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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 6, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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i don’t know where you are right... well, you
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see what kind of car is driving in front of you, what you’re driving, well, even if you’ve been drinking, then at least out of fear, keep your distance, no, we’re all racers, yes, unlucky guy. hello, i’m coming to sidorovo, my last name is ryabov, he should wait, but not ryabov, your last name, but schumacher, i remember, let me touch you, but i only have money, i owe him a million, mikhaloch, you’ll go along the alley. there’s a house over there, right
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there, come on, thank you, moron, that’s where these people get their money, and mikhalovich, yes, a million, of course, is already coming back. muddy guy, i'll go find out if everything is okay with the cider? nikolai petrovich, is everything okay? nikolai petrovich?
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i just came from glavka, where i received a secret package with an order against signature. thus, it requires us to focus the entire intelligence apparatus on identifying persons prone to committing crimes. as it should be, so as not to be the last in this, so to speak, competition in insanity, but i’m thinking, if ordinary people found out about these secret orders, what would they think, no, how can you prevent murders, what about you? krymov not
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think, follow orders, yes, oleg georgievich, you have been successfully leading the department for 15 years, so you yourself know perfectly well what needs to be done, well, in addition to the agents, we will go around those previously convicted of murder, we will have conversations with them, yes, also have a conversation with local criminals authorities on our territory, now there are two of them, these are venik and sidorov, well, i’ll go to venik, crimea will go to sidorov, i understand, yes. allow me to contact lieutenant colonel solovets, boris mikhailovich, please contact us, we have a murder, the crime boss nikolai sidorov was killed, nickname sidor, they must have just remembered, but he won’t live long, okay, i’m going, if you’ll allow me, yes, come on, yes! oleg georgievich,
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this, of course, will seem cynical, but i would ask you to have a preventative conversation with venik. register with yesterday's date, what do you think, it was he who killed sidorov, no, just in case, i understand, let's go, yes, bro, everything is fine, sorry, great, hello, how are you, fine, uh, far away . ugh, it’s closed or something, why are you making me run around, a business meeting in general, but i know your business
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meeting, that you stole something, you didn’t steal anything, that you stole, say, you didn’t steal anything, i stopped paralyzing, come on, yes, enter the password, you need to call, tariff, dear, who will pay later, i ’ll pay you like that now, let's enter the password, here's pavel arkavich, here, here's pavel, you're great, yes, i see, hands, oh, come here for the future, look, there's a magic button, you press, oops, the door has opened, let's go ahead, so what? i can say they shot from a 9 mm pistol, at close range, the first shot was in the chest,
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the second, as expected, was a test in the head, i collected fingerprints from all over the house, the results on them will be tomorrow, a typical order, a murdered former crime boss. surname sidorov, well nickname, respectively, sidor, did you know him or what? well, we crossed paths, so what is he famous for? controlled the commerce of the vyborg district, shops, tents, minibuses, taxi drivers, so maybe they killed him, well, to take his place, now why guess, let’s collect information, then we will build versions, but what about the door, how did the killer enter? the door was either it was opened or they were killed, i opened it to the killer, i went, be happy. did he have a family? yes, as far as i remember, he had no relatives, he also seemed to have a wife, okay, i’m starting to write a protocol, well, just like leo tolstoy, start with lef nikolaevich, actually i’m ivan alekseevich, well that means bunin, we have an
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excellent base, only 20 minutes from the city, air, silence, actually about the silence, you didn’t hear the shots, no, if i heard, find out, tell me who the owner of the base was, that’s how the owner was killed, but it’s all siduru belongs, he always kept one house for himself, he also received people there, but how many people are there at the base now? girl, it’s the middle of the week, our guests are just stopping by for the weekend, that is, as i understand it, there’s no one here, yes, that’s right, tell us, citizen komarov, how are you a professional bodyguard and didn’t protect your boss? recently i was not a bodyguard, but a driver. yes, why is this, but why should he be afraid, his business is established, he is no longer fighting with competitors, he drinks vinsky, everything is divided, well, let’s say, at what time did you bring it today? at 7:00 in the morning, he first slept a little, and then ordered me to bring marina here, who is this? marina, yes,
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his girlfriend, they met often, once a week, sometimes twice, i brought her here today, and what time she left, at noon, i walked to the metro station prospekt prosvesteniya immediately returned here, he... here in i was rubbing something together in the house with berendey. berendey? what kind of guy is this? berendey is one of the cider couriers. he left 20 minutes later, then this one arrived immediately. who? this one is in a foreign car. he i just went to see him and immediately came out. who exactly? first name last name? ryabov, or what? exactly, ryabov. yesterday he drove into our jaguar in his trough. we also wanted to call the goytsy, but he asked without the cops, because his license would have been immediately taken away. for what? so he's drunk.
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from the stop, yeah, what kind of car the last visitor to the sidor left in, and of course there is a face. and please, bring us the visitor who was in front of him, so, who is this? is this berendey? bag, i wonder what’s in the bag? so, now show us the moment how he's leaving. so, wait, that means berendey came with a bag and left without it. yes, and sidor’s last visitor also left without a bag. follow the bag in sidor's house? well, yes, but she ’s not there, where’s the bag? and i? i know some, but tell me, in the interval between the moment when the bodyguard found the body and our arrival,
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did anyone else come? no, but if you think about it, what should i think, i say it wasn’t, don’t believe me, look at the monitor, actually it’s useful to think, okay, let’s go, margot, now an investigator will come up to you and confiscate the records officially, let him come, yes, hello, pasha, great, listen, so, well... i unlocked the phone, yes, yes, it belongs to prince alisa viktorovna, registered in st. petersburg, mobile phone, home phone, well, i punched her on social networks, she ’s an actress, actress, yeah, what did you like, why, i just asked, okay, thank you, you know, but i had one actress, i read it, nikita, thank you, i say, that’s it, don’t interfere with work, okay, that's it, excuse me, i'll go and call her, sure, sure, i'll go call her. yes, actress. hello,
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alisa knyazeva, hello, this is captain potapov, homicide department? tell me, have you lost your phone? yes, we found it, it is now in my hands, ready to return, where should i go? where's the bag?
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they already guess who killed their boss and are preparing for a showdown, andryukh, just don’t give us another series of killings, pip you, how kind you are, you have a phone number there, nikitos, i punched the address using the car number, i rushed there, with you , yes, leo, go, go, margot, listen, find sidor’s mistress, talk to her, okay, well, i’ll go berenda galloped, they filled up the cider, wow, why are you so surprised, he didn’t have any enemies? well, how could it not be, georgivich , of course, such a person cannot but
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have enemies, that’s not the point, what’s the matter, he didn’t end the nineties by luck, sidros always knew who to butter up, when to stop, the forest was not born, and now it turns out that i was mistaken, even if i was mistaken, then... lyova, no one jumped from the windows? no, i
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watched him closely, i definitely followed him, definitely, i watched him well, exactly, andryukh, well, the neighbors, the neighbors saw him, one saw how he walked by with a briefcase in his hands, the neighbor said that ryabov had gone on a business trip, left his keys to the apartment so that she could water the flowers, well, the car is parked here, it turns out he left by taxi, so you need to check the taxi companies, establish the car number and think correctly , regarding the purchase of tickets for all types of transport, for all directions, train, plane, bus at the pace of waltz nikitos, if he leaves the city , we won’t get him later, listen, well, there is a contact, in general, your ryabov bought a ticket for bus to ivangorod, departure at 20:00, yes, when he took the ticket, and you won’t believe it, 10 minutes ago, thank you, bye, leva, we have
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an hour to get to the bus station, on the way we will contact the local transport department, they will delay the bus if we don’t make it in time. write a statement, like right now, but we have a filming here, no, it’s not at all necessary, you can come later, write down the address, who is oleg’s replacement, no, this is captain potapov, he brought me a phone, a phone, that’s good, of course, we have the shooting is interrupted, excuse me, i ’ll probably run so as not to interfere, wait, captain, you have half an hour, i mean, why,
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but help us out, please play a bandit in one of... are you kidding me? no seriously? no, i can’t, i’m an operational worker, so what? well, what if i suddenly have to infiltrate a gang, i’ll pretend to be a criminal, and they’ll recognize me, they’ll say the artist, i was filming a movie, so we’ll film it in a mask, interesting solution, wait. who killed him? for what? well, actually, that's what we're trying to find out. marinochka, have you seen nikolai sidorov today? yes, in the morning? i understand it's him did. we quarreled, about what? it's personal. marinochka, dear, there was a murder,
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you were at the crime scene, i’m not asking you... out of idle curiosity, i called and asked to come, i dropped everything, and an hour later he said that he had something there for me to clean up , we had a fight, i called him a goat, of course, his driver took me to the metro and i went home, just like when you met him, six months ago in a restaurant, i’m a waitress there... i work there, but he was very persistent, well i'm all alone here st. petersburg, and parents, i’m dedomovskaya, what kind of business did sidrov have, maybe someone called him in front of you, or he called someone, i don’t know, he didn’t call anyone in front of me, i
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don’t know anything at all.
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georgievich, hello, berendey’s apartment is empty, but there are signs of quick preparation. or they were looking for blood on the floor for something, most likely, but obviously the bandits are conducting their own investigation, we need to establish where berine was taken, but while he is still alive, what are your thoughts? well, i have one little man from khidorov’s family, maybe he can tell us, yeah, okay, connections, yes, and an expert would be here. that he has already left, but where did you get the instinct, leva, here i have the instinct, and that for now he is silent, show me the photo that nikita
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sent us, here he is, turn around slowly, leva, slowly, calmly, calmly, don’t twitch, let's just talk, for now, sit down, maybe you'll be in prison soon, why did you detain me, you are detained on suspicion of murder, citizen ryabov, i didn't kill anyone, right? you have a contract murder, do you know what sentence they give for a contract murder, honestly not me, he was already dead, i brought him money, and he the floor was covered in blood, i didn’t kill him, of course, that’s the most important thing, the fee for
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the murder, i was bringing cider, why did you bring him such a large sum of money, that’s what i came for, i hit his car yesterday, and he he said that he would tear me to pieces for his jaguar, i brought him money, but he was dead, these are the songs about him, yes, but in my opinion you killed him, first? killed, just tell the truth, look at me, what kind of hired killer am i, foresters , how else can i prove to you that i’m not his fires are a dangerous and formidable element, stop, defeat the fire, the calling of the strong, pilots, observers, paratroopers, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, and air forest protection grew.
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not mine, i remember that, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv,
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oh, sorry for marinating you here, but you understand, this person would not talk to you, okay, not the first day in the trenches, well what, is there any information? there is, the source says that after information about the murder was received, sidor’s fighters loaded into cars and left, none of them came to the crime scene, this suggests that they knew who needed to go so as not to waste time, and this someone berendey, my man doesn’t know this, but one can assume that they kidnapped him and took him somewhere, well, let’s say, for a conversation , you know, after such conversations, not everyone survives, we urgently need to find out where they could have taken him... the source says that sidor’s fighters are renting an apartment as a figurehead, but apparently just for such purposes, this is gagarin street, the house number is known , entrance,
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floor and apartment number 220, as is the voltage in networks, please turn around, but what did you want, well, he’ll finish his shift soon, everything’s fine, ilya igorevich, my boy, what readiness, complete readiness. well, why are you teaching there for so long, there are only a couple of phrases, but i just don’t understand why the bandits are behaving so strangely, okay, they shoot without silencers, and if one of the neighbors hears shots, and what, well, what, neighbors they will hear shots and call the police, you see, there was another point, listen, potappov, we would be happy to take into account all your professional experience, but we don’t have time to redo it, deadlines, schedules, stars, you know, let’s just film the scene with the bandits, you memorized the text, yes, great, put the mask on first, i ’ll show you what to do, “for god’s sake, just no one will believe it if you don’t film it like in real life, if you film it like in life, everyone will believe it and switch to another channel, where it’s nothing like life, put on a mask, get ready, alice.”
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people are having dinner, the guys burst in unexpectedly, he’ll teach me how to make a movie, you know, oh, 220, yeah, that’s it, let’s call, wait, wait, three long, one short, good afternoon, criminal investigation department, don’t be shy, please come here, sit down, like this, help, help, calm down, get up, colonel sylovets, criminal investigation department, and you, as i understand it, berindey, yes, yes, it’s me, sleep, thank god that you came, these bastards think that it was i who killed sidor, and it’s not you, yes, of course, not me, yes, it’s him, and you yourself are a citizen , who will you be, sidor’s assistant, yeah, he’s a criminal, not an assistant, oh, look what he did to me, a fascist, how we were on time,
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tell me, when was the last time you saw sidor? so today, i arrived at the base to give sidor his share for the week , everything from taxi drivers and shops left, yeah, how much money was there? how many? 12 million oops, who else could have known that you would bring money to sidor today? i didn’t tell anyone, no, i swear, i didn’t tell anyone, oh, i called sidor about an hour before... the meeting, well, to warn him that i was coming to see him, and the money was in a black bag, yes , in a big black bag, everything is clear, well, gentlemen, i invite you to the department, please get up, oh, come on, come on, thank you again for the phone number, who are all the contacts, producers, casting directors, no way, this is my job, by the way, thank you for filming, you are very impressive, oh well, textured, i was shy like a fool, i’m still a little shy.
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i mean, well, i mean, i mean, i mean, call you for coffee, you know, you helped us so much today that i just can’t refuse you, well, in that case, i’m ready to continue helping, i understand that not everyone was able to sleep tonight , but nevertheless we have to work, so report, it means that sidorov was killed with a pistol, but oddly enough, on...
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and sidorov’s bodyguard, he called to warn that ryabov was allowed through. so, ryabov arrived, went into sidorov’s house and immediately left. we detained ryabov for 48 hours on suspicion, but to be honest, he does not look like a killer, and in general we have doubts that this murder was ordered. why? well, because it’s somehow stupid to come in your car to kill a client? berendey brought sidorov 12 million rubles in a black bag, it seems to us that... it was because of this money that sidorov was killed, because during the search we did not find any money. while we were catching ryabov, we didn’t know about this money. ryabov left sidorov’s house without a bag. that is, it turns out that sidorovo was killed between the visits of berendey and ryabov. yes, because someone knew that berendey would bring money. yes. well then, spin berendey. obviously, he was the one who brought in
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the killer. well, that's exactly the same. they tortured him, but he still didn’t tell them anything, he didn’t tell them anything, he’ll tell you everything, they had a soldering iron, he didn’t tell them anything, but us, so, pasha, pasha, we will continue to work with him, but we have one more very interesting point, rita, report back, yes, so, berendey claims that he did not tell anyone anything about the fact that he would bring money. the only conversation on this topic was on the phone, he called sidorov and said that he was carrying 12 million. at the time of the conversation, sidorov had his girlfriend yezhova with her, who claims that she did not hear the conversation about berendeev with sidrov. in the morning we received printouts of calls from cellular companies for all our defendants. yes, bodyguard sidorov drove yezhova to the prospekt prosvesteniya metro station. during this time, she wrote an sms with interesting content to
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the number of a certain shop. i’m urgently waiting for you at the enlightenment metro station, don’t call me. we found out that lavochkin had already been convicted three times, but it was true for petty theft, so we had a version, what if yezhov? i heard about the money, told lavochkin, he came to the base, climbed over the fence, killed sidorov, took the money, and went back the same way. was the inspection of the scene of the incident detailed? there was an inspection detailed, but maybe it is necessary to inspect the entire adjacent territory of the base. that's it, the expert and pirogovsky will conduct a second inspection, taking into account the information that we received during the day. fine. work, captain potapov, a little carefully, oh, hello, hello, so, this is here, i probably came about the application, hello, so, let's go to
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my office, let's go, hello, hello, colleagues, hello, so, how many more do we have two. pretty actress, well done potapov, well, the office is temporarily occupied, let's go to nikita, come in, here we are and we’ll work, i’ll sit down, now you have tea, coffee, you know, i changed my mind about writing a statement, i mean, well, i somehow feel sorry for this guy, suddenly this is his first time, believe me, it’s not the first, he’s always our client , what if he comes to his senses? moreover, you returned the phone to me, and this guy, he just snatched the phone out of my hands, he didn’t beat me, didn’t threaten, what are you, no, of course i can’t insist, but still you’re in vain, he’s stealing from others it will work, but i believe that people should be given a chance, oh well, there is no trial,
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moreover, this is still not our profile, see you in the evening, eight? wait, i'll show you. nikitos, clearly, quickly in military terms, info on lavochkin. so, now, uh, well, look, he’s a very shady guy, with convictions for petty theft, registered under engels 137. by the way, there’s a certificate for him. yeah, are there any intersections with yezhova or with the sidara itself? there is nothing. not at all. well, i found everything i could. you go to the archives, look, maybe you can dig up 100. we, nikita, have no time to delve into the archive. let's better go to him, i’ll tear it up, come on, good day, please allow me, there’s something you’ve been coming to see me often, well
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, i have to, murder, after all, a few more questions have appeared, please, do you know such a person by the name of lavochkin, no, this is the first time i’ve heard of it, well, maybe you heard this surname around sidorov, but no... i would definitely remember such a surname, well, if you suddenly remember, you will definitely call, okay, goodbye, goodbye, come here, look at the prints of the pillow , i think the man climbed over the fence and jumped here. are there any fingerprints? no, no, i think he was wearing gloves. so, i 'll take a photo now, so we'll have a wonderful example of the sole, the person who jumped off here, yeah, walked along the path to the house. exactly
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when there will be a suspect, we will compare. well, my dear, you are very lucky that you know me, you know what kind of victim i got, phew. all my nerves were exhausted, she didn’t just want to write a statement about the grave, but about the fact that you attacked her and knocked her down, you know, no, well, pavel arkazh, if anything steal, yes, well, never a girl, i believe you, but i barely persuaded her not to write a statement, she wanted to complain to the authorities about me, you know, well, pavel arkadivich, well, thank you, pavel arkadivich, thank you, you can’t get away with just thanks, no, well, if you need it, then there’s that, i’m ready to help you, that’s another matter, your desire needs to be put in writing.
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i always dreamed of being like his oper, well , running around, catching, catching up, shooting criminals, maniacs, bandits, tsits, i said, i’m silent, please give me your phone number, who, your phone, phone, not for long, yes, yes , of course, yes, please, please, everything for you, oh, guys, how i envy you, you have cabur pistols, just real feathers, smart, handsome, making a fool of yourself , well , you have three convictions, well, what doesn’t happen to anyone, you think, no, but what should it happen? guys, listen, if someone suddenly
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needs to send something, i’ll do it right away, i’ll help. andryukh, maybe i should hit him? no need to run little ones, you know who, whoa, whoa, no, i don’t know, oh, who is this, what is this also a comrade policeman, listen, you’re not tired of him, but he’s starting to little by little, yezhov, remember, clown, yezhov, but not yezhova, probably, but yezhova, and this is who, like who, in general, i have a friend. stasik yezhov, a total bloke, a complete fainter, and what does he have to do with it, what does it have to do with it, in short, he was recently released, well, we met him by chance near a cell phone store, he didn’t have a passport with him, only a certificate of release , but he asked me to issue his phone number on my passport, and you agreed, of course, agreed, and you try to refuse him, but you know the address of this yuzhov, address, address, no, i don’t know exactly, but... the eyes remember, the eyes remember, they remember,
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very well, let me show you, or maybe i can have a phone number , comrade, hello, nikito krymov, listen, you need to break through the character, the stanislav yezhov plant, you’ll do it, come on, i’m waiting, comrade, we should go there, so there’s a shop, now you’ll interrogate me, what are you doing, let’s shura, where, why are you pushing, so igor, listen. your yezhov is registered at this address together with his father, and his family ties with this ezhova, who is sidorov’s mistress , he has, come on, come on, in general, as soon as the results come, call right away, that’s it, bye, here, for sure, i swear by my health, i don’t need my health, nikita also named this address, why are you standing there, come on get out from here. it’s clear,
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you’re checking what stasik is doing after his release, come on in, but he’s not there, you ’re his father, yes, come on in, join us, have lunch, hey, rich, where’s your son? where did he go, to a car dealership, what car dealership, why, why do they go there, to buy a car, this kind of good car, he said, he’ll take me to the pub in it, mora, i have this guy, what salon, you say, he went, it’s nearby on vybskaya, and marina ezhova, who is he related to, marinka, marinka, the daughter of my cousin’s brother, only he is, he is...
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so here he is, look, thank you. he is careful, a hedgehog without nonsense, i am without nonsense, throw him off the floor, don’t shoot, he won’t go anywhere, come over.
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sidor fell out of this trunk, call an ambulance, it hurts, you were the first to start, and we only supported your initiative, i’m already 100 once i said, i don’t know anything, i didn’t kill anyone, but you talked your brother into it. brad, okay, you don’t want to cooperate, it’s worse for you, but in 20 minutes his written testimony will be brought from the next office, then you will no longer be able to get away. whoops, lyosha, come here, what do you have there, look, wow, this is your bag, son, did you know that there was money in there, no, would you know
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that there is that much in the house? money , i would have been driving around gelendzhik on the white volga long ago, so what are we going to count? during a search of your apartment , a large sum of money was found, where did you get it from? you? i’ve been saving since childhood, my dad will give me a ruble for ice cream, but i’ll put it in my piggy bank, yeah, no need to explain, yazhov, but don’t sew too much, what was in the salon is mine, i don’t deny it. imprison, judge what you want, do, yezhov, you killed sidorov, took 12 million rubles from him, it’s almost proven, no, i didn’t kill anyone, you left the money in the bag, you should have at least transferred it somewhere, you mean a bag, yes, and i know, here i go, i go, i look, the bag is lying around, i found it, i look at
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the money there, well, i took it for myself, and what’s wrong, the examination showed that sidorov was shot from the pistol that was seized from you, also from your bag, uh-huh, the imprint of your shoe was found on the fence behind the house, you won’t believe it, the shoes were also from there, it’s just a bag of self-assembly, you know that you chose the wrong tactics, hedgehogs, your sister is now giving in your testimony, you’re lying, no, i’m not lying, but think for yourself, a gun, a bag, your sister’s testimony, right? if you deny everything, it will not help you, you will be imprisoned, and if you deny the obvious, the judge will be very angry, consider that you do not repent, and will give you the maximum, and this we have a life sentence, a life sentence, what is the alternative, a purely heartfelt confession,
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how much will be attributed, well, i’m not a judge, but taking into account the practice of 10-15 years. come on, i’ll write the paper, yes, yes, and don’t forget to write about your sister’s role, she has nothing to do with it, here you are lying again, we know that she sent you an sms and that just before the crime you met at the prospekt prosveshcheniya metro station , yes, we met, yes, near the metro, she said how much money there would be, she said in which house on the base they would be, she outlined a diagram, now we believe that you ready to... cooperate, write, but i thought everything was serious with kolya and i, i wanted to get married, but he said that he had three more, three of the same, and
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then he hit the bastard, then you decided to take revenge, yes take at least part of the money. for everything that i did for him, if he’s a bandit, i wanted them to think of his enemies, and i’ll be imprisoned for a long time, the court will decide, but the more actively you cooperate, the less they’ll give you, off we go, mm, wow, wow you! oh, beautiful actress. oh, who is this, or what? more on our hole. can't breathe? this, this, is that all? well, how, what? you know, it's fine until the first time. yes, no, no, no, yes,
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don’t say anything, i don’t know, for someone like you they’ll even demand. you know what, gentlemen, envy in silence, by the way, i became their consultant on opera matters. well, yes, hello, well, the pig mask actually suits him, oh well, that’s it, kiss, bye, listen, pavel, but at least they pay something, they pay something, well then tell your actress, maybe i’ll i’ll be fine, there’s a crowd scene, small episodes, andryukh, well it’s not given to everyone, which means it’s not given to everyone, maybe my acting and comedy talent will awaken , okay, i’ll talk to the director, be sure to talk, i can. something, yes, come on, come on, camera, motor,
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professionals don’t work for free, andryukha, marysya, marysya, are you at home, why is your door not locked. well, marysya, you’re sleeping, marysya. marisia,
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calm down, please. “we understand that it’s very difficult for you, we sympathize with you very much, but try, try to pull yourself together, yes, yes, now, tell me, but marysya she herself died, it was a heart attack, we are now finding out, but for now tell me in detail about your sister, about my niece, my brother’s daughter, marysya, we called her that at home among our loved ones, and according to her passport, maria petrovna zabrovskaya is 42 years old, 42, oh, why did you
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call her marysa, she was always timid, rude, insecure, orphan fairy tales, you read them as a child, well, yes, i read something, there were also gnomes, this is poisoning, poisoning, you say, yeah, i don’t like these stories , and what poisoned her, toxicology will say, we can
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continue talking, yes, tell me, is your sister a niece, well, yes, excuse me, niece, she was not sick with anything, no, her health was excellent, not like mine, yeah, and she didn’t accidentally talk about suicide, yes what do you mean, she loved herself very much? it’s not missing, everything is in place, there’s no wallet, no mobile phone and no passport, it seems, but it could be in the secretary, well, yes, it
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was actually there, darling, hold it, that means it’s a wallet, and a lot of money from...


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