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tv   Delfin-2  NTV  June 4, 2024 8:00pm-10:11pm MSK

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he couldn’t help but show up on at least one of the cameras, check all the cameras, atms, cameras on houses, dvrs in cars, in stores, we’re looking for anyone, anyone, yes, it’s a problem. “residents of yuzhnomorsk, the construction of a waste processing plant is a crime against our entire region, against our unique flora and fauna, and it is strange that neither the city authorities nor law enforcement agencies understand this, i will say more, this is a crime.” into
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humanity, what is this, sergeant, to the elder, what is here, where, the hell, oh, this we didn’t have enough, look, he has the matter in his hands, so the citizens left the scene, let’s take the people away, we’re not sleeping, sergeant, take them away, that’s it, let’s leave, there’s no need to shoot anything, where are you going, i’m the head of the local chuburin, this is my target . you know him, you can’t tell right away, his face is too mutilated, okay, fine, we’ll talk to you later, please leave, don’t let anyone in here, look, the explosive device is covered, the war could have remained, who knows, the experts will tell, berezin sergey nikolaevich. address matrosa pokhomoy street 7
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apartment 12, i wonder what he forgot here? what should i do? call. pavel maksimovich, we have chip. where are you going early in the morning, to work, on a day off, isn’t everyday life enough for you? yes, i want to see what ’s going on there on the weekend, bye, this is restless, please look at the photo, does anyone know this guy? this is ours, this is seryozha, girl, and how do you know the murdered man? sorry, it’s inconvenient to talk, i don’t know anything.
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what is going on here? what kind of people are these? guys, you are starting, and i won’t be long on business, wait, yul, yes, you look absolutely gorgeous today, i’m joining you, thank you, what happened to you? yes, nothing, nothing
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happened, i just decided to change my image a little, no, well, obviously something happened, but nothing happened, that’s the strange thing about men, something must happen for a beautiful woman to come to work, of course, but what about? yes, oleg, what do you have there? it looks like the dead were among the icology activists. how did you install this? yes, one of the girls there from the ykologist identified him in front of the journalists. well, did you interview her? did not work out. why? means so, according to a preliminary inspection , a mine from the great patriotic war exploded. but i can say in more detail only after a thorough examination in the laboratory, everything is fine with me, yulia, and why are you so beautiful today, but nothing, don’t wait, something happened, nothing happened, everything is as usual, oh well, yes, it ’s yulia’s birthday today, yeah, what happened to you, that you’re so beautiful, guys, me too, i need to know the birthdays of my colleagues, okay, i went on without me, and andrey, this emergency needs to be disclosed in the shortest possible time, you can see the resonance. that we’re going to make such a fuss now,
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it won’t seem like much, well, we’ll try, maksimovich fell, try, and that’s it. there will be information, call right away, corpse truck, wait, don’t leave ahead of time, hello, technical worker, tereda is bothering you, you need billing for the last 3-4 months on berezino sergey nikolaevich, ilya semenovich, what kind of kindergarten, why leave me alone, ilya
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semenovich. oh, andryusha, you’ll have borscht, i have it for yesterday, i know how i got it, i’m actually coming to you on business, let’s pour it, and then
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what the matter, i wanted to ask about your lodger, he was telling something about himself, you, i don’t understand, why are you suddenly interested in him? have you heard about today's explosion near the waste plant construction site? well, yes, i heard that zakhar has something to do with it? what about preventive measures? well, did you say anything, no? well, he said and said that he was in prison, but he was not involved in business, he said that it was your people who framed him for economic crimes, they probably wanted to cut down the field, he didn’t give him, well, they imprisoned him, for about three months... he was released, sort of.
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hello, technical department, hello, major korablev is bothering you, but look at the bases, zakhar petrovich, they are needed.
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uh-huh, thank you, so you say he was released 3 months ago, well, yes, andryush, why are you looking at me like that, there’s no reason for me to lie, but what can you tell about him yourself, lodger, he’s a good lodger, as a tenant, well, he pays for the room regularly, golden hands, what furniture... oh, andryusha, you know, having such a guy with you, this is happiness, okay, stepana, thank you, slaughter, let's go, you haven't eaten nothing that isn't i liked it, why not, why not, i just need to run errands, hello, nat, hello, listen,
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i need your help, you can, through your connections in st. petersburg, request a copy of zakhar petrovich’s file. i don’t understand, you can do it yourself officially, why do you need me, well, officially it will take a long time, but i need it urgently, okay, i’ll try, i’ll try to come to an agreement, by the way, how are things like today? we’re working, come on, i’m waiting, my neighbor was interested in you, also furniture. wants to fix it, i'm ready, an extra penny won't hurt, but no, andrey
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a policeman, well, in the sense of a policeman, the head of the criminal investigation department, at first, it means, the st. petersburg people were pushing me, now the locals are starting to push me, you tell him that he won’t get anything from me, but just wait a minute to throw a barrel at andrey, he’s not like that. .. they are all the same, at first these st. petersburg ones also seemed normal, and then they just took it and stupidly framed me, i was a witness, i already went to trial as an accused, they gave it to the priest, good, i managed to put myself in a normal name, i came out as a fool, i specifically dumped here from st. petersburg to stay away from them was not enough in order to go, the ghouls started looking for me to shut my mouth. what does andrey have to do with this? and besides, they are all connected. i’m sure
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the st. petersburg obepovites found out where i bought yours, that you should watch your language now. i repeat, andrey is not like that. well, if he’s not like that, it means he’s just been fooled. zakhar, don’t get angry now, andrey will figure it out. and we will help him. no. i know their system, the main thing for them is to close the statistics, but they won’t figure out who did what , and i don’t want to go to jail anymore, so excuse me, look for another guest.
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yours, yes, nikola petrovich, hello, how is life, oleg, what news, for what news, such life, working up to your neck with this explosion, my advice to you, stay close to sudakova, and if anything happens, i’ll help, thank god . there are still some connections left, so tell me, what are you racking your brains over, how can you help? yes, how can i say, it would be nice if the chupovites who are guarding the construction and began to cooperate would tell everything they know, show recordings from their cameras, and even these environmentalists need to be interrogated, especially one division, no, you misunderstood, she seems to be... the girlfriend of the deceased, of course, well, it’s simple, i’ll talk to their chief, he ’ll help, well, we’ll sort it out with the environmentalists,
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i’m serious about the pike perch, while korablev will chase lazarev, you will hopefully resolve the really criminal situation in yezhnomorsk, this is also a plus for karma in front of your superiors, and how do you know about the lazrya, it’s also secret to me, but the whole of yuzhnomorsk knows about it, you will succeed without... korableva, i believe in you, ok, i won’t interfere, but i’ll send the chtopovo people to you later, thank you, ow!
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damn, where is that damn phone?
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oh, the registrar and the license plate, yes, i saw this guy who was blown up earlier, that is, you knew him, well, as you knew, i saw environmentalists among these picketers, this is not the first time they have picketed here, but there were no threats to blow up, or that’s it- they did, no, they didn’t, they wrote to the prosecutor’s office against us, they threatened. they were also going to report the police, but there was no mention of an explosion, there were no such threats, tell me, you don’t know how the deceased could have ended up near the side fence, i already looked at the cameras, he didn’t come with picketers, separately with some guy, that is, the place of the explosion is visible by your cameras, unfortunately, no, not everything, in that area the cameras along the perimeter along the fence
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take a strip of a meter wide, the explosion occurred further. where this guy arrived, this is a video from the parking lot, tell me, don’t you have a video where this guy in a hood is leaving, you have it, yeah, okay, so stop, can i record it.
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of course, i would like to talk to everyone, but i am especially interested in one girl, is this the one you are interested in among ecologists or is that all of them? well, informal with multi-colored hair, is that? yes, she herself, we will find and deliver. on airentv, viia superstar. our superstars will perform their favorite song today: maybe don’t rush the knife.
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thirty%. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extra gel. i am something good, something better. and i'm useful, oh yes. you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, vtb, choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, groceries, sporting goods and receive cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles , vtb, together everything will work out, viia superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hi, great, why are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, how
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i got to the hall, i don’t remember, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it happens, maybe i should also buy that there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, i’m now mine wife, you know how and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i’m off and running, but... give yourself a try, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better
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at 22:10 on ntv. mayor, we need to talk, i hope this conversation will remain between us. okay, i 'm listening. yesterday harunjiy, tomorrow i, i know, what do you consider the death of harunji. it’s not a coincidence, it’s correct, it all started not yesterday or the day before yesterday, so wait, let’s go in order, you suspect someone,
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the only thing i can say is that lazareva, you suspect for good reason, you have some facts , the other day lazarev invited me to participate in commercial development. territory of the selection center, but the territory is state-owned, and private business is going to develop it, but it seems to me that this is strange, but what do you mean by development? like what? in business terms, transfer of the territory to commercial, residential, business development, it’s clear, something else, that’s all?
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yes, yes, hello, science, hello, well, what will please you, in addition to the damage received from the explosion, the deceased also has a severe head injury, that is, you want to say that the head injury was not received from a mine explosion, the explosion is separate, the blow to the head is separate , and tell me, with a blast wave, when it was thrown away, happy birthday, thank you. yes, yes, who do you want
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first, kutennikov, the main activist, or the girl? well, of course, a girl. come in, have a seat. i'm here. yes. well what, let's talk? about what? i exploded as soon as i heard everything. at that time i was standing at the entrance, protesting, tell me, is it true that berezin is your ex-boyfriend, yes, we met, but what? can i see your passport? yes please.
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well, tasya, has mikha returned from his flight? as i remember now, we are in the tenth grade, me, your brother, mikha, nikasaeleva, we are sitting peacefully at the kindergarten, indulging in some wine, suddenly... such a small, but very pretty girl comes out, stands in a pose like an adult, threatens to give up us parents if we don't let's buy her ice cream, yes, of course, you have changed since then, but still you can still see the scattering, well, okay, tasia, that you parted with your savings, tell me? yes, he
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turned out to be completely sick, most of our team are party people for peaceful protest, well, there are hearing mobs, all sorts of pickets, but he, what is he? and he believed that the fight should be tough, he proposed exploding bombs in order to close construction sites dangerous to nature, so he blew it up, that’s right, he kicked his kuteynikov out of the movement, so everything about kuteynikov before pro-gudeyov, you are now reconciled with him, huh? “yes, your passions are worse than in turkish tv series, okay, please tell me, this guy is not one of yours by chance, no, and what can you see here, glasses, a hood, everything is closed, well, yes, yes.
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well take it, inna, what are you doing? healthy nature, healthy people, ayurveda, a collection of ancient aryan knowledge, teaches us this, and if you spoil nature, break its laws, litter it, then all of humanity will suffer, all our troubles and epidemics, everything comes from
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our disgusting attitude towards nature, you know, i completely agree with you, you all. you’re right, but let’s go back to berezin, what happened, like they were doing one thing suddenly like this? “i’ve been trying to convince sergei for more than a year that it’s much more effective to act peacefully, but hot-blooded youth don’t understand this. tell me, did he have any enemies? apparently not, and taya didn’t say anything. by the way, you know that there’s no are they going to build a waste processing plant? yes, but what? i don’t know what, but it’s definitely not a garbage plant. i studied open sources on this construction, plus i conducted an airborne one.”
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if this tells you anything, of course, retification columns, is this vodka something they were going to waste, what kind of vodka, is this equipment for oil refining, please tell me, this person is not familiar to you, no, how can you recognize someone here? , i can’t recognize the faces there, excuse me, i can go,
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oh, help neighbor, are you crazy, because because of you, because of the parasite, i lost my life prospects again, and you lost your cop’s.
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i left in the morning, said to work, what kind of work, it’s a day off, did you hear, koralev, if you meet her, ask her yourself, is she crazy, have you forgotten the keys again, oh, as always, go ahead and open the door, hello, hello, i’m from
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the police, major wednesday, can i come in? - yes, nin, here from the police, hello, from the police, something is wrong with sergei, how can i tell you, right? your son died, quietly, quietly, quietly, now, now, now, now, now, now, vaska, hello, do you know where inna is? but to hell with
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comrade rear admiral, we have an emergency, sea devils, this is the work of foreign saboteurs, they are always ready. to a decisive battle, what are we going to do, improvise, as always, even on the farthest frontiers, we have guests, take up defensive positions, go ahead, act papsta. new episodes of your favorite series, russian reception, now there will be an explosion, then a little gas, see you soon, we didn’t get out of such scrapes, sea devils, new episodes, more viewers will gather, i love attention, from monday at 22:10 on ntv, via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. only
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happy about snina when he joined the ecologists, intelligent people. not like these colleagues at the auto repair shop, again, in his free time he is busy with business, well, better than vodka or some kind of drugs, of course, of course, tell me, sergei could have had some ill-wishers or enemies, he didn’t say anything like that. and what did sergei do in his free time from work, well, besides protecting nature, tinkering in his grandfather’s garage, my father left behind an old lada car, he tried to restore it, he said it was almost
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a collector’s car for a penny, he was thinking of selling it there for good money to some lover of a domestic sample car. i see, tell me, you don’t know this man, he seems to be an acquaintance of your sergei, no, you can’t make out anything here, you can’t see his face, yes. inna, andrey, andrey, andrey, i'm here, what are you doing there? andrey, who’s drinking here, i
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don’t even know, open the door, yeah, now, wait a minute. what's at home now now son wait now the ship is coming i'm coming now come on, move away from the door is it ready? oh, how did you end up here, who locked you here? i don’t know, i was walking behind the targa, then i lost consciousness, i woke up here wide awake with a bump on my head, apparently someone hit me with something heavy, that the phone was stolen, yes, the phone, i already found it behind the barn, it was lying in the bushes, but how you found me, how vaska brought me, let’s go, let’s go, be careful, right
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now he’ll tell you about your selection center. and protarno, yeah, what do you have there, a toilet, a bath, and here’s a storage room, can i take a look? whoa, oh my god, what is this?
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tell me, do you know me by chance? your son didn’t have any storage units, i don’t know, he didn’t say anything about it, he only talked about environmentalists, you said that your son was restoring a car in the garage, yes, where is the garage, nakhinovsky proezd 45, litera three, thank you. nadezhda ivanovna, we need a warrant to seize sergei berezin’s garage.
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head of the investigative committee for yuzhnomorsk, here is the search warrant, open it, understood, let’s come closer,
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nature will not protect itself, we must fight for its salvation, those who are not indifferent will take revenge for spoiled nature, for every new exhaust into the atmosphere, for every new
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inactive call he had with his parents, and then yes, they just finished sorting it out, with a certain taisya golubkova. well, this is his ex-girlfriend with a party guy, that is , it’s clear that three or three times a week on average, well, what else does it somehow pass through our ministry of internal affairs database, for example, as a black digger or there are cases of illegal arms trafficking, finally , in terms of weapons it seems not, but the digger berezin has an interesting telephone contact with a certain igor stepanovichnikov, this is the commander of the search party.
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most are still listed as missing. are you burying the germans too? all the dead must have graves. naturally, we bury the germans quietly. there's no need for a pump here. do you know sergei berezin? alas, a seemingly normal guy at first seemed to be led to this unknown burial place in 1942. and why? ouch? it was stolen from our office a few days ago. two dug up anti-personnel mines from the time of the patriotic war, do you think that sergei did this? a
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who else? he’s a newbie, are we all our own in the squad? with this, you can’t see your face either, okay, thank you, let’s go, goodbye, goodbye, the life of director dmitry ostrakhan is like in a movie, the main director has no right to sleep with the artist, what he shared with leonid germolnik, he was not just capricious
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“leonid is an emotional person,” dmitry khananovich shouted, i don’t remember that. in these words, why is he hiding his first marriage? masha, you buried me early, when i left, i said a phrase about how he lost his wife during a fire, the doctors said that she couldn’t be saved, that she was too big burn and was ready to break the law for the sake of his son, of course, it was a severe trauma, where dmitry ostrakhan found the love of his life to say, yes or very well, he is very easy to live with, and how his wife ballerina saved the whole family during a terrible robbery, we are worried and you are worried. "let's calm down, what do you need, take it and go, dmitry ostrakhan and his million-dollar secret, saturday at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. pain can be different, the mechanism of pain development alone. no matter what has become. the cause of pain if there is pintalgin,
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happy birthday, thank you, thank you, well , yulia, with the remains of the gravel device, are there any results? well, that means, look, something from the patriotic war, it’s only the body and body. the fuse is modern, radio-controlled, and the military explosive is enhanced with modern ingredients, a mixture of garden fertilizers and household chemicals. wait, i didn’t understand something, is it that you can go to a regular store and buy it? some kind of chemical for cleaning the toilet or plant growth, and tear it up to whomever you want, or what? well? well, the specific components are different, but in general the idea is correct, well, a certain chemical treatment with the participation of certain catalysts is needed to turn this mixture into a real explosive, wow,
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do you have anything on your fingers? on the remains , some things were preserved, it is possible to isolate the fingerprints of two people, one is pregnant, and for the second there are no matches in our database, there are no matches in the database. inna, i think i can guess who hit you on the head and locked him in a barn, you think, tarba, but he doesn’t have enough spirit, he’s a slug, all he can do is run away, no, i actually meant the guard lazarev, who is following him, you understand, they were afraid that you you'll get into...
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these environmentalists were picketing a garbage plant, so maksimovich put me in charge of keeping order, so to speak, can you imagine, one idiot was blown up by a mine, horror, listen, maybe someday let's go to a wild beach with you, but you and me, the sea, the sun, and vaska, i don’t mind, so let's chat, let's put all the dots, say,
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don't mind? yes, zhen, hi, i managed to find a video with the killer, think about it, he spent the whole day driving after lazarev in a car, well, the car broke down, the license plates are stained with dirt and are not readable, the car itself is a domestic budget car, the killer did not meddle under the camera, but one since i finally got caught by the registrar, i called someone not far from lazarev’s house, i ’ll send you a screenshot from the camera now, okay, okay, come on, come on, i’m waiting, uh-huh, ah. what happened, right there, listen, let me take you home, then there business, let's go.
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results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. meet the new washing gel kvalita. cleanliness, quality, fill the summer with bright colors , washes well, softens, freshness, softness, images, naz, summer sandals up to 2,999 rub. sber has increased deposit rates, the best interest rate is up to 18% per annum. via superstar premieres sunday at 8:20 p.m.
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why am i here, am i a suspect, no, no, what are you talking about, why is this a strange place here, well, it’s quiet, calm, no one will bother you, strange. this is very strange, so, calm down, sergey egoryevich, let’s you weren’t worried, i’ll open the door, like this, it’s better, i have just one question for you, one, tell me, this was the delivery from your courier company, yes, i found it on the package, great, i need to find out who was the sender of this parcel, that’s all, well, you didn’t need to call me here for this, i could tell you this. we have had
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electronic document management for a long time now, so i just need a couple of numbers, 94 80 32, so the delivery was ordered from the south sea pharmacist from the office, the note indicates industrial substances in including pharmaceutical properties, this is a legal product, we check all our parcels, which means through lists.
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and they showed up, tea, i just opened a new jar of plum jam, no, i’m just kicking, i’m going to bed, thank you, andrey, come on, good night, good night, and i ’ll take a bite, come on, what do you have here? boiling? delicious, delicious, yeah, you just twisted it yourself, yes, so what, your tenant called, no, tell me, andryush, why don’t you let an innocent person live in peace, but an innocent person, yes, if you want, i’ll show you photo of the killer who killed kharunjego, yes, yes, oleg, oleg,
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long time no see, there will be tea, no, thank you, well, tell me what you found, sit down, berezin’s traumatic injuries, the result of contact with...
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wait, the most most importantly, i forgot, from the entire male team of our department, oh, guys, happy birthday, thank you, happy, come on, bye.
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vaska, vaska, come on, swim here, well done, hello!
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come on, why so, wow, i already saw her, surely it wasn’t a dream. so what is this? you know ionov's company, courier delivery velomot? well, yes, i heard, no, you didn’t just hear, you used their services, listen, i have an active business and my
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company uses the services of dozens of companies every day. look, through the delivery of a vilomot, using these documents, these chemicals were delivered to mr. berezin. delivery address: garages in nakhimovsky proezd, there was a case, well, judging by the documents, we really supplied these substances, but something was wrong? have you heard about yesterday's explosion of a garbage plant? well, yes, but what does the order have to do with it? but what with the help here these substances were used to strengthen the explosives used in the explosion. yes, but wait, wait, listen, but all the substances that we have provided, so to speak, are in legal use and are not prohibited for sale, yes, yes, absolutely true, but with proper processing they can become explosives, you know, o' okay, but we have
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something to do with it, especially the delivery to this, what’s his name, berezina, listen, if you want, i can raise the documents, i’ll be more precise. who ordered it and what company was it? i really want one second, uh-huh, yes, diana, listen, please call up the accounting department, yeah, let them send me all the documentation for the order, just a second. berezina, yes, nakhimovsky proezd, garages, yes, the last ones, order numbers 80-32. yes, uh-huh, yes, urgently,
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that’s it, now we’ll find out everything, now we’ll figure it out, worry, yes, here you go, here’s the customer. lazarev! don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. europe has swung to the right, how elections to the european parliament will change the political map of the european union, why kiev may immediately lose after these elections several european allies? living without getting out of bed sounds like a death sentence for the elderly and seriously ill, but for modern youth it is a new fashion trend. what is bed rot? why has this strange, ridiculous fashion taken over the whole world?
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a large red package is rushing towards you help at a time when pain forces you to climb the wall. dexonal is charged against pain, the leader in the category. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% on... in the ozonbank magnit card - the price is what you need, alpin gold chocolate from 49-9, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or construction houses. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. we will give away 10 million in grants. tickets are in the mail. sber has increased the deposit rates for the best interest rate to
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18% per annum. still thinking about the ideal home click, everyone will find a home for themselves. central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show popuchik is returning with a new exciting season. and that's why i'm announcing a nationwide casting from 17 may to june 17. send your requests to the following address:, the hitchhiker show is calling you on the road. see you! what's your report on yesterday's explosion? the investigation established that there was a deliberate remote detonation of an improvised explosive device in the area
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of ​​the fence of a waste processing plant under construction. the appeal disguises the murder. citizen berezin, an activist of the local environmental movement, his personality may be killed now stops, here is the basis for making a homemade watch the device was one of two mines stolen by beredin from the great patriotic war, if i understand correctly, there is another mine planted somewhere, it could explode at any moment. we are doing everything possible to establish the identity of berezin’s killer, his possible accomplice in making a homemade blown up device. let's find them and understand the fate of the second mine. i want to support my former colleague, a huge amount of work has really been done, in particular, the senior detective officer, major sereda, single-handedly accomplished a huge amount in 24 hours the amount of work, this is not enough, you don’t want the mine to explode and people to get hurt, gather all your strength to search for the second mine, if you can’t cope, go to taimyr, feed the polar bears, the whole department, now
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report to me in detail, what are you doing! yes, yes, drive, it’s clean here, it ’s poor, sponsorship would not hurt, but sir. did you also sponsor berezina? berezina? yes. and who is it? delivery addresses you ordered from south sea pharmacist. yes? yes, you have a seat, have a seat. some chemical ingredients were delivered to berezina, here are the documents confirming your order. i do not remember. and it’s very convenient, don’t remember.
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the chemicals sent were used to manufacture the minna garbage plant that exploded yesterday. for the production of another one, what a terrible story, i really don’t understand what you’re talking about, i don’t know any berezin, i didn’t pay for any orders, and in general, what’s your name oleg, and by patronymic petrovich, oleg petrovich, this is some kind of- that’s a monstrous mistake,
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pavel maksimovich, good morning, korablev, yes, but i wouldn’t say that it’s a good morning, but what happened, someone was blown up again, the coupon is on your tongue, i just left the city hall from a meeting, in general, we have 24 hours to find the second mine, involve akimov, get involved yourself, and even attract the bald devil, but so that the result is good and it’s good to drive in the middle. is he the only one in the department? that's it, work. i didn't understand something, oleg. what? why does the boss think that you work alone in the department? what are we doing with our wife? when you knock, knock, objectively, understand? no, andryukh, i don't
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i understand, i just outlined the situation in crimea, you ’re zheka, it’s not clear where, i’m the only one sorting out this story with an explosion, something like that, but how? here, and he retired a long time ago, yes, retired, but still continues to keep his finger on the pulse, by the way, he helped me a lot yesterday with his connections, okay, let’s go, yeah, the main thing is now the task is to find the second mine , the leaflet clearly states that expect a second explosion, so all matters go to the heroes and the earth, and you also need to ask the mobile operator whose other phones were working next to berezin’s telephone just before the explosion, and friend, can you imagine how many of them there will be there, look, environmental activists, journalists, plant security, police, including you and me, to the berezin plant. his accomplice, he is probably a murderer, in berezin’s vkontakte billing, perhaps there is his number, he showed up at the factory, the owner of this phone needs to be found, and this is
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not kuteinikov, not taisiya, not the picketers, i’m sure this is our mysterious stranger, jack, this is what you'll do, okay? nikolai petrovich, what kind of setup is this? well what are you getting excited about? i wanted to help. he deflected the main blow from you, and in the middle of it he praised you. and then the mayor has his own selfish interest in the construction of this waste treatment plant. this is new investment in the city, tax revenue. new jobs, there are explosions, environmentalists are demanding that construction be closed, and they are also threatening new explosions, anyone’s nerves will go away here, i ’m making it clear, clearly, here are the details of the phones that
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worked next to the phone of the bereziny plant from the list of his contacts, so i’m yellow noted kuteynikov's telephone number, green taisya, orange and purple, telephone numbers of environmentalists , picketers, there is only one left, retko, victor. 25 years old, berezin’s neighbor in the garage, it turns out that he is an accomplice to a possible murderer, there are no other options, oleg, let’s go to the garage, you’ve been there, you know the area, you’ll quickly find your bearings, and you go home to this ridko, and i’ll sit and think about this is a little bit. dmitry alexandrovich, hello, i need your help again, like yesterday, can i count on you? great, then pull up to
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the berezensky garage, where the location is now i'll send it, thanks, see you later. taish may, tach may, listen, interesting
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things are becoming clear here, semyon petrovich, tell me, comrade mayr, what they just told me, well, three days ago it happened, vitka redko had a big quarrel with seryoga berezin, and well, here’s or stood. take out the saints, so, but what were they swearing, but i couldn’t make out, it was too far away, but i understood that seryoga didn’t want to do anything, what vitek demanded of him, nothing, so he kept resting his fists on each other converged, where this victorko might be now, you don’t know, well how can i know, he doesn’t report to me, i know, tell me, is this person not familiar to you? oh, so this is vitek, ridko, ridko, well, yes, well, you can’t make it out, but his jacket with a hood, he has it here, usually hangs in the garage for work, but he
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goes to another one, something more decent, something you can also tell about this, well, what else can you tell, he likes to drink, it’s like... when he was drunk, he told me that he served in the army as a sapper, uh, a specialist in mine explosives, he can make a grenade out of nothing, i understand, excuse me, but ...
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ntv. hello, excuse me, can you tell me how to find retka, vitka, yes, that long one in the gray cap, vitek, everyone has come, citizen redko, we have a couple of questions for you, sergei berezin, you know, yes, i know, we have garages nearby, about yesterday.
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with us to the department, why, a simple formality, let’s roll our fingers and let us go, now we’re checking in with all our friends, so don’t worry, but it’s clear, well, let’s go, stop, zhenya, come on,
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benya, are you okay, okay, andrey, ok, yes.
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how's the victim doing? we pumped out the water from his lungs, he is breathing on his own, but has not yet regained consciousness. most likely this is a consequence of hitting the water. it’s clear, so it won’t be possible to interrogate him yet. but you must inform me personally as soon as he regains consciousness, because we are talking about the safety and lives of many people. fine? ok, thank you. i'm frozen! buddy! yes, please tell me, where can i listen to the clothes? let's go to our quarters, we have a heater there, let's go, zhen, wait for me, here, i'll show you,
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citizens are understood, come here, come through, be brave, pay attention to... the envelope attached to the back of the sofa, come, come, see, uh-huh.
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so here we see the text of printed money and a photograph of the laguna restaurant 21.072 today's time in half an hour. it seems that we know when the next explosion will occur, there is almost no time, hello, andrey, the next explosion will be in the lagoon in half an hour, one second, guys, i tried.
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buddy, we have a closed event, mine, what fate? i’m saving your guru, what the nonsense, what are you looking for here, a bomb or something? the hall
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was checked by security before you, there is nothing here, major, the tables are local, no, they were brought, these are buffet tables, they were brought a little later, gentlemen, calm down, this is a provocation, they probably decided to disrupt the event for us? additional funding, just tell me, let’s go around the nineties now, hello, nadezhda
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ivanovna, don’t take me with you, yes, please, just hurry up, thank you. thank you andrey, yes, only now we need to decide what they started to report, yes, with the authorities and how no, i’ll figure it out myself, i’ll figure out what to say and how to say it, why? what do you have? but according to preliminary inspection. this
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bomb, in terms of its assembly method, is very similar to the one that exploded yesterday near the garbage processing plant. how did you determine this so quickly? portable analyzer for... hello, please tell me, you put your table over there, huh, who put it here? i don’t know, but anyone could, we don’t have tables assigned to waiters, yeah, although you know, probably one of ours was a girl.
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stand, and what are we doing here, i’m working here, excuse me, i have to go, wait, tasya, i didn’t let you go, am i detained, why can’t i go, and you, tasya, moved from the category of witnesses to the category of accused, this is how it is, and this is how it is, on fingerprints were found on the bomb, why are you up, let's get her!
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i don’t know what, where she is. quiet, quiet, well, you've done it, now let's go to the department. yes, your names will be lit, your names will be lit, names for all times, for all times, superstar, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, hey,
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in the application and receive super cashback up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card, it’s not just profitable alpha: it’s profitable summer - this is not only the time for vacations, but the opportunity to catch luck in summer draws, country houses, apartments by the sea, cars, travel and an additional draw, a golden keg, meet at the main lottery show in the country, they win with us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, innan, listen, this...
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well, for example, what kind of soups does he like, soups, yes, different ones, yeah, why do you need a free, interesting man with a duty, i understood correctly what you have with him purely business relations, girls, maybe some tea, i brewed some fresh thyme with mint, thank you, no, thank you. next time, okay, bye, bye, what a fool you are,
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of course, forgive me for the rudeness, you fool, now they’ll take your man away, then you’ll sob into your pillow like you’ve lost your life, and in your opinion, i’m not enough... generia stepanovna cried for him. and note, tasya, not a single camera recorded a person wearing such a jacket coming in and out. from the restaurant, there is nothing, and then he suddenly materializes in the service premises, as if out of thin air, and
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what does that mean, that the fact that the jacket is camouflage, so that no one recognizes the person at the moment of planting the bomb, and it was in your drawer, and you tried to take it out, listen, tasya, none of the strangers could get into the service area of ​​the restaurant. everything there is strictly based on passes; you can’t enter from the street. your hands aren't numb, let's use the handbags i'll take it off, another bad news for you, tasya, we
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stopped it by the minute. everyone, it wasn’t difficult to do, the recording shows the exact time, and only your location was not established for a short period, and where you were, and i ’ll answer, planted a bomb. look, we can agree to reduce your sentence and generally give you a suspended sentence, because no one died, no one was even injured, but this is only with complete repentance and sincere cooperation with the investigation, you understand, and if not, then
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they will be locked up for a long time, this is... terrorism , and it's for you it is necessary, yes, it was i who planted the bomb, vitya asked me, seryozha’s friend, he convinced me that the fight must be completed to the end, the plant cannot be built, otherwise seryozha’s death... in vain, but i believed him, wait, wait, thief , it doesn’t fit in my head that you could go kill a bunch of people for the sake of some idea, but no, he said that no one would get hurt at all, that this is so, purely to scare, that the charge there is small, when it explodes, christmas trees will come out of it confetti
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will fly, people will just get scared, but... he said it convincingly, he, this is victor ryatko? yes, you know that it was he who killed your seryozha, first he killed him, and then he detonated a bomb, so that everyone would think that berezin simply blew himself up, i don’t know about you, well, i still can’t understand, well, that’s like an explosion i could have stopped it with one, maybe two mines. i think so, well, judge for yourself, the first explosion had nothing to do with the construction of the plant, it was aimed at covering up the murder of berezin, so the second one, it was also an attempted murder, but aimed at some of the businessmen who came to meet the lazarus, there is a choice was rich, from lazarev to our mayor,
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everyone has a lot of enemies, i still... i think that the likely target was lazarev, he crossed the path of too many, for example, you, than me version, joke, very it’s funny, you can literally be offended, but why do you think that they wanted to kill lazarev, the power of the explosion, the expert said that the charge would not have been enough to kill everyone in the hall, and he was right, well, two meters from lazarev’s table. yes, yes, pavel maksimovich, allow me to come in. on the internal parts of the bomb it was possible to identify several types of prints. berezina and ridko. yes, korablev, sorry. okay, okay, i'll be there soon. they called from the hospital, and he came to his senses. well, then that's it, take wednesday, go to the hospital.
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yes. hello. can i ask you to stay, sit down, something is urgent, i ’m listening to you, pavel maksimovich, and yulia vladimirovna, yes, i wanted... you, you, i ’m listening to you, pavel maksimovich, well, yes. give me a report on these two explosions, the sooner the better, yes, of course,
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that means we don’t want to talk. sir, you of course, you can remain silent, deny everything, but i assure you that the testimony of witnesses is enough to put you on trial for the murder of berezin, for the attempted murder of a group of people, a government official, and this is terrorism, well, plus every little thing, such as illegal trafficking weapons, ammunition, this is already a life sentence, what is
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the alternative, the only thing, help is an investigation, a sincere confession, i can think, well , of course, for a minute, time has passed. i was hired by niketin, the owner of the company , a south sea pharmacist, he is lazarev ordered it, said that he wanted to take revenge on him for his ruin, and why did he hire you, are you a killer? no, i worked as a driver for nikin, when his business began to crack, i quit, went free, taxied back and forth, and then i found you and made
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an offer that was impossible to refuse, especially since you were still in the army with i was a sapper, yes, why did they blow up the plant, nikitin came up with it so that... berezin was connected with environmentalists and i suggested that she arrange a couple of explosions so that the enemies of ecology would get through. seryoga whistled at the search engines, and nikitin bought some extra things to upgrade the old explosives, i made the fuses, and nina and seryoga already assembled them, so what didn’t we share with berezina? why did he kill him? when he found out that a second explosion needed to be carried out in the restaurant, he went berserk, declared that
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no one should die, otherwise he would lay me down, well, i agreed for the sake of appearance, let’s say, let’s make do with one factory, when we arrived, he started it, where there are no cameras , and a cobblestone on the head. "so nikitin, let's go, don't take your eyes off him, he is so far the only candidate for the murder of bykov youngest, you know your stuff, you really want to interrogate your son for mayor, but what is it, you’re against it, let’s do it yourself, so you’re our gardener without a head”? where will i bury you, you don’t know with whom yet contacted, flock, stop, weapons on the ground, today at 22:10 on ntv, via
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