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tv   Maior Sokolov  NTV  June 6, 2024 4:00am-4:51am MSK

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and that his friends learned how to make medicine, ulen distracted attention with explosions, the duty group also left, why did he even come back, you think from zaksinia, i need a car with full throttle and a green engine right now, otherwise i will kill the hostage, will you? what are we going to let go of again? hello, ksyusha, kyusha, just don’t bother me, okay, we ’ll fulfill all his demands, and we’ll get you out. what, where are you? vlad is a homeless farm worker, he’s a scientist, he discovered a new component, so what if he’s crazy, half of the scientific discoveries were made by crazy people, vlad needs to be saved, dolin blew everything up and the component remained only in pavlusha’s head. the car is at the entrance, i
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get out, everyone move away from the car, step away from the car, i said, put down your weapons, i’m afraid, quiet, quiet, i won’t kill you, stolin. and i caught you, uncle lenya, uncle lenya, uncle lenya, lenya, lenya, i thought you were the hostage.
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no, i was, i didn’t like it, why did i scream for you to shoot him, if i missed, you couldn’t, why did you? but i don’t like this ksenia, she ’s attracted to you, i didn’t notice anything like that, but i noticed that all these tricks are for you, listen, what do you call tricks, the fact that she helped us take dolin, the fact that she discovered a new strain, the fact that she risked her life so that dolin would not leave with hostages, is that what you call twists? and
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i don’t care who she’s attracted to, quietly, that’s not what i meant at all, listen, i agree that you agree, i agree to marry you, let’s wait, i’m not ready. can you, hello, pavlusha, tell me how you did, all my friends died, i’m very sorry, but all this can be fixed, they all died, want? you will have so many friends, and
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wow, so many, yes, very many, in different cities, you will have, look, this is such a laboratory, here you can raise your friends, yes, and you will live in such a house, and pavlush, should we take grandma valyuma with us?
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well, i did a good job, five points, so what? no, i don’t mind, gosh, well, where are you, everyone is gathered, the demo has arrived, we’re waiting for you, let’s move the pistons, come on, well, it’s coming, let’s go, of course, yes, yes, it’s already coming, sing, let’s go, of course, we have to test in the field, both, both, both, how many horses 300 flew from moscow in 2 hours, probably violated the rules, but with such numbers it’s possible, guys, i’m wildly sorry, there was a major accident at the thirty kilometer, i had to leave urgently, dimon, handsome, answer the main question, you are already
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a general, not yet, colleagues on monday, well , the presentation has been agreed upon, no one objects, so you can wash it, dimon, dimon, we you... dear, our fellow countryman, a general from the ministry, you can say a classmate, yes i i’ll kiss you, where did you manage to fit in so much, yes, i’m normal, neighbors, we sat for a while in the evening, all the guys, on horseback, just drop by my place, i ’ll quickly change clothes, i asked you to be more careful with this matter, why are you uncomfortable in front of dima, why are you okay? kid, what are you like me, a dunce, hello, hello, where is everyone, they’re taking the certification,
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and what are you doing, and i’m already fit to continue serving, daughter, i’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time, you have a relationship with sokolov, don’t you? dad, are you sure this needs to be talked about here? where else do i see you? no i don't mind you adults, this has no effect on work. what then? sokolov, a good man. but i want to immediately place all the accents. if your relationship reaches some serious stage. which i also don’t object to in principle, well , it’s too early to talk about it at all, i won’t say it once again, okay, so, we have neither a bakery nor flower farms here, we don’t need a family contract, so if this will happen, one of you will have to move to another
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unit of the ministry of internal affairs, maybe even to another place altogether, but i wouldn’t lose sokolov i wanted to. do you expect me to make decisions? no, then what, what do you want? marina, i want you to be happy, dick!
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come on, look, your hands here are closer to yellow, press up and slowly lower down, well done, yeah, just your elbows, yes, that’s right, that’s right, let’s replace them, these muscles should work, yes, well done, come on. it may not even start, just slowly, slowly up,
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who is it? it also brought it here! oh, ugh, we got out, oh, how much did you drink here, when you saw the boars, yesterday, let’s go , i’ll show you the tracks, let’s unload first, come on, oh, kolyan is still drinking? well, he got away with it, he’s not drying out, now his wife has left him, he’s generally started throwing himself at people,
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they call a new neighbor every other day, it’s a disaster, maybe they can treat him somehow, they tried bestulka, how can you treat him if he doesn’t want to, so , who is it here in our favorite place, young people, we are liberating the clearing, for some reason, we are here... the first to stand up, guys, this is our place, i mean yours, did you buy it? so, i see that you are not local, then, here, a special operation is taking place, i ask you to immediately vacate the territory, and that according to the law on police, i have the right to read and rewrite your id, where did you hide it? what are you saying, boy, we have a general from moscow, he has turned you into a dog, understand? take your hands off, if, if, if, no... kolyan, you’re young, you don’t care where you shake your mugs, but we
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’ve been coming here for 20 years, let’s be nice, you know, it’s none of your business what we’re shaking here, stas, let ’s better leave, we won’t leave, do you hear, run, let’s run, listen to my command, in 2 minutes i don’t see you here, you understand, you ’ve gone nuts or something, you think what musara means anything is possible, i remember your last name, igor sergeevich kutilin. are you stupid, i beg you, come on, let’s go, let’s go, put your knee down, take the guns away from him, what are you doing, stas!
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dim, he’s dead, what are you talking about, i have a board meeting on monday, i’ll kill you, you’re a moron, calm down, already, someone help me, please. we need to finish, she remembered us, lusha, there is, damn, it’s all at the wrong time, who is it? yes, this is a fisherman's place? he’s a pensioner, he recently bought a house on the other side, he knows you,
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of course he knows you, we’ve met several times, yours, you understand what we 've gotten ourselves into now, help, someone, help, help, you fool, where are you going? it’s okay, i have a recorder, he wrote everything down, i’m not guilty.
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lafina, inga vladimirovna, 1998, moscow, tourists, damn them. so everything needs to be removed here, the boat too, so that there are no traces at all, the girl can be found, so the car went somewhere towards the city, if towards the city, it means they were taken either to the trauma center or to the central one, it’s one of two things, look for what do, you know, the most important thing
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is that i wasn’t with you, that’s clear, vlad, well, you you're coming, yes, yes, yes, i'm coming, it's good that you didn't leave, i forgot my phone, madam, where are you so beautiful? for a birthday party, are you going alone? vlad, this is a bachelorette party, the fisherman hasn’t returned home yet. ryabov, which hospital? what do the doctors say? it’s clear, our tourist was found, they were taken to the central hospital
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unconscious, they had no documents with them, the doctors said until the morning. will live, i can’t believe it, i have two children, from two husbands, the third, by the way, is on the way, and i feel like i’m 18 years old, and it’s fine, great, who is on your way, child, no, husband, girls, a man came in, looks around the room, looks at us, marin, are you a bodyguard? did you get rid of it? no, i don’t understand who it is, it’s definitely yours, looking at you, rare, right? no, nothing, it’s worse when it’s the other way around, but someone
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came and recognized you, our fisherman, goshka. he did the legs, and now he’s taking his wife out, i don’t like all this, i need to slow down my wife, but i think there’s no need, but i think she ’ll lead us straight to him, now let’s get a taxi, just be careful. so what are you doing here, look who i'm with will i return home? marin, it was really stupid, i'm sorry, i'm coming back with you.
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an unknown person brought the girl, dumped her literally on the road opposite the emergency department and left. well, you know, this happens often, after an accident, for example, but a person has hit someone, it’s a pity to leave, but you don’t want to bear responsibility. perhaps this is our case, but partly. in terms of? the girl has injuries characteristic of ttp, broken ribs, a concussion, but she also has. field wound in the leg area, so they immediately reported to the police, so you are very you did the right thing, you know, i ’ll ask you, if, when she comes to her senses, please call me right away, great, but to tell the truth, it’s unlikely that she’ll come to her senses, she would be sent to moscow, but without the insurance documents no one she will come, but we won’t take her ourselves, we need a car, yes, i understand, but you still, you
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call, okay. marin, i want to repeat my proposal, marry me. i love you!
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hands on the guru, slowly. well, hello, major skolov, it’s dirty, i can kill you like that, they can kill me without you, come in, mash, you can do it for me explain why we drove so far, and someone will be looking for tourists near the lake? that they are resting there, with kolyan, what are we going to do, it’s because of him, because of the idiots, it all started, there was no need to call him, you ’re telling me this, it was dima who wanted to see him, a
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childhood friend, all that, suddenly childhood i’ve already drunk myself to hell, i know one, a local traffic policeman, his name is igor, i don’t remember his last name, he’s also a fisherman, we ran into him on the lake a couple of times, i don’t know the others at all, you remember the car number, but not all of it, ek series, first number zero, that's it a hefty black jeep, you’ll show me the place, of course i’ll show you, we need to go now before it starts to rain, the tracks aren’t trampled, the guy’s head was broken, well that means there must have been blood left, i missed my house, it ’s been half a day since i left and i miss it, but i i can’t
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go back there while these people are free, you know, but the fact that you came to me may have been in the balance with you for a long time, that’s not why i came , what kind of settlement are you talking about, i don’t understand something, i came because there is no one else. okay, let's go, let's go, yes, marin, vlad, where are you, i’m going to bratov for reconnaissance, why didn’t you wake me up? well, firstly, that you slept well, and secondly, i need some information from you, there is a car number, ek series, the first digit is zero, a black suv, try to find the owner, okay, so far,
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you see, it’s been rummaged, they they removed the soil with traces of blood, the tent was right here, here, the guy, with his feet to the tent and his head there, and i was sailing over there on a boat, you see, i see that there are no traces of a crime, that’s what i see, don’t you believe me , rocks, i believe, but you’re welcome to catch on, where the girl was leaving, there, and her hair was dyed, so bright, purple, the girl from the police department is worried about yesterday’s patient, well, who with herbal... with a firearm is critical, but something can be done, okay, thank you , oh!
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look, here, too, the soil was removed, apparently there was blood, that means they killed me, wait a minute, look, the branch is broken, you see, the break is fresh, she ran there, that means they didn’t kill her, but wounded her, yes, marin, vlad, me i looked at the database, there are a lot of black suvs in this series, and numbers from scratch too, but one...
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hi, why did you call? i made inquiries about your fisherman, pyotr griznov, former investigator starya, your division, investigator, which means that’s why he left so quickly, frightened, but judging by personal things.
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most likely she was standing here or fell back? you say she had purple hair? yes, that means they caught up with her here, i’m not sure, there are no traces there, so everything was cleaned, but there’s a whole sneaker here, something doesn’t add up, where does this road lead? there to bratov, there around the lake, there are several more villages, so, suppose she ran onto the road, and her they shot me down, where could they take me, well, if to the brothers, then to the central clinical or to the transfunction there is nowhere else, i don’t understand where
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this one came from in the eagle? appeared, then he had no hearing, no spirit, now we are going to the glorious city of bratov, i myself don’t know yet, the crony called in the morning, i didn’t even notice how he left, the bachelorette party was a success, it was a success, and i’ve been with vlad for a long time i suspected, just don’t show it, so don’t show it. it’s important that you don’t confuse her with anyone, what’s wrong with her? i told your friend yesterday.
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concussion, slipped discs, broken ribs and a bullet wound in the shin area, a friend was told, also from the police, here is pavel leonidovich ryabov, deputy head of the city police department, we operated on her, but she was in critical condition, i thought she wouldn’t live until the morning, well, no, while she’s fighting, how cool, hello , we arrived, where i am in the hospital. “who are you? don’t worry, we are from the police, we will protect you. no, no, no, police, i ask you, go away, no need for the police, everything is fine, we came to save you, you’re safe, look me in the eyes , you're safe. yes, thank you, believe me. me, we will save you, what are you going to do with her, for starters.
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look, there is our fisherman with some guy, i see the guy is not alone, how did they find him, no documents, no damn thing, i don’t like this, dima, it’s me, we have problems, the girl is unconscious, but still alive, here the fisherman brought some men, they are now in the hospital, i don’t know if they are security guards or fsb men, but they are definitely not ours, not locals, the fisherman himself turned out to be a former investigator, pasha, decide on the spot, you remember what you owe me everything
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i have colleagues in 2 hours, you can even blow up the whole city there, but so that there are no witnesses, but something needs to be decided with kolyan, marin, find a photo pavel ryabov, head of the local police department, meet peter, witness to the murder, hello, you know each other, lad, you saw each other in a past life, this guy was in the field, there was another one there, but i didn’t see him, here he is, admire him. sleeps like a groundhog, now you probably won’t even remember that you killed the man, wake up, kolyan, but wake up already, wake up, gosha, wait, gosha, maybe
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he doesn’t need to wake up, so what, you want him right here, we don’t have time, let’s hold his legs, hold his legs. in childhood, but i can’t, i think about it all the time, this drunk took a gun, ran up to stas, hit him with the butt, and there was such a crunch,
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blood, he fell, i see that he is dead, quietly, quietly, quietly, onnosine, no, no more, everything will be fine. we will cure you, do you hear, and then i see, they are looking at me, i understand that they will kill me now too, well, that’s all, a chronic drunk hanged himself in a state of withdrawal, we don’t have 10 of them a year we followed here, what traces there are here without us in the entrance yard, that's it, they sailed, in short, they entered, saw the picture, were going to call the duty officer,
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open the door, you owe me 100 rubles, these are his friends, the brute has completely degenerated, he was normal, open it, now i’ll break the door, no, on the contrary, they came based on the fisherman’s testimony, they won’t do anything to us, but where were you and i yesterday? i was at the dacha, we drank vodka there, i ’ll call my neighbor, he’ll confirm, and if a tourist doesn’t move, he needs to move, the camera
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recorded colonel varlamov’s car, look, by the way, today he should receive the rank of general, but he was recorded in the moscow region, but here in bratvia there are no records of yesterday, yesterday there is, today there is, yesterday... vlad, we found nothing, that is, absolutely, not a gils, no guns, no trace, no clothes, absolutely nothing, of course, they found nothing, it turns out that besides your witness we have nothing else, they won’t open a case for us, vlad, and if they do, then there will be no prospects, the girl’s name is zina, the dead guy is osta chenko, they are both from moscow, he will live, well, i hope, but the condition is very bad, besides everything...
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operations at the institute of traumatology. ksyusha, she’s calling you, i’m coming, ksyusha, such a young girl, who is she? khoberplenipotentiary, senior lieutenant. this is how the girl literally puts herself in this world. the fire started 2 hours ago, and she is still alive, i have never seen anything like this.
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i'll go with her. ksenia. thank you. “everything is fine, i’m close, girl, she can’t hear you, it doesn’t matter, it’s your friend, yes, the pressure is dropping, a drip with mesotono, quickly, prepare the air duct, medicine, you ’ve arrived, okay, no, well, i had to do that do”, “i’ll explain everything to you later, don’t ask unnecessary questions, dear, i don’t know
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how long it will last, that’s it, that’s it, come on, kiss, that’s it, hello sister, here they are, look, in this very place, they managed to post it photo on the internet, the guy looks similar, but not exactly, you still can’t attach it to the case, but they were here and what, nothing, where is your house, but it’s on the other side, it’s not from here..." yes, i’ll call you when everything will end. you like fishing? no, how are you from the volga? well, i mean, he was on the volga . yes, ksenia vlad. do you know? there was no chance, it’s just a miracle that she lasted so long, the girl
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died, it’s bad, but what to do now, there’s definitely nothing here, my boyfriend and i dug through everything, they even smoothed out the tread marks, i don’t understand what could have happened here . quarrel, fight. why did three cops with big stars kill these guys? there were four of them. and what was the name of the fourth? kalyan. nikolai. so. varlamov and ryabov krutilin have known each other for a long time. we studied together at police school, then worked together at the bratovsky police station. then he moves to arlamov. moscow, but does not forget old friends. it's you
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for what? what i mean is that in such an honest company there are no strangers. the student was taken to moscow to the institute of traumatology. name is inga lapina, born in ninety-eight. dimon, well, in general, gosha and i have cleaned everything up, but you will have to deal with being a student in moscow. you'll have to, dima, this. you shot at her in the end, yes, we ruined dimona’s holiday, don’t be afraid, he’s washing his shoulder straps, there’s such an ambush here, but we don’t have an ambush here, yes, my head is completely spinning here. everything was fine, beautiful, no, ryabov, they sent a group, well, they found kolyan, and after all, his friends opened
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the door for him for 100 rubles. and here he is the fourth, nikolai luzhin, he is he. look, in the photo it ’s the same place, only in the seventh year, well, now everything is clear, they arrived, it was their clearing, there are strangers here and why kill for this, my friend, here they kill for this, luzhin resigned from the ranks 5 years ago, during his service, he had four reprimands with a record, repeated, rude, drunkenness in the workplace, of course, he always drank, he was fired, he was needed, it seemed he was an outsider. according to the old in memory, of course, he was invited to the company, but the old friendship was no longer there. do you offer to work with them? are there any other options? let's go draw up a report,
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her identity has been established. no, it has not been established, it is framed as an unidentified corpse, as you say, we will not indicate purple hair in the description, a woman of about forty was brought to you for the tattoo without any special objects, about forty, yes, this needs to be done in the interests of the investigation.
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look, he owed me 200 rubles, i went to see him during the day, he didn’t open, i then went to him again i went in, knocked, the door opened, there was a lock there, but i went in there, and they were hanging. we have no reason to interfere in the investigation into luzhin’s death, naturally there will be a suicide with all the certificates and protocols, no, now where, with me,
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will you live for a while, and then we’ll see, well, yes, it’s not entirely impossible to go home. in general, it should be sold through an agency, well, it’s a pity, you know, there are 2 meters each, but wait with your house, nothing is over yet, i don’t understand why it’s not possible in a simple way, detention, protocol, face-to-face rate, then i saw, i found out, i confirm, my friend, i saw him, but he saw me, no, you know, the lawyer will start writing complaints, then the general will pull his levers, the case will fall apart, and you will get.
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we decorated the kolyana. suicide in a state of acute alcoholic psychosis. those people from moscow were there too, so we did everything right with you. but they forgot one thing. what thing? well come here. you see how beautiful we all are here. and now oops, there’s nothing. sokolov, when you get married, you are already a big
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boy, you can, i like everything about mine life, what a life, work, here you should have a completely different life, warmth, comfort, dinner, oh, here’s my lula, let’s say about my affairs, about my work, i don’t know anything at all, well, not everyone has such happiness . so marry her, you will like it, just if you don’t come for a long time or don’t come at all, be sure to call, tell me where you are, well , if possible, the truth is, she knows where i am, we work together, by the way, you haven’t seen. come on, uh-huh, oh, well, i envy you,
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well done, i'm happy for you, she's beautiful, yes, in my opinion, she's a good person, real, with our work makes people callous, she doesn’t, she rushed to save the girl right away, it’s not her, it’s ksenia, but i’m sorry. listen, we have something on the driver, there’s nothing, well , we need to look for him, hi, hi, ladygin will be in half an hour, he asked everyone to come see him, look, what did we think, we need to look for the driver who drove the girl to hospital, well , maybe he saw something, remembered, by the way, there is a video camera in the hospital, he wasn’t caught on the video cameras, he left it near the barrier, but thank you, but... what’s the difference? we already need to look for the bullet, the wound is 18-caliber, great idea, look for the bullet in the forest, well, well, listen, i really
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don’t know what to do in such a situation, but i know that the victim survived, is recovering and can soon give indications.
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i don’t know where they get their licenses, but you see what kind of car is driving in front of you, what are you driving, well, is this?


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