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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 4, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today in our program. gold always reacts immediately to geopolitical risks. bonanza. india is exporting gold reserves from england, and china is getting rid of american assets. what's happening to the global economy? there are countries that are reconsidering their dependence on the dollar, which is not bad. at gunpoint. macron is preparing to send the military to ukraine in the next few days. which? olga buzova angered the residents of bashkiria and social activists. isn't it time to introduce a dress code for those who like to be naked? the people have loosened up. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv. who
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else of the participants was, remember, we had a moment there when our guests did not support my idea that zelensky continues to behave in this manner, so close to hysteria, and he will always get away with it and they will give him what he asks for, well, remember we had this argument, ivan somehow didn’t agree either, in general, the course of events seems to confirm that our guests were right, and i was wrong, because the reaction began to come additional on this asian tour of zelensky, where he behaved exactly as i described, that is, so brazenly, often boorishly, well, in general, yes, he especially did not receive anything in the sense of any preferences, here there is criticism, well, we wanted to start with this, so to speak, in the wake of yesterday’s conversation.
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to the kazakh audience through the ukrainian press, but now let’s have a new reaction from china too.
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let's contrast, as we love: asian balance against french cocking, the rfi news agency reported immanuel macron’s intention to announce the sending of francesturian instructors to ukraine this week, on thursday, june 6. according to the publication, he will announce this in normandy at the celebrations marking the eightieth anniversary of the landing of allied forces there. terrorist zelensky is also expected to be present at the events, with whom macron, according to press reports, is going to discuss some tactical plans on the spot.
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but french law enforcement officers are now busy searching for a russian trace after the action at the eiffel tower. there are three previously unknown people there french soldiers in ukraine unloaded five coffins with inscriptions from a van right in the center of paris, but there were no bodies inside, just bags of plaster. according to the limont newspaper, three men were detained in hot pursuit - a ukrainian, a bulgarian and a german. it is reported that they previously participated in protests. were involved in vandal attacks on the holocaust memorial in paris, but french intelligence, as the publication writes, suspects that russia is behind the organization of this performance, there is no evidence, but according to law enforcement officers , russia has a motive to show that in france there is serious opposition to macron’s position. well
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, let’s also read a little about the chronicles of the free western world, you probably know such a military analyst, a former american intelligence officer, scott ritter, so he was not released from the united states for the past 24 hours. why? he was going to the st. petersburg economic forum. how was it all? as ritter himself said, at the moment of boarding the flight from new york to istanbul, his stopped by three border guards who confiscated the man’s passport. they did not give a reason, they said that there was simply an instruction from the us state department. according to ritter, former judge andrew napolitan was also taken off the flight with him; he was also going to st. petersburg. the russian foreign ministry has already turned to the state debt with the question, in fact, what amendment to the american constitution?
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this is what we call the global south, to the eastern region, but not to the west, to the west in our usual understanding, to europe , to the united states, it is clear that this is very a long process, but nevertheless, those who say that this process has already begun, it will be difficult, but it has already begun, so they pay attention to some interesting things, let us also try to pay attention to some interesting things, the other day the reserve bank of india took it away. from british vaults more than 100 tons of their gold, a significant event, considering that indians have one of the largest gold reserves in the world, 822 tons, half of which have been stored abroad since colonial times, now this gold is being returned home, and, as they say in new delhi,
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another batch may soon be evacuated from britain. the decision of the reserve bank of india is financially sound, firstly, it increases. american banks kept reserves of foreign gold for a long time, but the owners gradually began to take it away: saudi arabia, hanna, cameroon, senegal, algeria, egypt, south africa and nigeria have already done this. bloomberg analysts attribute this to rising prices for metal and remind that countries usually prefer buy gold before some major ones. shocks, as was the case before the two world wars. the world gold council, there is one, found that in the coming year a quarter of the central banks of different countries will increase gold reserves because they no longer trust the dollar. today, one of the factors
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behind the record growth of gold reserves is the death of the president and minister of foreign affairs of iran as a result of a helicopter crash. gold always reacts immediately to geopolitical risks. and uncertainty. from china is also divesting itself of american assets. over the past decade, beijing has reduced its holdings of us treasuries by as much as half a trillion dollars. this year. the process has accelerated sharply; since january, the chinese have sold $50 billion worth of american securities. economists fear this could cause a chain reaction. why would china sell its us bonds? this is a good starting point. the sale could be a sign of china's lack of confidence in the american economy or the stability of the us dollar. if other investors follow his example, it will will further weaken the status of the us dollar as the world's reserve currency.
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we will talk separately about dedollarization, that is, about abandoning the dollar as a reserve currency when making payments, now about other instruments, gold, bonds, and so on and so forth. yan yanych, how would you explain these actions of different countries, that is, some are selling american, yes, as they say in the market, what words do you know, i worked at business radio stations for quite a long time, so something remains in my subcortex here. others gold they take you back to their home, what is this, in your opinion? this is called diversification of assets, but what caused this, why? well, firstly, gold prices were recently at a record level, they, so to speak, fluctuate closer to three thousand, this is basically a record, some countries want to sell gold at a favorable price, but as for india, india has out of 800 there are more than tons of gold there, about half is stored.
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you must be a hindu, then you are a good citizen of india, now if you are a muslim, you are
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no longer a very good citizen of india, but this a separate story, it is quite possible that the transportation, loudly announced after the fact, is 100 tons, but we see that indian assets in american treasuries are more than 200 billion out of a total amount of 600 there are 48 or 650 billion dollars of indian reserves, no attempts to say so somehow.
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west. well, not an enemy, she is in very good china and india are different, because if india’s relations with the west, it is not so much afraid, strictly speaking, of the seizure of assets there, as in the case of russia, then it seems to me that this the return of gold is due to the fact that they are afraid that some kind of batch will begin, and if the batch begins global, then this gold may not be received in the end, it
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just needs to be returned, but no, what if some kind of, if anton said they were afraid england would drown. then i would agree with you that well, it will fly into the air, well, wait, now we have your word and here’s the line, if some kind of global mess begins, then of course it’s better, the chinese have a completely different logic, which means they get rid of american ones, including, are putting everything into gold, by and large, they have increased from 2 to 5% of their gold and foreign exchange reserves, in gold, they are now one of the largest countries investing in gold, why because they are just afraid that sanctions may be applied against them.
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story that some experts are afraid of some kind of chain reaction, that is, that more countries, more quickly, on behavior, look, with gold the story is very simple: india has a difficult relationship with great britain, india is trying to put pressure on great britain, there was there is a wonderful story about the return of british crown jewels that were stolen from england, or rather england, stolen during colonial rule and so on.
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the story of its withdrawal of gold from great britain is nothing more than an operation to put pressure on great britain. with this everything is simply clear, plus the reinforcement of its own national currency, which is not doing very well at all, this is the first, second, india is a strategic ally of the united states in confronting china, so no sanctions against india, and european, there british, american, they are simply impossible, so there are any fears that something will start a mess , we need to save gold, but this is all excuse me from the region, how is it stop, but that’s not what i was talking about , i was just saying.
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china, because on the one hand, some european companies are transferring production to china. the deal between moscow and beijing on the new siberian power 2 gas pipeline has stalled, the reason is chinese greed, supposedly comrades from the middle kingdom do not want to buy the russian one.
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and china, this was confirmed by the leaders of the two countries, are interested in continuing and deepening the energy dialogue between the two countries. as for the aspects of the commercial negotiations that are underway, well, of course, they are non-public. by the way, this is not the first time that the financial times has speculated about trade relations between russia and china. at the end of may, a similar article was published, where they again discussed the absence of an agreement on the gas pipeline. the gazprom press service then responded with a quote from the classics: don’t read. soviet newspapers, and if you look at the picture overall, china remains the largest buyer of fossil fuels from russia. over the past year, he purchased a record 107 million
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tons of oil. gas supplies increased by almost 50%. in april, bloomberg also wrote that russia plans to sell gas to china by 2027 at almost a third cheaper than europe and turkey. british economists are jealous. china will continue to receive these cheap hydrocarbons that it needs to support its economy.
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the united states is trying as best it can to resist the rapid growth of the chinese economy, several large american companies defiantly left the country. last year, without explanation , amazon left the chinese market, apple is moving production to india, although components are still sourced from china. hp was able to move some of its production to mexico, thailand and... many companies can't be as nimble as apple. it is very difficult to withdraw money in china. they have very competent subcontracting companies in china who assemble everything and then ship the products to the usa. they save your equipment, your technology, they begin to compete with you. on the world market. aleksandrevich, first in particulars, come on, why financial times? this is not just one publication, they have been constantly writing for how many, several months, that look, russia, china
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have such problems, such problems separately for gas, who are they trying to influence, tell other western companies that china has everything? it’s not so good to leave, but they can’t even with russia, i don’t understand the point of this, this is a directed company, this is a directed company, in fact, any goal such a company to discredit certain relations, in this case the relations between our countries. i will not assure anyone now that everything is cloudless with us, everything is wonderful, the chinese are indeed not always ready to make concessions in the negotiation process, but we are not always ready to make concessions, but nevertheless this is a normal negotiation process, in fact, both the parties must reach some acceptable position, but here i really like this approach in the western media, when they doubt absolutely nothing, often without citing any sources, they are starting to say that the power of siberia 2 has failed, that in general...
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this is a very multifactorial process, in any case. well, no one will tell you this, because this is the case, and you see, even today you realized that everyone acts based on their own motives, everyone has different motives, but in the end it’s like streams, all motives merge into one river, and this river is called, i’ll ask differently, i’ll ask differently.
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this is understood primarily by their overseas curators; the europeans themselves no longer have any pro-soviet attitude, let’s talk or the collective west or the usa, that’s it, they understand, they see that the ground is disappearing from under their feet, it’s obvious, it’s visible not only from those microscopic signs, it’s not much, they’re trying to take the gold there, let someone else try take gold from the usa, they won’t give it back, and they don’t have it, there’s none left, most likely andreyvich, what... why? i just see once again that we live in a world of illusions, since it is impossible to build a new economic system based on india and china, for example, given the contradictions between the countries, namely therefore, india is blocking any decisions within the brix framework to create some kind of collective currency, payment system, because china wants to base it on ur, simply. and maybe
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someday there, relatively speaking, in 50 years , maybe this is the time, as for the power of siberia 2, i just know this topic very well, there is a very big, there is a very big problem here, the problem is that to pay for the power of siberia 2 china should, and then someday we will pay with gas, but construction takes 3-4 years, at least, which means china doesn’t understand, he needs what'. china really insists on a very low price, and the next point is still controversial. china insists that the representative office use its technology, equipment, and so on, which does not suit either gazprom or many others, but the problem is different, that china now has the full opportunity to dictate we have conditions for the power of siberia 2, we have no other choice, we do not have another power of siberia 2 and will not have it, that’s all, the european market
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is lost. so there will be no comps for yes, this is not entirely true, firstly, because there were a number of projects when we were deciding where to build gas pipelines. from eastern siberia, we will build them in china, or we will build them in the far eastern ports in order to then export lng to all of southeast asia. and in fact, these options remain a scenario, but now at this particular moment, due to the specifics of sanctions and so on, this is not easy to do. but the chinese understand that they are not the only partners for us, the only buyers since we are the only alternative for them sellers. of course, china can receive gas from the middle east, from anywhere, but the problem is that from the point of view of the security of supply and the security of the country of origin, we are the only partner, and the prices, well, of course, well, for the price
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, they are always more expensive, than pipeline gas, yes, at a price you can push out africans there, push out the middle east, theoretically it is possible, but ensuring the security of supply is... gas in conditions of geopolitical inevitability, not even competition, but conflict with the united states, china cannot, so we have no alternative for them, yes, of course, china is now pushing us, this is normal, from a general global point of view , will we have time yet or not, and from a global point of view, can we build something like that new and international, relying on china, maybe even without india, from the point of view of calculations from the point of view of some new financial reality, well, relying specifically on china, no, because there are many.
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"the construction of a waste processing plant is a crime against everything of humanity, in the process it exploded in his hands, the emergency situation needs to be solved as soon as possible, an explosion is inevitable, and after it a new one, if i understand correctly, there is another mine planted somewhere, it can explode at any moment, so that’s all aside and dig the ground, major, what fates, your passions are boiling worse than in turkish tv series. dolphin, new season. and what is wrong? it's not all right, but we'll figure it out. today at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. our white friday is whiter,
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on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and in this part we invite you, of course, to briefly immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the new ukrainian ones. let's start everyday life with the lvov region, where the already traditional hunt for people in order to later send them to the trenches turned into a big scandal, the reason was these shots where employees of the local military registration and enlistment office, you see, trying to catch up with a conscript bike, they just knock him down, and they knock him down like that, i want to use the word deliciously, but here it is of course not very appropriate, you can see how the young man is trying to hide, but let’s take a closer look at these shots, he’s trying to hide, but the military commissars in the minibus accelerated harder, at full speed go. they knock him to the side of the road, but in an evil irony they themselves
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fly into a ditch. the cyclist was not taken aback and quickly ran away from these ludolovs on his own two feet. the video outraged ukrainians so much that the military registration and enlistment office had to make excuses for the actions of their employees. they say they acted within the law, but quote: they couldn’t cope with their emotions when this scoundrel cyclist swore at them and tried to run away. military commissars, however, still demand punishment for attempted murder. well, kiev has its own atmosphere. serious frog-gazing happened between the kiev mayor's office and the office of the president of ukraine, the reason was the so-called month of pride, during which the west, well, along with kiev, is going to honor representatives of the lgbt movement. let me remind you that this movement is recognized in russia extremist, significant events were decided to be held for the first time first of a special military operation, the progressive office of the president had already laid out and planned everything, here you have the equality march and the lgbt festival, but unexpectedly ruined this holiday.
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and speaking english will be introduced for civil servants, the list has already included heads
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of administration, military personnel and police officers of the middle senior ranks, official internet representations of authorities will have to have an english version, at the request of citizens, authorities will answer inquiries in english. the authorities themselves do not hide the fact that about half of ukrainian citizens currently do not know english at all; therefore, according to the initiative, english will be taught to children, starting from kindergarten. so i see a ukrainian who comes to a public place to get a piece of paper and says: give me please, as they say, well , now they will heal, so let us return to our topic, which means that here is another process.
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a company from india has signed a contract with rosneft and will buy at least 3 million barrels of raw materials per month to pay for it in rubles. according to reuters, the deal was concluded after vladimir putin’s call to look for an alternative to the western currency system. india is the world's third-largest oil consumer, so analysts believe that paying in rubles will strengthen the russian currency. it is known that payments will be made through the indian bank hdfc and the russian gazprom bank. a similar system appeared in 2022 for trading in rubles with unfriendly countries. the buyer transfers money in foreign currency to a special account, the bank changes it. confusion between political sentiment and economic viability. russia says: we cannot use rupees, we cannot convert them. russia is now
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selling yuan, this is one of the reasons why they want us to pay in yuan. transition to national currencies for mutual settlements. egypt, since it is a key destination for many countries, russia, china and others.
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unexpected, so the russian ministry of finance takes it seriously the mechanisms of these calculations may be the most they say that with foreign countries you can trade using cryptocurrency. such a document has already been submitted to the state duma, and deputies will consider it in august. the ministry of finance proposes to mine, that is, generate cryptocurrency in russia, and carry out the operations themselves in foreign jurisdictions. they want miners. bring it out of the shadows, officially recognize the mining of cryptocurrencies as an economic activity and assign a code to it. there are two well-known sayings, the first is so popular that a dollar is a dollar in africa, the second is what vladimir volsh said, a dollar is a dirty green piece of paper, here is alexey nikolaevich what, that it was not vladimir volfovich, hello, dirty green piece of paper - it was
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zhayanovsky who said in that famous in that famous, which was recognized that it was not zharinovsky, so the phrase is known.
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very soon, in terms of trade flows, but indeed china will increase the share of the yuan and all sorts of alternative schemes will arise there,
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for the american currency and the european currency
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20, the statistics are better for non-dollar trade flows and not global ones, well, they’re just different things, i’m just no it says there look carefully, you will see that these are two different calculation systems, well, maybe i’m wrong, but in general it means 46% of the dollar , which has even grown a little bit, this is due to the fact that they have eaten away.
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a very fashionable idea of ​​​​a new international economic order, the un general assembly even adopted a special declaration, and for 10 or 15 years this issue was discussed for a long time and they said
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that the unfair international economic order must be changed, 50 years have passed, some people there are still discussing it, let’s talk about the global south, now we they renamed the third world into the global south and now we will live in a new way, this is what we are talking about now, you know, all this reminds me of being present during a discussion about at what altitude crocodiles fly.
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well, before the dollars there was the pound sterling, nothing, the pound sterling gradually left, the dollar came, after the dollar something else will come, but if we take this system now and bring it down, it won’t be good for anyone, that is, if we want to spite our mother, i’ll freeze my ears off like this principle to act, it will be bad for everyone if we bring down this sim, so little by little, they are gradually abandoning...
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as for the fact that the west dominates, that it created such a system, the dominance of the west, the dominance of western countries, this is a very short historical period, and it began, in general, a little over 200 years ago.
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troitsky cultural center. july 22 - yalta, chekhovo theater, 24 august sochi winter theater on the andrainor.rf website, more detailed information and including links on how to purchase tickets. now we have several such, one might say, anti-cultural news. but so to speak, why not, why not? let's get started then, news from the investigative committee of russia, department employees have begun a pre-investigation check against the foreign agent and artist andrei makarevich. in the musician’s statements, law enforcement officers are looking for quite a few signs of public calls for extremism, what are they so made you pay attention? the reason for the verification was the foreign agent’s conversation with the pranksters vavan and lexus, we showed you pieces during a video conference. introduced themselves to the terrorists as zelensky. during the conversation, the musician spoke with pleasure about the support of the kiev regime and his readiness to send money for the needs of the ssu. stating that he is literally counting the days for a ukrainian victory. and now makarevich
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faces a fine of up to 300,000 rubles, forced labor and even imprisonment for up to 4 years, if all this is confirmed. i'm in the first day of victory is yours, if they call, of course, i will come with pleasure, it’s arranged for him.
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received immediately admits, yes, he helped raise money for the armed forces of ukraine. to be honest, i have never justified any terrorism in my life, when the war began, i was still in spain, and even when i was still there, i immediately clearly outlined my position, a lot of ukrainians came to me and asked me to i posted information on my instagram on my social networks about... collecting money, i posted a lot of information, i didn’t directly sent, from anti-cultural characters,
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let's probably move on to more cultural ones, although here i can, i would say that we will now talk about sramata, remember, sramata in the operation when the hero of alexei smirno wanted to buy a rug there for wall, and the reason was given by the respected olga buzova. who performed in bashkiria at such an open festival, she performed, i’m not sure, well, in a similar costume, now we ’ll show you in close-up, in general, the public was indignant. that you can’t speak in front of children like that, you can’t predominantly muslim region , it is impossible to perform in this form and in general it is impossible to perform in this form, so we want to ask you a question, which we will show after this story, as always in the telegram channel you will vote, because well, in principle , we are trying to increase the price of our stars , to our artists, many public activists now have doubts that this is correct, we need to somehow...
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limit the appearance of artists, put them into some kind of framework, because people look, and then walk around the streets in the same form, and it's not ok, i mean, sromata. let's watch. olga buzova sang and danced in a leather bodysuit and stockings at the woof festival on june 1. her backup dancer was also dressed, or rather, undressed. the fact that it was children's day added to the piquancy of the situation. there were no age restrictions at the event, and for guests up to...
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and provocation in a difficult time for the country. deputy irina fillatova sent a letter to minister of culture olga lyubimova with a proposal to introduce a mandatory dress code for artists. and ufa activists wrote application to the investigative committee. at that time there were a lot of children, there were more than 10 thousand spectators. and a very large number of children and teenagers. this is the first. second, she performed on the day. protection of childhood, and it was a completely inappropriate, unchildish outfit, and third, she entered a republic where many profess islam, and this is haram. olga buzova herself, two days later, tried to justify herself in her telegram channel, saying that the outfit was in her usual style, the audience, if they didn’t want to, could not have watched, but in in the end, she apologized with the words, quote “do not look for evil where there is none.” by the way, complaints about being too depraved... the image was not only received
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by buzova, the public did not like the image of the ballerina anastasia volochkova in kakoshnik and a russian sundress on her naked body. and i wish you all sincere happiness, i wish you joy, morning sunrises, evening sunsets, mavitic, of course, and you know, true blessings. there are fears on social networks about the arrival of another naked lady, the wife of rapper kanye west, in the country. according to rumors, he is preparing to perform in moscow. zero years, the less clothes the stage had, the better, remember at least the viagra group, but there was a place for outrageousness even in the ussr, for example, in these archival footage...
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as you rightly said, to his inner world, here what the artist brings, then it and it should be, wait, wait, but an artist is an artist. he’s playing, he doesn’t have to be the same person on stage that he is, i ’m grateful to you for inviting me today, because literally today is the 35th anniversary of the nana group, here.
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no, no, no, no, you, ivan, know, olya, she in general, he’s still a provocateur, the fact is that about five years ago, at one of the children’s awards, olya came out in shorts, but she usually doesn’t wear shorts, or what? well, yes, usually,
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maybe, yes, then she came out in shorts, and i had to close my child’s eyes, well, a children’s award, musical, musical. minus yes, but at the same time, when you tell these people who olga buzova is, everyone knows who olga buzova is, everyone knows how olga buzova dresses, so if, if this causes someone, yes, they just they won't come there, wait, let's we wish olga buzova creative success, now we have shown you a great professional, i am responsible for my words, because i saw how he works, i saw behind the scenes, valery yakovich leontik, who was jumping around in these pants, then he had period, i remember very well, he
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was wearing some kind of tattered t-shirts, but i was never a fan of liontiv, i think that he was very unlucky creatively, because he had few good songs, really . a similar costume starts our viewers irritate, from whom, with irina vladimirovna, yes, but you need to understand that in the ussr there was censorship, when such costumes appeared, such shows for people, it was something new, it was, as they considered, some kind of breath of
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freedom , it was a trend from the west, so someone was shocked, i remember my childhood when my grandparents forced me, by the way, to change channels when the family gathered in front of the tv and showed. but at the same time, my colleagues suggest that in fact leonty complained in one of his interviews that some of his performances were due to his outfits from tv broadcasts were cut out, but if rina lonina says that she watched it and the grandmothers were obscured there, it means that they definitely didn’t cut out all the performances, maybe some especially elk or some especially mesh
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outfits were cut out, but obviously not everything was so good, today what is the main complaint against those artists who perform in costume, well, i don’t know, those who don’t answer. some kind of norm, yes, but here now it is impossible to make a claim against buzova, from the point of view of the law, because the law has not been violated, there is no censorship now, but appearing in this form is not prohibited, we have an article on hooliganism, this is appearing in a public place in the nude, in the nude, there is such an article, here we need to really create trade unions, including for artists, they exist, but for me it’s like a lawyer doesn’t understand exactly how...
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what they were going for, well, if we paraphrase her comment, we can say that you’re good, that means something is needed, yes, but it’s not clear how, andrei borisovich, andrei borisovich, well that, by the way, there were also such there were no such suits, well, anyway , all sorts of metal ones, let’s introduce, look, what’s the problem, well, if you take buzova, then everything seems clear, the girl did it.
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if we lived outside the state, then we could do whatever we want, if we live in the state, the state makes its choice, until today, or even not, i’m not until today, until today’s events, i have in view of the northern military district, yes, we lived in such a liberal russian federation, where everything was possible, there was no censorship, where everything could be done, suddenly at a certain moment we suddenly realized, that what was brought to us before february 24 of twenty-two, it turns out, was brought by those who now want to defeat us on the battlefield, suddenly we began to realize that we still need to return to
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our spiritual and moral values, we need to remember that clothes are also a reflection of these very spiritual and moral values, but suddenly we have an outbreak of this kind of naked party, of which there were a million before the naked party, that we don’t know this, that we don’t know that our officials are taking part in such parties that we don't know that the businessmen of these... are throwing a sea, yes, suddenly a naked party, a splash, why? because for the first time will was shown, political, state will, when the state said: you can’t do this, and like these people who were undressing there yesterday and spitting on everyone, they said, they immediately began to get dressed, shed tears and say, let them go us, please, we won’t do this anymore, we will go to donbass, we will do everything you want to do for you, that is, you are proposing to simplify the situation. a strong state if it will show political will, because understand, here are
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the arty - with all my love and belonging there, partly to this, so to speak, stratum of society, yes, but they are also law-abiding people, they also do not want to be - to integrate into the alternative to the state, everyone who does not wanted to integrate into the state , they left, now... i know that bari alebasov decided everything that needed to be done there, believe me, if bari alebasov had been called to the old square, they would have said
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a few words, they would have come out in costumes and sung the songs that needed to be sung suits need to be worn without fail, or what if we are talking about traditional spiritual and cultural values, if not, if we continue to live in a liberal country, then of course, without the old square, she was the first to come out in suits at the kremlin palace of congresses and in suits, not in suits, here we are . maybe we’ll ask jamal like this, no, i wanted to ask jamal if he’s so professional, is there a dress code needed at all? in fact, i’m listening and i understand that it seems to me that buzova paid ntv so that we could discuss her outfit, if it were brilliant, if we were now like i am.
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this is the argument of all sodomites, when they - they say why don’t they go to the bathhouse? come on, let's think logically without this moralism trying to condemn everyone. here, firstly, the suit is not leather, here it is fabric, which is a russian suit, once again, we have already forgotten, i just looked carefully at this suit on the internet, because i did not understand why such a fuss was made, this if it was leather, then it would be worse or what? no, the question is the leather suit.
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at that moment it was still bandaged, because he had just returned, was just recovering from an injury, and he spoke on behalf of the veterans, because he heads the veteran organization of the guys who are now our heroes, who are now in the donbass, and we are with him they asked, actually asked him this question, at that moment we were not an artist, but some strip clubs and so on and so on, to which he answered us: i’m there, so that peaceful life continues here, so that i come back here, and it’s like this, and not the people like you talked about it.
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comrade rear admiral, we have an emergency, sea devils, this is the work of foreign saboteurs, we are always ready for a decisive battle, what will we do, improvise, as always, even on the farthest frontiers, we have guests, take up defense, forward, act according to the situation, new episodes of your favorite series. russian welcome, now there will be an explosion, then a little gas, see you soon, we didn’t get out of such scrapes, sea devils, new series, let there be more viewers, i love attention, from monday at 22:10 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on
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tinkov, he’s the only one. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. to nag tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. world of fair prices brings you the cordless chainsaw . century: trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes - this is not a complete list of work that it is capable of. the century minisaw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs; its light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount
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of energy required. call and order a cordless chainsaw forever and get a reliable and faithful assistant. dolphin, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, i remind you that in telegram the survey is ongoing, whether an artist should have some kind of dress code on stage, there are already a lot of people who have voted, here are colleagues who see the voting itself, how it goes live, they say that no, there is no one version that wins, so it doesn’t happen often with us, usually some answer is in the lead, and the rest then, well, in general, if you haven’t already, then go and vote, now , as promised,
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i’m dissatisfied with women who don’t wear underwear and in general, they actively demonstrate their bodies to the public; they are especially saddened by those who bare their overweight. milonov called them bare-bellied rednecks with bodies hanging over their cowards, splashing around our cities in their flip-flops, and said that he plans to develop rules for being on the street, because, quote, we are not in america, they walk, so to speak, practically in rude clothes , undisguised, waving everything that they have there, and of course, this violates some aesthetic, aesthetic views of society, because
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any person should watch how... they are wearing, by the way, in different regions lately several things happened at once naked scandals, in rostov-on-don, a mother brought her daughter to the local market for shopping and the girl was the center of attention, men looked at her with a visit, their wives closed their eyes and theirs. the streets of coastal zelenogradsk in the kaliningrad region, in the first warm days, were filled with local tourists in swimsuits. were indignant , asked the authorities to restore order, now a people's squad walks around the city reminding resort guests of the rules of decency, but real wars between naked vacationers and locals unfold every year in krasnodar region. tourists in swimsuits calmly enter shops and cafes on the embankment. the other day we met such a lady in the mamaika microdistrict. the whole of sochi was indignant in the comments. glitch, goats, girls, everyone, we fly to
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the arrows. residents of the north caucasus are most actively fighting for a summer dress code. in chechnya, a man wearing shorts was not allowed to drive through the city of grozny. the traffic police sent him on a detour. last year in dagestan, a girl was asked to move out of her rented apartment because she went for a walk in makhachkala in shorts, and she didn’t look good. liked the local wrestler. did i do great? what the fuck remark? who are you that you reprimanded me? you won't be hanging out in the yard. what am i doing and what are you doing to me? dmitry vadimovich, logically, if we are trying to somehow introduce stars into a dress code on stage, then the people who look at them should also limit them in some way or not, or is the logic wrong? well, about the stars, it seems to me that artists, they are like children, there is no need for them to have any dress codes, they need boundaries that concert organizers should follow, what is this? we made a mistake with buzova, the organizer flew in, he
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lost his qualification there. i couldn’t participate in tenders and then he and the boss will decide everything so that on june 1 she will be dressed up, that is, i think that in show business it’s simple, but now you wanted to talk about people, so i’m not, well, i’m trying to understand what costume should be, you started now there should be a responsible self-regulatory organization of concert organizers, and then if any member of the organization disgraces the fact that on children’s day even on a paid basis concert releases buzova practically without panties. yes, then he’ll just get it from his collegues, and he won’t do it further, he just works in a tie and a three-piece suit, do you think it’s a violation of the dress code and inappropriate for the image of the host of a television program that i work without a tie, well, your self-regulatory organization, which says that it’s normal, my self-regulatory organization, such nonsense doesn’t even come to mind, for sure, because it’s due
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on june 1st. practically without panties - this is nonsense, it’s normal for you to come without a tie , coming to the people, yes, coming to the people, you were conducting the program, i respect what your self-regulatory milonova would say, but i myself have been a wife for 20 years, three children, don’t look at women, that’s right for me it’s difficult, you have to look at men, what do you mean there’s no need to look at all, you have to look, here’s what to do, i go to work on the subway, and at home, it’s difficult now, yes there is, i agree, well... and men’s rights, because what about this girl who came to the market in transparent underwear, if her dad or husband or whatever a young man would have more authority,
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rights and responsibility, then... such things did not happen, because why do girls walk decently in the northern caucasus, because here are men who will not let them dress indecently, so we are raising, increasing the authority of a man, we we really protect society by introducing it, of course it’s not necessary for people, but i want to reassure you here, so that it’s good that we are discussing all this, but to say a little about a related topic, but if we... don’t change something, we won’t change it with uncontrollable migration of countries south, then the new citizens of the russian federation will really solve all these problems themselves, let’s do it. yes, let’s go back, that means it’s a man’s strength to make a woman dress normally, normally, now, yes, lesya,
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let’s take a few points at once, that means, the first thing, when we talk about the fact that now we supposedly have a traditional conservative russia, which began after supposedly liberal russia, there is a feeling that it smacks of a vacuum. no need to think about the fact that you are the only representative of the modern conservative traditional russia, this is the first moment, the second moment, who are the men, dear ones, who are interfering with you, don’t interrupt me, interfering with being an authority.
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practically special clothing, well, he won’t go into the water in a suit, right? why then, in the same, in the same clothes, a person, and an adult woman who is also raising children, and men too, who are in swimming trunks, consider it possible to get out of the sea, cross the road there, go to the store, even, somehow, explain to me why this is considered the norm, two different stories, maybe first, when we talk about how this supposedly somehow affects children, i think we are being too dramatic. we traumatize and demonize the children themselves, forgive me, the children in the kindergarten in the children's toilet of the kindergarten saw at least as many panties, or even more, than you, treat it calmly, some showed, and then they showed, and they looked through it, and it’s normal when they know about that a person actually has different
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organs, including their parents. second point, regarding the dress code, all the organizations that you have just listed, are commercial, within the framework of their rules for being in restaurants, banks and stores, they can impose any rules they like.
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you are actively doing this in a survey asking whether there is a need for a dress code for artists, because otherwise there will be horror, as i said. this needs to be done in order to protect the children, nothing needs to be done, every artist should have his own creative face like this, please vote, now let’s look at another plot, these are not artists or even people who there are too naked people walking along the street, just people dressed strangely, dressed in a way that is not appropriate, probably from the point of view of some norm, please show me recently designers released...
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april, a deputy from devnogorsk posted a video showing the beauty of the local embankment, but in the comments they paid attention not to nature, but to the politician’s sweater, which was full of holes. citizens did not appreciate this style and wondered: is it normal for the chosen one of the people to wear such clothes? in response to this, the deputy posted a photo again wearing a torn sweater, this time in a different
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color. that's it, dear friends, we are on the border of my beloved denogorsk, look how beautiful it is. so, the people loosened up. i, firstly, i want to say right away that i cannot leave without comment the words of ruslan vyacheslavovich, whom i respect, and regarding this conversation in trench, which haunts me: listen, 105 million russian people live in russia, in the northern caucasus they live several million, well, 50 times less than in general, in russia in general, i don’t know if you have statistics that show that caucasian women take care of their honor, but russians do not.
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thoughts, then, a comment on this article in the constitution says it interprets this concept broadly and says that a person’s appearance, his appearance, his appearance, is the right to freedom of thought, of course, to freedom of speech, therefore any restriction of this this paragraph is an unconstitutional topic, this is pure censorship when you you attack buzov, say that there is cancer there and so on, put a tutu on her. she will be no different from a ballerina in a big theater, i don’t understand why she was invited to defense day, children’s day, i
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have complaints there about her songs, creativity and so on, but, excuse me, you can’t make any claims about appearance, these are artists, this is the first, second, lesya said absolutely exactly, in russia the average age of people is 39 years old, in the state duma it’s about 55, the difference is significant, that means people.
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zlata’s illnesses are very serious , impaired development of blood vessels, venous and lymphatic, i was hysterical, i
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cried a lot, one of the baby’s legs was almost three times larger than the other, covered with bloody spots, she gets tired very quickly, the leg still has a lot of weight, where - about 3 kg, it was there are a lot of questions about why this happened to us, the doctors immediately suggested amputation, i don’t understand how you can suggest amputation if it’s clear that the leg is working. “she’s not dead, there’s something to save, but the parents made the decision, no matter what, to save their daughter’s leg, she loves to dance madly, what will the doctors say now? these small black spots are microthrombosis, unfortunately, i’m i’m seeing this for the first time, it’s very dangerous, it can lead to death at any moment, god forbid, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? you make all
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timur eremeev. today at 16:45 on ntv. at this meeting point, let's have less than two minutes left, what do you think about this is there a need for a dress code for artists? pay attention, 51%, yes, otherwise it will be just panties, panties and leggings. i ’ll tell you right away that at the beginning, as soon as we announced this survey, it was over 60%. that is, apparently, along the way.
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filming one of the smartest people i ’ve ever met in my life, this is the deceased, unfortunately, former leader, academician fortov, so it was +31 or +32 on the street, it was some kind of july, and he suited us for stupid journalists event, where he explained with examples what to do with all this physics about he told me something global, he came to this event in shorts, you don’t remember how old he was then, well, it was already 5-6 years before he passed away, it’s like +3 on the street, what a fool is it weird that this made him wear shorts? less intelligent and less outstanding scientists, well, no, of course, about appearance, in general, the armenian radio asks what a woman should do if she is very, very fat, the armenian radio answers, she should spin a hoop, huh? armenian radio asks: what should a woman do if she doesn’t fit into this hoop? the armenian radio deliberately falls silent, thinks, thinks, at this moment the georgian radio bursts into the argument, listen, don’t spoil
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a good woman, this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. vladimir putin proposed a candidacy for the post of new governor of the altai republic instead of the departed kharakhodin. geocint sounds beautiful and menacing, about how self-propelled artillery crews work in the yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation, and thanks to what cunning they manage to escape from under return fire, evgeniy golovanov will tell you. french media claim that macron is preparing in the near future. announce the sending of military instructors to ukraine, and here i have dried vegetables, cereals, flour, barley, be ready, always ready, the question is, why, why do the british need so many canned goods -
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elizaveta gerson found out.


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