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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 2, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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two poles of one person, arthur chelengarov, scientist, oceanologist, explorer of the arctic and antarctic, died. hidden talents, how life changes and where veterans most often find themselves new. special operations, and also the only case in russia, acute meloid leukemia has turned the life of one-year-old arthur upside down, the boy urgently needs help. this is the program today, in the studio of dmitry zavoisky. hello. farewell to artur chelengarov, a legendary scientist and world-famous oceanographer, will take place in the cathedral of christ the savior. on tuesday. chelengarov passed away the day before. he was 84 years old. one of the first condolences i expressed to his family was. vladimir putin. the future
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researcher was born in leningrad and survived the blockade. he decided to connect his life with travel in his youth, trained as an oceanologist, and began his career path as a simple timber repairman at the baltic shipyard . chelengarov always went where no one had been and did what no one had done before, and even became the founder of an entire industry of extreme tourism, which today it is actively developing in the country. he was the first in the world to reach the south pole on a light motor aircraft, as part of the crew of an underwater vehicle. the world was the first in the world to dive at the north pole and planted the flag of our country at the bottom of the arctic ocean. in recent years, the scientist worked in the state duma of the hero of the soviet union and russia, artur chelinggarov, who will be buried at the novodevichy cemetery. from defenders of the fatherland to teachers. today, veterans of special operations are increasingly choosing this path for participants. military operations. a large-scale
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retraining program is provided ; defenders of the fatherland and, as employees of the organization found out, one of the main desires of the fighters is to pass on their experience to the younger generation. nahid babayev met those who, having fulfilled their military duty, decided to return to peaceful life as a mentor. if you don’t know who it is, you might think that an eleventh-grader probably came to class, but it’s not student vanya, but teacher ivan.
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after all, experience must be passed on, this is what needs to be done raising children. from september 1 , a new subject will be introduced in all schools in russia. fundamentals of security and defense of the homeland. a significant part of the classes will be devoted to initial military training, here the experience of northern military district veterans is invaluable. they are so interesting by their example, they can truly show what love for one’s homeland is, what loyalty is, what service is, plus they can also teach young people, students, and schoolchildren such skills. like friendship, like
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a feeling of support, like mutual assistance, like devotion to one’s country. according to the fund defenders of the fatherland, more than half of the participants in the svo, after returning to civilian life, want to get a higher education, and pedagogy is the most popular direction. sergei khvostov worked for many years in the police, then in the corporate security service. when the northern military district began, i signed up as volunteers, spent a total of about a year in the donbass, maybe i would have continued to serve, but with two shell shocks it’s hard, that’s why. i went to study, i received my first diploma - management in education, management in education, the second diploma - teacher of life sciences, basic military training and civil defense. now all that remains is to find a job, sergei is sure he has something to pass on to the young people. first of all, i would like to give them certain skills that will be useful to them in life, again, to develop some. certain notes of patriotism, in
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which they would clearly understand that they live in a country that will give them everything for their future life, this video was made a few months ago. nothing complicated, because my kids there come after eleventh grade, that is, i no longer have a little experience after college, so it’s much easier for me than others, and in order to make it easier not only to study, but in general to return to normal life, the state plans
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to open a retraining center in all pedagogical universities in russia, because there are really a lot of people willing. nakhit bavaev, ekaterina katilevskaya, alexander viktorov, ntv. what is the main secret of professional success and how to achieve high levels of personal growth? young basketball players from kursk region. the day before they visited the international exhibition forum russia, where they met with famous sports mentors. representatives of the zinit basketball club were waiting for the children at the gazprom pavilion. these are the head coaches of two titled youth teams, arm komogortsev and roman knyazev. between them are the young guests of the exhibition.
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it’s a choice whether you want basketball or studies more, but you should never give up, because you don’t know what will happen, yes, for example, there a person only got into basketball, abandoned his studies in everything didn’t work out in basketball, and he lost himself. the meeting with representatives of zenit took place as part of the gazprom program for children, in addition to a conversation with coaches, young basketball players and... a tour of the company's pavilion, future sports stars were told about gas and oil production, as well as about employees who work in different parts of russia. today , eleven-year-old arthur really needs our help; his child has a rare diagnosis: acute meloid leukemia in the form of a tumor. this is the first case in russia,
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they know how to treat it in israel and start procedures for according to doctors, it is necessary as quickly as possible, but it costs a lot of money. mikhail plokhotnik on how to help his family. take the required amount, now he is 11, but he has already figured out his future, which will definitely come, there is no other option, just as there is no option to avoid something that is very unpleasant, hope for the best will certainly help, but we need to help the guy. qr code on the screen. 18 years old, i really want to. finish school go study to become a cook, i really like to cook, he would tell me more, but he’s very shy, he can’t force
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steel, the mother and the representative of the foundation will further tell, in the spring of 24 , a malignant tumor was discovered in the boy behind the ear, he suffered. sitting there, the doctors couldn’t even determine what kind of tumor it was, its name, they said that this is the only case we have in russia and we don’t have an adequate correct treatment protocol, doctors in israel know and can overcome a rare disease, they have experience, and arthur will help them, he is strong, we all support him as a family, i am here next to him, so we believe that everything will work out, arthur will cope. everything will be fine, now arthur is undergoing very difficult treatment, two blocks of chemotherapy, then a bone marrow transplant awaits us, and then radiation therapy, of course, no one can guarantee that the boy
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will recover completely, but you and i will give hope for this, and we hope that the child’s body will cope, the cells will die from the very beginning... the mother was given a bill of 12 million rubles, which she was able to collect on her own, and those very new diagnoses required our help, any amount will help arthur out, you can scan qr code or send an sms to the number 4575 with the word crane, then a space and the amount, for example, crane space 300, then he will try very hard to make pancakes again, bake them as well as he once did, if necessary for everyone who supported in any way. mikhail polokhotnik, olga afonina, anastasia altukhova, ntv television company. the chinese spacecraft made a soft landing on the far side of the moon, the device landed near
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the south pole, in the largest crater of the earth's satellite. the probe will be for the first time in stories to collect soil samples from the far side of the moon. to do this, he has a robotic arm, as well as a drill for mining deep rocks. due to the fact that the earth satellite creates a radio shadow, the connection with the device will inevitably be lost, part of zondo’s work is completely automated, he himself can analyze which tasks to solve first. opening of a new attraction sberbank presented the city with a unique light and music
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fountain. with the help of modern multimedia equipment, you can broadcast video with sound on the water, change the lighting grand shows. the concept of the fountain was developed based on a survey of townspeople, and now it is a real pearl of the glinka garden. the day before marked the 220th anniversary of the birth of the great composer. german gref, head. gergiev and regional governor vasily anokhin laid flowers at the glinka monument and planted oak trees nearby. these trees were not chosen at random. glinko wrote the score of the famous opera ruslan and lyudmila while sitting under an old oak tree in his family estate in the smolensk region. the launch of the fountain was the culmination of the ceremonial program in the park glinka. 3, 2, 1, let it be.
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this is glinka’s homeland, that says it all, so the whole team tried to do something special with this gift, it worked out, we are obliged to do this kind of thing to inspire, probably, first of all , children, to make life better. what will happen now is already happening, it only secures, as it seems to me, for smolensk this new status of a festival, holiday center of russian culture, russian history and the fantastic unique history of your region. this is russia's western outpost. the fountain in smolensk has become the twenty-seventh
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in a series of interactive water complexes that sber has donated to russian cities. at the beginning of september, another one will appear in chelyabinsk, and soon abroad. a project for tashkent is currently being developed. of course, such fountains immediately become centers of attraction for children and adults; hundreds of residents and guests came to smolensk to admire the new attraction on the very first day.
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hello! in the east of the country it is again very it’s warm in yakutia, even in tiksa up to +15, in yakutsk about 25, a cold front will arrive, but only on tuesday. a completely different picture in the south. in the khabarovsk territory, in primorye, the temperature does not reach summer levels by 3-4°, and there is light rain there, a counterbalance to transbaikalia with its 30°. the weather forecast for all of siberia still smells cold, cool air continues to blow all the way to the southern regions, there is a chance of rain almost everywhere, in norilsk and wet snow, but in irka. and in the urals the temperature is rising, tomorrow it will be +24-27, bashkiria in orenburg is again the highest, but it is there that short rains are possible, rain is now a priority. on the european territory of russia, with the exception of the south and extreme northeast, where in the northeast it is coldest , maximum +2.7, the kola peninsula is also in the air with lower temperatures.


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