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tv   Utro  NTV  May 30, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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okay, i don’t agree, we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we listen to the road stories in the first program, on ntv there is an emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. residents of a high-rise building in perm witnessed the fierce fight between the father of two children and a passerby; they turned on their phone cameras to later discuss what happened in the house chat. according to the residents, the villain was initially the same man with the children. he started a quarrel with his wife right at the entrance, sorting things out rudely, very loudly, then hit his wife. and
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it seems that things could have gone very far, a man grabs a woman by the hair, drags the car, then, when she ran out, he began to crush her, i went to look, i went to look, to intervene, and another vest from the house anton nikitenko, the same man in red pants, when he received a rude answer to a remark, he decided to use the same force against force, as he told his relatives, the opponent deliberately covered himself with a child, and my mother went out onto the balcony, there it turns out that the case is when a minus is a plus all the same gives a minus, perhaps anton nikitenko really had noble intentions, but at some point he himself became the one he wanted to stop, the degree of his responsibility for what happened to the children is now being determined by investigators, at the present time...
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good morning, ladies and gentlemen. sherlock holmes made fun of the stupid inspector of scotland yard in almost every story of sir arthur conandoyle. the klutzy policeman himself gave the reason, but could not keep his mouth shut about something until he made a mistake. here is the cutest investigator of izufa, it seems you. takes his granddaughter home, accidentally hitches
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a ride, gape, the second participant in the accident , ilfat, calms him down, a trifle, father, it happens, i only had a small scratch there, she said, maybe we’ll separate, before we had time to separate, people scatter like crazy, arthur saw it with my own eyes, i...
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we, what an absurdity, i remind you, aidar gilyazov was driving, demolishing people and cars at the scene of a minor accident. i cannot say that i am guilty, and i cannot say that i am not guilty. they seem to be at fault because they were hit and did not have time to put up a warning triangle. i understood what was needed call the traffic police and put up emergency signs. i walked towards my car, i didn’t get there. that's it, i was hit by a car. you were shot down, so it’s your fault, he decided. the well-known investigator goreev, they, the reasons were that he issued a resolution refusing to initiate a criminal case, it follows from the document that aidar gilyazov, who committed the hit-and-run , had nothing to do with it, because the injured ilfat did not put up a sign, i wanted to do it as a last resort, and six months after the accident , such, well, just put out the lights, they compiled the material, supposedly i was in a non-stupid state, what the... i repeat,
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six months after the accident. traffic police inspector ruzel kutlyev prepared the administrative material and sent the documents to the court on november 10 , twenty-third, elfat gazizov was deprived. management right for a year and 6 months. let's start with captain kutlyev, who ordered the involvement of the injured gazizov? i won't answer this question for you. there is material, the court will say, stop this material, don’t be seen, for example, with gas. how can your actions be qualified? what is this, is it a robe, or what is it? no, i won’t tell you anything to answer for now. that is, you i just have nothing to answer or what? on the basis of which you recognized the person as intoxicated and sent the case to court. certificates, this very certificate was issued by the city hospital, where the ambulance took the broken elfat gazizov, allegedly ethyl alcohol was found in the victim’s blood, we know that i didn’t drink, firstly, and secondly, this certificate is about nothing, the best for
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today , at 20:00, big premiere, new season of the action-packed series dolphin, sergei zharkov and his dolphin will bring everything out. alternative offer dolphin, new season, how could i kill the woman i love, i’ve been working in the police for so long, i’ve seen enough of this, today at 20:00 on ntv.
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good morning, in evgeniy’s studio, i’ll tell you about the weather for today. the worst weather in our country today will be in kamchatka, there are rains and a cold piercing wind. in khabarovsk. vamur region is still cool 16-18, but already without precipitation, here in yakutia there is a real summer expanse in yakutsk 27 sun. siberia remains in a bag of arctic cold, while in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory no bright prospects yet. it’s only getting colder here, if today in krasnoyarsk it’s still +10, then tomorrow the maximum will be +8, all this with rain. from novosibirsk to omsk, it is still 8:13, but the rains will stop. in the urals it is still a restrained 15, but it is just around the corner, and the european territory is warming up very quickly. on the kola peninsula today it will be +20. and in the north-west, hot summer has arrived, short afternoon thunderstorms add to the july mood, they are from pskov to veliky novgorod. and in the middle band the thermometers are getting close to mark at +30. on thursday
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there will be practically no rain in the center, only in tver, short showers are possible, but in the volga region there will be thunderstorms with gusty winds, in kazan 24, in samara almost 30. in the south, thunderstorms will mainly occur in the kuban and in the mountains of the north caucasus . in sochi it will be +24, in yalta only 21, but in crimea there will be no precipitation. in st. petersburg +27 and short thunderstorms, in moscow without precipitation - 29. the end of may promises to be hot. see below. morning is the best. we save the car from moisture on the main road. we study the properties of sugar together with sergei malozyomov. we are surprised. events in the world of show business, what is the most unpleasant thing in the rain, first, it’s wet, second, you can’t see anything, the third, the most unpleasant thing is water hammer, the depth of the puddles on our roads is a mystery, sometimes you just go in unsuccessfully, catching up with a wave, oh
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look, the girl, in my opinion, died, but because the girl has a brain, and you can catch someone else’s wave. this happened to tatyana, a truck doused her car, she had to change the engine, there were drops of water on the oil dipstick, they opened the engine and just the cylinder, they were all in water, but unless the fish swam there, at the test center on mi the main road will check how to avoid water hammer, for this we had to catch a real ichthyander, good. yes, guys, in my opinion, you are beasts, you guys just, you just sailed, and didn’t arrive. vladislav efimov, not only the pilot of his blue old rusty samurai, but
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also a design engineer, his car is not afraid of any water. we are such great guys, but how is this possible? but because the air, high intake , all the electrics are brought under our roof. the control unit is also under ceiling, but what about the belly, water should not get into the air intake and electronics, but cars are different and their design is also... different, mainly for passenger cars, the air intake is located in the area of ​​​​the level of the headlight, or the wing, or the notch above the front panels, the electronic control unit is located approximately somewhere in the area here of the front panel, and where is the terline, beyond what line you can’t dive, well, if we take this car, then since we have the intake here lower than the headlights, it is therefore undesirable higher bumper drive the car into the water, that is, right along the edge of the headlight, but firstly, if... we have a manual transmission, we must select a gear in advance and not change, and secondly,
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we must move at such a speed that we do not accelerate in front of us wave and don’t let it flood. unfortunately, many modern drivers do not understand the principles of operation of the engine and its design; they kill them with water, not only their own, but also those of others. well done, come on, that's it! that's it, that's it, this is another water hammer, the fist of friendship is water getting inside engine, that is, water passes through the air duct pipes and reaches the filter, the air manifold rises, then enters the combustion chamber, when the valves are closed, an impact occurs in the rise of the piston, because our liquid, unfortunately, does not compress, it is a syringe, no, a large syringe , piston and cylinder, and we... cut off the top and attached it back, why? well, imagine that this is the cylinder head, what should
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be in the combustion chamber, and gasoline and air, and for some also oil, it happens, yes, yes, and imagine that water got in there, a water hammer. i now understand what a water hammer is, without an oncoming wave, at least go, the second mercedes is up, you don’t have to drive the wave in front of you, yeah, oncoming traffic, that oncoming wave, just turn off the engine, that’s it, so simple, so simple or something, well ok, okay, let's try, now we'll give you a tsunami, vlad, what are you doing, good, wait, wait,
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wait, what are you doing, there's an air leak, which in normal operation we may not notice or not pay attention to it, through these cracks, decompression, water everything it can still hit. oops, i managed, well, it seems like yes, even if you managed to turn off the engine, there’s no point in trying to start it right away, the engine needs to be checked right away, but there is a nuance, well, now get out, as soon as i get out, water may flow in when you open the door , yes, it’s logical, that means through the window, and why, i’ll climb out through the window, who will stay in the car, no one? and you get off the roof and go for help, so what? here's the point: don't drive through puddles and you won't have to
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get out. as soon as you managed to pull the car out of the water, you immediately begin self-diagnosis. but how can we determine whether we have taken a sip of water or not? the engine oil must be checked, we take out the dipstick and look at the ends, if the oil is clean it’s good, but if the oil has acquired a white tint, this is the first sign that water has entered the engine, here... no, great, the second second is the air filter, yeah, you open it, it opens easily enough, see if it is dry or not dry, uh-huh, dry, that means not here, not here you have no water, and if everything is dry, then you can drive, but if the engine runs unevenly or intermittently some, then of course you also need to check the electrical systems, contact 100 and check all components and assemblies for... contact all 100 and then you will be 100% sure of maintenance, overcome even
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shallow puddles slowly, so as not to drive a wave, you saw that someone was driving it at you, turn off the engine, turn it off, turn it off, even if it seems that everything went dry, it’s better to double-check that there is no water in the engine, that’s all. eh, there’s live food and a program on the air. in which i, sergey malozyomov, find out what is harmful and what is healthy, which sugar is better for health, are there any healthy options here? we learned that sometimes sugar can be very useful and even necessary, it saves diabetics from coma and improves the taste of many even non- sweet dishes, but when there is too much of it in the diet, bad
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consequences occur. you should not rely on sweeteners; they are often used to add flavor. something not too healthy, fatty, floury, they accustom us to bright taste sensations, which makes healthy food seem bland, plus certain studies show that, for example, aspartame impairs learning ability, causes anxiety, insomnia and headaches, and erythritol leads to obesity, despite the small amount of calories, so it is better to allow yourself regular sugar, but monitor the dose, the total amount of sugar , which are recommended to receive... a person during the day is 30 g for women and 50 g for men. in addition to simple added refined sugar , syrups, honey and fruit juices should be taken into account, but not those sugars naturally found in milk, vegetables and fruits there is a different absorption rate, therefore a different effect on the body. how can you tell how much sugar is added to a product?
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this is not easy in our country. unlike many other countries, our manufacturers are not required to indicate the exact figure. packaging, sometimes the sweetness is hidden under clever names: glucose-fructose syrup, pataca, nelassa, candied fruit. often the presence of carbohydrates in the composition helps to get to the truth. in sweet foods, this is often the same as the sugar content. by the way, in sausages, crab sticks, and many semi-finished products also contain a lot of different easily digestible carbohydrates, which are instantly converted into sugar in the body, that is, in fact, they are its hidden form. what is the allowed maximum 30 g of sugar per day? in fact, we can get them without even knowing it. for example, if we eat one sweet yogurt, there is more sugar than in soda, plus one glass of fruit juice, the sweetness is exactly like in soda, plus a portion of pasta with ketchup, sugar is an obligatory component, one sandwich with sausage, they are also actively trying to
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sweeten. there seems to be no sugar in all this, but in fact there is a lot of it, and yet here... there are no desserts yet, it’s not surprising that we go overboard so catastrophically, getting rid of sugar addiction, and many already have it, is not so easy : when giving up sugar , a person may even suffer from withdrawal syndrome, as if quitting smoking, all because this product promotes the instant production of the joy hormone, dopamine. some studies have found that sweets can be even more pleasurable than kisses.
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runs her own blog and is used to the spotlight. the blogger’s family, it seems to me, should definitely try to kiss on camera, it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, it’s definitely necessary, then it’s necessary. so what happens where the brain waves are stronger when eating a cake or when kissing a loved one? when kissing , the signs of dopamine were brighter, therefore,
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love won. it must be admitted that with other similar measurements from scientists. goes to a modest club and what other celebrities saved football clubs, this is the show business news today. i do not think,
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that one day i will be in tears after a football match in north wales, actor raina reynels said recently after loudly celebrating his own team's promotion to league 1, the third -highest division in english football. 3 years ago, together with another star, actor rob mcaulheny, he bought the rexon club from a small working-class town for £2 million. this is one of the oldest clubs in wales, founded back in 1864, which has glorious pages in its history, although they all date back to last century. the team slipped to the bottom of the standings in the fifth division, it was at that moment that deadpool himself and his partner came to save her. they learned about arex thanks to a computer game and became imbued with its history. the actors have become. promote the modest club, concluded sponsorship agreements for it, bought new players, began filming a series about how it is moving towards success, the show is now in its third season. in
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3 years, rexon overcame two divisions, this happened for the first time in its century and a half history. the goal of the star managers is to help rexam get into the premier league. according to actors, they want to create a model of success with which other small clubs can reach great heights. of course, she is far from the first celebrity to come up with the idea of ​​buying a failing club. back in 1973, elton john bought watford, which he had been a fan of since childhood. at that moment the club was in the fourth division and on the verge of bankruptcy. the musician turned out to be a skillful manager, hired graham taylor as head coach, the future coach of the england national team helped the team reach second place in the premier league. sir elton sold the club a long time ago, but remains a passionate fan, although without... his affairs at otford are not going very well. another musician whose childhood memories prompted him to help his favorite robbie williams team. as a child, he
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attended portvale club school in stockon trend and is still a devoted fan. in 2012, when port wale were in deep financial trouble, robbie bought it for £240,000 and saved it from ruin when the club got back on its feet. other investors. however. continues to participate in the life of the team, for example, he performed a concert at the club’s home stadium and developed design uniforms for the players, and recently it became known that robbie was appointed president of port wais. a star who helps his childhood favorite team is in our home. 5 years ago basta decided to save the ska club from his hometown of rostov-on-don. the rapper paid off ska's multimillion-dollar debts and became its owner. celebrities not only save teams, they build them from scratch. for example, an actor. matthew mcconaughey became co-owner a new football club in his beloved city of austin, texas. the club was named austin. in the twenty-first year
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, the team's home stadium was completed and made its debut in the mls championship. natalie portmand also created her own football team, including a women’s one, inspired by the victory of the us women’s team at the world cup in 2019. several more stars became investors in the engel city club. sirena williams and evalan. series, but the show ended, and the famous founders, who had played enough with the club, decided to sell it , now they are looking for a new owner, such as today show business news, marina kazantseva was with you, see you, she smiled, that means she recognized her, she smiled. it means the real one, they recognize,
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love, remember, truly appreciate, psb is a bank for the real, got lost, morozov, i came to interrogate you. the case of the murder of the chief is threatened by rechensk. we are from the police. we have a problem again. you know who could know the location of the cameras? who? the one who wears shoulder straps. you've buried your loved ones, it's time to deal with the living. pack. weapons on the floor, i don't repeat it twice. today at 22:10 on ntv. via superstar. premiere on sunday at 20.20 on ntv. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a cinkov mobile sim card and protect yours.
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bank accounts from telephone scammers, he ’s the only one, they attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases? kholva - simple installment plans! great news! magnit stores offer free delivery! and also a discount - 40% on popular products. order in the magnit app! every wedding ends the same way, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, we will first open a deposit, with interest on the sea, with a savings account
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the main book festival. countries june 6-9 red square, hello, where are you? secret, but what i have here is cool, i’ll show you now, but i have something better, and you have one there, oh, you end up here, and we have a good secret place, yes, it’s not secret, everyone already knows, relax, guys , the morning continues, the best, we are checking with our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal advice, we will go to crimea, let's eat fish, with federico arnaldi, there is an excess of milk, milk production is increasing, because of
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this, the dairies are not keeping up. to process all the milk, they buy it from those farmers who are ready to reduce prices, so the wholesale price of milk has dropped to 17 rubles per liter, but farmers claim that this price is unfair, with this they do not earn at all, they are forced to hand over milk because they cannot pay on loans and maintain farms, but in general it’s easier to go bankrupt than to work at a loss, and dairies, in turn, admit that they themselves work almost to zero because retail chains do not agree. raise purchasing prices, and at the same time the price tags on the shelves are rising, why does this suddenly happen given the abundance described, so i want to figure it out, we have turned to you so that the federal anti-monopoly service can objectively understand the situation, it is easy to check at what cost milk is sent from the manufacturer work, there is an invoice, here is the price, unjustifiably high prices in
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stores, unjustified. if the price is lower, they will buy cottage cheese, butter, kefir, and fermented baked milk, more, more, no more there will be no reserves, and the valuable dairy product will be consumed in the country, that is , just think about it, farmers. processors and sellers butt heads with each other, this is because their relationships are built according to a formula that financiers call win luz, this means that if you have not gotten the most out of your partner and a little more, then consider that you have lost, that is, the bank gives to the farmer a loan for cows, grain, equipment, hoping that for many years he will deliver milk to the plant across the road, with which an agreement has been signed, for plant from such a farmer who got into debt and is dirty with development and steadily... they begin to demand lower prices and break off the partnership if they manage to find a farm in which, even at the expense of quality, they manage to save money, in europe, well, sorry in advance , but this is the case when you can take an example from an old lady, this
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was probably the case once too, but now relationships are mainly built according to the formula win, win, that is , everyone should benefit from the deal, then it is considered successful, because you are sure? for many years to come in all its partners and you can easily develop, so maybe this is the main thing that each of us should replace imports with. marina belikova, lawyer. the other day a unique event happened: the district court of moscow, with the support of the prosecutor’s office , managed to preserve the only housing for a citizen. which they tried to take away from her. the moscow district court ruled in favor of an eighty-five-year-old pensioner, from whom scammers tried to take away her only apartment. and i really hope that this precedent will help a huge number of people, who found themselves in the same situation.
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well, let's figure out what happened? back in 2021, according to the classic scheme , law enforcement officers and bank officers called a pensioner and exchanged 15 million of her personal funds from her. the pensioner went, withdrew this money from an atm and transferred it to unidentified persons, but this was not enough for the swindlers, and they decided to continue to take advantage of the elderly woman’s gullibility; they tricked her into signing a targeted loan agreement for 2 million rubles for business purposes under her mortgage apartment, that is, on the security of her apartment. the pensioner donated these 2 million rubles. to unidentified persons, wrote out powers of attorney for eight people to register a mortgage on her apartment, but then suddenly realized that she had become a victim of scammers, urgently contacted the police, but the criminals were never found for 3 years, they were not identified, the money was given to her not returned.
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it was possible to defend the apartment thanks to the vigilance of the registrar, rosreestr, who rejected the registration and mortgage agreements in relation to the apartment due to the fact that owner of the apartment. after this... the creditors did not hesitate to go to court to force registration of the mortgage agreement, what is most interesting is that, as evidence, they presented to the court an extract from the unified state real estate register, but the object number, cadastral apartment number , and the address was indicated, but this did not confuse the first second instance and made a decision on forced registration of the mortgage, but the second court informally approached this matter, sorted it out, and returned the case for a new consideration and another judge in the district court ruled in favor of the pensioner and declared both the loan agreement and the agreement on forced registration of the mortgage
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invalid, what can be said in this regard, and dear citizens, be vigilant, there really have been scammers recently a huge number, their victims are primarily elderly people, so... watch your parents, your relatives, and it’s best to go to the mfc to write an application for any ban registration actions with your property without the personal participation of the apartment owner. if you still have questions, send them to our email address. and remember that you have the right to know your rights.
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what a trick, this is a trick, red mullet, red mullet, chow, maxim, maxim kraskov has loved cooking since childhood, already at the age of 7 he was frying potatoes on his own. and made scrambled eggs, dreamed of becoming a cook, but then decided that being a cook on a ship was not enough for him, he studied at a culinary school, worked in nitsa in sofia and a few years ago moved to gelendzhik, how we will prepare red mullet today, today the red mullet will be according to a special recipe, very tender crispy with cream sauce with cucumber relish, that’s what cucumber relish is, uh, in translation, it’s varendi. from cucumbers and tell me how you eat it, jam, take a cucumber, uh, peel it
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, then we cut it into uh, small cubes, see if there are large seeds, we also remove the seeds, if they are large, and if they are not large , if they are not large, we calmly cut them into small cubes, turn on the stove, turn on the stove, add butter, oil - add to fry the cucumbers and add a little piquancy. but now the cucumbers will begin to simmer and , accordingly, there will be nothing left of the oil, i load, yes, yes, yes, that’s right, load, fry over high heat so as not to turn into porridge right away, stir also rarely, good, because that we’ll also turn it into porridge, okay, that’s it, so while they ’re walking and that while we’re going, while they’re walking, we’ll cut off two slices of orange, so that’s enough
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to squeeze it in, we need a little bit citrus, uh-huh, mix everything, let it evaporate over high heat, uh-huh, further, further, further, extra appetite, we need to get rid of it, 100%, then, let's prepare the sauce, take a regular bowl, call this sauce cream sauce, uh-huh, this is my original sauce, let's call a spade a spade, maksimov sauce, sauce from maxim, yes, what are we doing, we take cream, thirty percent, oh fat, fat, fat, fat, take a regular spoon, take balsamic cream, yeah, balm cream, interesting, i’ve never seen one like this with cream combination, and add here, and then look carefully, mix , mix thoroughly, mix, mix, thoroughly, thoroughly, mix, yes, yeah,
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mix, mix, look at what turns into, into what it turns into, but why so, why so, were i have liquid cream and everything turned into a thick cream, on my eyes in 3 seconds, yes, yes, yes, what kind of magic, chemistry, wait, wait, well, it’s clear that okay, vinegar is sour and can grab all the milk sourness happens with... we already have cleaned, so no lumps are created, like with ordinary vinegar, this is culinary magic, now it’s time to return to the cucumbers to add two tablespoons of sugar, and now we reduce the heat so that the sugar does not burn, we set it to the bare minimum, we start stirring - simmer it until the sugar is completely dissolved, so that there are no grains, but
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a homogeneous mass, the sauce is ready, the cucumber jam needs to simmer a little, all that remains is to fry the barobolka, which we slightly peppered, salted and rolled in flour. it is not necessary to gut the fish, there is no bile in it, and the bones and spine become so soft when fried that the mullet can be eaten whole. let's take it and turn it on. in a frying pan, yeah, add vegetable oil to warm it up, you don’t need a lot, just enough, due to our corn flour breading, we will create - our fish is very crispy, very tender, when frying, the taste quality is a little, well, that is, they are fried, evaporate, in training they are preserved, they are preserved, that is, we allegedly seal and protect thereby why exactly corn flour, not regular flour, wheat flour is coarser. corn will be more tender. in
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my homeland, in ancient rome, red mullet was considered a real jewel and was served only to the table of ruling persons. and the philosophers seneca and cicero admired its ability to change color. even when we fry it, you will hear the smell of the sea. sea smell from the frying pan? the smell of the sea surrounds us in general. yes yes. it's like we're by the sea. this is true. fry the king fish for a few minutes on each side and it’s done. well, maxim, the very moment has come that you said that bon appetit, absolutely, bon appetit, then bon appetit, how it should be eaten, first the mullet, the descendant, the mullet is eaten with hands, when we open the red mullet, first with the sauce for a bite and then add
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therefore, my choice is dushrak. and my chan ramen and my recipes. dozhirak - the secret of taste in the broth, avito services, start a quiet repair techniques from searching for a repairman based on ratings and reviews, avito services, who else to fix it with, more protection of freshness with deodorant at a bargain price in five, vinarus - the choice of millions for varicose veins, vinarus can help for 1 2 3, one tablet in the morning, two components , three actions, vinarus, just like 1 2 3 dolphin new. season today at 20:00 on ntv. this t-shirt needs to be washed urgently, but running a washing machine is expensive, hand washing kills the skin of your hands and manicure. stop! the compact lotos washing machine from liamax is ideal for small amount of laundry, children's clothing, socks,
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t-shirts, underwear, quick wash without overpayments for water and electricity, folding design, three automatic programs: spin function, drain water, everything you need is already included in the kit, after washing, fold the machine and put it in a drawer or on the shelf, or take it with you, save your energy, time and money, call and order a lotos folding washing machine for rub 3,999. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 2,999 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website meeting point today at 14:00 on ntv. good morning, in the studio of evgenia neronskaya, and i will tell you about the weather for today. the worst weather in our country today
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will be in kamchatka, there are rains and a cold piercing wind. in the khabarovsk territory and amur region it is still cool, 16:18, but no precipitation. but in yakutia there is a real summer expanse in yakutsk - 27 sun. siberia remains in a bag of arctic cold, while in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory there are no warm prospects. it's only getting colder here. today in krasnoyarsk it is still +10, then tomorrow the maximum is +8, all this with rain, from novosibirsk to omsk it is still 8:13, but the rains will stop. in the urals it is still a moderate 15, but +20 is just around the corner, and the european territory is warming up very quickly. on the kola peninsula today it will be +20. and in the north-west, a hot summer has arrived, short afternoon thunderstorms add to the july mood , they are from pskov to veliky novgorod. and in the middle zone there are thermometer columns. are approaching +30. on thursday there will be practically no rain in the center, only short showers are possible in tver. but
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in the volga region there are thunderstorms with gusty winds, in kazan - 24, in samara - almost 30. in the south , thunderstorms will mainly occur in the kuban and in the mountains of the north caucasus. in sochi it will be +24, in yalta only 21, but in crimea there will be no precipitation. in st. petersburg +27 and short thunderstorms, in moscow no precipitation at 29. the end of may promises to be hot. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will talk about health with your doctor, we will cook delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya, discovering new wonder technology with sergei malozyomov, talk one day with a famous actor. constipation. everyone has encountered this condition in their life. what to do if your intestines
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fail day after day. it happens that doctors suggest solving this problem surgically . in what cases does this help? let's talk about this with the head of the evidence-based medicine clinic, candidate of medical sciences, alexey paromonov. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about proper medicine with the right doctors. hello, alexey dmitrievich, i’m very glad to see you. alexey dmitrievich, today we will try to talk about such a complex topic as surgical treatment of anatomical features of the intestine. often people experience some discomfort with the colon, with colon emptying, with the movement of food masses through the colon. and they refer this to gastroenterologists. gastroenterologists examine and find certain features like this. and we know that surgical treatment of these features is often suggested if there are complaints and some clinical picture,
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how justified are such surgical interventions and how can they be avoided? should they be avoided? indeed, what place does surgery have in the treatment of constipation? constipation can sometimes be incredibly painful for the patient; even daily constipation does not help. and we need to understand in what situation this is a therapeutic problem, in which maybe surgery will really solve this problem, and there are pitfalls here, i see operations that are done as unnecessary operations that could not have been done after surgery... better it didn’t get better, and maybe it even got worse, and i see patients who needed surgery, but it wasn’t prescribed, but probably there are those
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for whom the surgery was prescribed and it helped.
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there is a splenic flexure there, and you can’t understand, on a regular x-ray it feels like it’s a pneumothorax, yes, that is, only after doing a computed tomography, you understand that it’s a hernia of the left half of the diaphragm and the selizonic flexure goes there, and this is not a pneumothorax, during auscultation you listen, and there is peristalsis, but in the lungs supposedly yes,
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it’s important, it’s important for us not to evaluate the anatomy, it’s important to evaluate the function. well, we can name two main situations when surgery for constipation can work, this is, first of all , obstructive defecation at the outlet in connection with the rectocele, there are other anatomical features, after undergoing operations, some other medical influences, just a mechanical problem for in order to go out to the masses, how can we understand this, even if we found... very large deviations in the anatomy during initial examinations, it is not a fact that this causes a problem, we must functionally evaluate, that is, carry out defecography, which can be used with ordinary x-rays, yes, it looks at how the contrast is emptied, and an even more accurate method, which is now at least available in moscow, is imri defecography,
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that is, during magnetic resonance imaging tomography. they examine the pelvic organs during the process of defecation, but if we see a problem there, and we really see it there, it’s bent and doesn’t allow mass, the contrast cannot come out, this is where the indications for surgery arise, the second group of problems is the group associated with the fact that the intestine is sluggish, the reasons for this are different, but most often it is damage. neurons, which, nerve cells that are inside the intestine, the reasons are not always clear, this is slow peristalsis, it can be, yes, slow peristalsis, yes, and here we give a contrast drink, see there after 24, after 48 hours, if it’s all remains in the intestines,
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the intestine is sluggish, swollen, has lost this one... very important, very in demand, sometimes there is no solution to this problem, including surgical the solution does not lie on the surface, but requires thoughtful, careful analysis and new research methods that will answer the question: anatomy or function, or anatomy and function combined. thank you very much,
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i would like to wish everyone good health and see you again. i love cupcakes too. you know, it ’s like a chicken dish, firstly, you can use your imagination, secondly, you can use some products that need to be used, well, it happens that there is sour cream and you understand, here you go , for example, you are not going to cook borscht or something else right now, it will fit perfectly into the dough, or some berries, or vice versa, you want some blueberry flavor, but you don’t have blueberries yet, i have 50 g of hazelnuts here, i have hazelnuts i also dried it. like the almonds, we dried them so that they would be brighter, we make hazelnut flour, and if you don’t like hazelnuts or if you have almonds or walnuts on hand, it’s ideal to use, no big deal,
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you get such a wonderful nut crumble, look, yes, very comfortable very good hazelnuts go well with blueberries, i like them, well, although almonds are also great with all berries, now it’s flour, i combine this flour in a bowl like this, with a packet of baking powder, in general, cupcakes, muffins, they love baking powder, it helps them , so that they are so airy and tender, but i also love it when there is still a combination of sweet and salty, a pinch of salt, so i add here... i took 180 g of flour, so i combine three eggs with 150 g of small ones, called confectioner's sugar, beat on such a strong high
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blender speed, the mass should be dense and airy. will increase four times in volume, look how beautiful it is and lighten up, my yolks were very yellow, look how beautiful, what a light mass it turned out, i add 50 g of chopped hazelnuts to the flour and add 150 ml of sour cream, sour cream can be replaced with kefir, for example , or curdled milk, they will also behave well, because it is such a milky, sour environment, this is important, and such a slightly fatty environment. now i add beaten eggs with sugar here if you really want to, if you if you like, you can add cinnamon, you can add vanilla, i adore the aroma of hazelnuts with
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berries, i really like the way it smells, but lemon won’t hurt here, firstly, lemon helps the baking powder work and the muffins rise better, in general bakery. if there is baking powder or soda, which contains lemon, citric acid or lemon juice, and somehow it turns out more fluffy, so we have combined everything, you see, now i grate a little zest on a fine grater, the lemon can be replaced with an orange, this is acceptable, in an orange also has acid, it is a little less of course, but obvious and well, like in a lemon naturally, but there is also sweetness there. well , the combination of blueberries and blueberries with lemon is very suitable for me, for example, the same recipe can be made with other berries and then you can experiment , for example, making blackberries with orange, i
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think it will also be interesting, look how bright and elegant the zest is. juice, my lemons are very juicy, look. two tablespoons juice of half a lemon, so and now we can say that our dough is ready, it’s not blueberry season yet, but i love blueberries so much and i really wanted blueberry baking today, i add blueberries here, they’re not the same thing at all, they’re healthy, although in my opinion , after all, blueberries are healthier, but in any case, what i read, and blueberries really have these magical properties that help vision, for example, well, blueberries are good for their beauty, juiciness, but they also contain a lot useful microelements, she is generally respected, too they are considered a superfood, so i add fresh blueberries to the dough, they are sold
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all year round. of course, this is not the case with blueberries, i always have a supply of frozen berries and blueberries, including in the freezer, but blueberries fly away the fastest, it seems to me. first blueberries, then strawberries, and then all the other berries and... now i have a wonderful lifesaver, when i really want a bright berry flavor in a dessert, i always use jam maheev, blueberry, orange, apricot. do you know why? because there is so much here fruits, everything here is so intense, rich, aromatic, and by the way, such a correct combination of sweet and sour, that is, this is not a sugary jam, and there are no artificial additives, no sweeteners, no taste improvers, enhancers, only a natural product, so i i do, i have such a wonderful trick, look, i put part of the dough so that
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half of the mold is filled, i use these disposable ones, they sell such molds for - cupcakes, muffins, cupcakes, it’s very convenient, you can, of course, roll them out of paper for baking at home, cut into squares and it will also turn out beautifully, i will keep my cupcakes a secret, i laid them out like this. one half of the dough, on top, or rather inside, i hide this spoonful of blueberry jam with a surprise, dessert today, and now we close it, of course, so that the surprise remains a surprise. i wipe away these droplets, the point is not
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that i want everything to be beautiful, but also that they don’t burn, so the cupcakes are ready to go on a journey, in the oven, hot air 190°, our cupcakes, here they are already jumping out of the oven shouting: you haven’t forgotten about us, look at the crust, at the top, if in doubt, you should always have a toothpick on hand, i have no doubt, just in case, a toothpick goes into the highest dough of the highest cupcake it is absolutely dry, which means that our cupcakes are ready, they are certainly hot, we do not eat them and do not recommend them to anyone, they are made from
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this form, you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar, you can decorate them with berries, to be honest, in my opinion, they are already beautiful , that's just nothing i don’t want to add, it’s a rare occasion, look how beautiful it is, well, here’s a dessert, bon appetit! there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i, sergey malozyomov and my team test everything on ourselves. what did scientists and inventors from different countries surprise us with this week? right now the miracle of technology is on the air, fifth place in our traditional hit parade of scientific and technological news. teachers.
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give girls better grades on average than boys, even if the level of knowledge is the same. to this conclusion based on the results of our a large-scale study was carried out by scientists from trend university in italy; they analyzed the academic results of almost 40 thousand schoolchildren aged 15 and 16 years, comparing what teachers gave and the results of objective tests. it turned out that teachers tend to rate girls higher because they consider them more obedient and easy...
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2013, nor their faults and collisions, because of which the program was suspended in the building can easily withstand any possible loads. the north pole 41 station was built in st. petersburg and will not serve only a home for polar explorers, but a floating laboratory, which, using built-in equipment, itself collects a lot of data on the state of ice and the atmosphere, which is important, in particular for compiling accurate... those concerned about the environmental friendliness of their lives were created in britain: this is an attachment to a washing machine that cleans microplastics from its effluents. fabric fibers washed away during washing are considered one of the important sources of polymer pollution of rivers and seas. the new device filters out, as stated, 90%
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of such particles, and they can then be sent back the company itself for recycling, or simply throw it in the trash, which will definitely be better for nature than flushing it down the drain. you are looking at a miracle of technology and this is the news that i, sergei malozemov, put in second place in our hit parade of discoveries and inventions of this week. it is inconvenient for you to carry a smartphone that is too large, but sometimes you still want to have a large screen. perhaps the solution will soon be a device in which the display is rolled up and unfolds at the touch of a button. what modern technology is already allow, demonstrated by demonstrations of working. prototype of a chinese electronics manufacturer. the compact smartphone expands to a flagship 6.5 inches. the same idea is used in the laptop shown, which would certainly also benefit from being more portable.
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there is no information yet about the release dates of new products and their prices. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place - hot. transform desert sand into fertile soil in just 7 hours, according to them, developers from norway learned. the technology is based on so-called nanoclay with particles much smaller than ordinary ones. you need to sprinkle the sand with this composition, and its particles will be glued together so that they can hold water. as the authors of the method admit, such soil will not be as fertile as chernozem, but it will be enough for many plants. of course, provided there is sufficient watering. magical transformation is not cheap, from two to five dollars per square meter. but the creators believe that rich arab countries are planning to start with the emirates; they will want to take advantage of this.
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one morning on ntv. i, sergey mayorov. hello. today the hero of the project is once alexander sbruev, an arbat boy who became. an outstanding artist, according to alexander viktorovich, his formation as a person was largely influenced by the courtyard, the courtyard was so very heterogeneous, it was a crazy courtyard, god forbid you touch someone, one for all, all for one, back to back, friendship it was like this, among ourselves, let's try so that someone, when passing by, said something, something, about someone, that’s all, this person will remember for a long time that... don’t walk here, the yard taught me a lot, the yard taught me a lot when i i already entered the pike there, it was very difficult for me, because - i spoke so through the word mat, mat i knew better than the french language, anyone, yard,
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yard, yard, yard, yard, yard, everything was there, there was football, there were some girls coming, girls.
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read it, learn it, and i’ll ask you, and i’ll
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put nadezhda mikhailovna on you i listened, and i remember how we came to the apartment of the lakhtangov museum, we were met by nadezhda mikhailovna, she had a wig, she was old, old, well, they kissed my mother, she said, come on, the apartment is beautiful, it’s very big for me. extraordinary purity, so i read what i learned from war and peace, i read it and of course it was disgusting, i was just retelling it, talking, she listened like that, she said, she said, that’s enough, that’s enough, she picked up the phone for a second, listened, she said, dinochka, dinochka, here i have one boy, he is the woman’s brother.
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listen, how to refuse boris evgenievich zakhava, who was the rector, how to refuse
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nadezhda mikhailovna vakhtangova or andreeva, well, it means that i, too, along with everyone else , was accepted through connections. the boris shchukin theater school is a higher educational institution with the status of an institute, but the historical significance of the school has been preserved on its facade to this day. today, pike, as the university is called by its graduates, is spoken of as a unique forge of stars. sbroev is his great pride. one of the features of training future actors in theater school named after shchyukino is that all teachers of the university teach all students, regardless of the course. alexander viktorovich sbruev calls vladimir abramovich etush one of his favorite teachers. how was your relationship with him? strict, very strict, he never laughed, we
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were afraid of him and respected him madly, he enrolled a course of 34 people, in my opinion, but 19-20 people graduated, this was the rigor and attitude to the work that we were engaged, should have mastered it, that is, he eliminated mercilessly, yes, he was strict, fair to him. you could come up with something to get advice from him, telling him some story that worried you, he could also look without any manifestation on his face, then he says: i’ll think about it, i left, but i’ll think about it, i came back the next day , apparently this hooked him, and he called this man over, i said, you know, i thought, here’s what you told me, and... in general, i promoted this whole story the way it should have been promoted, we he
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was madly loved, in my opinion, he had one of everyone... let's not forget! we will return to alexander viktorovich sbruev tomorrow morning. big people, big stories. i, sergey mayorov, will see you on ntv. happily. in st. petersburg, they presented the next stage of the pau-gazprom program for the comprehensive improvement of the city and the opening of the walking excursion route peter’s path with a total length of 2 km from
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the nakhimov school to the minicity art site. the project is inspired by the personality of the first. russian emperor and the history of st. petersburg. in a solemn ceremony the opening was attended by the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov and the chairman of the board of pau-gazprom alexey miller. yesterday we celebrated our birthday, and the gifts keep coming. and so gazprom made a big gift to the city. this is a big route, a completely new route , the path of peter, which speaks about life and the achievements that he made.
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the project was attended by leading researchers from the st. petersburg institute of history of iran. the pedestrian area was paved with granite stones specifically for the route. slabs 84 cm long, corresponding to the step of the city founder. in addition , unique art objects were created, such as the footprints of peter i, made in bronze, and a rastomer to compare one’s own height with the growth of peter i, as well as small architectural forms, sculptural and artistic.
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there was also a place where one could walk, breathe, see, listen to something, read something, watch something, and so on, and we expect that perhaps this territory for the petrograd region could become some kind of urban center events. the social goal of the peter's way project is the development of cultural and educational tourism by expanding the range and formats of excursion routes in the city, as well as increasing motivation to study. history of my native country. the best for today is beyond. because of the size of her lips, the bride cannot marry her beloved groom. i wanted more. i even asked the plastic surgeon if it was possible to twist my lip. oh, how terrible, how bad does that sound? and make them more.
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the future mother-in-law is against the wedding. he started her into the house, first her lips entered, then julia came in, at his place. wife, i want children from her, you don’t confuse professional sex with love, it’s not about sex, it’s beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, hello, where are you? and it’s a secret, but what i have here is cool, i’ll show you now, but i have something better, and
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you have one like that there, oh, you’ll end up here, yeah? we have a secret place, it’s not secret, everyone already knows about sebriz, relax, guys.
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this, uralsip bank, nothing more, good morning, to evgenia neronskaya studio, and i ’ll tell you about the weather for today, the former japanese cyclone has entered kuril. islands and has already come close to kamchatka, there will be the most difficult weather in our country, precipitation, stormy winds, these are the main components of this bad weather. the southern half of the primorye region will be flooded with rain. already another chinese whirlwind, in vladivostok +13, far from the ocean the temperature is rising, the rains are going away for a week, in yakutia it is generally sunny and very hot. in siberia, only baikal in tuva has at least a semblance of a summer mood. the rest is in the power of the arctic. the most unkind weather is in the north in norelsk, wet snow, however, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory it is no better, there rains and temperatures below normal by eight degrees. in the western half it is a little warmer, without
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precipitation, in the urals in yekaterinburg. about 15. in the north of european territory it is already above twenty. the polar regions of the kola peninsula are warming up very quickly. it was a hot july in the northwest with short thunderstorms. in some places there will be short showers in the center. in the volga region, thunderstorms will occur in chebaksary and nizhny novgorod. in the south the weather is unstable. rains and thunderstorms in the mountains and foothills of the caucasus. in crimea only without precipitation. if you want to take a break from the heat, go to yalta, where it’s a refreshing +21. and in st. petersburg. tropical 27 and thunderstorms, in moscow, without significant precipitation, almost 30 and further in the same spirit.
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“400 square meters are on fire in the east of moscow, a production and warehouse building is burning heavily, destroyed equipment and disruption of the rotation of enemy forces. latest reports from the special operation zone and evgeny golovanov’s report on the destructive power of the fiery ones.” the earth from under your feet, what the dream of a house by the water turns out to be for residents of holiday villages in novosibirsk region, well, i also turned on the phone, but turned off my head, an anecdotal story from the usa, this is a program today in the studio dmitry zaboisty, hello, we start with news from the zone of a military special operation, crews of towed howitzers.


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