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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 30, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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may be a sign of skin cancer, undergo medical examination for free, abroad, she dreams of marrying her beloved, but his mother is categorically against such a daughter-in-law, now we’ll find out why, in the studio yulia koren, hello!
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but please tell me what is in you not from nature, but from cosmetologists and plastic surgeons? i don’t have natural breasts, i’ve had liposuction twice, belly, hips, well , naturally lips, i’ve had them since i was 21, they’ve been around for a very, very long time, well, also lipolytics, botex, cheekbones, everything else is mine, you said before botox, that these are alepolitics, an incendiary that injects into the stomach, well, into other parts of the body, to remove, let’s say, fat that is not needed, your young man also likes to experiment with his appearance, my boyfriend is very modest, we are completely different, so it’s like, well, he’s not against it, but he’s not for it either. how did the paths of such different people cross? i flew from dubai, i was severely depressed, i have a husband there, i had a very difficult relationship, and my friend called me and said: yulia, she says, i’m well...
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the relationship between my husband, as it were, me and the child, i have a child, he will be 6 years old now, and i was not ready for a new relationship, i did not consider anyone. and for a certain amount of time we just we were friends, you said that your boyfriend is younger than you, but he is younger than me, your age difference was confusing, so you didn’t start a relationship very much, firstly, the age difference, i always had older men, why do you there was a tense relationship with your husband, tell us more about him, about your husband, when you met, how your family life developed, we met in dubai, i had other relationships before that, but they were very... yellow, this man, he waited
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for me for a year, i flew from dubai to my country, i had a very severe depression, he was always, well, like a girlfriend, say, on the phone, he gave me 501 roses per... i went to get tested, i found out that i was pregnant, but honestly and frankly, this man i didn’t love him, i couldn’t love him, when he found out about the pregnancy, was he happy? no, he said that i had flown to minsk, that i had spoiled this child, that he would not accept this child, well, after,
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let’s say, the time when i actually gave birth, when he saw a photograph of the child, he immediately realized that it was his son, he's the spitting image there was a copy of just dad, of course, he had already changed the relationship, he started calling to enter, let's... let's try again, let's establish a relationship, i ask you, give me a chance, give this and that, his parents didn't know about it, he i didn’t tell my parents anything, my parents didn’t know when i was pregnant, my parents didn’t know when i gave birth, his friend called his father 9 months later and said: “do you know that your grandson was born?” after that, his father wrote to me, they invited me and my family to come to dubai for acquaintance, wedding we played 3 years ago. things didn’t work out with him, the more i lived with him, the more he annoyed me, infuriated me, because i didn’t love him initially, and that is , it got to the point that he eats, and annoys me, i want to leave from home, and he also said the phrase that if you ever leave my life, tell your son that i died, that i’m gone, i don’t need this child, but
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something was the last straw, why did you decide to get a divorce , i decided to get a divorce already when my boyfriend married, and flew away, yes, but flew away. after the wedding there through in a month or two, because i was supposed to have a classic operation, but you said that you got divorced because you had a young man, this is the man you are with now, how did it happen that for his sake you they left my husband, in fact, i realized that well, that i miss him, i miss him, i want to see him, and my ex-husband easily gave you a divorce, by the way, you now maintain a relationship with him, he communicates with his son, your the young man has found a common language with your son, and very well, they are like friends. your did the young man introduce you to his mother? yes, she invited us to her place for dinner, we didn’t, she wasn’t rude to me, she wasn’t rude, but she had, you know, such an expression on her face, as if you had come here, who invited you here anyway, i have a son, my favorite, pretty , and you,
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here you are, here you are, you, well, you’re not suitable for him, like, well, you know, she’s her teacher, she was immediately interested in what kind of education, what do you do, what did you graduate from, how much education and what behind? and i finished nine grades and entered college, in my second year of college i dropped out because i decided to go work abroad, earn money, i had the choice of how you studied in college, and i studied to become an entrepreneur in clothing and visual production, what were you doing when you quit college? i was the original striptease teacher, it was at the age of 21, i went to work in thailand, after that i already went to pazi, i already worked as an administrator, in nightclubs, as an administrator, in a restaurant, in different... at 21 in thailand i originally injected lips, six months later i injected my lips again, they injected it and enlarged my lips, yes,
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for several years i only injected them with 2 ml, almost every month and a half, my lips already reached almost to my nose, they were very large, you can give beauty injections, you can enlarge your lips so that it is unnoticeable, moisturize, but we do this, say a milliliter there once a year, because this is a drug that is given for quite a long time, and it does not involve frequent injections, that is, it does not have time to degrade, that is, we add, add, that is, the drug, moreover, it scleroses the lips inside, yes, it causes fibrosis when the tissues overstretch, and this gel... will be integrated there, in principle, it, of course, can be removed, but this is very unsafe, sometimes the injection itself, as patients say, splits the drug, so this splitting can, in principle, even lead to an anaphylactic reaction and death, and if injections are given as often as julia
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does this, what can it lead to, this can lead to any consequences, ranging from allergic, starting from vascular, because what is a gel, it is a molecule that attracts, the amount of water, and the more we introduce this drug, the more the number of water molecules is attracted, which causes swelling, this swelling slows down we have the action of blood vessels, lymphatic... vessels, all this leads to such constant pastiness, swelling, disruption of tissue trophism, this can even lead to necrosis - of the lips. yulia, is there really no one for you? did you say that you shouldn’t embellish yourself so often? i was told, to be honest with myself, that i already had a monkey face on my face, somewhere i understood that it was so, but when you prick your lip, you initially get swelling, when the swelling starts to go away, it seems to you that you have them well, they really deflated, they became small.
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the idea is significant for a person, if for some reason a person does not enter into this dependence, he is very nervous, that is , it is a withdrawal syndrome, if yes, no, for example, surgery or there is no time for this, and most the main thing that our participant says is that there is more and more of this in her life. julia, when did you switch from injections to surgery? when i first came to dubai to work, even before robert’s pregnancy, i lost about 10 kg in a month. my natural breasts were about the third size and they just, let’s say, shrunk,
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shriveled and sagged, but for me it became such a rather tough complex, in dubai they offered me the option of either getting implants or filling in gel, but this is almost the same gel, which is in implants, and almost like in implants, but this is already without implants, at that time i, like, i won’t say that i’m a fool, but i’m a fool, because i thought about what i’d do, well, it turns out as in volume, so roughly speaking, my breasts became one and a half sizes larger, which means that when they immediately poured them into me, and the size was beautiful, chic, after a month, of course, they shrank, and it seemed to me that i needed something it’s not enough, i ’ll add something else, i went for correction and poured in the same amount, but the second time i i’ve already poured this in, this exact amount... it’s exactly here, that is, well, it hasn’t gone anywhere, it’s spread out exactly as it should have been, throughout my
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pregnancy it increased, that is, my breasts became about size six , in the last months of pregnancy i had a hard time getting out of bed, my back hurt like hell, it seemed to me that i didn’t want anything, nothing to get up, i gave birth to a child when the child was about five or six months old and the gel sagged and my breasts practically there was probably no milk on my stomach they allowed me to breastfeed the baby right away , in the hospital they gave me after i... gave birth a pill to stop colostrum, when the baby was five or 6 months old, they sent me for an mri, after the mrt they told me that he said: girl, she says : if only a little more, you would have gotten oncology, i have a gel that was downloaded, it migrated to the axillary zone, plus on top of everything it began to migrate to the side, well, like the pancreas, that is, to the side there, they told me, more if, well, roughly speaking, six months or i wouldn’t saved, it would have ended very, very badly, this gel migrated, it became... this size, so that you understand, balls, that is, you touch the chest, you understand that everything is in balls, they started
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to hurt, it was very painful as hell, it was very unpleasant, it was fragmentation that happened to her and the capsule there, yulia, but how did you manage to survive at all, and what could be done, you had to do something with the load, you had to install implants already, how to survive, that’s the goal, i think i started looking for a clinic, i was looking in i was looking for a doctor in russia, abroad, i had a lot of refusals, what to do with these balls, how to cut them out, how... no one understood, and then the doctor whom i initially contacted, he called me and said that he says: yul, he says, i talked to a friend, he says, go see him, he says for a consultation, he says, get a consultation, and i just, to be honest, i was very lucky, i also came to belarus, thanks to this doctor huge, he says i’ll take it, the first operation was performed on me, i had a very stretched breasts, they cut me out and trimmed the skin, and twisted the pocket for implants to, well, remove all this unnecessary stuff. the first implants i had were 750 ml, and they were installed on me, but after a week somewhere
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, the pocket that they sewed up opened up, my implant began to peek out, that is, i would have walked around for a couple of days, it would have just disappeared. the gel that they cut out and pumped out fell out of me, it was still under the skin, which they could not get out, that is, it floated out, well, how it came out, he began to put pressure on the implant, the implant began to move somewhere and it just, that is, well, it started , it didn’t... i had to do another operation, they operated on me urgently, they got me all the implants, in the same operation they removed everything from me, they removed my nipples, they cut out my mammary glands, everything that a woman has in her breasts, they removed it all from me, i... just had a piece of skin left, he says, if necessary, there will be another operation, if suddenly, well, roughly speaking, something will come of it, because after this i operations, when they removed everything from me, i walked with these tubes, i had two of these barrels here, firstly, it was, it was a terrible stench, it stank, through these tubes, i walked with these tubes for probably days five, every day to him, they just filled up, they drained them, they drained this one
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anyway, this is what this is, roughly speaking, the gel that i had came out, they drained it after six months. it turned out that when they put the implants on me, one stands straight, the second one starts to move, and there you can clearly see the bottom layer, which is under the implant, as they say, there is a pocket there, which is twisted from the skin, it is also on the implant, that is, it does not hold, the implant just moves, he says, we will take it from you - well, the layer of yours pump out the fat there, he says to pump it under your breast so that the implant stands level and so that these layers that remain stretched under the implant, in order to fill them, they did that, but i still have an operation, let’s say, not the last one, i have i still don't they finished it, i don’t have nipples, i don’t have areolas, i still have an operation, which is figuratively, this should be the last operation that needs to be completed, but how will they be made from their own skin, with special forceps like , they stitch it up and create a nipple from your skin, make a nipple, artificially imitate it, it will basically be the same nipple as that of ordinary women,
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it will not be the same, it will be without sensitivity, it will be just a piece of skin, but i don’t maybe sensitivity, i’ve already had everything removed there, but in my case there's nothing. how many operations have you already undergone to correct the consequences of introducing the gel into group four, this is not the end, here is the fifth, which, well, i still need to do it, i want to say that nothing is over yet, the gel, this foreign substance, which is introduced, it spreads everywhere, between the milk ducts, everywhere into the glandular tissue, and is naturally cancerous. even the lips, when you inject very little of this drug, it seems that this acid should be absorbed after six months a year, and especially in the nasolacrimal furrows, it is still migrating, it is found after 5 years, after 7-8 years, this is when we inject 1-2 ml, but here the gel is in liters and it migrates, why none of the surgeons wanted to get involved with this, because it is immediately
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clear, that a multi-stage operation, and what yulia described, there were some lumps, here are some... lumps - these are ordinary heliomas, that is, the body protects itself in this way, it limits, this gel tries to surround it itself, but rejects it and how the tripe is so dense, it’s like a sack of potatoes, someone describes, it’s good when it comes out superficially, but the tissue melts, and if infection occurs, there may be a breakthrough into the chest cavity, into the mediastinum and melting of large vessels and there may be death, so it’s just, well, this is...
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a patient who, in addition to this, has some foreign substance that should not be there, of course, this complicates the task, in this case it would still end with the complete removal of the breast tissue, but unfortunately, even with complete removal of the breast, there is a risk of developing breast cancer always exists, because the cells still remain, it is technically impossible to remove everything, how does yulia’s father feel about her passion for plastic surgery, is he embarrassed by his family... i really didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me, because i understood that everyone will be sorry, in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk, there is such beauty in life and it is so precious, all together,
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i was going crazy, i didn’t understand anything at all, where i was, crazy, but she ’s mine, after you there’s always something in the channel, help, i was completely confused by what was happening vocally, viia superstar, premiere, and i i can’t lie, i’m lying, i liked it, this is my subjective, i’m now i'll reset it. this is beyond the bounds of a woman who does not want her only son to marry his beloved, to whom everyone turns
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around. julia, but did those guys continue to experiment on their bodies? that’s right, i had liposuction of my hips, but when i went for it i realized that i just have a figure like a decanter, that is , like this, and they always explained to me very strongly that i don’t know how to say it, like my ears figuratively, here well, they didn’t bother me very much, i’m very, well, let’s say, there will be over-mornings, when i already realized that i was blowing my dress, it doesn’t annoy me, that is, i need to remove them when i went to the doctor, he explained to me what it was like, that it would be a pouring out of fluid. he says that you will have a collection under anesthesia, that’s when i had this operation, i have about 3 liters of what they pumped out of me, but it’s a lot, you can’t remove so much at the same time, a cavity will definitely form, there will be long-term orphans, you know , i was warned, but i, since i had already gone to this doctor with breastfeeding, i tearfully begged him, i asked for at least two or three, so that they would collect it from me, but you weren’t afraid that there would be
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the same terrible consequences as. .. with breasts, you know, i didn’t think about it at that time, now, julia, i agree with the opinion and conclusions of my colleagues that you are now really on the verge of the inability of your body to pull out, remove all this history, yes, all these experiments , today we place such emphasis on the area of ​​the mammary glands, and i sit and, as a doctor who understands the whole body, i have compassion for... the liver, heart, walls, vessels, arteries, in which some signs of atherosclerosis are clearly already developing, due to the constant effects of aggression on body and folk substances, this is not necessarily oncology of the mammary glands, it can shoot out wherever possible, the immune system, yuleka, she is just going crazy now, i already understand that an autoimmune condition can develop there, this is
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such degradation, depression, that is, you... will achieve what you want to appear outwardly, but yulechka, listen, everything is dying there, yule, who paid for all your transformations, i, of course, myself, only in my lips alone, i’ll tell you by cost, it will be a good car, that's all the rest is scary to imagine, this is a nice apartment, don’t forget, i had so many consequences, so how many operations did i have, how many implants do i have there, you don’t feel sorry for this money, of course you feel sorry, let’s say, as for my breasts, i already have life forced me to do this, there was no longer a question of money, there would have been any money, i would have paid for it so that the main thing is that it returns to normal, that i am healthy, that i raise my child, that i have nothing didn't hurt, your boyfriend didn't hurt you asked to never stop all this for the sake of, for example, a good relationship with his mother, well , for the sake of a good relationship with his mother, i won’t stop this, but you see her often, no, she calls her son, and they see each other there in a separate area, they come to visit, but only without this one, your young man’s mother
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admitted to us that this was not the kind of daughter-in-law she dreamed of for her only son in the studio anastasia fralova. hello anaasiya. hello. how did your son introduce you to yuli? well, i started talking about how it was time to start a family. the age has already come, already need to have children. and when i told him about this, he told me that i have a girlfriend. i'm going to marry her, i'll introduce you to her soon. then i... he brought her into the house, first the lips came in, then yulia came in, that’s all, then, when we started talking, yulia began to talk about herself, and i found out that she had a ninth -grade education, that’s what she after school, i almost immediately started traveling abroad with different people.
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grandchildren, looking at yulia, at her appearance, at the huge amount of plastic surgery, i understood that they simply won’t happen, but yulia already has a child from her first marriage, you knew about this, by the way, when you met, yes, i also knew that she had a very difficult birth, so, based on all this, i'm just worried about my son's future family. anastasia, but on the other hand, maybe yulia sincerely loves your son as much
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as he does. that for his sake she even broke up with the father of her child, well, you know, she can also break up with my son, as with the father of her child, considering that you would so like it, you just sit and wait for it, let's be honest. teachers, my colleagues are looking through, everyone is whispering, everyone is laughing, all this is constantly discussed, it is very unpleasant, and yulia’s character does not suit you either, no, of course, she is rude, boorish, uncouth, she should sit and be silent, that’s exactly listening to mommy, who about her son and how she wants him to make skirts for her, she doesn’t like that her son lives with me, she doesn’t like that her son doesn’t spend time with her...
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quite sharply towards anastasia
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to her comments and of course , if consider, i want to say that yulia reacted that this might be her future mother-in-law, if she loves her son so much, then yulia is doing this recklessly, somewhere it seems to me that she needs to show her feminine side. wisdom, well, just think about it, the mother of your chosen one, that there is a woman who is me, let’s return to you, before julia your son had completely different girls, yes, when my son was studying at the university, he had a very good girl, then this the girl disappeared, he didn’t want to tell me the reason, when his son started dating yulia, he changed a lot himself, of course, he was very obedient, he was very kind, he was homely, as soon as he appeared... he began to go to bars, began to go to selfish companies, sometimes began to behave very embittered and rudely, julia, your position now is absolutely mine seems
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wrong, regarding your boyfriend’s mother, it seems to me that you are very harsh, i don’t agree with you, his mother, if you speak openly, i know, i also have parents who take a position. he tried to persuade me to accept it, but i couldn’t. anastasia, your son says
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that he loves julia very much and that appearance is not important to him. in the studio ilya savelyev. hello everyone, are you really that much in love? yes, i fell in love very much, i see yulia as my future wife, i want children from her, i don’t see life without her now, i like her as an external, as an internal person, even to some extent it’s a shame that my mother is my only relative , and she doesn’t want to accept, well, you understand what she ’s going through, she really probably wants you and ilya to be happy, mom, i i’m happy, i’m great with yuli, i don’t understand why you’re rejecting her, i’m just worried, aren’t you confused?
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is everything good in this regard? is yulia the closest person to you? well, naturally, probably the closest one is my mother in life, and after that i can be regarded as a girl, of course, my mother raised me alone from the age of 3, my father left us. and my mother carried everything on her shoulders, i was the only child, so all this grew into some kind of more guardianship, and i was no longer 18 years old, not 15 years old. your mother said that you put off getting to know her until the last minute. julia? yes, i knew that i would introduce them, and my mother would immediately begin to have a negative attitude, and why did you think so, because of her appearance, i knew that my mother was an old-school person, she would not accept just a person, because well we are children of the twenty-first generation, we are already different.
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julia, she can give her 5 kopecks. put you in such a way
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that you no longer continue the dialogue, she knows how to put you in your place, she can say the right thing, but she is not like her mother thinks about her, she, mother thinks that this bitch is sitting there, that she wants to do everything, only not for me, i’m saying that no, mom, you ’re wrong, for your son, yulia, what a mother, she raises a child like that, the child wanted to climb on the playground... he climbs, he fell, she says: robert , look, this happened because you acted carelessly, she is trying to immediately teach him from his own mistakes, he saw somewhere a guy had dyed hair, she allowed him to dye his hair, how old is the boy, six, julia, and how did you allow a six-year-old child to dye his hair, well, listen, it seems to me that all children are in some kind of at age, everyone dyed their forelock, well, at least green. i'm sorry, you're an exception, yes, well , at least with something, he says, mom, he says,
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well, you put on makeup, you're there, he says, can i paint myself, i say, son, let's paint it myself, if you want, he went to the playground, there are several children there, he says, oh, your hair is orange, he comes home, he doesn’t say anything, he takes scissors, he cuts his hair like this, he says, mom, and i want to cut it, i already i don’t like psychiatry or psychotherapy, what yulia’s friend will tell you, we'll continue right after the short commercial. brest litovsk - traditions through the centuries. why in the fairy tale about a turnip, here i have it. everyone tried so hard to get her out. what's good about it? straight from the garden. what growing in the garden is useful and what is harmful? is it true that tomato peels can be dangerous and how to prepare the harvested crop? today we are dealing with what is growing. in the garden there is a taste of summer, when
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five. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i’m reading investments, where to invest donated money, investments in the future, i agree, but first we’ll open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares as a gift, it’s more profitable with sberbank with prime, the peculiarity of cancer in fermentation technology, the secret of taste in the broth, and with us it’s like it’s calling somewhere, the dolphin has brought you to a dead end, don’t swim far, then the investigation will have more for you questions, stand the police, well, i want to say, here such a list would last for 10 years, but there is
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an alternative proposal, dolphin, new season, how could i kill the woman i love, how long have i been working in the police, i’ve seen enough of this, today at 20: 00 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, the woman herself doesn’t know how many liters of chemicals she pumped into herself for the sake of her beauty, yulia, your parents allowed you everything as a child, well, they probably allowed me quite a lot, i was the beloved spoiled one a child, but in moderation, that is, i have parents, my dad is ex he’s a military man, he’s so, well, in moderation, but at the same time he’s so very reasonable, and my mother is very calm, homely, well, like that, so how can i say that they scolded me very much there, forbade something , no, now, how do they feel about what you are doing, here’s dad, a former military man, how does he feel? uh, just like that, he says: oh, julia, i have a headache, i
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feel bad, he says, but i’ve already come to terms with it, i’m already on the other side, what will he even say, he’s not a little girl, i’m already kind of well i don’t live with my parents, basically i have my own i’ve been married in my life, i’ve already been married, and what does my mother say, my mother tells me now, think 300 times, then do it, but if you decide to do it, go all the way, to us, your dad admitted that when you hinted to him that you want to get plastic surgery , uh... he thought that things wouldn’t go further than words. dmitry bevzyuk in the studio. hello, good afternoon. did these daughter’s transformations come as a complete surprise? for me yes. for me, it was i who was completely crushed when i saw my, so to speak, flesh, the fact that my young, beautiful body was being torn to pieces by no one knows who. uploading there are different things, between us, different chemistry. and why is this? you needed it, but i see with what pain you are talking about this, what transformation of your daughter you saw first, i saw her lips, she was somehow slender,
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then i see that somehow everything got bigger, then it turned out, like the chest, and then it seemed like the legs, and i told her, why do you, why do you need to wear 25 kg of plaster on your chest, can you imagine what it’s like for women to carry this weight, their back hurts, as i understand it. you absolutely don't like it, i don't you like it, what you are worried about first of all is her health, and you think that she chooses some unqualified specialists who can harm her, whom she can choose, is she a millionaire or something, naturally she is looking where it is cheaper , well , that’s not true, he just doesn’t know all the information, and it’s like my parent, whom i don’t want to tell everything, you know, every procedure by a highly qualified specialist is carried out in surgical conditions, what? touches the chest everything else, yes, as for the lips, of course, like the girl tried before at the girls’ studios, roughly speaking, at home there on
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the couch to inject in the studios there, which are removable, of course i tried, i won’t say that i always went straight to the clinic, injected my lips, no, never to myself they didn’t try to inject, i tried and injected, well, it ’s very dangerous, they seriously did it themselves, seriously did it themselves, there’s a dangerous triangle on the face, there, roughly speaking , you can’t even squeeze out a pimple, like this one here. here the nasolabial triangle is limited by the nasolabial folds, lips, and even if there will simply be an infection, there are no venous valves, and the infection immediately enters the brain, into the membrane, and it turns out to be meningitis, it could be epilepsy, it could be deafness, it could be death, but again, what we are saying now, a qualified specialist will not undertake to make lips like that, good job by a cosmetologist, it’s not visible, i also have acid in my face. but you will never guess where it is, how much there is, that is, he is a good specialist in this, he, first of all, as
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an artist, selects, i agree with my colleague, he would never dare to do such a thing, dmitry, have you ever thought about why your daughter does all this, she is a person who wants to be in the center, she is like fireworks, she is like a torch, small, she kept repeating, i myself , i, i dress myself, toys, something like that, i myself, go outside, i myself, that is, she was already in the mood to do everything she wanted, but you and your wife paid a lot of attention to your daughter, i ’ll tell you the truth, she’s my first-born, my favorite first-borns, of course, but i find it very difficult for first-borns, first-born, because a young family, naturally, the mother paid more attention, or maybe your daughter considered herself ugly as a child, or someone else? and talked about it, what are you talking about? she came to kindergarten and said: i’m slanted, i’m beautiful,
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you liked her as a teenager, of course, because it’s the easiest thing to cut, to put pressure on, and if she went to study, why not stand out from the crowd with knowledge of five languages ​​or a diploma or a phd thesis, stand out with your achievements, education - achievements, well , your achievements in the lips in the butt, achievements what are your butts like? what did you think that i have a record of achievements, i live and do it for myself, girl, maybe she would become an actress, she wastes her energy, her talent on nonsense, she may still have everything ahead, god willing, and maybe this wonderful program will push you to do fireworks in a different way where you want to, but at the same time, the main question, yulia, is how to find balance in everything, how to know when to stop, when we look at what is harmful to health, there is already reason to think, but ... the person himself must come to this thought, we have all already seen that yulia’s emphasis on attention to herself is quite bright,
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and not only in her appearance, but in how... she talks, with what details, in what detail, that is, this is her way of manifesting herself in life, and the way to manifest ourselves correctly in life, in quotes correctly, we each inherit in childhood, and if this was encouraged by the parents as much as possible and was absorbed by the child as a norm, it will continue to carry this norm throughout life as a completely consistent thing, that is, the parents themselves ... it’s practically my fault and i against blaming parents, but if the question is where one could see, of course the question is in childhood. julia, did you like yourself before the transformation? yes, in this photo, how old are you? well, she's a beauty, she's a beauty, just amazing, so beautiful, why? daughter? and very often, by the way, very beautiful girls, it is they who want something
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supernatural, so they transform. the girl in the photo, disgusting, gorgeous, youth, beauty, tenderness, charm, these fireworks, they extinguished the main thing, she became ordinary, she became like everyone else just with big lips, vladimir, which julia do you like better, the one sitting in front of us, or the one in the photo, perhaps at 17 years old i would have chosen the kind of julia she was in the photo, that’s my choice, now it’s yulin’s choice ,
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this is her wish, now yulia is not 17 years old.
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well, well, naturally, with big lips, big nails, eyelashes, hair, and we went to the store with him, at that moment i really felt like a monkey in a zoo who came just to watch, for me then it was very painful . julia, what? does your son talk about your appearance? the son says: my mother is the best, my mother is the most beautiful, he will kiss me 500 times, even when we get there, he says, when anyone looks at me, he says mom, he looks at you because you are beautiful, your son unconditionally loves you, but
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you yourself are not shy, for example, taking him to the nursery. garden to the playground, you go for a walk, you are judged there or photographed from the stretcher, if i come to the playground they sit, forgive me, two, well, there are girls and women, but you come from the village, who they are sitting there with a fat head, they are sitting there discussing me, then who should i pay attention to, who should i be ashamed of, why should they be ashamed, that you are sitting and discussing, but in such situations i can turn to them and tell them not to hang around i have an autograph and why are they all just bothering me right away? they are silent, but you are not afraid that when your son grows up, he... will become ashamed of you, when a man grows up, he will leave his own life, and i am who i am, julia, and it may happen that a boy, for example, in adolescence or when will go to school, will begin to be embarrassed by her mother, the point of adolescence is to separate from her parents and not be like her parents, so the answer to the question is yes, most likely, but this may not be because of yulia’s appearance.
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ilya, what if you close your eyes to yulia’s outrageous appearance? is yulia the most ordinary mother and housewife? yes, she always makes sure that everyone is well-fed, that the house is cleaned, that there is a good time, that all sorts of small nuances in everyday life. exactly what a woman should do, she does, we have a story about your everyday life, let's see: apartment thirty-three-year-old yulia, a native of minsk, does not look like her bright owner, there is a standard renovation, ordinary light furniture, but the woman assures that she will fix it very soon, but while the beauty enlivens the space with her favorite paintings, i myself bring them from different countries, this one, for example, i brought it from egypt, i made this painting with my own hands, there is an egyptian hall. as someone said that i look very much like an egyptian princess, an egyptian queen, paintings are not yulia’s only passion, she has long given her heart to bags, glasses, high heels dresses, her closet contains almost all
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luxury brands, my bags are all branded, all brought from abroad, one of my favorite dress dresses is pink, i love the very pink color, i love a doll outfit, this dress was made to order for me, these... both dresses cost in the region, this is more than 1500 dollars, this is in the region of a thousand dollars, julia likes to spend money not only on herself, but on her son robert. the boy has everything you could want. i bought most of these pears, i really like to pamper him, i love him in principle, i don’t refuse anything at all, i like to drink very heavily. at home , the flamboyant brunette admits that she turns into a hostess and prefers to cook. i myself do not limit my men in the choice of dishes, i spend quite a lot of time here every day, to be honest, 4-5 hours, i cook hamburgers and hot dogs and cheeseburgers myself, i very rarely order my child
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some kind of fast food, because they like it better my home cooking. having made sure that her beloved men are full, yulia hurries to the cosmetologist; her lips seem to her small and she decides to inject another 2 ml of filler into them. finally i got to you, it seems to me that my lips are already small, like... 2 ml is not enough. having steadfastly withstood the next injection, yulia runs to the mirror to see the result. oh, now it’s perfect, all i have to do is inject fillers here and there and i’ll be like a doll. yul, you have a wonderful baby. irina, what impression did the plot make on you? she is so sweet, cozy, homely, nothing bothered me, without makeup she is absolutely darling. what they showed at the end where it all happens why do we see such lips, by the way, even glue. somewhere in the corner, in a few minutes. lovers of one man agree? let's go back,
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it's just a crime. will women be able to, a twenty-year-old guy was shocked to the core when he learned that his uncle doubted his relationship with him. i'm here before. didn’t see it and he said that he wants to do a dna test, and his mother claims that his uncle has good reasons not to recognize his nephew, because of the inheritance, before the death of the mother-in-law, the peace of her husband wanted a house, probably something for his son, uncle but he insists that his brother himself admitted to him that he was raising someone else’s child. my brother was in prison at that moment, i said, your son is growing up, he immediately answered sharply: i don’t have children, who is mistaken about blood relations? i’ll refuse, i didn’t have anyone, he didn’t deserve to be dropped at
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eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote recovery brain, they all belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phosphopides of the japanese clam: prolong the youth of your brain. 8.800 exactly 1985. 800-100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy. in him contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain.
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the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will again serve you faithfully ; prolong the youth of your brain 8.800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product mozg therapy dolphin new season today at 20:00 on ntv beyond. beyond the boundaries in the studio there is a groom and his bride with an extravagant appearance. dmitry, do you know your daughter’s chosen one? of course, do you approve of the choice? i also accept the way my daughter chose. and with mom ilya, do you know the one sitting next to you? no, mom and i, we don’t know each other. well, let me introduce you, this is anastasia. and the fact is that anastasia does not approve of this choice of her son. i understand you perfectly, but they choose for themselves. i want to add that i initially, honestly
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, expected to see that there would be a chosen one, but i don’t want to.


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