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tv   Pyos-5  NTV  May 30, 2024 10:35am-1:01pm MSK

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that's it, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you! hello , i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. summer is already on the doorstep, the weather in the far east is appropriate. temperatures are rapidly catching up, and it will become noticeably warmer throughout the region. as for precipitation, there will be thunderstorms in places in the northern baikal region, rainy in the south of kamchatka and primorye, and wet snow in places in chukotka. we have. remains in the forecast for eastern siberia from yamal to the central regions. in the south of the western half mostly without precipitation, this is favored by an anticyclone from the south, it will also bring a slight warming in yekaterinburg, tyumen in chelyabinsk up to +15-20, not much, but still the urals and siberia are still at the epicenter of an abnormally cold air mass. the european territory has already forgotten about the cold weather, preparations for summer are in full swing, a wave of warm air from the caspian region, where now... 32-37 is spreading throughout the entire central
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zone. along the way, the degrees are, of course, lost. the northwest will get only 20-25°. thunderstorms will occur in the skov and novgorod regions in the south of karelia. in kaliningrad areas light rain. large temperature contrasts in the volga region. in izheevsk during the day it is about +20, in saratov up to 32. but the hottest weather this time is in chechnya, there up to 36. in crimea on the coast of the krasnodar territory it is 25:30. in the capitals, rain and thunderstorms are not excluded tomorrow, in st. petersburg in the afternoon 27, in moscow 29. version three, the wife kicked me out, well, not that she kicked me out, unreasonable jealousy, it destroys human relationships, well, tell me, i’m this trash... i’m throwing him out of here, and you and the dog
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are rushing him back, or something, tell me, i won’t be long, this is until the storm subsides, not for long, that ’s exactly why, the right question, i dropped by lyubka with pepper for salt in the neighborhood, for the whole night, so what are you talking about, where am i where all night for half an hour, which is seven times a a week, clearly, just like that, well, the shop stopped by and found it in no uncertain terms? the storm will not subside or until i find a new woman, well, or the desk will not find a new one , our office has started up, nothing, it’s for now the captain, that who is the new captain’s desk, but no need, 2 weeks, 2 weeks, she’ll bring me back, such like i don't fight, it's clear unlike people like... like you, of course, since they didn’t
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abandon you, take your coins and where did you get it, where did you take it, and collected your coins for the exit, i said i won’t be long, wackanhunk, there is something, well, there are onions, potatoes , belishi, why haven't you ever been on a train, but let's... say, what an amazing rug, this is a gift, or do you want to move in with me, where did you put it, hello, day, where is the monster, uh, where am i examined the bodies, it’s commendable, len, he knows that it’s yours... everyone died at different
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times, they died violently, everyone had extreme degree of exhaustion, alcoholism, drug addiction, uh-huh, and in our last victims, 32 non-numerical people penetrating weapons in the database, they lived to see the homeless wars already, by the way, about homeless people, nezdilov is now also a homeless person, i heard he was kicked out of the house, i heard correctly, axis, it 's good that i didn't get married. then they would have kicked you out for the second time, and you maksimov won’t even get married, why is that, and your house is a mess, you can’t bring a decent girl there, well, don’t need dirt, i made a general cloak, threw out all the rubbish, so lenochka, invite me, please, i'm waiting, well, pray to god that i'm with i didn’t make the wrong choice, of course, this is a marriageable groom, so come in. ham, igor, what are you
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doing here, right there. claudia begs you to come home, no, bye, bye, phew, yes , oh, hi, igor, hi, listen, maybe you can help her a little, igor, get on your knees, call first, yes, of course, not yet enough, let him suffer. this is such a method, decoration with rafters, oh, this must be painful, no matter what you are talking about, don’t continue, the body of the second victim was identified, this is sergei naryshkin, nicknamed narco, and gold
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i drank when i was a teenager, then i started taking drugs, my wife left me, i lived alone, well, that’s okay, it doesn’t remind me of anyone, i drank, my wife left me, igor.
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well, i want to say that such a list would last for 10 years, but there is an alternative proposal. dolphin, new season, how could i kill the woman i love? i ’ve been working in the police for so long, i’ve seen enough of this, today at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, premiere, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, well, first we’ll open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank
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every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. well, for the debts, maybe you need to ask the huckster, so what kind of huckster, where can i find it?
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the huckster is the one who pushed drugs to him, now you’re trolling me, tell me, no, i honestly don’t know, oh, if i tell you where they’ll definitely kill me, well, i’m closer, you know, if you want, i’ll give you confidence, early response. igor, this figus of yours attracts more attention than your hat, my, my figus needs bright air and fresh sun, in this area there is neither one nor the other, why don’t you come here with this rubbish, even carry all sorts of rubbish, come out. so where? who? who? where is your boriga? what do you
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think, is he sitting there extracting everyone? drugs, fresh drugs, approaching drugs. do you think i'm a moron? yes, igor. well, that's enough. i know for sure that they should be black and in gold chains. i 've seen this 100 times in movies. well, that's right, okay? it will turn black if there is no sun again. i already have my hands, i'm letting go. we need to ask the local population for help. oh, grandfather igor. no one has met anyone for 300 years, you have to submit an advertisement, what kind of marriage, let’s figure it out, grandpa, grandpa , can you tell me where your dealers sell drugs, he’s so good, you’re crazy, you’re a complete fool, i’m from the police, good job, oops, i realized how i gave it to you on a silver platter with a little blue fagot, finish it now. agency, advertisement, quiet, quiet, where are you going,
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i can’t go there, no, i’m definitely allowed, no one is allowed, privately, in fact , there are no questions to the owner, only to a particular one, a young, promising man at the dawn of his strength, yes, physique, ready to rush towards a new relationship. and igor, igor, call someone to help me, now a second, can’t you see, i’m busy, write it down, a second, uh, now the caller is ashamed, hiccup, ashamed, keeping, you yourself
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are the bottom, lie down. bastards, oops, he said, it’s a dangerous area, well, i gave an advertisement, dictated it, degenerate, what did you let in, yes, that i let him in, i have at least one ahead i have a reason not to kill you... grandfather general, well, live with him, don’t come to work igor, i can’t have his mistress, i hope it’s not you, if you were already a major, i’ll tell you i’m saying, vakhtank, these murders are connected, it’s not a fact, the dealer was selling drugs,
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anyone could have killed him for anything, and homeless people really could have found out about the apartment and killed him at... homeless people in jeeps with machine guns, i would look at that, yes lenochka, there is information on baryga’s phone; the day before he called naryshkin’s ex-wife twice. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. you are silent, like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp. a real sea of ​​taste, only in a tasty way, this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career at alfabank,
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bring your friends and get 15. say discounts, discounts, oh, ozone's birthday sale. weasel washing gel for 749. xiaomi headphones for 2,299, kremlin candies for 499. i am a new vtb loyalty program. choose the categories you need and get cashback up to 25% ruble. thank you, not thank you, but in rubles.
10:54 am
i'm going for a walk in 2024. why are you doing everything? for 355 rubles and for a long time it will continue until june 16 at a delicious spot catching a firebird pyro is not easy, but everyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, viia superstar premiere on sunday at 22 tonight again all night , i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’m hello, great, are you so happy, but i
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started to forget how it happens, well and buy, what's there, what's the name of prostatrikun? also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think so, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how to take something, call , everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i’m off , keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s there to think, be sure to call and order. remember, it's better to try once, than think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex
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based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed when ordering by phone on the screen you... television announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the twenty-third all-russian television competition tefiregion.
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details on the website i don't remember i told you that these murders are connected. so i was just telling you about this. damn happiness. so. come on, get up your asses and free up some space for me. from which one? what date, what date, and here the number one contender comes to me, fell for my marriage renewal, we ’re trying to investigate a double murder, don’t you mind? i don’t mind, double, well, just the two of you in the corridor and investigate, no, igor, either the three of us will investigate your first, or you and your things are on your way out, it’s busy, busy, busy? come in freely , please come in, good afternoon, hello, hello, i’m coming to you according to the announcement, we are waiting for you, it’s you who came to me, take a seat, it’s
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you who came to me according to the announcement, yes, we’re already at home, we’ve already been waiting for you, we’ve been waiting for you , strange, you chose a place, don’t say for the first date, you just need to imitate a woman right from the very beginning, as they say, like... electric shock, but what is this? this is just my hat, the hat is just mine, and this is our evidence, we are drying the evidence, we have a wet murder it's called business, that's what it is, but i thought it was for photography, my first husband was a photographer, but we were separated by a jar of fixative in the refrigerator, and this is your first husband... your second husband went out the window to walk the dog, the dog out the window, funny funny,
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considering that we didn’t have a dog, the third third was, of course, igor, but what about without a third? in general, that’s why no one wants to communicate with me, they call me a black widow, they say that i bring misfortune, so all three of your husbands died, no, no, what are you, all four died, igor, yes, where are you from? you know, huh? in the reports it was, but what does this change something, igor, or did you chicken out, who, who
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chickened out, where is gnizdilov and where is the fear, where, listen, honey, i will definitely call you, definitely, as soon as i serve 15 years for murder my previous wife, well , i’ll rewind the tag and... excellent widow, go to hell, yours, igor, yeah, fifth, what? sixth, seventh,
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hello, hello, police, hello, we're talking about your ex- husband, come in, come in, you're tired, how is everything with you, when? last seen ex 3 years ago on the day of the riot, and that they ran away with him, to put it mildly, he indulged in excess, like you, yes, he drank like a black man, yes, yes, and you abandoned him, yes, you abandoned him, yes, we are with him to the last they were treated with it, they became addicted to drugs, of course, the child huckster, who supplied your husband with drugs, called you,
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i’ll think about it, what’s there to think about, there’s nothing to think about, it’s harmful to think, your chosen one may be just one jump away, you need a profitable, handsome husband , you’re right, but i ’ve been divorced for so long, yes, i’m kind of like that too, no, i’m not his, i’m not his, i didn’t mean him, he has an apartment and he has a dog. yes,
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someone only has a ficus tree, oh, look, a naked woman, look, quickly, tell me, your husband had enemies, no, no enemies, no friends, not women, there weren’t even women, the trouble is, it’s not me i understand that women are so attracted to you that you should start a home for yourself too. i’m an animal, you see, the dog is appreciating me, but what does it have to do with it? it’s just that women see in your impudent gaze your big, square ones, now you’re bohtanok, why are they square, but how do i know, why do you have large square meters of your apartment, vaktank, come in, where you go, your new grandfather is waiting for you, just
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like that, vindali like... i have an unprecedented dump, yes, klava will still wish that she kicked me out, of course , what, what, what, what, i’ll ask the extra ones to hang themselves, igor, i’ll be as silent as peas against a wall, for sure, and i’m going to the master class, to the master class, okay, in 2 seconds, after me, come on, yes, lenochka. no, i can’t now, len, well, in 15, well , tell me, where are you going without me, i’ll tell you i’ll tell you later, no, you’ll tell klavya, i can make a video for you, you’ll shoot a video for klavya, come here, hello,
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hello, i came through an advertisement, i came. to get acquainted with my bright, cultural, original personality, self-existent - it ’s like being alone, the ad states that you are not satisfied with your gender, absolutely, absolutely my gender does not suit me, i hesitated to sleep on the floor, well, we are adults, let’s move on straight to sex, no, to yours, to your zhel area, zhel area? and the advert contains a wonderful apartment, yes, but you have so many books, why? we’ll devour it, we’ll devour the books, we’ll hand it over to the molukatur, and there’s also a dog, we’ll burn the dog, we’ll hand it over to a chinese restaurant for the vietnamese, it didn’t work, a bacchante, that’s it, no master classes, that’s it, don’t bother me with building my personal life, you don’t understand yet that she is hunting for your living space, you are a greedy mercantile creature, i am crap about
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such a dream. i warned you, so i’m warning you too, if you interfere, i will live forever in this office at your table, i will wash my feet there, sleep, eat and fry herring. powers of attorney for the apartment, powers of attorney, yours, mine, and mine yours, as a sign of our extreme closeness, calling to me, it’s somehow strange,
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oh, lord, i, i’m ready for anything, where, what, here you go, ah now, now, now turn it off. light, i'm shy, hi, oh, i'm sorry, well, did anyone fall for the ad? oh, of course, one inconsolable widow came, and grief. well , that’s right, there’s no need to rush, it’s dangerous to make a mistake in such matters, especially the second time, i absolutely agree with you, we have something on the case, well, all the bodies are from the forest
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the cemeteries were identified, everyone was killed, each of them sold an apartment shortly before their death, moreover, the deal was formalized by the same notary, well... so we went, absolutely, i agree, igor, what, are you not alone here, or something, alone, then i’ll turn on the light, it’s not necessary, it’s late, oh, i shouldn’t have, but i really shouldn’t have, let everyone watch how we work, yes igor. “please tell me, dear, you don’t need to go to the notary right now, you don’t need it right now, you don’t need it, thank god, otherwise we’re going to interrogate him already, yes, let’s do it without me this time, otherwise i have no business being a child, yeah, and
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where is your fiancee, she put me on the spot, and deceived me, oh, she stole the power of attorney for the apartment and ran away" well, why should you worry - well, you don’t have an apartment? yes, i don’t have to worry, you need to worry, you don’t have one, i wrote a trustee for yours, well, that’s not the worst thing, she stole the clothes too, yeah, guess what ? i swept everything, i swept everything, bitch, i didn’t even leave my panties behind, listen, how you got me, honestly, this rug alone is too much for me. who came from nowhere, the other is making a power of attorney for someone else’s apartment, degenerate, phenomenal, boor, i don’t have spare panties, a redneck, so uncle, that means i’m going to
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the notary, you stay with the elder, you make sure that the wheels are not removed from the car, i understand, soon i’ll be back, what is it, or did you think that i wouldn’t see him, that’s it, forget about him, i said, for a long and eternal... memory of murad from his daughter natasha, maybe she will be the closest to you in your life and dear. since childhood, leah dreamed of meeting her sister, whom she saw only in photographs. i found this photo in my grandmother's album. i was
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about 7-8 years old at that time. at first no one told me, after a while they admitted that this was my sister, and also the story of irina, who has been looking for relatives for 30 years. i've been searching for 30 years. biological mother, and anyone else, well, if there are any relatives, my adoptive mother did not tell me anything, i contacted the baby’s home, they told me that the data was not available. zaks appealed, there is no yes either, this is the strength of our project, to do the impossible, wait for me tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. you locked us all here, why? let's play a game. colimbo, only in the okka online cinema. everything for the marinade.
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the murder of the head of the threatarechensk, we are from police, we have a problem again, you know, who could know the location of the cameras, who is the one who wears the shoulder straps, you buried your loved ones, it’s time to deal with the living, the pack, weapons on the floor, i won’t repeat it twice, today at 22:10 on ntv . hello, hello, police, please come in. here we are investigating a series of murders, coffee? no thanks, i don't drink tea, how can i help? here i have a list of notarial transactions that you executed, please check, yeah, there,
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yes. uh-huh, indeed, i executed these transactions, everything was legal, you just understand, that all the owners of the sold apartments were all killed immediately after the transaction was completed, so what is the question, do you suspect me? and you seriously don’t see the connection between the sale of the apartment and the murder. are you married? what turn of events in the divorce, and what? great. do you think? do you have questions for zaks? but no, i just have the least number of questions, right? so
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the notary only checks documents and certifies transactions? everything, yes, it got there, sorry, stupid. there is a suspicion that the transactions were not entirely voluntary, that is, you do you think that i beat someone here, and you beat someone here? no, no one was beaten or scared here, thank god, the documents were in order, and if you have any more questions, no, no more, please invite me with a summons, okay, goodbye, goodbye.
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is this like a sabotage of a police car, but you saw and did nothing, or is it your business, don’t let me? god, i’ll know that you did it, i’ll know by your teeth, i understand, why, i’m bright, i’m handsome, i’m cheerful, well, i’m lush, here, i’m spoiling cherries, i’m tomato, raul, the trousers will be here for the winter, yeah, that's it, don't be full, you'll soon get used to it, and come on, laurel, you won't be able to live without me, god, this is a dead end, well, then we'll act according to the old proven method, this is according to what, catching a tenant, and this is like, well, when we dress
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you up as a homeless person, you will run around the city and say that you have large square meters, yeah, all you have to do is wait. the one who will come to push these meters, yeah, who will pretend to be a homeless person, of course you, igor, from what? you'll start from today you have to work off living space, but you don’t need to play and don’t need anything, you’re already homeless, and i don’t have anything to wear, well, that’s okay, four silent guys from the morgue promised to share with you, who is what? maybe you're the fifth, remember? yes, yes, go, you, let's go, ahta, let's go, i'll throw out some water.
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what, what, i’m just thinking, how for... you put the saw back in place, put the saw back in place, your mouth has too many limbs, you’re crazy, shut it, shut your mouth, oh, lenka, well, it’ll hurt, it’ll hurt when i i’ll start tearing off, oh, that’s right, booze, vodka, yes, you need to drink this, this, well, this is for camouflage, this is for external use, igor, of course, i was betting on something else, what exactly homeless people smell like, well, exactly, i think he needs to come up with some kind of incentive, it’s loud, yes, a rattle needed,
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nest, it's too recognizable, yes, uh-huh, diphenhydramine, demidrol, sucks, now you're going to suck, shows your whole essence, yes, that means ordinary homeless everyday life, rummaging through the garbage, attracting attention, telling everyone about... not ate, remembered, whistle, dmit,
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last, yum-yum, what are you doing again, give it here, get out of here and onto your new bed. comrade, why are you burping and burping, intelligent people live here. me in the car with kochak or anti bezokh, a bunch of people,
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yeah, we’re drinking, our dear man, light and a lot of glory, a good day and a lot of bread, as if life had ended right, now, now, now, now. swaying to the ghouls, it’s famously said, yes, yes, who said, brodsky, brodsky, he’ll be with you, no, already, already, already there, oh, no fucking way, fuck it, i also have one friend, narco, his name is. somewhere he's rubbing against you, haven't you heard of this, be careful, because yesterday one bad person
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also asked about him, everything is already, already here, brodsky, there, well, come on, come on. it’s easier, well, well, well, here you guys have nature, fresh air, not like in my apartment in the center, 150 square meters, such a hut, asphalt cars, listen, you need to take salt, why? it helps a lot with dementia, let’s get going, oops, what are you
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doing here? and this is vakhtank, my official place of work, but that’s understandable, who’s with gnezdilov? igor, did you leave him alone? oh, i beg you, what will happen to him? well now coffee i'll finish my drink and check it out. and that’s right, at least she’ll talk to her friends, oh, i ’ll tell you more, maybe she’ll find a bride there and move in with her, or she’ll move in with us, god, god, thank you.
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to all of us, guys, let's sing, this is tocino, goba, let's go, holdey, hey! hello, hello, can you tell me, recently a friend of mine fell out of the back of his car in a black bag, with such funny things, we saw it, but why do you need it, police, but you see,
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he didn’t collect it under cover, under cover? the two of them, without saying a word, they walked forward, from lantern to lantern, both of them became smaller, decreased, an interesting reaction to the word police, he was kidnapped, that brodsky’s lich, you knew brodsky, personally, no, that’s how they kidnapped him, such healthy foreheads in a jeep, their faces were on all the tvs in the country. netka, hot, sexy, sexy. and what tragedies did the tv stars hide behind their smiles? i wanted to run away from the first broadcast. the 4 a.m. bell rings . andrey viktorovich. why did ksenia strizh never become a mother? my mother told me it’s better not to give birth. and where is her visiting son now? he volunteered for the northern military district. how tv presenter archie found out he was adopted.
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my whole world collapsed. and why did his own mother abandon him? the second time, the second time it was much more painful. how much did shark of the feather ilya legostaev earn from the star scandals? it turned out to be a small apartment in the central administrative district. it was easy to get in, but not so easy to stay on. and as tv presenter andrei razygraev, he became related to lera kudryavtseva. how do you like the situation, tell me? fine. secrets of tv stars. in general, i have never scolded masha even once. mom only scolds dad. on saturday at 21:20 a million dollar secret. on ntv dolphin new season today at 20:00 on ntv. i'm going for a walk in 2024. why do you always fly into the past? for my combo. star combo by dasha vereshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16. to a tasty point. you
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fixpro rubber three in one from liamax, sealant, rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface, elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any of them. not afraid of low or high temperatures, safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call and order fixpro three in one from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price, 399 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus, call or order on our leamax website. ru beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle.
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what are you doing here? it's not me, it's a smarochka, get up, go forward, i'm walking, i'm walking, come on, come on, number, no, brand, remember, no, well at least the color, remember? i'll say, i remember, the color...
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let's dig, guys, guys, give me a light to smoke, give me a shovel, well, no, don't, that's it, don't, i've already given up, well done, you're quick. let's dig, yes i'll dig, get it, that,
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hello, i've drawn up a deed of gift, enter here the address of the apartment, your last name, and sign, uh-huh, uh-huh, i'm such and such, in my right mind and sober mind, i'm not can. well, firstly, i’m drunk, and secondly, i already fucked her, what? that’s it, there’s already only one guy there, a dog, and there’s no such apartment at that address, there’s no point in killing, i’m basically trash under cover, what are you talking about?
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comrade noparius, i think i lost it somewhere, probably fell in a hole, let's go back, stand by, don't worry, eh!
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well, yes, very good, there’s a toilet there, by the way, i need to go there, you don’t need to go there, sign already, sign, signed. what are you doing in my apartment? in yours? yes, by the way, i have a power of attorney, and i will now have a deed of gift. hey, sign cheburashka, don’t be wise. gift ears. and two gorillas with guns, and
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i have a power of attorney and two goblins with huge guns, hello, gnezdilov, what are you doing in maksimov’s apartment? klava, klavochka, how did you know that he was here, maksimov said.
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“i didn’t ask about the shots, i hear women’s voices, klava, i gave one apartment to different women, but this is not what you thought, what you said about the apartment, forget about the apartment, it’s not ours, it’s mine, it’s mine, you bastard, you gave my apartment to these, without an apartment”? glory appears, i’m not a male, hi igor, hi, i haven’t had so much fun in a long time. reminiscent of wrestling
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in the mud, although no, more like in a pigsty, believe me, will you? write me a new power of attorney.
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igor, how many were there? two gavrils, two gomblins and two esterichkas, a complex, sailed, tell me honestly, you’re completely crazy, what ’s wrong? who can? no, igor, what? well, please come back to your family. well, where else will you find such a treasure as claudius? by the way, women fought for me; they don’t fight people like me. yes, they just kick you out, silently. well, look,
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you come back home, and there’s a note. igor, soup is on the table. mom, take a rag and wipe it off. i know these jokes, and then he sits down next to you and says to you in a human voice, what says so much? your phone is ringing, so it’s yours, claudia, yes, my love, i’m running, flying, running, yes! okay, so be it, you can keep two of your favorite toys, i said three. dalin,
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well, was the search for your new wife successful? why didn't i look for her? i had one, that's enough for me. wait, gnezdilov told me that you asked for a marriage advertisement. i understood him correctly. yes, for him? well, i congratulate you, i posted your photo and a photo of your apartment. thank you, len, but i’ll get by somehow, it’s possible, that is, you are categorically against women in your house, no, that you’re the opposite, by the way, i even have one in mind, while leonida is on a business trip, maybe she’ll stop by,
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here so, like this. vsinki, ah emsins, what do you want to eat, do you want to eat?
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and in the wild, it is the alpha male who becomes the leader of the pack. he gets the most delicious pieces of prey, mates with the best females, the alpha male in the pack is very easy to recognize, he is always the first to eat prey, i’ve already eaten, and are you even
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going to have breakfast today, tell me, uncle, but at the same time, the alpha male is always the first to fight the enemies, the alpha male, to defend. listen to what i'm saying, let's go, if you don't want to be nice, turn it off. on the bad side, wow,
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what should i wear now, wet or a plane? great, what's wrong, hello for starters, that's it, hello, ass.
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now they're going to eat me, call me, quietly, quietly, quietly, they're aggressive, let him go, let him go, go, go grab your cable, let them eat you both up, hello, i'm so i understand, you’re in charge here, right? let's agree, either in the box, or i heard
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a little grave. well, judging by the corpse, the dogs don't have to be fed today. by the way, your male dog can do the same thing to you. here, lech, the question is, what happened that the dog attacked its owner. limonov, what do i have here? well, let's lean closer. look, a credit
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11:55 am
for my combo, dasha vereshchagina’s star combo for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time. the legend returns, the same one and 100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic, i’m marina kravets, and this is your deepest desire, you’ve thrown them far, but it’s ozone’s birthday, i want perfume and shoes, and a bigger closet, but maybe you will always be in ozone advertising, maybe, tell me the discounts. about ozone's birthday sale. children's costume mika yumi for 509. pet pride filler for 359, laptop for 3799. one day, a small mole appeared on the tanned shoulder of agronomist alena. alena didn’t notice her, and the mole got herself a girlfriend, and then another and another, and
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alena’s husband nikolai noticed this and said: “i love her so much.” all your moles." he didn’t know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer. well, i mean, this list here would take 10 years, but there is an alternative proposal: dolphin, new season, how could i kill the woman i love? i ’ve been working in the police for a long time, i’ve seen enough of this, today
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at 20:00 on ntv where are you going to hell, what’s going on there, he thinks that he’s the leader of the pack, you dress impressively, but he got himself a girl, he just won’t admit it. , a girl, and her eyes were running, you see, she’s nervous, a clear sign, maybe we let's work for a change, by the way, we can work for a change, okay, let 's work, cause of death, severe blood loss, as a result of numerous wounds from bites, the face is disfigured, you want to see, we have already seen, the identity has been established, yes, zhanna lopatina came, identified her husband , his clothes, the tattoo is the same as her husband, lopatin konstantin sergeevich, 50 years old, businessman, in general, everything is more or less clear with him, but with dogs
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it is much more interesting, sydnofen was found in the blood of animals, the substance increases aggression, or they added it to the food, or... they did it, which means we have a premeditated murder, hands, elena nikolovna, give me some pills for... yes, these dogs make me so confused, i can’t sleep, i'm going to have nightmares, you're an asshole, damn it, it'll do, it'll do, it'll do, fill up five cans, or sell it, he's just afraid of corpses, since vinevidych came, saw him and puked, ours, by the way, if his wife is still here, we should interrogate her , well, maksimov will interrogate, we have a specialist in girls, i can’t deny myself for fun, the dog is following me,
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people often become victims of dog attacks, so it is important to know the signs of increased aggression in animals, flattened ears, a gaze, a guttural growl, a pose that indicates readiness. to the jump, come on, sit down, fuck off, fuck off, i, who did i tell you, fuck off, get away from me, come on, come to me, your dog is aggressively upset, fuck off, whoever you told him to, ears pinned to a guttural roar - these are obvious ghosts of aggression, and what is this, is this zhanna lopatina, yours or what? wife of the deceased, yes, yes, what are you doing, how can you do this,
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these same creatures killed your husband, everything is fine, i’m not afraid of dogs, i’m still in shock that our dogs attacked kostya, yes, i’m also in shock, what’s on the bone, by the way, haven’t you noticed in your dogs , a close look at the wrung-out ears, or are there different postures that would indicate readiness for an attack, will the dogs have to be put to sleep? yes, no, no, igor nikolaevich, no, no, someone injected your dogs with a drug that increases aggression, but now it’s no longer scary, your husband couldn’t have accidentally mixed up the drugs, no, yes in principle, we don’t have such drugs in the house, yeah, tell me, who do you think could have given the injection, but i think i know, german,
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m, queen of spades, german, prokofiev, and the composer, a veterinarian, he looked after our dogs, and two weeks ago kostya fired him, for which kostya fired him, huh? it turned out that he was in prison. well, where can we look for this hermann and composer, your good dog, ours! hermann prakofiev, why are we sitting here? if you want to be a better nester,
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then run! stape, i took you, where, here, save me, this is a mad dog, i know, now, wait, i’ll encrypt myself so that he doesn’t recognize me, but he’ll recognize me by smell.
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yes, get rid of your flea bitch, lopatin’s murder, well, i heard it on the news, but i don’t know about it yet, i quit my job a long time ago, i was fired, oh, yes, i beg you, well, stealing dog food is not murder, so why did he run then , i sell stray dogs to suckers under the guise of purebred, purebred dogs, well, this is not a crime, this is a humanitarian mission, in
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the end stray dogs are found. sednafen was found in the blood of dogs, i did not i know what it is, well, give it to your dog, yes, and you ’ll talk here behind bars, wait, wait, wait, well , don’t, take it, he’ll eat me, but take care of it, i ’ll tell you everything, talk, well, i admit, about i knew the drug and stole the food. i was in prison, but i didn’t kill lopatin, and his wife pointed at you, but you believe this witch more, she hated him and generally cuckolded him regularly, that’s it, you goat, fuck you, think about it, he said to chain me, yourself to the fence, like the dog will take it for itself, and you
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believed, and i am gullible. lyosha, give me a grenade, i ’ll stick it in him, and take away your dog, this idiot, lyosha, there’s so much to desire, and what do you want us to do, and i’ll tell you where zhana meets her lovers, she goes and does it. would you like to tell me about your new girlfriend? how did you guess that i don’t want to? you don’t want it, because you don’t, although every normal man should have it.
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well, what if it happens, igor, a sleepless man, i don’t care, he exchanged a fur coat from a thief, now all the dogs are afraid of me, germaney, he gave me a sour discount for a joke on the fence, interesting wolves came from a rabbit. dogs love rabbit meat, they grab you by the neck, fracture of the vertebrae, death, yes, that peepul under your tongue is a rectal outcome, and don’t envy me, the mourning didn’t last long,
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hello, so what now? arrest me for being happy? well, of course, you now have complete freedom, lover, right next door, and money from a rich husband just arrived, you know, you have to be so openly jealous. honey, wait for the car for me. do me a favor. lopaten was a rare asshole and he constantly cheated on me, but he to me at all. i left it, you can check it out, but you have no reason to detain me, well, let’s admit it, or croak, nice fur coat, my grandmother had the same one, these are not your grandmothers, they came in vain, she has no motive, well, in vain well, at least we feed the dog, what?
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run, rabbit, things weren’t going well for this lopatin, look, the tax office gave him a fine, i think that’s what ruined him, do they think that his wife managed it a little earlier? i didn’t understand why the hell this would be done on my chair, but let’s bend it onto the floor of your cable. can you hear you, come on, get some sleep, get some sleep, i told you, that’s it, that’s what it wasn’t, you see how i’m glaring, he hates you for your cheburek, and so,
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why is he living on me , well, pretend to be dead , dog. well, you must admit, maybe she didn’t have a motive, until she didn’t, lesh, why are we lying, let’s blow ourselves up, hold your dog,
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i’ll give him a reassuring blow, can’t you see that he’s not unstable, he’s he’s nervous, he’s at the end in the end, he’ll take something and bite something off from someone, so come on, get your ass over here, what? what such that it’s not bad, by the way, about corpses, find 10 differences, it seems like we don’t have a lopatin in the morgue. the photo was taken 2-3 days before his death, well, it’s very similar, it’s not surprising that the wife was mistaken, i mean, well, i mean, they’re really very similar, if not for the details, and if it’s not
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lopatin, then who is it? , if it’s not shovel, then where is it?
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dolphin, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. sinoden - ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna, wait, where are you going with this? once? no time for girls. my grandson took me to music. i’ll drop by home, now i’ll feed the cat and go back to pick up my grandson. look, it's setting a record. in the morning, the grandson goes to the garden, then. social security, then to the post office, grandson from the garden, music, evening scandinavian walking, and also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, these are the kind of joints you need to have in order to live on the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, exact terminator, liquid, an ordinary person ’s legs would have broken long ago, his back, and i ’m telling you, her means are from the future, there’s no other way to explain it. sinoden - ease of movement.
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call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinoden. everyone who calls our line when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge. in this case, you don’t even have to pay for delivery. yes, yes, you heard right, delivery is also free. okay, let's go home. oh, petrovna. the girls are scratching the ski track back for their grandchildren, by the way, and you just ask her in between times, what kind of sinoden is this? call now for more details information about the drug sinoden, because today anyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you do not have to pay for delivery, order the sinoden course directly from the manufacturer right now. by number on your screen, without any assessments or commissions,
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remember, delivery is also at our expense. sinoden - ease of movement. meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. the twenty-year-old guy was shocked to the core when he learned that his uncle doubted his relationship with him. i'm never seen before, and he said that he wants to do a dna test, and his mother claims that his uncle has good reasons. not to recognize the nephew, because of the inheritance, before the death of the mother-in-law, the husband’s peace, he wanted a house, probably something for his son, but the uncle insists that the brother himself admitted to him that he was raising someone else’s child, the brother was in prison at that moment, i said you have a son, he immediately answered sharply, i don’t have children, who is mistaken in blood relationship, mother or uncle, who is the guy’s father, dna test for me now i need to find out... the truth, then it turns out that i will
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see my mother less often, or maybe even refuse, i didn’t have anyone, he didn’t deserve to be dropped at that age, i open the envelope dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, it seems that your version is confirmed, lopatin had a broken arm, and this man has no signs of a fracture, but he has an artificial joint. there are thousands of people with artificial joints, and here there is a serial number, using it we can find out where and to whom it was installed, hold on, go to the nesting area, train, dear, i have here...
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“hello, i have one problem here, i, that is, one of my friends, a good one, my best friend, is being chased by a shepherd dog, and my friend needs a convulsion, what to do about it, things are bad for your friend, so tell him, the fact is that there is one thing about sheepdogs, yeah, they remember people who did something bad to them and take revenge on them, hey, how long have they remember this bad thing all their lives, you know, give me what you have, the most dangerous thing from dogs, for me for a friend i don’t mind the money, no money, take
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this repeller for starters, if for starters it’s prone, that is, my friend, that’s all... there’s also a spray that repels wild animals, yeah, beaver stream, the stream will go, give me two more of these, yes, absolutely right, this joint was installed in our clinic. but i can’t give you the client’s information, you don’t want to help the investigation or don’t know, i know, but i don’t have the right to violate medical confidentiality, i heard,
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don’t put pressure on me, but what are you afraid of? tell me, is the client also dead? what if the rest find out our clients prefer privacy. what, what is this? beaver jet design, what a nightmare? naturally, even bears are afraid of the beaver stream, but you dog igor, you’re more of a wolf than a bear, and by the way, i forgot
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to warn you, this... here’s my colleague, and he’ll take care of this matter, if you don’t cooperate with the investigation, that means so, judging by the number of the joint, uh-huh, it was placed on a certain dmitry karchuk, the patient died after the operation, heartbreaker, where is the body, and the body, body, body? the body was taken by nephew timur, and where is timur, i told you, i have everything ready, well , yes, let’s go, i’m waiting, and the girls have arrived.
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hello, it’s like i called the girls, well , the boys have arrived, oh, how, that is, there’s no way without foreplay, yes, well, go ahead, i ’ll please you now. but let him go, let him go, let him go, i say, let him go, i say, well, let him go, let him go, that's it, that's it, that's it, i give up, come on, stop, that 's wrong, not for you. wake up,
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why did you run away? so not from you, from your dog, yeah, too, tell me, you’re unemployed , like, yeah, yeah, yeah, you decided to retire early, retire, how good it is for us pensioners started to live, but there were drugs, there was so much expensive alcohol, and again i wanted to call these girls, the question is, why is all this? so i received this inheritance from my uncle, i sympathize, a long time ago, he died, uncle, recently, i’m
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the only relative, uh-huh, he took the body, buried it, where, why do you need it, uh-huh, uh-huh. i'll show you, i'll show you, i'll show you, i'll show you, come on, when are you going to tell me about your future wife? lyoshka, let me tell you about my ex, about my current one, i know everything without you, i washed the car, i washed myself, finally, this is lyoshka, my natural smell, by the way, i can smell it too, the smell of a corpse too, you bastards, disturb my uncle’s peace. this stinks to me, and by the way, this is an expensive decalon, why the whole
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bottle, igor, well, the main thing is that it doesn’t smell like a beaver, calm down, now you ’re talking to me, i don’t understand, your friend seems to have fainted. let’s open the coffin, open it, open it, but where is uncle, i don’t know, no, i sold him, what, what did you do? i sold a new life to the fund, can you imagine, lesh,
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what’s going on in the world, people are selling their uncles’ funds, it’s the end of the world, that’s how i get money they offered, i sold it, and the money, listen, new life is a fund where lopatin transferred all his money, so let’s visit this fund, huh? maybe we’ll push the nest over there for money, hello, what a beautiful dog, yes, and you’re fine too, but for some reason we’re here about murder. yes, this is some kind of joke. do you know konstantin lopatin? lopatin,
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of course, donated money for animals, but he disappeared somewhere and does not answer calls. of course, he was killed, he is ungrateful, an animal, and the body was either replaced, or sold, or a complex story, yes, i don’t allowed me to take pictures, i won’t answer your questions without a lawyer, security. you know, we wanted to contribute money to your fund, but now we’ve changed our minds, but we ’ll be back, come, just don’t forget to take the order with you, and new trousers, girl, they’re jeans, very expensive, your chinese bullshit doesn’t work, give me something -something more solid,
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more serious, there is some kind of device, a shocker, a thunderbolt, it is used on safari to take down elephants and rhinoceros, i think it will be enough for your dog, oh, oh, this is it, so give me more an ax, and a chainsaw, the best defense is a fall. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. influencer of god, the first catholic saint among the millennial generation, for which the pope decided to consti. fifteen-year-old teenager, did he really heal people during his short life, continues to do this even after his death, microplastics will now be inherited, this rubbish that pollutes water, air, soil, scientists are now finding in men in the most intimate places, yes, those that are responsible for the offspring, does this mean that the children of the future will consist of plastic, or the future
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the whole family will be very happy, discounts up to 50% we deliver supermarket vegetables and herbs in 30 minutes. i enjoy being different. fill your summer with bright looks. to azon. because of the size of her lips, the bride cannot marry your beloved groom. i wanted more. i even asked a classical surgeon whether it was possible to twist my lip. oh, how terrible, how bad does that sound? and make them more. the future mother-in-law is against the wedding. he led her into the house. first the lips came in, then yulia came in, she has a ninth-grade education, after school she almost immediately began traveling abroad with different men, oh well, who said that, we have an intelligent family, oh yes, a teacher. the woman wants her daughter-in-law to give birth to her grandchildren, and not to remake herself with the help plastic surgeons. i had two lubosuctions, belly, thighs, only in my lips, for the price it will be a good car. does size
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really matter to the mother of the groom? she’s rude , boorish, uncouth, i see yulia as a future wife, i want children from her. you don't confuse professional sex with love. it's not about sex, it's beyond that. today is 16:45 on ntv. this fund is kind of shady, i'm sure they love animals, see corpses, or steaks, judging by the available data, this new life fund helped people escape from problems, well, they provided new documents, an alibi, if necessary, that is , the fund helped lopatin escape, and then they planted the corpse of some leftist person, and the dogs mutilated him beyond recognition. yeah, and lopatin is basking in the sun somewhere in a coconut paradise, they are too lazy to run away from family life, well, you ran away from family life at one time, lopatin pretended to be a corpse, and you were an alcoholic,
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i ran away, max, lena , yes, i got it, come on, the spatula has been started, the steak in the form of a corpse is outside the man’s skin in the house, oh, he’s kind of nervous, i'll fix it.
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forward, bakhtank, well, this time, lopatin, yes, this time it’s definitely him. just the kit of a young killer, yes, a shovel, a hammer, a knife, what’s next, lime, they were going to get rid of the body, what’s on your fingers, watchman, thoroughly wiped off, which means he’s not exactly a beginner, they began to dismantle the car, and then abandoned it, probably someone scared me off, comrade... signs, pay attention to the screen, rear view mirror, often corrected, rarely wiped, lenka will like it.
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no roads, no punishments, i generally prefer it when corpses are rolled into asphalt, or near the casino, or near the strip club, yeah, come on, come on, come here, come here, come on, come on, come here, come on, on you, on, come here, oh, what well, i had to use a chainsaw to get rid of it and it broke? yes, no, this thing is still there, it just doesn’t snort through the wool, yes, well, yes, i’m telling you, stop it,
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don’t you believe it, look, maybe it won’t wake him up, but he’s not sleeping, he thinks, yes, lenochka. well, how quickly, thank you, come on, come on, suspect, got rich, old friend, great, uncle, sash, max, yeah, what fate, so, something happened to the car, with my... only you could handle such an alarm system, i’m just doing repairs for you. i’m no longer interested in car thefts,
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the client left it to that, he went off the hook, well, i didn’t kill anyone, you’re not a bad person, well, it’s unlikely you’d drive a max, well, i stole this damn car, they drove it into the forest, they started dismantling it, i i opened the trunk, and there was this blind man, well, i mean, you don’t have to translate, we abandoned the car, a fingerprint? i
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erased the information, then you guessed it, we’ve been working for a long time, where did you steal the car from? and there with near the office in the park, wait, is this where the new life foundation is, or what? yes, what is this, your friends, well, excuse me, i didn’t know, god forbid, so, i was looking for mushrooms and found a blind man in the car. so, yes, well, that’s how it was, and you won’t give me up, we have your fingers, so let’s wait for your statement, uncle sasha, silence. the coffee is still warm, it’s already warm, well, that’s it,
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it’s all late, so you can go home and check all this, oh well, no, no, no, i can’t work in such a nervous environment, i have to. well, there's no one in my opinion, there really is someone here, but no, there is igor, well, it seemed, well , no,
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otter, i got caught, i’m warning you, i’m from the police, give me your documents, oh you, i see how aggressively upset i am , you see, my ears are pressed back, ready to attack, my gaze is intent, you see, you see my gaze, hey, hey, you, are you alive? dead psycho, venti, tell me!
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you’re about to start a new life, you’re late, i thought you’d come earlier, oh, by the way, let me introduce you to the symbol of a new life, take a closer look, don’t go anywhere. in my ears, and i always decide for myself where and when i should start a new life. do you know what
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can happen from their union? ugh, do you think i have anything to lose? on the way out, i’m alive, quiet, quiet, out, i’m not doing anything at all, wait! it seems like a lie, the case is in the background, everything is closed, oh, what did you do to me, but i practically
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took their bra, go and drive away the nest of your sofa. go, come on, this is called hierarchy in the pack, the last box, all the documents from the fund have been processed, yes, yes, there is, what, yes, what does it have to do with it, in fact the fund is not helped clients rush, as we once thought, they just stupidly killed clients, after taking money from them, that’s also enough for life, right? only there’s no one to imprison, lesh, everyone’s dead, which we’re already talking about, i don’t want to wake up this moron, oh, my god, i ’m thinking, but i’m happy to, yeah,
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the trap worked, it didn’t work. that i knocked down the idea, that i knocked down the idea, superstar, i’ll wait for your names, i’ll wait for your names, that’s right, wine, for all time. for all times, superstar, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, hey, if you are among us, that means you, that means you, that means you are superstar,
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viia superstar on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on... ntv. teeknos park 20 pro smartphone with 15% discount. and a lex washer-dryer with a 20% discount. on yandex market. deposit is the best interest in savings with a favorable rate of up to 16% per annum. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best interest. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. there may be a fight in the knee, a fight in the back, or in the neck. fintalgin. extragel contains the maximum dose substances for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. badik, come out. go out and start a business. with sberbank,
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to worry before a performance? alice of the new generation can do so much. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad, you'll be home soon. soon, i won't be late now. mom. guess who started a new job today? many vacancies are new every day, you will find not just a job, but your place. hemorrhoids prevent you from enjoying life. proctoglivenol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglivenol, your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money?
12:52 pm
“don’t get under the hood, woman, men, don’t slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now, come on, come on, come on!”
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sit, oh, sorry i'm late, traffic jams, and as you guessed, one familiar corpse inspired, and how did you find us, yes, the fund building, right? and take his money, oh, how interesting.
12:54 pm
sailed, come here, listen, let's solve everything in a mozhsky way, how about the cartridges for the horse? but i was surprised, how can i figure it out the way i do, the toadstool to the ground. wait, maybe you forgot
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to fill it with gasoline, maybe you forgot, but it would be desirable, well, hold on. you are alive, oh, alive! mortally wounded, so let me finish you off so you don’t have to suffer, let me finish you off, the stun gun doesn’t work through fabric, but if so, it works like this, yeah, the
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dog will have to shave it. i saw it, a military trick, an enticing maneuver, i’ve seen enough in the series, and where is your gun, terminator, gun, there’s mine
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gun, i understand, thanks for the limonides, you should have stood like that the first time in the office, you should have finished, well, now it’s also not fate, quietly, help, no longer, leshenka, thank you, where is the dog, anfisa’s old-timer in the car, take him away from
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me, go away from me, you vile animal! oh, all the evidence is there, what are we talking about, what evidence? a tuxedo, yes, i bought it, i have the right, the car was polished to a shine, the patrol made me polish it, so. anfisa is from the foundation, she’s a girl, but he didn’t even hit on her, why would i hit on my mistress, who are you? whether you’re angry, whether you have a girlfriend or not, whether there’s a monster or not, come in, don’t be afraid, i’m not
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afraid, by the way, i’m such an accountant.
1:00 pm
a wonderful nanny left, after a serious illness, actress anastasia zavrotnyuk died. they hit the target exactly; in the southern donetsk direction our attack aircraft are supported by heavy flamethrower systems. aggravation in taiwan, what could the tension around the island lead to and how does beijing react to the situation? the main thing. at this moment in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. anastasia passed away today zavorotnyuk, the actress passed away after a serious, long-term illness, which she had been fighting for the last time.


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