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tv   Za granyu  NTV  June 6, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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she doesn’t know how to return love to her husband’s attention, because he prefers the snakes that live in their apartment to her company. in the studio kristina sinkina. christina, hello, how many snakes does your husband have? my husband has 40 snakes at home. how many rooms are there in the apartment? one. housing is yours or rent. our parents helped us with housing; it was ours, bought. we have a large corridor where... all these snakes are located and there is a door separating them from them, where we already live. are there any poisonous snakes among them? no, there are no poisonous snakes, i don’t allow them, it’s downright taboo, it’s very interesting to look at your snake kingdom, wow, there are imperial boas here, our snake gave birth to 22 babies here, is your husband planning to keep them? well, he’ll keep some of them, and he’ll sell some of them. “i can’t
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imagine at all, christina, how you are in the same space, and even with so many, it’s some kind of horror, i can’t even imagine at all how - in such a small apartment and so many snakes, and how a wife i didn’t run away from this apartment at all, i would have left my husband long ago or i would have kicked him out along with these snakes. elena, do you need any special permits to keep snakes at home? we have a list of animals that are, in principle, prohibited from being kept at home, including snakes on this list, but not all of them are poisonous, as a rule, snakes are vipers, cobras, pythons, which are more than 4 m long, yes, that is, ordinary snakes are non-venomous, they are allowed to be kept at home, is there any limit on the number of snakes , the number is not regulated, because ? we have a one-room apartment, and someone may have 300 m2, and accordingly , everyone has their own capabilities, each owner has their own... possibilities for keeping animals.
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christina, is your husband more attached to his cold-blooded pets than to you? well, unfortunately, yes, he does, he spends more time with them and often looks at new advertisements to buy more snakes, that is, we began to spend less time, the more snakes, the less time for me. how long have you tolerated this attitude towards yourself? in general, we have been together for 10 years, at the initial stage, there was total. one small snake, it was even fun to play with it, then there were three, that’s also normal, i’m not afraid of them, but when it started to expand, become more scalable, of course, i don’t really like it, and you tried to tell your husband about it, of course, i tried, it’s his hobby, he likes it, he really wants to do it, we didn’t find a compromise for him, he only breeds snakes or some other exotic animals, he only breeds snakes. but we still have
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an owl living at home, an owl, yes, it’s also not a trivial choice, where does the owl come from, also vova i became interested, bought it from a friend, and you have the usual pets, cats, dogs, everyone, i actually wanted to get meikun, i really like this breed of cats, but vova is against cats, and he gave me a dog for my birthday, here we have the first dog appeared, and a year and a half later the second one, what breed, american staforcher. interior, both, how do dogs get along with snakes? vova deliberately intimidated our first dog a little with snakes, showed that they were dangerous, and if someone runs away, this happens, she barks, this usually happens at night, and we wake up, we immediately know that we are running away, we are going to catch the fugitive, a shiver ran down my spine when you said that a snake can get out at night while you are sleeping, have they ever bitten you?
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did not cause any harm, well, in general, i was once bitten by a snake severely, it was very painful for me, i helped vova in feeding, and the snake simply confused the food object. my hand grabbed between my fingers, the snake was small, a mouth about the size of two fingers grabbed here, a tiger python grabbed between my fingers, it was very it hurts, it’s just incredible, and in order for her to let me go, we first tried to unfasten it somehow, we didn’t succeed, and we started pouring alcohol into its mouth, usually a snake can let go of it in a bitter way, it lets go, but it decided not to let me go, she inserted her hand into me, held me very... tightly, and any movement of my hand, she squeezed her mouth even more tightly, and the snake has a lot of teeth, they are directed inside the mouth, very sharp, like a blade, and well, it hurt a lot, in the end we put your hand
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under the water when the snake ran out of breath, she let go to breathe in air, but it was necessary to keep her under water for a long time, in general , about 30 minutes, shahrom, and why is the bite of a non-venomous snake dangerous? it depends on the size of her teeth in principle and how hard she bites, if severe pain is caused in a person, then this can provoke traumatic shock, the person will simply lose consciousness, she can then wrap her arms around not only her arm, but can also wrap her around her neck, depending on what condition it is in and what the size of the snake itself is, in fact. christina, you said that the snake bit you when you were helping your husband feed it, and caring for snakes lies entirely with the husband or... you also help, in general i would like all the care to fall on the husband, this is still his hobby, i have my own work, but he is squeamish and i have to clean up, he helps me in this regard, takes out the snakes, washes the snake itself, but
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i wash the terrariums, it takes a lot of time to put things in order, of course, sometimes, if you clean all the terrariums, we have there are a lot of them, it takes about a day, and if the terrariums... are dirty, it probably has an unpleasant smell, of course, yes, they have a specific smell, it cannot be confused with anything else, and terrariums, if they are made of wood, that is, they can become saturated as a whole, then get out, don’t get out, the smell may remain, but it’s difficult to wash all this, yes , it’s difficult to wash it off, because there are large terrariums with big snakes, they have large spaces, and i have to climb in like this. it’s completely almost halfway, to reach the farthest corners to wipe it all off, i’m simply amazed how much you can love your husband to agree to such hellish conditions, you just live in a terrarium, you don’t live in an apartment, you live in
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a one-room apartment, where there is a large corridor, but you live in a terrarium, this is beyond the bounds, christina, this is probably a big financial expense, my husband spends everything he earns... again on snakes, buys new ones, he really likes to buy new species, we are also now purchasing materials, they will make new terrariums, this is all, of course, a waste, i would like to travel so that he would take me somewhere, but i don’t get it , your husband claims that thanks to snakes he was able to overcome your fears and become decisive, our guest is vladimir sinkin. “hello, how did snakes help you become bolder, but it all started with orachnophobia, i was a student, this is the fear of chekovuks, yes, i was terribly afraid of them,
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drove in, screamed, in general, this did not suit me, i decided to fight, so to speak, wedge- wedge, and was called a puka, a big one, well , birds, yes, initially small, but he grew up before my eyes, overcame fear and i think, what else am i afraid of, and decided to get a snake, also in my student days, it was a royal python, the most little python in world, also came to me with a cord, i grew it about one and a half meters, got involved, first one snake, then a second, a third, and as you can see, it reached forty, now you have conquered your fear, three snakes, great, but how 40- it happened, it happened banally, i graduated from the university. and it so happened that a crisis came, it was the fifteenth year, it was undesirable for us young students to be hired, and we had to rent an apartment so as not to sit on the neck of our parents, so i decided to take advantage of what i had, that is, i took i took a snake for a walk along the street, along
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the embankment, people came up and asked if they could take a photo, yes, they offered me food, i think, well, not bad, you can try to make money on this, gradually... eh, i came to the point where i started collaborate with modeling agencies, rent out snakes , increase their number, diversity, produce and give this joy to those around us. yes, this, unfortunately, is a temporary period, in the future, which lasts 10 years, if i’m not
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mistaken, it’s delayed, where is the income, if not you can see the money, and the period is sufficient to already make a profit. moreover, you know, vladimir, don’t be disingenuous, if you still have such a concept as disgust towards your so -called beloved pets, then you then overcome this fear of disgust, why is your wife, risking her life and her health , taking care of everything? these ones. here is the excrement behind your snakes, if you go by your logic, then disgust needs to be removed by cleaning, in the same way, by cleaning, yes, and you, that means that what is not very pleasant for you, you you substitute your wife, which means that she, as a spouse , also earns some money, probably you work, yes, she earns money, invests it in the general budget, respectively, it turns out that everything goes towards overcoming some of your so- called fear. christina, by the way, where do you work? actually, i'm a photographer. and i teach photographers, you can say that the family lives on your income, and the money that
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your husband earns, he spends on his snakes, yes, that’s true, that is, i pay the mortgage, vladimir, and you think this is fair to to my wife, of course not, well, i’m selfish, no matter how terrible it may sound, christina said that in your worries about snakes, you completely forget about her, there is such a sin, but you are not afraid that you will simply lose your wife. of course, i am afraid of this, there is a problem, at least this is the first step, admit your problem, the second, solve it, i have a plan for opening an exhibition, that is, it is not just like that, that is, you want to organize an exhibition on this earn money, yes, yes, i have enough animals for an exhibition, now how do you earn money with with the help of a snake, children's parties, rental for photo sessions, i really like to please children and their parents, the show is so funny and everyone likes it, does the owner have a belly?
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control the actions of the snake and its reaction to danger, because you cannot completely , by and large, this is a source of increased danger on others, accordingly, if a snake suddenly attacks a child or just a passerby, you will be held responsible , including criminal liability. construction of terrariums, for example, from 15 to 30 thousand per one, also food, care, and what
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food, depending on the type and size of the snake, they eat dumplings, mice, rats, rabbits, not always, some snakes are accustomed to defrosting, and where do you store food for snakes, freezer, in the same refrigerator in which your food is stored, which you see, christina, it doesn’t bother you, it’s very terrible, i really don’t like it... for most people, it’s beyond the pale. vladimir, what else is in the diet of snakes? rats, rabbits, sometimes pigs, well, this is for larger individuals, yes, in the sense of whole piglets, they are no longer brought alive, but all this is expensive, we are deprived of rats, pigs, that is, about 5,000 for the maintenance of an owl, for snakes, about 20-25 thousand rubles are spent only on food, per month, for everyone, and what is the diet of an owl, mice except for food. something else is required to keep snakes, well , some kind of, i don’t know, lamps, yes, of course,
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heating, water, yes, that is, so that they can fit there during the linking, for example, lie down completely, calmly soak for the skin to come off without problems, even special diapers are required, probably yes, that is, sometimes the soil, but with it there are problems, when feeding, it gets in with the food, so it’s easier to cover everything with a diaper. seal it with tape, and what kind of primer? coconut substrate, for example, have you studied all this yourself? in fact , there is nothing complicated about this, all the information is in the public domain, plus many people forgive snakes. errors, for example, temperature conditions, if the terrarium is spacious enough, then the snake itself will choose which corner to lie in, it needs to cool down, go to a cold corner, warm up, please, under a light bulb or under a warm floor, that is, in principle, snakes are unpretentious, very unpretentious, when you feed snakes, you are not afraid that they may bite you, of course, there are risks in this, and most often food bites occur, and most often they occur during
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feeding, for this you simply need to use gloves or leggings. when the snake bit your wife, how did you react? of course, it was terrible, scary, and generally scolded her for going there with her bare hands, but she was in a panic, she’s not an expert, she was just trying to help me, i don’t blame her for that, i did everything i could to minimize damage, and to on the contrary, you don’t feel guilt, of course, it exists, of course, that i let her get so close, i look at vladimir, and it seems to me that he is laughing at this whole situation, it seems to him: that this is all very funny, that people have gathered here for some reason they are discussing, as it seems to him, such a banal question as how to keep in a one-room apartment, 40 snakes, an owl, two dogs, in the future a certain number of snakes, when you started with your one snake, you really may have thought that this a good way to overcome some of your
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fears, but at the same time you continue to raise your paws in the air, you don’t respect your wife at all, you don’t care about her opinion, about the fact that she could really be strangled by your own pets, you don’t think about your wife at all, and it seems to me that you don’t care at all don’t be afraid of losing this family, unfortunately, but regarding money, i agree with svetlana that if it really brought some income to the family, because we earn money for this, then everything would be a little different, but it turns out that you just take one.
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is it possible that vladimir’s love for snakes is stronger than the instincts of self-preservation, often your snakes crawl out of terrariums, often, due to the fact that i may not close the lock, they crawl, they are alive, they can open the door and crawl out, this is not that there is a risk, this a huge risk, your wife and dogs are at risk, the same unfortunate owl, and as vladimir’s mother tried to reason with her son, i think that any hobby should have some kind of boundaries, i think that...
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a brokerage account you can also receive three sber shares as a gift. hurry up to open the best interest deposit before june 30. sberbank. central television. on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. beyond, this is beyond, twenty-eight-year-old kristina sinkina from novosibirsk has to pay her husband’s attention to fight snakes, the man turned their one-room apartment into a terrarium, now they have 40 reptiles. my husband is very interested in snakes and pays more attention to them, that is, he would rather look at some new reptile in order to purchase it, rather than take a walk with me in the park. in addition, the woman has to clean.
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hobbies to live a calm, normal life, periodically ask me to get rid of mine , but i stand my ground, i have chosen this path and intend to move away from it. vladimir, how much did the snakes themselves cost you? on average, from 5 to 100 thousand for from. now you and your wife live in your own apartment, but it wasn’t always like this, there were difficulties when you lived in rented housing and the landlady came every month and checked the condition, every time i took out the terrariums, put the snakes in the closet, at that time i had an owl you, and there was an owl, and they hid the owl, took the owl out of the apartment, because well, where, or what, to put it in, well, there was a case when the landlady came. and for some reason she decided to stay, well, talk, and i saw that a snake was crawling out of the closet, and i think if
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grandma sees the owner now, well, that’s terrible. thank god, everything turned out okay, but in general, do snakes often crawl out of their terrariums? doesn’t happen often, but due to the fact that i may not close the lock, they can open the door and crawl out, but again, i protected myself by the fact that it is behind the door, but if that happens, you understand what a snake can do, yes, but damage, to put it mildly, it may be a wild unpredictable animal, i realize this, but i mainly keep snakes that... are not aimed at aggression towards a person, then it will attack, unlikely, but there is a risk, and if you forgot before going to bed and you are sleeping at night, if at that moment a snake crawled, it wanted to bask in a warm corner, it crawled into your bed, and you lay down on it? in this case, i have dogs that will signal an escape, and if the dog is strangled at this moment, if she doesn’t have time to signal, but you understand that this is real,
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she would suggest completely changing her profession as much as possible, because vladimir does not tell his wife so that he changes his profession, she changes her profession, that’s right, that is, he takes into account her interests, of course, that 40 snakes is, in principle, normal, i wouldn’t breed more, because then it would be necessary to expand the territory, buy a larger apartment, and 40 is normal, you said, i think so, that’s why vladimir, you just need to talk to your wife, take into account her interests as well, including helping her more, as christina said, you take out the snakes, start washing, picked them up, because snakes are snakes, but regarding help, why does your spouse clean up after your pets and not you? i'm enough you are a fastidious person, you need help to get settled well, vladimir, your wife is a golden person, very patient, christina, now you have something to say to your husband, he really doesn’t understand what i’m talking about, what you
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’re worried about. is that you don’t really want to devote your life to cleaning up after snakes, and that , in general, if these are his animals, then it’s rather his responsibility to clean up after them? i can’t convey this information, unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me. vladimir, it’s clear with snakes, the owl, how did it appear? i bought it you can say, without looking, and i regret it, because i didn’t look at its condition, when i took it, that is, opened it, i was horrified, i didn’t expect that it was possible to bring a bird to such a state and... i naturally immediately contacted center for the rehabilitation of birds of prey, took her there, and what kind of condition was she in? she was fed incorrectly, this affects her feathers, her general condition, that is, rickets, well, in general, there are many problems that we found out, prescribed treatment, they told me he would never fly, but i didn’t hear this and made him fly, i put her on the right food and added
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vitamins. give up your hobby for snakes and think about the future in the studio natalya sinkina. hello, natalia. hello. why don't you approve of your son's hobby for snakes? but i think that any hobby should have some kind of boundaries. i believe that vova is already going beyond this framework, already far and wide. because when we call each other, we call often, one of
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his frequent news is, i bought snakes again. or again someone is giving birth there or someone else is in the process, well, i would like to, of course, so that not only snakes give birth, i also wanted to hold human cubs in my arms, my own, because... my friends and i are already grandmothers for the second time, and i have never told my son about theirs such a desire, i repeatedly told him about this desire of mine, what is the answer? let's figure it out, think about it, everything will be okay. christina, would you like to become a mother? yes, of course, i wanted to become a mother, but i understand that the apartment does not allow us to do this. the apartment or those who live in it, snakes, owls, dogs, those who live in apartment and... danger, that is, i don’t see a child with snakes nearby. vladimir, have you thought about becoming a father? naturally, this is not in the plans for the next year, and of course, i will not have a child in an apartment with snakes; as soon as
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i get rid of all this, if this happens, we will immediately have children. christina, listen, when i can get rid of this, tell me between the lines, i will never be able to get rid of it, i would like you to think about it. about himself, and if your husband doesn’t hide it, he openly says: yes, i’m self-centered, i think first everything about myself, how good it will be for me, then it’s time for you to give my recommendation, this is your business, maybe you like it, of course, so that it would be painful and good at the same time, think about yourself. natalya, haven’t you tried to talk to your son, tell him, well, it’s time to stop, that’s enough, it’s time to pay attention to other things, to the family, to the wife, of course, i told him more than once, i always... aim him at this, but so far he doesn’t hear me in this. and when a snake gives birth to babies, is your son happy? very happy it also happened that when these little pythons just hatched from his eggs, one or two hatched, he was so
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interested in finding out the breed that, well, let’s pick something there and see who we ’ll have soon. vladimir, in this photo you and your snake offspring are just happy, here tiger python eggs and babies are born already half a meter long. natalya, when you first noticed his craving for exotic animals, were you surprised by this? i was very surprised when, as a student, he first got a spider, which, well, in general, insects cause horror in me, especially this spider, he wasn’t just a spider, but he was quite decent in size, and then he also brought this spider home, and in general it was absolutely impossible to live where he lived no kind of animals, and i was worried that god forbid they would kick him out of the dormitory and how it would be, how it would affect his studies, well... he somehow hid it there from this regiment when he brought it home and started it feed him all kinds of grasshoppers, then i see he stopped eating, and i was already so happy, the creature died, but it turned out that this creature before molting, it stopped eating, then, that means, at one
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fine moment there were two creatures, that is , next to this chitin that had shed, this spider, having grown a little, well here are the spiders, that’s when he got it, then there was the scorpion, only then the snake appeared, and you at the very beginning? have you tried to stop this process somehow? of course, when i saw this spider, i didn’t want to let it into the apartment at first, god forbid it runs out, how how will it be, how it’s not dangerous at all, it’s not scary, it bites there and everything else, it’s poisonous, well, the child wanted it, as a child vladimir had pets, we had fish, we had a turtle, that is, something that doesn’t shed , and, as much as possible, a guinea pig, this was my mother’s limit, and he took care of them, cleaned them up, well, like an isolated case? this doesn’t suit her, my son is lazy, he is, he is, you will understand, if at some point christina just loses
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patience and leaves your son, yes, i point him at this all the time, i say, well, in the end in the end, you stop, because you are not alone, because you also have a wife nearby who, somewhere, does not accept something, do you often visit your son? well, yes, relatively often, well, about once a month we definitely meet, it’s not scary for you to be in the house, well, let’s say this, when a snake sleeps next to you at night, this is when these are some kind of movements, well this evokes some kind of emotions, not very pleasant, but there is such a thing, i suggest you see how vladimir and christina get along with snakes, the corridor of the one-room apartment of thirty-year-old vladimir sinkin from novosibirsk has turned into a real snake den, the man has 40 reptiles in his collection, colombian rainbows...
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there are guinea pigs and a chinchilla. vladimir assures that this is not food for creeping creatures, he has prepared another delicacy for them. newborn baby mice await their fate in the container. well, here is the food object. for a snake, please imagine, such a mouse passes through such a neck, it is more convenient, of course, to use freezing, mainly rats, well, i have a man who brings rabbits, i feed large pythons with rabbits, some cold-blooded delicacies with their relatives, and sometimes with the fingers of the owner, another bite, beloved pets bring vladimir not only pain and joy, but also profit, he shows a big box, this...
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he is my villain, and she is a plush, in the animal, unfortunately, he has aggression, which i cannot get rid of yet, he attacks snakes, this is savatito, he... this is also see, for me it's straight from the heart
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it’s torn, but now two feelings are fighting in me: on the one hand, a beautiful animal, well, really beautiful, on the other hand , i twitched when this bite took place and well, the fear is still there, there are no terrariums, it’s just a plastic box, there are lids - then there’s nothing special, there’s no lock, it’s just this, it’s nothing, this is a healthy fool, she should get out, she’ll get out in my opinion anyway, why neighbor vladimir. believes that he is playing russian roulette with his cold-blooded favorites, she turns him around, she is already twisting arcs with the middle of their body begins to try to strangle his head, after such stories, in general , these snakes are in this apartment and also christina is next to vladimir, the most interesting thing is after a short pause. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i. and therefore, i am announcing a nationwide casting
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not often, but it happens, it’s inevitable, sooner or later, well, how many times in your memory, maybe there were serious cases, there were no traces left, but there are small scars on the hand, yes, the bite was extremely unpleasant, we can say that these were the longest minutes of my life, it so happened that the reptiles were being cleaned, remained the last snake, the largest, about, well, more than 4 m. 4 m and more than 4 m, about 40 kg, so i ran into a food bite, that is, everything is simple, that is , the reptilian brain realizes that the door is opening, a conditioned reflex is developed that it will feed, at that moment my hand turns out to be there, unprotected, that is, here my mistake is that - i probably
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thought that i was too experienced and knew them well, that they were all tame and did not bite, but nevertheless i ran into... a food bite, she grabbed me she started to wrap her around her arm, it hurt terribly, naturally christina was confused, she didn’t know what to do, at that moment, if i were alone in the apartment, well, naturally, i would n’t go to her alone, there are safety standards for interacting with such animals , in my opinion, on tiger pythons, one and a half meters of snake per person, well, or one and a half people meter of snake, that is, a minimum was required for this snake. three people, thank god, my neighbor was there at that moment, so he saved me and my beloved. vladimir, you know, it’s very gratifying to hear that you understand everything. the dangers that your pets, your snakes are fraught with, but i can’t imagine how you were
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n’t afraid to take this picture in a petting zoo for the sake of a joke, alexander, such a joke can’t lead to bad consequences, in general i i see in the photo snakes that an adult man is physically capable of giving birth is quite easy, but of course i don’t recommend taking such photographs in any case. vladimir, your neighbor claims that your hobbies are by no means safe. in the studio viktor larkov. hello hello. why do you think that your neighbor’s hobby is a threat? of course, a threat is, to some extent, walking on the edge of a knife. you just had to see it when, that is , this monster that comes out, it seems like, now they will wash it, clean the terrarium there, it’s just. grabs the person between the thumb and forefinger and begins just twist your hand, you are talking about the incident that you became a witness, i
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’m standing away from it, i have two of my children standing behind me, they can see it all, and you came to visit vladimir, and then the same walking around the forest begins knife, he says: i have the last snake left, now we will quickly wash, clean and feed them, vladimir invited you to watch this, you and how many children did you have, and two children? how old, at that time, was about 4.6, it’s just that the snake comes out, uh, one might say, it plays into his hands, yes, such an expression, it suits his hand, it crawls out on its own, you don’t even need to pull it out, and he stands a little to the side, his hand was, well , as if a snake crawls out with him, and just suddenly it grabs him and begins to destabilize his hand, well, for in order to take possession of him, in order to put him down, begin to choke him, in that little critical situation they did not have time to figure out, close the terrarium, press down a little. so that it doesn’t crawl out completely, this four or 4x5 meter monster starts crawling out there, starts it as you know, the wrestlers
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wrap the man’s arm, she also wraps him, puts him on the floor, he’s already done, he’s already on the floor, he’s already controlling him, and she put him on the floor, it’s like a technique, everything, and it was all in motion, it was all in the crook of my arm, the children were crying, screaming, no, they weren’t crying, they weren’t screaming, they were just standing behind me just... they all saw how a snake was crawling, vladimir yells, it was like such a spectacle, i rushed, i said, i’m behind the knife, no, and i i understand that he cannot kill a snake, we have no right to mock an animal, this is a predator, we understand that this is a predator, he has his own interest, wait a minute, even if this predator poses a threat to life, if she had already openly started killing, i would have started killing the snake already, i would have had to kill the snake already, but he said, no, just keep your head, it was also very difficult for him to control me in terms of giving me recommendations on how to hold the snake’s head,
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keep the head of the snake so as not to tear the skin, do not moved, that is, you held it, yes, i held the head of the snake, naturally i held it tightly, the snake begins to choke, the snake begins to survive further, imagine, my leg is this thick, the muscle of the snake is the same thickness and she pushes him, she twists him, she is already making arcs from the middle of her body ... she is already trying to strangle his head, how did you manage to escape, everything is very simple, he is creaking himself, overcoming his pain, says, no, just hold your head, there is no need for an arc. these catch from the snake, christina naturally came running with a liquid, alcohol, and you just had to let the snake pour a little into its mouth, but it ’s not just like that, here you go, drink it, you had to also... manage to pour it in, since the mouth was already slammed shut, find a crack, then there is a little unclench, you begin to unclench the teeth of the snake inward a little to the side
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, yes, that is, in order to remove the snake’s teeth from the hand, you need , roughly speaking, to pull the snake’s head onto the person, press the hand into the mouth, and this muscle is as thick as here is my leg, yes, it won’t let you do this, so you need beds move her mouth. and he was in pain, his bones were grinding and poured, then the snake let go, the snake didn’t hurt you, no, the snake didn’t hurt me, it was busy with vladimir, after such stories, in general, these snakes are still in this apartment and christina is also next to vladimir, who with this, well, i’m just, i’m just indignant, vladimir, well, your friend just told it all so emotionally. i imagine how you experienced this yourself, imagine how children, what they experienced, who are watching, children, and after that you still haven’t stopped it all, haven’t
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they rented the premises and did not take them away. these snakes, but this is a danger, it’s good that this snake didn’t fall on christina, that is, somehow, and about the fact that there were other children in this room, i don’t understand at all, that is, these are kids, but what kind of fear for them, maybe they didn’t quite express it at the very beginning, their fear, but i ’m sure that the children will remember this picture for a long time, when a four-meter snake is strangling victor, the children really remembered it, and the children really remembered how... . you know, well, i’m very calm about black humor, but now we remember a photograph, how to say, a child in this coffin with a four-meter python, he was photographed with this snake, he is 4 years old, and then he watches how this monster bites vladimir, go, that is, your child was photographed with the snake that attacked they took pictures of him, he was alone with this snake there, that’s scary, yes, that is,
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in the shoulders of that child, in principle, in the mouth of that monster. climb, if we went to the balcony, then after these two facts, we just sit, a little pale and talk so, now it means that our security measures will be simply, well, let’s say, on top, because we understand perfectly well that this is absolutely not a joke, this is a game, this is a game with a monster, this is a game with a predator, this is, well, walking on a blade, but how did you even find out about such an unusual hobby of your neighbor, we first met in some small way, and then he just... passed me, said: look, if you want, i ’ll show you what’s in my backpack, he has a backpack full of something there, well, he will take out some thing, show it, look, it starts, uh, the eye squint, look, i’m leaning over there, i say, now some crocodile will probably jump out at me, he unfastens it, and there ’s a backpack full of snakes, one snake, i think, well, it’s clear, there’s a snake in the bag somewhere down there, here’s a full one a backpack of one snake, just stuffed
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like that, looking at me, i and i was in shock, i said, can i come to you, now i’ll take a look, can i come in, he gives it to me, and i ’m holding it in my hands like this, i have lips, just a little bit, intercepted what he was doing, and then he took it around my neck, threw it, and i don’t know what this snake is does, it’s only later that i understand that when you hold a snake, you always control its head, even if it is the kindest, you don’t choke, you don’t hold, the snake shouldn’t freak out, the snake should only understand that it is your hands and that its habitat, this... later i found out, here i am standing half-pale with this snake, then i gave it away, then, maybe i ’ll bring my children, or maybe. vladimir, do your snakes often show aggression towards humans? no, this happens by mistake when they confuse a person with a food object, most often this happens precisely in terrarium. are your snakes trainable? it can hardly be called training.
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for them, we are just an external irritating factor, that is, to which they get used. they understand that we pose a threat to them, naturally, we do not receive any aggression in response, but you somehow come into contact with snakes, in addition to washing them, feeding them, if you do not contact them, then it will be a wild animal that will not knows a person, and naturally, her first reaction will be to either run away, and if she can’t escape, it will turn into aggression. we have there is footage of you interacting with snakes. this is a newborn boa constrictor, the only one of the offspring who showed such aggression, and since he is a newborn and the teeth are very small, they do not pose any harm to the skin, that is, there will not even be blood, that is, you are playing now for this is an isolated case, he does not maybe he’ll remember this later when he grows up, oh , this is how you have to do it, well, in principle
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, there’s nothing wrong with it if it doesn’t damage the layer of the epidermis, even if he... victor, do you know that vladimir’s wife, his mother against this hobby of his? yes, this, this is very clearly visible, as if they are both girls, they want attention, some want children, some want grandchildren, vladimir is busy with his little animals, his monsters, snakes, these. but despite your friendship with vladimir, whose side are you on in this conflict? no, i am here for a compromise, they will find the moment when they say, we are having children, and the snake will take a backseat, then his mother will be happy, and the snakes will be well-fed and vladimir will be happy. what does christina's friend think about her? relationship with vladimir? no attention is paid to her, no flowers are given,
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what is this anyway? and what is a man willing to do for the sake of family happiness? i see a separate room, all this will move there, when you please your grandmother with grandchildren, we’ll find out in a few minutes. the older sister secretly told the younger one that mom and dad were not their relatives. olya told me that we are not related to our parents, and as proof she showed me a found medical book, on which her real name was indicated, olga podkorytova petrovna, are these sisters really also from a large family from the city of bodaibo? olya and i tried to find it. well, that is , to no avail, and how many other people related by blood are looking for that family? she said: i have an older brother, his name is sergei, he lives in badaibo, i came to the director, he
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showed me my personal file, where i am the sixth in a row, it was said that my mother left me in the maternity ward, there was no one in the maternity hospital i didn’t leave it at all, the stories are different, but the appearance is similar, i want to believe, i’m opening the dna envelope. today at 17:50 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. our new name is t-bank. thank you for inviting me. and i also want to invite you, get a black card from tepank. i will receive 1,500 rubles. and you are 500. daughter, you are a genius. invite a friend to get a black debit card from the bank before june 30. he's the only one, it's ozone's birthday, tell me discounts, discounts, oh,
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a mother, have a child, but i understand that this is impossible with snakes, they are still dangerous, while we have snakes there is no talk of any child. the man’s neighbor, forty-year-old viktor larkov, says he personally i saw how the snake almost strangled vladimir, a sharp jerk, confident, like, hop, by the hand, that’s it, she went to turn him around, that’s it, she put him on the floor, that’s it, i quickly grabbed the snake, began to strangle it, as if, he said, “don’t strangle the snake, you can’t.” christina’s friend sympathizes with her very much , she thinks that she simply has angelic patience. our guest is arina melovanova. hello, arina. how long have you been communicating with kristina? i’ve been communicating with kristina for 5 years. i really sympathize with you, these snakes are disgusting and disgusting. how can you live in this? you don't pay attention to them.
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no flowers, no flowers, what is this anyway ? did you give your friend any advice? of course, she did, she said a long time ago: divorce him, your friend probably loves her husband very much, since she puts up with all this, well, yes, she does, i don’t know what to do in this situation at all, i would leave, but what do you think? what should vladimir do to bring peace to their family? i believe that we need to stop with them and think about the future, about children, this is what it means to divorce,
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and i believe that this program will help us with this. how many animals did you accommodate in the apartment? we leave, of course, dogs, an owl, and, well, five snakes, maximum. vladimir, how do you like this option? i’m satisfied, in fact , the plan is to rent a room, when during this year, during this year, promise, promise, promise, it’s wonderful. christina, would this option suit you? yes. svetlana, for your part, you can make some contribution so that there is peace and harmony in this family, with pleasure, especially since i see that the work will definitely result in the result, i’m absolutely sure, i even know how to work with them, so that vladimir finally gets rid of his fears and the family thinks about children. vladimir, christina, do you agree to accept this help? yes, yes, of course, i'm sure everything will work out.


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