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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 31, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the deliberate aggravation of washington allowed kiev to attack russian territory with american weapons. confident progress in the donetsk direction.
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after a short lull, there is work again for the volunteers of the bars-13 battalion. now two 120 mines have hit a large enemy dugout; not so long ago a scout bird spotted movement in his area. work against the enemy southwest of kleshcheevka is now underway; the lively village itself is already under the control of our forces. the cleanup of its surroundings continues. our stormtroopers need support every hour. often mortarmen have to fire under incoming forces. and the birds.
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no one here is complaining about this regime, in this crew the ural guys are strong, the gun commander, call sign krakin, has only a few days left until the end of his third six-month volunteer contract, but he decided to stay at home for only a couple of weeks, after which krakin will return to the crew, where everyone is already like a brother, on the one hand , and... i miss home, it’s still sad to leave here, i’m still used to it, my guys, my guys, everyone has their own job, and i think that this is exactly the place where i found myself, this is my business, i see the same fighting spirit among the operators of attack drones, an operator with the call sign khakas places the drone exactly in the dugout, the guy had to hit heavy armored vehicles of the enemy not long ago, he worked there for them tank, went out periodically every day, in my opinion even. then he somehow left
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and didn’t leave again, we allies pecked everything with drones, let’s just say, all of him. the volunteers of the battalion prove their effectiveness every day with these medals for bravery and the order of courage is proof of this. congratulations on receiving state awards. uzol of the russian federation. call sign misha, his order of courage has earned not a single successful task, what are the defensive counter assault operations south of artyomovskaya during the so-called counter-offensive. core units are being transferred. this is from the words of one of the captured canteen units, they are transferred to the front line, while in the shelter they are trying something, as soon as their shelter ends, they immediately surrender or run away to in the opposite direction, our fighters are now reaping the results of those fierce battles, the quality of the enemy soldiers who are put on the front line is getting worse every month. ilya lyadvin igormichkin and dmitry tsarkov, ntv, donetsk people's republic.
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the pentagon and state department confirmed to russian news agencies that the united states has authorized the kiev regime to use american weapons to strike russian territory. representatives of the departments, of course, tried to pretend that washington and its nato allies had previously been against such actions, however, the words that strikes will be carried out only as part of counter-battery warfare and only against targets threatening the kharkov region do not inspire any confidence. the high-precision weapons that western countries send to ukraine can only be operated by highly qualified people. the kiev regime does not have specialists, but nato does, however, despite such obvious facts indicating who really controls kiev, american officials continue to insist that ukraine makes its own decisions. we did not encourage or allow hitting outside ukraine, but ukraine, as i said earlier, must make its own decisions to effectively defend itself. we will make sure she has the necessary tools to do this. another principle we have followed for years. american
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journalists called the permission for kiev militants to use american weapons on russian territory as a stunning shift in us policy. congressman matt gaetz said it could be fraught with world war iii. his colleague marjarie teilar greene wrote on social networks, and i quote: joe biden not only has dementia, he's insane. supporters of the states in europe cannot yet clearly agree whether or not to attack russian territory. a number of nato member countries gave their permission to the kiev militants, others were against it. due to fears of the conflict escalating. vladimir putin said on may 28, nato representatives. quote: they must be aware of what they are playing with. earlier, in response to provocative statements by western leaders about the possible dispatch of alliance troops to help kiev militants, the russian president ordered an exercise
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non-strategic nuclear forces. possible strikes on military targets on russian territory were discussed today in prague. an informal two-day meeting of the heads of mit-nato ends there. chapter. stated that a number of countries in the bloc have never introduced restrictions on the use of weapons supplied to ukraine. in particular, this concerns london, which did not limit the possibility of attacks on our country with its long-range missiles, stormshadow. another supporter of attacks on russia is german foreign minister anna lena berbak, a recent statement by a diplomat on about the conflict in ukraine, even some members of the bundestag were baffled. sergei kholoshevsky tried to find the meaning in berbak’s words. sometimes it is better to remain silent than to speak, but what to do if you have been working as the minister of foreign affairs of germany for 3 years. anna lena berbak, a former gymnast and the granddaughter of the staunch national socialist woldemar berbak, every day confirms the thesis that the current generation of german politicians shredded, the green party
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failed, they failed, everything they do then falls apart, the most the incompetent foreign minister in the entire history of germany, she provokes incitement. cabinet, one can recall its epic failures, the unprofessionalism of the current german type of statement that vladimir putin should turn 360° on the issue of ukraine, that european countries are at war with russia, scholz then tore out his last hair, that it doesn’t matter , what do my german voters think if i want to keep my promises to the people. so when berbak decides to address ordinary germans, she is booed with undisguised pleasure. the day before, the german publication berliner recalled berback's words two years ago that in
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the conflict in ukraine one must choose the side of the attacker or the victim, the possibility of neutrality is excluded, life has put everything in its place. burbock's opinion that the neutral position. no, reality has since been refuted by most states, including the most populous ones, such as china and india, on the issue of the conflict in ukraine, they maintain a neutral position, at the same time the minority, including nato countries, is biased, and any policy of the global north that does not take into account the neutral interests of the countries of the south is doomed to failure, and berbak's vote on a resolution accusing the serbs of genocide in srebrenica also largely failed. it was berbak who initiated the un vote on srebrenica and personally called the head of national delegations in order to persuade them to accuse all serbs of genocide. later, alexander vucic sympathized with the germans, but what can you do? you're out of luck with the minister. then berbach
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had attacks of pain due to the adoption of the law on foreign agents in georgia and a memory loss in kiev, when she could not remember the proposal for peace from vladimir putin. half the world is working to promote peace every day, but this also requires a russian president who, unfortunately, is completely unprepared to talk. nothing good should be expected when our foreign minister visits another country. they tell us that putin doesn’t want negotiations? oh well, here are the headlines from the german press. maybe mrs. burback just doesn't read newspapers? judging by the latest public statements of german politicians, it is worth worrying not only about bärbock, but about the chancellor himself. more. yesterday scholz completely denied the possibility of german strikes on russian territory, but today politics writes that he is not against this. even the evil old lady marja agnes strack zimmermann, chairman of the bundestag defense committee, shared her fears and said that poor scholz might be suffering from autism.
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in other words, there are more and more reasons for concern from those who now rule germany every day. and here, it’s probably worth quoting the official representative of our foreign ministry once again. may. the results of the high-level negotiations reportedly gave a significant impetus to the further development of multifaceted russian-belarusian relations, strategic partnership and alliance. the issue was also discussed.
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leaders of the labeling experiment in russia , the authorities decided to also distribute smartphones and laptops. next on the air is business news, with us denis tolalayev. denis, these products also turn out to be often counterfeited. ilya, there are different points of view on this matter. russia decided to experiment with labeling smartphones, laptops and telephones. by government decree, these products are included in the labeling experiment. radio-electronic products, which began in the country on december 1 last year. smartphones, laptops and telephone devices
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will begin to be marked in test mode from april 10, and from june 10, the experiment period is until the end of april twenty-fifth of the year. participation in it, as noted , is voluntary. deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade vasily shpag previously called the expansion of the experiment a logical step and assured that this should protect russians from counterfeits, as well as cut off those manufacturers who quote from government procurement. technicians, they said that the russian market is quite legal.
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rosselkhoznadzor promised that there would be neither a shortage of apples nor an increase in prices in russia . deputy head of the department anton karmazin said that due to the frosts that had occurred, the ministry of agriculture forecasts for fruit crops there is a small shortfall in the harvest, but the consumer, quote: will not see an increase in cost, because the place of domestic products will be taken by imported ones, for example, from azerbaijan, turkey, armenia. minister oksana lut said at the beginning of the week that the ministry of agriculture would consider the possibility of increasing the import of apples from other countries. according to the department, since the beginning of this year, russia has imported the most apples from serbia, azerbaijan and china. the head of the retail trade company association, igor karavaev, adds that weather problems will lead to in the russian market this year there will be more imported cherries and they will cost more than last year, at least by the level of inflation, that is, interest on... and igor karavaev also notes that if berries and stone fruits become cheaper in the second
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half the end of june, that is, at the peak of the season, the price of apples remains high until august, until the russian harvest appears. the russian stock market continues its noticeable decline, after the moscow exchange index went down to the level of 3,300 points, players have even more desire sell. the ruble also continues to depreciate. obviously, the demand for the currency increased before the weekend, the dollar made its way above the 90 mark and is now trying to gain a foothold there. the general director of the company, alfred ritter, which produces the famous square ritter sport chocolates, called the decision not to leave russia correct. in an interview with the german publication focus, andrkin said that this is a case when there is a choice between position and responsibility. according to him, russia is the second largest market for chocolate.
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the holiday is celebrated by people who work like this, the last friday in may, professional sparks are flying, these are welders. according to statistics, about 2,000 people are employed in this industry in russia, including on
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nuclear energy projects; no modern automation can replace them. svyatoslav gordin will tell you why. under the mask it may not be immediately noticeable that the welder is a girl, this is not such a rarity, but it still destroys the stereotype, after all, the work is hard and the working conditions are difficult, anastasia vernigorova’s task is to make a weld at an angle of 45°, provided that rotate part you can’t, try to twitch less. nastya participated in professional welding competitions in china and moscow, and says she truly fell in love with working with metal. but not right away, she is the only electric welder in her family, funny story, in fact, i was planning to study to become a cook, but my parents gave me welding. atommash is the country's largest enterprise for the production of power equipment, mainly units for nuclear power plants, which rasatom is building in russia, this is the kursk as2 abroad. facilities in china and turkey,
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india and bangladesh. on this site. the station is being built in china according to a russian design. this is how the primary circuit collectors are welded. and here the part cannot be rotated. the welder is like a surgeon during a multi-hour operation, the seam should not have defects or irregularities. this is already nuclear safety. one chef is brewed by three welders at once. teams change each other, the process must be continuous. the work takes almost a week. manual labor is replaced here by automation.
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it turned out that the high temperature between two electrodes allows the metal to melt. since then century was discovered by the russian scientist vasily petrov. since then, people have learned to weld in space and under water. welder is one of the most popular professions in the construction and industrial sectors. there are welding workers, there are welding engineers. there are not many professional welders. the holiday is unofficial, but respected in they have their own professional holiday, it is celebrated on the last friday of may, in a professional environment.
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training for the competition is currently underway, so there’s really no time for the holidays. started checking on personnel, adult man mocks teenagers, forces them to kneel, accuses them of something, while the execution takes place in front of his little son, the airline ticket sales manager was sure that the guys had offended him, now the man publicly apologizes on social networks, communicates with investigators than for it could end with an incident on the playground,
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you’ll find out in a few minutes, yes morad, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program... after a short pause, that’s all for now, go to, see you, badik, come out, come out to run business, with sberbank, our idea will fly, open an account and connect the service. commissions: open an account with sberbank and use all services for business development. business is a blast!
1:21 pm
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continue until june 16 at the tasty point from the tiң platinum credit card they don’t charge any fees or interest for transfers platinum knows how to do this, get a tenki platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission. telkov, he’s the only one. one day , a small mole appeared on the tanned shoulder of agronomist alena. alena didn’t notice her, and the mole made herself a girlfriend, and then another and another. and alena’s husband, nikolai, noticed this said: “i love all your moles so much. he didn’t know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer. get a medical examination, free of charge. dolphin. new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. i’m marina kravets, and these are your deepest desires , you’ve thrown them far, but it’s ozone’s birthday, i want perfume and shoes and a bigger closet, or maybe you’ll always be in
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ozone advertising, can you tell me, discounts, discounts, oh, sale on ozone’s birthday, robot vacuum cleaner xiaomi for 7.999, a set of books by strikaz for 549, a bottle of philips avent for 399, meet the new one. superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. on ntv there is a program about an emergency
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in the studio of marat seddikov. we are live, after publishing a video on social networks that was filmed on a playground in voronezh, the investigative committee began an investigation. filmed as a man forces teenagers. kneel down, and his little son slaps them in the face, so the manager for the sale of airline tickets punished the guys who, in his opinion, offended his child, now the man himself is under attack, he has already publicly apologized, but this is unlikely everything will end. the title of anti-father of the year can easily be given to forty-year-old vadim from voronezh, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​bringing other people's children to their knees, allowing his child to beat them. the reason, according to him, was significant. when asked what happened, he said that he wanted to play on the basketball court with older schoolchildren, they threw the ball at him and hit him, the man understands perfectly well
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that... that there are no physically worthy opponents among the children, he decided...


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