let’s drag him to to our department, hello, comrade colonel, i saw each other, but yes, well, in general, i worked on my mobile phone. a lot of contacts, but this is normal with her social circle, in general, frequent calls to two interlocutors and one interlocutor, i don’t understand why this is coming to me, but the whole opera is in full swing, solovets, uh, yes, there, well, who is this interlocutor, well , this one, then, yuri muravyov, this is her nephew, i punched the phone, it gave me network coverage, early in the morning i left by train to moscow, recently a certain mikheev called yaneikina, i also punched. his phone number, he’s also out of the zone, well done, and the two aunties, they’re
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online, they need to be broken through, just like that, well done, thank you, so these are the printouts for you, everything is in the printouts, i understand, thank you, well hello, citizen gorukhova. from the police is worried, colonel gorodovik, i’m about the murder of maga yaneikina, her killed, i know who did it, very good, you know, i would ask you, please come to the department and we will talk to you, okay, i’m leaving, wait, wait, write down the address, well, okay, let’s go, calmly , carefully, let's open the dungeon. we stand, well done for pushing, we pass and
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settle down, close, gentlemen, i hope you continue to prepare for the police all-around, oh, comrade colonel, in our free time from duty we train hard, only one question, where will we swim, with a pool i agreed, they are already waiting for you there, come to my office, i ’ll give you a phone number, i understand, “hello, i need a gorodovik colonel, a gorodovik colonel - it’s me, i’m gorokhova, about the murder of yaneikina, but very good, it was i who called you, and you’ll talk to this charming girl, you said that you know who killed yaneikina, of course, a week ago the criminal mikheev approached her, uh-huh, well, why did he want to get a love spell for theft, you’re laughing in vain, geneikina, by the way, is a very powerful magician. mana is very powerful. i’m still
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surprised that none of the policemen are up to this point. i haven't asked her for help yet. in short, what did mikhiev want from her? prediction? is it unsafe for him to travel as a shooter with a certain stranger? yaneikina said it was safe. and... on the switch, mikheev ran into problems with chizh, both of them, they both ran into your special forces, chizh’s people, and chizh himself, and several. mikhev’s people were arrested, and mikheev himself managed to escape, well, yaneikino really seemed to be right, yes, but he didn’t think so and made a claim to her, well, yaneikino, of course, she was ready to return him to him, this turned out to be not enough, he filed a claim for 10 thousand bucks, saying that
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because of her stupid prediction, he is now on the run, but what? she didn’t go to the police, she was going to give the money, she threatened this criminal that she would damage him, and how he reacted, he only laughed that i got acquainted with the circumstances of the case today, i would like to hear a sane one: so to speak, ideas and versions, comrade colonel, there are versions, contradictory, of course, but there are. the first version is that the killer is the ex-husband. ineykina divorced him, left him without living space, without property without money. the motive, the everyday motive , is revenge. perhaps he committed a murder and
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then started drinking, although he tells us that he started drinking a week before the murder was committed. khineikin has been drinking for at least a week, i’m telling you that for sure, but he could have hired someone and thereby arranged for himself such an alibi, perhaps there are his fingerprints on the bulging bottles of yaneikin, and in huge quantities, on untouched bottles, which were in the bag, there are no fingerprints at all, which is suspicious, uh-huh, well, then it’s necessary to find where they bought it all, we are looking for iger sergeevich, in the apartment where yanekin drank, brown gloves were found, and the killer also used them, there are no traces of blood on the gloves that were found on yanekin, but this is impossible if the killer had held a knife in it is in these gloves, i personally think, comrade colonel, that someone is slipping this yaneikin to us, perhaps the one who brought the vodka, we need to further develop this yanekin, if the gloves were really planted on him, he should know who the killer is, another version , this is a sorcerer, rock, the truth is there
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what is suspicious is that at the time of the murder there was a witness, yanova. who says that the killer used a vocabulary characteristic of magicians, sorcerers, psychics, that is, he induces himself, wait, sob, you offer a version and immediately deny it, but i said contradictory versions, you know, i know these magicians, psychics, sorcerers, that other contingent, it can really blow their minds from the fact that they begin to believe in their own nonsense, and i talked with my pea friend yanekina, well another version has emerged: the criminal mikheev threatened and extorted money from yaneikin for allegedly incorrectly predicting the future, they ran him through the databases, turned out to be wanted by the police, well, now we are actually joining this search, but we must not forget about his nephew, yuri, who may have gone to moscow, we can’t find out because the phone is silent, yes,
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well, gentlemen, i counted four versions here, obviously there are enough versions, well done, they arrived quickly, as always, you know, we try, where they are, there they have temples, how many, well, i saw three, hmm, what are we going to do, well, we act, as always, according to the situation, with songs and dances. here
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you go, it's time lucius, lead her. okay, guys, let's go intervene before someone is actually sacrificed.
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so, gentlemen warlocks, we stop the ritual, the forces of light have arrived. police, homicide , criminal investigation. oh, drop the knife, drop the knife, i said. oh, what? as a matter of fact, nothing illegal is happening here, nothing illegal, you almost stabbed a man, a man, but this is an ordinary ritual returning youth, with the help of a knife, cutting a goat with a knife, this is an integral part of the ritual, no guys, you are definitely not normal, you don’t feel sorry for the animal, by the way, no one has yet canceled the article on cruelty to animals, you do not understand the full importance of this ritual , that’s it, enough chatting, citizen ineikina, your direct competitor, by the way, was killed today. where were you this morning? yaneikina? and i was here from the very morning, preparing nionilu for the ceremony, sharing with her the vital energy that
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can you confirm anything other than your colleague? neonila, neonila, yes, confirm, confirm, you shared your vital energy with me all morning, i have everything written down, please, please, please, look, so, here you go, ah! everything is clear, yes, sexual energy, one of the most powerful energies in the world, yeah, hello, hello, hello, you called me today on this number, who am i talking to, captain rydanov, inter-district homicide department, captain rydan, yuri antrev, well, yes, of course, i have bad news, today your aunt, tatyana, was killed yaneikin. lord, who? we are now trying to figure everything out. i understand that it is very late, could you come to us? yes, yes, of course, well, i’m now in a village in the moscow region, i came to visit friends. well,
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let me go to moscow now and take the first train to you in st. petersburg. we are waiting for you. fine. i got on the train, like where in moscow, of course, yeah, thank you, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry
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vladivostok plus. a semblance of a summer mood, the rest of the region is dominated by the arctic, the most unkind weather in the north is narilsky wet snow, however, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory it is no better, there are rains and temperatures below the norm by eight degrees, in the western half it is a little warmer without precipitation, in the urals in yekaterinburg about 15. in the north european. already above twenty, the polar regions of the kola peninsula are warming up very quickly. it was a hot july in the northwest with short thunderstorms. in some places there will be short showers in the center. in the volga region, thunderstorms will occur in cheboksary and nizhny novgorod. in the south the weather is unstable. rains in the mountains and foothills of the caucasus, thunderstorms. there is only no precipitation in crimea. if you want to take a break from the heat, go to yalta, where it’s a refreshing +21. and in st. petersburg -
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tropical 27 and thunderstorms yes. in moscow without significant precipitation almost 30 and further in that same spirit. we spent half the night with this sorcerer. in general, at the time of the murder, he was conducting a magical session of returning youth through sexual intercourse. all this was recorded on a mobile phone camera. there is mack in the frame; in a word, he has an alibi. yes, so the fate of all his otherworldly lads has nothing to do with the murder of yanikina. little of. they didn’t even know that she was killed, so i thought, something is wrong here, someone is giving us left-wing versions, and did the nephew say anything interesting? no, we interrogated him, and he ran to organize the funeral, what worries me personally is that he has a very strong alibi, but at the same time a very serious, serious, i repeat motive, he will inherit all of his aunt’s property, here igor,
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find a conductor. train carriage, but in which muravyov was traveling from st. petersburg to moscow, talk to her, find out what condition he was in, or maybe he was not traveling alone, find fellow travelers, interview them, maybe... yes, yes, yes, i’ll wait, listen , a male voice threatened me, says, you, kina, well,
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i mean, you have to give me the money through an hour, this is miseyev, so quickly to the office of the sorceress, run, colonel, excuse me, replace me with... in this damn all-around, what happened? i’ll die there at the very first competition, we’ll pump it out, the main thing is not victory, but participation, train. georgievich, here a strange man passed by, it seems like our client, headed in your direction, it’s definitely not mikheev, let’s receive him there,
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i’ll control everything here for now, until we contact you, who’s there, i’m from mikheev, whatever you need, give me the money. mikheevich said, yes, go to grandma, tell him that the money will only be available tomorrow, no, that won’t work, he said today, i said tomorrow, yeah. i brought it, the chick said that tomorrow, the goat, i said today, i’ll have to feel it with you, what should i do, she’s alone in the apartment, i don’t know, she didn’t let me into the house, citizen
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mikheev, and the cops, stand there, stop, he said , stand, mikheev, throw the knife, ashmara, i ’ll finish this, i’ll go out and finish, oh, i woke up, excuse me, but where am i, and i was detained on suspicion of murder, yes, how is it, who did i kill, mine? i remember, it’s so clear, my memory doesn’t work, my ex-wife, when i didn’t do anything get up, let's go to the office for interrogations, major, open up, i didn't kill anyone, i give my word to the thief, calmly, who killed, you're
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the boss, think for yourself, if i killed her, why would i send a man to her, well, so that we to confuse, for example, well, you yourself don’t believe in it, if i had killed, i would have known that in... they were talking among themselves like these, well, close people, but again, she gave him money, there would be a client , he gave it to her, and not she to him, logically, this young man
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was supposed to travel in your carriage to moscow the day before yesterday, i’m interested in whether he was traveling alone or in company with someone, not in company, not just one, this person was not in my carriage. but he had a ticket to the twelfth place, and no one sat in this place until moscow, for sure, absolutely. got drunk, thank you, i'll go sit, yeah, well, the alcoholic woke up, here you are, unfortunately, absolutely right, i'm a complete alcoholic, but i'm not a murderer, tell me, do you know anything, lovers, of your ex-wife, and she had a lover, i didn’t know, although for now...
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it would be ideal to find a person who
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saw him in the city at the moment when he according to him, he was in moscow or on the train, so why wait, we need to take him straight away , wait, igor, it’s early, we need to collect something very serious, that’s what, you better strain nikita, let him locate the mobile phone nephew for the last 2 days, that’s it, work, okay, come on, ritka, just get closer, let’s go. mikheev, come here, look, do you recognize any of these people? this one is exactly right, it’s clear, it turns out that you confused your lover with your nephew, but to me.
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yurka is not at home, what kind of police is he on, and he didn’t pay the fine for parking on a pedestrian street transition, can you tell me how to find it? if there is a fine, i’ll tell you, he just went to the garage, garage number 10, and where is the garage, there’s a cooperative near the railway, ask... he’ll tell you, three liter bottles, two half-liter bottles, the exact time of purchase, unfortunately, no, yes, we had such a purchase 2 days ago, 14:46 in third class, great, but you can see the moment of purchase on a video camera, of course, now here, which was what needed to be proven, well , please send it off, okay. yes rita, yeah, i understood you,
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well, retuli, i have some information that gives grounds to take him, what can you say about yaneikina’s nephew? yura, uh-huh, nothing, a person is like a person, wait, do you think it was he who killed tanya? i’m just asking, no, no, no, no, no, well, what, what, it can’t be, he ’s certainly not the most honest young man on earth, but he’s not a criminal, not a murderer, you know, he’s with us an intellectual, what are you saying, he writes books, yes, but what books, well, mostly detective stories, i have read very, very tempting stories, well written characters, very exciting, a lot of psychology, which is confusing, no, something i haven’t heard about such an author, but they couldn’t
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hear it, he hasn’t been published yet, i read them in a self-publisher, complicated detective stories, say, uh-huh , where are his parents? yura’s parents, they died a long time ago, even before tanya and i got married, listen, maybe i’ll go home, but i honestly said that i didn’t kill anyone, no, you ’ll have to stay with us, we’re... detaining you until tomorrow, see you tomorrow, well, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, well, let's go there, there he is. and again, hello, mr. muravyov. hello, gentlemen, police officers. can i have your purse? wow, this is not mine,
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they gave it to me. well, of course, it wasn’t you who bought the vodka in the store either, not me. citizen of the ants, let’s go calmly or offer bracelets, calmly, well, it’s wonderful, please, there’s blood on the gloves, yaneki or not, i’ll tell you tomorrow, but the blood type is the same, please, thank you, well, let’s admit it, so what should we confess, i didn’t kill anyone, i told you, they planted all this on me, besides, i have an alebi, yeah, and we have a recording from store, is that you?
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only you turned it off a few hours before the murder, turned it on in the moscow region, and the examination will prove that it was you who put on the gloves and wig. well, okay, yes, i found this near my garage, well, out of stupidity, out of curiosity, i decided to try it on, put it on, well, stop lying, that’s enough, you don’t want to admit it, i ’ll tell you everything myself, you needed money, oh, that hurts, it hurts, well it hurts, well, everything’s fine. ancestors, it hurts, it hurts me, oh, have you gone completely crazy, why are you giving receptions to the cherdyn owl? you're working on it, there's a pear hanging over there, comrade colonel, but i didn't touch him with a finger, a weight fell on his leg, it hurt, probably a fracture, how am i going to participate in competitions,
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i'll have to be replaced, so that's it, don’t panic, let’s bring this colleague to my office, i ’ll call the doctor now, okay, pick me up. “you didn’t love your aunt, and although she helped you, you thought that this was not enough, i loved her, so when you found out that your aunt was going to divorce her husband, you came up with a brilliant plan, but you’re a writer, you have a rich imagination, you decided to kill your aunt and blame everything on her husband, or rather ex-husband, i didn’t even know that they were divorced, you had a backup option, frame the magician. and who is the nickname rock? 2 days before the murder, you bought 4 liters of vodka in a store, but who cares, i bought it for myself, then you bought a train ticket to moscow, but so that when they start punching you, you would have a reliable alibi. then you came to the apartment that nikina
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left to her husband, opened it with the key, which you apparently had, and went into apartment, yaneikin... he slept drunk, you left him vodka, knowing that it would send him on a long binge, and threw in a copy of the gloves in which you killed your aunt. well, okay, okay, if, let’s say, i killed, why didn’t i throw up real gloves with blood on them? well, because you didn’t dare to come there on the day of the murder, it’s a small two-story house, they could have seen you, and maybe even one of the neighbors knew you personally. where is your aunt’s office? what’s there? there are no neighbors, well, there is a multi-story building, there is a back staircase, you were wearing a mask, a wig, there was a risk, there was, but it was minimal, doctor, i have a fracture, a severe bruise or a crack, tell me, will major cherdyntsev
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be able to compete in competitions, well, perhaps in sports lying on the couch? complete peace, a whole week, well, cherdyntsev, i’ll have to replace you at competitions, and now about the day when you committed murder, after the train for which you had tickets to moscow left, you turned off your phone, he sat down, no, you turned it off so that we couldn't understand the exact place where you are you are, you thought that we would check the location of your... you didn’t say anything about the witness, so you see, your nerves are starting to lose, and i’ll tell you why, so that
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she would tell about what you said, you wanted us throw another thread at a rival magician, in vain, by the way, the witness identifies you by your voice, you killed your aunt, left the apartment, got into the car and drove to a village in the moscow region, by the way, about such trips when people are looking for travel companions who. .. they pay for part of the road, you can find out on special sites on the internet, yes, we will check where you went from your computer and who was your traveling companion, well , the journey took you 7 hours, you arrived at the place, turned on the phone, saw our call, called us back, from there you drove to moscow, took the train and came here, just why didn’t you get rid of the gloves and wig, you are silent, i ’ll tell you about that too, you thought that the evidence against... your ex-husband and magician would not be enough, and that sooner or later we would still begin to suspect you, then
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you took out a wig, a mask, gloves and threw to whomever was more convenient at that moment. well, citizen-nephew yura, we not only have all the evidence, but the complete picture of the crime, and how much will i get for this now? but the court will decide this, although we can give you the opportunity to write a confession, well, since you had no criminal record, active repentance, well, you’ll get the minimum, i agree, great, hello, what have you got here, but here’s a citizen wants to write a confession, this is always welcome, where can we do this, but go to my office. please, go ahead, oleg
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georgievich, bravo, how are you? come on, this is experience, why are you limping, andrew? hey, i twisted my ankle during the last race, were you the first to arrive? yes, first, well, igor sergeevich, don’t worry, third place. it’s also an honor among veterans, yes, it’s an honor, considering that there were only four participants, well done, we wish you good health, comrade, the winds and not only in terms of disclosure, we’re happy to try, yes, on this occasion we need a little bit, so to speak, comrade general, we i wish i could issue a bonus so that there would be something to pour into cubes, the bosses would sponsor me, that’s another matter, comrade general, so, you two, get ready for the all-union police all-around championship in 2 weeks. so, and i ask the rest with me, oh, wait, what do you mean the rest answer that to train, no,
6:30 am
that won’t work, that’s fine, i don’t agree, we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, listen to road stories in the first program. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. a fierce fight between a father of two and a passer-by was witnessed residents of a high-rise building in permiania turned on their phone cameras to later discuss what happened in the house chat. according to the residents, he initially played the role of a villain. there was that same man here.


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