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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 5, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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your deputy and your mayor, the main thing is that they find a common language. daria masalova, oksana goncharenko, valentin lyubimov and nikita zabrodin, ntv. more news on our website in the chipen tv telegram channel. that's all for today. thank you for your attention. today in our program. tentacles of the kremlin. the west accused russia of interfering in the european parliament elections and trying to disrupt the olympics. why do europeans see russian spies again? we must crush russia, as we once did with the soviet union. our son of a bitch. the white house introduces sanctions against international. a criminal
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court for the intention to arrest netanyahu, what american law looks like, is a blind spot. in russia, the number of traffic cameras is being sharply reduced, what will happen to safety now and how to deal with lawless drivers. sunny, i'm sorry, i'll call you back. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. today we start with news from washington, some of my colleagues they say that this is amazing news, it seems to me that it’s exactly the opposite, it’s quite ordinary news, absolutely fitting, that’s how there is a saying, yes, what is due to jupiter is not due to the bull.
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i’ll give you the wording, which means that these sanctions will be imposed at the slightest attempt to open any proceedings against the united states or allied countries. give me a little more detail. this means, as follows from this document, which was adopted in the house of representatives, all those involved are subject to restrictions, quote, to any attempt to investigate, arrest, detain or prosecute us citizens or citizens of us allied countries. in this case , officials.
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the united states and israel are not members of the icc and do not fall under its jurisdiction. the international criminal court itself was created as a court of last resort. well, joe biden has no reason to fear the decision of the international criminal court yet and he went. to france on the occasion of the celebrations of the eightieth anniversary of the landing of the allied troops in normandy , he was met there at the gangplank, on the gangplank, by the way, biden looked rather unstable; he was met there by french prime minister gabriel ottal. it is known that biden is planning big negotiations with macron, which will be devoted directly to the strategy on ukraine. the terrorist zelensky will also be at these celebrations in normandy, but any meeting between biden and him has not yet been announced. but just before this trip to france, biden gave such a great, i would even say,
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programmatic interview to a respected american publication on the editorial page, but even on the cover, you you see, the stern biden is relying on the presidential drain in the white house, on the resolute desk headline: if he wins, let’s look at it in a little more detail, it’s interesting. the main message of the interview was this: biden is the only leader in the whole world capable of leading democracy to victory and strengthening the western bloc. at the same time, commenting on the situation in ukraine, biden vehemently denied that the ukrainian army was being defeated and even scolded the head of the washington time bureau, massim calabredi, for inconvenient questions about the losses of the ukrainian armed forces. instead, biden demanded that they write more about the hardships of the russian army, which the head. at home he thinks quote: the devil is exterminated, biden responded and regarding the idea of ​​​​immediately admitting ukraine into nato, he rejected this idea, simultaneously explaining why ukraine cannot be abandoned. no, this will not happen. we have the same relationship with them as with other countries to which we
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supply weapons so that they can defend themselves in the future. i spent a month in ukraine when i was a senator and vice president, there was a lot of corruption. were really difficult circumstances, but the point is that if we allow ukraine to fall, then change my words, you will see how poland will leave, and you will see how all these countries, along the actual border of russia, from the balkans and belarus, they will all start settle down on your own. this interview gives several reasons to think about the mental health of the us president, so when he spoke about the imports of chinese goods, for some reason he will remember...
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the answer to why this interview was not released in video format, here is the text of the excerpt, with which we just showed you, gives another publication of the wall street journal, they claim that biden’s mental and physical abilities are rapidly deteriorating, they rely on conversations with forty people who communicate with biden in one way or another, but their impression is extremely sad, in particular these people interviewed by the publication complain that the head of the white house can suddenly switch to a whisper when he is talking and it is impossible to hear him. looks at the cheat sheet, but still makes mistakes, or even peeks to give out some absolutely obvious thesis, the publication’s sources are worried, and because of biden’s manner of turning away from the topic of discussion, go somewhere into a discussion on a free topic. many are wondering if
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the president has fallen asleep, because at meetings, biden, as the wall street journal writes, takes long pauses and sometimes closes his eyes for a long time. that is, this story with sleepy or sleeping joe, which trump began to talk about more. this video, which just accompanied your text, appears there in the very first frame biden and jill biden - well, there was some kind of event, well, where she was in such a white dress with red flowers, i was just looking at this picture yesterday, when it all ended, they applauded, well, she applauded, the audience applauded there, they applaud, and then he continues speaking into the microphone, and so he looks at her and says: you?
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last sunday , a large investigation was published in the west on the topic of russian interference; journalists from six publications worked on it, including a german magazine der spiegel, the french newspaper mont and... estonia, poland, latvia, slovakia and the czech republic. almost every time in cases of espionage. propaganda and disinformation are also an important part of the trade fund, which funds events, conferences and propaganda. the investigation claims that the foundation, under the guise of helping russians abroad, spent
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millions of euros on disinformation projects, of which hundreds of thousands of euros were allegedly spent on maintaining websites aimed at combating russophobia in europe. it is also stated that the fund paid for the legal defense of businessman viktor bout and pilot konstantin eroshenko, kidnapped by the americans, as well as vadim krassikov, convicted in germany of murder. terrorist khangashvili. all three are called spies in the investigation. leading positions in the fund, according to journalists and investigators, were allegedly occupied by former agents of the russian special services. local partners of the pravfond have received millions in government subsidies from a number of european countries where the fund has its own branches, which puts questioning the use of public funds and raising national security concerns days before. elections to the european parliament. after the publication of the investigation , the brussels bureaucrats immediately became more active, with
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a new round of accusations against russia, allegedly interfering in the elections to the european parliament and actively denigrating the reputation of the eu, the old fascist and part-time head of european diplomacy, jose borel, spoke. he claims that moscow conducts propaganda in twenty languages, and not only in europe, but beyond it. poses a serious safety hazard. the long arm of the kremlin has reached out to the olympics, assures microsoft. she released a report in which she accused russia of trying to disrupt the summer games in paris with the help of certain internet bots that allegedly intimidate future participants and spectators.
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in order, about propaganda, about the protection of rights there, 20,000 euros - this is, of course , a huge sum that we spent, and radio freedom, which we have here, and there was also such a radio free europe there in my opinion, there are also several dozen languages ​​in which they, well, let’s say, we have people here who... at different times, well, were related, let’s say, to the topic, so
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let’s start with vladimir viktorovich, because vladimir in a pre-interview today he told us when he was an irresponsible citizen, no, you were an irresponsible citizen, no need, when he was running around little with a curly head, yes, well, i too was like that once, in general, you, as far as i understand, worked in the media, which received grants from bad people, now like us we understand, organizations,
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but with a slight touch of the fact that keep in mind, the authorities are doing evil, especially the russian authorities, who, hand on heart, what do you think about your activities? it had high efficiency, so, i think, yes, i think, that is, their fear is now justified, that the russians are spreading their propaganda everywhere, they are brilliant teachers, we have learned a lot from them in this sense, we work better than we we work in much the same way, only now the environment is much more aggressive and they simply oppose us more harshly, so when they say that
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oh my god, look, this fund for supporting russian-speaking people outside the russian... federation is engaged in propaganda, there in the position of the fund, i specifically wrote out a quote for myself, and i thought they were already conveying to you some kind of encrypted information that the funds there for the fund are spent in including assistance in the activities of russian foreign media in the preparation and conduct of individual actions and targeted information, television and radio programs and campaigns in print media and preparation for thematic publications dedicated to the protection of legal rights compatriots, about the need, which we have already talked about a lot, a lot.
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a whole, whole galaxy of foundations, the russian world and so on, we won’t give it away, let all the names work, in fact we are engaged in so -called soft power, we come and talk about ourselves, that is, we provoke people, it’s not only russians there compatriots, well, those who still sympathize with russia, these are educational programs, there’s a lot of everything, but when i remember, we began to conduct an investigation, i think, how do westerners act, let’s
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let's take a look from the inside, maybe there are some interesting techniques there, our people went to the german codoran funds there and so on. we thought maybe they were dancing sub-german songs in leather shorts, nothing like that, nothing about germany at all, they come and teach you how to hate the country you live in, what a colleague told you, they pull out the worst and start under the guise of a new one democracy to do this, that is , they actually create pockets of infection, and we thought to ourselves, what is this tool called, americans, it’s called smart power, that is, they threw in money and people are starting to create some kind of soft power themselves , we have soft power, and they have smart power, to be honest, we thought, what of this can we take for ourselves to also promote, but i’ll tell you practically nothing , because most of all there are anti-human things, that is, there you actually create a disease, you plant it on the healthy organism of the country, it should be within the framework of smart power, but we cannot tell all these beautiful western countries, for example estonia, that
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look, you ss veterans come out there once every 3 months on the street, dear ones, can you remind me who the sss veterans are? is this smart power or is it still easy to explain to people that this is an information war, but we can only wage it from here, because if our compatriots do it from there, everyone will be put in prison, as is happening, that’s why they do it too to another, they are not on the germans or the british in that country, they create ngos from local people, well, as an example , georgia, it’s just 20,000 ngos, in a variety of ways, whatever, this is a classic example that i can understand why now. such a directly international investigation that it is very simple, what happened when problems arose in europe, citizens have questions for real politicians, guys, what is happening, why did life become so bad, instead of giving answers, they write all these people down in our agents, this is russian propaganda, there’s no point in even explaining, if you still ask the question of putting us in prison, then it’s
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a very convenient way to denigrate us and solve the problem, so let’s do what, we... about how we we want the olympics disrupt, here maxim anatolyevich was in france just recently, we’ll talk about the european parliament separately, i’m also an honored olympic bomber, that’s why he went maxim, you can explain to us what the claims are based on, well, here are the newspapers mont, who writes, that we are disrupting the olympic games, are you involved in polluting the hay, please also answer, these are not some ridiculous accusations, of course we sometimes get angry there. special services are making some efforts to disrupt the olympics, but why, what benefit will it bring, i i thought, maybe during your trip, there were some conversations there, listen, i
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talked with serious people, of course we didn’t discuss all this nonsense, preparations are underway for the olympics, it’s very difficult to drive through paris, two stadiums are being built there in the open air in those places where tourists usually walk right mars marsovo pobyanin is building and thereby tearing it down.
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and place them there permanently. the first military personnel have already arrived, and the political publication calls the decision historic and states that the main goal is to scare russia, and in order to have something to shoot back, vilnius
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signed a contract with a german concern for the construction of an ammunition production plant in lithuania. and now the former german vice-chancellor sigvar gavriel, who, by the way, personally met with vladimir putin and shook his hand, says that germany’s goal is to crush russia. if putin wins. whether on the battlefield or at the negotiating table, it will only increase his appetite and he will go further. we must crush russia, as we once did with the soviet union, that is, technologically and politically. warsaw is clearly preparing for something too. recently the polish press began to write that the country was facing mobilization. allegedly, the authorities plan to conscript 200.00 citizens and send them to ukraine. true, officials soon denied everything, and called the news a kremlin cyber attack. at the same time, poland is actively strengthening the border. at the local ministry.
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would bring russia to its knees and accuse our country of provocations on the border, the latvian authorities are intimidating, kremlin agents are carrying out sabotage throughout europe, setting the military on fire bases and civilian infrastructure are already testing the strength of western countries. russia is trying to make it clear that it is omnipotent and can harass our society in order to provoke fear of finding ways to make our lives even more miserable. this is also a test of our response, because if we don't respond... the number of attacks will increase. anton valerevich, if you try to look at it differently and connect these two stories: you are a european country, poland or germany, which is preparing for military
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action, maybe not... obviously, moreover, spy mania, and this is not the first time, let’s call it spy mania, but in general it is a very convenient tool for simply excluding from the political agenda the marginalization of those inconvenient politicians that my colleague spoke about, and i would like to, if possible, about efficiency, you asked a question about efficiency, what kind of efficiency do we have, you understand, the situation is different, unlike so many colleagues, in the nineties and noughties, many went through one way or another, either worked in organizations that
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received grants, or through programs. the corresponding ones took place, maybe someone went there to america or somewhere else using the same programs, some worked directly from these colleagues, god forbid i didn’t participate in this because i didn’t participate in it because i understood from the very beginning what it was and said that guys, it’s not for nothing that money is given, and they told me yes, you are a guardian, no, for a long time, i’m really very people with bright faces, i’ll explain why i and then maybe you will answer differently or more.
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yes, because we were taken to different countries, to palestine, it was purely about the palestinian program, where they had to tell us what unfortunate victims the palestinians are, i just ran away from them to the west bank and after that i became super pro-israeli journalists, well , in general it was very interesting there, and this time, now about efficiency, and the efficiency in the 2000s, in the nineties and in the 1900s among western ngos
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working there in the soviet space was many times, tens, maybe times more effective than ours, precisely because it was super effective, we lost the entire post-soviet space ,
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once again, the americans and the british have entire systems, entire programs, systematic work is underway, and of course it’s all supported, let’s move on to the next part, or whatever, guys, tell me what we have over time, aleksandrevich, let’s do it now, because you too it seems to me that there is something to tell about this here, and everyone has tremendous experience.
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the original ones were based on the common soviet past, the common soviet past, from my point of view, died in ninety-one or ninety -two, it died, so it exists
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only in the heads of individual carriers soviet values, partly, we move to foreign countries, the bearers of these values ​​are alive... so on may 9 they go to demonstrations of, well, let’s call it that, the immortal regiment. if you want to go to demonstrations of the immortal regiment, that's great, so. but you
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do this in russia, why should it be done in germany, you live in germany, you went there to work. this is exactly the same as what they say here about those who left, these people remain russian, these people had their relatives killed during the war.
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like a unicorn, was there a rhinoceros? yesterday the rhinoceros today is a unicorn, tomorrow is taganrok, no, tomorrow is in st. petersburg. exсite x7 is a hero of every day. don't miss, central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week. europe has swung to the right, how elections to the european parliament will change the political map of the european union, why kiev may immediately lose after these elections. several european allies, to live without getting out of bed, for
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the elderly and seriously ill this sounds like a death sentence, but for modern youth it is a new fashion trend, what is bed rot, why is this strange, ridiculous fashion has taken over the whole world, and will this incomprehensible absurdity really reach russia, how to spend your vacation profitably without spending a penny on it, on the contrary , earn money, 10 relatively easy and accessible ways for everyone to spend this summer profitably, about which... we will definitely tell you, it will be on your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? you make all payments on time and tenkov recalculates the rate. when you closing a loan is like a holiday.
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today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting point for ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and let's start this part with messages from the british newspaper financial times. it says there that the usa. they are preparing to provide ukraine with a loan of $50 billion, but not just like that, but upon fulfillment of certain conditions, and these conditions also apply to, well, our country. the first condition is the european union. must in return extend anti-russian sanctions indefinitely, the key word here is indefinitely, because now they are extended every six months. and the second condition is that the loan issued by the americans will be repaid at the expense of profits that come from russian assets frozen by the west. the lion's share of them, let me remind you, is located in europe. the deal between washington and brussels, as
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the financial times writes, is included in the agenda of the upcoming online meeting of the heads of the ministry of finance of the european union. but ukraine will receive all these gingerbreads. only if he carries out a successful mobilization, well, in kiev they are trying as hard as they can, now they have reached men with dual citizenship, they want to send them to the trenches, and so that they do not go anywhere with a second passport, then such people are closed departure from ukraine. the news was shared by the american embassy in kiev, and they warn that if previously people with citizenship of ukraine and some progressive democratic country could freely travel abroad, now, starting in june, they will not be able to do this, and spread it.
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just for joy, the verkhovna rada is now proposing to introduce an opportunity for those who will help look for draft dodgers to somehow compensate for their moral suffering and efforts with a little money from the state, like this might look like? the innovations are going to be enshrined in the bill on military police, it was registered in parliament at the end of may, the norm implies that the security forces will be able
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to come to an agreement with concerned citizens and financially reward them for their help in catching evaders. ukrainian media note that the authorities in this way... want to create a whole network for denunciations, however, not only will this help catch swindlers, now the military police will be able to freely break into the apartments of ukrainians if they suspect that there are deserters there, such a wonderful country striving for europe, when i look at the meeting room of the verkhovna rada, whenever we show something, the thought arises that all these crazy laws, but they appear because no one ever doesn’t listen to the speaker, now they showed it again, there’s this speaker.
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the important question is: will the right be able to unite behind a common agenda? most of the seats in the european parliament will be occupied by politicians from large eu countries, france, germany, italy, they will be interested in advance national priorities. in the netherlands, the freedom party, led by a fierce opponent of arms supplies to kiev,
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nationalist geert wilders, is winning. from bulgaria , representatives of the revival party who advocate for...
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experts believe that despite the growth of right-wing sentiment in europe, brussels’ general course towards russia will not change. this is explained by the fact that the majority of new european deputies will not be able to ignore the general line of the european union and will be forced to support further funding for kiev, and the anti-ukrainian position of some right-wing politicians will not help them form a common coalition due to disagreements on other issues. i think the political right is divided.
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which marina lepen gave and she was asked quite harshly about the possibility of uniting with meloni, if they
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united, there would be a powerful faction, but marina lepen says: yes, our views are close on the issue of immigration, but in relation to ursula vonlein categorically we disagree, i believe that ursula von derlein is the key to troubles modern europe went on to list the points on which she has complaints, and mrs. miloni. europe, who adequately represent russia, and do not believe that it poses a danger, and this is an eternal neighbor with whom we need to negotiate, will somehow unite their efforts and say, at least with one voice, they cannot unite, they are generally in different political factions, it doesn’t happen that they will merge on the russian issue, well, for example, the prime minister of slovakia, he is a leftist, he will be together with scholz, conditionally, you understand. nothing will change for us like they would imagine that there would be more of them, they would be bolder, they would, i think,
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speak out more actively, that is , the atmosphere in this hall of the european parliament will improve a little, but in general, of course, the european commission will be about the same, one small touch just so you understand, the ultra-right are parties that fight for the interests of their countries, first of all, for the most part they don’t care about a united europe, that’s why.
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so that in europe there will be some kind of cutting off and a second moment when they will really unite, because everyone will count together, that for the interests of their specific countries, their specific slovakia, their specific italy, their specific france, indeed ursula fondena and her absolutely inadequate management of the european union pose a much greater threat than russia, the climate is all the rest of the nonsense, that is, when they understand this, this this is not accepted, i said that there is a crazy president of the united states there who is sick - this is not a threat, so...
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not only in russia, but in emigration and everything else, it distracts them, it irritates them, as if it were for them big problem, this and the second story follows from this: elections to the european parliament, after all , members of the european parliament decide little, let’s be honest, no, no, they solve little in terms of finance, some decisions, something else, specific, yes, after all, this is largely decided by the national governments of the country, but for the european establishment, the result of this choice is a signal that if these sentiments are growing, then they need to coordinate and adjust their policies, yes, so that, relatively speaking, not
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the loan bonus has arrived, and this is how you make all the payments on time, and tinkov recalculates the rate when you close the loan, it’s like a holiday, it’s customary to give a gift on a holiday. and tenkovit you have a great gift, money, apply for a loan with tenkov before the end of june, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the rate in money, he is the only one, contract military personnel receive regional support measures, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax , compensation for services. checks to the sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place
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where everything becomes clear, we continue, if you remember, we promised you that we will inform you about.. events at the st. petersburg, st. petersburg international economic forum, we now have such a block of news, it is not yet about the speech, not about the panels, here are some interesting moments from what has already happened there, of course, the forum itself opens today. , and of course you can already look at some technological innovations, large projects that are presented there, what is behind these beautiful words: at the forum for the first time they showed a model of the train of the future, this is exactly what will run on the high-speed train. the highway that is planned to be built between moscow and st. petersburg, a project for new railway lines to adler and even minsk was presented at the forum; it will be possible
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to get to the black sea coast from the russian capital three times faster than now in just 7.5 hours , the road to minsk is generally 3 hours, beauty, presented at the st. petersburg economic forum and new products from the domestic automobile industry, remember the legendary niva car, and so the niva is now an electric car that... is able to travel 175 km without recharging, the car has two batteries that can be charged from a regular outlet, also on the forum showed new hybrid models of the aurus sedan, this is already more expensive for hydrogen fuel cells, and another new product from avtovaz, that is , the popular model lada spark, it was stated that it was entirely made from domestic parts will be produced in three versions: sedan, station wagon, suv, just from the parts of this suv... which will soon be produced in the moscow region, they made a four-meter robot, he meets the guests of the forum participants, another robot, this is not the same one, this is the robot zhenya, he knows everything about housing and communal services, that is, you can approach him, ask,
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probably, when the hot water is turned off, he also reads poetry and maintains live communication. native muscovites love and are so proud of their city that they are ready to live on cozy dachas in a comfortable moscow suburb. participants from 139 countries of the world, this is hello, great russian isolation, and they will come not only from friendly states, but also from states with which russia currently has strained relations, even from the united states, canada and western europe, contrary to how local authorities they tried to interfere with the participants, but the forum turns out to be very, very representative, well, we already know, this is the most interesting part for me, there is still a whole hour before lunch, i wonder what they will feed the guests forum, set lunch, set lunch this year, as you can see, has risen to almost 5.00
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rubles, what can you get for them on the menu : salad with a day of cold smoking and asian vegetables, pumpkin cream soup with crab, farel soup and whitefish, what is whitefish, i have difficulty with oil from the mountain tarhu, but nevertheless, also a cormorant steak. “no, i can’t always feed you, i’m already forbidden to forgive you, i remember, i remember vladim petrovich kandratyev’s report from the g7 summit, like the report there, for example lasts about 8 minutes, 2 minutes vladimir petrovich talked and even tried the menu that people were treated to, this is a good idea, by the way, whoever came from us, we need to tell the guys to also film something like that, there’s a vast amount of food there our studio, okay, that's it van, stop with your gastronomy, we need to move on to the topic, which..."
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well, let's look at the plot, honey, forgive me, i'll call you back. there have been similar accidents since september 1 of this year on russian roads may become more due to new regulations installation of video recording cameras. experts are horrified by the innovations; in their opinion, up to 70% of all traffic cameras will be affected, which means that there will be significantly more fatal accidents. the traffic organization center directly stated that the measures will have a negative impact on safety, driving in excess of the speed limit while driving on red lines without a seat belt and other violations will increase many times more. the basic camera is a tool for improving road safety. installed a camera, minus 15-20, 25% reduction in quantity do you like road transport? according to the new
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rules, the installation of cameras on roads must now be justified; they can be placed in dangerous areas, intersections, near pedestrian crossings and railway crossings, near places where parking or stopping is prohibited. it turns out that on straight sections of a flat road, where drivers accelerate and exceed the speed limit, there may no longer be a camera. it will be possible to install them in such places only after statistics prove that the area is unsafe. that's what it's there for must happen. either four similar accidents, or two, but with injuries or deaths. new highways may also remain without control, because there are no accident statistics there yet. modern photo-video recording systems detect not only exceeding the speed limit, as before, but a whole set of violations, including driving into oncoming traffic, driving on the side of the road, failure to wear a seat belt, headlights not turned on, and much more. however, the state traffic inspectorate is reassured by the new rules.
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will simplify the life of the motorist, before each a warning sign will be installed with the camera, the device will be able to record violations only 150-300 m after it. in populated areas, cameras can be placed no closer than 1 km from each other, and on at least five highways. as planned, the driver will be able to avoid two fines for one violation. the traffic police also say that the measure is long overdue. we, of course, take a very strict approach to ensuring that there are no unnecessary cameras, so that... i am sure that we will not only clean up those cameras that, let’s say, work ineffectively, but also we will be able to directly transfer them to those areas where this is extremely necessary today, and where accidents occur. so, come on, anton vladimevich, since you proposed the topic, that is, you think that reducing the number of cameras will lead to an increase in the number. then traffic accidents will accordingly be less
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safe to travel around, well, this is absolutely obvious from my point of view, because we have exactly two control tools, i say this here repeatedly, these are police officers, photo-video recording cameras, and indeed, when we install a camera, any law enforcers in the regions say, well , the accident rate itself is falling, the number of violations is falling, these are all interconnected things, well, probably, if this were so, then it is unlikely that the traffic police management would have proposed such things as if they were incorrect. in my case, i cannot explain them logically, they are beyond logic for me, because we have a national project for safe, high-quality roads, which establishes how many cameras should be installed in the country, we have all the cameras installed. in fact, all approvals from the state traffic inspectorate fines, with rare, rare exceptions , are also issued by the state traffic inspectorate, that is, they have their finger on the pulse, absolutely yes, but at the same time, to our deep regret , the situation now turns out to be, well, a strange situation, we have the numbers necessary to reduce safety,
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accidents and mortality, but at the same time we are removing one of the road control tools, i understand, antonovich, wait, you said there are two ways, the first method of control, the first way is cameras, the second is employees. police, so maybe the traffic police, for now it’s unclear to you, probably also to me reasons, he can literally take the situation into his own hands, then then return to the road, these people, as they were called, with a hairdryer or with this tripod, which is somewhere out of the bush, the tripods never disappeared from the roads, you know, it’s impossible to place a police officer everywhere, we already have a growing number of them, but it’s a deep regret that he’s standing there registering one person, other children can fly by and fly by and fly by.
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maybe it somehow happened by itself, but the cameras were able to do a different task to implement, personally, cameras discipline me, now i drive with
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a navigator all the time, because the navigator tells me when the camera is, well, unfortunately, i have all my fines - it was speeding, so now i don’t have these fines , i'm not driving. moreover, what ’s wrong with this, let’s not forget, even if there are more than three cameras, no one argues, i think everyone present, that the cameras really are, we are talking about those crazy examples that we have as a result of that very chamber chaos, then already the question is not about road safety , but about the desire to earn money; today our regional budgets are formed.
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well, that’s all, why bother filming cameras, because it seems to me that these examples that we are showing are much more, can i ask grigorich now, because you have a pre-interview, you actually said there, i’m not here now as a developer there are means of fixation there, but as a driver, that is, you , as far as i understand, practically invent these cameras
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and now you’re saying that there are a lot of them, well, not exactly, i didn’t invent cameras, i don’t work there, i want to say that cameras have now simply become a tool.
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a performer who churns out something too quickly, didn’t do some analytical work, didn’t turn off the camera where there is a detour, and so on, why remove the cameras, let’s have a mechanism, an appeal mechanism, mechanisms, how do we fine these fines? we’ll write it out, we’ll figure it out, maybe fix it there, but the cameras give security, a feeling of safety both for pedestrians and cars, just to say about analytics, yes today we have a question about quantity, everyone immediately thinks that there will be some kind of chaos on the road.
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so let us hang up these cameras even after 200 cameras, after 200 meters, if our people don’t understand, if they are not disciplined, if they are not ready to maintain traffic safety, well, a fine, these are just cameras, they don’t come up with these fines when they hang there through, they record a violation, if there is a violation, if there are violations, for the most part, you’ll agree, it’s an imperfect offense, and it’s easier for the driver to go pay with a discount of 250 rubles.
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well, there are such crossings across the highway , and on each of these things there is always a 90-90-90 camera, that is , there is no way to accelerate at all , as far as i understand, it was done just such a threshold and high-speed because when the tavrida paved the people there a little someone like that, including a local one in raslabon, they started racing there and began to fight hard, so they put me there ; the number of cameras there doesn’t bother me at all , of course it doesn’t really bother me. it's nice to go all the time at this speed, i could accelerate faster, but in general i understand this perfectly well, come on, that means, if
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there are extortions, create some kind of regulation for who can collect, a second, wait, then, about what it means, there are five cameras hanging, and there should be one smarter one, but honestly alexander romanovich there is some kind of reason at all, i don’t really understand, i can’t explain why we refuse, you don’t have a single complaint, we don’t refuse the order. in the city that there should be more cameras, fewer cameras, they should be smarter, dumber, or maybe it might be necessary to change the speed limit, otherwise everything somehow means that 2 years ago at the higher school of economics we conducted a study that showed that we were just looking at the jack highways. moscow region, and before and after the installation of cameras, how the statistics of road accidents changed, it means that it decreased by 37%,
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37, yes, but make the studio louder, exactly.
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presented not as a lawyer, but as a driver, and this is inseparable, inseparable, i think, i have 25 years without accident experience, but i think many can boast of this, i just know a little about what i’m talking about, i think that the number of cameras is really excessive now and that we really need to put things in order in this sense, remember, in france there was the yellow vest movement, among other things , one of their demands was to dismantle some of the cameras, since they had turned into
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an indirect tax instrument, i was just watching videos of accidents, well, most accidents are not like these. speed limit, here's moscow, well, in general the city should determine where it should be - that's one thing, but i, for example, often go to the country, i see that they are now installing cameras absolutely not in those places where it is necessary, precisely so that drivers move, let’s say 60 km, outside the city, on
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a straight road in good visibility, and you already find yourself under the camera, but that’s just it. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby.
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exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. the world of private prices brings you the cordless chainsaw of the century. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list the work she is capable of. mini saw, an indispensable assistant in construction. working in garden plots, caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. the chain of this saw was designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly with the smallest. energy costs, call and order a vec cordless chainsaw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. via superstar,
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premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. sergey zharkov. if you help with an identikit, you'll get off with minimal wages, and you'll get away with it. word from the officers. dolphin, new season. today at 20:00 on... ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. we got our first traffic cameras about 15 years ago. i remember myself, a young aspiring reporter, who in 2011 maybe somewhere around three rubles he showed the audience, which means the first two cameras that started working at speed. now it is no longer just for speed, but an incredibly smart creature that practically follows. the first traffic cameras appeared in russia back in 2008, first on major highways and highways, and then on city streets. initially,
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the cameras were quite primitive and could only record speeding being exceeded. now they recognize more than 50 types of offenses, including relatively new ones, unfastened seat belt or using your phone while driving. and at the beginning of this year, moscow even began fining drivers who do not allow pedestrians to enter tram stops. the first such complex began working on the streets of freedom, where accidents occurred more than once. the complex calculates the distance to the vehicle, as well as the dynamics of the pedestrian’s movement in such a way that if the pedestrian slows down, a sign of violations appears. there are now more than 3,000 cameras in russia, and nine out of ten violations are recorded by them, and they do it with stakhanovian zeal. last year , the record was broken for the amount of all fines issued by a driver in an automatic vehicle. mode, many experts are sure that traffic cameras will certainly restore order, because the number of accidents in russia is decreasing. by the twenty- third year, they had achieved a
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30% reduction in mortality. but it is worth noting that the main decrease in mortality was due mainly to a sharp significant increase in the number of cameras on highways. cameras appear in new areas and after high-profile accidents. in past year, such a device was installed in the leninsky district of novosibi. after a fatal accident, a biker, flying through the city at a speed of 140 km/h, flew into a truck at full speed when it was turning around, almost nothing remained of the motorcycle, and the biker died on the spot, the driver. born in 1974, driving a man car, he was moving along the station street from the side of the concrete crossing, making a u-turn in the opposite direction, and collided with fonda’s motorcycle. at the same time, punishments for those who like to drive on the roads in our country quite liberal. the fine for exceeding 40 km/h is only 500 rubles. and if you pay with a discount, it’s 250. in addition, russia has abandoned cameras that catch drivers, as they say from the bushes, about
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filming violations on the roads. it is needed specifically for prevention, vladimir putin said several years ago. in this case , there is a direct substitution of the meaning of all these events. instead of disciplining drivers, they are simply fined. and this is not an end in itself. this is only a means to achieve what we need result. please put things in order here. it happens that video surveillance on the roads helps to quickly detain criminals, even especially dangerous ones. at the end of march, when the terrorists who attacked the city hall building tried to escape, the car...
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momentarily, this is the discipline of the driver, which means a reduction in accidents, but there are still points there, firstly, we hope and count, and this was created in order to achieve justice and objectivity, people trust cameras much more than a traffic police officer who accurately will also create a trap without having a camera, there was a trap here on argunovskaya street for decades, just go to the floor there is one lane for public transport. everyone turned from the far left to the far left, here you, please, come here, they stood there for decades, fed, which means that they came up with cameras, so to speak, to achieve objectivity and justice, another important one is also the simplification of this document of circulation, everything in the digital sphere comes to you, everything came for government services, no you don’t need any pieces of paper, that’s it, everything is very quick happiness, well, a letter of happiness, yes, listen, it’s really convenient, but we’re talking, we’re talking.
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another, the problem of excessive and unfounded restrictions should be solved by ensuring that such restrictions are lifted and not introduced again, and not by removing the cameras, there is no need to remove the cameras, their significance is great, by the way, even in the investigation, in the proceedings an accident, if an accident is caught on camera, as we have seen, then it is much easier to objectively establish who is at fault, so it is better to let every meter the road will be under the camera, but at the same time let there not be those unreasonable and
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excessive restrictions, so maybe we will still show him some kind of magic whip in the form of a camera so that he does not violate, but wait,
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let us first with the most important point let’s figure it out, because here respected representatives of the state duma say that the bill is not about reducing the frequency of energy, it is talking about a reduction in its pure form, then please explain. you just say correctly that regulations arise, but this regulations are the only tool, a ruler, which is taken and applied all over the country, for example, a piece of road, here we have, as they absolutely correctly said in the story, we have two hotbeds of accidents and you talked about this, two hotbeds of accidents with a distance of less than 5 km on the highway, this means that in one accident center we will install this camera and fight it, in another there is this rigidity that is built into it. but another problem is that we, i also spoke about this, don’t know how much there are accidents in the country, this in my opinion is simply nonsense, it doesn’t fit in my head, but
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insurance companies do not report their data on how much it means that osaga is beating in our country, the state traffic inspectorate only says road accidents with dead victims, i drive, it’s clear that if it happened there are 10 accidents in one place where there is damage.
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really cool song, no one can even roughly predict how today’s broadcast will end, it’s very interesting, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. and this how? do you make all payments on time? and tinkov recalculates the bet. when you close a loan, it's like a holiday. and for the holiday. it is customary to give gifts and tinkof gives you an excellent gift, money, apply for a loan with tinkof before the end of june, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. timkov,
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ntv the meeting place, the place where everything becomes clear, i have now decided for myself commercial break, so we are having a debate, life or wallet, those who say that there is no need to reduce the number of cameras, so they seem to stand up for life, here our distinguished guests say that people are being robbed with the help of these cameras, that is as if they are worried about their wallet, we could conduct a survey, of course, what?
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you can exceed the speed limit there by no more than 10 km/h. even for a slight excess, the driver will receive a fine of 800 rubles. then you can get there at 10,000, but you’ll have to pay for running a red light give 5,000 rubles. at the same time, the employees of the belarusian traffic police are not asleep. if we worked somewhere overnight and the crew did not arrest the drunk driver, then most likely the crew somewhere probably simplified their work and did not check somewhere. one of the few countries in the world where, in addition to russia, there are discounts on fines, is italy. the benefit is a third of the fine amount, but is valid for only 5 days, but if you do not pay the fine within 60 days, its amount will increase several times. last fall, the italian authorities further increased fines for speeding. the maximum
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amount reached 100,000 rubles. but that's not all. in case of non-payment of taxes within the statutory deadlines, the collection agent can order. detention of vehicles registered in the name of the debtor. moreover, if the debtor does not pay the disputed amounts, the collection agent may take enforcement action to sell the car. in turkey, you can exceed the speed limit by no more than 10% of the speed limit. even for a small excess you will have to pay a fine of 4,000 rubles. it costs the same to travel on krasnaya; for failure to comply with road markings, the fine is 11,000 rubles. they are strewn with cameras. on almost all turkish roads, speeding is one of the main factors in the death of people in road accidents, so drivers must follow the rules of the road, otherwise fines will eat up their wallets. the emirates do not favor daring drivers, especially street racers; exceeding even 1 km/h
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is already considered a serious violation and will cost the driver 10,000 rubles. exceeding the speed limit by 80 km/h will cost... 75,000 rub. in addition, violators will be deprived of their driver's licenses and their vehicles will be confiscated. so, dmitry vladivich, well, somehow it turns out, robbery, robbery, and the fines are the smallest. well, no, this is not true at all, this is, well, there is such a concept, maybe a biased selection, everything is different everywhere, somewhere there is more liberal legislation, somewhere less, for example, as far as i remember, the uk, for crossing double solid first fine of 45 pounds, but then there is a multiple thereof. penalties are increasing, including imprisonment, approximately the same approach in the united states, that is , punishments, they must correspond to the principle of reasonableness, the first punishment is quite liberal, and then this scale should really increase for repeat offenders, up to, perhaps , imprisonment, i would also like to say about fines, about money, please note that every year the accident rate falls, the amount of fines
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increases, and if now you ask a survey about whether fines are simply being increased, maybe not, that’s all, why is that all, if it says 60, i’m going 60, why not, just sometimes, sometimes they put a sign 40, where it is quite possible to go 80, yes, this is perfect, no, experts must understand that life does not stand still, in the sixties there were some restrictions, in
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2024 there should be other restrictions, on the streets of moscow before almost everywhere it was 60, now in the center i see the sign more and more often. 30 and this is absolutely correct, because the streets are small, pedestrians don’t look, i won’t talk about scooters at all, 30 is quite reasonable here from the tv center, if you already go mk there 80 is fine, we conducted an all-russian telephone survey, exclusively of drivers, that is, not all russians, drivers were asked about camera safety or not about safety, 52% still talk about safety, although in sociology these are skewed numbers, when you ask a person... something negative , he rarely agrees that this is negative, it is still for his benefit, yes, as for the speed limit, and so on, our problems really, you rightly say, lie in the fact that many speed limits on the roads established, the devil knows when, the devil knows by whom, it is absolutely clear that chernikov,
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the head of the traffic police, the state traffic inspectorate, spoke about this, it is necessary to revise the speed limit throughout the country, only after that it will be possible to talk about these... well of course, you need to look at the statistics, what they are now and reconsider on toll roads in some places they do it 130, the design speed of the roads, here the design speed of the same brand is 130, category 1b, and there it is set to 90, because everyone there is crazy, listen, they haven't seen normal people for years the road, so they left and it was difficult, they pecked it, they pecked it completely.
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the working day of the concierge of an apartment building in surgut ended in the emergency room, a fracture with displacement, a concussion, a woman was attacked by a twenty-year-old resident of the entrance, she comes in with a jump and hits me... wow, you had a different indication, no need, candy, she grabs her by the headphones and
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throws her to the floor, and her daughter simply pushes her away, and she managed to twist her arms, may the girl stands up for her daughter, but only there is a victim from her fists, she started hitting me throwing dishes, grabbed my hair, started beating, who provokes whom in a fight in the entrance of a high-rise building, you didn’t hit me, nastya, a lot. i didn’t hit you, i struck you in order to protect myself, i just had a heart attack, a criminal case will greatly undermine the future fate of my child, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. interest-free period. starts every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card
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forever. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning. shrubs - this is not a complete list of the works that it is capable of. minisaw eyelids - an indispensable assistant in construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. an electric motor with copper winding has quite high power. for such a small size, the chain of this saw was designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, with minimal energy costs, call and order a cordless chain saw of the century and get a reliable and faithful assistant, beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. meeting place, so
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we obviously won’t have a compromise on cameras today, let ’s ask in a different way then, about these discounts on fines, non-punishable excess of 20 km, that’s it, but can there be any waivers at all? for drivers, when it comes to safety, dmitry vladimirovich, safety is reasonableness, and some unreasonable restrictions, they on the contrary, they only irritate drivers and, as a result, create, oddly enough, a more dangerous situation on the road, not to mention... technical errors, of which there are a huge number now, so aladimirovich, if the risk is just that the hardware will suffer, then you can give concessions, but if there is a risk to the life and health of people, participants in the movement, in this case concessions cannot be given, so alexander romanovich, we are talking exclusively about the rules and we just found a compromise, because we decided that it’s not that what is the solution, but what is the 70%
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which journalists say will remove the cameras, they will be installed, but...
3:59 pm
the inspection must work pointwise, the cameras must work for safety, reduce the accident mortality rate, the roads must be reformatted so that they can be driven adequately, we need smart administration, otherwise , that now i went to the airport a couple of weeks ago on saturday 6 am to meet the woman i love, stopped in the alleys near the borodino panorama, bought flowers at 6 am, you left for your grandson, or something , 500 rubles from the bush, because i’m talking about parking of course i forgot, it’s a shame, yes, it’s a shame, yes, it could be worse than a traffic accident, it would seem that a man is brought to the hospital, well, to this emergency room, a broken leg, a broken arm, a broken rib, broken, which means his jaw is dislocated
4:00 pm
, a black eye, well, the doctor on duty, who is in the emergency department, says: well, we had an accident, he says, no, he sneezed in the closet, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 there will be no ntv, until dates. economic development within a multipolar peace. delegations from almost 130 countries came to the st. petersburg international economic forum. today i am announcing measures that will prevent migrants from gaining asylum. us president biden announced. measures to combat illegal migrants. rogue joe biden is portraying that he has finally decided to do something about the border. why did this displease both republicans and democrats at the same time?


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