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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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a wonderful nanny left, after a serious illness, actress anastasia zavorotnyuk died. they hit the target exactly; in the southern donetsk direction our attack aircraft are supported by heavy flamethrower systems. aggravation in taiwan, what could the tension around the island lead to and how does beijing react to the situation? about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. today anastasia zavorotnyuk passed away, the actress passed away after a serious long-term illness, which she recently fought. after the series came out my
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a wonderful nanny, she instantly gained an army of fans, despite the stunning success in cinema, she did not stop playing in the theater and hosted several television programs, but anastasia always called her family her most important achievement; the actress has three children left. april 2019, a long interview with anastasia zavorotnyuk, in which she appears not as an actress, the leading heroine of a gossip column, but as a mother who, during filming , with...
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that this cycle of life, it will continue to twist, twist, twist, twist and something is taken from within, you know, there was some kind of understatement at first, which every day, every morning grew into some kind of painful note, it’s very difficult to get out of the circle of demand and favorite works, so that they don’t talk about social life , anastasia zavorotnyuk, she was not idle, an endless series of roles in the theater, films and tv series, participation in programs as a heroine,
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my puppies are beautiful, well, keep it afraid, thank you guys, great, i let go of everything, everything is like in childhood, girl from astrakhan, the daughter of the documentary director and actress tyuz, she dropped out of the pedagogical institute and rushed off to conquer moscow, the day she woke up famous, the first episode, which made her a wonderful nanny throughout russia, and her duet with zhigunov, which was continued in real life. one of the most beautiful star couples in show business of the 2000s. you don’t know us women, if you lock the door, we ’ll climb out of their window. in an effort to get out of the role of sitcom actress, zavorotnyuk took on heroine roles completely different from the nanny victoria prutkovskaya. this is how the spy daria appeared. and the way anastasia gave her all during the filming of the film apocalypse code impressed everyone who was present on the set. the personnel shoot without closing their eyes. if the film. look
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at us, she shoots with her eyes open, i didn’t expect her to do that, she worked on many television projects, hosted a morning show on our channel, then took part not only in the program you are superdancing, but in the fate of its contestants, for example , with her husband, award-winning figure skater pyotr chernoshov, took the contestant out for a flight just before tarasova, someone should support, someone should help, and a talented person should believe in...
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my father died, my brother died. then, in april 2019 , no one saw or understood that the countdown in her life was already underway. the family did not take everything terrible outside of this house. they didn’t give any comments, they banned it. the director answers questions about the actress’s health, it was the right of the family, so that they know and remember her only as her heroines were, kind, beautiful, bright, like in the movies. today on the ntv broadcast network. changes after midnight air a special edition of the program will be released one day, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk. fsb officers detained four people who were preparing a series of terrorist attacks in crimea ordered by. ukrainian special services, during the arrest one of the attackers detonated an explosive device, but in general the bandits found an entire arsenal, four homemade devices based on american c-4 explosives, a set of small arms and ammunition, communications equipment was seized, they confirm
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the militants’ contacts with kiev regime, in addition to this, the attackers collected intelligence in crimea information about the movements of the russian military guards of the crimean bridge, the defendants have already admitted to preparing terrorist attacks. in the special operation zone, russian troops are pushing the enemy further and further into the depths of the defense. in the southern donetsk direction, motorized rifles operate successfully with artillery support. heavy flamethrower systems provide reliable cover for the assault squad. these machines are equipped with modern electronics and hit without a miss. frontline reporting by evgeny golovanov. once again check your equipment, weapons, first aid kits, walkie-talkies and leave. from the place deployment to... the line of combat contact, infantrymen and attack aircraft do not get there on foot, too far, if possible, while the situation allows, they go there on this mtlb tractor, popularly nicknamed motolyga. driving along a pre-planned route at high
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speed, until the enemy understands what ’s what, sometimes they roll out directly head-on, as close as possible to the ukrainian trenches going into battle. this unit of sakhalin fighters in the vostok group has already stormed more than a dozen ukrainian fortifications, including novomikhailovka, the most difficult line, the enemy had been preparing for several years, creating a stronghold there, an impregnable, so to speak, fortress, our onslaught, pressure, not a single unit could withstand, each assault is accompanied by a drone, all positions are perfectly visible from a bird's eye view.
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ural, but hidden under the awning is the tos-2 heavy flamethrower system, it is much lighter and more mobile than its predecessor, santsepek. the tosochka aims faster and hits more accurately, thanks to the modern automated fire control system, it literally stuffed with electronics. the machine calculates itself much faster than what we do with the help of visola. the machine also calculates weather data, that is, there is no need to enter the air temperature there, it is approximate, it calculates everything itself. the ammunition load is smaller, there are 18 missiles in the package, but their destructive power is higher, thermobaric ammunition burns out everything in an area of ​​eight football fields. in the first car i worked, drove up very close to the enemy, worked, well, i spent 3 minutes, 3 and 2 minutes i was already moving away, well, on this one you can
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stand a little longer and try to hit the enemy more accurately. for the first time, modern tos-2 flamethrower systems were shown at the victory parade in 2020.
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they will also be used at a higher level, thank you very much for your trust, you will fulfill the duties of the ugra governorate district, today this is indeed a very serious strategic region. makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy today, and the primary task, of course, is to continue all the pace of development in certain directions, i think that it can be further increased engineering, social, among the priority tasks in the new post, ruslan kukharok named solving the problems of relocating people from dilapidated housing and creating a comfortable urban environment. russia will stop publishing statistics on gasoline production, the ministry of energy announced. next up is the case. the ministry of energy will stop
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publishing statistics on how much gasoline is produced in russia; the ministry cited the geopolitical situation and said that such information could become a reason for manipulating markets and announced that the closure of gasoline production statistics will contribute to quote: end quote. the tas agency clarifies that only statistics on gasoline production will be classified; this does not apply to diesel fuel. data on prices for petroleum products are also promised to continue to be published. over the past few months , gasoline production in russia has been declining. in january - 3.8 million tons, in february 3.7, in march 3.5, in april 3.4. on march 1, the government banned the export of gasoline from russia, as it was then explained, the ban should support
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stability in the fuel market during the period of spring field work, holidays for scheduled repairs of oil refineries; from may 20, the ban on exports was temporarily lifted. deputy prime minister alexander novyk, on the eve of this decision, said that the russian gasoline market, quote: saturated and even oversaturated. the russian stock market is now trying to maintain the level of 3.00. but still , compared to the morning, growth has slowed down, and what helps the indices turn green is that the ruble continues to move down. the domestic currency has lost support in the form of the tax period, now the dollar is already 89.92, the euro 97.27. the president of the largest russian retailer x5 group, ekaterina labacheva, spoke out against state regulation of prices, in an interview with rbc she. said that, as practice shows, the more the market is regulated in terms of prices, the more manipulation there is in the form of repurchasing
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goods in stores for resale at a higher price. last december , the federal antimonopoly service introduced a bill to the government to prohibit large companies from setting economically unreasonable prices for goods. it was assumed that antimonopoly experts would formulate what, in their opinion, is economically unjustified? this bill arose, of course, against the backdrop of a sharp increase in egg prices, ekaterina labacheva notes that the authorities ultimately did not introduce any regulation of egg prices, and prices themselves returned to normal, but prices increased, continues ekaterina labacheva, due to problems with suppliers, due to bird flu , the number of livestock decreased, due to the fall of the ruble , costs increased, and the cost of labor also increased significantly due to a lack of personnel. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. the united states can use taiwan to provoke china according to
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the ukrainian scenario, the russian ambassador to china spoke about this today. according to the diplomat, washington wants to create a long-term source of tension in the pacific ocean. tension is growing around taiwan; before the chinese military exercises in the vicinity of the island had finished, american congressmen arrived in taipei. ksenia nekrasova, more details. for the sake of guests from the united states in the office of the head of administration.
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the reunification of nations is unshakable. we will resolve the taiwan issue and resolutely oppose foreign involvement in attempts to separate taiwan from china. and no matter who is in power on the island, it will not change the fact that both sides of the taiwan strait belong to one
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china. in confirmation of these words, the prc army sent 28 aircraft to the taiwan strait, which carried out. combat patrols together with chinese navy ships. the topic of maneuvers will certainly be discussed at meeting between the head of the pentagon and the chinese minister of defense, which is expected this week and will be their first personal contact. regarding american military-industrial corporations, chinese authorities announced sanctions against 12 companies and ten top managers. and this blacklist can be expanded if the united states does not stop supplying weapons to taiwan, which is equivalent for beijing. i couldn’t think of anything better than to connect to the meeting that was supposed to take place online and the man
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of this video conference, sitting behind the wheel of a car, mr. haris, are you driving? i'm actually on my way to an appointment with my doctor, so give me a second while i park somewhere. have you stopped? i 'm pulling up right now, just a second, yeah, i stopped. okay, maybe i don’t understand something, is this a driver who has lost his license? that's right, your honor. and he was just driving, and he doesn’t have a license. that's right, your honor. i can’t even understand why he... after this, the judge, of course, was adamant, deprived the offender of his rights, and in addition ordered an administrative arrest. the man was ordered to report to prison on the same day, but it would have been better if he had done it crossover now the word from my colleague valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program . lera, what's on air today? ilya, today we’ll talk about a bet in love about
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the heroes of one of our past stories, then they had a motorcycle accident in thailand, and today. their story became criminal, let's start with the fact that they broke up, it was this fact that drove twenty-six-year-old coach kelvin tan to madness. last night he killed his ex's new boyfriend, and also wounded a girl, a store clerk and a policeman. action-packed events developed rapidly, the attacker hid, tried to escape, and the law enforcement officers even had to open fire to detain the killer. see our release for details. ilya. nalyara, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that's all for now, go to our website, see you. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where
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the questions have yet to be answered , but how legal is its installation, did pavel kuznetsov have any details, where else to test a newly purchased jet ski, if not outside the city on a river event, joyful, the happy owner of the new thing decided to share it with his son and best friend.
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and the deceased businessman, apparently, loved speed, active...


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