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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 5, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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sorry, just a second, yes, georgievich, yes, well, well, georgievich, i didn’t even have time to go into the apartment, but now i’ll be there, right away, address, text message, send it, that’s it, len, forgive me for an urgent call, andrey, i’m very scared, okay, i’ll bring our expert here, we’ll inspect your apartment, check the locks, we’ll think further, but if you’re scared, take the keys and stay. in the apartment, no, what are you talking about, me, i’ll lock myself in with a chain, and no one will get in, yes, well, if anything happens, call me, there are excellent fingerprints on the handle of the knife, tomorrow morning i’ll check them using the briefcase, yes, interesting, that’s interesting, the killer left such a mark on purpose, a bloody hand, if you are hinting at a maniac, then in vain, everything is much simpler, he stained his hand with blood and leaned on it, the killer’s hand was strong, that ’s it... i can say for sure , to insert a knife right through
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the handle into the sternum, you still need to be able to do this, and where does such a master come from, special forces or paratroopers, i won’t help you here, i don’t know, but what i will tell you for sure is what our dead man received before his death a powerful blow to the jaw, look, there’s a graze on the chin, a victim resisted, perhaps, well, colleagues, we are only dreaming of peace, i didn’t even have time to go home, the geogich pulled, corpse, corpse, corpse, there... there are no cameras above the entrance, but we already saw, well done, the identity of the murdered man was established, the neighbor who reported the murder said that it was boris mikeshin, who lives on the fifth floor in apartment twenty-five. did they call him at his apartment? they called, but mikeshin lived alone, no family, no children, so it’s useless, we’ll hide it, the neighbor was questioned, she’s being questioned now, igor and pasha, she felt bad after blood work, they had to take her home, take a sedative, but she says that she seemed to have seen the killers, yes, there were even several of them, well, she says that two ran out. straight
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towards her, everyone is terribly bloodied, so, guys, there is no money, documents, cell phone, but there are keys to the apartment and the car, so, oh, i wonder what’s there, pieces of fabric, i think it’s from the killer’s clothes, during this quarrel in the yard, thank you, rodionov promised to take revenge on mikeshin, his friend lives on the top floor. kolya gorokhov, another alcoholic, oh, i think they stabbed him to death together, i saw him, how they ran out of the entrance with stunned eyes as they ran away, and radionov’s hands were covered in blood, he was also wiping the murderer with newspapers. well, at what exact moment radionov and the peas ran out of the entrance, do you remember? yes, about 10 minutes later, after radionov had a fight with mikeshin. did you see anyone else in the yard? no, no one, my dog ​​and i
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walked around the corner to the store, we didn’t see anyone, you ’ll catch these scoundrels, won’t you? well, of course we’ll catch you, come on, otherwise they’ll kill me too for telling you everything, for god’s sake, don’t worry, no one will kill you, you tell me only where these radions and gorokhov live, rodionov used to live in our entrance, and a year ago he moved to house 40, this is four houses from us, and gorukhov is in the next entrance, on the top floor of the fifty-eighth, yeah, it’s clear, but about himself ? what can you say, what kind of person was he, where did he work, what did he do? yes, what can i say, he was a good guy, prominent, prosperous, he had his own company, it seems he had, uh-huh, it seems like they installed plastic windows, judging by the marks on his neck and on the ring finger of his left hand , a ring or chain was torn off ring, everything is clear, that is, at a glance we get the usual robbery, which is true and true. lol, it’s a long time for you, but no, i’m already
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getting ready, i still need to inspect the apartment of the murdered man, personally, i already want to go home to sleep, oh, van, now i’ll catch up with you, levushka, not for the service, for friendship, find a couple of witnesses, yeah, that’s it we’re stupid to walk around at night, but there are no strollers, stop, stop, stop, citizen, we’re from the police, quietly, hello, hello, hello, hello, what the hell... nikolai gurukh , who are you, husband, husband, we’ll pass, oh, who, the neighbor, moved out here, and what did mine do, where can i find your husband? for all i know, i’ll probably be drinking somewhere with my friend radionov. so, did radionov come to see you today? he came in and was already leaving for his home. he ruins my man,
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he drinks all the time, and when he gets drunk, he makes a mess, and it’s mikesha who called you, and you did the right thing, take him away, let them sit and think, where did they get the idea that mikesha called us? so rodionov came here, well, an hour ago somewhere and took him with his knee to showdown with him, beat him badly, yes, beat him in heart with a knife, oh, this is nikolenka, this is not kolenka, i’m telling you for sure, this is radionov, my little knee is very calm, it’s all radionov, it’s all his fault, you wait for him, you wait for him, he himself will tell the whole truth, he’ll be honest ? pancakes, pancakes, a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people,
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original and full of mysteries, with a wide soul. and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel, guess what happened, another corpse, me, where, in the circus, damn it, korablev, it’s not interesting to be with you, i can run...
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oh, masters, boris mikeshin, general director of ooo okna style, there ’s a mobile phone number here, yeah, guys, apparently, the chain and ring that was torn from the murdered mikeshin, i agree, so we need to look for purchases, of course, of course, we will strain our agents, there are documents about opening a bank foreign currency account in the ultrabank for 3 years. so in the morning i’ll sign a request for the bank management, we need to check the movement of money in the accounts, you doubt robbery, well, firstly, he could have had
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a large sum of money with him, secondly, the killers could have stolen a bank card and then used it, thirdly, the robbery could only have been a cover for a contract killing, well , because of a commercial dispute, you dig deep, and you go, dig with pirogovsky, on the apartment walk, leva, they galloped, you dreamed of operational and romance, our young analyst, dogs, bye, very funny.
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that’s where it was a long time ago, a long time ago, or rather, listen, do you remember when it was, well , a long time ago, well, boss, well, well, two or three hours, tell me, radinonova gorokhovo still has friends nearby, there is garik, very good, and the name of the blacksmiths, where he lives there, well, there, well, in the house. against, so apartment, seventy-sixth, seventh, seventh, but no,
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silence, there was no light in the windows, i think they’re not fools to sit in the next house, they’ve already dumped it somewhere, that’s it, dad, let’s sit in an ambush, let me go to kradionov, and you... lyosha, hey, what have you got there? well, well, what can i say, both locks were opened and both locks were opened. they opened it with a master key, of course, that means the door was opened after all, someone was in the apartment got in, nothing was missing, maybe someone scared the thief off, that means it’s still a thief, and why would he close the door behind him, lenochka, please remember, you ’ve been in conflict with someone lately, maybe someone brought on you, no, andrey, i have no enemies, many fingers, allow me, i ’ll copy you, what? fingerprints need to be taken in order to determine which are which, but
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wait, what is it, fingers are ink, but don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt, come on, in our 21st century, you need to put your finger here, that’s all, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, so, come on, good morning, georgivich, yes, well, sorry, i’m a little late, yes, yeah, yes, i’m leaving for mikeshin’s office, tell levich to wait for me there, that’s it , that's it, i'm going, that's it. thank you very much, thank you, it’s time for us to go, he lied to us, okay, okay, don’t be afraid, still think about changing the locks, oh, andryusha, i, well, what can you do, you have a gas spray, you have it, hold it always with you, good, it was very nice to meet you, go to the car, thank you very much, and thank you, andrey. so far, we have complete order, comrade
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colonel, accounting and control, control accounting, well , with the incoming information, hello, tell me, by the way, what do we have regarding yesterday’s murder of this kind of guy, well, it’s a typical robbery, comrade colonel, in an ambush in apartments of the alleged killers, in the morning they were replaced by colleagues from the local department, but ardionov and gorokhov never showed up, at the apartment of their friend garrick kuznetsov, they also did not appear, we sent out orientations to them at night. yes. tell me, where are krymov and potapov now? they are practicing the circle communication between the alleged killers. both of them have no criminal record, but have been repeatedly charged with administrative offenses.
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at night he said that there are no such prints in our database, listen, olich, where are all the rest of your fighters? and rydanov and pirogovsky went to mikeshin’s office, well, to talk with the employees, uh-huh, potapenko is on duty today, and i just came from the bank where mikeshin opened an account, something interesting, just yesterday mikeshin withdrew almost all the cash from the account, this is about 45 thousand dollars, i received them in bank packages, but neither with him nor in his no money was found in the apartment, i will contact rodano.
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hello, hello, tell me, leonid radionov and nikolai gorokhov, do you know? hello, what's wrong with him? yes, there’s nothing wrong with them, there was a murder in their entrance, so i’m looking for witnesses, so you know, well, two of my ex-korish, and why ex? so it’s been six months since i’ve seen the ties, obviously, how long have they been seen for the last time? i didn’t see you today, i was on shift at night, so they
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came to my work, they left for 200 rubles to lend me, yeah, but they didn’t notice anything unusual, they in general, how they behaved, they wanted a drink, 200 rubles, you say, it’s interesting, they asked for 300, but i didn’t give it, you’ve created a debt from last time, you work far from here, but in the kalininsky district. where could they go next? do not know? well, do you know where? klyuska, this is the woman radiona, she drinks more than a man, address to lyuska, can you tell me? yachtnaya 40, apartment three, every dog ​​knows her there, thank you, all the best, goodbye, this is who was killed, pasha, oh, well, how are you doing, i went to all the purchases in the area, mikeshin’s things are nowhere to be found, but they really promised to ring if something will come up, what do you have, but i have an address where you can look for radions from
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peas, they rushed very well, wait, you know what confused me, why did pasha confuse you again, these two came today ... . they tried to borrow 200 rubles from their friend , and this was already after the murder, but it’s really strange, having mikeshin’s money in his hands to borrow some small change, or maybe they provided for themselves to the alima, but they don’t know the word, okay, let’s go. , upset, not the right word, no director, no ours firms, now go try to find a new job, but don’t worry so much, accountants are needed everywhere, i’m sure they’re good ones, but who needs a regular accountant? there are such companies around the city, small trolley cars, maybe some competitors, but i beg you, no, this business has long been divided, it has settled down, clear, clear, by the way,
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but what are the problems with plastic windows, no, the heirs will continue the business ? yes, he has heirs, elderly parents in samara, no wife, no children, excuse me for chewing, it’s me who eats up troubles, but nothing terrible, i can’t lose weight because of this, maybe you do too, but come on, here, thank you, i worked a lot for people at the company, two teams of installers worked for the boss, they are also measurers, loaders, and drivers, they rarely appear here , just for the salary, yeah, but where were the finished windows stored? at the factory where the boss ordered them, here in the office there is only me, the accountant, the boss to the secretary, his natalka, the secretary, well, i took calls from clients to the boss for coffee back and forth, this natalka has a last name, yeah, svistunova, yeah , where is she
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just now, i called in the morning and said that i was sick, and why do you want to talk to her ? of course, i really want to, am i telling you? phone number yes, of course, of course, she will be upset when she finds out that boris was killed, she will be upset that she lost her job and her lover, you know, she and her boss, that is, mikeshin, had a relationship with svestonova, but her husband will be happy, she was still married , how can you imagine? "she persuaded boris to lend her husband money for a car, he was her taxi driver and had long dreamed of buying his own car, and her husband knew that he wife, mikeshin’s mistress, when he gave the money , no, when it turned out that svistunov couldn’t return the money, the boss got very angry, threatened over the phone to
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send some bandits in to get the money out of him, he knew bandits, i i don’t know, i didn’t check, maybe...” there were, and recently svistunov found out that natalka and the boss were having an affair, there was such a santa barbara, oh, svistunov burst in, pulled out a knife and started chasing mycenae, i’ll kill him, he says, and his eyes crazy, when it was, and so, the day before yesterday, just in the evening, they were chasing each other around the office, then boris jumped out the door, followed by the festunov, and then lyosha dudnikov, this is our security guard, dudnikov, we go outside...
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to report to the police, that would be it right, yeah, and she told me, he’s easy-going , he’ll boil, he’ll stay boiling, that is, after this scandal in the office, natalya returned home, no, to her mother, she sat out the storm, yesterday morning she says that she cut off the whole phone from the installation, repented, i asked for forgiveness, but where were you last night, here, i was at 10 pm every day i hand over the alarm system to the office, you can check it with private security, but not... then he left, but half an hour before departure he called svestunovo, swore, demanded to meet, again about the debt, reminded. that is, you didn’t leave the office until 10, no, you’ll give the phone number to
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private security, yes, of course, and you don’t happen to know why mikeshen withdrew $4,500 from his personal bank account, yes, of course i know, he kept bragging about what he was going to do buy the jeep of your dreams from a friend of our security guard, he’s like since today he had to... go and make a purchase, but where did he usually carry the money? in the purse, there should be documents and a mobile phone. igor, this is my classmate. i brought mikeshen together with him when i found out that the boss wanted a jeep, which would not be scary to drive around ladoga through the swamps into trophies. igor is an experienced jeeper. is mikeshen also a role player? well, he was more of a show-off guy. clear. what about your classmate ’s jeep? you can’t buy a monster truck like this in a regular dealership? yes, around the city. you can’t really care about something like that, but you are the coordinates of your will you give me igor? yes, he has his own billiard room in prague, write it down, i’m writing, well, leva,
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at least three knew that mikeshin withdrew a large sum of money from the bank, the secretary, the accountant, the security guard, although if the secretary knew, her husband might also know, four. four, well done, and this husband generally has a lot of motives, revenge, his wife’s lover, not repaying the debt, and in general, banal profit, wait, andryukh, you also forgot about igor, cars, he also had a motive, to get money and keep the jeep, that is, five, well done, leva, georgivich, so what? we have five suspects and 25 motives, okay, i understand you, andryukh, so let’s go with pirogovsky to the svestunovs, i’ll go to the seller of the jeep myself from rita, that’s it.
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what is this, what is needed, radions and peas are here, there is no one, where did they go, yes they are sleeping, oh, what handsome men, well, get up, alcoholics, tubians, get up, get up, get up, oh well, call the squad, maybe on the road they’ll come to their senses, give me a hand here, yes, we can’t get these ears together, good afternoon, police,
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criminal investigation department, captain rodanov, senior lieutenant pirogovsky, come in, we’re on about your husband’s conflict with your boss, but i understand, natalya, tell me, is this your husband? well, yes, he came home yesterday, drunk, angry, well, he threw up his hands, what time was it, oh, about 13, i just came home from work at 8, well, boris just called him, boris mikeshin, well, yes, they swore terribly, my husband got even more angry, so he threw up his hands, and what happened next, but nothing, he grabbed his things and left, why are we standing? come in, uh-huh, thank you, mikeshin was stabbed to death around nine, he could have easily made it in time, and where is your husband now, can you tell me?
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yes, i have no idea, his phone is turned off, i called all his friends, no one has him, did he really kill boris, well, it’s quite possible that he did too, he can’t be at the dacha, we don’t have a dacha, natasha, call him phone number, yes, now... and here, please write down the make and number of the car. yep, answering machine. we also need some of your husband's personal belongings so we can compare his fingerprints with those of the killer. or maybe a guitar? how about something smaller? now it is. hi. about 45 minutes before mikeshin’s murder, yes, andryukh, i understood, that means hand over the fingerprints to the expert, and let nikita urgently make a full, detailed survey report. him,
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and also, let him look through the chronicle of incidents, did svestunov get into an accident in his car that night, yeah, but look, he and his wife don’t have a dacha, their friends don’t have one either, he’s drunk, nervous at the wheel, so it’s quite i could, and i ’ll now contact the state traffic safety inspectorate and declare svistinov’s car to be intercepted, you’re still working, oleg georgievich, we came for you, yes, yeah, it’s here, please. well, i didn’t kill his boss, you understand, well, i didn’t kill him, we butted heads him in the yard and that’s it, well, i didn’t kill him, so your neighbor, mr. radionov, claims that you promised to take revenge on mikeshin, so, and 10 minutes after your quarrel i saw you running out of the entrance with your friend, nikolai gorokhov, after this mikeshin was found dead in the entrance. after
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this showdown with mikeshin, radionov came to me, asked me to talk to him, just talk to him, well, punch him in the face, but only a little, and you went too far, but no, we didn’t touch this shin, we’re going down, but he’s lying there, well, it was dark there, so they thought the guy was feeling bad, so the key went away, lyonka started shaking him, covered in blood. so lenya got dirty, so i foolishly wiped my hands and wiped the wall, then we ran away, which means we got scared, oh, the little ones came, drank a little, well, heal my nerves, myself you see, so i dozed off just like that, well
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, you and you arrived in... so, okay, now let’s get serious, where did they hide the money, what kind of money that was with mikeshina, somehow, and also a chain, ring, documents and mobile phone, where is all this, well, i’m telling you, why are you the boss, well, well, well, it wasn’t us who cut mikeshin, well, not us, but someone else, you know, oh, i feel like you’re with the news, well, let’s take turns, well, that means
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, i checked the license plate and make, they match, the driver is alive, yes, the driver is alive, he is in the hospital with a concussion with multiple fractures, what time did this happen, it was at 21:10 in the area of ​​people's militia avenue, yeah, that's it , it turns out, somewhere here, yeah, and mikeshin was killed here, that’s how fast he was flying.
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len, don’t go into the bathroom and turn off the light there, and i’ll try to get to you as quickly as possible. okay, that's it, wait for me! nikitos, are you busy right now? no, i just reported to my superiors. your help is needed. why did mikeshen call you yesterday at 9:30 pm? svistunov, you have a lot of motives for killing
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mikeshin. i didn't kill him, i swear. why are you shouting? mikeshen called you yesterday at half past eight, then threatened to demand you return the ransom, did that happen? well, it was, you take it out on your wife, pack your things in a hurry and the bilny's wife. i deny, i didn’t kill that goat , i didn’t want to meet him, i don’t have any money anyway, i have to repay him the debt. well, okay, but why did you pack your things? i wanted to leave home, visit one of my friends, and hang out first. mikeshin threatened me with some bandits. the knife that was used to kill mikeshin is yours, the fingers on it are also yours, this is the same knife that you used to chase mikeshin around the office the day before yesterday. yes, the security guard knocked my knife out the day before yesterday when everyone rushed out of the office. the knife remained lying in the yard; i did not take it. so, ok, out of town. don’t go anywhere, and our employee will be with you for insurance, so no nonsense, seryozha, get better, look, everything is generally fine, i think
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remind me, witness, what time did you see the conflict between mikeshin and svestunov, somewhere without a quarter to nine, yeah, the body was found around nine, i won’t go into it, well, you understand what’s the matter, right, but from the place of mikeshin’s murder to the people’s militia where he crashed, there’s no way to get there in 10 minutes, you want to say that who is him something substitutes, who? well, probably the one who could have known about sistunova’s conflict, mikeshno the one who was able to take away the knife, angelica, angelica from svistunov, there is simply no one else, besides, he could not have known that svitunov would get into an accident, 45 thousand dollars is a lot , they kill us for less. so i’m calling georgivich, call, hello, hello, hello, well, i brought you a specialist in ventilation hatches and not only, i said a specialist, but kudasov,
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nikita kudasov, it’s very nice, but apparently not only in ventilation, but he’s generally a specialist in a wide range profile, maybe washing remake the car in the refrigerator the other way around, well, it immediately became easier, please come in, let’s go. so here, here is the light, please turn it off, yeah, okay, yeah, wait for me here, yeah, okay, it only works in the dark, why is it bright, achene, what, little stool? the camera records video, it doesn’t record sound,
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it works via wi-fi, at a distance of 100 m, just like that, you turned it off, no, you can’t turn it off, you need to see where the signal is going, sorry, it’s generally possible to determine this somehow, of course, it is possible to determine, only the main thing is so that they don’t identify us, that’s what he said... andrei, that they are in the yard, we need to go into the yard, forward, you are here, wait, listen, andryukha, well, let’s go to one of these cars, yeah, great, so , so, so, so, this is it. definitely in this one, yes definitely, look, great, of course there are no owners, but that’s okay, i’m a patient person, let’s wait, nikitos, you’ll break the machine, well, now i’ll get to the point, i’ll try it,
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this high temperature is well known to the urals and the european territory, where summer does not miss a day; in the future, it does not really intend to give up its positions, even despite the fact that cargo rains do not leave the middle zone, but in the north-west by the weekend they will be able to bring down the temperature , but in the north there is already a noticeable decrease today, in the south there is a noticeable increase, in some places already up to 35 and even 40. in st. petersburg today it’s 25, in moscow it’s 28, and there you think dudnikov could
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have set svestunov up for mikeshin’s death? well , dudnikov knew that mikeshin would withdraw money in order to pay the seller of the jeep in the morning, well, this is such a gift of fate. svestunov says that dudnikov knocked the knife out of him, dudnikov himself lied to us that the knife remained with sistunov. wait a second, you yourself said that dudnikov put the office on security at 10:00 pm. this is in private security confirm. he stayed in office 1 from 8 pm. and since he knew that mikeshen was on... mikeshin, kill him, take the money and the meeting, he could easily drive home and return to the office to turn on the security alarm, yes, but there are no his prints on the knife, how can this be, well, look , what if dudnikov knocked him out with a blow to the jaw? come on, a mortuary scissor, yeah, well, then, his coat and jacket were unbuttoned, he takes the knife by the blade, puts it against the edge, drives it in, in this case the prints will not be smeared, but what is it
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logical, yeah, but he miscalculated, he didn’t know that svestunov would get into an accident, he would have a solid alebi, all this is of course wonderful, gentlemen, detectives, but how can i apply your guesses to the case? listen, what if we take him on an operational combination, which one? dudnikov probably saw mikeshin’s conflict with rodionov, but while radionov was arguing with mikeshin, could he have seen dudnikov? i don’t understand, he didn’t see him? margarita, well done, but dudnikov doesn’t know about this, and rodionov may well begin to blackmail dudnikov, and if dudnikov is a real murderer, he will want to get rid of the blackmailer. well? naradionova, of course, most closely resembles lev. i finished interviewing dudnikov. it’s okay, we ’ll tape your eye shut, give you his clothes, lightly rattle you, and i don’t think he remembered it too well. the main thing is that prodinov
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didn’t drink his mobile phone, but we’ll install the outdoors for the zadudnikovs, which means i’ll approve gorodikov, well, i think, with the signing of the operational plan. that i have to hide my excitement, otherwise you won’t sign, well, thank you for your honesty, yes, nikitos, i’m listening to you, andryukh, listen carefully or write down, i have all your attention,
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so, the owner of the car, stanislav golubev, works for a trusted company, a small company, deals with unlocking, opening locks , installing alarms, of course. and now i understand where the legs come from, listen, andryukh, give the phone number to the landlady of the apartment, if i don’t give it, then i’ll call the database myself, but i can, i’ll call you, that’s it, the objects are in place, let’s get in touch let's call you, bye, police, get out of the car, where are you going, what are you doing? what are you doing, stop, i said, so what? you, well, you got out of the car, both with your hands raised, we get out of the car, we get out, hands on
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the roof, don’t shoot, please don’t shoot, no one is going to shoot you, pulina feels sorry for you, tell me why the camera was installed, it’s all him , he’s the one who me... these handsome guys, i feel like you’ve hit the nail on the head, you have to read me my rights first, i’ll read you your rights a little later, but i won’t speak without a lawyer, and there’s no need to say anything, alexander velkhatov ignatyevich, there’s a laptop in your cabin, apparently with erotic recordings, so he’ll tell us everything, keep quiet, just don’t tell them anything, he won’t do anything, lenochka, come out, i’ll introduce you to a connoisseur. i’m waiting for your nude, yeah, i’m waiting, but in general you are bastards, even i haven’t seen her naked yet, damn it!
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“be careful, it hurts, nothing, be patient, guys, okay, lenochka, calm down, look, you know these boys, yes, this pizza delivery guy, he brought me pizza, then he followed me to the cafe, i told him off, andrey, yeah, you blew him off, and he said, what? please, we don’t even have anything. we didn’t have time to post the internet, you also looked,
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yes, at night, you brought money, but i would like to know what i’m paying my money for, mine, it’s not your money. this is bori mikeshina, what do you think, i didn’t see how you first punched him in the face, and then with a knife, and you’re cunning, you cut off everything on the purse, let’s get the money, exactly ten, as asked. and this is a bonus, drink to your luck, i don’t understand
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, don’t you respect me or something, and won’t drink to my health, hit me, drunk, what are you, the police, hands, calm down, come here! where is the rest of mikeshin's money? well, at my house, in cache. it's clear. but we will submit the vodka for examination. surely some nasty stuff was mixed in there. hey, dutnikov, he killed a man and ruined his vodka. date and sign the statements. everything is in order. great, guys, well, i want to congratulate everyone on another victory, yeah, thank you, yes, i also
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want to introduce my charming neighbor, lena. it’s very nice, and andrey can also be congratulated on his disclosure. of course, he didn’t solve the murder, but he caught two scoundrels and perverts. no, that's not true, he acted very effectively, like a real, real friend, well, it seems that now i don’t know how to thank him. i will be simply happy if you agree, this evening with my comrades in arms to celebrate our double disclosure, i agree, agree, agree, and this is necessary, if success is not celebrated, the disclosure rate may fall, a sign, but i don’t know where everything is.
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will find out the details of the emergency, listen to auto stories with the first transmission, an emergency program on ntv . investigators are trying to understand why did the former tyumen jeweler start a fire in the church? the last seconds of this act of vandalism were filmed by an eyewitness in the footage of a man in a dark jacket throwing a molotov cocktail into the church of the dmitry donskoy chapel. afterwards, as if nothing had happened, the man headed towards the bicycle, the eyewitness managed to ask him why he did it, to which he received an insult and an obscene gesture in response, then the man hurried to hide.


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