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tv   DNK  NTV  June 3, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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a speech in legal force can apply to the court in civil law to deprive him of his rights, the court will most likely actually make a decision on deprivation, especially since this is a father who is actually convicted of murdering his mother, for this, you can help alla protect his grandchildren? yes, sure. sergey, for your part, can you do something for this family and take control of this situation? yes, of course, i would like to separately add about uh, since there are still many such families where... such domestic things happen violence, there are also public organizations that provide assistance and advice, and there is even such an example as shelterhouse, when the victim can leave, live in this house, hide from an aggressive and such a tyrant, yes, that is, if there is nowhere to go, but there is no relatives and so on, as far as help is concerned, i certainly cannot remain indifferent. situation, i am ready to take
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control of this situation there, provide support if necessary, including consulting there personally, especially since we are also fellow countrymen. alla, svetlana, once again please accept our condolences, thank you, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. a girl was born with a rare genetic disease. one of her legs is three times larger than the other. the disease is very serious, it is called impossible to watch without pain. when the baby was 6 months old, doctors suggested amputation, but the parents categorically refused. i was in complete shock, i was hysterical. now the girl can't go without stops more than 20 steps. can it be cured? i don’t understand how you can suggest amputation if it’s visible. that the leg is working, there
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is something to save, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. a resident of armavir is looking for relatives for her young friend, who was abandoned three times, first by her mother, and then by two families of guardians. elena shevsakova contacted us for a dna test. hello, elena, please have a seat, that is, in essence it turns out like this: you came to ask for help for a stranger, but by blood she is a stranger to me, but during the time of communication with her, she is for i have become, well, a dear person, how many of you have been communicating for the fourth month, and how did you meet, tell me, well , we met, and my friend has...
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a confectionery shop, anastasia came there for a part-time job, so i was there often , i saw, i started to watch her, i don’t even know why, i saw her like that, well, she really loves music, she was playing music there, dancing, while she was working, well , other women had already reprimanded her, why are you turning on music and dancing? i decided to support her, went to the table, also she started dancing and singing along with her, she liked it, well, that’s how we got to know her, and how old is the girl, nastya is 21 years old, what anastasia told you about herself, that she was brought up in an orphanage, she had two foster families, one family abandoned her. there because of
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the stepfather, in my opinion, well, something like that, then the second one also refused and the person generally remained on the street, but initially her mother abandoned her, who initially, and how did anastasia live after such a triple betrayal, she wandered around the entrances , there they robbed her... it got to the point that she didn’t have anything to eat, it was winter, it was cold, so she just knocked on the door of someone and asked, well, at least feed me, just at the door of strangers, yes , in this situation i didn’t want to help you, but of course, she lived with me for 3 months, and we went with her to the guardianship authority, before going there, i
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learned all the laws, there are articles, everything is as it should be , competently explained to them what and how, and, well, quickly they... reacted to this, here anastasia already has registration, with a passport, and where they registered anastasia, while she is on the line in her apartment, and they have the right to register her in this very institution where they work, well, the guardianship authorities, that is, in a non-residential building, but she is on the line, on the line she is, yes, it’s your idea to find anastasia’s relatives, well, anastasia herself tried without me. but it didn’t work out for her. only at the age of 18 did she receive information about her biological mother. in the studio anastasia semchina. hello, anastasia. i want to tell you that you are very lucky to meet
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such a person. you are glad that you once appeared in your life. yes, i'm very glad that i got it. let's then try to talk about your life from the very beginning. tell me, at what age do you remember yourself? i remember myself when i lived with my mother, i had two brothers, i did my homework myself, i went to school myself, uh, my mother and my father were arguing, and i went to the neighbors, they were arguing so much, yes, he me i didn’t perceive her very much, just like i didn’t perceive my own daughter, yes, i didn’t perceive her, but my mother, well... my mother, well, i considered her my own, it turned out that she was not my own, yes, at the age of 9, when she sent me to a sanatorium, the next day my mother came with a refusal paper, showed me the refusal paper from
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me, then i learned from the doctors themselves that i was not her my own daughter, and the fact that my name was not alina, but... russia, that is, you initially knew yourself as alina, yes, i knew myself as alina, and why did she do this to you, what do you think, and she i did this at the moment, probably because i really presented her with a fait accompli, either me or him, she chose him, i was shocked by it all, i had hysterics, i beat my legs on the sofa, i asked to come back to her, but then somehow they sent me to the marinsky center and from there... the second family took me, well, the mother who raised me came with her own daughter, she took me to her family, she had there, well, all the children were running around, her relatives, yes, well, and the foster children whom
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she raised, but at the same time i love there i didn’t feel it because we were forbidden to go into the refrigerator, we were forbidden to eat yoghurts, she treated us completely differently. nothing to do with your children. anastasia, when did you leave this family, how did it happen? at the age of 18, she gave me a cake, put me outside the gate and said: that’s it. and we didn’t communicate anymore until i wrote myself: hello, how are you? she told me, and you decided to find your biological relatives. who did you get information about your biological family from? and, 18 years old, she gave me my documents against signature that she gave them all to me. i... picked up my documents , saw this decision, read about how my my mother led a bad lifestyle, i was covered in sores, dirty, that she wanted to sell me, and that she was semchina ekaterina
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vitalievna, born in 1985, wanted to sell, yes, that’s what it says there, that she wanted to sell me, that’s it it was from that moment that i was. i was shocked when i read this, i felt very offended, i didn’t expect this, i don’t understand at all how you can do this to your child, we have this document, let’s see, semchina ekaterina vitalievna does not have a permanent place of residence, she leads parasitic lifestyle, does not work anywhere, is not involved in raising his daughter, and often leaves her in his care. people, the plaintiff's representative supported the claim. in april 2003, two women approached her with a message that ekaterina vitalievna semchina was selling her child. semchina ekaterina vitalievna led an immoral lifestyle, did not care for the child, and lived temporarily in a hotel. in april 2003
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, a child was found in a hotel covered in ulcers, the dirty one was admitted to the hospital, the child was infected with scabies. after discharge from hospital answer. continued to treat the child irresponsibly, abandoned her for acquaintances, led a wild lifestyle, did not care about the child’s health, and on july 21, 2003, abandoned the child for strangers. people left in an unknown direction, the court-appointed representative of ekaterina vitalievna semchina, a lawyer, objected to the claim, citing the fact that ekaterina vitalievna semchina was forced to leave her daughter with her friend because she was in an extremely difficult financial situation and had no means of subsistence, left in search of work. elena, one can assume that what could push a woman to such an act is immorality, complete immorality. a person does not live in the forest, no life situation, even the most difficult, can justify such abuse of a child, no
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circumstances can force a woman, it should be so, well, to treat her like this, to leave the child, i just don’t know how she then walks, eats, drinks, that’s how she should feel later after she left her child, i don’t i understand, in our nature it’s not like this, our animals don’t abandon their puppies, this woman. in general , bearing the name of a woman, a mother, is just a being, a substance, i would say so. natalya, you noticed that the document also indicated that the child was unwell. the question is, how can you bring a child in such an infant state? as i understand it, for about a year, you most likely had to bring it to such a state that the child would already have ulcers, that is, this is where you needed it with you. carrying a child, what to bring to such a state, i just get a chill down my back
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in a literal sense, i don’t know, this is a small, defenseless child, that there are prayer centers at home where it was possible, yes, but not to bring the situation to such a point that leaving the child in some kind of pain, of course, ask, but this person doesn’t even asked to help him, anastasia, and you yourself thought what could have happened to... the biological mother, what could have made her do this to her child? no, i didn’t think about it, but i think that she shouldn’t have done this, abandoned her child, she should have just somehow to get out of this situation, about someone else anastasia, besides her mother, you know, about my grandmother, the fact that she abandoned me, she didn’t want to take me to her, my father, that he also didn’t... wanted, then there is a father, he is basically known, well, nothing has been written about him, i don’t know anything about my father, but i know
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that, well, in the same piece of paper it is written that they offered it to my grandmother, she refused, to my father, he refused, well, if you weren’t no one from your biological family needs you, no father, no mother, no grandmother, no one, why is it so important for you now to find this very family, i i want to find out about myself again, “i want to find my brothers or sisters, i won’t forgive my mother, mom, your friend, anastasia, believes that meeting your biological mother will not lead to anything good, in the studio irina chernebskaya, hello, hello , why do you think so? then if the parents themselves wanted to find them, they would have found them themselves,
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they would have started some kind of search, well, well, none of them wanted to find out where nastya was, what was wrong with her, i’m with her in this regard. i absolutely agree with irina, for 21 years she didn’t even take an interest, she probably didn’t even i remembered, i didn’t try, why such a mother is needed, you need to know the truth, nastya is doing everything right,
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her name is ekaterina vitalievna fralova, née semchina. she's in our studio. hello ekaterina. hello. tell us about yourself. i'm ekaterina. well, at the moment i live with my daughter and, well, fra ulyana, i work as a baker, you have one daughter, and well, i had another girl. i died in an accident this year, 17 years old, it was a disaster, in general, i went to celebrate my 18th birthday with friends, got into an accident, died, on my birthday, at the moment i have only one daughter left, ulyana, please accept our condolences, the loss
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of a child is very difficult, difficult, very difficult, because i had two of them. you only have two daughters, no, i - i also had children, darina, nadyushka in the cemetery and diana, three girls in the cemetery, with your girl who had an accident, i understood what happened, with the girls with nadya with darina, what happened to them, well, i got married, they died at birth, one had a brain tumor, and the other girl died me at... 2 months, was it an illness or what? no, this girl, to be honest, i don’t even know why, she died, she didn’t tell me anything, how do you not know that at the moment my children lived with my husband, because we had a divorce at that moment, and i had nowhere to live, the court decided that the children should live, that is, with nadezhda darinay and diana, so
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ulyana, diana and darina lived with their father, and you yourself grew up in a family, not a prosperous one. when my mother moved to karachay-cherkessia all her life, i was 6 years old, my mother sent me to a boarding school at 7 years old, as she told me explained that for family reasons, we lived on a farm, she sent me to a boarding school, i grew up for 10 years in a boarding school, no matter how much i didn’t communicate with my mother, and you didn’t see my mother for these 10 years, no, i spent 10 years with i didn’t take orphans there with children who were also without parents. they never took me away all the time. i was in a boarding school, and your mother had other children? i have an older brother, he hasn’t loved me since childhood, no, he’s with his mother, she loved him very much, and that is, they left him with you in the orphanage, he’s just she had her most beloved son, but she didn’t need me , i always thought that she was like
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not my mother, and after you graduated, no one went to school, i had graduation, i was waiting for my mother , but my mother didn’t come for me, my friend’s neighbor, whom we studied together on the internet, took me, her mother took me from boarding school, i stayed with them for some time, lived, my mother wasn’t even interested in me, then i went to study to become a hairdresser and worked at a bakery at night, and studied during the day, with pens on a notebook earned money, i didn’t fully... because i had such a situation that i was raped, i became pregnant and when my mother didn’t let me in the door with this child, then after that i went to live in a hotel, and ended up being the owner of the hotel and my mother decided
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that i should be sold into slavery, in general it turns out that i disappeared from karachi circassia. to turkey, i was sold to turkey, the owner of the hotel just told me, go , your name is, i went out, left the child at the hotel, yeah, i said, look after, i went to street, it turns out that’s it, i found myself in a completely different country, so far they’ve done this to you, that’s what they put you to sleep, they probably just applied some kind of handkerchief, that’s all, and you woke up in another country, i woke up in another country, they explained to me , that you understand where you ended up, i say, no, i don’t even... understand where i am, but they started telling me that you will work in slavery, i was there for 3 years, i became pregnant from a man, this here is the girl who died, diana, i gave birth to a girl from him, he helped me, he helped me return to russia, he is local or not, he is a turak, the father of my diana, who died
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as a girl, and i have already returned to russia, pregnant. but i didn’t tell him about it, and what happened to that child who stayed in the hotel, you knew, for the first girl, when i returned from there, i first of all came to my mother, i found where she lives, i went to her i came, i told her first of all, no hello, no goodbye, the only thing she told me was that you came to the point, i buried you 3 years ago, i’m my daughter, i say, i’m alive, she’s healthy, tell me where my child is, she answered me, when they brought her, she said that i won’t take this child, i don’t need her, they brought her, yes, the guardianship brought her a granddaughter, she refused. from my daughter, and how old was your daughter, she was 7 months old when all this happened, she was very small, as the girls called her, afanasyeva, anastasia nikolaevna
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was registered, afanasyeva, yes, i wrote her down, anastasia, i she called it, and nikolaevna, i took her grandfather’s middle name, yes, afanasyeva is my mother’s maiden name, i wanted it look, i got married, i told my husband, he says, where will we be? i'm going to look for it, we won't find it, you know, because when it was given to someone, you say, simply say, well, how will you do, where is the information that it was given to someone, i'll tell you, in general, my mother told me, go to the guardianship and ask everything there, i won’t answer you anything, in general i don’t need to have these conversations, i went to sonia ubekirovna, who works for our guardianship authorities, sonya ubekirovna... me i simply explained that the girl grows up in a wealthy family, in a good family, you don’t need to bother her, you have nothing to give the girl, you
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have nothing, well, you then believed in the guardianship that everything was fine with your daughter, i asked them, give me where my daughter is, i want her take it, even if i finish eating the last piece of bread, i want to take it away, this is my pain, this has remained with me for the rest of my life. it ’s not me, i would never give her to anyone, do you remember when this daughter was born, on what date, i don’t remember, it was a long time ago, but what a year, what a year, it turns out, i just finished school, well somewhere, probably most likely 2002 or the third time of year between these years. don’t remember the date, she was born to me in the winter, because i gave birth to her, or in january or february, she gave birth in february, here is the eldest girl, this is
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how old she should be now, it turns out that my daughter is 21 or 22 years old now, ekaterina, elena turned to us for help. elena wants to help her friend find out the truth about her biological relatives, yeah. her friend’s name is anastasia, she is 21 years old, according to the documents , the girl’s biological mother’s name is ekaterina semchina. anastasia in this studio? there she sits, she even collects her hair in the same way as i did as a child, there she sits in a white jacket, i recognized her immediately when i walked in here by her eyes , eyebrows, and ears. she looks like me, i recognized her immediately when i came here, i assumed that my daughter was looking for me, my eyes,
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my eyebrows, my ears, my hair are collected just like me, i asked everyone to give her back to me, they didn’t want anyone to tell me where she was, with whom, i myself lived a hard life, it was very hard for me. myself all my life on my own, and especially since i gave birth to this girl, i could have had an abortion, i didn’t, i said, my mother forced me, she said, have an abortion, i didn’t want to have it, i said, i will give life to this child, that’s why -for all the children who were with me, only ulyana is left, that’s it, no more, here she is, it turns out, i now have two daughters, if the dna test confirms it, it turns out. so please tell me where you have been all these years, just, just tell me, i’ll even ask this question where i
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asked for it to be given to me, how could i it wouldn’t have been hard, i would have raised you on your feet, especially since i got married later, everything was fine with me, i had more children, now you have a sister, ulyanochka, your own mother and daughter, or strangers , so ? will a dna test say that it was catherine who gave birth to anastasia? we'll continue to look into this in a few minutes. in efferentia superstar. our superstars will perform their favorite song today. amazing number. it was so unexpected.
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annual left her alone in a hotel room for 7 months and disappeared. anastasia, tell ekaterina where you were raised and what you had to endure. yes, please tell me, well, i lived with the first family, she , too, as i understand it, was from this republic, they called her marie, there was a woman with whom i lived with the first family, then she sent me to a sanatorium, showed me refusal, then i ended up in the marinsky center, another family took me from the marinsky center, they treated me badly there, it was impossible... not to get into the refrigerator or anything to eat too much, and they raised their hand, just as my mother treated me, the same way my mother treated her, my mother hurt me very much and beat me, and they tied me to the bed so that i would not take
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extra candy, when i was still with her, i myself i went through such a thing that where they warmed me, caressed me, i ran there to live with people, just so as not to see this mother, because she was cruel. with me, i have mothers, i love my children very much, i am for my heart, after all, i still give my heart to them, here are ulyana and diana, diana studied with me to become a cook, a pastry chef, i work day and night, so that they have everything, they are fine, i don’t live richly, but i try to ensure that they are fed and that the child is not allowed in the refrigerator, this is generally harsh, nastenka, i really tell you. i swear, i loved you very much, little one, until you were 7 months old , i blew specks of dust off you, i went looking for milk to feed you. ekaterina, look at the document that anastasia provided us. semchina ekaterina vitalievna does not
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have a permanent place of residence, leads a parasitic lifestyle, does not work anywhere, is not involved in raising her daughter, often abandons her in the care of strangers. the plaintiff's representative supported the claim. in april 2003. two women approached her with a message that semchina ekaterina vitalievna was selling her child. semchina ekaterina vitalievna led an immoral lifestyle, did not care for the child, and lived temporarily in a hotel. in april 2003 , they found a child in a hotel, all covered in ulcers, dirty, placed in a hospital, the child was infected with frequency, after being discharged from the hospital, the defendant continued to treat the child irresponsibly, threw it at friends. a wild lifestyle did not care about the health of the child, and on july 21, 2003, having abandoned the child with strangers, she left in an unknown direction. the court-appointed representative of semchina ekaterina vitalievna, a lawyer, objected
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to the claim, citing the fact that semchina ekaterina vitalievna was forced to leave her daughter with her friend because she was in an extremely difficult financial situation, had no means of subsistence, and left in search of work. this. everything happened without me, i don’t even know about it, this it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen, i swear by my deceased child, it didn’t happen, i could n’t do that to my children, i didn’t lead any kind of life, but i had somewhere to go, in my hotel, this is polina hello, i i went to live there with you, at least to wash the floors, yes, so that i could put some quail somewhere for you , i had no stroller, no blanket, no pillow, i had nothing, my mother pushed me like that, go.
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which ekaterina tells, still, probably, we need to start from some information, because well, at the same time, such come up with a story, no matter what catherine’s mother was like, what she sold, offered, but at the same time there are some of the organs, i don’t know, there is a child with sores, well, how is it in ulcers, there must be some anyway documents confirming, well, not in all courts, everything can be just a word, but they wrote a piece of paper, but confirmation that the child in everything is a fact, that it is my child.
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a court decision is a folder of documents, it is not one piece of paper, it is several volumes of a civil case, where the prosecutor participates and gives his opinion, the guardianship authority guardianship, indicated from the request for information from the hospital where the child was, the discharge epicrisis, this is not a piece of paper, where did this decision of which court come from? this court decision was made by the zelenchuksky district court, korachaeva-cherke. zelenchutsky district, before this hotel, before this prosecutor, who
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gave it, i’ll ask the question, who made this piece of paper, there were no trials, the child stayed with polina in the hotel when i was taken there, i find out, why wasn’t she summoned to court because she should be accused of selling her they should have put her on the wanted list, and if she had been found, she would have said in this court that everything was wrong, and no one wanted her, and no one wanted her to be looked for. it was only by miracle that i was able to return from turkey. in
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the studio lyudmila zharova. hello. hello, lyudmila, please have a seat. tell us about ekaterina, what kind of person is ekaterina? good girl, unlucky in life. well, her childhood was like that. broken, no one needs it. i met her. in ninety-one, it was our boarding school, i was also brought up there, then she graduated with my brothers, my mother came and took her along with my brothers, you remember this moment, of course, aunt raya, mother, our graduation was over, i was waiting for my mother, my mother did not come for me, i arrived on four days, we went to the director, the director let me go , i lived with them after boarding school. and then i went to look for where i was warm, well, who would accept me,
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i lived there, spent the night on the streets, also slept on the river, they didn’t try to return to my mother, she didn’t let me in, she didn’t want to, like her mother she was, god forbid everyone, evil, that’s how much hatred she had it was, she could have been there in general, even this in general, this is how she beat her, how long we hid her, here she is... even to us , what kind of child is this woman, she was so hateful, ekaterina, mother at least once i asked you for forgiveness for my attitude towards you, for the fact that i abandoned your daughter and did not take her up, she told me the only thing is that someday you will know the whole truth, she died, the whole truth - that meant that i don’t know , what we are trying now, she already told me before she died in intensive care, she passed away, what’s the truth, what? i’ve had this puzzle for six months now, and then
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they called me from this program, it turned out that the whole truth is now becoming clear, you understand, it’s not my fault at all, i didn’t give it to anyone, anyone, my daughter, daughter, anyone i didn’t give nasya away, loving, this is the first one, yes, which is my mother, and this is my story. i know that you know about this, when she gave birth and it turned out, her mother kicked her out of the house, she had nowhere to go, she went to work, then somehow, katya disappears, for, you know, i went work, wait, wolf, i know that the child, well, we all know that she had a child, katka is missing. for the child, where the child went, no one knows anything, here you are, when
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they asked her mother, she said, it’s none of your business, not this, it really happened, are you serious now, it’s my mother who did everything, it’s all mine, they also said that it was none of your business, then something went like this: well, a good family took this child, yes, here is a person confirming this. after some time, well, it’s already gone, gone, yes disappeared, which means the child is there from someone, that another family took, time passes, katya arrives, she tells such... stories that she passed away already in turkey, that she was kept in slavery, then no one believes me, you see , i think that i myself went there in any village, ask anyone from nazka that she was in turkey, she was kept in slavery there, do you believe in it, i do, why, yes i was
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there, i was, how they beat you there, they drowned you in the sea, no one was there, but i was there, it was terrible. you know, it’s tough, they bully me there, there from all countries, girls, from everyone who want to run away, but not let go, there are these guys who you just take a step, and you’re banging and lying in the hospital, you understand, who wasn’t there, they don’t believe, but don’t believe it either , let no one believe, lyudmila, do you believe that catherine would never have left her daughter if she had not ended up in turkey, she could not have done that, she could have left them there... to her own father, but if there ’s something there, that’s how she got divorced with the earring, she said no, we agreed on no orphanages, i left the children to my husband, i went every day under a well in the winter i sat near my mother-in-law's yard, listening only to the voice of my girls, like diana and ulyana, then i
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got a job, rented an apartment, went to work, i proved to the guardianship authorities that these are my children, i don’t give them to anyone... . i’ll give it to you, they both stood with me, ulyana and diana. ulyana loves her father’s earring very much, i ’m letting her go, she wanted to live with her dad, go, that’s how it is with us. lyudmila, did you remember about your eldest daughter, ekaterina? yes, to this day i remember it. ekaterina, if anastasia there is that same girl who was once left alone in a hotel without you. it would be interesting for you to know a little more about it. of course we have a plot. anastasia semchina's morning begins with cleaning. she is convinced that order in the house contributes to order in life. i'm just very clean, i love order. every morning i sweep, as soon as i start cleaning, i come in, sweep everything from there, wash it, then i put
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a wet cloth here and sweep everything. i'm cleaning it up. next on the to-do list is work in the garden, i have more here there’s a strawberry, i go out every morning and pick it here, i have a beautiful rose here, i water everything, let’s pull the grass here, anastasia lives in armavir, in the house of her friend irina chernyavskaya, there’s not much space, but there’s everything you need , this is my kitchen, but here i cook, here i sleep, here... my things, well, it’s small, cozy, i live here while the girl left, anastasia works part-time as a pastry chef, she always goes to work with joy, as if on a holiday, even the wardrobe i picked the appropriate one, so i get a jacket there, well, classic, i adore classics, so everything for me is, well,
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in the form of classics, i like to wear it with jeans, a shirt there, well, it’s nice to go somewhere. in her free time , the girl creates paintings from diamond mosaics, if you sit and don’t stop doing it, you can assemble it in 2 days, i’ll be collecting it now to give this painting to my relatives. ekaterina, did you see any resemblance to yourself or your daughters? dianka, yes, she also has this kind of mosaic, this is it pastry chef, she was my third year student and was supposed to take it, that is, your diana was there too. i still have all of it at home, but how do you like this, how your supposed daughter lives, well, i’m like now people are helping her at the moment, but it’s still as if it wasn’t,
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so i’m very glad that she was found , how many years have passed, i’m very glad if she considers it necessary to come to us... to look, try, maybe she’ll like it, we have very, ulyana has very good girlfriends, friends, anastasia invites you to guests, ekaterina, for god's sake, the doors are open, if dna confirms that this is really your mother, eat, i will never close two, i can keep in touch with her, but i will not live with her, we would like to meet our daughter ekaterina, from ulyana, yes, i would like to, she is very good, you won’t regret it. what does catherine’s youngest daughter know about her older sister, does she consider her mother to be loving and caring, and what will be the result of the dna test between the alleged mother and daughter. the truth after a short advertisement, criminal investigation, you who are they, our most important paintings are missing
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, the investigator is in the art gallery, we have a murder, a robbery, a young man, we can’t go there, something is already known about the missing paintings, we are not looking for the paintings, but for the killer, oops, the divers need to be killed. where are you calling me again? dolphin, new season today at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an ozonbank card, which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. you are so multifaceted, choose what is beneficial to you, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an ozonbank card. the
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the dna program, anastasia first met her alleged biological mother, who claims that she did not abandon her daughter, but was forcibly taken into slavery. anastasia, your supposed younger sister, ulyana kolova, is in the studio. hello ulyana, hello, tell us how your mother is in general, what she is like man, are you lucky to have her? yes, i’m lucky with my mother, because i can trust her with various secrets, i can trust her with, well, all sorts of secrets that other people don’t know. uliana, what was your childhood like? my childhood was actually wonderful, everything was normal, father, mother, what else is needed for happiness, i had a sister, more than one sister. we had three in the family and one girl, i don’t know where she is, but my mother told me about her, that i have some
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children, that i have a sister, i think her name is anastasia. mom tried to find her, but couldn’t, unfortunately, would you also like to find it? well , i would like to get to know her very much, i would like to get to know her, hug her there, get to know her better, so that i have a sister, at least one, she was, here is your sister, anastasia, come, can i hug you, hello, hi, anastasia, you said that you always dreamed of brothers, sisters, you always wanted someone to be your own, yes, i have a sister, they hoped, they knew that they had a sister, i immediately told them that you still have a sister, but i don’t know where she, we just need to find her, why didn’t you start the search yourself, where, that’s where i need these,
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they somehow started, nastya turned to this program, she started looking, or i, if i knew about her existence, where is she is located, i would just be sitting here in front of you right now, i would already be there with you if i knew that she was there in krasnodar, they just didn’t want to, ekaterina, what do you think the result of the dna test will be? which will show that she is my daughter, ulyana, and you, i think, will also have a positive result from this test, well, because that’s what i have, here you are look at anastasia now, she looks like you, yes, she looks like, she looks like me, anastasia, and you have the feeling that today you will become an older sister, well , i will become a sister, but i won’t become a daughter, my opinion remains with me, but however, catherine
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was indeed able to become a good mother to the hive. attention to the screen. ekaterina frolova lives with her daughter ulyana in the village of kordanikskaya, korochaevo-circassian republic. she proudly shows off the green beds in her garden. so my daughter and i planted a patch on this side, from this one, it’s no longer mine. well, just a few little beds, for yourself, enough for two of us, potatoes, onions, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, so far planted. there you can see further, zucchini. they also put me in for frying, the woman doesn’t skimp on delicious food and kind words for her pig mooney, i’ll mow it now and throw it in for her to eat, she’ll yum with me until my little girl, she’ll get up now and eat grass, that’s all, i have a place to live they are removable,
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says ekaterina, two rooms, a kitchen and pantry... everything is modest and simple, that’s it my room, here i live, here i sleep, i have a tv, here is ulyana’s room, well, they lived with diana at first, this is our little redhead, and our favorite little cat, here is my daughter komyachok, ulyana tries to help her mother in everything, she is in charge of the kitchen more often than ekaterina, i work in a bakery, i leave at 2:00 am and come back at 3-4 pm. so she either makes salad or borscht, basically the majority of what we have now are salads, because in the summer we don’t want anything liquid, so we either have crab salad or cucumber salad, tomato, etc. in her free time, ulyana likes to read or make such bouquets. i am making a bouquet from athos ribbons, making roses like this, i made a bouquet for my mother on march 8th, i made them from
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butterflies, i printed out the butterflies. and also took and made a bouquet. while doing needlework, ulyana tries to distract herself a little from thoughts of her beloved sister diana, who died in a car accident. she and her mother carefully store all her things. these are her graduation ribbons, this is fourth grade, not her ribbon. this is her ninth grade. catherine regularly visits his daughter's grave. diana pokhorina next to her mother. well, my daughter is here, on the left. side by side, my mother is buried, here she is my beauty, little, well, she loved to dance, draw, take pictures, study, she was friendly to everything, what do you say, anastasia, well, i’m glad that i saw my sister, for now moment, if she
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wants, she will communicate with me, i won’t be able to talk to ekaterina. no, this is what i keep to myself, the fact that at the moment i thought that i would see her, but i won’t forgive her, i won’t be able to. she needs time, she just asks, let her think a little, that’s what you think, after a while anastasia will soften, she will forgive, a mother is a mother, no matter what kind of mother she is in life, she is a mother, that’s how elena is, you definitely won’t love me , i have nothing, now you don’t even want to take this girl’s hand, you haven’t seen her for 20 years, come up and touch your child about your daughters and... she speaks to herself with great love, that nastenka exists, yes, she exists , but this is a conditionally disease that seems to there is, but it doesn’t seem to bother her, and this problem doesn’t exist, it doesn’t hurt and okay, so
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i crossed out this child from my heart and this child is gone, i didn’t cross out her heart, but in fact, even now you don’t want to take two steps towards it, i’m like that just like her, she doesn’t move towards me, i don’t step towards her, so wait, wait, you’re an adult. tell me, i even said a word that this didn’t happen, you don’t ask for forgiveness from your potential daughter, maybe i don’t want to in public, i want to ask for forgiveness in public, but in public there’s no way for me
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because you had 20 years without an audience, anastasia, well, it’s important for you to know whether you found your biological family, it can’t be unimportant, well, for myself, i want to know, well, how the test will show. ready to find out the test result? i invite yulia sivertseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio. will the result of a genetic examination prove that today they met in the studio for the first time in 21 years? we will find out mother and daughter together in a couple of minutes. watch today at
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19:00. serbia is even stronger under western pressure rallied around president vučić. his supporters won municipal elections, in mexico a woman won presidential elections for the first time in history, and in south africa for the first time in 30 years the party won. mandela lost her majority in parliament, why is the political map of the world changing before our eyes , what will this lead to? hits, it means they don’t love, unhappy families are unhappy in their own way, but unhappy families with domestic violence are similar in their misfortune. how to identify a case of domestic violence if spouses are often afraid to endure dirty laundry and how to protect potential victims? deputies and social activists are developing new amendments to legislation. watch tonight at 7:00 p.m. on the website in the application now. dolphin. new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. together we can do a lot. together, we can
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was held between a resident of armavir, anastasia semchina, and a resident of karachayev, cherkessia, ekaterina frolova. a positive result will mean that today anastasia, who was first abandoned by her own family, and then by two families of guardians , saw her biological mother, ekaterina, for the first time in her life. 21 years ago. seven-month-old
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anastasia was found alone in the hotel room where ekaterina lived and worked. the woman insists that she did not abandon her daughter, she was kidnapped and taken abroad into slavery. but the document depriving catherine of parental rights mentions that she not only left the child alone or with strangers more than once , but even tried. sell in this envelope the answer to the question: is anastasia really the girl abandoned by her mother? ekaterina, are you ready to find out if you met your eldest daughter today? anastasia, do you want to know for sure whether catherine is really your birth mother? yes, attention, i'm opening the envelope. on the one hand,
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the alleged daughter anastasia semchina is 21 years old, on the other hand, the alleged biological mother is ekaterina frolova, 39 years old. there is a good chance that you, anastasia, are catherine's blood daughter. 99.9%, yes, i recognized her immediately. to be normal, yeah, ekaterina, there is a desire to hug my daughter, there is, but i don’t have a desire to hug her, whoever wants to, goes, she didn’t go, that’s it, and i don’t want, and i
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didn’t want, anastasia, but the most the main thing is that you found not only your mother, you found your little sister, your sister, what she wanted, your sister, yes, i found it, well... i said right away, that when i find someone, relatives, someone, it’s like, if i have a brother or sister, i will communicate with her, but mother, even no matter how much time passes, i will not forgive. uliana, do you think you and anastasia will be able to become sisters? yes, i think it will work out, why not, i find a common language with people very quickly, with nastya it will be easy for me to find a common language, a dna test, a guaranteed result of recognition.
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the topic is relevant in conditions of external pressure. vladimir putin held a meeting of the security council on information security. tasty and safe, prime minister mikhail mishustin and colleagues at evraz discuss issues of food supply through reliable logistics chains. sergei savin found out why the five euroses intend to work with a plus in this matter. the only thing better than a tank is a new tank, and modernized t-80 bvms entering the zone of a special military operation and about the heroism of the tank crews that stormed novomikhailovka, evgeniy golovanov. they are hitting the enemy's stronghold in kalinovka, north of chasovo
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yar, in the area of ​​which the our major offensive ilya lyadin about how hail.


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