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tv   Pyos-6  NTV  June 5, 2024 8:25am-10:00am MSK

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and a point about the weather for today in the far east, the influence of cyclones is becoming more and more noticeable, the most changes because of them are in the south, in buryatia it will become sharply colder, and a hot wave will cover transbaikalia and rain everywhere, then they will go to the amur, but there will be a little heat, in khabarovsk +24, a day later again 20, in the capital of primorye, as it was, it will not be higher than +13. in the south of siberia, summer last year started with thirty degrees of heat, now in krasnoyarsk it’s only +14, in novosibirsk 17, but in fairness it’s still warmer than it was very soon real heat will begin to fill the region, it comes with rains and thunderstorms from the urals country, or rather from european territory, where the temperature is above normal, but cyclonic activity does not subside, for the most part there are again rains, thunderstorms, hail in places, but for plants it’s not so dry anymore, and nature and weather influence inspiration very much... it seems that in his
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higher and practically rainless work, the poet did not miss even the slightest possible changes in the atmosphere. in the south, it’s rightfully warmest, in some places it’s already up to +35, even in the north, everything is also fair, it is cooler than in other regions, but there is little precipitation. in st. petersburg today it is about 25°, without significant precipitation, in moscow, rains and thunderstorms are also taking a break, the temperature will take advantage of this and rise to +28. and a magnetic storm is also planned, be more attentive to your health, viia superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure, love, recommend. in the summer, with yandex you can do a lot with food, try all the flavors of ice cream, relax. fresh air and get new
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experiences, have time to try more this summer with discounts of up to 60% at yandex food, guaranteed to give away 10 million, tickets by mail on, dreamleon, dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv.
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where, where is she, where is she, bitch! this popsanidar is considered the best detective in the city, he has more than a hundred high-profile arrests on his account, thanks to the dog, the city can sleep peacefully.
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interferes with him, look, yes, lesh, yes, uh-huh, well, give me yours when we meet, there i will see everything for myself, you send me an sms. come on, that's it, tran-taran-tan, here's work, to work, not to me, go you,
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and you these, no, he is busy, he has a police dog working, come on sunday, it will be a day off, yes, yes, of course, i saw news release, well, that’s actually why i became interested in your cop, yeah, girl, listen, if you’re looking for a husband while you’re alive, he won’t help you in any way, he’s on our corpses, how can i turn him into a detective now, but i don’t need a husband , these are my little boxes i need, well, or rather not a husband, but a partner for one time. why, oh my god, excuse me, the little girl is my dog, you see, and i want your dog, my little chest, here, and i’ll pay you money, well, or a puppy there, it’s your choice, you ’re happy, but don’t mind, in case there’s a crocodile, here’s a merchant, show me the goods , of course,
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look, doggy, what a beauty i have, oh, you say, it didn’t work out, how could it not work out? look how beautiful axis is! oh, my god, my god, well, everything is clear, i’ll pay you money, i’ll pay you normally, why are you refusing, uh, uncle, why are you pretending to be a star, and why are you indulging him, taking more pictures of him, he’s handsome but he’s helping us, what happened here, a man, 30 years old, cause of death, he... on his face, he had no documents, no money, nothing on him, that is, he was beaten to death, you say, something like that, well, here he is a moron , i understand, this is the wife, why does he look more like her husband, but no, this is the wife, driving, the wife was
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a domestic pack, she was driving and blurted out something wrong, she marked him khacha-khacha, i know how - the blows are too professional, so don’t... what’s not yet 0562 there 0562 yeah here here 0 why are you under me, don’t need this, i’m now i’ll find out everything, let’s find out, well done! lyosh, well , our taxi driver is either a murderer or a witness, i sent you the phone number of this taxi company, call, they should have driver numbers, yes, come on, come on, come on, taxi service, victoria,
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where to send the car, why do i need your car, your car didn’t give me a damn, i have my own swallow, he... so you’re talking about work, now i’ll send you a link, insert our application, the company’s commission is 10%, listen, girl, captain gnezdilov is talking to you, he cheated , it's ok, you can combine it, we have policemen, firefighters, even martyrs, so drop the link, however, you can combine it, yes, you can stand there for a second. girl, let's go, let's go, have you decided to steal a police officer? yes, i didn’t want to steal anyone, just take him for an hour, firstly, this is a service dog, he’s on duty, that is, at work, so go and work, but give me the dog, i’ll return him to you in an hour, i’ll bring him back
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where it will be necessary, secondly, if a man said no, then no, but what difference does it make what he said, he’s just a dog, for you it’s just dog, for... i have a partner, how many times have you said, don’t eat other people’s hands, forward, tail, guess what happened, another corpse, and where in the circus, damn it, korablev, it’s not interesting with you, run muzzle to the floor , it smells like an a, well, maybe let’s help each other, huh? dolphin, new season, you must understand that you have a competitor in the city who plays the game by his own rules, today at 20:00 on ntv. via
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superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. a smile will make everyone brighter. select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look at the camera, get cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sberpay sber has increased the deposit rates the best percentage to 18% per annum, it's ozone's birthday, tell me, discounts, discounts, oh, sale, ozone's birthday, polaris fan for 2.49, narzan mineral water for 349, children's suit mika yumi for 509.
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i called the bank and hung up, who could have brought the money to a safe account, but scammers don’t introduce themselves so that to extract money from you, hang up, no talking, the victim has not yet been identified, there were no fingers in the database, um, they ran out, or something, and no one reported them missing, and the disappearance of fingers from the database, will you stop or not, that you are getting wound up , lesh, are you?
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47 already, oh my, lyosha, you, listen, isn’t this the one who worked together with the pickpocket, oblique, which one is in the nest? did he steal right during interrogation, or what? i’ll tell you more, gnezilov, he was tearing out the hair on his chest, he said that he would solve this case, watch out , he swore, you should have found out how the case is progressing, you would know how the matter is progressing, it’s happening, that you’re freaking out, it’s happening, lesh, that you ’re freaking out, really, yes, hello, igoresh,
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first of all, not igoryosha, but igor nikolaevich, please. yes, igor nikolaevich, for the first time in your life you were called to a planning meeting, and you are wandering around somewhere, homeless. secondly, vahlang, the bosses are not late, the bosses are delayed, i have special events, that’s it, i’ll be there soon. well, the employee was competent, rate from one to ten, minus a million, as always. your colleagues usually take me differently, these are colleagues, you, dear one, are being led by az, he’s lucky,
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come on, be careful! and you stop the car, don’t you, well, young man, stop it, please, it’s late, where did you bring me, now we have a slot for taxi drivers, 2 minutes, 2 minutes, 2 minutes, open the door, immediately, what, what, what here at your place? it happened, that to sort out, hear, you're a pickpocket, you're a pickpocket of kosovo, remember, asova, of course , i remember, he then picked my pocket, that klava so sneezed me that you see, he not only remembers, but firmly, of course, where he hangs out, you know, yes, let's go, let's show, let's go , what's that you have there, will you show, there, yes, mother-in-law,
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mother-in-law, oh, oh, your mother-in-law is terrible, no, no, that's... asked the criminal to get to the station, yes i i took it, uh-huh, addressed it, nuvedi , well, now i’ll take it, go, now i’ll take it away, it’s going to go bad with you without snot, i’ll bypass it, now i’ll take it, yes, now i’ll take it away, what ’s going on here, explain to me, i’ll complain, you understand, that i’m late, specifically complain to my operator, here’s the operator there.
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well, how are we going to take it from us? there is nothing, i suggest you immediately catch the profit on me and twice in one nest, or what? well, what happens with two guns, it happens, come on, the first one went, let’s slow down, don’t let him miss, do you hear, hello, you recognized me, with a scythe, you recognized me, captain, gnezdilov, wow, what a meeting, this is my savior, but i’m glad to see me, well, i’m really glad, seriously. visually, no, no, in reality, when i sat down because of you, well, i immediately realized everything, and then i leaned back, well, i’m like straight away on the path of truth, in fact, i’m looking for a job, but well done, well what, let's at least let's hug there, i don't know, let's hug, well , if that's the case then of course, i'm happy for you, i'm happy baby, yes, that's it, in general, glad to see you, but i
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ran, ran, well done, no, no, what? here you remain a star. “hello, kotov evgeniy pavlovich, well, i’m kotov, what do you need, the police, there are a couple of questions, where, where we don’t go there, we’ll talk here,
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literally, oh, so this is this super son from tv, yes, and you can see the photo on make a memory, otherwise they won’t believe whoever i tell it to, and then ask whatever you want, of course you can, this is glory, get out of here, get up, yes or so, fame has wavered, of course, a little, yes, we are ready."
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okay, okay, okay, okay, i’m done, i got up
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more alive, you won’t believe it anyway, look how you lie, starting, listen, i bombed for 5 hours yesterday , horror, then i started drinking coffee, it wasn’t interesting, then i got out of the car, someone hit me on the head from behind, so i freaked out. and of course, no one, no way, you don’t know, well, i’m telling you, they approached from behind and i heard, i lay unconscious for two hours, when i came to my senses, there was a car there, there was a corpse in the car, they were planting weapons on everyone, drugs, and you have a dead body, tell me, why didn’t you take him to our police station right away, but along the glebes, for the berries in the forest, and with me two walkers, who would talk to me, oh, you bastard, in everyone, bye, look. he made the light bulbs, that how i will work now, he told me everything, ask again, what am i doing, i cut off the phone with the shovelman from the corpse, well done,
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but why does he need them, of course, and you just, well, that’s it, the shovelman with documents threw away the water, spent the money, spent it, that’s it, yeah, but he doesn’t want to say about the phone number, or even give it away me it, but would you give me a new phone? pounce, right, help you, or come on, climb yourself, crimson, you hold on tight, otherwise it will be carried away by the wind, what are you doing? look, it’s still early, well, you put the lady down already, what are you, yes i, hear, i i see, i didn’t think to you, don’t look at me, using
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the banking application on the phone we managed to establish the name of the victim, kalaitan anton viktorovich born in the ninetieth year, kalaitan, a familiar surname, this is some kind of authority or something, if this is a failure in law, this is kontai, yeah, but here is a smaller fry, well... the concentration of heroin in his blood is indecent, and what about this saying heroin looked at me, it’s igor nikolaevich, yes igor nikolaevich, why don’t they start with heroin with him, you’re right, no, it’s tough, very, very tough, like that, like that, and you know who the last call was from his phone, well, if it’s heroin, then maybe to the dealer, most likely, now there, kriventsov, valery, screaming like a crook, i understand, on igor, you’ll put the dogs, then the film about him, i went, where are you going, or maybe what plans you had for the evening, that’s all
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plans with... with me, no, i was tired of him even at the institute, how do you live with him, just you, not on my desk, please, the working day of the concierge of an apartment building in surgut ended in the emergency room, a displaced fracture, a concussion , a woman was attacked by a twenty-year-old resident of the entrance, she comes in jumping, kicks me like this here in this area somewhere, wow, you had a different indication, don’t, guard, she grabs her by the headphones and throws her on the floor, and her daughter simply pushes her away, and her arm is dislocated, the girl’s mother stands up for her daughter, but only there was a victim from her fists, she started throwing dishes at me, grabbed me by the hair and started beating me, who provokes whom in a fight in
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the entrance of a high-rise building, you didn’t hit me... i just had a heart attack , a criminal case will greatly undermine the future fate of my child, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. vasin experts know everything about varicose veins. traxactiv tablets and traxivasin gels.
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of tricks. re going. rations, that is, fibrosis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrosis foci, reducing pain in the lower abdomen and improving the quality of life. langidase against adhesions and inflammation. doesn't bite. eh, in the old village there is no luck. we had one blacksmith, his horseshoes brought good luck. and now they make an arc there. also for good luck. let's check. arc arc - deliciously rich meat. oh, oh, he’s biting, he’s biting. darling from the stradyard, take it for good luck. snee,
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when two, coupon crazy wednesday, warriors, kiryaki two for the price of one, say yes, summer discounts on wildberries, the new rio fiore collection is a combination of fashion, comfort style, from low-cut sandals to makosin shoes. choose rio fiore and become the star of the summer at wildberries. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after via superstar on nн. clean water is a holy source, fills life with joy moments, the source of joy in you, color source, it's ozone's birthday, tell me discounts, discounts, oh, sale, ozone's birthday, xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner for 7.999, knix three goats set for 549, philips aventa bottle for 399. sber increased deposit rates
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are up to 18%. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming ahead. "even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the exhibition russia, maxim, stop, you have to go, my
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car crashed, by the way, not without your participation, so come on, you have to drive me, take a taxi, you should have discounts for yours, what are you you're egging me on, i didn't go there out of greed in a taxi, i'm stupid, no, out of the kindness of my heart, and this..." hello, i see here, your tires are rare, you
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need your wheels, where are my tires, and i need shatniks, where did you get my phone number, i know where to get it, what did you do without me, now i’ll get you three more, i’ve already given you everything. i told you, well, well, i don’t know anything else, you promised that if i tell you everything, you ’ll let me go, let me go, i promised, i’ll let you go,
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but it’s not me, it’s that guy who killed him, it’s like a control. well, how was it possible to shoot a witness, this moron, what is it, why is it just me, or maybe it was that guy who took him and killed him, or maybe maksimov killed him, what are you, well, it’s true that you pestered
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the boy, well, he killed a child, he doesn’t hang out with anyone, his uncle will still get him off, but igoryushenko, if we are now everyone’s nephew... we’ll imprison him like that, who do we have? it will work, but igor, rot, you’re mediocre, the bullet that killed kreventsov from your pistol, don’t waste time, write, but what do we have there in blood, explanatory, igor, oh, for a long time, what will cover us there? gorbol, vladimir, born in the seventy-sixth year, 15 years in the peacekeeping forces, a week ago he broke his contract, that is, special forces, listen, well,
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it doesn’t cost anything to kill this kolondike with his bare hands, you’re kidding me, igor, are you recording me, are you what are you doing? what is it called elennik? eat dossier on gorbal. he has a common-law wife, a certain olga kovaleva. here. i'll talk to her. wait, i'm with you. which one of you will take me? igor, you’ll be extremely lucky if your uncle gets off with this cane, uncle, hello, right? "hello, uncle, i'm a killer, suck it up,
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oh, i was such a fool, yes, i understand, go without me, what happened?" " maksimov, marx, i'm with you, no, yes, you 're crazy, igor, uncle, what the hell are you doing, uncle? what's possible, well, okay, go, if it's possible,
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then i'll go on that one, on mine, no , on the next one, on the eternal dock, let's go, on the first one at the intersection they’ll put you in jail, go ahead, get out, notice, you’ll help if you insist, of course you’re stubborn, that’s probably a plus, but the little box is not at all good for the dog, well , in general, i don’t need a dog.
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hello, hello, behind that red car, okay, okay, let's go, already, don't touch me, go away, hear, i'm going to the police now. drop the knife, no, drop the knife, no, where
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is he, i don’t know, i don’t know, honestly, i won’t play with you, please, until three, two, that’s it, girl, calm down, police, police, sit down! "sit down, he'll be taken away soon, do you hear? me, one question, why, where is the gorbal, and you are there too, yes, if i knew, i would also tell him, just calm down, drink some water or something, excuse me for bothering you, wait, i’m standing, where is he, i know what car he drives, he
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took mine, and what car you have, new, white, lucky, i also have an old red one. yes, hello, i sent you the license plate of the car, one is white, new, please try it, thank you, oh, well, hello, who is it, papa kalin,
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who was watching, what are you refusing? why refuse, you’re the one who’s freezing, get up, or something, while i grab the dog, okay, i'll wait, come on, hey, hey, where are you going, hey, wait, these are my things, grandpa, grandpa, hello, again, hello, i can let you down, can i, maybe you’ll give me a coat, no, you don’t have a coat, that’s it, that’s it, yeah, i see, okay,
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9:09 am
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new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. read, watch, listen. your favorite authors, artists and musicians. we are waiting for you with the whole family at the main book festival of the country. june 6-9, red square. i wonder what happened to this gorbal, 15 years of peacekeeping, then abruptly cut off all contacts, killed one, tortured another, most importantly his civilian wife didn’t say anything that we’ll find out, here, we just accepted that you work in a taxi, and you’ve become a pimp, part-time worker, you yourself are a pervert, you’re ours, what kind of pimp are you in your right mind, i have a klam de olegovna. yes, i see something new over there, this is not, this is an international examination, i brought maksimov, take this, take him, but
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i have an order, lyosha, and we have a refusal, you assholes, why are you sitting, come out, come here. you're on time, i left my things in your car, hello, you, so this is your misunderstanding, no, lyanochka, this is the misunderstanding that...
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forward, that they slam doors, thank you, hello, and you poured sugar in there, as you guessed, i just drink without sugar. well, this one is mine, so it will be, everything with
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sugar, without sugar, you can’t immediately say without sugar, sugar without sugar, and this is in the corridor, it was your girlfriend or wife, what the... no sugar, drink, eat, what are you doing? , i’m just frozen, let’s at least not be cold, let’s check purely symbolically, that’s it, you can go, ugh! what's happened? am i bad? my speaking skills is bad? yes , how nice is that? what did you add there?
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what's there? everything is fine, oh mother, what's inside added to me that, that, that, that has never let me down, now let’s go to my little stall, yes, well, go, go, i’ll find you again, wow, closet, what are you doing here, come on, let’s go with me, instead of him,
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a trick. well, what a day, what a day, and ugh, hello, hello, it’s me, maximov’s answering machine maxim, i can’t talk now because i’m sleeping at my workplace, you bastard, but i, listen, you idiot, stop acting like a fool, i recognized you. look, gnezdilov, tell max that i ’m at gorbal’s car, yes, let him come himself or sends help, he is already on his way, i will take him, vladimir, you are under arrest, hands
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on the hood. commander, don’t get angry, let the matter finish, i told you, hands on the hood. oh, hello, we need to go there, wait, wait, come to lyanka, come here, forward, oh, oh-oh,
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come, come, come! oh, blow, blow, blow , blow, blow, oh, blow, forgive me, but the fact that you’re here, blowing, is helping you from the head, i don’t recognize you, it’s me, maxia, oh, listen, you’re right, i’m myself i don’t recognize myself, max would never leave a friend for a fleeting affair. i'm len now i don’t understand, what does this mean, do you have a pill for your head or not, no, which means, like for lyoshenka’s beloved, did he find a pint from us, and for gnezilov we also have different pills, but for max, no, sorry, i have information for you, a car... we saw it
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near an underground casino, i hope nothing will bother you this time, let's go, let's go, wait, i'm with you, i haven't processed it yet, sit down, he'll slam the door on me. tell me honestly, nesters, you’re not tired of driving forever, but what do you need a taxi park in department, maybe a hat on your ass, but what are you talking about, i’ll give it a ride, what will happen to it, ayu ondam, wow, that’s the same dog from tv, that’s right, my son
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has been buzzing my ears about him, take a photo of me, come here, come on, we can’t go there, why? i think we can, police police, yes, yes, even firefighters, it’s correct to say, firefighters, well done, so we can, no, we can’t, private property, yes, well, bite him, i’m a taxi.
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come here, forward, i’m asking for the last time where she is, but i have nothing to do with this, are you confusing me with someone? gorbol, stand, take, he has more than a hundred on his account, try it on, lively, lively, oh, free, wishing,
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that's what you missed, you're a nit, oh, that's not a nit, that's, that's a rebound, come on! tell me why you killed this kolaidan, my sister, katya, who met with this scumbag, loved that complete drug addict, and he sold her for a dose, as soon as he got drunk, to the dealer whom you tortured in the warehouse, and such a small fry, he sold katya a week, but he didn't need it. the owner of the nightclub where they took you, yes, they took you, you let him leave if there was something wrong with katya happens, it will be on your conscience, so you
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tell me where to look for this for a week and nothing will happen to her, there is one place the dealer managed to leak. but you can’t handle it on your own, you need my help, we’ll save katya and i ’ll surrender, the word is officer, but what’s the word officer, the word of the officer, i’m with you, and this is someone else, and this is a mustache in the shelter.
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oh, my god, but he stubbornly resisted, rather stubbornly
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, by the way, the sport climbed on the bicycle pen, then fresh oxygen, again, yes, yes, come on, igor, bye, yes, stand aside. so, you're waiting for me here, i don't understand, we we agreed together, that’s it, wait for 3 minutes, come in, there’s a clock, what kind of hours, it’s clear, then consider it, yeah,
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funny, you heard what you said, bye yes, yeah, okay, i was in your casino as a player , yes, and then some idiot came and fired a shotgun, i left, what should i look at, or something, took the car.
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yes, i understand, i understand, i won’t prove anything, i’ll just give it to you and her brother, quietly, quietly, wait, you have no right, you will be imprisoned for abuse of power, i understand, tell me, who knows that i’m here in principle was it?
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this is a human trafficker, or something, quietly, don’t hit me, guys, i’ll tell you everything, i know where he ’s holding before sending, you can make it, you can make it, say, well, igor, he ’s purposeful, he’s strong, i agree, it's a draw, it's a draw, igor, just a restart. they'll re-sign, yeah, you're ready, always, let's go, igor, you never know how a new acquaintance will end, elena mikhailovna soyarkina came to us today to tell us how a fleeting acquaintance of her youth grew into the search of her whole life, elena in her youth. accidentally
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i met my brother, but i couldn’t keep in touch with him, my friend and i decided to go to my village, we were stopping some kind of ride, we drive up, there’s a hospital, i say, this is where my father works, morazov’s mikhail potapych, he turns to me and says , this is my father, and i look at him like that, i say, i look, this is my father, then he says, write down my address, karl marx 2, apartment 2, i called several times, but no one spoke there. and also the story of natalya, who is looking for relatives, my own mother left me, i was 4.5 to 5 years old, and she says: that's it, get away from me, you are no longer mine, i remembered this, wait for me, friday at 17:55 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. remember what they told you when you decided to open. custom jewelry,
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has no right to sleep with the artist. what did he share with leonid germolnik? it wasn't like he was being capricious. leonid is an emotional person. dmitry shouted. so i don’t remember, in what words, why is he hiding his first marriage? masha, you buried me early, i then said the phrase as during a fire, he lost his wife, the doctors said that she could not be saved, that there was a big burn, and he was ready to break the law for the sake of his son, of course, it was a severe injury, where dmitry ostrakhan found the love of his life to say, yes, or very well, it’s very easy to live with him, and how his wife ballerina saved the whole family during a terrible robbery, and his million-dollar secret on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. listen, cold,
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be human. i’ll allow you to try the goods, well , at least one bobyanka for everyone, some are the watchman, and some are sergei mikhailovich, eat in silence, otherwise you’ll move away, hello, police, what we can do help our valiant police, that’s the point. and they say that your establishment is holding illegally. citizens, they say that they give chickens, it’s all rumors, don’t believe it, yes,
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so i thought, it’s probably better to see once than to hear 100 times, right, but there is a warrant to see, a warrant is needed to look, right i say, hey, watchman, look, i caught a bitch nearby, she was spinning around, maybe to the others , listen, smiling, and where is it nearby, so figure it out, oh, where are your chicks, i’m a taxi, i can give you a ride, i left it wretched, oh, bonus,
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where is my sister, come on, take it, oops, where is my sister, volodya, no, come here, volodya, close it, close the wound, volodya, everything is fine, everything is quiet.
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are you home now? well, where is the case closed, katina is free, the gorbol is alive, i heard how the story with the nest ended, i heard they called me, oh well, yes, what did the bell ringer say? expressed gratitude for the capture of a particularly dangerous criminal, and they even gave me a pennant, he got the pennant
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later, my comrade wants a joint photo, from the last one, otherwise he’s completely starstruck , excuse me, they could take a photo of us, yes, of course, thank you, more, come on. there is, that is, that’s all, or something, yes, thank you, don’t worry, i’ll delete it, be grateful to him, because of him, girls like that, emerald green, are haunting me, or something, emerald- green, of course, unlike some, i will not miss such a chance to prolong such a breed that is stuck, okay, sorry, just joking, but if you
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suddenly change your mind, then we still need puppies, i ’ll take it into account, bye... bye bye , suddenly i change my mind, go ahead, go ahead, just so you know, i didn’t do it, it will never disappear, yes, yes, take yours away kolovaga, i have pizza on order, you need to leave, yes, yes, i need to leave, i have pizza, delivery at work, the road, and... hello, instant delivery service,
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instantly, i've been waiting for you for 3 hours, sorry, traffic jams, traffic jams, here we go. you get a tip and get paid, okay, orevoir, good luck to you, good health, don’t cough, let’s look at our portrait of an aristocrat, what is this? what is this? this is a crude fake.
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it was these dogs that enjoyed great love in the royal courts and houses of european signs; they are found on paintings by gitsian, vato and vandai. are you going to work at all, or do you think that leonidov should call you personally? their pedigree ran parallel to the stuart dynasty, unlike the latter, continues to this day; one might say, these are long-living breeds. do you think you 'll ever deserve a painting or a statue?
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no, sorry, we are not of the same blood. since ancient times, it was believed that... laminate or laminate framed, this is possibly a masterpiece, and the restorer was killed for the purpose of robbery, come on, let's go to the robbery, too cheap swill, well, someone likes this, i tell them, this is laminate, ugh, move away, what are you talking about,
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maybe this is an original, there are no originals here, and it doesn’t even smell like robbery. ugh, what does this smell like? oh, cool, and the portrait of an aristocrat, and a terrible fake. igor, he looks like you in some way, come on, right, right, departure and i, oh, you’re stunned, i understand, the restorer died from culture shock, that ’s it. obviously not, lesh, it’s definitely laminate, i ’m telling you, you’re a scoundrel, you’re a creature, a scoundrel! mongrel
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animal, hello, hello, my good fellow, clever, you did you know that the portrait was poisoned? yes, i basically didn’t know that portraits were eaten, the canvas was treated with curara poison, yeah, hellish concentration. orlov killed, yes, well, yes, he would have killed anyone who touched him, so the dog saved nezdilov, including you, come on, i
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wouldn’t touch this portrait even for money, no, well, i’m just in shock, well, he came out with both body and tablet, we have skin like god, you were lucky that they fired you or something, my nobility blinds many people, i should be shown on tv to heal people for money, but yes, constipation, diarrhea, yes, both, all this at the same time, well, well, really, arlin’s beak, what a decisive look, well, a real aristocrat, well, it’s not that you are a sad serf, it’s just that you have acute poisoning pairs of curaras, oh, sit here , scribble your papers, but i don’t see or hear you, i’m a high bird. litter, another detractor, not woof-woof, but woof-woof, you’ll learn to bark like a lord, maybe i
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’ll take you to the kennel, friends, i have an important message, which means the restorer had two brothers, nikolai and boris orlov, yeah , two smart ones, and junior dembil, you don’t have maksimov, older brothers, and most importantly, an ex- wife, elvira orlova, so i propose to start. wait, i suggest we start with the brothers. maksimov is right, start with the wife, maybe the motive for the crime, the inheritance, well, will you let me finish it or not, listen, there was an unknown courier, he delivered the painting, i think that perhaps this is one of them, it doesn’t matter, i, i for a wife, according to, usually women use, you don’t hear or see me, boktan, well, fuck, well, what? that now is the time to be offended, you know, i’ll decide for myself,
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europe has swung to the right, how the elections to the european parliament will change the political map of the european union, why can kiev lose several european allies at once after these elections? living without getting out of bed sounds like a death sentence for the elderly and seriously ill, but for modern youth it is a new fashion trend. what is bed rot? why has this strange, ridiculous fashion taken over the whole world? and is it really this will the incomprehensible absurdity reach russia? how to spend your vacation profitably? without spending a penny on it, on the contrary, earn 10 relatively easy and accessible ways for everyone to spend this summer profitably, which we will definitely tell you about, it will be on your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv.
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tea, coffee, no, thank you, mauzhi, you understand, when we met kostya, he showed great hopes, and then he started drinking, hope died and you parted, a little differently, then we parted, and then koshche died hope and he drank, uh-huh, dear toast. can i give him a bagel? no, no, he’s saving his figure. well , yes, as my fitness trainer says, figure comes first, that’s right, well, yes, i also have one aristocrat friend, so he has a figure, how fat do you think, 13, why 13, 90, 60 to 90, would you say that konstantin
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would actually be a wealthy person? i was, before my divorce, well, as they say, i don’t have 100 rubles. have lawyers, yes, a good lawyer, apparently, yes, the best, dear, probably, but between the brothers, what kind of relationship was there? they thought the younger boris was a fool, just like in a fairy tale, but kostya was always quarreling with nikolai, why? nikolai runs a bookmaker's office, cards, bets, money, yes, yeah, a lot of money, he carries suitcases.
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come on, it's time, bros, it's time, i can't, i 'm going to get away from vakhtang, all the demons of aristocracy have woken up in me, roulette, horse racing, betting, let's put up your dog, igor, well , it's stupid to put up a whole dog when you can just pawn one organ i hear you’re tired of some bookers, it’s clear, from here, and okay, i’ll fight without you, fuck off, bye...
10:00 am
that's it, business wants to talk. live broadcast from the st. petersburg economic forum in a few minutes. a strike on a ukrainian armed forces stronghold helped the russian military advance near kharkov. and kiev is increasingly tightening mobilization, what did they come up with this time? joe biden announced new measures to combat illegal migrants. why did this cause both republicans and...


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