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tv   Pozdnyakov  NTV  May 31, 2024 12:50am-1:01am MSK

12:50 am
thank you, yes, vika, okay, i’ll be there soon, come on, listen, i was driving half the night, i ’ll tell you honestly, i was just exhausted, i had to bring one person home, i probably should have told you about this earlier, but it was just kind of... then the wrong moment, in short, someone came to see me... this person, and what did he want? my husband’s papers, well , of course i didn’t give him anything, and why on earth anyway, well, i just thought that i should have told you about this, that i’m smart.
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from a healthy lifestyle to geopolitical layouts, this is the palette of processes that russians are eager to understand, how the selection of those who bring us educational content is carried out, what are the features of the work of lecturers in new russian regions in the northeast military district zone, how successful are we from...
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200 somewhere lecturers at the stage the beginning of the reboot, today there are already tens of thousands, 23 thousand active lecturers, well, wow, yes, if we talk about the competition, of course, the stages are increasingly more difficult, they are accompanied by large training programs, online, offline, selections, but most importantly for the voters this is all gives great significance. and the result is greater, for example, now at our regional stages, having won the regional stage, you get into the asset of the region, the pool is like that, yes, yes, and the path from the regional stage to the federal stage has also become more complicated, now the winners of the regional stages will have to organize a number of performances with the support of our branches, yeah, that is, they will have to organize them, we will look at ratings, ratings from the audience, experts, that is, several stages. expert assessment and
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thus victory in the final today becomes well more and more significant and the federal winners are also naturally with us, well, we will offer them to conclude contracts with us for long-term work together, as for the requests, they coincide from the audience and from the lecturers, there is some kind of dissonance here or vice versa in general it’s like, well, you know, well, i don’t know, you know, here’s the history of the country, but it’s very popular now. very popular, and i will say that they coincide very much , but this does not happen by chance, yes, but because we, knowing the audience’s request, naturally, well, we adjust the request to the lecture community, so it is always due to mutual work that these two strata, they overlap very much, well, now the top three requests are history, yeah, politics, well, it’s clear how... actually during the period during the pandemic
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, there was a very popular request for medicine in general, vaccines, yes, how they work, viruses, uh, with the beginning of svo, a huge request among all ages - for political topics, geopolitical, yes, svo everything connected with it, because for this is the history of our country, ukraine, the conflict, yes, ah, all this dominates, while science and technology are quite high, this educational content itself, how strictly it undergoes selection, because well, we have repeatedly seen that people gaining access, i don’t know, to the microphone, to the internet channel, to which audiences, become leaders of public opinion, and then begin to engage in, frankly speaking , strange activities that work exclusively for them, and sometimes even literally subversive. well,
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we don’t have such a weakling, the selection of lecturers and subjects is very strict, no matter what the topic is. and no matter what field the lecturer is in, it is always an assessment by experts and an assessment of the audience, which means that he is both a professional, and says something truly reliable and interesting , is in demand, that is, experts must, for example, evaluate a person who brings educational content in the field politicians, geopolitician. yes, of course, of course, of course, around, well , expert communities in all areas have already been formed around knowledge, and you know, we also have different depths of disclosure of the topic depending on the audience, well, it’s one thing there on some political
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or historical topics, we speak or speak in front of schoolchildren, yes, that’s quite the upper layer, as a rule. on this topic, and if we speak to employees of the ministry of foreign affairs or , in principle, any other department, and you also go to our department, we have a huge project, also a very very large project, called state knowledge, which is precisely aimed at work with employees - employees of all ministries, departments, agencies, uh, we cover more than, well, about one and a half million people, yeah, we have a huge number of thousands of hours of content being created, all this also needs to be checked, but you know what it all ultimately leads to and how you can evaluate the result, yeah, uh, 76% of people in our country trust that , what
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does the knowledge society do, yeah, this is how fresh the data is, this is the most recent data, this is april,
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with how next with the military with actually different groups of the population - there was a huge request on their part and the readiness of the lecturers, despite all the risks and for life including difficulties and going there - helping to be useful to speak to this day, this continues - plus a team of lecturers has been formed - in these regions we selected more than 800 people there, thanks again to our project league of lecturers, yeah, we invest in them, develop them, constantly federal lecturers are coming, all projects have become available, that is, now it is not only lectures , interaction with different fields of knowledge, everything
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that the knowledge society does today works in these four regions, and i can say, which is clear that our focus remains. well , special yes to them, but they have due to the huge demand for desire - the highest activity, that is, specifically, if you look, they are the most active regions, well, there is trust there, well , again i say, because that’s all, that what is so unique is that, for example, knowledge gives these regions, uh, for many years there was nothing like this, it’s clear that this uniqueness, demand, we have 92% of trust there, how are you? will be formed, perhaps, to what extent the russia project is in demand, my horizons, which is associated with career guidance, with vocational education and so on, because , judging by what you say, and judging by what i heard, in general the demand for higher education is still unshakable, the main thing here is to show ,
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show the kids that higher education is a tool, and not an end in itself, you must understand that you go, choose a university, go... to study, so that, that is, this is some kind of awareness in choosing your life path, professional path, but if you have a diploma without knowledge, it’s unlikely you, it’s unlikely for long... that’s enough, well , you could buy it in the transition, well, i’m not talking about buying, i’m talking about consciously , thank god, those days are already gone when diploma training, here are the lessons on thursdays, these career guidance , this is in many ways a contribution to this awareness, to your understanding of what areas there are in russia now, how they are developing, what professions there are, what they look like, this is the destruction of many stereotypes, what is definitely changing, this is changing the attitude towards their working professions ... the place sometimes looks much more technologically advanced, than an office worker, yeah, it
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looks really cool in the language of young people, if we say, lessons on thursdays with the ministry, what we are doing, this is an opportunity to reach everyone from the sixth to the eleventh grade, there are 8 million, we have an audience, we we see from sociology that 72% then discuss this with their parents at home, that is, this is an opportunity to really help their family in general, yes... with the trajectory of development, education, choice of profession, awareness, we see high marks, uh, we create a lot of content , and - so directly important for us, a successful project, we want to develop it further, right now - quite serious attention is being paid to the tourism sector, the hospitality sector, and awards have just been given to the winners of the league of guides, there is a very impressive geography, almost the entire country, on the other hand the question is: well, where will their feet go, yeah, the winners, they will become individual entrepreneurs, as they say, or
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they will still join this area, well, this is the first competition, and from what we saw, what kind of participants, what kind of community do we get managed to create who is in the finals, yeah, we can already say that this stage is very successful, i was just incredibly touched at the finals by how... good they are, that’s the word, i can’t find another, in terms of internal qualities, yeah, values , but these are also mentors, they also not only bring knowledge, they somehow know, a real excursion, this is not a point on the map, one of the poets said this, not a point on the map, but a changed outlook on life, yeah , this is really so, while talking about what will happen next, there are different people there, yes, for example, myself. the most experienced finalist, he was also a lecturer at the all-union society of knowledge, and
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has already conducted excursions for 45,000 people, impressive experience, the youngest are still in school and, thanks to the competition, conducted the first excursion in their life, i hope that this will be such a springboard for them in their professional sphere, no matter what level they are at now, this is also a challenge for us. i hope that in a year i will be able to share the results and tell how this affected them, the tourism industry in general and such excursion activities in the country, and of course, everyone is now talking about the topic of preserving the heritage of the russia fair exhibition, well, in what form and maybe in what form this heritage could be preserved in your opinion, the main thing is that it does not turn into a museum, and of course. by the way - well , or let it be, which i really like,
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an exhibition, it’s been running for six months now, yeah, it’s alive, the fact is that it’s not a museum, it’s constantly changing, constantly surprising, i want, of course, for it never ended, maybe it will happen, but speaking of legacy, well, the main legacy on in my opinion there will be future achievements, uh -huh, you know, after all... it’s about a new dream, coming there and looking at reasons for pride, they also used to be someone’s dream, uh-huh, it’s just that this dream came true, someone supported, she became a reason for pride, and today she inspires the new generation to pursue their dreams. by the way, a portal about knowledge has appeared in russia, and we also accumulate on it.
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we are accumulating this information about the achievements of regions, different spheres, and not only, that is, thanks to the exhibition we were able to accumulate all this digitize, and now we are organizing such work so that it is regularly updated and replenished, so that there is always such a portal where you can touch the achievements of our country. maxim, thank you very much for the conversation. thank you, it was really interesting. i was very worried about how everything would turn out, whether everything would be fine, whether everything would go well... and i really didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me, because i understood that everyone would be sorry, and this would be for many years oh, this is it, i don’t think i can survive this. any story in everyone's life person begins with the word once, once more than 30 years.


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